Knicks News: Knicks Interested In Intriguing Trade Targets To Replace Hartenstein

Knicks News: Knicks Interested In Intriguing Trade Targets To Replace Hartenstein

from the top all right here we go salute to Nick Nation on this Wednesday afternoon another lunchtime edition of Nick fan TV live off seon Central CP the franchise here this is a fan TV and bleach report Simo cast on today’s show the Knicks have some interest in a couple of young stud centers we’re going to talk about some potti trade candidates for the Knicks as The ihart Replacements search continues plus a couple of worst take contenders coming up today man wor take has really uh taken on storm here at kftv and we got a couple work take contenders that we got to talk about and kemell Walker calls it a career man we got to put some respect on kemell Walker’s name today a point guard so lock in hit the like button hit the share button and subscribe to the channel let’s get into it man we got business to take care of like share subscribe 81,000 strong on YouTube and growing man the Quest for 100k before the season starts we are on that mission man I believe in it I believe in you to get that done but anyway man hope everybody’s doing well first and foremost shout out to my fanchise channel members of course man my fanchise channel members in the YouTube chat go ahead and leave a uh an emoji in the chat let me know you’re in here heavy I see Travis wear in there tento is always in here Eric L beats Eric did you get your snaps you should have gotten your snaps by now and your Mando pack let me know Chev War TV salute BR man salute from the fifth floor my two cents I see you in here Lopez in here my International people fizzy Flex never misses his show man shout out to Chris from Maryland okay shout out to you guys all right uh news Fross the waiver wire yesterday and this was from Hoops hype Michael Scot the Nick search for ihart replacement is still underway the last show we did we talked about replacement options some of you guys wanted James wisman out of there he went to the Pacers Jaylen Smith out of there went to the Bulls Drummond to the Sixers uh who who else I mean every single guy Mo Vagner back to the magic baz back to the magic MO BBA to the Clippers the prophecy will not be fulfilled so a lot of the the backup plans that you guys liked or potentials are all off the board and this is an important search here for the Knicks yes we love Mitch in the black nest monster we trust almost you know a candidate for all defense last year the way that he was playing before the injury all of that is a standard they they’re still in good hands with Mitch but you need insurance you just don’t know so here it is for Michael Scot of Hoops hype that uh the Knicks number one you have pre zuu out there who’s open to returning but according to Michael Scot and Ian Begley precious atua does have interest out there from contenders and remember the Knicks rescinded the qualifying offer for precious atur which was worth about $6 million so he’s out there on the open market let’s see what happens there now one of the candidates that the Knicks have interested in is Walker Kesler the big man from the Utah Jazz just completed his second year with the team and according to tus scato the Knicks have interest here now Kesler I wouldn’t say fall out of favor that’s probably a bit too strong of a word but he finished third in his rookie year in Rookie of the Year voting I mean at one point people were like when the Utah Jazz had their hot start two years ago you had people questioning whether or not this guy was better than Rudy goar made the team USA team for the World Cup didn’t play all that much but he was a center on that team was in the 94th percentile in in defensive estimated plus minus in his rookie year very impressive numbers this year all not that bad eight eight and seven 2.4 blocks per game 22 years old he’s got 20 he’s got two years left on his on his deal but kind of fell out of favor with Will Hardy and the starting unit rookie year he started 40 out of 74 games last year he started 22 out of 64 games they had their their young player Taylor Hendricks playing some five he had John Collins playing some five he’s a bum so kind of Rocky there reports out there that that there’s a rift between Kessler and young head coach will hardy other reports he’s not he’s not happy with the direction of the franchise it mean he 22 years old I’m not sure how much I believe that it’s a Utah Jazz they’re rebuilding I’m I’m not sure what direction you’re looking for who’s going to Utah no offense if you live out there so according to Scot this guy’s a potential option and and something to to keep an eye out on the question is at what cost you’re dealing with Danny a here Le let’s not forget who we’re dealing with and the Knicks don’t have any more draft picks to give first round picks that is you gave all of them up to Brooklyn in the Macau Bridges deal now the Macau Bridges deal is not done yet is it possible that they can get Kesler in the mix in a three- team deal maybe it’s McBride that goes out anything’s possible right you didn’t you didn’t see the MCB C Bridges deal coming about even neither did the Knicks but they still got him so I guess anything is possible but I mean like everybody says you’re dealing with Danny a he’s not giving you any break breaks this is prime time for Danny a to go out there and get more assets for a rebuilding team that can’t sign free agents and has to catch lightning in a bottle via the draft that is how the Utah Jazz become a playoff team you have to draft players from Donovan Mitchell Stockton Malone Darren Williams that’s how the Jazz become good teams you have to get lucky and draft start players right now they’re still searching so I think this is pre Prime Time opportunity for Danny AES to do what he does best which is go out there test the temperature of the market and see hey who wants this Prime 22 year old Center and what’s the price it’s the same thing with Lowry marketing low marketing might be the most attractive trade Target out there on the market based on his ability his contract he’s making $18 million last year of his deal so I think AES is once again checking the temperature around the league saying hey no one is Untouchable here what are you willing to give up because I I can’t see him trading a guy like Walker Kessler for less than a first round pick but keep keep an eye on that fell out of favor with the Jazz a little bit but I mean I mean let let’s keep it a beat here this kid is he’s he’s going into his third season why would you give up on that so easily this this is not a a Reclamation project by any stretch but if the Knicks were able to get him that would be fantastic man you have a great option someone who can start or back up Mitch rim protector and hey sophomore slumps happen all the time it’s his second year you got to be patient he can come in here on the tibs the center Whisperer which all you guys want to want to say now which is so funny at first tibs can’t can’t can’t develop anybody now now he can turn anybody into Kareem Abdul Jabar so I would love that pickup if they if they can make it happen and catch lightning in the bottle could it cost you McBride that would certainly uh not be well not be good I like McBride I like what what McBride has become for this team but you you got to pay to play I I I I would because I think the backup five position is very important despite what many people might think I mean you have people on the on the Instagram I put up the clip one of the clips from the last show when I talked about ihar going and how important he was to the team yeah people talking about oh it doesn’t matter just get anybody get a mediocre Center one one one comment on the on the KF TV Instagram I I don’t think it’s that easy I think it’s very important to to provide Insurance in the event Mitchell Robinson goes down and and have options maybe precious is an option but here’s Walker Kessler now uh someone else to keep an eye out on this is a guy who a lot of you guys