MLB | WNBA | Sports Betting Live | Betting with the Bag | Wed, July 3rd, 2024

MLB | WNBA | Sports Betting Live | Betting with the Bag | Wed, July 3rd, 2024

let let let let let sh sh sh introducing Pub coin Pub coin is the rewards program for Pub Sports contributors regular chat contributors share their play of the day p in the YouTube chat including the phrase pod in their message at the end of the week the amount of units earned are converted into Pub coins Pub coin can be used as reward points for prizes shop discounts and contests hey what’s going on y’all it’s Mills here pup sports radio do you guys want to challenge the personalities here at pup sports radio do you guys think you’re better than them at entering in your MMA predictions and picks would you want to get paid for it $100 here’s how you do it man you sign up right here at the link below it’s just this easy pbsports enter your email pick your weekly picks that’s it oh and you get bonus points if you can predict how they’re going to win and what round every single week a new winner is getting Crown so every Saturday on pup sports radio so come on and check us out you can win $100 just for signing up only thing you need to do is see if you can beat us here at pup sports radio by entering your UFC predictions and weekly do it God dare you see you guys your membership to Gold you will be automatically entered in every horse race every Wednesday and Friday a lot of names a lot of familiar faces and another chance for $50 to sign up for PSR gold it’s going to be a lot of fun why wouldn’t you want to be on this list huh Frank that’s a great question does AI determine the winner no Frank the fastest horse does so shout out to everyone that’s remember we appreciate you guys we let our horses run forever 2 and 1/2 hours and we’re racing Ino here we go and they are off Fe Fe what this my horse ain’t like this and here comes Big Show who says 2 minutes is too long Big Show wants this race to end right now going to be moving into the stretch soon kwolf up front saturated and there’s nasty [ __ ] and he director 97 $100 two wanting all the oh my God D7 and it’s director 97 back back my God fresh take it home here six five four oh God saturated Fredick going to come home with it is it Billy Frick’s time is it this time no it’s not Cody ning fire dare thr down does Co have enough space to get home or will dbby take care of his here com a third win for director 97 takes takes out he might be blowing his load a little bit too early is anybody contest Here Comes Iron Eagle out of nowhere Iron Eagle it’s a packed race 5 Seconds Crystal from the back Crystal want his action let get them Jimmy where L Shack at the Bott getting empty up the crack and we stacking chips all of this what I want plus money when the that’s what I’m on you can say I’m gone I prefer elevated pro sports radio time to get educated who can’t produ the juice let loose with so much abuse that The Bookies want to call Tru they get small can’t forget Jing low bagers in the CH that’s weap we needing puing what’s up cappers gamblers punters Hustlers low bagers happy Wednesday July 3rd to all of you thank you for watching Benny with the bag right here on Pub sports radio big July 4th weekend for all and we don’t stop here at Ben with the bag we’re live tomorrow on July 4th and July 5th so while you are celebrating with your families and boozing heavily you can still rock with us at 11:00 a Eastern on the next two mornings we start by shouting out our friend cheich marinez my God Michigan in the house cheich places 12th in the Colossal at the World Series of Poker picking up 40K teach marinez our guy delivering the goods doing it in style wearing a razor sharp pick cashet shirt at the final table we didn’t quite get to the very final table but the final two tables cameras were on them man shout out to our guy cheich representing all of us in the great state of Michigan what a monster performance 12th play in the Colossal I love you Che and great great work man represent represent Che marinez what a guy great to see all of you guys here in the chat our focus is on MLB today only one WNBA game that’s the only other thing we’re capping 15 MLB games we got TJ ready to fire we got dabra dabra ready to fire Jose bouet ready to fire shout out to all you guys Justin mckelvie ready to fireo ran Dela Cruz over one and a half bases is the stacks play of the day at plus 123 let’s get that copied and pasted that’s our first game on the docket I’ve moved on that game as well uh you know I can’t use the term that Jose calls Brian beo because it’s it’s a feminite to a level that’s just uh uh I I got to uh how can I State this but uh Jose is uh what in love with Brian beo and I am not I’m fading Brian beo first five uh Gerald Jones Reds Yankees over eight and a half for Gerald Jones uh that’s the only other bet I’ve made today and that not the over but I’m on the Reds first five plus a half at plus 102 now that’s a TJ best bet spot TJ best bet spot speaking of our friend TJ Fresh Off dabby cab being our first weekly guest to go over 60% doing that in college basketball TJ is doing that in major league baseball right now he’s 28 and 17 on our show 62.2% he’s up 10 units flat Roi plus 22.22% with average line of minus 109 shout out to TJ delivering the goods here delivering the goods Wiggy in the house we got Morgan Spooner Nick castanos well castalanos I know it’s the the the the jockey Javier castanos uh I know he like Javier likes to pronounce it like that Nick wants the uh you know the the Bumpkin version castalanos over one and a half bases at plus 115 you got it locked and loaded slick Nick castalanos here for Morgan Spooner he’s rolling that whole Squad is rolling I I’m I’m very interested in backing them here but I do want to talk it out I do want to talk it out top set in the house now a PSR Gold Member he’ll be racing he’ll be racing tomorrow now will it be donkeys will it be Greyhounds will it be horses that’s undecided but we will be racing tomorrow for 50 bucks oh it’s a hundred bucks it’s a $100 race yes because Preston won on Friday $100 horse race on Thursday 50 on Friday top set 7 and three yesterday great great job Rocco Rogers a Troy Torrance Kurt we got a great great group Clint zeran in the house um sorry I uh sorry got messag that I couldn’t quite understand that I’ll look at Justin Melby Joey harp Steven faren boach in the house Joey Marino the Dapper Capper a OD NJ Striker subhuman gouto and Billy Friedrich in with the pig milk play of the day now 37 and 24 up 16.35 units we have cappers delivering in the chat and that’s what makes this show special Billy friedi being one of them Tampa Bay Casey first five under four and a half yes you know I could have moved on that last night under nine with decent Vic I saw Pinnacle moving at eight and a half and I got the weather gave me cold feet the weather gave me cold feet the market just continues to move to the under I imagine that’s a perfect bet with pepio and Waka both pitching very very well uh so uh Morgan spoter Billy friederick great to see all of you guys aod ick schizzle in the house representing the land great to see you ick schizzle Big O ready to go Lee Davis in the house Ken mrai says long live the expose God I miss that team Mr heat Wine Time Sports the nuk worker Kelly McKinnis Viper NB Remos say I don’t forget July’s rabies awareness month I did not know was rabies awareness month I one of the few uh things that I haven’t caught in my 44 years rabies free of rabies I tell that to everyone woman I’ve dated I also used to tell them that I was the only yuck yucks comedian that could dunk a basketball and even though it was such a lie even though there’s my my my my my vertical maybe five or six inches but if you say that to a woman with stern look on your face as serious as you possibly can be they will imagine you soaring through the air and dunking a basketball it’s impossible for them not to too it was the single best lie that I’ve ever had now I couldn’t keep using it about 26 27 years old I mean people would see through it but but when I was younger every girl every girl I spoke to I told him I was the only yuck yucks comedian that can dunk a basketball and and for that moment they imagined me soaring through the air dunking a basketball and it helped it helped helped a lot helped a lot all right let’s get to work there’s razor sharp picks in the house Billy Frick also on fedy White Sox first that’s another spot that I looked at very very very soaring and Jorts soaring and Jorts says a oh yeah oh it was gold it was absolutely gold it was the single best line that I ever had it was impossible for them not to imagine you soaring through the air but you have to say it very serious you know just you know matter of fact don’t matter matter of fact all right it is time to get to work let’s bring on the star of our MLB programming right here uh on pop sports radio and we’ve been in a battle we’ve been in an enormous battle trying so hard to get to the black we did not get off well Jose got off to a better start than I did but we’re in an enormous battle and there’s so much on the line now uh our star of MLB programming is uh richer thanks to his Venezuela action uh congratulations Jose for that by the way uh 13750 doesn’t sound like a lot of money right doesn’t sound like a lot of money until you see how much Canadian that costs and then you’re like oh he got me he got me right in the drink I $97 Canadian if he had have phrased it like that I would have put it in would have sent it in but I thought it was a homer bet I thought it was a homer bet on Venezuela and he’s been given the cash uh sadly he’s the money has been sent to him sadly uh El is sobbing Carter Carter was so angry I’m joking they don’t know about it please welcome our friend San Antonio Texas in the house Mr Jose bouet Jose how are you uh Jimmy I’m doing well I’m probably not using my mic and my son of a [ __ ] great Jimmy I’m doing well um it is very funny that that happened to you I hate that I guess I should have made it $50 you are right that is uh something that should have happened next time I increase that um but I’m excited for you to meet another beo in my life um Jimmy and I think I need Brian beo to to pitch well in his career because I’ve established that beo might have to be a middle name of one of my future children at some point because you’re going to meet Edward beo on Venezuela and I I died for him I died for him right now he’s he’s amazing he’s the very uh long-haired curly-haired fellow that you’ll meet on V Venezuela’s soccer team on July 5th when they’re whooping up on Canada well yes I I if it wasn’t Venezuela Independence Day you know we’ll talk more about this on Friday I would be I’d be betting you right now and I still might I still uh might bet you in that one is there a chance you guys don’t take Canada seriously uh no because there’s going to be it’s in Jerry world I believe the game is there’s going to be uh a 100,000 Venezuelan people packed in there uh stacked on top of each other as all the stereotypes say and uh it’s going to be very loud and I have a feeling there’s not going to be many Canadian fans uh interested in this game but Jessie March is a very good coach oh we’ll be interested we just won’t be there uh you have some Venezuelan pitchers on the bump today are you backing any of them uh I haven’t made any new bets yet so I’m excited to find that out myself Jimmy I’m excited to find it out myself okay well we are going to get to work here and we have Best Bets from both TJ and dabra cadabra and TJ gets us started in game three of our card so let’s get right to work and let’s start this is the best way to start now we’ve already the best way to start out was giving our shout out to cheich marinas I mean is that not spectacular work from our guy cheich yeah that’s amazing shout out to cheich I mean cool what was it 40,000 he’s walking away with too I’ve seen a couple different things I saw because they posted that it was 402 uh they posted 422 on their uh on their Twitter but it I looked at the payouts it it was a little lower so I’m not entirely sure what the exact number is if we should trust their to but it was a nice sum of cash for our friend a cheich mar shout out to cheich and fat Wall-E both in the recent days Cashing Out gigantic huge yeah our guys uh I love to see it and speaking of cashing out how we start Today’s Show is with a little of this game one on today’s Board St St St St St Brian Del Cruz over one and a half bases and I have faded and I still won’t we we we banned the term that you use for him it’s his initials it’s his initials I’ve been pretty good about not saying it you’ve been very good and I respect that I respect that very very much Brian beo seven and five 5.55 ra 1.47 do you would you like his ra to dip under five before you give your child the last name beo or that’s fine because Roy holiday had the one year where he had a SE 6.98 ra yeah I I’d prefer his career ra be down in the threes that would be ideal but Edward beo could make it all up for it so we’ll see were you shocked that the weak the meek the light hitting Blue Jays destroyed them in his last start I was not surprised no no uh he’s not been good recently uh though there is optimism around uh Mr beo today there is some optimism do does the line uh feel that way no I’ll tell you that now because uh we we have a reverse Ro line movement and the Red Sox are facing a lefty who I’ve said all year uh that they are not good against U I don’t know but Jimmy here how about this how about this Jimmy here’s what he said sure it’s a new season it’s a start of a new season for me that’s how I’m treating it I’ve done a lot of work to get back to being successful to set up the rest of the year mentally the break was good for me I feel more relaxed right now and I have confidence in myself I believe in Brian beo now am I betting him today no I would say the same thing today if I was down 40 units on the Seas right I would say the same thing i’ say yeah I’m down 40 units on the year but you know what it’s July 3 today it’s a new month and I believe in my it’s all trash it’s all garbage it’s all garbage here now talk to me about lefties because the Red Sox are hitting 275 816 Ops since June 1st first lefties a lot of your uh pre-season expectations have come through you’ve been excellent with with with how you thought things were going to bang out this year not necessarily with Red Sox vers lefties do you still believe that the Red Sox struggle against lefties or have the statistics now proven otherwise see the the the most interesting part about me thinking that is that pre-season it’s like who the [ __ ] going to hit on this team it’s like we have Tyler O’Neal that can hit uh a righty and I can hit and that was basically it and we didn’t expect the Conor Wong to be uh the best uh average hitting catcher in baseball apparently right now sedan sedon rafhaela to be uh everything we need more in life and jiren Duran though he’s a lefty he is having one of the best seasons in baseball uh so yeah I’m a little surprised at how well they’re hitting uh as a team in general and like you said 100 25 weighted runs created plus against lefties uh this month full season they’re 14th out 106 honestly still a little surprising but I you know the the line does make me feel like uh there might struggle here today I’ll tell you that I am fascinated by this baseball game and I have bet it I have bet it we should talk about what happened yesterday because I did go uh I did go two and four it was an ugly day Braves minus one lost twins cashed Mariners first five lost Detroit Minnesota first five under four two going in the fifth lost uh San Diego Texas under seven and a half cashed and the Padre’s lost so two and four but lost them big that was a juicy loss on the Braves minus one payer life says all the under betters lost yesterday I went one in one in my totals with the unders but uh nice work for paying her life getting that cash uh so I have moved on the Miami Marlins it was one of the rare times where I was given a better line at 365 and it hasn’t changed I’m on here right now it’s still plus one oh maybe it has changed sorry let me uh try this again yes it has changed it’s gone back down 10 cents so I got it at plus 120 it is now plus 110 for the Marlins let’s see what Pinnacle has done with it a pinnacle here they’ve moved it to so we’re having we have a first half move and I’m sure a full game move as well yes plus 11 now is the first five over at Pinnacle uh let’s get into the weather let’s get into the weather here oh wait are we in uh Florida no need for that my bad let’s get into the line history here for this one we have the Miami Marlins right now at plus 114 opened up at plus 128 14c move uh towards the Miami Marlins and when we get to the total we are sitting here with an 8 and a half 114 to the under now this opened up at eight and it moved up to 8 and a half so there is implied volatility in this one beo last start only got through two and a third and that 94 loss at home versus the Jays on the road he struggled 5-2 5.10 ER 256 opponents batting average 40ks and 14 walks Trevor Rogers has bad numbers yes but he’s been quite good in the last month now he beat the Phillies in Philadelphia and you know that was a Phillies lineup that you know you kind of take with GR Assa because you’re missing Bryce Harper uh but he took care of him six Innings three in runs it was a quality start you know he struggled on the road too I don’t really care what I do care about is the Red Sox are hitting 275 816 vers lefties the Marlins are only hitting 217 594 vers righties uh both bullpens are being quite good but that does concern me that’s the only thing that doesn’t correlate with my action but when you’re getting a plus 120 on the first five maybe not everything is going to correlate properly and that’s what I figured right now we have 94% tickets 95% of cash on the over we’ve moved a half run in that direction and we have 78% of the tickets and 91% of the cash on the Boston Red Sox despite this move to the Marlins MLB spreadsheet play of the day dog another Casher last night for Ronnie Crawford doing a spectacular work a humans work from Ronnie Crawford I’ll be copy and pasting everything here Troy torren also saying under in Casey easy easy um yeah I get it I get it I just couldn’t I just couldn’t pull the trigger and that’s fine I I I can let that one go are you moving on this game before we move on to game two Jose bouquet I don’t think I am uh 94% of the bets and 95% of the money on the over in this game um and it went from8 minus 115 to just 8 minus 120 at our friends I bet online um does kind of make me feel like beo might have a good start here today well Pine has moved at eight and a half uh it has not no let me I’ll refresh my site here again just just in case because obviously who knows it might have been a second since I’ve refreshed uh 8 minus 125 uh yeah eight minus 120 actually on the site wow okay that’s interesting uh okay sorry continue on yeah so that that’s a little worrisome but uh if I had to play anything I’d lean where Morgan Spooner is leaning in this game Tyler O’Neal destroys lefties that’s why the Red Sox signed him so uh I’d lean that way to take a prop with him and uh by the way just to answer your question Billy friederick I won’t answer your first question but your second question if we need both questions answered this is obviously my shirt it’s a great shirt great shirt I made it with Helga you know of course come on uh but it’s scary it’s getting it’s obviously the Royals I’m not worried about they’re a half game back of the Royals right now it’s the Astros Seattle Mariners combo that’s uh making me roll my eyes uh here because one of those teams obviously going to win the division and then the other one is going to be left fighting for the wild card spot Astros are three games back everyone thinks they’re going to come back and win that division uh so we have to deal with the Mariners so I’ve gone back and forth with all this but yes I do think the Red Sox still make the playoffs and you know losing the Mariners first five you know Grayson Rodriguez shoving on the road was disappointing but I I cannot believe believe now you’re right that the Yankees are going to to add on uh you know that’s a for sure the we think that it’ll be really easy for the Orioles too because they’ve got the stocked farm system yeah they just have to they need the desire to yeah but I even the orals are now plus 110 so they were plus 140 when I moved on I can when I look at these two rosters I can’t even believe they could be a dog I can’t believe they could be a dog and I beat myself up for not backing Ashcraft yesterday yesterday U so TJ did move on the over in this one a lot of talk about the over uh in this one uh it’s not one of TJ’s Best Bets and he’ll be joining us here shortly 62.2% TJ’s hitting on the you know that makes me feel good makes me feel good because we bring him in because we tell everybody look he’s here to make us money and he’s done exactly that with a 4-9 start to the year yeah that’s important it’s important you know when you believe in somebody for them to you know deliver is Von Polo also on the over all right we move on so that’s my first spot on the board Marlin’s first five at plus 120 at the time was plus 117 a pinnacle plus1 12365 we move on 6:40 p.m. Eastern to Chicago white sock 24 and 63 8 and 34 on the road at the Cleveland Guardians 53 and 30 27 and9 at home R Progressive Field in Cleveland Ohio hovic schizzle let’s get into the weather here in the land we have 92 Fahrenheit feels like 96 hot for those workers in Cleveland our guy exal HVAC a hot so stay cool uh there in Cleveland for all you guys working so hard for your cash 92 Fahrenheit feels like 96 uh 12.6 miles per hour left to right and slightly out 12.6 down to 116 let’s get into the line history here for this one this total sitting at Pinnacle at 8 and a half opened up at 8 and a half dropped to eight got back up to 8 and a half then dropped to eight again but it’s sitting at eight and a half right now so we’ve had zero movement no movement at all on the total uh well it’s back I should say there’s been movement but it’s back to where it started we have the Guardians at minus 182 you know they opened up at minus 171 and the lines moved in their direction we heard yesterday we already heard yesterday that our friend Billy Friedrich was moving on the White Socks today so I’ve been very keeping a very close eye on this spot when we go to the first five there is a big price difference Guardians are now minus 155 here at this is BET online because I can’t get the first five line movement at Pinnacle so there’s been on the first five there’s been a 5cent move towards the white socks the question is what’s Gavin Williams going to give us here he’s missed the entire season due to Elbow discomfort he had one start in akan allowed one earn run in five innings didn’t walk B then they moved him up to Columbus and Triple A’s had five starts there and he’s only thrown 12 Innings he’s not looked well I shouldn’t say he’s not looked that you know he hasn’t looked very good eight earn runs 10 runs overall eight earned in just 12 Innings a 20K seven walks 1.75 whip East car Caroline the pirate so shout out to the ear old brothers first round pick 23rd overall in the 2021 draft and I don’t know what Gavin Williams is going to give us I don’t know so uh Brahma B says Gavin Williams being waiting for this day Lee Davis leading to the under gifted cartel on White Sox first five plus a half plus a half uh Troy torren say guardians couldn’t cover the Run line for your boy yesterday so Jose Gavin Williams is a question mark right now Eric fedy you know he had this phenomenal record at home but he hadn’t been home for five starts five straight starts on the road and I had a feeling that he was going to not deliver now we still cashed that first five under four and a half very thankfully because Gavin Stone through a complete game and we’ll be talking