YOUTH MOVEMENT! Winnipeg Jets 2024 Offseason Recap (So Far)

YOUTH MOVEMENT! Winnipeg Jets 2024 Offseason Recap (So Far)

[Music] what’s going on everybody welcome back to another video and today we’re going to be talking about the Winnipeg Jets 2024 NHL off seon you know not not a whole lot really going on here not a whole lot of news we were promised some fireworks maybe a Rucker mcgi Nikolai eers trade none of that has come to fruition and even less has come to fruition in free agency with the Fallout of Rucker mcgi and the Jets relationship it was widely speculated that he was going to be on the Block and used as a piece for the Jets to move into the first round the Jets trying to trade up around you know the 10 to 14 range seems like they almost had a deal done with Minnesota but uh Minnesota obviously had a prospect they liked and they traded up to 12 uh seems like the same thing with Buffalo seems like the Jets tried to acquire their 14th pick seems like they had a deal in place however uh Rucker said that he would not sign a buffalo so the deal had fallen apart so that was that the Jets did not move Rucker mcord and still haven’t at the time of making this video they did not pick in the first round they ended up selecting the 37th overall pick alons fre that pick obviously from the gab valard deal pretty good European defenseman I really like him really fast Puck moving guy I think he could be a really nice fit here in Winnipeg in the future also to note in the fourth round 109th overall the Jets took the highest drafted Chinese born player in NHL history Kevin he it looks pretty interesting I’m excited to see how he develops a lot of people are saying great things about him so I can’t wait to see uh you know what he’s all about so that’s very exciting for those two the Jets ended up rounding out the draft with Marcus Lin in the fifth round and trading up to get Kieran Walton in the sixth round so pretty quiet at the draft for the Jets just a four-player draft class this year obviously trading picks earlier on last season to acquire some talent for their playoff run uh so they did not have a first round pick obviously tried to move back into it as I mentioned before they ended up trading their first round pick for Shawn Monahan and it seemed like the Jets really wanted to bring Monahan back they were you know right up until July 1st deadline trying to get a contract to work with him it did not work out and it didn’t work out for a lot of their ufas so here’s my notable departur list first off Brendan Dylan three years $4 million per year with the New Jersey Devils very good deal for him obviously Dylan sber going to be stepping up into his role now the Jets save some cap and the Devils get a very solid defenseman there so hats up off to Dilly thank you for your time here Shawn Monahan acquired at the deadline I wasn’t super crazy about the pickup in general I think sha manan’s very slow he’s obviously incredible on the power play but five on five I’m really not a big fan of him the Columbus Blue Jacket swooping out of nowhere for some reason and sign him to a5x $5.5 million deal he’ll make 27.5 million so great job Sean for bouncing back getting your career back on track after all those injuries but I’m just really happy the Jets did not go that route for the 2C we’ll touch on that later Tyler tley sends a 4-year deal making 6 million per with the San Jose Sharks so he’ll be you know helping out mcklin celebrini uh William Eckland end company over there uh that’ll be a pretty fun retirement contract for him lauron bris 2-year deal 3.3 million per with the Chicago Blackhawks good for him you know finally maybe getting a starting job in the league I know it’s with the Blackhawks are not going to be the craziest team ever but hey with Connor Bard and some of the pickups they made they’ll at least be somewhat competitive this year I think and then the Jets bought out Nate Schmidt freeing up $3.2 million in cap space this season he signs a one-year deal for 800k with the Florida Panthers now I look at this and I know a lot of people are going to be upset like oh look at all the guys we lost here how are we going to be competitive well we knew Tyler tley was gone we knew he was going to be making too much money we knew luron bruad kind of priced himself out of a backup roll wasn’t going to be back n mwe all kind of speculated would be bought Brenan Dylan kind of already spoke his piece over a month ago saying that hey I wasn’t offered contract wish I was and at the end of the day he’s not back so he’s with the Devils now and Shawn Monahan you know a guy that I thought the Jets were going to sign even though I didn’t want them to and he ends up with the Columbus Blue Jacket so truthfully the only real surprise here I can say is Manan I really thought the Jets were going to nail that one down I’m happy they didn’t and uh you know it ends up being a better fit for them personally I think I think namestnikov probably fits better on that second line than am manahan does if you’re playing with eers emper Fetti um but that’s just me Monahan’s a great player but maybe not the guy the Jets should be investing for the next 5 years for after losing him the Jets then tried to Pivot to Adam Henrik to fill their second line Center rle he’s a 35-year-old Center already I was kind of you know on the fence about it I like Henrik much more in a bottom six role but the Jets go ahead and lose on Adam Henry Henrik goes back with the Oilers signs a deal there so the Jets now with outa 2C maybe they’re looking to trade one or trade for one rather for with Rucker MCR in the package or something like that but right now it does appear that vladov may end up being the second line Center at the start of the year and I don’t really mind that he had great success last year at the 2C position when he had to step into that role I think that he’s going to flourish there uh he’s not the guy that you want going into the playoffs and I think that you know whether it’s a trade deadline move or a players stepping in the Jets will eventually move on from him being the second line Center and Vlad will take a role in the bottom six but that takes me to you know my next point the Jets are getting younger this year and this is a great thing the Jets really tried they really tried to add you know some veterans in this lineup to block the youth but now they don’t really have a choice but to say okay um we need to be playing some of the young guys and I don’t know if a lot of them will start on day one or anything but I do believe that vly hanala will will be on the bottom pairing whether