liked and and a name that has come up over the past couple of months here on kftv and that is Nick Richards Nick Richards from the Charlotte Hornets had a good year last year uh 9.7 points eight rebounds shot 70% from the field 1.1 blocks and8 assists so there’s Nick Nick Richards his name has come up and he just completed his fourth year with the Charlotte Hornets could he be had his contract three years $15 million he’s making 5 million million a year I think this one is a lot more plausible than a Nick Dan Kessler based on what the Knicks have to offer like could Nick Richards be involved in a in a three team deal in this in this maau Bridges deal remember the maau bridges deal has not been finalized Optimus 2G in the chat says CP and his countryman iy yeah a fellow Jamaican shout out to Nick Richard man big up to Nick Richard came a long way went to Kentucky and and is is now getting comfortable on the as an NBA Center B King in the chat says doesn’t seem like the Nick’s Hot for precious I’m not so sure I I would say that but I I think he wants someone who you have more confidence that can play the position precious in in spurts in spots could could give you some minutes there but I don’t think you want to go there as your full-time backup option inner power says that would make Duce Expendable unfortunately unfortunately Salvo on the bleach report chats is true but Deuce is already going to have reduced playing time with Dante dant chenzo moving to the bench that’s a fair point that’s a fair point because if you are not going to get a a veteran point guard you know Lowry still available don’t love it Monte Morris went went to the Suns man for the vet minimum that was my pick you you guys know I like him but if they believe in kic and kic gets the the immediate starting backup duties then you’re looking at kic Dante Hart and whoever the backup five is that’s nine players right there I don’t necessarily think they go to kic immediately I still think McBride will get his time as the as the backup point for now if he’s on the team and and for now because they haven’t gotten anybody so I wouldn’t necessarily say his his time is already put to the bench McBride gave the Knicks incredible incredible offensive production and efficient production last year there there’s no way you can just put that on the bench so if he’s still here I don’t I don’t think McBride automatically loses a lot of playing time because he’s still valuable very valuable piece so you have Nick Richards who is 26 you have Walker Kessler at 22 I think Nick Nick Richards it has has more potential here than than kessla I I can’t see Danny a waned to give the Knicks any type of deal and a guy like Walker Kessler I would have to believe it has more market value around the league where a team could give give the Utah Jazz exactly what they want and and probably outbid the Knicks so what do you guys think man call me up 657 3831 159 or you can hit me up on the kftv Discord Wednesday afternoon offseason Central edition of the show shout out to everybody watching on on Bleacher Report Facebook X Simo casting like crazy man we all are we are all over the place so make sure you guys do me a favor and share this video hit the share button wherever you guys are watching hit the share button right now okay another option who a lot of you guys hate Thomas Bryant Thomas Bryant man went to Indiana for recently with the Miami Heat he’s been Everywhere Man Washington Wizards Lakers he he’s been everywhere uh Five Points three rebounds 57% from the field 35% career three-point shooter even though this SE regular season shot 18% it didn’t really take many anyway but hey he’s he’s an option give you some vet present 6’1 he he no he he he’s a he’s an option there so I mean that’s pretty much it Daniel Tyson is still out there now some of you guys in in the uh in the bleacher report app like dariio sarich I mean look I mean I offensively of course he can he can provide some popping he would definitely be a counter to Mitchell Robinson but does he provide anything else that Tom Tibido would like does he rebound does he block shots what does he do you know I don’t know I I’m not so sure about sarch man he did his days now sarich he dropped a triple double on LCA dones and Sylvania yesterday in Olympic qualifiers 1910 and 10 on Slovenia and I got to chill on the F highlights boy FBA FBA sees their highlights on your broadcast boy they man they they they’re after it they want their money quick so yeah s just soft man I I don’t know if if he’s a tibs guy high energy 30% shoot let’s see his stats from last year what’s Dario sarich been up to man he’s he’s another guy that’s been everywhere Dario sarch 30 he’s only 30 he’s only 30 years old man he’s been with Philly Minnesota Phoenix OKC Golden State last year with golden state eight points four boards shot 37% from three on three attempts previous three years shot close to 40 on one or two attempts no blocks no steals he’s a shooter all right but yeah he’s only 30 wouldn’t wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world so I’m wondering do they go after Richards now in the bridges trade or do they bring back precious you have Mitch precious Sims go into the regular season see how it plays out and then revisit this between now and the trade deadline I I wonder how the Knicks will approach this but I think they understand that they need a a true insurance policy here Wham 16 daers on the Warriors now he’s a free agent man McFly on the bleach report says he likes Nick Richards yeah I like Nick Richards how’s his injury history let’s take a look Nick Richards this year played 67 games started 51 Charlotte also had Mark Williams there but we have no first round picks to deal remember the Knicks traded their 2025 first both of them 27 29 and 31 so that’s why the Kessler thing I would have to imagine he she needs at least one you know so that one’s a hard hard one to predict dwop wreath was another guy that you guys liked I liked him remember when when the Blazers came into town D breath had a good game against the Knicks man he was pretty impressive this year for the Blazers nine points 3.7 boards set 18 minutes a game sh 30 35 36% from three on almost four attempts dwap wreath not bad but that’s another trade that you’re going to have to make because the Blazers have they have him they have Aon they have they have uh uh the time lord and they just drafted kingham from Yukon but he’s nice man I you know he’s nice he’s versatile athletic I I like him dwap wreath on the chat what do you guys think man Su to my franchise Channel member s to everybody on the grind man if you’re on the grind throw me a hash grind and I’ll shout you guys out let’s get to the phones here what the people got to say man offseason Central CP the franchise Bleacher Report we in here let’s go 856 what’s your name where you calling in from 856 all right not ready all right let’s go back to the phones 917 what’s your name where you calling in from Mike from Brooklyn big Mike what’s good bro how you feeling I’m all right man how you CP yeah doing all right man Wednesday you know I’m here yeah man IH heart man this was a big big big loss for us man yeah yeah but I think I think we we have to stay put I don’t think we go in panic mode and give up Deuce for Nick Richards or kler Walker I think stay put revisit this at the trade deadline which you think I certainly possible you know I mean they they really don’t have that many options left bro so it’s gonna have to come via trade or you go get like a Ty or something you know sarage or maybe they just wait on until the trade deadline they may have I believe they still have uh some trade exceptions that they can use to take in some salary so it could be an option think that’s yeah I think you got to do that like like you said get get one of these vets that got maybe one year left in them because if you look at tib system it’s like that Center rle is like a plug in position for him like you see Norris do great you seen Taj do good it’s like even Iha ihart was a journey man before tibs