a shut out so we’ll be talking about Gavin Stone here at the end of the card but uh fedy didn’t look that good he’s not been that good on the road you know he’s he’s a he’s a really good pitcher this year someone I believed in for a long time it’s cost me a lot of money one and two 4.47 ra on the road 257 opponent’s batting average U uh Lee Davis say fetty one in one 2.25 last three Road starts yeah he’s he’s he’s you know uh gift cartel says uh Williams won’t make it to pitch count white socks first five guardians whole game Mr heat says White Sox been playing Cleveland tough this year a White Sox versus Ry since June 1st 218 645 Ops Guardians 254 752 big Advantage there Guardians Bullpen has been a lead all season long since June 1st 2.66 ER 1.12 whip while the White Sox bullpen now TJ and I said it on the show and we were you know laughed at we said the White Soxs Bullpen is pitching better they’re pitching good they can even be believed in at times since June 1st 4.34 ra 1.35 whip a little bit more impressive a little bit more impressive let’s take a look at the cash flow in this spot on the cash flow we have 86% of tickets 97% of the cash on the Cleveland Guardians and on the total we have 95% of tickets and 95% of cash on the over Jose what the hell’s Gavin Williams GNA do in my leaving money on the table not being on the white sock first five plus a half take it away yeah I was kind of leaning that way as well uh Gavin Williams rehab starts uh um he went to Triple A and he had six starts he actually went to double a for one of them which is kind of interesting so he started off one inning but he gave up two hits and two runs uh interesting on a home run two in a third three hits three ear runs three Innings three hits two earn runs on a home run uh then he got crushed a little bit one and two3 three hits two earn runs four KS one hit by a pitch and a walk there and by the way these are uh other ones are 5Ks two walks and 2K two walks there so not the control we’re looking for he went down to double a and then dominated five innings four hits Warner and run four KS no walks then got pulled back up to Triple A one more time for a four inning three hit one earn run sixk two walk performance there so those last two starts are very interesting to me just to be just to get his confidence back and get him back in a in a sort of Rhythm I do like the White Sox first five here really um but I don’t think I like get enough to move on it um have we had any movement on the money line on Pinnacle you said or sorry I always forget which that there’s been a move to the Guardians there’s never been a move to the white socks but it’s only 10 cents yeah no I probably will just stay off uh I like fetty but um white sock are still the worst hitting team against ry’s full season and last month they you know not really that good 81 weighted runs created plus but they weren’t last so no action for me huh I do feel like fetty is in an okay spot but Naylor gets to him Quan gets to him both Naylor Brothers have hit jack off of them you know Jose Ramirez doesn’t though that’s all you need you need to be able to get Jose Ramirez out you know Quan will get on base and Naylor can bring him home but uh yes Lee Davis movement uh well movement everywhere uh towards the white so first five I I don’t see how white so first five plus a half isn’t shouldn’t be on the card honestly it’s not expensive uh and by the way uh fetty has faced the Guardians this year twice now um first time was at the Guardians it was his third start of the season five innings four hits five runs four of them earned on three home runs and then he went uh Guardians at home six shutout Innings uh six hits three KS no walks um but yeah again I like the white socks they just can’t move on it unfortunately not enough confidence I guess I think I can you know I I think I I think that I can uh where did I put oh P because Pig milk wasn’t what was Pig milk isn’t fetty even though he told us he was on it right where did I copy and paste Pig milk first 5004 and a half okay um you know what uh let’s TJ’s on the next game let’s not move to it let’s have him come in here and tell us his thoughts on this white socks guardan because I’m thinking of sending it in right now uh please welcome we got Upstate New York in the house uh delivering 62.2% on the season here with us and that’s starting out 4 and N which means he’s 24 and8 in his last 32 bet 22.22% Roi average line minus 109 please welcome our friend TJ to The Telecast TJ how are you I’m doing good how are you guys we are good my friend what do you think of white talk first five plus a half before we move on to your Best Bets um I have the first five almost dead even so I have Cleveland with like a02 run favorite so I think first five plus a half is a good bet um depending on the juice I wasn’t paying attention right there before why have you not bet it um there’s not enough of an edge for me that’s it it’s just value what is your expectation of Gavin Williams here uh I think he does you know five innings two runs I just don’t think I don’t trust the white socks offense still enough um because I think fetty holds him down too actually would like the under a lot more than picking a side here and I’d go full game under cuz we have talked about the bullpens for the white socks starting to pitch a little better uh I mean I think the the values on the white socks at the price um but I don’t know if I’d want to cut that I’d have to dig into that one deeper to be honest I know that’s not good analysis um I’d have to see who they used yesterday out of the pen and the again the full game dropped eight a few times and would come back up to eight and a half huh okay um Jose set up the Cardinals set up the Cardinals Pirates game uh here for us I’m going to move on the white sock first five plus a half and get it in and I’m G to put the under here and the I’m going to put the under here as a as a possible here so I’m going to I would like just to get this bet in I do think that this line will move continue to move towards White sock firsts 5 and I and I the minus 104 it’s crucial to keep this the big down low possible I don’t think I’ll be able to if I wait so uh we have best bet time from our guy TJ uh take it away Jose set it up for TJ yeah so let’s start talking about this Cardinals Pirates game good pitching match up very sneaky good pitching matchup here with Miles Michaels versus DED Jones so I remember very clearly miles michaelis’s start against the Pittsburgh Pirates last time out well it wasn’t I guess his last timeout but his last appearance against them seven Innings one hit ball six KS one walk there against Paul SK I remember it well because I thought he was going to get touched up there and it was the day that we talked about how he’s one of the leaders in in location plus when it comes to pitching and it was pretty uh crazy to see that he’s uh locating all of his pitches uh just doesn’t have the super stuff behind it but very interesting nonetheless so Jared Jones um one of my favorite pitchers this year honestly it was one of these things that I was immediately right about which was kind of nice that I saw him pitch like twice I was like oh he’s the best pitcher on the Pirates that’s not even close uh and then lo and behold Paul skines comes up but uh seven Innings three hits two earn runs last time for him against Tampa Bay eight case three walks coming off of a rough start in Colorado and I believe that was his first start in Colorado as well so I give him a pass for that Tampa Bay not a horrible team but you know still not good in a seven inning two hit two earn run performance against them he’ll accept every time um and Michael is by the way coming off of getting rocked in his own right as well four in a third 12 Hits 10 runs nine of them earned on only one home run so just getting bad around in those four and a third Innings which is not ideal but I do think he can bounce back against a team he’s already dominated once truthfully and this under is kind of screaming but let’s talk about the splits for the money line first 72% of the bets on the Pirates but only 48% of the money on them so bigger bets on those Cardinals there with 28% of the bets and 52% of the money on them this money line went from minus 120 to minus 122 minus 123 at beted online for the Pirates here so not much movement slight movement towards the Pirates interestingly enough and for the total 90% of the bets and 88% of the money on the over uh kind of like all the over bets in this in these games recently uh and this went from 8 minus 110 and is now 8us 125 to the over and other places are starting to show the eight and a halfs here as well so very interesting TJ I’d love to hear your thoughts on this game before before we hand it over to TJ uh I do want CU I left money on the table not being on Oakland A’s yesterday and I broke down why I wanted to I I thought that Sorano would be out of his rhythm and it’s okay to get talked off when these things happen uh here TJ we have Jones skipping his last start to keep his Innings down this is different than Sorano having an abdomen infection and being on the iil for 15 days but his last start was June 22nd and and I just want that to be touched on as well uh the only other real difference here cards versus righty since June 1st 257 732 Pirates 224 661 so the cards have the advantage there and then the cards have the advantage in the bullpen 2.71 ra 1.15 whip since June 1 while the Pirates are 4.57 1.29 but but start with the pitchers and start with Gerald Jones missing it being skipped in his last start and take it away TJ M man so I will admit um this is one of the areas that I’m not super knowledgeable on or or I don’t think there’s a ton of insight that they will talk about openly about missing a start or um you know how that affected them we can obviously see it in the results sometimes and you’ve been spot on in a couple ones that I’ve I felt I’ve fallen for but um if I was to guess being that he’s so young and this is his first year um and I think the hype of um being at home you know where he’s pitched very well I would I would be surprised to see him come out sluggish I mean some of it has to do with he went seven innings in his last start um you know and if they’re trying to keep his pitch count down there that would be the time to rest somebody he when he’s had other longer starts so he went six Innings on May 16th and May 22nd he had a poor outing the next game you know four and a third five runs at Detroit that’s a really bad start so maybe some of that logic went into it um yeah that’s kind of what I gather from that no I that’s a good answer so take it away you tweeted out your action to lock in the line you’re moving on the first five under uh let’s talk about oh and by the way Pinnacle money line movement uh and I think the the market had a real good sense of michelas when when when it starts moving in the opposite direction of michelas he gets lit up when the total skyrocketing he gets touched and then when it’s a surprise this Line’s not moving situation michelis delivers uh with this cash flow on the money line the Cardinals are the sharp action 28% of the tickets and 52% of the cash and this line is not moved is right back to exactly where it started on the full game at – 119 for TJ’s action on the first five under 4 and a half this opened up at four it wasn’t a real four it was minus 123 to the over plus 107 to the under so then it moved to four and a half it was never a like a real four and a half at that point this is all like around last night and midnight goes back to four again not a legit four back to four and a half uh so this there was a point where it was 4 and a half plus 102 to the over and minus 117 to the under right now it’s under four and a halfus 120 so I take that as really no movement on the first five you know whether it be four or four and a half take it away TJ your plan yeah so obviously I got that minus 115 I’m good with that um but I want to talk about the Cardinals offense just a little bit I’m GNA move this over here so it looks like I’m looking at the screen um so their last seven days they’ve obviously been struggling and that’s a really small sample size but let’s talk about the right-handed pitches that they faced in those seven days hunter green one run Carson Spire one run Frankie montz one run radoo Lopez two runs right so so yeah Lopez has been really good but montz spes and green those guys are all hitable especially um you know um oh those were at home I apologize for that uh for Cincinnati but um the last seven days second to worst in baseball and weighted runs creat plus Ops and woba full season on the road they’re bottom 10 um actually bottom eight uh offense on the Road there and then like I said those last five righties to start against them have a 228 combined ER and a 0.98 whip um and one of the biggest reasons I think that Jones is going to be fine here is he’s got a strikeout rate of nearly 27% uh the Cardinals are the worst team in baseball um against B against pitchers with a strikeout rate over 24% um dead last in their expected earn runs and uh dead last and whip um so the pitchers the pitchers that strike him out really do well you look at Jared Jones at home you know I know he got beat up a little bit at Colorado I’m going to give him a pass for that but in his three previous starts ra of two with a 1.17 whip um All Season at home 2.2 ra 1.06 Whip and then you look at uh his pitch mix you know he throws 50% uh foring fast balls and about 36% sliders and um the Cardinals against those pitches are 27th and 20th ranked in baseball so I think it’s safe to say I can at least get five innings out of Jared Jones of solid work one maybe two runs at most um now we go to Pittsburgh we know they have a horrible offense you know the last 14 days dead last in baseball at home sorry the last 30 days at home dead lost in baseball um second to last on the full season at home so I don’t think we can expect much of that to change mikis against him or Michaelis against him as Jose touched on a little bit but even going back to his last three starts he’s averaging six inning pitched 204 ER and a 1.1 whip um and that’s right in line with what he’s doing on the road lately he you know he held Houston to two runs over six Innings one run pitching into the seventh against the Cubs um so he he’s pitched a lot better on the road than at home um and then you go to his pitch mix too which I think is an important stat a lot of people don’t look at you know 53 sorry 78% of his pitches are sliders fast ball sinkers and on the season the Pirates are 30th 21st 19th against those pitches um so I think everything lines up just for both pitchers to shove here and uh that’s why the first five under is my look um I don’t want to trust the bull pins for the full game so just a lot of data that just points to offenses being terrible and both pitchers shoving yeah and they have I mean obviously well not obviously but Jones has not faced the Cardinals so there’s nothing there and then Michael is you know has has pretty decent numbers you know against everybody but Reynolds and rock and Rowdy tles interesting Jose buket your plan yeah I think I’ll just join TJ on the first five under I was just trying to decide full game or first five here um the Cardinals oh all right he gone looks like we lost um young Jose bouet who sounded like he was going to join him I mean I think this makes sense to me your breakdown here um it was just a ski start for Jared Jones and you’re right he’s pitching at home so oh we got Jose back in business Jose are you back oh no we have lost Jose okay uh so yeah uh Big O by the way moving here on Wimbledon there’s our guy who banging Sports Talk DJ Big Boss in the house uh whom uh whom we love dearly we love dearly here and and he did he did give us a thirst uh a thirst for older women uh we uh it’s TJ now now you know not all take us to the next level but he did give us a thirst for older women and we do need uh to add some new ones here um I don’t know if she qualifies as older Jose do you count her as an older woman uh uh you know there surgery does a lot of things for a lot of people no you’re right you’re right uh Jose you were talking about that first five under take it away yeah first five under I’m going to join you TJ the bullpens were used up a little bit yesterday like I expect Hensley to be able to go today if needed but he threw 17 pitches yesterday and I just would rather have my bullpens fresh and ready to go so uh first five under joining there with you four and a half I’ve got minus 123 wow and this is another spot where I’m you know just feels like 365 a little late moving this one because it’s five cents better than it is at Pinnacle which is a rarity so I’m GNA get the same number that TJ tweeted out which surprises me uh okay well uh I’m gonna lock this in I’m gonna lock this in I do it now because four and a half is getting starting to get Juiced under really quick now uh Jose and I this next game is such an interesting cap that I really want to be involved in and I almost moved on at pregame so uh I’m gonna be listening intently to Jose’s setup here for uh Mets Nationals uh TJ you skip a game and then you have the next two in a row so don’t leave let’s have you here for this um because TJ has got Best Bets on Red’s Yankees and then Astros Blue Jays and Astros Blue Jays will be will be a four-headed mon monster because Debby cab will be with us as well so uh Jose great leading to the last game due again here with Mets Nats I’m going to move on this right now you’re muted Bud [ __ ] muted God damn it I’m having a hell of a show to start this off uh Mets Nationals um I mean shout out to Morgan Spooner we we’ve talked about uh the regression monster many a times and how you know the Mets sure they’re really good against lefties right now and sure full season they’re really good as well but they’re hitting them like really really good like almost to a point that it’s you know unsustainable uh sure they score five runs in the 10th inning uh but you know and actually I’m looking at the wrong day right no I am looking at the right day they they was thinking up the Astros I guess that scored those five runs the other day but they score five runs in the 10th inning but DJ Herz pitched well Lefty so it’s it’s an interesting thing there so just be aware I can still give you the the Mets numbers against lefties and even if I shorten them to just uh like the last two weeks I guess from the 23rd not not even two weeks I guess week and a half 23rd to the 7th or to today the Mets will still be 135 weighted runs graded plus very good but I just would say proceed with caution because again Mitchell Parker has has been one of my guys throughout the year that I’ve backed I like him a lot I think he’s a very good Lefty and and I’ve said at this point several times about how I think there’s a the Nationals put so much resources into uh bringing back Patrick Corbin that there was a trickle down effect and made all these other lefties pretty good um his last start five innings six hits two ear in runs against Tampa Bay at Colorado six Innings four earn runs not bad and against the Miami Marlins who we know can’t let lefties he did what they do six Innings six hits one ear run there so uh I respect Mitchell Parker enough to not uh fade him here and go with the Mets on the other side Christian Scott uh is we’ve seen him a few times now in the majors he’s being brought back up here uh which is always interesting he didn’t pitch poorly when he was up uh he had five starts uh five innings four hits two are in runs six Innings two hits two were in runs uh he kind of got touched up against the Marlins and the Braves but overall just had pretty decent numbers um and now they’ve brought him back up in the minor leagues by the way while he was down there he had four starts yeah and all of them were good all one earn run five innings one earn run four Innings one earn run basically the whole time as well so you know maybe if you can stomach betting another under here you can consider it with uh 98 8% of the bets and money on the under in this or sorry excuse me on the over in this game this uh is a eight and a half bet online and has not moved uh was Juiced to the over minus 118 now minus 120 but really not much movement at all at bet online even with all that money on the over which is not really surprising it does make me more interested in the under excuse me there but um 75% of the bets and 70% of the money on the metropolitans here here and this was a minus 130 line going up to minus 134 so again very limited movement actually now up to minus 142 got to refresh my site again to keep these line movements fresh because these things move quickly here so this will move to minus 142 uh I think about like 30 minutes ago actually so uh it is moving kind of briskly now towards the Mets but again I respect Mitchell Parker enough to not uh fade him here um maybe it’s another situation where the Nationals Bullpen implodes on them again but I do I can easily see both these guys having a good start uh first five under was semi-interesting and by the way uh just so everyone you know were on the same page first five line movement here was a minus 115 to the over four and a half now minus 113 to the over so yeah first five under I wouldn’t hate in this game either but I don’t have any action thus far TJ thoughts um yeah this would have been a play for me uh if I if the line had not moved I bet the Mets at minus 123 as soon as I saw it this morning um I will continue to ride the Mets I’ve bet him every game for I don’t know going on 10 11 games um I’m not going to try to catch a falling knife there I mean Washington has to score to win right last night they should have won the game but they couldn’t get three runs against righties they have the lowest hard hit percentage in baseball the lowest Barrel percentage in baseball over the last 30 games one of the highest ground ball rates in baseball over the last 30 games right I know their batting average is okay they’re on base percentage is okay but it’s all singles and they don’t drive each other in so they have to get on they have to steal second you know which you saw them try to do yesterday um in extras and then I know that the Mets got held down uh you know by Herz there um but against left-and and pitching we’ve talked about it for days they’re obviously crushing and what did they do in Extra Innings against uh what was his name Garcia Lefty they just rocked him um so I I’m not I’m not going to stop doing something that’s been profitable until it’s not profitable um so that was a no-brainer for me first bet I made today you know that makes sense I you know this is a much different line than we saw yesterday I think that this is more appealing because Mitchell Parker’s being you know so good at home and so good against lefties did you know I I had no concern fading scoo ball none zero against the twins on Tuesday and I don’t see why I would have any concern fading Parker uh you know the Clark Edge says the Shady Line’s been cashing like crazy yesterday Mets look I mean TJ I was right about the Mets yesterday I was right look I I didn’t move on it and you guys who were on the Mets you got paid but that line was people were you know it was set up so that they would take all Mets money and the Mets did nothing against Herz and and I don’t know how much they do against Mitchell Parker here but I think that the angle isn’t Mets vers lefties the angle’s more the gats can’t hit the Mets have advantages you know whether it be the bullpen whether it be you know Mets versus lefties NS vers righties you know just you know littered throughout this game I I think the Mets have advantages so and I don’t mind now the line moved in the Mets Direction you know pretty heavy yesterday but this opens up with them at minus 126 you know as a clear favorite I mean don’t forget TJ got the Mets at plus 104 yesterday I mean that’s mindboggling yeah and and that that’s just to me that’s you know and