Washington Commanders Austin Ekeler Sparks Jealous Outburst from Former Giants Tiki Barber | TE Room

Washington Commanders Austin Ekeler Sparks Jealous Outburst from Former Giants Tiki Barber | TE Room

Tiki Barber decided to comment on Washington Commander running back Austin Eckler and it’s clear that Tiki has suffered a little bit of memory loss so we’re going to remind him of what the past actually looked like coming up next on today’s episode of Locked on commanders you are locked on commanders your daily podcast on the Washington commanders part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day and welcome into today’s episode of lock on commanders part of the lock on podcast Network your team every day I’m your host David Harrison credential member of the media covering the Washington commanders for commander game day.com a part of Sports Illustrated and I’m here with you every Monday through Friday greatly appreciate you coming through for today’s episode every dayers welcome back and I appreciate you for coming through every single day this is your daily podcast covering the Washington commanders if you haven’t already please subscribe for free on YouTube or wherever you’re listening to this episode on today’s episode we are going to continue our series of breakdowns going through each position group kind of gauging the state of each position group on the commander roster today we’re going to look at the tight ends but first we got to talk about Tiki Barber who lost his stinking mind recently we’re GNA help him find it coming up here in just a minute if you want to discuss that or anything else we’re going to talk about here on the show or anything else Washington commanders related all you got to do is text me by becoming a locked on commanders Insider go to join sub tex.com loock on commanders today become an Insider from there you can send me messages questions your takes analysis whatever you want you’re also going to get plenty of extra content analysis opinions News live texting from games practices press conferences the whole nine yards all delivered straight to your phone no hashtags no apps no filters needed again join sub tex.com lockon commanders to get in on that today today’s episode is brought to you by Game Time download the game time app creat your account use a promo code locked on NFL and you will get $20 off your first purchase terms apply I want to keep our evaluation series first and foremost but I have to do this one topic first today guys sorry I hope you can bear with me here but it needed to be talked about you remember the better help ads we’ve had recently we talk about getting some off your chest this is just one of those moments guys I got to get this off my chest so hopefully you can hang in here with me while you’re planning your fourth of July celebration uh events whatever that’s going to be sit at home go somewhere fireworks no fireworks food no food it’s Independence Day do whatever you want that’s kind of the point right within legal ramifications of course Tiki Barber uh who I my understanding is he’s a radio host now uh in New York or he’s on the radio regularly in New York I’m not sure what capacity mostly talking about New Jersey football uh because that’s what New York uh likes to do he decided recently that he was going to speak on Austin Eckler’s control over his own NFL career saying quote Austin Eckler said something the other day that was so discouraging so discouraging it had nothing to do with anything it was discouraging because he was asked about why the Jim Harbaugh Leed Chargers weren’t ideal for him or why did they move on from him and you know what his answer was they want a guy who can run the ball 300 times a season they want someone who can run the ball 300 times end quote that’s what Tiki Barber commented on we talked about it here on the show Austin Eckler went on the rich eyes in show he’s said this before there he’s he’s made no qualms about it that Harbaugh and the Chargers were looking for a back that they could potentially hand the ball off to 300 times he said look it’s not me it’s not my game it’s never been my game I’m at my best when I can be part of a two-man team a Duo someone can reli me whatever however you put it basically Austin knows that he is at his best when he’s part of a unit not being looked at as the only guy the the single pointed failure for an NFL team’s running game his sidekick Tiki Barber sidekick on the show chimed in basically said that Eckler was saying he couldn’t carry the ball 300 times in the season great deducing by the co-host there because it’s exactly what Austin Eckler said Barber then continued quote well he’s just saying it’s not my game it’s not my game to be dude you couldn’t get me off the field end quote that’s what Tiki Barber said quote you couldn’t get me off the field remember that it’s important end quote he then tries to compare Austin Eckler to the likes of Christian mcaffrey which look nobody’s doing that Christian mcaffrey CMC is a unicorn we all know this Derrick Henry is a unicorn we all know this not everybody can be CMC not everybody can be Derrik Henry then he talks about Eckler not wanting to be like CMC that’s why he’s not being paid like CMC and the sidekick again chimes in again and says just talking about well if Austin egler wants