Ryan Leonard was so close to signing with us

Ryan Leonard was so close to signing with us

  1. Honestly good luck to him. Hope they win it all next year. And hopefully we’ll see him rock the red in the 25-26 season. He’s young. He sounds excited about being a Cap in the future. Just let him enjoy college for now.

  2. this is just how deeply rooted hockey culture is in the northeast. not surprised in the slightest he’s going back to BC.

  3. >“I talked to a lot of people about this. College is the best time of your life. A lot of people that go one and done, 10 years down the road say they regret it. After I made my initial statement of saying I was going to stay, I met Kevin Hayes before I went to Men’s Worlds, and he told me right away, he goes, ‘Dude, if I was in your position, I would stay here as long as you can.’ That kind of went a long way.”

    Damn thats a Cutter Gauthier type beat. Why tf are all these dudes always talking to Kevin Hayes? He’s such a fuckin knocko.

  4. I like his comment about wanting to be “over-ready.” Easy to get impatient waiting on him but we don’t need to take any risk of ruining the highest pick we’ve had this decade, hope to see him soon.

  5. OK, can I get the TLDR – is this guy still going to be a Cap (in the organization) if he goes back or does he then get back in the draft pool for next year?

  6. REALLY don’t want this kid to push us off. Its fine right now, I get it, go win, but what feels like the kids not reporting these days, makes me worry.

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