you made it through and and I and I love it you know I want you to get paid and I I mean at my – 120us 125 I definitely like the Mets a lot you a lot more I should say a lot more than minus 140 you know I would definitely be more interested there as well and and yeah you’re right TJ I mean I I’ve been on the Mets quite a few times as well I haven’t been betting them every day but like you’re you’re right they’ve just been one of the best hitting teams in baseball for the last two weeks um and by the way I don’t know why JD Martinez uh wasn’t in the line IPS I don’t know if it was injur injury related or what I’m sure there’s a Mets fan in the chat that can let us know but obviously he’s very good we need him in the lineup but let us know about that as well yeah I don’t have any info on that one um yeah that’s I just don’t think we we NE we can focus on the starters and we can focus on the bullpens but in the end you have to score runs to win games and uh I just don’t trust the Nats to get more than three you know I probably agree with that and by the way Jimmy this is one of your favorite spots you know a guy gets pulled down after starting in in the majors for a while and then gets called right up again you know this is his chance to you know strut his stuff when a spot here Etc you know maybe not familiarly the same but it the difference is that he wasn’t pitching badly yeah I like I’d prefer that because then everybody sees the 5.7 ER and the 1.4 Whip and bait him so that the Christian Scott remember the Mets had a bunch of off days they had so many off days where they weren’t going to need five pitchers going that was the reason why he was sent down uh you know that’s what they claim was the reason that that they sent them down Morgan SP says left ankle soreness for JD Martinez Chris Mack backing that up okay so I’m gonna I’m gonna bet the Mets on the minus one line again uh I I don’t care if I push in you guys cash that that just doesn’t concern me at all I need to keep Vig down to a minimum and I should have moved on this earlier but I did want to talk it out I find this way way more appealing than yesterday because yesterday you had Herz who we knew was better than his numbers indicated today we have Mitchell Parker who everybody sees is is the Ace of the N staff and he’s magic at home and their bigger favorite like this this is way way way more appealing uh for me here okay so let’s uh let’s set up this next spot for TJ and then we have dabby cab and TJ in our next game so I’ve moved on the Red’s first five plus a half at plus 102 in this one Gerald Jones has given us the over eight and a half Cincinnati Reds 40 and 45 20 and 22 on the road to the Yankees 54 and 33 24 and 15 at home Yankee Stadium in the Bronx New York and let me just say this again I cannot believe the Orioles are still plus money to win the division I I can’t I can’t believe it like I cannot believe it when I look at these rosters when I watch these teams play every day I mean to me there’s a clear favorite like a clear as day but I’m happy to get the plus 140 plus 110 right now at 360 yeah I agree with that yep I just it’s it’s just look at that lineup I mean H okay let’s move on to the weather 79 Fahrenheit 12.9 miles per hour right to left very slightly in uh stays between 12.9 and 11 miles per hour let’s get into the line history here for this one we have the Yanks at minus 178 uh that’s really where this has been it’s been within 10 cents non-stop but we have the one-cent move to the Cincinnati Reds let’s get to the total here in this one from a total standpoint we have an eight and a half this is juice to the over uh this did have a cup of coffee at 9ine I believe did it not yes it did I caugh wasn’t a real nine around 10:00 a.m. I caught juice so much that they put it up to nine minus 119 to the under uh so overall though there’s been a seven Cent move to the over and a one-cent move to the Reds the weather oh we did the weather Yankee let’s go to the cash flow uh cash flow in this spot 87% of tickets 88% of the cash on the Yankees and on the total we have 97% of tickets and 96% of cash on the over we have two lefties on the mound one is in my estimation pitching better and better and the other we’re just watching him struggle here and it’s not that Carlos rhon can’t bounce back but he’s now having multiple ugly starts last one he let the Jays hit him get 10 hits off him Two Jacks eight earn runs at home his numbers are better than they are on the road 3.86 ER 235 opponent batting average but at this point now the only thing the Yankees have over the Reds in mytim maybe I’m just you know putting them down too low is soo and judge that’s it so I still want to cut it down to five innings because they’re clearly the best two B I mean by far the best maybe the best two bats in the league I mean I’m sure Otani would have something to say about that but they’re that that’s why I moved it to five because I have the Reds Bullpen far better than the Yankees bullpen in June in the beginning of July the reds are raking lefties 292 781 Ops while the Yankees are just 239 746 Ops and Andrew Abbott I think there’s an advantage on the mound for the Reds five innings two in runs 2ks six walks 114 win at the Cardinals a 3.48 ER on the road 208 opponent’s batting average I I just I can’t believe I was offered plus money with the plus a half first five for the Reds take it away for us shout out to razor sharp pick man thank you for jumping with us my man go get that cash today Von Polo on Cincinnati Professor Chris says his model is the Yankees minus 173 so no bet for him uh Billy fer says I think rhon shoves today I just don’t think this is the right lineup for him to shove against they’re smashing lefties let’s hear TJ’s Best Bet uh and then Jose take it right uh take over the hosting part unless I have a question ask because I’m going to get my Mets bet in while we’re breaking this down so uh and Justin mcel says he’s behind because his dog just bit his neighbor that’ll happen uh still on the Cardinals breakdown that’ll happen Justin great to have you back uh take it away TJ best bet yeah um I’m with you there um this is not my best bet for the show but I did bet Cincinnati plus one full game um because I think they get to rodon but my best bet for the show is going to focus on the first five here and um I like you I don’t see any sign that Ron’s going to turn it around I think he’s probably dealing with some fatigue started the season well he’s an older guy and he’s just in a downward SP spiral um I mean he’s given up eight seven and five his last three games to two of those were offenses that are really really bad Atlanta um they’re one of the worst offenses versus oh I’m sorry they’re okay versus lefties I take that back um but yeah eight seven and five his pitch mix um the reds are middle of the pack to above average against his pitch mix um and then the the most concerning thing for me if I’m backing the Reds here or if I’m fading the Yankees um is that vers righties the uh Ron’s given up a 1.2a whip 4.52 X FIP and a 344 woba so he’s got some splits um righties are getting to him and you potentially have nine righties in the lineup today for um for Cincinnati you you got two Switch Hitters and then all those righties they’re very Ry heavy so um the last 30 Days on the Road Cincinnati’s a top five offense you know the last like you said 14 and 30 days versus left- handies leanders are crushing them so I think Cincinnati gets theirs but I also think the Yankees get theirs too um I don’t have as much faith in Abbot in this one I do like him as a pitcher but um you know they the Yankees really struggled and Rizzo and Stanton went down um the League’s like well we just don’t have to pitch to stto and judge and what are you going to do about it um but the rest of the guys will be starting hit a little better they’re starting to turn it around a little bit better um you know they got to Kikuchi the other day for four runs in five innings and so you look at um Abbott and he’s got terrible splits versus righties as well he’s so much better against lefties which is normal but you know the Yankees could send seven you know six probably seven righties out there and um probably the most concerning part is that he throws 55% fast balls and the Yankees are number five not only on the season but last 30 against the fastball um so you know judge home run I’m not a home run prop uh better I don’t think the odds are ever worth it but if I was going to bet one today it’d be judged to hit one out um I think both both offenses go early I trust Cincinnati pin late so I’m on the first five over four and a half here um I think it’s minus 115 is the other thing is both pitchers have two of the lowest the highest flyball rates um going today in the league you know so you got the short porch you got two guys that give up a lot of fly balls I think that’s going to equal runs and it’s something to consider too yeah that is um appealing what was the cash flow on the over the cash flow of 97 and 96 I get it uh Jose first five yeah just first five over for me and I will line shop here for this uh Jose take it away yeah so I mean I want to F the Yankees here too I really do last time out I said it was against the Blue Jays actually I said this was Ron’s final stand for me if he doesn’t pitch well then I’m just not going to believe him anymore and he got crushed by the Blue Jays um so yeah I want the the Reds here as well and I think this will be my dog shot of the day I guess I mean yesterday unfortunately a pitching change took my diamond back bets out and Jimmy by the way that’s top five worst text you’ve ever sent me right there that’s I was in the top five that really hurt my feelings uh though they only they lost 65 uh it really hurt my feelings still um but I like the Reds here today and I will take them um I just need again determine the the almighty question is always first five or full game uh for these bets Bullpen wise real quick let’s go over it Luke Weaver 30 pitches yesterday he not going uh Caleb Ferguson 20 Tommy Canley and Jake cousins all three through yesterday 16 pitches for cousins and Canley I expect everyone except for Weaver to be available today um and Clay Holmes hasn’t thrown since Saturday so fresh Yankees Bullpen will probably just end up being on a first five as well and uh Jimmy you said you had a plus a half that’s plus money I mean how was that’s very appealing I mean how is that not so uh plus 108 for me uh yeah don’t forget Yankees Bullpen they may be fresh but they’re the worst bullpen in baseball of the last 14 and 30 they’ve been so bad they’re so bad I just wonder when that’s going to change I think it will and I I agree wholeheartedly it’s been hilarious to watch Kay Holmes and Company [ __ ] all over their pants it’s been a big surprise to see them do that okay uh I got in on the Mets minus one at minus 111 unfortunately I could have got minus 109 at 365 but it moved while I was betting it so it’s okay uh let put in a pinnacle Mikey money in the house red girl in the house the over four and a halfs minus 110 at bookmaker can we beat that anywhere let me just quickly check for this first five over for yeah and by the way I I think I am GNA add a team total over in this game uh as well shout out to n flush I made the I made the team total bet n flush it got canceled out I can’t I can’t do much more unfortunately than that uh but I’ll take the team total here as well you’re right minus 125 it’s not my favorite again taking these juice uh Team totals but I will ride nonetheless three and a halfs are always just very appealing to me we got you worried that the Yankees are you worried the Yankees don’t get theirs because you could get less juice just taking the full game over yeah I am yeah I’d be more concerned because you know ideally in our Ideal World for all of us Reds backers Here Andrew abbit goes five shudy yeah we got the sweaty butcher in the House DC Capper as well truth teller ready to get to work Mikey money nut flush Allen uh so we got TJ with Red’s first five over four and a half at minus10 and then Jose you moved on the Reds first five yep first five plus a half 108 plus 108 and over wow you got a better line than me on the so the line’s moving towards the Yankees wow that is a yeah bet online has plus 108 yeah andus 125 for the team total over three and a half wow it’s moved to s at Pinnacle uh but plus 108 that’s a really nice number there really by the way I will just say that uh Cincinnati obviously very uh pitcher friendly ballpark or sorry hitter friendly ballpark the exact opposite uh a lot of P pitchers hate pitching there rodon has pitched there once and uh he went five in a third seven hits three earn runs there and a home run 5-1 loss there again with the Giants 2022 so just need to make that note of a or we’re actually in New York so never mind never mind also hitter friendly also very hitter friendly yeah okay a half still we are going oh so you are moving on the team total yeah no I’m still on it yeah three and a half minus 125 Red’s team total over three and a half why did you not find that team total appealing DJ uh personally I I would rather just have the both both I’d rather have both offenses and I’m never one to take a you know team total and an over and guessing on which total you know when I think I think either offense can go big here um sure abic and shove I lose my bet team total wins I think it’s a higher likelihood both both teams get runs and Mikey money says that the Yankees under eight and a half is very high on the board for him uh so okay so we’re locked in I’m just going to leave it as is for me Jose got six cents better than me on the first five plus I thought the plus 102 was a steal an absolute steal I really did I’m shocked that you could find six cents better uh Jose’s on the Reds team to over three and a half as well TJ on the Reds first five over four and a half we are locked and loaded let’s welcome our next guest we’re going foreheaded monster for our next guest we have a big one in the Roger Center Toronto Ontario big for the Astros Blue Jays have given up which is great great we’re GNA get paid for our Max bet on the season win total under plus money on that under 87 half wins who who thought they were going to have a good season this year uh please welcome from Dallas Texas the star of medicate Mondays please welcome dabah good dbra the Magic Man in the house dabby how are you good glad to be back in here uh happy to be where the internet you’re in your house yeah in air conditioning it’s nice not sitting in the sun my phone’s not going to overheat ready to get paid here hey don’t look now three and a half games out of first Place Astros are going to [ __ ] around and catch him before the before the All-Star break I was wrong my prediction was was too generous yes but that was a tough loss last night you know they um still 43 and 42 we got to I I would like them to get there quick uh quicker than this I the Mariners still concern me because the Mariners if they get a couple key bats they’re going to be a good-looking Squad now story every year though yeah and they they they pinch pennies over there so I don’t know if if it’s going to work out but let’s get to work here we got Best Bets from TJ and Dabber Kadabra Houston Astros 43 and 42 19 and 23 on the road at the Toronto Blue Jays 39 46 21 and 22 at home where the Roger Center in Toronto Ontario let’s start with the weather in Toronto 80 Fahrenheit 10.2 miles per hour left to right slightly out uh then it becomes just left to right dies down to 8.5 miles per hour beautiful beautiful night here in Toronto let’s get into the line history for this one I got the first five up so why don’t we just take a look at the first five total here right now it’s at four and a half juice to the under opened up minus 114 to the under and then there was a big move to the over at 4 17 in the morning this was plus money to the under four and a half and heavily juice to the over and that lasted until 10 this morning when there was a move back to the under so uh confusing u-shaped movement there uh from a full game spot we have this at eight and a half minus 111 to the under and this got up to nine this got up to nine just once got up to nine and stayed at nine you know not for long for 20 minutes or so back to eight and a half and then it went down to eight got to eight at 10:55 a.m. and this wasn’t a fake eight this was a real eight just minus 112 to the over at that point so overall we’ve had no move two sens of movement to the over but a lot of movement to finalize to get there uh from a cat a money line standpoint on the full game we have the Astros at minus 112 they opened up at plus 103 15 sents of movement towards ronell Blanco and the Houston Astros uh DC Capper on the Astros Roco Rogers on the Astros Andrew G says the cooch needs to shove and increase his trade bit value Billy friedrick looking at bregman total base is over and we got LJ from Houston in the house he is Blanco has a 2.36 ER on the road yes 42 strikeouts in 42 Innings and on the road 187 opponents batting average he’s been great this year Kikuchi just got touched for four earned runs and 165 loss at home versus Yankees he has a 4.30 ER and a 249 opponent batting average at home hasn’t found that domination at home and we have the Astros vers lefties 298 780 Ops since June 1st Jays are not hitting righties 237 689 Ops and the Astros Bullpen another distinct Advantage for them over the Jays allowing 1.28 runs less over nine innings than the Blue Jays let’s take a look at the cash flow here for this spot you have 91% of tickets 88% cash on the over on the money line you have 47% of tickets but 93% of the cash on the Houston Astros uh gifted cartel says Jose called it yesterday Astros today here so uh uh and N flush Allen says if you didn’t give it to me preseason on the future bets then you were not allowed to talk about it I I didn’t message you about it but I certainly told everybody here on the show about it uh but I apologize not I I will I will make sure that you are involved in these slam dunk spots so dabby cab best bet number one for you Astros Blue Jays the floor is yours yeah I know you say you won it uh quicker but I mean they’ve won what 10 out of their last 12 or 10 out of their last 13 games and the Mariners have lost their last three I mean [ __ ] I think the Astros were 28 and 36 at one point so I mean to be sitting here at 43 and 42 that’s a I know we got to get going like it’s it’s nothing’s comfortable yet but that’s a hell of a turnaround and I want to say Jimmy it’s plus 140 now to win the division what did you get in on that at plus 375 okay so I mean I know we want it there quicker but we’re making ends we’re making ends and I think the Astros are going to keep going you know Blanco’s been that guy for him this year um I know he had his tough outing last time out against the Mets but you’re going into a bus all there I was shocked the Astros were able to win two out of three there they had to put up a hell of a lot of runs to do it they were going up against a ton of momentum that the Mets are riding right now and they came out with two wins so you know I’m G to kind of give Blanco the pass on that start um and even though he gave up you know he gave up six runs in that game I think only three of them were earned uh but he was pitching in and out of danger he had Bases Loaded in the first inning and only gave up one run uh there was just a lot of situations where it could have imploded and been even worse uh but even with that 2.49 ER on the season 1.10 whip um you know his numbers are still fantastic and without him imagine where the Astros would be right now without him he’s been their go-to guy I think they get behind him tonight just like they have all season and they win another game that they know they need to win you know Kikuchi and the Astros have a lot of history now it goes back I want to say I don’t have it in front of me but I want to say all the way back to like the [ __ ] covid year because you know when he was with Seattle but kikuchi’s been uh somebody that these Astros have a ton of ton of uh bats against let me see I got the numbers here somewhere I think they have 84 at bats against K I got it at I got it at 99 play appearances 300 average and a one7 Ops yep yep there we go yep exactly so you heard it right here those are the numbers for the current Astros against Kikuchi and uh the only thing that worries me a little bit is that the line’s as low as it is but it is moving towards the Astros so I like that I think the Astros stay hot here I’m not gonna get you know cute and go first five or anything I’m just gonna take the Astros full game uh money line year yeah makes sense did you tweet this out I did not no so okay we’ll line shop for you makes sense now this is just flashbacks of yesterday with the Mets and also Al though this is a little different because who is betting the Jays how could 53% of the tickets come in on the JS how you know the as the books put out Astros at plus money against this soft hitting blue jay Squad everybody in their mama would bet the Astros that that’s my only concern is this just looks too easy uh so dabby cab I’m going the line shop for you TJ take it away Astros jaay yeah this flies into the uh I don’t give a what the spread is um but that uh am blanking on his name for basketball shout to dur guy durl there you go durl yep shout out to durl I mean look at what who the um the Astros have faced also they Rock they got to crochet for three runs but nine hits right they got to skub ball for four runs um you know they they faced some okay lefties but those two nobody’s hitting those guys I know we were confident on the twins yesterday but crochet has been unhitable um you know these guys we can give out all the Astros numbers against lefties which is interesting because they started the season very bad against lefties you know and and they’ve already worked their way right up there um kuchi just in three start or his last three starts since 2021 against this team he’s got an 11 ER 3.4 home runs per nine you can go even back further to his last seven you know I don’t typically factor that a ton but he saw them a lot when he was with Seattle and his ER is over eight with a whip around two um yeah I’m not going to sign up for that and I I don’t know how this Toronto lineup gets to uh Blanco here you know he’s he’s great against righties Toronto’s going to throw six probably seven righties out there um he’s been excellent of late he like like cabbie said only three earned runs going into the six against the Mets that’s not a bad start and then one against Baltimore you know over seven Innings shuts out Detroit over seven one at San Francisco you know those are all very good starts uh his pitch mix the Blue Jays don’t hit fast balls they’re 23rd in baseball he throws that 40% of the time you know he’s faced him twice 1.20 ER and a 0.6 whip um I saw this at plus money yesterday and I put a little on it because I didn’t want to move anything and then I wanted to wait and watch the game and see who Toronto used you know see who Houston used and that game couldn’t worked out better for today’s bet so um I didn’t tweet it out but I’m I’m clearly on uh Houston money line here pretty big um if this wasn’t for show purposes I don’t want something bad to happen I lose four bets but if if I wasn’t I would take Astros team total over I’d take Astros first five I’d take Astros full game um I just think second half of the Season TJ yeah cabie and I don’t talk about this stuff so it’s you know it’s always funny when we come on with the same player correlated plays and they’ve done really well when that happens so confidently on the Astros here yeah and every single every single stat from bullpens to starting pitcher to lineup to every single thing is on leads the Astros so then why the hell did they open up his docks Jose your plan here I kind of want to be the [ __ ] I kind of want to be the [ __ ] because this is so it seems so easy the Astros They smash Kikuchi ronal