Are the Spurs a PLAYOFF Team NOW!? San Antonio Spurs News

Are the Spurs a PLAYOFF Team NOW!? San Antonio Spurs News

wow look at that picture over there on your left my right that’s a huge jumping winning percentage for some of those team so I’m going to put it out there Spurs fans with Chris Paul now being with our Spurs are our San Antonio Spurs a playoff team giant what is up San Antonio Spurs fans welcome to TSR Sports hope you’re having a great day saw that picture last night the guys over at pounding the rock covered it one of my favorite sites and I said you know what let’s talk about what they’re talking about we’ll talk together but yeah Chris Paul is often referred to as the point God but it’s not just personal abilities on the court wherever CP3 has gone he has improved the teams he has joined Paul is drafted fourth overall so is Stefon Castle good sign probably he played with the Hornets for his first six seasons where where played with the Hornets for his first six seasons where he helped them improve their winning percentage from 22% to 46.3 but his first team is not his only success the CP3 effect clearly imrat his impact and that you look at some of those jumps there 22% to 46 39 to 60 67 to 79 sure marginal impacts in other places 46 to almost 71 not so much with the Warriors so you kind of look at this graph and you look at 27% for our Spurs last season actually 27% for the last two Seasons where are we going to be at I’ll give my thoughts here in just a few moments let’s continue on with the article from pounding theck Los Angeles Clippers where he and DeAndre Jordan and Blake Griffin created Lob City and pushed their way into the postseason each of Paul’s six seasons he was with the Clippers that’s s sound wrong you know what I mean after moving to the Houston Rockets CP3 elevated an already impressive James Harden and the rockets to the point where they nearly beat the championship caliber Golden State Warriors that was what 200 was that 2019 was that 18 19 were it not for an injury to CP3 the Rockets may have made it to the NBA finals and they went over to the Oklahoma City Thunder where was traded for Russell Westbrook and is expected for the Thunder to drop with that trade but Paul’s impressive play landed OKC the fifth seed and the Thunder took his former Rockets team to the seventh game okay so far so good and in 2020 CP3 join the Phoenix Suns and help them make their way to the NBA finals his first ever tripped after so many years in the mix they didn’t win the championship but they didn’t make it with the Spurs coming off a 22 and 60 season it seems most reasonable that after a year of adjusting to Victor wama their winning percentage will improve yes it’s going to improve but with the insane numbers Paul has brought to each team he joins it will be worth noting just how much better the San Antonio Spurs are with him this season this where I’m going to start dropping my two cents okay so the Chris Paul effect I think we have to take that with a little bit of a grain of salt going into this season I don’t see him playing 82 games for the Spurs probably an injur a popup here there a load management wrestling whatever because he is going to be 39 when the season starts and we’ve talked about a load on this channel he might not even be here after the All-Star break he could bring in Chris Paul for half the season have a mentor all the guys then at the All-Star break a playoff team needs him and we can get some more assets so he could be traded and he’s already done his his you know mentorship will with our guys I do think it’s going to be Lob City 2.0 for Chris Paul with wemy he’s going to help Mentor Stefon Castle Trey Jones Blake wesling even wbby himself because wb’s a great passer and pretty much everybody on the team I have a feeling Chris Paul is going to really teach the guys to pass it to wmy blob blob blob and other guys will certainly benefit from the lobs Jeremy soan Devon Mel kin Johnson etc etc as far as the Spurs are playoff team finally for me to finally tip into the original question I I see our Spurs winning 35 to 40 games this season and I think we’ll just miss the play on you might be saying wow TSR whoa whoa whoa you’re being Mr negative we crazy we’re so much better the reason I think we’re going to be around that 35 to 41 marker is the West is stacked check this out 40 wins last season would have gotten you 12 place in the west and and let’s not forget the Memphis Grizzlies were awful last year because Jos John Morant missed most of the year they were decimated with injuries they should be a playoff team again in north of 45 to 50 wins easily sir there’s some teams in there that may take a step back Golden State Warriors May slip a little bit the Clippers too whatever happens I think the western conference is going to be rough again so to get 35 to 40 wins would be good I think we’re going to be Fringe playing because this wey’s just that good but we also have to remember we’re a young Team Stefan Castle a rookie and if he’s starting he’s going to make mistakes I do I have a feeling he’s going to start I know some folks are pushing back a little bit saying TSR he’s not going to start like fourth overall pick starting on the bench yeah it could happen but so good defensively I think I think we’re going to go small and starting but hey stranger things that happen maybe champagne will still be in the starting one we got Castle the rookie and we’re still developing guys guys that really need development Jeremy soan needs some work Mal brandham need a lot of work and you have the other player like really that dra that draft class and I think about it soan brandham and Wesley they still have a lot of work to do with that draft class wy’s just going to he’s just going to go on his own and do his thing and then there’s other players on the team that are still you know guys that I like like Kellin Johnson who’s a defensive liability guys I’m maybe not big on like Zack Collins who’s a defensive liability and I think it’s going to be another year where people are trying to figure out the rules trying to figure out the best lineup around Wy because there’s also the X Factor of Sandra Mesi if you will played great with Wy at the end of the year does he get some more playing time than he significantly more playing time is he going to start getting 20 to 25 minutes a game whose minutes get taken away is he going to take away from Zack Collins Mamu played did Mamu play so well with Wy last year he actually ends up being in the starting lineup if he sign if he signs contract I don’t remember reading that he signed his contract yet we made an offer to him he’s always a restricted free agent I I I expect him to fully come back to San Antonio why wouldn’t you want to come back to San Antonio so there’s a lot of question marks I think in regards to R maybe the starting lineup I don’t think champen will be in there but the Spurs could bring Stefon Castle Off the Bench and then what’s our bench look like we’re seeing that Chris Paul I’m just kind of going off in a tangent because I’m starting to think out loud here Trey Jones I expected to be the starter next season I don’t think that’s going to be the case so is our starting lineup going to be Wendy maybe Mamu vasel soan and Chris Paul because I know we’ve talked about on this channel step Stefan Castle starting with soan Basel and Paul and Wy but that would be kind of a smallish line up I know Wendy’s not small but the other four average height would be below the NBA average height it’ be inter to see how the season plays out it’s going to be fun and other things could happen before then could we make another trade Lor Mark and his name’s all over the place we did a video on that recently I don’t think the spur is going to make a trade for I think the trade market needs to stabilize it’s off the rails right now with Mel Bridges trade the Rudy goar trade also set things off in a weird motion so I think we’re going to start to need start seeing some trades in the NBA that kind of stabilize the trade market a more realistic trade market five first round picks six round picks for Lori marinin no no way if the Spurs do want him and they can get him for maybe the no picks next year we’re not training anything from 20 well maybe the Charlotte pick for 2025 but future picks in two first rounders and then maybe some second rounders maybe [Music] three uh but I have a feeling the asking price is going to be four first round picks or five first round picks and no I just I don’t see it happening it’s a great time to leave a Spurs fan it’s it’s so exciting what’s happening with our team and of course the foundation is W bean and just getting the other pieces to start falling in place you know is Deon the guy shooting guard for the next decade will Stefan Castle be our starting point guard for the next decade is sohan’s offense going to turn around where he’s a valuable asset is he going to be a great two-way player on both ends of the floor we already know what we got with wemy and then who’s who’s the final guy to fill fill out that starting lineup it’s not going to be Chris Paul because he’s closer to retirement than starting a dynasty if you will who’s the missing piece Cooper flag I’m G to say it I’m going to keep saying I’m going to keep you know if we have two two lottery picks next year our own if we’re going to be a fringe playing team and still get a lottery Pick and then Atlanta Hawks suck in our Lottery team that’s two chances at Coupe and I got to think uh FL are starting up nicely that’s all I got hope you’re having a great day drop a comment down below do you think we’re a playoff team do you think I’m off with the 35 to 40 wins if so what’s your number hit the thumbs up like sport Channel And subscribe to become part of our awesome San Antonio Spurs community and thank you and as always go Spurs [Music] go game [Music] to