all the money that he wants do you want to be a bcow or not well bro clearly ecka does not want to be the bcow Barbera finishes by drilling all over himself about the mentality changes in today’s game players getting maintenance weeks Barbara was complaining about players getting maintenance weeks and how he gets criticized Barber himself gets criticized for calling the game soft today and that’s just kind of the gist of if you want to hear the entire ranting of idiocy for yourself you can find it on Twitter I found it via awful announcing which is exactly what this clip was so it’s a fitting uh video for that for that Twitter account so let’s let’s kill the sidekicks comments here first okay sidekick talks about everything that Austin Eckler wanted all the money that Austin he wants all this money do you want to be the Bellow or not Austin Eckler agreed to a deal with the Washington commanders on the very first day of open negotiating very first day of open negotiating he agreed to a deal that made him the 18th highest paid running back in the league in annual average value on the first day he agreed to this that is not the sign of a man who is demanding caffes money or top 15 top 10 top five money that’s actually the sign of a man who says I know that I’m going to contribute to you as part of a Duo so I’m going to take money commensurate to being part of the duo which is about 18th ranked running back money in the league so there’s that sidekick also mentions Eckler saying do you not want to be do you want to be a bcow or not clearly he does not want to be a bcow do you want to be a solo host or not because you’re doing a show with Tiki Barber shouldn’t the best radio in your logic shouldn’t the best best radio hosts on radio in New York talking about New Jersey Sports be solo it’s ridiculous it’s a ridiculous comparison ridiculous question to even ask now to Tiki because he’s obviously the most important part of this and this pains me because honestly I’ve got a lot of love for Tiki Bar Tiki Barber’s brother Ronde Barber he’s a Hall of Famer Ronde is not Tiki and I don’t want Ronde to potentially think less of me because what I’m about to say about his brother you know for what that’s worth not that he necessarily thinks highly of me anyway uh but especially because I’m about to use R’s own words against Tiki here in this situation but it’s Tiki’s fault right so remember Tiki is talking about this game being soft he’s using ekler not wanting 300 carries the season as evidence of the game today being soft and he’s talking about how you couldn’t get him off the field when he was playing Tiki carried the ball 300 times in a single season one time before Tom cin took over as the head coach of the New York Giants 2004 he was not a pro bowler was not an allpro and a single of those Seasons even the one he had a 300 yards or 300 carries or more in 2004 starting when Tom Coughlin came in and took over the New York Giants 2004 2005 2006 under Tom Coughlin T Barber carried the ball 322 times 357 times and 327 times in those three seasons he made the Pro Bowl all three of those years was a first team All Pro in 2005 and the first it was the first and only time in his career he was ever All Pro before retiring after the 2006 NFL season said he was in retire Midway through6 NFL season that’s great just before the Giants went on to win two super bowls with quarterback Eli Man Manning who Barber criticized following his own retirement um so that’s great why did barbar retire that’s the question here in his own words this is a quote from Tiki Barber quote coach Coughlin is very hard-nosed and I don’t get a lot of time off I couldn’t sit down and rest myself it was a constant grind a physical grind on me that started to take its toll while it didn’t show up on Sundays because I had my best three seasons under him and I give him a lot of credit for that I could feel a difference I knew it was time to start thinking about other things end quote those other things quitting that’s what Tiki Barber did he got three consecutive Seasons carrying the ball over 300 times which is something he’s claiming Austin Eckler should want to do right now at the age of 29 Tiki Barber retiring at the age of 31 Tiki Barber who he himself said you couldn’t get me off the field not only could they get you off the field Tiki you ran as far away from the field as you possibly could not only did you get off the field as quickly as you possibly could by retiring on the New York Giants you didn’t even do what Austin did and say hey I know who I am I’m aware of what I’m looking for I’m going to go find a team that better suits my situation no you said in said you put the blame on Coach Coughlin who made you a three-time pro bowler and an all pro and if he’ actually stuck it out and then maybe not as soft as you’re claiming these other players are you would have won a Super Bowl which is something your brother did Eckler’s other things finding an NFL team whose Vision work and workload aligned with his own so he can compete and continue playing so one quit one found a better job one’s calling the other soft doesn’t really seem to compute but I’m not done sorry Ronde just because we can’t let Tiki hide behind the outof context quote here in 2023 years years after Tiki barber retired ronday told Rick shr of the