got his hands on him yeah you know yeah stay put man get one of these veterans on the low revisit this thing later I think okay all right fair enough man enjoy the day get somebody for some second round picks yeah if we can get somebody for some second round picks then that would make sense but all this kesla walker You Gotta Give Up de all this stuff nah not with it right nah no not at all already man all right man stay up man this is Mike from from from New York yeah could could definitely go into the season if I mean if they go get precious right now it’s you’re down to Mitch and Sims The Sims Elation Eddie men jack lale okay all right shout out Omar my guy Omar Fernandez man he’s always in here he’s always tapping in salute to Omar Joey keys I see you man Mike Maldonado says vacation Grind All right so he’s flexing Mike where you at man are you on a station or vacation we got Nick Georgio on the hashtag grind salute to Nick Johnny 4481 Xavier for Anderson J from PR salute Juan Bago I see you Michael Ortega Euro Dao’s in here salute man salute Chan BK sham me Boyd peace blessings and positive vibes all of that man salute to you guys I see what’s going on with uh any NBA free agency news updates nothing really Damen Lee goes back to the Suns uh you have JJ reck hiring Scott Brooks Nate MC Millan okay so that was the the longtime rumor was Scott Brooks going to JJ reck staff and Nate McMillan they said they were going to fortify him with experienced head coaches to help him out let see if he brings Rondo along for the ride as an assistant I remember I asked uh Kenyan Martin I asked he I was like what do you think they’re talking about Scott Brooks as an assistant he’s like all right well why not just hire Scott Brooks so we’ll see man JJ reick is gonna have his hands full with with LeBron LeBron just got his bag you got bronny signed his deal and and there it is new the Lakers investing in an over 40 LeBron James to take him somewhere I have no idea where it is but good luck two years $4 million deal so much so much for for sacrificing money Lakers are in trouble man you hits Your Wagon to over 40 LeBron James in his brand you’re going nowhere fast so that is bound to implode bound to implode man but as we see here you know I I was on uh Series XM on NBA Radio yesterday me and my guy Rob Perez we did a show last night NBA offseason Central you can catch it for you seri XM users if you search for NBA Radio you can go back was a 7 to 10 p.m. show last night me and my guy Rob Perez cooked but man the CBA is catching casualties after casualties this offseason man from the Clippers inability to to retain Paul George or not wanting to retain Paul George the Warriors trying to get out from under it the nuggets two years in a row the nuggets have lost a key rotation piece a key rotation piece Bruce brown two years ago they couldn’t for him kcp they didn’t want to pay him cavius coell Pope they let him go to the magic the CBA is slaughtering teams right now the Suns now they’ve got everything parked in KD Booker and Bradley Beal so all they could really go out there and do is make their draft picks and sign vet minimums that’s why that Monte M’s deal congratulations to them to be able to get a player like that on the Dirt Cheap cuz that’s the only way you you you’re upgrading your team they were able to get him Mason plumbley we’ll see how that works but I mean the CBA is taking no prisoners you got the Celtics owner after he won the championship he’s like you know what I’m cashing out Boston Celtics luxury tax and payroll is going to be $450 million they just gave uh Jason tat to bag he’s the richest man in the league it is it is a disaster man so yeah I mean on on one end it’s going to bring parity to the league which is great it’s great for a team like the Knicks you don’t have to necessarily be a big three heavy but you still need at least two Allstars and fit chemistry with a great Supporting Cast defense rebounding those same principles are still applied to to build a championship team but it’s bringing more teams into true Contender status so that’s very interesting man it’s very interesting to see it’s got added added a new wrinkle to the strategy that is team building so having a competent front office a competent capologist and good scouting especially in the draft to try to find Value in your rookie scale deals that’s excellent man all right wait to M on the discore way too melow how you feeling up CP how you doing man Wednesday good afternoon Wednesday uh so I just wanted to first of all I think that Walker kle kit seems like the only good option we have left to be totally honest um I wanted to ask you do you think because I know there’s you know there’s a lot being said about Isaiah hardin’s offense and how much we’re gonna miss it but do you you don’t think any of that will be replaced by Julius Randall now that he’s back now that we have Mel you do you think we could supplement the good passing and the floater from Isaiah hardenstein with male Bridges and Julius Randle in some way that’s the way I see it Mitch is still just as good on defense if not better but I think that you know we only I think people are overvaluing Isaiah hardin’s role in the offense because we were so short-handed yeah and this won’t that won’t be the case this year you know what I mean like we have so much offensive Talent even off of the bench yeah that only there’s a ROM man to the rim you know so I’m not looking for the floater and the the really good passing those things were really good but that’s the reason he got paid yeah and he you know that’s why he’s in Oklahoma right now but I I think I’m hoping that Jericho Sims will take a step this year into I’ve always thought he could be a mitch light I don’t know what’s up with Jericho Sims and why he can’t be like like a Mitchy no snitchy number two you know what I mean but yeah I’m hoping that’s where he ends up this year but I’m also hoping that with julius’s backat Mel Bridges Dante and them being on the bench I think we can make up for the offense that we’re going to lose from through those players you know okay appreciate the call man yeah all right have a good afternoon C you too man likewise man what what I would say is in terms of hardenstein and his absence and the offensive void it’s not production per se when he’s out there it’s having an another option at the five where your offense now doesn’t become not saying that the ncks offense was predictable because they ran a ton of sets they run they run a ton of variations this year you look at the plays that they ran for divon chenzo alone like they they definitely run uh various sets but I think having ihart out there just gives you another element to your offense where it’s just a little less predictable so now when they put two on the ball and you dump it a ihart at the nail boom he’s got options he’s got Wing Shooters he’s got the floater he can play off of that he can dribble hand off so it’s a little bit different options there as opposed as opposed to to Mitch it’s not a it’s not a slight to Mitch it’s just different than Mitch can they make that up with Julius for sure I think Julius is a capable playmaker is he going to get those opportunities at the five maybe in spurts like now that you have OG and bridges and and you still have har does tibs opt to go to Julius a little bit more at the five I think that would make the Knicks a dangerous team as well and but that’s on tibs and then defensively how do they handle that if they’re going to go with Julius at the five does he trust the rim protection and the rebounding to hold up so so with heart sides it’s not necessarily you know he he’s Irreplaceable offensively or it’s not production wise it’s more so the how he enhances the offense as part of the Collective Now another another element to him was his durabil ability in filling in for Mitch and playing very well especially as a rim protector and as a rebounder so he was able to keep the Knicks offense getting them extra possessions second best offensive rebounding rate in the league and he