Blanco no hit these guys earlier in the season it seems so easy I just I just don’t want to bet the Astros here with you know and and I was shocked by the way to see the same thing you were shocked to see 53% of the bets on the Toronto Blue Jays still that is that is who’s betting them says it’s just a bunch of Canadians you know hammered up still from Canada today just betting the Jays each and every day look I I would much rather I I would much to just cheer you guys on in this one and not um put my money down on it I just this is I mean okay let me ask you this let me ask you this Jose could you give me any explanation how the Astros could open up his dogs is it because they’re 19 and 23 on the road no I I I think that Ronald Blanco is a fade in the second half I think he had a great first half and then I think he’s gonna fall off but that I I couldn’t tell you why really I think Kikuchi is is a good pitcher he hasn’t faced the Astros um in two years I believe it is since 2022 and you know obviously like you guys have mentioned he’s been [ __ ] destroyed in all those starts um but after 2022 he kind of became a new pitcher you know he kind of really found his [ __ ] and was really good um so sure I understand all these numbers all these stats Astros Astros Astros but for me I think this is a Toronto spot and I’m going to pass and it’s funny because Troy saying the database is is some some [ __ ] in this spot too I mean I have the note right here don’t bet home dogs plus 120 to minus 102 you know this is a home dog in that range um honestly if I were to bet this game if I had to gun ahead make a bet in this game I’m betting the under uh first five like top set said perhaps um thinking that Kikuchi can go out here and surprise a lot of people in shove yeah kikuchi’s no crochet or scoo ball there the I can give a little bit of an explanation Jimmy right if you look if you look at coochi kikuchi’s we’ll just say coochi for the purposes of the show last five starts right he only had one which ironically enough he allowed zero earned runs in that game against Milwaukee where his x- FIP was over four and a half his X FP and all the rest of those games indicate very bad luck I mean 1.82 at the Yankees he gave up four 2.18 Boston he gave up five like this the surface stats look bad underlying stats in those games are okay um and kind of the opposite is true for Blanco right he’s his xips been up over five in three of his last five starts even with good results um so you could say regression positive and negative are coming for these guys but I’m a stats based Capper man I don’t the market influences me sure it might keep me off something but I mean what are we at 16 cents of movement that Market’s respecting it yeah but to me it’s the opening line is it’s it’s not the movement it’s the opening line um you know that yeah this is that supercomputer thing that we talk about why would these [ __ ] do that I don’t know well let’s go back to this uh expectation of Kikuchi to pitch okay which isn’t something that you the statistics you know with the X FIP are kind of leaning you towards but you think that it doesn’t matter the Astros will get to him if they were playing a middle of the- pack team yeah I might consider it more but it’s these Astros are crushed lefties man and with those with the scoo ball that was at home who was the other pitcher that you mentioned uh crochet was that at home or in Chicago that was in Chicago that was in Chicago yeah and the first five you know has been sitting did you have any interest in that first five under no because Asos get Astros get four or five in the first five easily easily I mean that’s in the realm of that’s what I consider in the realm of the possible Astros pound kikuchi’s coochie baby that’s right all right uh TJ like idiots here I don’t know no uh look um every single stat except for uh you know the advanced numbers you know that show that Kikuchi is been unlucky and that Blanco is going to regret um every single other stat would lead you towards in the Astros I get it and I will cheer you guys on I’m going to stay off of this spot TJ and cab both on the Astros at minus 111 and you know if this was minus 150 if this opened up at minus 125 I’d be on the Astros minus one you know what’s funny though to play towards what TJ said and as much as I hyped up Blanco I wouldn’t be on it at minus one he walks too many people he tiptoes in and out of stuff I think he’s a good pitcher and I don’t expect like a ton of aggression but there will be I wouldn’t at minus 150 I don’t know if I’d be as comfortable backing him uh and Joey Marino says bet online open this up at sorry um at minus 117 here let’s get over there so which means there must have been a I had bet online opening up and I think youus 109 I have yeah and then but that was you know in two hours that completely flipped to minus 111 uh blue J yeah uh but when that happens I always feel like there’s some some [ __ ] in that as well I bet him on BET online at plus 101 yesterday I 109 uh Joey where do you see it saying minus 117 as the opening line at bet online because I’d be interested if this site was wrong got I don’t use I don’t use the site you use and I don’t see them at 117 yeah I’ve got minus 109 opener mve to plus 101 at 423 okay um but please Joey um can you let me know where the uh what site you can DM me too if you don’t want to promote it but I’d be interested to see how I could you know um okay use live odds it’s pretty good because there’s nowhere U okay wa we’re can deal with that later okay uh and Professor Chris says conflicting Market numbers as well look um this might be just a very easy Casher for you guys and I hope that’s the case uh TJ and cab both on the Astros at minus 111 let’s review TJ’s action uh he’s given us the Astros at minus 111 he’s giv us the Reds first five over four and a half at minus 110 he has stayed off the Mets Washington spot oh but you already is that right did you I bet I bet Met’s on the opener but not for the show the numbers move too much and then we have the first five under four and a half for TJ TJ excellent work my friend thank you for rocking with us following in dabby cabs college basketball footsteps currently 62.2% now we’ve got a long season to go but TJ has been delivering 28 17 plus 10 units Roi plus 22.22% average line minus 109 uh TJ uh thank you for all your hard work my man and uh we will be in touch I can’t wait to have you back uh hopefully you can come back and join us this week can I get 30 seconds to talk about something in the chat or something that I think is good for everyone to know yes I’m not gonna promote a book right but I will promote an exchange and I’m not affiliated I just bet on it right bro throw b r t h w um it’s a peer-to-peer if you if you go and look at the books and it’s minus 110 on both sides you’re going to you’re going to get it at plus 100 and you’re just betting to get somebody straight up um and there’s all kinds of if you only want to bet $5 if you want to bet 350 a game it’s everywhere in between and you just pay up the next day on vimo or PayPal um anyways check it out I found it I think it’s a lot of fun respect thank you TJ my man and we will be in touch hopefully we can get you back this week um boss uh at what time does wager talk say that that line opened at because I’ll have the time there as well so we’d like to know at what time uh dbra Kadabra you are back in business with us for Phillies Cubs and that’s your last spot on the board so why don’t you stick with us here for the Giants Braves breakdown let’s get into it 7:20 pm. Eastern we have the San Francisco Giants 42 and 44 17 and 25 on the road Atlanta at the Atlanta Braves 46 37 26 and 15 at home we’re at truest Park in Atlanta let’s get into the weather there 91 Fahrenheit feels like 96 7.8 miles per hour in between 7.8 and 6.7 miles per hour I I mean if if the Big Bear Ozuna doesn’t hit this lineup does zilch I you know uh it’s it was very frustrating being on the Braves minus one yesterday you know they got the bird song for two runs in the second inning back-to-back Jacks I’m sitting there thinking I’m in business and the offense just not delivering Ron Crawford at San Francisco is a dog play not the play of the day but a dog play and uh Billy friedrick says Hicks is a must fade in some form or fashion so Hicks vers Chris Sale 11:43 a.m. yesterday wow interesting I’ve never seen a time slot for 11:43 a.m. yesterday from B online which would mean that b online would have their lines open for tomorrow right now at least for some games Jose does B online have any action for tomorrow up uh I typically does open up these games super early but no not yet I’ve never seen 1143 a.m I mean it’s always two o’clock one one two o’clock I I think it’s typically starts like right around when the game start uh you know boss I I don’t want to say something negative about that site but I let me just say I don’t I don’t believe it I’ll just leave it at that uh truest Park in Atlant yeah they don’t they don’t put out their lines 11:30 I but whatever uh tops set says uh I am backing oh different time zone there so it didn’t it didn’t open up at 243 and there’s noie no in the house look at that wow does anybody else bring a smile to your face like seeing noie no maybe DJ Big Boss maybe wham bam no knows in the chat maybe Lily gun Lily gun noie no yeah so I mean that the line just didn’t come out that number from all the sites I’ve looked at but it is what it is it’s all good but I do think that’s a big it will change your thought process with that stuff noly NOS with the Skull and Bones here in hotland for Jordan Hicks Chris S uh the Giants are smashing lefties 308 878 Ops since June 1st going up against Chris Sale who’s been so good coming off that seven Innings just one uh solo shot 11 strikeouts one walk at the white socks 2.86 ER 204 opponents batting average at home undefeated at home as well let’s get into this so we just talked about the weather sorry the excitement seeing noly knows got me off so 7.8 miles per hour in stays between 7.8 and 6.7 miles per hour let’s get into the line history here for this one we have the Braves at minus 192 they opened up atus 204 so we’ve had a move towards 12 cents away from the Braves 10 cents towards the Giants from 85 185 to plus 175 we get to the total we are sitting here with the seven and a half this opened up at 8 and moved to 7 and a half at 9:08 a.m. now we had this situation Jose and I yesterday in the padr Rangers game and we didn’t get concerned that it was a half run lower and we were fortunate very very for forunate to get that yeah in that was very fortunate Billy frck says bet 365 his hits Hicks outs under 15 and a half at minus 175 he’s moving on that and Professor Chris says he’s on the Giants at plus 175 Hicks allowing three earned runs over five innings at home versus the Cubs on the road being a little worse than he’s being at home uh 3.6 ad 246 opponents batting average 39 strikeouts and 36 and two3 when I was looking at this game my thought and Jose I want you to touch on this my first thought was at what point is Jordan Hicks gonna deal with arm fatigue this is a guy who’s not been starting in his MLB career he’s there probably already now the market thinks he’s going to now not the 50 and a half outs but if noie loves the under and it’s gone from eight to 7 and a half and then you know top set and Professor Chris liking the Giants means they expect him to pitch well here the Braves versus righties since June 1st 21 with a 651 Ops horrific the Giants Bullpen you know doval doval looks really really good I mean he looks so good who’s gonna pick him up at the deadline he looks so he looks so much better than he did last year he just looks like a lights out closer 2.74 ER 1.08 whip is the Braves Bullpen the Giants Bullpen 4.76 1.34 whip I mean do you see who they they threw Ro Roger throwing 80 miles per hour to get to doval it does mess with the Batters when you have this sidearm softball pitcher so let’s take a look at the cash flow and then hand it over to you Jose and then to dabby cab this is not one of dabby Cab’s Best Bets we’re just keeping them here so we have 99% of the tickets and 98% of cash on the over and it’s dropped to seven and a half obviously that appeals to Jose and I 87% of tickets 95% % of cash on the Atlanta Braves in it’s moov to the Giants which again says that hicks is going to pitch okay so here we go hose bouet Giants Braves your old friend that’s psycho Chris Sail On The Hill did you see that he’s I think he’s favorite to win the anos sa young now which is yeah that’s crazy it really uh if he wins Z oai young I I don’t think he will I would be shocked um but yeah he’s like one of the favorites right now I believe so shout out to him um yeah under I’m going to move on the under right now minus 117 or sorry minus 115 to the under 7 and a half all the money on the over we dropped a half run um this is a classic spot we used in the beginning of the Season it worked yesterday let’s hope it works again today um I I don’t you know cabbie would know more than me he’s already at his career high Innings pitch he’s at 85 and 2/3 his most he’s thrown was in 2018 his rookie season 77 and 2/3 last season he threw 65 and 2/3 I think at 125 to 150 pitches is when it start it will start getting real bad for him or Innings yes excuse me but I think what did you say he was at he’s at 83 and or sorry 85 and two3 now which is his career high in 2018 his rookie season was 77 and 23s and last season was 65 so I do think that around and in Cab you’ll probably know better than I but around 120 to 150 is when it’ll start uh getting tough well we have a red alert here your grandma is wearing your sister’s panties Again Play of the day is in it is the under seven and a half and the Braves on the Run line wow so when we talk well let’s hear Let me hear dabby cab before I uh talk about God hard to talk about anything when you imagine what’s gonna happen next in this picture but we must move forward with the capping who do you think she’s looking at and what do you think she’s looking at B think about the camelto she probably has is probably huge nothing wrong with that if not I mean I’d encourage it honestly yeah I would if it’s like a Fu Gua man you wanna you want to pump whatever you can to make that Camel Toe bigger regardless of the human or the animal rights activists that will get upset maybe that was not the best analogy no don’t worry no one knows what F Gua is anyways no come on we right dabby cab do you know what it is no I don’t know what the [ __ ] is fagua yeah see JY that one just went over everyone’s head there no it didn’t there’s cers in the chat you know it’s it’s there is no better taste in food in the world it’s French food yeah man sounds like it you guys I’m it sounds like [ __ ] yes it’s duck liver thank you guys it’s the there’s no better taste in the world you’re joking no it’s seared duck it’s it’s it’s my there’s nothing in the world I would rather eat my well I shouldn’t say that but it’s this it’s I don’t even know what to say but it’s it’s it’s not maybe not the highest but for act at a restaurant if I was to order something there’s nothing better but um uh dabby cab I digress and I apologize uh Giants Braves your plan man it is hard to think after all that I’m digesting a whole bunch man you know talking about Hicks and you know when he’s gonna get tired one of the things I always say with the pitcher and this is you know a funny example to look at is you’re either progressing or regressing right now he got to start his career as a starting pitcher against the Padres where he didn’t give up any runs the first game and then only won the second but his ER has regressed every single start even though he’s done great this season every single start his erra has gotten just a little bit worse uh there was one point in the middle after a start against the Mets where it where it got better but it’s just it’s continued to regress and I think it I think I think we’re going to see more of that I think Hicks uh as he gets into these Innings that he’s he’s not used to dealing with you know he’s already got 33 walks on the season I think his Whip’s going to keep going up he’s not somebody that I would be jumping to get behind personally I would probably just look at the uh Braves uh maybe the under here I think he can still give five solid Innings today I’m just saying he’s on alert right now for for somebody who I’m not looking to get behind for a long time I okay so let me ask you this then Jose who have you bet this under 7 half yet yeah I just moved on so let me ask you when we want everything to correlate do you think that s’s so out overpowering it doesn’t matter what the Giants have been doing to lefties yeah I think I someone said in the chat that they hit lefties but they don’t hit good lefties so I just think I think s would just be better at the end of the day uh so we had the day off before the game on Tuesday so that’s why doval can pitch again today yeah I assume so I’ll double check right now on the bullpen reports as well and it’s just really just trying to feel it out yeah he’ll be fine he threw yesterday and he didn’t throw Monday and Sunday so I expect him to be okay everyone should be available uh in the Giants Bullpen uh Tyler Rogers only one that is iffy and he threw 23 pitches but I still expect him to be ready to go and we take the full game just in case Hicks gets touched uh yes I yeah basically yeah I take full game because my first five records have been [ __ ] and then yeah that’s basically it okay I know know isn’t even throwing his hardest I think he holds back I I agree with that he has to hold back because if he tried to throw [ __ ] one every time his armor would fall off and that’s I was GNA say I don’t think I think you know everything we’re talking about [ __ ] big league managers they understand it also right so like I don’t think he gets left out to bleed in any situation if that makes sense yeah no I agree they’re there it’s cab we both say this now they’re not the Angels yeah there you go that’s they’re not yeah exactly yeah they’re not the Angels the angels will leave you out there to die and the Tampa Bay Rays will tell you to throw sliders and curveballs until your arm will fall off but they’re neither of these squads all right uh we’re going to move on here I will join you on the under seven and a half I I don’t need to bet that right away I’d even be curious to see what happens in the next hour or so with this total uh but I will join you on the full game under seven and a half Troy torren says Giants on the road in this type of Market of allowed and average of 7.4 runs a season in a five game sample uh all of which scored at least seven runs this lineup is just scuffling uh but I that it doesn’t all correlate but I tell you what 99% of tickets 98% of cash on the over in dropping half front is is yep provocative speaking of provocative I gets the people going yeah speaking of yeah see she could do with the little camel too yeah you know she needs she needs some corn for that goose liver to to Really protrude yeah yeah she looks like Barbie down there just flat all right Well’s everybody’s got something to work on all right let’s move on to the next spot on the board 8:05 PM Eastern the Philadelphia Phillies the Philadelphia dabby cabs 56 and 29 23 and 15 on the road at the Chicago Cubs 39- 47 22-9 at home we’re at Wrigley Field in Chicago Illinois let’s get to the weather here in Chicago 73 Fahrenheit 6.8 miles per hour right to left just perfect weather the rare Wrigley night game I mean is there another physical place in the world that you would rather be than Wrigley Field tonight for this baseball game I mean just perfect weather in the perfect stadium in the perfect City Zack Wheeler going up against Shota imaga the perfect pitchers for the per I mean this is just magic you guys in Chicago are lucky to get to watch this one Zack Wheeler going up against Shota imaga let’s get into the line history here for this one and Morgan Spooner gave us the castalanos a play of the day I copied and pasted right here the py chiros play today castalanos over one and a half bases at plus 115 says this guy absolutely destroyed baseballs and left these when he played half a season at Wrigley winds blowing out to left let’s get into the total for this one to get us started it’s a 7even and a half juice to the under this opened up under 7 halfus 105 it’s now under 7 halfus 109 this got up to under 7 half- 117 at 10:30 in the morning there has been eight cents of buyback this opened up not until 7:48 this morning at Pinnacle and within 5 minutes there was an 11 Cent move to the under so there’s no doubt that sharp action is on uh the under we will discuss it when we take a look at the cash flow before we do that though imaga and the Cubs are plus 103 opened up at plus 115 that is a market move so we have 12 cents of movement towards the Chicago Cubs away from wheeler let’s get into the cash flow for this one we have 74% of the tickets and 92% of the cash on the Phillies and this line move to the Cubs fascinating on the total we have 98 per of tickets 95% cash on the over and we have a slight move towards the under let’s set this one up we have best bet action for dabby cab being spectacular with Philly’s action here we have wheeler coming offine tour runs in a 74 loss at home versus the Marlins he pitched very well wasn’t on him Bullpen let him down but he hasn’t been that dominant on the road this year 3 and2 4.35 ER 221 opponent’s batting average 14 walks in 30 9 and a third Shota managa had a nice bounceback start against the Giants a team that’s raking lefties six Innings three ear runs now just three KS and two walks but he got the job done because of a couple spots where he’s been lit up and smoked in this uh in June he is a 3.25 ER now and 241 opponents batting average at home but a 47k three walk kto walk ratio Phillies vers lefties 242 738 Ops Cubs vers fray’s 230 685 those are since June 1st and the Phillies Bullpen uh delivers now didn’t deliver for Zach last start but 2.47 ra 1.01 whip well the Cub Pen’s being pretty good 3.56 ER 1.30 whip dabby cab your final best bet on today’s card take it away we’re in Wrigley for Philly Cubs such an interesting game here you know for anybody on the Cub side I get it because you got riut out you got [ __ ] scharber out you got [ __ ] Harper out I mean those are three big bats and the Phillies right now six through nine they just look weak um so right now on this game you know these are two teams obviously in complete opposite directions Phillies are seven and three their last 10 games um I think the Cubs have only won let me pull this up they’ve only won three games in their last 11 games so the Cubs are just terrible you know imanaga has been their one one bright spot and what I’ll say is I’m concerned that pitchers might have figured out hit or that hitters might have figured out him tipping pitches or something in his last couple starts because something’s been going on and you don’t just go from you know maybe maybe it’s just because we’re getting more information on his pitch sequencing I’m not sure what it is but there there’s been something that’s happened in the last recent starts the reason why he’s given up more runs um and whatever it is I think the Phillies are on top of it and I know that you know they’re missing their three you know three of bigger bats here but you got [ __ ] wheeler on the mound with the Phillies going against the Cubs at this price it’s real hard for me to lay off of I haven’t bet it yet Jimmy uh I like the under and I like the uh the Phillies I’m going to bet both I just want to I want to decide what I’m going to do you’re betting an under I [ __ ] never hear you bet an under you don’t but here’s one where I think it’s a good spot wow interesting Jose bouet just for transparency I lost my last two bets on the Phillies so I am now 17 and four with my Phillies bets still spectacular record Jose bouquet your plan yeah under uh under seven and a half