Are Wemby and company playoff bound?

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  1. I honestly think cp3s biggest impact can be as a leader on the bench. The way we hemorrhaged points every second wemby was off the floor scares me, and I think cp3 can make a huge difference there. If we can pick up a guy like lauri without giving up too much, I'd put money on us making the playoffs this year, and maybe even being dark horse contenders next year. The bench is looking to become one of the deepest in the league if we play our cards right and develop everyone properly

  2. i think the move is a bit overrated, we need a bonafide star next to Wemby to push for the playoffs, I was hoping we were gonna get kcp or maybe trade for trae

  3. not a playoff team
    1/he's old (as good as he still is. It's not the same CP3)
    2/ Spurs have in his roster the 'tank master' Worst Defender of the league, one of the worst Box Plus Minus ever : Malaki Branham. If this guy continue to have 20+ minutes per game, I'm pretty sure the team will continue to stack those L…

  4. I do not think we are there just yet.
    As long has CP3 stays healthy we may have a chance but I still think we need another good player for the Spurs to get out of this rut . GSG !!!!!

  5. No not in the least is this team a playoff team, I don't know where they are going to get the shooting consistently to be a playoff team. I do think that being a 41-45 win team should be the expectation for where this team should be at year 2. Now don't get me wrong if the Spurs were to get a major player, and I am not saying they should, I think the expectation of being a "playoff team" would change for sure.

  6. After careful researching into Markkanen. I'll retract the it's a no from me dawg notion. If we can land him with a Zach Collins Cedi Ossman combo deal and no picks. If not we move on and make due with the team we have.