was pretty stingy at The Rim so you know it’s a it’s a luxury to have that where both of your centers are formidable at that five spot every team didn’t have that so that to me is why it’s it’s a loss all right let’s see who else we got here salute to everybody in the chat man salute to everybody in the bleach report salute to uh our guys in the chat everybody on the grind yeah salute to Jamaica man absolutely big up Jamaica everybody out there there is a hurricane going on right now couple of countes couple of islands being impacted so hopefully if you guys have friends family Lov one in those areas that they are safe tried to call my cousin yesterday I couldn’t even get in contact with him so I don’t know if uh the internet is down or what in some places but yeah hopefully everybody’s all right man all right let’s get to some more man 919 what’s your name where you calling in from uh yeah this is uh Evan Abney uh from Raley North Carolina um yeah I just want to offer some insight on uh Marco Kessler uh I’m a big fan of him uh I believe the reason why he fell out of favor uh with the jazz is uh he’s not a spacer and will hardy he was on the same coaching staff with Joe Missoula so they kind of have the same philosophy of you know five out and all that stuff but uh I believe he’d be a great pickup for the Knicks um he’s uh he shown some shooting uh upside he can shoot the three I mean not not great but he hit a couple shots from three but uh and uh he’s a little bit better free throw shooter but he’s not great still but I believe he’d be a amazing pickup for the Knicks if they could somehow get him for cheat but yeah knowing D yeah knowing Danny age it’s you know basically a deal with the devil so we’ll see how that how that goes but uh I’m not panicking uh I still have the Knicks like their top eight is probably the best top eight in the league so uh but yeah huge fan and uh yeah that’s pretty much it all right appreciate it man where did you say you were calling in from again uh Riley North Carolina oh Riley okay all right cool man appreciate the call man all right thanks yeah I mean look man if if you can get catch on a steal I mean you take it and run but I I I have a hard time seeing that but hey anything’s possible man anything’s possible uh 631 631 what’s your name where you calling in from CP how are you this is Joe from Long Island Joe how are you man how you doing my man you do a great job I just want to say that from the GetGo I really enjoy listening to you really do a good job so I just want to get into this Center position now I mean the issue everybody wants a trade everybody but when you do that It ultimately comes down to money and like you said it’s the U it’s the new agreement that’s the issue right now there’s a guy on the table and you mentioned his name earlier is Dario sarage this guy can play ball I mean this guy you have to watch him play Not only you saw like you said he had a triple double last night it’s the Money Ball concept you have Mitchell Robinson you have defense you have sarage that’s off he’s actually a pretty good Defender I mean the stats don’t show the blocks but the guy is in the right position he rotates well he does everything fundamentally sound he fits in the offensive side because he’s a great passer just like the Joker not at that level but he can pass the ball and find the guys with the threes in addition to that if you go back and if you get a chance to watch some clips with him and Chris Paul whether it was in Phoenix or whether it was with the golden yes they did a lot of pick and rolls from the side wing and what they would do is Chris I mean he’s a great passer Jaylen does the same thing they can pick and roll and with him they can pick and pop because he can bang the three unlike hardenstein maybe he can shoot the three but he never got the opportunity to shoot it also remember iHeart was developed he didn’t just come and become this player the Knicks developed him with sarage you’re getting a guy who’s a vet that gets right on the court he knows how to play the game he’s going to come for cheap you don’t have to go spend money on picks trades you can save those trades for another bigger trade you don’t need to get rid of these assets when you get a guy like this that can play and and Philly making noise to sign resign him to get him back that would be a heartbreak because he backs up and beat so the Knicks Not only would they sign him they take him away from Philly um because Paul Reed you know same type of same type of player as Mitch um they want a guy like Sage sidge I don’t know why people not talking about him he’s only 30 years old he’s not that old in basketball T they’re not old I mean not old he’s he’s really you really got to watch him play people hear the name oh sorry sorry last year for Golden State he took over Fallon cuz he was the better player he got hurt and that that’s what you know what came to be but the guy can play yeah and you know watch some of that some watch that pick and roll with Chris Paul it’s beautiful to watch yeah well I I think with with sarich it’s definitely not on the offensive side like we know he can play and we know he can play the right way it’s is he a tibs type of Center that’s that’s my question is he a tibs type of Center tibs likes Rim protection chps like Dre protection that’s what I’m saying so it’s it’s not it’s not offensively wasar I think he would he would be fine he would be good with the Knicks offensively but it’s that the direction they want to go in let’s see at this point all options should be on the table and I like what you said I mean you could keep them away from uh from Philly wouldn’t be necessarily a bad idea because they’re still uh they’re still spending money over there all right so uh what do you guys thinking chat man sarch thumbs up thumbs down what do you guys think inner power on a bleach report says I can live with sarch okay Pedro pgo says nice to have a two-headed monster at Center I think he need it it’s very important it’s very important I don’t think Jaylen Duren is available but who knows Vegas says stop s to Skil but moves like Frankenstein yeah is there anybody in Europe I don’t you know I don’t I don’t uh we’ll see if anybody from Summer League makes it the summer league roster should be rounding out soon and if you guys are coming down to Summer League uh the Knicks fan Meetup will be on the 14th more information on that coming up so make sure that you guys uh stay out on the lookout me and my guys from Nicks Film School Macker and those guys are coordinating the Meetup and and it’s going to be popping man looking forward to seeing you guys out there summer league is always a good time salute to everybody in the chat once again hit that thumbs up button for your boy CP the franchise on the lunchtime live stream 2,000 people here on the checkin for this Bleacher Report and YouTube simoc cast for my people on Bleacher Report we are going to sign off here join us over on YouTube man Nix fantv we’re going to keep the conversation rolling couple more topics I want to get into and some more callers as well so make sure you guys come over there but for my people on bleach bleach report uh tap in and we will see you guys next week on the 9th my guy ariel helwani is coming through next Tuesday on our simoc cast show so make sure for you guys on Bleacher Report you guys meet us there man all right so bleach report thanks again for tapping in we will end that stream and continue on YouTube all right let’s get to the phones man 347 what’s your name where you calling in from yes hello uh CP can you hear me yes sir how are you man sweet baby Jesus how’s everybody doing it’s nice uh from Colorado Springs Colorado Springs salute yeah you already know so the only the only thing right now man the way I see it I the Nicks did a incredible job uh trading for Mel Bridges but it means nothing if we don’t have a reliable Center and it’s nothing no no no hate on Mitchell Robinson love mitell Robinson but we need to see this team we we can’t run with this team uh missing