same basically the same cap as last game Jimmy all the money on the over we’ve gone down a half run uh and again similar to yesterday as well we have two really good pitchers here that I trust in um now the biggest factor for me and thank you to Sharpie and those people that have put me on this recently uh looking at catcher splits is very interesting uh Garrett stubs four games this year uh wheeler has an 86 er uh with STS with stubs back there four games Raphael marshan two games a 1.98 and by the way JT 1.65 that is crazy so I person like eight runs against Baltimore though Jose four Jack yeah yeah so it’s five Jacks against Jared Subs in four games he has five Jacks with JT marriel Muto in 12 games you know it’s a little concerning I’m still betting the under no don’t get me wrong I’m still G to get the under here it is just a little concerning to me that Garrett Subs ER is so high with all those home runs and sure uh first couple games you guys gota kind get used to each other but I will say um it’s going to be very interesting to see how that all that works out there so um I’m still on the under seven and a half I got uh let me double check here sorry I got minus 113 to the under so just basically like I said same cap same Market two pitchers I like uh Bullpen I don’t trust in the Cubs but the Phillies offense without those guys is not the same huh yeah I agree with all of this makes sense to me I I will join you on that under uh what are you going to get on it 7 and a half minus 113 all right I will join I wish noie NOS was still here in the chat wonder if this is a skull and bones I was wondering the same thing Jimmy before this game came up that’s what I was wondering our guy Jake Burns dropped the 11 hits in the 10 ra versus a Mets that 11 I’m telling you something I don’t know if he was tipping his pitches or what was going on but something you don’t you don’t just give up that many hits when you’re when you’re somebody that’s got you know a low opponent’s batting average something’s something’s changed uh Billy freed says not with the wind blowing out I mean is this wind actually a concern six if this one was blowing out then the total wouldn’t be as low as it is I mean it’s blow it’s it’s blowing very very very oh it just changed it’s now blowing in uh right to left slightly in I just refreshed it just if it was if it was a concern the total would be higher in my opinion so that’s good that it’s going in now Ron Crawford says Cub zero bats and uh Clark Ed does not respect the Asian piters fair fair enough Clark Edge is that fair enough I don’t know whatever you want to believe my man who won the WBC this year right let me just tell you this as somebody who like has lived in pitching mechanics and teaches pitching mechanics you better believe I take as much from [ __ ] Japan as I possibly can right now oh yeah yeah I mean they literally cut and past all their pitchers to pitch basically the same exact way and they’re all very good ride the chair as long as you can baby yeah and then then the Americans throw out linicum [ __ ] yeah I can’t wait for the World Baseball classes to come back for America to get their [ __ ] pushed in again H God Troy torren says the average percentage of money on the over this year is 70% last year was 47 how can that be such a different oh oh or could you say because Sports gamblings legalized across North America I mean I don’t think that many places that that many places have legalized in the year you know I don’t think it’s that big of a it’ll be that big of a difference in those places I think it’s crazy too I don’t understand it it’s crazy I’ve never seen any like it all right uh so dabby cab are you still on the fence for this or are you gonna move on I’m I’m a little on the fence let let me just let me just sit with it a little longer I I I just want to address this too I have not had a good season so far here on this show but I’m gonna get it right and by the second half by the end of the second half I will be in the black so that’s a that’s a guarantee you know I don’t think we can go wrong because if you don’t move on it it’s a waffle if you move on it we’re riding with you so you know I have I’ve like made sure that you guys didn’t get any of those for like a week and a half now so if I don’t move on it then it’ll be the first one in a while I’m [ __ ] hungry cab yeah you know how bad it is that I know both you and Jose are just hoping that I don’t bet the under with you guys now well either way this one doesn’t doesn’t mind us but if you’re hungry you know we’re all hungry hungry we are all really really hungry I mean I’ll go for starving starving dabby cab we will be all ear please tag me if you move on this under but uh either way we’re going to rock with it so thank you for rolling with us uh dabby cab can be seen here again tomorrow uh Clark Ed says imaga told us people to bet against them the last three starts told us people I don’t know well don’t worry Clark Ed said they’re only good for one or two years so at least we still got lots of time then with them got time we’ve got time yeah lots of uh dabby cap thank you for rocking with us my man uh and dabby C we need to talk uh today because we we want to have stuff uh in for um allstar game and Home Run Derby and things of that nature so we want to I I’ll be in make sure to get in touch with you DB C any last words for the CER sporting show oh man I’ll be right back here mon uh Monday tomorrow you guys know where to find don’t know why I said Monday I’ll be right back here tomorrow you guys know where to find me PB sports radio I love you guys in the chat man Clark Edge Andrew Wednesday what’ you say Jose it’s Wednesday my god dude it’s been a long couple weeks we are getting back on track though today marks the day where we start back on track things are going good from now on you can’t you can’t derail that Jose I love you guys I see allor there he is Debra Kadabra he’s in his house so he’s as happy as he can be I can’t I can’t fault him for being happy no I get what’s going on with daav Cab’s you know he’s not delivering on the show the way he wants to and and that you know he cares about this enormously he cares about us succeeding enormously I I respect everything about how dabby cabs handled himself he he wants to win more than anything else and and so I I love it and love capping with him all right let’s roll next up for us 8:05 PM Eastern San Diego Padres 46 and 43 22 and 21 on the road at the Texas Rangers 39 and 46 21 and 19 at home where Globe field glob Life Field not in Texas roof will be closed we have Adam merer who is very tricky to figure out last night we saw Marcado deliver here and you you can’t compare merer to Marcato just because they’re second round picks because Marcato and we gotta keep Marcato was a second round pick out of high school I mean that guy those guys are studs this is different when you have a second round pick out of University of Iowa you know he’s older um 23 years old we have Mania pitching today at 21 we expect him to pitch we won’t know but he’s 21 years old uh but merer this year in doublea was spectacular he was so good six starts 32 and a third you know a whip under 0.9 he was lights out he allowed one Jack then he went up to Triple A and he got touched now El Paso is a tough place to pitch he was on the San Antonio missionaries is that the doua right Jose is Right missions yeah Miss sorry missions and did you hear see him pitch ever or hear him pitch no I haven’t heard [ __ ] I no one or we haven’t heard [ __ ] since like because I guess San Antonio was spoiled when they literally had Josh Naylor Fernando tatis uh Ty France and and like [ __ ] uh what’s his name for the closer from the [ __ ] Seattle Mariners were all on the team at the same time yeah so he was lights out and then he goes up to Al Paso very tough place to pitch in the PCL and you know he gets hit he gets hit a lot 15 earned runs in 19 Innings four jacks so then he goes up to the show and he gets touched again yeah my bad I’m laughing at Justin Melby just getting to uh gr pan or whatever the [ __ ] the duck liver thing was yeah um it’s spectacular Justin seared it’s it’s the finest thing that I’ve ever eaten in my life by the way yeah I was gonna say you know who’s not getting [ __ ] this F gu Kelce because Kelsey [ __ ] G come charge me for that steak after a pitching change too she’s no joke there yeah that she oh there there she is right there see no joke [ __ ] your bitching change she says so merer coming off allowing four and runs over five innings and 97 win at home versus Nats no strikeouts one walk he’s in trouble like he’s just in trouble and then we have John Gray who in two of his last three starts has been destroyed in this last start eight earned runs over five innings 112 loss at the Orioles the Padres are raking against Rey’s right now 27779 95 Ops maybe this isn’t the right spot for him to bounce back but it feels like John Gray will bounce back um you know so uh Padres Bullpen 4.42 ER 1.45 whip the Rangers are starting to hit right a little bit harder but still not very good uh actually you know what let’s not talk about you know because I’ve got their numbers since June 1st what are the padr vers ry’s weighted runs created in the last 14 uh days if you could give us that here yeah 14 days I’ll tell you right now um 14 well that’s 10 days sorry I’ll give you a little more last 14 days the Padres against right-handed pitching and 300 at bats have 131 weighted runs created Plus that is fourth best in the league right in front of the Astros so the rang we should start talking differently about the Rangers offense the Rangers uh against righties are last two weeks 86 weighted runs created plus so they’re still struggling okay that’s what I want so they’re they’re struggling the Padre’s against righties are smashed they’re raking yeah okay so we have this line at minus 137 Rangers open up minus 142 we have 5cent move to the Padres 5cent move to the Padre we get to the total the total in this one is sitting right now at 9us 117 to the under uh this so oh just moved eight and a half moved to eight and a half and actually an hour ago I should refresh this uh so it’s still plus money to the under but it moved eight and a half so as much as I want to back a bounceback start for John Gray I can’t do it the Market’s just not going to let me do it when we get to the cash flow here is this one you have 97% of tickets 88% cash on the over we just saw it U sorry let’s go back to this we just saw this eight and a half to nine oh it just bounced back to nine wow four minutes ago but it’s not a real eight and a half or n it’s still minus 117 we still had 12 cents of move to the under wow thank you for saying that because I rechecked it so cash flow we have all this money on the over sorry let me go to all markets I’m too many G deep here we go to uh money line you have 23% of tickets and 63% of cash on the Padres Lee Davis says didn’t Sharie say gray was tipping his pitches yes he did yes he did say that but this game is I wish John Gray was coming off a great start because then I’d Hammer merer yeah I was surprised to see the the line as high as it was but I agree with you I guess this is just too much for me uh take it away for us here um that’s really how you spell that that’s [ __ ] CRA that’s not how you spell at all don’t don’t pay any attention to whatever was written right there here go go uh come on come on Jose let’s stay focused here God damn uh all right I like the under in this game I do but I’m gonna stay off um John Gray I think he bounces back merer maybe has found something I don’t know maybe it’s too early to say that he’s coming off of an okay start um not even say five innings four and runs is not even that good with no strikeout so yeah I’m just off this game I just think that he could probably pitch well against a Rangers offense that’s depleted no Cory Seager most likely um so I’m off though no action but um that dabby cap that did just tickle me there that did just tickle me there all right we are going to need um deep Di here on a couple pictures as we move on I’m gonna leave it alone oh but yes noie we have questions for you noie we have dying questions yes noie knows what do you think of the under in the wheeler IM managa start and look I wish also I wish Padre’s were going up against a better pit or sorry I wish the poter were throwing a better picture because then I would be on a great bounce back here uh but let’s move on to the next spot for us here and let’s talk about one of Jose’s Brethren kaider Montero 23 years of age he turns 24 on Friday the 5th which happens to be Venezuelan Independence Day that’s his birthday is on Venezuelan Independence Day while they’ll be facing that guy’s patriotic as [ __ ] they’ll be facing the Knuckleheads in that one uh let’s start with kaider Montero and then go over to Jose and hear his thoughts of ker Montero kaider Montero was in Toledo tripa a this year last year he went from high a double A to Toledo uh this year he was in Triple A he had 13 starts he went 48 in the third uh he walked too many batters 54 strikeouts 30 batters had a very high whip at 1.70 uh you know he didn’t look that good they brought him up to the show he’s had one start he’s been in two games he’s thrown eight and two thirds overall nine earn runs he’s allowed uh three Jacks he’s allowed so let’s start with kaider Montero what are your thoughts on kaider uh I you did just get me thinking about the soccer game again by the way Jimmy uh the lines that’s screaming screaming penalties screaming extra time um and it is it is going to take years off my life uh bider two starts both have been bad uh you know Philly and Pitts well like Philly is a tough spot Pittsburgh your first start this year is is not but he still got crushed so um I I don’t know what to expect really his minor league starts have been you know fine as well but it is worrisome that he just hasn’t shown us any glimpse of hope uh to pitch well now if they’re bringing him back up his last time out was on the 26th of last month they’re going to bring him back up there they’re obviously they believe in him they he’s showing them something so could I see him pitching well here yeah but I just don’t know if the tiger the Tigers offense is just horrific horrific and and David Festa by the way there’s multiple festas now in the major leagues um because I thought this was a reliever Festa but no he is actually back in the major leagues as well Festa five Innings five and runs as well it’s just you know a worrisome spot from each side I I just don’t believe in the offense of the tigers at the end of the day and montero’s two starts May 29th against the Pirates then went down to the miners came back up for that June 26 start at home verse the Phillies a shout out to our guy upk aash yot in the house uh he’s on pampera parlay wheeler under strikeout six and half sale under eight half strikeouts castalano hit and judge two or more bases so Troy has a half unit on three bets on the twins team total over four and a half twins money line and twins minus one uh twins got us the bag yesterday and even though that fifth inning you know ruined my day that that’s what cost me the winning day with the runs that were allowed I was still so confident once it got to the bullpen I don’t trust the Tigers Bullpen and I don’t trust the tigers bats Tigers versus ry’s 2594 Ops since first while the twins are 269 791 and then we have David Festa uh and I kind of like these mid thought mid you know middling prospects 13th round pick out of seat in Hall in 2021 because if they got here there’s a reason why there’s just a he got crushed he got crushed and they’re giving him another chance too five innings seven hits five in runs and that 136 win at the Diamondbacks he’s been excellent at St Paul 3.77 ER 1.29 whip you know 87 K and 24 walks so there’s a lot of volatility in this one this is a tricky one to figure out but but what can we rest our hat on if maybe we should just stay away from it do you think kaider Montero and David Festa have such volatil well let’s let the market uh in the weather let’s let me touch on that before I ask go that question 81 Fahrenheit 11.4 miles per hour out to straightaway Center dies down to 7.2 by the end of the game when we get to the line history here in this one we have the total at nine it’s at nine uh minus 103 to the over it opens now it’s even money to the over so we’ve had three cents of movement to the under at nine and then when we get to the money line here we have the twins at minus 167 opened up at minus 159 now that was at 751 this morning open and got up to minus 174 within about 25 minutes uh then it’s come back a little bit but still eight cents of movement towards the Twins and when we get to the cash flow here in this one we have 98% of the tickets 98% of the cash on the over and you have 89% of tickets and 94% of cash on the twins truth teller uh play of the day is on the Padres the game we just spoke of uh from our guy truth teller take it away for us here though Jose Montero Festa Target Field yeah I’ve got no action I’d be guessing if I tried to you know indicate which one of these guys pitches well um minus 66 was a little aggressive honestly but I think that’s more of a a reflection on the Tigers uh offense compared to the twins offense um I considered a first five under here honestly again with all that money on the over uh but I have this opening up an eight and now is a nine here so I I didn’t want to move on it and uh I I’ve tried to to get Mikey to give me the uh the total uh movement in Reverse here Jimmy like we’ve talked about I like betting the overs when it goes down a run I was considering like what happens when it goes up a run and seeing but I’m still waiting on those information from the people I’ve asked but no action here for me I guess there’s just too much volatility here I mean am iik seriously gonna sit here and tell you who’s GNA pitch well between Montero or Festa or either I I get why the twins would back though you know Festa hasn’t thrown at home I mean we’ve seen Montero on the road and at home I mean Festa is probably the one to trust but I mean again like it’s just too much guessing but it does feel like the difference is that the twins are 24 and 16 at home you know nine games or 11 games over 500 and that that they should probably be trusted on the minus one line probably because that lineup is just so much more Fierce than the Tigers I mean is anything I’m saying not and then you get the extra juice on the minus one because they’re at home so no I agree with you you’re saying I just I think they’re just better spots to try to lay the juice on during the card than this one this was just stay off game for me but let’s just dive in a little bit further here uh it didn’t matter if Montero was going up against the Pirates or the Phillies against a team that that was hitting you know below average or a team that was raking he got he got touched Festa went up against the Diamondbacks who were ripping the leather off the ball against righties yeah if I had to choose one pitcher to trust it’ be Festa here uh but it’s just too small sample sizes for either one like I I could see kaider uh pitching well here because again they’re bringing him up for a reason they trust him enough to give them these starts here so uh could I see that Faith or they don’t care they’re nine games below 500 and they want to know what they have yep and you know what they have might be good who knows but uh yeah I lean Festa here for sure and yes Royce Lewis out of the lineup got hurt wow shocker but I I I mean this lineup is still eating okay I you know I I I think that the twins minus one should be bet let me just look at this line movement one more time and decide if if that is so we what we we mooved like eight cents did I say sorry eight cents it had moved a lot more so the early money was on the Twins and then Cashwise 89% of tickets 94% of cash uh and then U Troy to says twins is home favorites Market moving towards him total over eight 10 and one this season okay all right uh you know maybe this the only thing that scares me and the reason why I’ve got the only trepidation is because of course I just cashed on this yesterday so why you know it always makes me nervous to go back to the well but okay let’s roll on let’s roll on Billy Friedrich the pig milk play of the day it’s on its way for a graphic 37 and 24 plus 16.35 units the pig milk play of the day uh is delivering and we don’t have a Graphic for pig milk we don’t have anything for you yet so all we can do for pig milk right now is show Jose bouet tits on your mark get set go and they’re off Jose it’s getting on your shirt on your birthday shirt you just drenched yourself I’m going to have to give you a disqualification for that one your winner is I still can’t believe you got disqualified I mean I would be waiting uh for now not to do anything physical but just bananas in the tailpipe that’s not a sexual analogy either no literal yeah uh that’s that’s you know uh I just the disqualification very um Justin Melby says his neighbor really called the police on him says glad he has cameras they’re checking my cameras as I type my neighbor was in his yard unannounced get his ass Justin okay Justin we’re going to need we are going to need information here as this goes on we can’t just uh I respect that you’re focusing on the capping but we’re GNA need constant updates now constant updates uh we got your back Justin we got your back but we’re gonna need constant updates I I want no trouble here Pig milk play today Tampa Bay Kansas City first five under four and a half minus 118 we’re at Coffman stadium in Kansas City Missouri uh let’s get in to the line history here on this one and we’ll start with the weather in Kansas City 81 Fahrenheit feels like 84 4.3 miles per hour right to left and slightly in uh let’s get into the line history this has the Kansas City Royals sitting at minus 108 they opened up atus 104 and this line was moving away from them and it’s come back with them 4 Cent move to the Royals let’s get to the total from a total side of things here is Seth Lugo a finalist for the sa young yeah probably he be probably I mean obviously if he ended today yes but projecting for the final season I think he easily be top five really just my question of top three here Jose we have a full run move to the under this opened up at nine it is now at eight now I could have got the nine at minus10 I could have got I could have been sitting here going look what I got I got the nine and minus 120 it already moved eight and a half a pinnacle you know I believe in pepio walk is being a machine but I got and look at the weather’s completely changed how stupid of me to uh th this was you know I had thought you know was I maybe I was tripping let me just maybe I was looking at yesterday’s weather is that possible it was late at night I bet you that’s what I was doing yeah it’s definitely possible let me just look at what it was yesterday yeah that’s what was H Jesus that’s my mistake I was looking at yesterday’s weather and that’s why I didn’t feel like everything correlated oh my God absolutely ridiculous okay uh now I see my my mistake pepio 44 4.40 ER 1.09 whip he he looks really good and that last start was at home where he’s not been pitching well and delivered against the Mariners the light hitting Mariners on the road 3.46 ER 208 opponent’s batting average Michael WKA 4 and6 3.91 ra 1.25 whip he’s been very good uh his last start at home was against the Guardians we know what the Guardians have been doing and he shut them down uh you know shut them down now opponents have been hitting him at home 294 opponents batting average but that was a good team he just shut down neither team’s hitting Rays versus R’s 233 701 Royals 226 690 and both bullpens have struggled somewhat and here uh and TJ says serious Rumblings out there about KC playing a Houston cheating scandal they have several batters with insane splits especially against off speed so here we go Jose bouet take