Tampa Bay Times quote he Tiki was sick of coach Tom Coughlin he was beat up and just couldn’t do anymore the position got him if he had been working with John gr or somebody like that who knew how to use backs and not give him like 30 touches every single game maybe he would have played longer but he was just beat up and done end quote the same running back who’s criticizing Austin Eckler for not wanting the ball 300 times g a season the same running back who’s telling everybody you couldn’t get me off the field left football left football because coach Coughlin was mean wouldn’t let me rest and ran me too much get out of here bro FYI Tiki Barber signed a two-year contract extension with the New York Giants in 2005 after Tom Coughlin arrived to the team after he got his first 300 plus yard season after Tom made him a pro bowler for the first time in his career so it sounds to me just like the saquan Barkley conversation which if you missed that you can go find that Barber’s basically jealous that Austin Eckler unlike Tiki is able to control his career say I know who I am I know what I want I know what I’m looking for I’m going to go find it Tiki didn’t get that opportunity didn’t seize that opportunity when he had the opportunity and couldn’t control his career speaking of guys who are controlling their careers commanders tied end Zack ZZ controlling his career rejoining Cliff Kingsbury in Washington so we’re going to flip from that Ridiculousness to something a little bit more reasonable and applicable applicable to this season we’re going to look at the Bonafide Top Dog in the tight end room and the rest of the room on this episode of lockon commanders part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day and today’s episode of Locked on commanders is brought to you by Game Time an authorized toet Marketplace of Major League Baseball which makes getting tickets faster and easier prices on game time actually go down the closer it gets to the first pitch when you’re on the game time app with killer last minute deals all in prices views from your seat and their lowest price guarantee game time takes the guest work out of buying major league baseball tickets the Washington Nationals are in action on the fourth of July so if you want to go see the game game time is your hookup for great tickets and great prices take the guest work out of buy Major League Baseball tickets with Game Time download the game time app create your account use the code locked on NFL to get $20 off your first purchase terms apply again create your account redeemed code l c d o n NFL for $20 off download game time today last minute tickets lowest price guaranteed thanks again for making lock on commanders your first listening your first View today and every day every day thanks for coming through like you do on a regular basis come back tomorrow we will continue our episodes here on the lock on commanders podcast 5 days a week even through the quote unquote Dead period in the meantime if you need more Sports coverage make sure you’re checking out lock on sports today it’s a free 24/7 Sports streaming Channel program for you every day to bring you the biggest stories can’t miss analysis opinions and news all streaming 247 on YouTube or the free Amazon Fire TV channels app all part of lock on podcast Network your team every day so we just talked about Tiki Barber coming completely out of pocket about Austin Eckler and look I want to make one thing very clear at the end of that whole conversation football is an incredibly physical sport it’s incredibly punishing sport it’s a brutal sport these guys take a lot a lot a lot of physical punishment so I will never ever blame a player for walking away from the game because of the brutality of the game or for doing what Austin neckar did and said I am not a 300 touch guy a season I need to be spelled I need to be part of a Duo I need to be part of of a more healthy type of situation which is why I think it’s crap a Tiki barber went after Austin neckar the way that he did because again you are a guy who after getting 300 plus carries a season for just a few seasons you said it’s too much my coach is a meany head and you left so for you to come back and then say that somebody else should be putting their body on the line the way that you didn’t want to it’s garbage bro it’s just garbage respect that you played the game for 10 years respect everything that you achieved as an NFL player but it’s garbage take just like you’re take about saquan Barkley it was a garbage take so that’s just the bottom line of it all right so enough about Tiki Barber and his garbage take takes Austin eer here Washington if you missed the running back position group breakdown that was yesterday’s episode please go check that out but we’re going to talk about tight ends today and again we’ve been talking about kind of how do we break down tight ends and how do we really kind of evaluate rack and stack these guys right and there’s a lot of ways just like every other position group there’s a lot of ways to do this there’s a lot of way to to what is it shave a cat I think is what they say I hope that’s the saying because if not that’s just a really weird thing for me to say um and my favorite way I guess is to evaluate them as Flex tight ends inline tight ends hybrid tight ends right