Be a real shame if people trash talked Jeff’s self expression, like he does others to the media…

Be a real shame if people trash talked Jeff’s self expression, like he does others to the media…

  1. Shedding tears doesn’t make me not a man, but by god if I painted my nails my testicles might vanish

  2. Ugh I do not care about this at all lmao.

    I didn’t know who he was before his comment

  3. what’s the context towards hating this dude? literally the only thing i know about him now is trying to say it’s ok as a man to express your feelings. which is commendable and needed.

  4. “Shedding tears…I dunno man. Can’t wait to see him in week 1” [sic]

  5. Look, I hope Simmons is okay.
    He is one of the titans best players.
    Hope the bears game plan for him and not let him wreck havoc.

  6. talked shit about caleb for painting nails. he’s been arrested for beating a woman on camera so his opinion on what makes a man is pretty useless

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