it away I Ray Ro I would already be on the minor I I made a mistake a late night mistake late night capping mistake I see it now can I can understand it I mean these things happen when you’re capping you know to the we hours but take it away for us here Ray Royals uh yeah this is moved full run down Jimmy so you know what I’m going uh open up at a nine bet online now it’s an eight uh full game over eight first five over four uh minus 107 over 8 first five over four minus 118 for me uh both will be official here um again we’ve talked about this before it’s my least favorite uh angle in sports betting that I’ve bet and it’s been working and I will just continue to do it 85 87% of the money 85% of the bets or excuse me backwards there on the over but you know it’s been worse it’s been like 90 plus percentage points at some sometimes so uh it goes It goes down a run I’ll just bet the over so over for me both wow uh what were the juices here uh over full game minus 107 first five over minus 118 Billy I love you and I’m sorry yeah I was I I still can’t believe you got dqd I mean that’s just the shock and awe I mean the the she just she didn’t she doesn’t like men I think they didn’t they didn’t say that I shouldn’t dump it all over my tits you didn’t dump that much you know what I guess we have to watch it again on your mark Get It Go and they’re off Jose it’s getting on your shirt on your birthday shirt Jose you just drenched yourself I’m going to have to give you a disqualification for that one your winner is and we no longer have the uh the slap slap is gone so I can’t even show you the tit’s getting slapped why don’t we get that up here for later uh let’s move on let’s move on next up 8:40 pm. Eastern we have the Milwaukee Brewers 5135 24 and 22 on the road at Colorado Rockies 2956 17 and 25 at home Cy field and Denver Colorado she didn’t like you probably not like you was she Spanish yeah so what what race Traer what can we say something was up there she she had a disdain for you she didn’t want you to succeed maybe she was into me no no no that was clearly the opposite clearly clearly the opposite Colin Ray going up against D Hudson Colin Ray who’s been so good at home has really struggled on the road uh 4.54 ra 39 23s 22 strikeouts 18 walks 270 opponents batting average the first thing I looked at on today’s card was the over in this one it was the very first thing I looked at and this has uh move 10 cents to the over but I wanted to come here and see a 12 that’s what I wanted this open minus 117 to the under immediately was moving to the over I I just I don’t see how either call r or Dakota Hudson uh could deliver um yeah Mikey money hearing it as well uh hearing it as well she just you know admittedly as soon as she mentioned it getting all over my shirt that’s when I realized uh I was going to dump it all over my shirt well no this isn’t about you this is about another woman’s hatred of you sure sure she she did not like you she did not let you succeed in front of your friends on your birthday not even on my birthday I have the slap ready for you as well do you remember when you had a podcast with two guys in San Antonio and you said something about a Korean musician definitely remember yep they canceled the podcast they canceled their Twitters and they turned their back on you do you remember that yeah I remember yeah they erased you from their Liv they did yeah I that guy by the way that guy one of the two dudes his I think he stopped not liking me a few months ago and and we we’re chill now again but it took a couple months for him to get over it well I don’t like him uh I don’t like him so I don’t care if he’s you know this this guy’s turn coat I know this guy uh this guy’s gonna get shanked if he comes down to Southtown 101 so tell him not to come when we have pualoa because they’ll be trouble they’ll be trouble I think I have I see her in the same light as those guys of course turning their back just not wanting my friend anything to do with my friend and and I dis like them all obviously now I can physically abuse the men which I can’t do with women which is fair that’s fine but uh but yes when we go down to San Antonio I think I was just too caught up in the excitement of seeing everybody to to to Really rage yeah to fulfill the rage that I have against those two guys I want their addresses I want their names I want to find them and and and I don’t need to to hurt them but I would like to negatively affect their lives a banana in the tailpipe worse Colin Ray Dakota Hudson so we talked about Ray’s uh tour pitching on the road now he’s in the thin air of Colorado let’s take a look at the weather here in the thin air of Colorado uh 87 fahrenheit hot 14.5 miles per hour right to left dies down to 9.4 by the end of the game uh let’s get into the money line history we’ve talked that the total has had slight movement I would prefer more let’s take a look at this money line the money line here the Brewers are sitting at minus 164 they opened up at minus 148 the interesting thing about this market movement was there was none until 11 this morning none so yeah the Publix come in and and it hammered the Brewers I don’t Dakota Hudson has been horrific at home and five 8.58 ER 22 strikeouts and 23 walks that’s what he’s done 35 and 2/3 at home with a 361 opponent batting average look these teams are not hitting with any power Brewers 258 71 versus righties since June 1st while the Rockies are 236 683 the Rockies Bullpen is been a little bit better over the last 14 days but still horrific since June 1st 6.79 ra 1.6 to whip while the Brewers Bullpen being lights out I want the over but if the Rockies Bullpen has been pitching better and the Brewers Bullpen is lights out and I don’t want the Brewers I don’t there there’s not I don’t believe that it’s sharp action that’s moved the Brewers line just an abundance of action I would think what do you think about the first five over instead of the full game and what are your thoughts on this spot yeah I wouldn’t hate it at all um Colin Ray uh one a factor we like looking at is have they pitched in Coors he pitched Coors but in 2016 and he got crushed there and I think you can just use that and run it back again here I think wouldn’t be surprised at all if he gave up some runs in the thin air um I’m not confident enough to move on it because of the Rockies offense just being what it is uh Colorado against righties uh 76 weighted runs created plus that is Park adjusted as well so make that of what you will but um I I just I just didn’t end up moving on it though I am interested in Justin M’s uh you know struggles with his dogs and the cops here spin a minute I need more updates from you Justin well pronounce his name right and maybe he won’t take it out on the officers you know we want him to be as cool and calm as possible he hears you butchering his name after he’s given out 450 bets on the show I wonder if that’s how roko Rogers feels as well yeah I I can’t speak for that uh I I’m sure it’s not appealing though uh so this total is at six first five totals at six and I’m moving on it I’m moving on the first five over one of my few overs first five over six here for me I’ll be moving after the show all right uh let’s roll on by the way Mikey money giving out that Tommy Paul spot he broke it down in that next comment that we highlighted uh currently down two sets to one big sharp action to win the tournament pre flop and roko did confir firm not appealing though yeah I know yeah it’s just um it’s um impressive how you choose to alienate our friends let’s move on 9:40 p.m. Eastern Los Angeles Angels 36 and 48 18 and 22 on the road at the Oakland Athletics Oakland Athletics 90 or sorry 31 and 56 19 and 23 at home where Oakland Coliseum in Oakland California so this let me tell you my thought process with this Jose I want to fade Davis Daniel start so badly and I love Joey Estes I like him I think he’s a great great pitcher to back because I believe he’s much better than his numbers indicate he’s been lights out at home I want to back him so bad the problem is he just faced the Angels am I gonna sit here and believe he’s got Tricks in the bag I can’t do it I cannot do it uh chain Kim’s got our back see what I mean Man chain Kim’s gonna support you I love our guy Chang Kim shout out to Chang Kim in the house uh Joey Estes has a 186 opponents batting average at home I I I I almost want to start backing Joey Estes at home in every SP start he has but I cannot get over that last situation or that last start and he was great or good you know five and two thirds he allowed three hits two in runs eight strikeouts two walks you know um you know Von Polo that’s something that U it’s interesting that’s something that Jeff wanted when I first came to Pub he wanted a show where it was just Collins remember that if you guys are interested in that that that was you know we could we could make that happen uh we could make that happen Callin show you know that’s okay I mean it it would uh it would turn into just here’s the link join our stream yard and come tell us to play or whatever no no I I don’t think I don’t think that’s what would happen I don’t know let’s go back it be instead of Callins it would be like join this link but yeah no you get it the same process let’s go into the 75 fahit 9.9 miles per hour left to right and then slightly and always around 9.9 9.7 let’s get into the first five total this first five total is at 4 a half juice to the over atus 119 which means there’s been 23 cents of movement to the first five over uh which is a lot at Pinnacle let’s go to the full game over here sitting at eight and a half just minus 104 to the over but it opened up at eight so we have a half run move towards the over it’s getting to the money line on a money line situation we have the Angels sitting here at minus 108 they opened up at minus 111 3 Cent move towards the Oakland A and when we get to the cash flow we have 42% of the tickets 61% of cash on the ace 95 and 92 on the over I guess I can’t move on it here I just I want to fade Davis Daniel off that eight Innings eight strikeouts five- zero win at home versus tigers on his first start on the road so badly should I just look past the fact that Estes is gonna see this lineup again take it away Jose yeah honestly I just thinking over in this game uh someone I forgot who said it but uh yeah this game kind of screens over to me we saw Davis Daniel great start congratulations I don’t believe in you I will fade you in this next coming up start um and Joey again I just think this is just the the zigzag Theory here I don’t I agree with you that he’s a young pitcher and he went five and two3 three hits two were in runs last time out against the the angels I wish he would have gotten crushed by the Angels then we could back him here more confidently um and shout out to uh wi time who we talk about frequently when talking about these angels they continue to do their thing so um over in this game I think is going to be my bet my concern um you know I like it when it goes uh down and unders I don’t like it when it goes up and over where I had it or where it was on the overs I was an eight now is an eight and a half um it’s a little concerning obviously against righties both of these squads uh Oakland is 26 Los Angeles is where are you Los Angeles 17th both under 100 weighted runs created plus um it’s it’s concerning yes but I will still move on the over eight and a half here minus 110 I believe let me double check that right now it is in fact minus 110 eight and a half you know you’re you’re probably right you’re probably right I God I hate I hate when you have a existing plan with a pitcher and then it just messes you up I guess I’ll just I’ve got a lot of action here I’ll just you know what I’ll take a closer look at this uh afterwards okay let’s roll on we got uh two games left before we get into the lone WNBA game with Brizzy Billy Brisbane we move on next up for us 10:10 p.m. Eastern with the Arizona Diamondbacks 41 and 44 19 and 23 on the road at LA Dodgers 53 33 26 and 16 at home uh Justin Melby says uh who was you pointing at before you got disqualified your girlfriend I imagine I was pointing at my family members and such oh you had multiple family members there yeah I had my both my parents yeah yeah it was a you know public embarrassment and shame getting disqualified you were disqualified in front of your parents yeah I know that makes me despise that woman now so are you saying that if if we go to a San Antonio Missions game that we can Heckle her unfortunately I think she no longer works there I hope she’s been fired I hope she’s been canned man think she just got okay well that’s a little different I won’t say of children but I I uh I dislike her she was you know I I dis likee she didn’t like you from the moment she saw you that’s fair and if next time we go to a missions game together you and I hopefully she’s there and we can have had our differences yeah yeah oh there’ll be hash involved Christian Mania 21 years old and you have him listed he’s now listed as a pitcher uh I had him listed earlier today um and there was he was listed on the book so yeah he’s still there Christian Mania here so this year he’s been in Triple A Reno and he’s you know for a 21 year old I mean still we think of Triple A as being where all the youngsters are still just because it’s minors the average age in Triple A right now is 27.6 years of age so here was a 21y old in Triple A he went three and two 4.90 ra 1.49 whip he had 16 starts 82 and two3 and you know 89 strikeouts in those 82 and two3 38 walks this is a highly thought of pitcher from the Dominican Republic and this is a very difficult situation for him uh it’s all good Justin stay relaxed it’s all good as long as the dog is okay yeah they’ll be out of here in a second so keep keep the cool and and just just pretend it’s not happening and and just let let it be let it be we’ll get get him out and then maybe we can give the officers the play of the day and and they can make some money along their day who knows yeah yeah I don’t know how appealing that’ll be to them I let’s just get him out uh we have Gavin Stone coming off complo nine innings no in runs seven Cas no walks against the week Hing white socks the Diamondbacks are hitting righties as hard as the Dodgers since June 1st uh and at home Gavin Stone’s been very good a little bit worse than he’s being on the road and then the big difference is the bullpen the Diamondback Bullpen 5 5.07 ER 1.43 whip since June 1 while the Dodgers Bullpen been very good 2.7 ad0 1.06 whip so let’s get into the X’s knows in here Jose’s plan for this one 69 Fahrenheit 8.6 mil per hour at the right field dies down to 6.4 miles per hour let’s get into the line history line history wise we have stone sitting here at minus 191 that means that 31 cents of movement towards them and it got up to minus 197 there was buyback two minutes ago six cents of buyback so huge huge move but why did they open at minus 160 I mean I is very strange and almost doesn’t make sense yours opened at minus 160 you said at Pinnacle yeah what did you guys open up at b line yeah and actually I just looked well uh let’s also remember that this was maer or Mania or whatever this is probably a different picture uh because I assume they it was unlisted for a while and they probably switched pitchers and they got up to minus 215 uh because I have it at 25 at 3 at minus 160 and then at 9:00 a.m. it salts all the way up to 2115 so it has to be a pitching change yes no you’ve nailed it because that 902 was the switch or 915 so let me go back to it you’re right that’s an important uh that’s very very important so that means that the at 9:02 a.m minus 25 so there’s actually been that’s so important great stuff Jose that means that there’s been 24 cents of movement away towards the Diamondback since the line since the pitcher was an so that’s important very very important coin shouting out Central Arkansas’s Gavin stone is being a monster and then Roco says Montgomery was supposed to go before he’s put on I last night so yeah that was very important good good good note uh so let’s take a look at the cash flow here for this one our second to last game on the board we have 89% of tickets 90% of cash on the over 7% of tickets 60% of cash on the Diamondbacks wow what a tricky situation here somebody believes in Christian Mania take it away Jose Mania Stone etz Ravine here I am again wanting to bet the Diamondbacks um I don’t know maybe I let last year’s playoff performance affected me a little bit too much but like when the games mattered the most this Diamondback team which is basically comprised of the same pieces beat this Dodgers team which you know obviously Otani is now on the team but now they don’t have mooki on the team for right now so truthfully again I would love to be on the Diamondbacks here um and Billy I agree with you it should have been a much bigger day for me as well that Diamondbacks blown Le sucked on top of that they [ __ ] threw Joe manly to start the game and [ __ ] me there to change pitching pitchers and avoid all my bets so that was extremely bothersome on both ends there and the worst part about it Billy is that pitching changes do not apply apparently to steak bets either so I owe Kelsey a five-star for Gua dinner at this point so it’s it’s [ __ ] Billy it’s [ __ ] but here I am again I do indeed want to bet the Diamond Backs here and I think I will and here it is again uh n flush I hope you’re listening out there uh Team total over full game money line for me again here and and maybe I should do the first five yet again um I could hear the arguments for and against it but this will be the two bets I have on it h i need to bet I need to find out what the team total is but Arizona full game money line and team total will be on my card well get those numbers for us while that is happening we have the ribey play of the day 14 and 14 on the year plus 12.25 units and it is Christian Walker plus 175 is the riby play of the day I just I don’t know what to say well God bless you Justin mckelvie for uh for siding with me it was great yeah it’s uh shocking you obviously he didn’t hear you butcher his last name while he was talking to a policeman well he’s a busy man he’s a busy man you know cuz if he had have heard you call him mie you think he would have been saying these nice things about you he might he might still he’s the great guy who knows but I think I think there would be less capital letters it’d be said in lower case and little less um exuberance there but you know what maybe you’re right I think if he you know heard you while you know how to pronounce his name purposely butchering his last name out of disrespect I don’t think he’d be thinking uh saying positive things about you that’s all see when you say that it just makes me feel bad for saying roko Rogers for the last like two years three years um but shout out to you roko Rogers I hope you take some time to think about all this I will I will maybe tomorrow I’ll come back with a better tone team uh Leroy flood says can we find that campsite I mean can you just imagine like you know 70 of Us coming out of the woods there by the way I heard uh some research was done into this um it’s in Brazil so the trip to Brazil we can find that and Isaac thank you for the very kind words uh love seeing a new name in the chat fan since low bag days uh thank you for the kind words my man that means a lot um and uh no uh we will not don’t put that last com don’t make that last comment um visible don’t make it visible okay let’s oh juice uh Team total over for the Dbacks was what at what juice uh minus 115 for the team total over three and a half and plus 174 you know you’ve been to almost South America You’ fit right in well I don’t I don’t fit in that’s the problem that’s I don’t I I I’m a mark everywhere I go I’m a Target Everywhere I Go yeah that’s what happens with me unfortunately like I’ll never go back to Venezuela because I am the biggest target it’s the Jays man you can’t you got to well you don’t even have BL puges as well so that would been tough in Brazil no you’re right that’s the problem and my only line I have uh and thank God for it I was so disrespected until I learned loo no bueno soon as I said that it was like ah instead of just you know the [ __ ] yeah yeah no I need to teach that to to Helga because whenever we went we go by Customs I’m sure she’ll need that uh Billy freedrick says wait a minute y’all haven’t seen her face could be Chuck Wagon City up front on that Grill i’ I’d prefer that H you know what Billy I’ll roll those dice yeah that’s a bet I’m willing to take either way you can’t lose yeah I I think that’s plus 120 and I’ll take that no problem yeah I’ll just whatever it’s all good um so we move on now Billy Fredick I don’t even want to show that comment either even though that’s I I we will just because I I why are we so confident that that’s not the case here which which one comments Billy Frederick’s comment I mean there’s is there anything masculine about this woman nothing there’s nothing let’s just hold on I need to see it again let me I need to there’s nothing masculine about this woman nothing I mean maybe the way she turns a kebab no no maybe the way you say Kebab what is is that Ma well that’s the most masculine thing I’ve ever done then if that’s masculine let’s take she’s got a slender neck she’s good techque she’s not a linebacker’s neck she doesn’t been working out so that so that she doesn’t get a concussed yeah very effeminate ex the reputation of Brazilian women why are we slandering them yeah you know I I’m I’m angry at Billy fre this the first time I’ve ever been upset at Billy friedrick you want do you want to ruin this for us Billy is that what you want tiptoe and Al line right now Billy no uh I’m now this is Billy’s trying to take something away from us wow uh okay so Justin is it was list H is good I mean yeah you could say you could I’ve been called that before Justin H yeah uh Christopher kontini you know again I don’t know why you guys are trying to hurt this I mean this is I’m okay with childbearing hips that’s all right but I mean there’s other ways to put that but we’ll let hose handle that let’s move on to the next spot on the board hos has moved on the Diamondbacks team total over three and a half and the full game plus 170 four and let Wine Time get us back focused on Sports you can tell wine time is you know newly married with a beautiful wife because he doesn’t care he does he’s going to his honeymoon soon he goes right into the capping he does not care uh and I get it oh why should he care why should he care no reason to care no reason at all no we care though we do care care we do we care we care is that is that wrong that we care no is it wrong that we’re interested and then at some point our interest waines heavily I mean I’m very interested be crazy not to manly hands and all all right hos let’s get back to work here Baltimore Orioles Seattle Mariners our last MLB game on the card before we get into WNBA and BJ’s giving us the best bet Mariners money line Baltimore orals 54 and 31 25 and 14 on the road at Seattle Manor’s 47 and 4 28 and 15 at home you know I kind of like your team total over kind of like that on the Diamondbacks I’m G spend a little bit more time here uh [ __ ] yeah Justin wins the day mckel when’s the day yeah yeah yeah time to time to celebrate got him out I get it I get it I get it um uh okay we roll here T-Mobile Park in Seattle Washington what a performance by the Orioles do they ever look locked in 66 Fahrenheit at first pitch 8.5 miles per hour in Dives down to 7.9 miles per hour a little warmer for nighttime in the Pacific Northwest we have Dean Kramer back in business Jose so he missed six weeks of action with a right tricep strain and Jose he got touched in his rehab starts uh four Jack so he had eight and two3 uh Innings and three rehab outings at norfol and he got touched uh four jacks 11.42 ER he did not look good and I don’t know how much to put into that I I really don’t I don’t have