somebody in postseason and that’s that’s the main reason I’m saying that it doesn’t matter if it’s Kesler if it’s but we need somebody else yeah it like the way the the the way uh we looking we are so close to be looking like is either a championship or a bust because hey Julius Rand is around the corner Jaylen Brunson is around the corner for a contract and if they don’t decide we might be in the predict that we might end up blowing it up so this might be the only year that we have to make the most uh uh sensical uh uh trade and of course we I know that we all love uh do mbde but let’s be honest as much as we love do mbde what time is he’s gonna get to play with with with with this roster being in deep and if if that’s the case we love him and we would love to keep him but if that’s the case might as well we need to trade for for for for a center a reliable Center that we could if if we go down with one player it’s not going to be a problem because we so deep but we can’t we can’t keep on running it back and it’s like now M Robinson or two other players are are down yeah and then either either Brunson or Randall decides not to extend and now they they end up going to another team it’s not going to be the same I agree man appreciate the call appreciate the call and with uh do some pride I look I don’t I don’t see it I don’t see these guys just handing the keys over to kic and saying well this is our nin man ration Deuce is out D Duce is way too valuable to this Nicks team to just find himself being situational again not going into year this should be year four for him not going into year four after the season that he just had no way kix’s got to earn it now if he blows them away in training camp preseason maybe but now he he’s got to earn that and if the Knicks don’t go out and get a veteran point guard then de is going to get significant time there until Kik proves that you know he can take the job I think kic will be situational I I I don’t I think the deuce is still loose man Peter Fury F out super chat on the YouTube says I think pacome might be the Nick’s best trade chip at this point should we give him up in the trade for a guy like Kessler I don’t think the Utah Jazz really care man to be honest I I I think you got to let Danny AES pick his own guy maybe maybe he ends up in a deal but uh I’m not sure that alone gets done he could be one one of the only trade chips you’re right since they already picked him he could be 51 6 what’s your name where you calling in from hey CP how you doing this is Nas here I’m calling from the MF Coast right now Al Mafi Coast you flexed you’re out in Italy right now a little vacation right now wow but I had to tune in to Nicks TV you know I had to guys so support so my take quick take is I think we’re really getting caught up on the center position a little bit too much okay I think we can maybe find someone on the on the trade deadline we really need to focus on a backup point guard I think a playmaker we have so many Score first um players in here and and KCK is good McBride is good but I’m thinking about like a Brogden or someone that we could pry away for maybe all those second rounds we have we throw in something I don’t know but I really think we focus on the playmaker because God forbid Brunson gets hurt he sprains his ankle something happens we just need someone else who could really steady the ship who’s a vet who who has respect and then maybe at the trade deadline we’ll look at capella whoever comes up that we really need situationally I think Mitch’s value will go up because he’ll be healthy he’ll be playing good just like last season and then we re reassess that uh you know at the trade deadline so that’s all I got uh my wife is calling me take it easy get get back to it man have a lot of wine and uh bring you back some wine and some olive oil man please appreciate it bro appreciate it all right it’s my guy in Italy checking in man he he he called the flex on y he said everybody on the lunchtime grind I’m out here in the on the am Mafi Coast catching some views eating some you know some nice fish off the sea that’s nice man something tells me some something tells me he’s really calling from like Far Rock Away Beach his his reception was a little too clear you know what I mean felt like he was right next to me he didn’t really have that like overseas static and delay my man calling from Jones Beach Field 7 at the hamburger stand in the parking lot oh man now if you’re truly out there enjoy it man enjoy it everybody needs a vacation you know Jones Beach Phil 7 702 what’s your name where you calling in from Yo T is it I’m on live live and direct man what do we got to do Center options Kesler Richards what are you trying to do man talk to me man what’s good bro this is miles from Vegas uh I I mean I really like where we at I mean yeah this kind of reminds me a little bit of last year where when we lost uh Obie and we were concerned about the the backup four option I know different positions but I I I do like where we at because of the playmaking I think Julius can make plays Mel Bridges can make plays um I think IH heart’s role took off really when Julius got injured because we needed come some kind of different variety in the offense and everything like that yeah um I like the activity of our bodies I think we can all crash offensive boards obviously Mitch is the best in the game at doing that I think Mel add some sides that he can probably crash as well um I just like the versatility of the team and I think we don’t have to rush into a backup big I think we are just looking for 10 to 15 minutes of good Center play outside of Mitch if he could stay healthy obviously that’s a big if yeah but I do like where we’re at now I mean the only only team really that we have to really have some bodies for obviously as a big team is is inbi and he can’t really stay healthy either right the Celtics are real perimeter and the Bucks are similar to that but I think OG matches up well with Giannis and everything like that so I I I really like the position that we’re in in the East okay appreciate the call man appreciate the call all all right this guy this this guy’s coming in with optimism I I hear him on that that the Mitch thing just scares me man like I just with Mitch he’s a shot blocker and and a high-intensity rebounder he’s leaving his feet constantly should we really expect could we really expect him to roll into April in great shape I hope so that would be great for the Knicks that would be great I mean he he was great against Cleveland was great against Philly till he got hurt so that would certainly be a blessing if he’s able to do that now my man over here um he was speaking on where the Knicks stack up in the East and amongst other teams you had the Sixers obviously making move moves the Celtics are still the Celtics so as we segue now to worst take and and shout out to everybody man who’s been submitting these worst takes we got to put some more people up here on the Summer Jam screen this was from NBA today yesterday and they were talking about better chance to make it to the NBA finals next season the 76ers or the New York Knicks now let’s listen to what veteran writer and Hall of fam and Mark speed had to say in regards to the cores here here was Mark Spears NBA today here we go the Knicks that have a better opportunity oh Sixers they got Joel and bid they got the three best players amongst the two teams the three best jayen Brunson you’re taking Paul George and Tyrese Maxi and Joel embiid over Jaylen Brunson who all right somewhere that is going to be a he already knew he messed up Josh Hart tweet in a couple perpetually online this is a hard one he he knew we messed up man I mean take take take a look at his uh take a look at my man Mark spirits take a look at his face right here this right here you see you see how he folded you see how we folded like that that right there is a Nicks for clicks motion right there you see that you see how he he tried to keep that that smirking that right there is a Mick for clicks I’m trying right now to to