What should the Leafs’ Marner plan be?

What should the Leafs’ Marner plan be?

everyone has an opinion on this what should the Leafs do with Mitch Marner what should be the right plan you have to take a look at what the Leafs have done here after July 1st on July 1st how different this team actually looks so let’s look at the facts they’ve revamped their blue line they spent money to bring in tanv emman lson hackin paaw Timothy lilligren is back in the mix so if you’re were going to make a move for Mitch Marner and you thought there was a defenseman coming back chances are that might not be the case because they spent money to revamp the blue line now up front the team looks relatively the same no Tyler berzi but you could make the case that Bobby McMahon is going to slide into that role where I think things kind of go down the path here for Mitch Mario and the Leafs is that the Leafs kind of owe it to Craig baru to see what he can do with Mitch Marner to see what he can do with this Cor to see if a new coach a new style come playoff time can he find ways to get a little more offense out of this group you know you could say that you have to make the trade and you have to move on because things haven’t worked in the playoffs but last year it was a new general manager he tried to do what he could to work around the edges of this group now there’s a new head coach you owe it to that head coach to see what he can do with that group while you work around the edges again and with the way the Leafs look now with the the revamped Blue Line it may be a better team a stronger team than last year the only thing is everyone else in the Atlantic is just as good as they were last year so it might not move the needle as much but Mitch Marner with everything that has changed for the Leafs the revamp blue line and the fact that nothing has happened so far and the no movement Clause might be better suited to bring him back and see what Craig baru can do with that group of the core 4 and Mitch Marner

Mitch Marner is about to enter the final year of his six-year deal with the Maple Leafs. Should Toronto trade the asset to get something in return or do they see what new head coach Craig Berube can do with the core-four? TSN Hockey analyst Frankie Corrado looks at Toronto’s options in Wednesday’s Talking Point.

  1. The plan should have already been executed. He should have been traded last year when he didn't even have a M-NTC let alone a NMC

  2. Probably the leafs tried to trade Marner, is it possible that nobody wants him the asking price 12.5 x 8 i was the leafs bring him back for the final year and see what happens, let him prove that he deserves that kind of money

  3. Dump him. Dump the salary. Dump him. Dump the salary.
    Leaf's still need a #1 defenseman.

    Oh yeah cause just changing the coach is enough. 10 frickking years. You do not owe it to anyone. This team is worse than last years team. Maybe much worse.

  4. There are a handful of players in the league better than Marner. You likely aren't getting any of them back in a trade. So next year you have all this space if you trade him, and JT comes off the books, though you have to try and replace Marner's production, his PK and PP contributions… Or… you can keep him, you're getting a lot of space next year anyway, you have young players who should be taking a step and cost very little, and the guys we did bring in this year (while a bit older) at least signed with some term so we shouldn't have to worry about filling as many holes next offseason. A new coach may get Marner to play different, but ideally he gets everyone around him to play different. The Leafs forwards have had to improve defensively a lot over the last few years because our blue line was unreliable. We often to had to outscore our problems. Now with a more reliable blue line, the forwards can put the focus back on offense (although the defensive lessons and skillset doesn't just go away). Two or three years ago we'd win games 7-6, 6-3… perhaps now we can win 7-3, 6-2, etc.

    Also with perhaps Reilly and OEL (whether you love him or not) being able to stretch their legs a bit more we can finally see some production from our blueline for the first time in 20 years as well.

    I'm also cautiously optimistic about our goalies. If Woll can stay healthy, great, I've wanted Stolarz on the team for a while, and the idea of a hopefully healthy Matt Murray for league minimum is a nice fall back option.

  5. If the problem is that the Leafs want to move on from Marner and he has refused a trade and plans to ride out the season, then the solution is to bench him into oblivion. Make his life miserable until he drops the NTC. Works for both sides. Since he is gone anyway at the end of the season, he should be wanting to make a mark on a new team to justify a $12+ mil long term deal. Staying here, a hated player, with limited ice time is not in his best interests. From the leafs side they don't need him to make the playoffs, and certainly don't need him in the playoffs. And yes a trade will not be of equal value but how about one good 2nd line center ($5-6mil) and some draft picks which the leafs badly need.

  6. 6 x 11 but only a modified no movement with 16 teams, no raise because you're already making more then you deserve to begin with lol

  7. Marner is not the problem
    He’s only part of the problem
    You will never win with this group
    Mathew’s is more the problem than Mitch

  8. I agree with everything you said. Give the coach a season to work with Marner, if he flakes out let him sign elsewhere.

  9. In the corporate world if you perform poorly in 1 year most likely you’re fired and this squad of spoiled Leafs haven’t performed for many years and the dumb brain trust think a new coach will change things 🤦‍♂️

  10. Owe it to Berube ? They don't owe him anything, he has Mathews and Nylander and 1 year of Tavares. This team has been one of the worst managed in the cap era. And now it looks like more of the same for the next 4-8years if Marner resigns at his rumoured aav. And why is it a foregone conclusion Tavares is coming back? At this point running it back was not an option. What was Treliving brought in to do again?🤔

  11. The Core 4 should have been broken up after the Montreal series. It’s mind boggling that we keep trying to run it back with the same group for 6+ years hoping for a different result.

  12. Marner controls everything. Maple Leafs fans want him gone and have all of these fantasies about what they could get for him a trade. But Marner doesn't want to leave, so Maple Leafs fans are just going to have to accept that their fantasies won't come true.

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