the answer for you there I I uh on the road he’s been really good this year uh he was looking better and better and better as that season went on before he got hurt he didn’t get off to a great start but he started looking really good a few starts on the road two and two 3.21 ra 170 opponent’s batting average going up against Logan Gilbert who’s been fantastic at home uh fantastic on the road he’s been very very consistent at home though 55 strikeouts just seven walks over 53 in the third and the 184 opponent’s batting average his last start was at home versus the twins he allowed two ear runs over six Innings no walks three KS the Orioles rake 28379 Ops Mariners do not 216 689 Ops you know I why why they didn’t resign tocar Hernandez you know it’s not like he was that expensive uh the bullpen for the orils has been very good all year 3.14 ra 1.09 whip while the maners bullpen 4.06 ra 1.22 whip let’s get into the line history for our final spot on the board before we get into WNBA we have Gilbert at minus 120 he opened up at minus 118 two cents of movement towards the Seattle Mariners and then when we get to the total we have this sitting at seven minus 107 to the over uh we’ve had a one set move to the under now that we had a seven yesterday we had a seven yesterday and I was thinking that this might be the over but so are 98% of tickets 98% of cash and I don’t really want to be involved in that 47% of tickets and 96% of cash on the Baltimore orol so why is there not a move towards the Baltimore Orioles a fascinating spot here for us Jose take it away our last game on the card for MLB before we get into WNBA that’s Orioles Mariners yeah this is I don’t want to back de Kramer those rehabs starts are pathetic um and it’s scary it’s scary to back a guy like that like you know we’ve seen it a few times a guy struggle in rehabs and come up and Pitch well um and the Mariners offense is not like it’s a juggernaut so um I could easily see him going out there and pitching well but I I don’t want to put my money on it it’d be Mariners or pass for me um and honestly under pass here again because it’s just the Mariners are so bad offensively and they’re one of the best under teams in baseball so um it’d be Mariners or nothing for me but I’m staying off this game and I hope for the Mariners sake and maybe for my own sake and and my bets I hope the Mariners add some bats uh yes R I bet it last week at plus 140 and I with a ton of confidence yeah and by the way you mentioned that day as well like should we start betting the Orioles every day and you know they keep winning it would have worked it would have worked I don’t want them here I don’t want them here I see all the sharp action on them I don’t know what Kramer’s going to do he certainly didn’t look good in re I know that’s not a big deal but I have to think that there’s another Advantage here I know it cost me in the last one but there wasn’t an advantage overall with the two pitchers yesterday I just there was a perceived Advantage with the home road splits that cost me money but you know why wouldn’t I be on the Mariners first five in this one let’s see if if there’s a price difference now remember the no price difference in the Mitch Keller Gibson start saved me 500 bucks I would have been first three first five on the Pirates but there was no difference in price why in the world and you know what’s interesting Jose is by 5 o’clock pm there was a 15 cent difference but that was the public seeing the same thing that I was seeing not you know because they don’t have the opportunity maybe they were working in the day they don’t have the opportunity to to see that there was no difference when the line was set up which there should have been so let’s see if there’s a difference here uh Mariners full game at 365 minus 125 first five they’re minus 140 yeah I was gonna say I had it at minus 115 I expected it to be minus 130 at least so let’s see what it is here at Pinnacle B online had minus 120 minus 140 so that makes sense wow minus 120 and for at Pinnacle and first five minus 144 yeah that that’s I think that’s what it you know really should be because this Orioles Bullpen is not that impressive and you’re getting the better pitcher you’re you just have to go up against the the lineup here it’s a classic you better Bullpen better pitching but can you score runs that’s a 24 Cent difference so okay I’m going to move here on the M I’m gonna have to take him first five minus a half and I’m gonna do it I rarely been doing these first fives minus a half but I’m gonna do it here okay uh Mariners first five minus a half uh Jose your plan for Orioles Mariners if any I’m staying off but I’m hoping for a three nothing for you all right uh let’s review here MLB I’ll let brzy know that we are ready for you uh see if he is going to we don’t have him backstage we can touch on the game Jose and I with the cers in the chat if he’s not because it’s just one game on the card uh let’s review all action in MLB so uh Justin mckelvie Brian Dela Cruz over one and a half bases is Stacks play of the day shout out to Trish hanging with us fantastic throrough bread Capper in the house what up Trish then I moved on the white sock first five plus a half and I bet it during the show I also have some interest in that full game under so I’m going to spend some more time on that after the show but that’s got question marks beside it TJ’s first best bet first five under four and a half in car oh and sorry I’m on the Marlin’s first five at plus 120 I bet that before the show started uh and Bo Jackson is off the Blue Jays money line now interesting okay Bo thank you for telling us that uh TJ’s first best bet first five under four and a half in Cardinals pie Pates uh I added the Mets minus one and Roco Rogers gave us the Mets money line ventos over one a half he looks great at third he’s a very smooth Fielding third baseman yeah the uh the Mets you know I’m glad that uh Steve Cen is learning how to be a baseball owner because all owners do this they come into the sport they start spending big money they fail then they have to learn and now that’s what he’s starting to do so that’s nice for him Vos over one at bases 105 and Homer at plus 330 then TJ on the Reds first five over four and a half Jose’s on the Reds team total over three and a half and the Reds first five plus a half he got six cents better than I got I got Red’s first five plus half plus 102 and Gerald Jones is on his play The Day Reds Yankees over eight and a half Big O on the cards minus one TJ and cabber on the Astros minus 1111 uh let’s take a look and see if that line is moved further in their Direction because that all made sense I just couldn’t comprehend how they could be plus money to start this one couldn’t comprehend for the life of me just like I couldn’t comprehend the Mets line uh yesterday and I was right but the Mets won an extras uh here for the Astros Jays well yeah minus 108 on BET online now as soon as I was saying wow I guess not right when we were saying it but this got down to a pick him at minus 104 I will be moving on the Toronto Blue Jays some some some I like I said I did I wanted to be the [ __ ] during the that whole segment just to go against everyone because like it seemed like everyone in the chat both guys on our on our panel both like the Astros but it’s hard to do but I guess I’ll do it I’ll I’ll join on the uh Blue Jays at the end of the show wow but Bo Jackson’s gotten off of them interesting come on Bo jump on Bo I’m gonna move on the under seven and a half Jose’s moved on it in Giants Braves and your grandma’s wearing your sister’s panties again play today for Mikey money is Atlanta on the Run line and the under 7even and half that’s at plus 355 so Jose’s on the under seven and a half in Philadelphia Chicago I’m gonna be joining him haven’t moved on yet shout out to Cub connect in the house it’s got Minor League MLB Action Nashville St Paul Rochester over Round Rock under Red Sox over for I guy Cuban connect and Mikey money likes the Altuve spot for home run RBI but only the one official spot today Padres Rangers one of the few spots we stayed off twins minus one I will be on Jose is doubling up on overs doubling up on overs in Rays Royals Pig milk play today Tampa Bay Kansas City first five under four and a half I’m going to be on the first five over six in Milwaukee Colorado Jose’s on the over eight and a half in La Oakland I would like to take a closer look at that one I find it appealing then Jose on the Diamondbacks team told over three and a half I find that appealing in the full game at plus 174 Mikey money as Christian what’s the w wow uh the Phillies are now minus 113 uh when they were minus 125 earlier in the show as well oh oh no they weren’t they were minus 111 they’d move it moved 14 cents at Pinnacle when I was talking about it wow interesting when I then when I was making the lines then it was minus that’s that’s crazy uh Jose’s on DX team total over three and halfus 115 and the full game plus 174 Christian Walker ribey is the RBI spot RI I play the day for Mikey money that’s 14 14 plus 12.25 units then Mariners first five minus a half is how I close up shop for me here Aubrey Travis says Brewers run line free money and Justin mckelvie says Dogg eat dog play the day coming soon yeah I don’t mind giving Justin Stakes if they’re just going to his dog I definitely don’t mind that and then Jeffrey Moore says doesn’t fetty need Tommy John surgery he’s he he has been putting it off that I I don’t know about I think that might be maybe it’s McKenzie that you’re thinking of you think of TR McKenzie I’ve not heard anything like that about ien either wine times on the Angels money line Mariners money line and St Louis Pittsburgh under eight and a half for wine time let’s copy and paste all that okay that is MLB here h I’ve been called all these things before it’s very funny these nicknames ho yes yeah ho h h b the whole thing hose B wow yeah they’re really firing away all right it looks like no bil Brisbane today I’m not sure why but let’s roll into WNBA so we’re going to need you guys here in the chat to help deliver for us 800 p.m Eastern we have have the Phoenix Mercury at the Dallas Wings Mercury 9- 10 2- six on the road Wings 4- 15 2 and5 at home where at College Park Center in Arlington Texas the Mercury come in up their second straight loss in third and four games 8372 at home versus Connecticut on Monday night and this is their third game in four nights this is a veteran Laden Group that might be a little tired the Wings come in off backto back horrifically ugly losses at Seattle they lose the first one on Saturday by 21 and nothing changes in the second one they lose by 24 on Monday so Tory Coker we need you guys in the chat you WNBA cappers to hear your action so Tori Coker is on the wings plus six and the money line that makes sense to me that makes sense to me from someone who doesn’t intimately know the ins and outs of these rosters now I know some of them of course but that just from a simple standpoint of a tired Mercury team and an angry Wings team uh so Jose set up a oh TW latai is still uh still in business uh he’s he’s capping for another company and doing his thing and as you know always be a friend of ours you know I love the guy and you know I I’ll never feel um you know any kind of disrespect from anybody you you got to get yours and that’s all he’s doing he’s getting his he wants wants to cap full time and he’s getting his shout out to Mr [ __ ] coffee yeah I love him I always loved him so let’s get into the line history here for this spot H let’s get into the line history we’re going to be using the lines from Pinnacle so this nice job getting this six this is sitting at four and a half right now at Pinnacle Dallas plus four and a half this opened up at 4 and a halfus 104 got up to five came back oh okay perfect looks like we have our our special guest here for WNBA ready to rock so let me just set this line history up and we’ll bring them on so overall there’s been no movement two cents of movement towards the wings very little amount of movement and on the total we have a 171 and a halfus 111 to the over this has come up from 168 and a half let’s get into the cash flow here for this one and we don’t always get the information in WNBA but we only have one game on the docket so maybe get it here 66% of the tickets on the wings I’m surprised this line isn’t moving towards them based on the third game of four nights for the Mercury and the wings getting beaten up you know in Seattle and back-to-back nights 45% of the tickets and 66% cash on the over and it’s moving in that direction uh Mikey money on Oben oeno W over 22 and a half points she was on fire a four a five game streak with this line but she had a terrible first half last game and ended up with only 21 she should move back to our key shooting role so and why time backing that up saying I like that let’s bring on the star of WNBA programming and basketball programming and mixed martial arts here on Pub sports radio South Jersey in the house please welcome Billy Brisbane to The Telecast Brizzy how are you I’m doing good can you hear me well yeah yeah sounds good enough my man sounds good enough so very interesting spot and thank you for making time for us I know only one game on this slate and it’s probably right in the middle of your day so thank you so much for making time for us Mercury Wings here with the Mercury on the third game in four nights you know uh also those the Sunday and Monday were at home now they’ve traveled to Dallas which I know Phoenix Dallas not a big move but uh they had to travel and then we have yeah W Rizza I’ll handle that for you in a second here then we have the wings getting beaten up by Seattle is this not a bounceback spot for the wings take it away Brizzy wings at home versus Mercury yeah I think the big thing to look out for is uh Britney grinder and nanger Report um with the be in the fourth game in six days I definitely think she can miss this one for this one so if you like the wings I would bet it now if you like the Mercury I would wait a little bit but I don’t know if I like the wings here in this spot they lost 13 out of their last 14 games the one win was the camp day win that we’re all a part of there uh seven and 12 ATS this season uh since then they got blown out in back toback games like you were talking about when it comes to like a game scheme I kind of see the Mercury being vulnerable on defense with tired legs tonight and then the wings with a ique trying to push the pace and kind of digging more into this game this total kind of seems like the look here uh both meetings this season finished 199 and 187 uh the 187 was a double overtime one uh both totals were in the high 160s both of them went over Dallas has the second worst defensive rating in the league and dead last and points allowed per game Mercury third fastest team in the league uh Dallas sixth fastest team in the league um looking at arque she’s averaging 28.3 points per game against the Mercury over the last few seasons her Point props 22 and a half she’s gone over that eight out of her last night match up versus the Phoenix so I’m taking the over 171 and a half we have an over for Billy Brisbane over 171 and a half Brizzy or sorry Jose what are your thoughts on this spot do you think we could take advantage of a older Mercury squad on the third game of fortn nights yeah ien uh Wings obviously here as well five of the opener going down a four and a half and we’re starting to see a four as well at bookmaker here um so that’s very interesting and you mentioned not much information but 45% of the bets and 66% of the money on the over and this total allegedly opened up at let me double check here minus 16 or sorry over 165 and a half and now it’s at Min or 171 and a half uh I I agree with all the overlooks um and Billy friederich with a great comment here said these two teams have played twice this season their totals were 199 and 187 um so obviously be aware of Grinny grinder playing of course but over I like and I like the wings here as well same here the last I’ve only made two bets and I didn’t heed brizzy’s advice he told me to take first half I took first quarter I lost first half covered and now he’s saying that he wouldn’t bet the wings I what do you think about those two losses against Seattle I mean they got destroyed in both games we don’t feel like this is a bounceback spot brzy uh you’re muted my man the bounce back could rightfully be so but I mean Friday they play the Atlanta Dream and if they won on Friday night at home against the Atlanta Dream would I be shocked probably not like I I think that would be the bounceback spot um I think they’re in a better rest spot Advantage but sometimes the rest spot Advantage doesn’t always pay out um I definitely think Dallas would be the side right now if I like the Mercury I’m probably gonna wait a little bit um for the Britney grinder news with the Britney grinder news she’s out I think this line goes down to two and a half h uh let me just see are they going to give me the Jesus they’re giving me a five and a half at 365 wow uh let’s just see what Pinnacle is offering that’s I mean I don’t see how I can see no of that yeah I don’t see five and a half anywhere else okay uh I’m gonna bet this right now U while I do uh any other anything uh what is is there any I know this is a huge weekend uh as well uh for you huge week are you going to be around because you don’t have to be for July 4th and July 5th are you do you want those days to party Brizzy yeah I’ll be I’ll be around uh beautiful tomorrow’s Thursday tomorrow’s yeah yeah I should be around I’m on vacation here but uh we we we’ll figure it out um the WiFi is fine we’re fine okay I’m going to get this uh locked in uh Brizzy so is this completely a week off of mixed martial arts is there anything going on this weekend completely off mixed martial arts not even any like Regional scene stuff going on the only regional thing going on is LFA uh South America versus America so I won’t have bets on that at all uh we’ve been on the Olympic qualifiers uh the Olympic qualifier tournament started up a couple friendly games games tonight here um France gster Friendly’s kicked off at 3 o’ um waiting for when Luca plays again because Slovenia lost to Croatia yesterday um I think Slovenia is definitely GNA bounce back in game two Dario Sark ended up having a triple double and his triple double ended up uh being more relevant than Lucas triple double in a losing performance at 2610 and 10 so uh I definitely think they bounce back in their second game um and then the other game is uh 8:30 tonight in the Olympics uh Puerto Rico is a 41 and a half Point favorite over bin do what you want with the [ __ ] information but uh Bin lost by the biggest margin ever in Olympic qualifier history yesterday um I don’t think they get blown up by 41 and a half points um I would take bin plus the points there bin plus the points that that’s the kind of bet you want to make in Vegas just hammered with your buddies hoping we can stay with him 41 and a half getting huge laughs nonstop slapping ass for no reason I’m on bin baby you know bin against Puerto Rico you you name me the starting fight with Puerto Rico and let me know if they should be [ __ ] L 41 JJ Berea that’s all I’ve got Chris DTE is their star player oh look at that look at that congratulations to them all right well God you know it’s so dumb is uh I meant to bet Less on the wings plus five and a half but I wasn’t like listening to you guys and talking and I bet a regular unit here we go the wings matter today did not mean to do that and I was like I was like I had to say I was like I didn’t just bet a regular unit on it and I went back to look and I was like oh [ __ ] I do think though if you’re going to take it I would want some type of like home reinsurance of like me getting paid out at halftime with like a first half team total over for the wings because they’re going to win the game they’re going to have to score over 40 points in the first half yeah I gonna leave that alone uh great call well so far Tommy Paul now minus 380 uh I love that look that you gave us Mikey money Brizzy thank you so much for making time for us here on the one spot Tori says Wings will win outright that’s all I need to hear Tor my man uh so thank you for your time Brizzy on the over 171 and a half here in Mercury wings and we’ll be back in business with us again tomorrow uh Brizzy if there’s any spots on the international basketball landscape that you want to touch on tomorrow just hit me on Twitter and we’ll set it all up with Graphics sounds good sounds good uh I got to make sure I got I got to check the time of these games because these games are like early as [ __ ] uh like the game start start at like 8:00 in the morning East Coast time okay well let us know if anything Works in our wheelhouse and thank you so much for your time Brizzy uh please support Brizzy at getor bills onx and support our big new UFC podcast locker room podcast they’ve been crushing another hugely successful week for you guys I’d love to see it we’re all very proud of it so I’d love to see it um any uh Last Words Bri for the C sport in the show yeah man let’s make some cash uh a little bit of a slow week in sports this week so we got to be a bit precise and uh really Hammer the spots that we like I love it there’s our guy Billy Brisbane we have a huge show tomorrow not as many games as you would think but a huge show tomorrow and we also have a $100 horse race will it be camels will it be Greyhounds will it be horses we will decide that there’s no donkeys any we got no donkey racing I don’t I’ll deep into the archives and we’ll see okay yeah let’s see if we can find because I I don’t know if a sprinting or swimming it just doesn’t maybe it should be sprinting I don’t know maybe we could try humans just aren’t as fun here so uh n JPY watching Paul delivery here I love it I love it uh Billy F says no looks on Nathan’s Hot Dog Eating Contest no joy Chestnut he’s putting a small bet on web that’s usually Peter lak’s field so we can ask lak if he’s doing anything in the hot dog eating contest now F minus 525 Mikey money that was a beautiful look a beautiful look there I should have moved on immediately with you guys and uh thank thank you thank you all for everything uh thank you for your support Ron Crawford spreadsheet play today dog play today is San Diego Padre’s plus 128 that’s 22 and 14 uh plus 1500 he’s up 15 units with that look uh there for us all thank you guys Kelly McKinnis Billy Fredick Mikey money JPY coin Justin mckelvie Aubrey Travis Tor Coker young Native Tino first quarter over 43 and a half or under sorry I didn’t ask that what he’s on the over so you can imagine that he likes the over uh you can imagine that lq thank you all you guys aod Kong’s Clips Cuban connect woo Rizza I popped the spreadsheet play today in there for you uh Trisha thank you guys Roco Rogers REM most Jeffrey Moore thank you all uh we have nothing without you guys Big O much love to all of you guys uh Jose bouet my friend thank you for all your hard work and everything you bring to the show I did ask for the clip of those uh those sweet tea tits of yours being slapped Jose has brought it for us so let’s have this as Our Moment of Zen Jose my friend can you bless our action and let CH us into the future of course of course it’s nice to see everyone in the chat it’s nice to see the new names in the chat as always if you’re new here subscribe become a member support the channel any way you can we appreciate you guys for watching a lot of exciting things coming in the future July 4th show tomorrow and more importantly July 5th show cannot wait it’s gonna be a fun one Jimmy it’s going to be a fun one indeed I cannot wait to have an excuse to neglect all of my friends my girlfriend and sit alone upstairs and yelling at a TV screen about [ __ ] Venezuela so I cannot wait shout out to you guys say hey to us on social media and [ __ ] let’s go milk these [ __ ] bookies let El Los bookmakers