stir the pot he let the cat out the bag he put all the Chip he folded his hand come on Mark I mean this right here qualifies for the wor he’s in the Hall of Fame as a writer this qualifies for a worst take Hall of Fame because he couldn’t even say it with a straight face if you want to give me Joel embiid over br said fine he’s already won the MVP he’s a two-way player I like two-way players a lot more I give the the uh I I’ll I’ll defer to the two-way player star player any day of the week and when healthy Jo beats a dominant player but Maxi good player star on the rise he’s not yet Jaylen Brunson Paul George at 34 years old you’re gonna take Paul George over Jaylen Brunson the guy who got votes for MVP this year second Team all NBA come on Mark you’re a Hall of Fame writer man look at the smirk like my guy Martin would say that’s a b that’s a bullheaded lie right there where my Martin fans at in the chat and this is fitting for Marx beers that’s a baldheaded lie I’ll give you I’ll give you embiid when healthy but Maxi and Paul George give me a break I mean I mean who did Mark Spears vote for all NBA this season who Mar Spears WOTE for because I don’t see anyone named Tyrese maxi I don’t see anyone named Paul George on the second team or the third team and I don’t see Joel and beat on any one of these because guess what what do you know he’s always hurt so at the end of the day Brunson wins I mean this is a hall of f riter ladies and gentlemen baldheaded lie come on little boss man in the chat man come on man Mark Spears you got to do better than that man and and you know he does he did not want to tow the company line look at this right here he did not want to tow to company line but because that show and that network has to try to stir the pot with Nicks fans to get extra attention they brought him along for it and he folded that’s a Nicks for clicks fold right there all right so that’s our guy Mark Spears the worst take candidate of the year put him in the Hall of Fame then we have our friend Draymond Green now many of you guys know Draymond Green was supposed to appear here on this show a couple of months ago and he folded he ran he he ran quicker than us same bolt record on the day he was supposed to show up 30 minutes before our appearance our podcast he ran away like a coward but anyway let let’s see what let’s see what riveting comment he had to say about the Knicks and their build let’s head over to uh Draymond Green and hear what you have to say if anybody cares here we go but what just happened with the trade was that you know if this doesn’t work in two to three years um the Knicks will be rebuilding again because they traded all their pcks away and then they’ll be trying to like trade those guys to get picks back in that’s kind of how it all plays out and uh I’m sorry to the Knicks fans but that’s how I actually think it’s going to play out and I don’t but yeah that one was short that’s cap it’s complete cap I I don’t buy that for one second that this is a short window two to threee project for the Knicks this is a young team in their Prime they just signed OG anobi to his deal Brunson is about to get his deal Mel Bridges is about to get his deal those are your guys that is going to be your core Hart will most likely be here after his deal and maybe divon chenzo the only person who I’m 5050 it it could be 50-50 on if he’s back just based on fit production contract second apron is Julius we’ll see what happens with Randall but for the most part these guys are all in their Prime this is not Golden State at the end of their run the dicks are in their Prime made great moves and they are ready to contend but we got to be patient with this see this is another microwave take this is why all the people who tried to split up the Boston Celtics and Tatum and brown are now eating crow after these guys are raising the Larry O’Brien trophy you got to give it time for these builds to marinate man the Knicks have one thing right now for certain and that is a Bonafide playoff scorer a Bonafide playoff producer if Julius Randle can prove the same next year the Knicks are on their way trust and believe and with the added parody around the league now with the second apron dismantling teams they have as good a chance as any within the next five years to raise it themselves because I’m putting them right up there in the top three with the Celtics I’m putting them up there too we’ll see what Philly does surround that that team Philly’s going to be dangerous we we’ll respect that I’ll respect that but this next team is built to run but you got to have patience it took Tatum and brown six seven years to get it it took Boston some some tinkering to get it whis grpc the owner of the Boston Celtics after they got embarrassed by the Heat last year he said you know what we’re not running this thing back go get me porzingis go get me me uh Drew holiday and they ran all the way to the chip third highest net rating in NBA history 64 and and 18 on the campaign thought 13 and three in the playoffs or 13 and two something something crazy in the playoffs you got to give it time but see what the media wants to do is they want to put the championship it’s got to be Championship this year it’s got to be Championship it’s got to be Championship or else they failed at everything no no no no no knock it off this Nick team is not the Phoenix Suns this is not the Golden State Warriors this is not the Lakers this next team is set they are building to to win it and build for the long term but that’s Draymond Green missed the New Media Yapp in his mouth and then you got Mark Spears with the ball-headed LIE you guys be the judge man that was another segment of worst take everybody in the chat my my franchise channel members go ahead and throw a worst take Emoji in the chat man let me know how you guys are feeling man rate those takes in the chat if you guys thought Mr Spears and uh Mr Green had points go ahead and come forward man this this is a safe space at the end of the day no worries all right what else we got here on the agenda salute to everybody in the chat once again man hit that thumbs up button for your boys uh remember to support our sponsors fellas and manscaped the number one Men’s Grooming tool above and below the waist man go to use our code kftv for 20% off plus free shipping manscaped always keeps you lace man you got the lawnmower 5.0 the Premier Ball back trimmer it is summertime turn the AC on down there with the lawnmower 5.0 comes with a custom LED light long battery life waterproof can do it in the dark whatever you’re into you have the beard hedger kit the close-knit shaver the weed whacker they got a number of stuff in and then all all the solutions man you got you have shampoo conditioner body wash deodorant ball deodorant foot deodorant fellas man this is we’re in 2024 there’s no reason to be out there unprotected take care of yourself take care of your grooming needs first and foremost before you approach the lady out there go to use our code kftv for 20% off plus free shipping just go get it no testimonials okay take a couple more calls man what you got whatever you guys want to talk about uh franchise here on the lunchtime show like I said uh the the July 9th show uh my guy ariel helwani will be back with us man that’s that’s my guy always killing it on the MMA scene he’s all over the place he’s going to be covering the Olympics this year for uh the Canadian Broadcasting channel for CBC so we you know we’ll tap in with him see what’s going on with Team Canada basketball you know I’ll have my eyes on them Team USA my guy RJ’s gonna be playing you know can Canada’s Got SGA Jamal Murray in the back court they’re gonna be good I’m be watching I’m be rooting for Canada too man you know I rock with RJ heavy you guys know that so I’d like to see him have some success after a a tough year for him as well man all right couple more calls before we wrap up great show productive show 646 what’s your name where you calling in from yo it’s reys from Harlem reys back at it man how how you feeling man goody