[Johnson] Zach was really unprofessional when he played with a floating bone in his foot for months last season, huh? Or when he played on a knee injury that required a scope—-in a contract year—-to chase a playoff berth. He hasn’t been perfect but your takes get wearying sometimes.

[Johnson] Zach was really unprofessional when he played with a floating bone in his foot for months last season, huh? Or when he played on a knee injury that required a scope—-in a contract year—-to chase a playoff berth. He hasn’t been perfect but your takes get wearying sometimes.

  1. I’m happy KC is saying something like this. I know Zach probably rubbed many people the wrong way at the upper levels with his decision to opt for surgery when it was clear he was going to Detroit but I don’t know anyone that wouldn’t prolong not going to Detroit.

    All indications have been that he genuinely cares about his teammates. I hope he has a great rebound year.

  2. Who is he responding to here? Twitter sucks now and you can’t see anything beyond KC’s response.

  3. Whoa! That is equivalent to a full blown rant by KC. He rarely goes off on anyone.

  4. That’s the issue. Zach is really good when he’s healthy, but almost never healthy. You get glimpses for a couple of months

  5. I wish BlogABull tweets didn’t show up on the Bulls feed in the Bleacher Report app.

    There’s no news breaking from the account and it’s just constant complaining. I get zero value out of viewing the tweets.

    “I wrote another blog post about how miserable I am…”

  6. Or when he went behind the scenes to get the trade market going instead of being public with it cause no balls.

    Or when the Bulls had some inroads trading him to Detroit last year but the agency went behind the scenes to put the kibosh on it & he then had surgery on his foot which was medically cleared to play on killing the rest of his season or any possible trades

    Or disagreeing with his role when he was paid to be top dog but has neither the skill or mental fortitude to be the top dog

    The Bulls did him wrong with Boylen, but he hasn’t progressed in the ways needed to win, he’s improved lots about his game but the reason teams he is on have the worst record is partly on him too

  7. KC has always been a big supporter of Zach. I generally agree with him here. It’s okay to acknowledge that the time for Zach to be an ideal fit with this team has likely passed, but that doesn’t mean he was a bad teammate or player for the organization. People have such polarizing views on him. When he was really only ‘problematic’ mostly when it was warranted.

  8. Hell yeah KC!!

    You want to move on from Zach – fine whatever

    But we don’t have to retroactively throw people under the bus to make ourselves feel better about moving on from a player. Zach has been an incredibly hard worker, good player, good teammate, and a consummate professional

  9. Yea the Zach public perception is so wrong and so out of control that a part of me now almost wants him back so he can prove them wrong.

    I’m not sure if it’s rival teams putting this out there to artificially drive down value but I think he will pretty easily prove people wrong next year if the bar has been lowered this much

  10. PREACH KC! Zach, for his faults, has always been willing to make sacrifices to try and better the team.

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