  7. Let’s be honest the spurs when they weren’t running a 4 at the 1 the team was a semi decent team that could beat anyone. Now with Paul we could pleasantly be surprised at a 35-45ish win season especially if the rotations cut out the g league scrubs ( champagnie, bassey etc)

  8. They are definitely a playoff team….i see 45 wins…I believe this team will improve dramatically with Paul…even without him I saw them going to the playoffs…

  9. I say play in for sure, if the young guys can wake up to their potential I say maybe even 7-8 seed, of course this also depends on VW staying healthy, CP3 health is not as important since his role will be more mentoring

  10. We won 7 of pur last 11 games against top tier playoff teams that had evrything to play for at the time. I say its not impossible to think we could have made top 6 even without cp3 if everyone continued to improve.

  11. Spurs need defense and rebounding in the frontcourt. When Wemby is not playing, we are by far one of the worst defense and rebounding teams in the league, and we did minimal to address that in the frontcourt. Wright has put all his focus on finding a 6'5" or under guard all these years, but no real investment in a frontcourt player.

  12. Starting 5 fans would like to see in October :

    Castle – Vassell – Sidy – Mamu – Victor

    Back to reality :

    Tre Jones – Vassell – Champagnie – Sochan – Victor

  13. You people have no vision. CP3 will play 25m/gm and avg a double-double. If everyone stays healthy, then Spurs will have 45+ wins and a 6/7 seed. They are built to compete with Dallas.

  14. I don't think CP3 will be starting. Why give the most minutes to him when he can only be expected to stay in the league for a few more years. I think he is there to keep our second unit engaged and for his winning mentality.

  15. We have I think 15 picks, I’m guaranteeing we will not use all the picks, giving 5 picks for Lauri will not hurt us. We will make playoffs for sure with him playing the 4

  16. My starting five to hit the door running would be Nunez/devin/kj/sochan/wemby or Nunez/devin/sochan/mamu/wemby but it would be also nice to see Nunez/devin/castle/sochan/wemby….reality paul/devin/champanie/jeremy/wemby kj and trey 6th man then bench looks like trey/kj/sidy/mamu/collins only option castle playing trash mins and austin first half of year so he can practice running pg there 😅

  17. Sorry but NO.

    CP3 will not be the player to take OUR SPURS back to Relevance.

    Sorry for being Pessimistic.

    Compare him to Jrue Holiday……………………….

    See the difference?

    If a point guard is a liability on Defense…

    I don't want to say it…..but this is a Huge mistake for OUR SPURS.

    30 Games Max.

    The is the Spurs Ceiling next seaon.

    Wemby must learn to be patient. His situation is way different compared to The Admiral and Timmy.

    3 to 5 years.

    That is what it takes for our Spurs to win another Championship.

  18. I think you are being realistic. The West is stacked and getting better. Play-in is a best case scenario and not likely to happen. For this to happen, Castle would need to come on strong in his rookie year and other players would need to step up. Even then, there are significant holes in the SA lineup, particularly in terms of offense and the second unit.

  19. How about this: Spurs plus Paul and Castle and another short term free agent that can shoot for this season – maybe forty wins-ish and play-in contention. Next year: high draft pick that can shoot and defend in a loaded draft and trade for Markkanen and hope Castle can be permanent pg

  20. If Spurs can keep 2025 picks then by all means get Markkanen. Or just be patient and use ours & Atlanta pick on combination of Nolan Traore 6-4 PG, Egor Demin 6-8 SG/SF, Noa Essengue 6-10 SF/PF or 🙏🏾 Cooper Flagg 6-9 SF/PF.

  21. That 22 draft class will look like a steal in a few years. So much potential in Sochan, Malaki and Blake. Their sophomore slump was bad, but I’m expecting a big jump from them this year

  22. 35 wins next year would be great. Vassel, Sochan and Wemby (and surely Castle) are players who will be kept in the future team (2-3 years from now). All other players have a very low level (would they be kept in better teams ?) and need to be moved in short/mid term. With the current players, the team just cannot compete in a very challenging west conference, especially when Wemby is not in game… (Zac Collins is not a reliable substitute to Wemby).
    CP3 is 39 years old and won't be able to transform dramatically the team. If he could bring a nice improvement of the whole team during the season, it would be great.

    Hope that Pop will make Castle starting as PG at the beginning of the season (even if the team accumulates defeats to start). The Spurs are in the position to give him at least half a season to improve (with a great mentor !!) as even if they lose, the gain would be to be higher in the lottery.

  23. Short answer is no… if we jump the jazz thats a huge improvement. This is the 5th year in a row spurs fans are being delusional and want to get back to winning so fast.

  24. I'd like to see CP come in this summer for workouts and an HEB commercial. 🙂 BTW it is cool seeing how popular Sochan is in Poland, as he is playing with the national team there. Kids getting their Spurs shirts signed in Poland is awesome!

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