what’s goody how you feeling man I know what you want to talk about so let’s go I’m doing good I’m doing good hey I think either I’m psychic or I think the the Nick’s front office is Ghost watching your channel because before I mention Nick Nick Richards like a month ago I don’t think he was on anybody’s radar and now suddenly you know he’s he’s a uh a rumor going on but I think I think we have to we have to trade for him we can’t wait for the trade deadline because Mitch has to be on a minute restriction this year I’m sorry he has to be he’s too injury-prone and we need him healthy for the playoffs so he has to be on a minute uh restriction so we have to um trade for Nick Richards right now don’t wait for the trade the trade deadline you know what I’m saying um I think you watched some of his highlights he has a good floater yeah you know so he’s way more offensively he he’s way more offensively skilled than Mitch he can rebound he’s long he’s a legit seven footer we don’t need no 6 eight centers I’m sorry no no small ball cuz that’s that’s going to lead to injuries and we need everybody healthy for the playoffs so we have to make the deal now don’t wait for the trade the line and we got got to strike while the iron’s hot I think we could uh probably offer maybe Sims and a couple second rounders maybe yeah and that might get it done well yeah I mean maybe we got to see man I’d like to bring on give up dece I don’t want to give up Deuce yeah no it would be hard to give up Deuce but again if they’re trying to bring this into the uh if they’re trying to bring this into the maau bridges trade it gets a it gets a little Interesting Man especially with the uh the salaries It’s Tricky it’s hard to know whether or not they would actually have to what 5 million like that shouldn’t be hard yeah but remember they’re also trying to um get the books clean as well they’re also trying to get the books clean so you don’t think if he offered Sims that would that would might that might do it could I can’t I can’t tell you one way or the another or or another all all we know all we can talk about is what we know what we know is the maau bridges trade is not finalized they’ve been trying to send out more salary to help not be hard capped at the first apron right so could that be including precious in a sign and trade Does it include Sims Does it include Deuce Does it include adding a guy like a Nick Richards and in the three team trade like once you start adding three teams and salaries and things like that can get a little complicated so we we just got to wait and see man July 6 we we’ll know a little more hey man but I think we got to make the trade right now don’t wait for the trade de line because if we wait for the trade de line Mitch is just gonna get injured and he’s not gonna be healthy come playoff time okay all right appreciate it man app appreciate the call that’s my guy he he called in that that’s the uh the marketing guy so he’s one for two but Nick Richards man maybe maybe they are listening I mean listen we’ve known this for years that they’re listening I gave them I mean I G I gave him so many picks already I gave him Burks y’all see what that did I gave him iHeart y’all see what that is listen well I’m just a conductor here but this is this is free TV for for the front office man they want to know what’s going on at the number one show for the fans by the fans as they should how are the fans of the product feeling what should move should we make gave yall iHeart man to the point where he went out there and tripled his worth yeah maybe I should go into the front office after this man maybe all right let me take one more call then and then I’ll wrap up uh talking a little Kemba man we’ll put some respect on kemba’s name man 856 what’s the name where you calling it from Yo CP hear me yes sir who’s this what’s your name where you calling in from yeah this is Ben Ben from New Jersey I called a couple times I used to be in Japan but now I’m back in the state salute man yeah but um you know this whole Center position thing is really interesting to me um I like Walker Kessler but if you want my honest opinion I I I honestly don’t think that I think that will start the season with Mitchell Robinson yeah like I don’t see us getting any of um just because of the cost I don’t trust Danny age yeah um and if you if you want a center that that’s halfway decent we’re gonna have to give up Duce so it’s like we can’t have it both ways we can’t you know keep dudes but also have you know a good backup center it’s just not gonna happen true you know so I I I I think that we’re gonna have to you know cross our fingers you know until the start of the season you know see how Mitchell Robinson you know looks um play Duce McBride Duce McBride is going to be playing you know maybe his value builds up so that you know by the trade deadline you know maybe we could you know revisit this backup center position again but unfortunately I don’t see us getting a backup center you know this this summer I mean a center that’s that that’s worth his salt okay if that makes sense um Tyler Tyler kic great guy but I don’t see him playing playing at all really you know okay he really has to uh he really has to um prove himself but um it’s going to be interesting to see nope all lost him man lost him I I think my man was a little speechless okay we we we got his point though man appreciate the call man appreciate the call um yesterday kemell Walker New York’s own signed off man said goodbye to the game of basketball kemell Walker on the 700 p.m. to Brook show with our guys Carmelo Anthony and the kid Meo call it a career man here’s what he had to say oh here we go I wanted to let everybody know that I’m retiring man it’s over like I’m done playing it was a hell of a run it was a it was a run that I still can’t kind of fathom today like I can’t I I still can’t like believe the things that I’ve done in my in my basketball career um especially with all the doubt that I got coming in to all levels it was always doubt but you know I always grinded through it um always had a great support system to take me know through all these obstacles and stuff like that so um yeah man like my family there so many people to to think I don’t know if I’m going everybody you probably but do your thing yeah man I just want to I want to thank everybody man like my family my my mom my dad my number one supporters they the reason I am who I am today man like my parents they grinded so much when we was young young kids me and my siblings like they did anything they can to make sure we have food clothes Jordans whatever like they wanted us to you know be good and yeah man I want so Kemba calling it a career man the career is over and congratulations to Kemba man hats off to him you know you had to figure this day was was coming sooner than later he fell out of the League last year went over to the Euro league I believe he signed with uh was Milan I don’t or as Monaco as Monaco of the Euro league and and today he or yesterday rather he decided to to call it quits kembo was a uh ninth pick overall in the first round in the 2011 NBA draft man 12 years in the league was was a legendary Yukon husky winning a championship with the Huskies man a rice Raider New Yorker through and through a point guard when we talk about New York point guards man the point guard it was it was kembell Walker man kemell was that guy he put on for the city and definitely represented us well represented the game well and remember the cross over the filthy crossover Yukon versus Pittsburgh in the quarterfinals of the Big E Championship I remember watching this live the crossover was filthy you know ke Keo was that guy man you know are two unfortunate things in his career fortunately he had to get drafted by uh the Charlotte Hornets Charlotte Bobcats at the time so Jordan put him on the treadmill of the nowhere and then the injuries obviously the the knee injury the arthritic knee derailed his career and he was never the same again unfortunately so 34 years old he has to hang it up but he had