that’s playing with Colin Miller who did resign we’re going to be talking about the signings in just a second here and I do expect Elias salamonson defenseman from Sweden to at least get a look I assume he’ll be starting the year in the AHL however probably where you know he should start maybe gets a call up Midway through the year but at the 2C position we just talked about the Jets whiffing on Monahan and Henrik now have namesnik there do they take a look at adding Brad Lambert in that position I’d probably say he’s the first call up no matter what right uh to end up being in a position I don’t know if he’ll get it right away maybe they’ll have to be an injury or something going wrong first but uh Brad Lambert could definitely be a candidate at Center uh with the Jets in the top six he’s a better Center than he is a wing I don’t know how well he would adapt at the wing position he really struggled but as soon as he started playing Center he found his confidence again and I think that he’s more of a center than a Winger in the NHL while we’re talking about young players is here Nikita jov is a very impressive Speedy Winger smaller guy you know 59 rushing forward but he is mean as hell he is a hard hitter goes into the corners he’s a pest I really like Nikita chiov he’s a guy that I would love to see with n rider and Lowry I do think that you know definitely needs some more polishing in the AHL first but don’t be surprised by year end if he’s there uh you know with the big Club he already has his first NHL goal as he scored in the last regular season game of the year this past season looked very good in that game him and Brad Lambert looked great so we’ll see what happens with them maybe they end up on the roster uh you know at the start of the year maybe they end up on the roster by Year’s end but either way I do think they’ll be an impact player for Winnipeg if they you know so choose to go down the youth move movement route which uh you know kind of seems like they’re going right now so we’ve talked about who they’ve lost let’s talk about who they brought in Colin Miller signing a 2-year $1.5 million deal per season so we’ll make3 million I was a little bit surprised that he wanted to come back but I really like Colin Miller I think he’s a good bottom pairing defenseman really steady Eric Comer brought back and I was like okay well here we go again very predictable signing but it kind of appears that he’s going to be more of an AHL goenda their other free agent signing kappo kakenan another goal tender signed for one year $1 million deal comry kind of seems like he may be an AHL Thomas milck who is definitely going to be the Moose starter I would have to imagine this year uh comry obviously I went to pick jet before um but I think he’s probably going to be with the Moose I like the Ken in signing a lot I like him and he’s a good player when he you know isn’t playing with an AHL defense in front of him so I really like Ken and we’ll see what he can do and Jared Anderson Dolan signing a 2-year 775k deal with the Jets he’ll be more of a depth player probably just you know replacing Jeff m lot the Jets are definitely going to be having younger players stepping up this year some guys are going to get called up and uh so they need to refill the coverboards there in the AHL as the Moose are losing players but that is the offseason to this point maybe there is some more signings by the time you’re watching this video but at the moment this is it and I don’t mind it to be totally honest with you some of the contracts that were given out on free agency were hilariously bad the Chandler Stevenson deal the 7 years by 6.125 Million by Seattle is ridiculous lots of those players that people were pandering and you know really wanting here in Winnipeg signing elsewhere couldn’t have worked out better truthfully uh I think the Jets are way better off letting some of these younger guys step in and not paying you know 30-year old comparable veterans to do you know maybe what these young guys could do in a year and I know a lot of you are like oh well we’re a worse team now because of this and maybe that’s true but it’s more of a wait and see I think it’s worth the gamble to play these younger guys not end up you know poaching your future with these bad contracts and locking them until they’re you know 37 38 years old I think this is great by the Jets obviously they did it by accident they were really trying to sign some veterans to fill into that 2C hole didn’t work out and now they’re forced to play the young guys but maybe by accident this will work out I don’t mind how the roster looks right now I would love another top six player uh but maybe that comes in a Rucker trade still have that in the back pocket we’ll have to wait and see but that’s all I got today guys thank you so much for watching as always leave your thoughts Down Below in the comments what did you guys think about the off seon to this point are you happy with it are you sad that these ufas are gone or are you just you know happy to play the youth let me know down below leave a like And subscribe to the channel if you haven’t already I’m out of here guys have a good one go jets go bye-bye

The Winnipeg Jets came into the offseason with a lot of questions surrounding them. Now, weeks later, those questions still remain. However, it does seem like the Jets are in the middle of a potential youth movement!

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  1. It's really sad that nobody wants to stay on our team. I don't blame them either. Winnipeg isn't the most ideal place to live in. It's way too freaking cold & crime is crazy. I'm not from Winnipeg, my wife is, but I've been there like 2 times in the last 8 years & she made me a Winnipeg Jets fan just like I made her a Houston Rockets fan (we live in Houston). I've been very hard on Chevy for wasting our draft picks for Monahan & Toffoli, but I gotta cut him slack & give him credit because of how difficult it is to both bring in and keep people in Winnipeg. By far one of the hardest jobs in sports is to get good players to play for Winnipeg & keep them there. Praying it gets better.

  2. I agree on all points. They need to walk back their gaffe with McGroarty, and if so, Vlady is press box depth. We need to give our young stars a chance to shine, and Lambert will do amazing at 2C.

  3. Im glad this wasnt just a video to blast chevy for not making any big free agent moves. I think adding the youth will be a good look for us. Hopefully dont end up in situations like Rutger again

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