We have the perfect card to get us PAID IN FULL on Wednesday’s Betting with the Bag. We have 15 MLB games and 1 WNBA game on today’s schedule. The perfect amount of games to allow us to deep dive on every spot on the board. Today’s MLB breakdown is highlighted by BEST BETS from TJ & Daby Cab. TJ is having quite a season on the show and is now 28W 17L 62.2% +10.0U ROI+22.22% AvL-109 as we head towards the All-Star break. After MLB, we welcome Billy Brisbane to the show to lead us to the cash on the lone WNBA game on the board. It’s time to join forces, share angles, crunch numbers, dig deep AND GET THAT CASH! How are you getting paid tonight?

Today’s Schedule –


Boston Red Sox (45-39, 25-16 Away) at Miami Marlins (30-55, 16-28 Home)
loanDepot park, Miami, Florida

Chicago White Sox (24-63, 8-34 Away) at Cleveland Guardians (53-30, 27-9 Home)
Progressive Field, Cleveland, Ohio

St Louis Cardinals (44-40, 20-22 Away) at Pittsburgh Pirates (40-44, 19-21 Home)
PNC Park, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

New York Mets (42-41, 21-16 Away) at Washington Nationals (39-46, 17-21 Home)
Nationals Park, Washington, District of Columbia

Cincinnati Reds (40-45, 20-22 Away) at New York Yankees (54-33, 24-15 Home)
Yankee Stadium, Bronx, New York

Houston Astros (43-42, 19-23 Away) at Toronto Blue Jays (39-46, 21-22 Home)
Rogers Centre, Toronto, Ontario

San Francisco Giants (42-44, 17-25 Away) at Atlanta Braves (46-37, 26-15 Home)
Truist Park, Atlanta, Georgia

Philadelphia Phillies (56-29, 23-15 Away) at Chicago Cubs (39-47, 22-19 Home)
Wrigley Field, Chicago, Illinois

San Diego Padres (46-43, 22-21 Away) at Texas Rangers (39-46, 21-19 Home)
Globe Life Field, Arlington, Texas

Detroit Tigers (38-47, 19-25 Away) at Minnesota Twins (48-37, 24-16 Home)
Target Field, Minneapolis, Minnesota

Tampa Bay Rays (43-42, 20-17 Away) at Kansas City Royals (47-40, 30-17 Home)
Kauffman Stadium, Kansas City, Missouri

Milwaukee Brewers (51-35, 24-22 Away) at Colorado Rockies (29-56, 17-25 Home)
Coors Field, Denver, Colorado

Los Angeles Angels (36-48, 18-22 Away) at Oakland Athletics (31-56, 19-23 Home)
Oakland Coliseum, Oakland, California

Arizona Diamondbacks (41-44, 19-23 Away) at Los Angeles Dodgers (53-33, 26-16 Home)
Dodger Stadium, Los Angeles, California

Baltimore Orioles (54-31, 25-14 Away) at Seattle Mariners (47-40, 28-15 Home)
T-Mobile Park, Seattle, Washington


Phoenix Mercury (9-10, 2-6 Road) at Dallas Wings (4-15, 2-5 Home)
College Park Center, Arlington, TX

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