a great career four time Allstar finished his career averaging 19 points five assists as I said four time All-Star Man four years in a row Kemba made the All-Star team 23 and 5 22 and 5 25 and 5 20 and five from 2016 to 2020 went from Charlotte to Boston and then ended up on the New York Knicks ended up on the New York Knicks after he got waved by the OKC Thunder the Nick signed him two-year deal $8 million I’m my reaction at the time you guys can go back on the channel and take a look I was hyped I was happy about it even though I figured it was a it was going to be an uphill battle for him at the time Lon and and West they were looking for a floor General a facilitator someone who could help generate some offense and score and they brought him in they took a low risk move and they and they brought him in Kemba had some highlights man I’m showing the the the uh highlights again the Washington Wizards found my guy money Burks for a three nice pass Christmas Day him and Julius cooked you had the 50 piece or 44 piece against uh against the Celtics so so he had some splashes man as these guys do who were like severely have severe injuries you know oh sorry he had the 44-point game against the Wizards and the game against Boston when the Knicks were like on their last legs he dropped what he dropped against against in that game in Boston I think it was a November game in Boston let me go back to km’s numbers here trying to find it how many points did he drop against Boston like 29 29 and this was December 18th in Boston he drops 29 and six at the starting point guard position for the dick so you know look it wasn’t what we wanted it to be here in New York but he certainly had some guarden moments he did have his guarden moment at this 44-point game against the Washington Wizards man so he he penned a nice tribute to the game thanking everybody who supported him on his journey his family his teammates says basketball will be forever will forever be a part of my life so this isn’t goodbye I’m excited for us next so good luck to Kemba man thanks again for representing us and good luck in your next Endeavors man tough way to go out but seems like he is at peace with his decision that’s all you could ask for all right so so there it is great show everybody good show man good productive show let’s see what the Knicks do at the backup center position whatever they do you know where to find us man number one show for the fans by the fans if you enjoy this show do me a favor hit the like button hit the share button and subscribe subscribe to the channel share and subscribe very important to do that every show I’ll share it on Twitter Facebook wherever you guys watch these shows Wise Guy sh to the fanchise channel members Kareem Austin Rosalez says if Rose can swing a Kessler trade this off season he’ll be a Nicks Legend fight out Super Chat salute artman formerly known as Steve F out super chats this afternoon my brother Dario sarich out here getting busy still put up a triple double against Slovenia yeah yeah yeah you know uh once you get into the feea game all bets are off you know the the SE guys turn up okay bird F out Super Chat says what iard brought to this team was communication he always knew where to be on the floor we’re looking to replace IQ and chemistry which is tough that’s another great Point great Point by you man Peter Fury got that super chat Joshua Ellis $10 Super Chat what are the odds we signed someone like Precious to tide us over and then wait to see who shakes loose at at the trade deadline I think that’s possible I did mention that on the show as well artman formerly known as Steve F out super chats says Paul George not taking Paul George over Brunson shout out to gamber says kftv is definitely playing in MSC back offices you know it hi crew homie fight out Super Chat says dreamon green is a fake fellow scared of CP like he’s he’s about to guard a prime melow like a right plantain he should change his color to Yellow that’s a b right there let’s go shout out to the High crew homie man always on time that’s a ball right there mark Toano $10 Super Chat says longtime kftv fan just move to Vegas will you guys do a meet and greet in summer league would love to see y’all especially Vegas Alex yeah the 14th stay tuned I’ll have some more announcements probably by that the episode that we do next week on the 9th July 14th around 8:00 p.m. Pacific we’ll be doing the Meetup so stay tuned for that and hopefully Mark you you can meet us out there man you you you could you can meet us out there shout out to BK Last Hope 718 F out Super Chat says how about DJ Burns or Isaiah Jackson being that Wiseman got picked up I don’t think wisman pickup for the Pacers means Isaiah Jackson is Expendable by any stretch he’s a good player there’s no way the Pacers are giving him up and I’m not sure they would be willing to help the Knicks but hey anything is possible man guys remember that the show is available in audio podcast format man no reason to miss it uh we are available on all major podcast platforms Apple podcast Spotify whatever you use we are there YouTube podcast as well if you did miss a show go ahead and hit the rebound replay button rewind button salute to the replay gang also remember to to support our sponsors man use our code kftv for 20% off plus free shipping so to our friends at mans gate man always keeping you laced just remember no testimonials uh get your merch as well shop. nfant franchise man I’m out of here have a great day guys peace

Knicks News: Knicks Interested In Intriguing Trade Targets To Replace Hartenstein


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  1. Ya gotta stop this deuce hype he is mid just like RJ all this cieling talk and both are average expendable make trade for Center we need asap , team needs come before y’all emotions !

  2. Ya gotta stop this deuce hype he is mid just like RJ all this cieling talk and both are average expendable make trade for Center we need asap , team needs come before y’all emotions !

  3. This why that caller was mad a couple of days ago. Yes we happy for IHart but he knew we were trying to get him his money 💰 and he could have told knicks that he is going for the bigger offer. We lost on many replacements. I think like any other human being IHart was mad we gave OG the bag b4 him so he left us hanging. Good luck but let's move on we gave IHart his roses now let's move on and not bring his name up again until he comes back to the garden

  4. It's looking like the Knicks are going to roll with Mitch/Sims and even have Achiuwa play some mins at the 5. They really can't afford anything else unless they are willing to ship out something.

  5. We “might” have a diamond in a rough at 59, I have been watching video on Ariel Hukporti, he moves really well, he looks like he has a good game iq. He reminds me of a young Amar’e Stoudemire. Let’s see how he does in the summer league.

  6. If it costs Deuce to get a Kessler trade done, that trade needs to get done. Development players like Deuce are in the draft every year. The front office is extremely efficient at finding gems in the back half of the draft .They got the OG and Mikal trade done when no one thought it was possible , Ainge is not the boogyman .

  7. Leon Rose should call Houston and see what it would take to pry away Steven Adams, that dude is a monster, one of the most feared big guys in the league, Jimmy Butler said when he ran into a pick by Adams he felt like he got hit by a truck, the guy is a certified enforcer. Would fit perfectly behind Mitch and can even start if needed and I dont think he would cost that much to get.

  8. We heard on this platform that the nets would never trade with us. I believe in Leon & Co. If it takes us McBride & a draft pick then you do it. McBride is cool but he not irreplaceable

  9. If the Knicks were really serious they would have signed Daniel Theis for $5mil and be done with it. Or trade Mitch for Vucevic. The center position is going to be they downfall this year.

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