you got a whole lot of ways classified tight ends in line is probably one of the most common but you got split end detached y tight ends H tight ends all this other stuff right we’re not going to get into every single Nuance of all of these things but basically the way you need to rack and stack these tight ends in Washington is essentially dependent on how Cliff Kingsbury the offensive coordinator how Brian Johnson the offensive pass game coordinator and how Anthony Lynn the offensive Run game coordinator in tandem in Trio whatever it’s called Uh plan to use the Titans right and and I think that’s going to kind of flex it’s going to kind of be it’s going to be a little bit of personal definition perhaps uh this season so a flex tight end you’re looking more as he’s he’s a receiving tight end right he’s he’s usually a big wider big wide receiver type I know a lot of people look at kind of Cam Sims and they’re like hey maybe he could be a tight end type uh he would have been a smaller tight end bigger wide receiver what have you uh things like that basically a receiving tight end inline tight end you’re talking hand to the dirt attached to the tackle whatever side right tackle offens tackle doesn’t matter part of the line of scrimmage a lot of times you can be asked to block a lot of times you be asked to delay and get out for route chip block what have you uh do those things basically a blocking tight end then a hybrid of course the word hybrid typically means to connect two different things so you’ve got a flex tight end that can receive an inline tight end that can block really well you want a guy that can do both and sometimes you can put him in line sometimes you can spread them out sometimes you use them a receiver sometimes you use them as a blocker and then of course everybody wants to be able to use and be used in every single scenario that’s a very rare thing uh in the National Football League to find a tight end that could operate in a flex heavy scheme inline heavy scheme and that makes him basically uh the top hybrid of hybrids so when you look at the flex tight end position right so who are the best flex tight ends in this Washington commers offensive room right now again these are guys that if you only ask them to be receivers who would be the best who would be the worst we’re looking at four tight ends uh sorry we’re looking at five tight ends in this situation we’re looking at Zack Herz Ben senet the rookie out of Kansas State John Bates Cole Turner and Armani Rogers those are the five tight ends that I view have a better than reasonable expectation to possibly compete for a roster spot so you’re looking at Flex pure receivers I’ve got Zack hers number one I think right now he’s the best pure receiving tight end on this roster partially because of physical talent but a lot A lot has to do with his veteran experience his knowledge of The Game and his ability to probably lead and kind of connect with a Young quarterback like jayen Daniels I think benet’s number two I think he’s flashed a lot of that potential you see it a lot a lot on his tape from Kansas State we’ve seen it rookie mini camp ota’s mini camp all those things so I’ve got him number two as a pure Flex tight end I think Cole Turner is going to be the be the next best receiver in this tight end room followed by John Bates who I think is a better receiver in the NFL than a lot of people expected to be when he joined the NFL if that makes sense um so I’ve got him behind Cole Turner there and then Armani Rogers I put behind all of those guys in line tight end so if you’re only asking a guy to block with his hand you know be hand in the dirt attached to the line of scrimmage next to the tackle then then then who are we going to look at I think John Bates is probably the best blocking tight end uh in the room I think Benet again and it’s hard because some of this is going to be projection because we haven’t seen Benet in pads we haven’t seen actually block a live pass rusher yet so so this is definitely G to be a grain of salt projection part of the conversation but I do think that he’s going to be a better blocker than Zach her who I put third again you know the veteran experienc there Zack ‘s not necessarily known for his blocking ability armman Rogers we got fourth because I do actually kind of want to put Armani Rogers ahead of Zach just because what we saw the last time he was on the field but Armani coming off of that Achilles injury it’s kind of hard to truly project him higher than Cole Turner that’s been his his Bugaboo right the thing about Cole Turner has been his lack of blocking ability we’ll see if that got better this year but until then you got to put him down there at the bottom then you’re looking at hybrids who is the best combination of both who’s who brings you the most receiving and also blocking ability I think I’m gonna put Benet up top right and and I think that the veteran ability and knowledge that Zack Herz has is going to ultimately make him the starting tight end I think he’s going to be your tight end number one your top dog in the room but I do think that if you just put him in a vacuum and said who’s the best receiver and blocker combined I think benenson Net’s gonna be better than Zack her was in that field again Zack her not exactly known for his blocking uh John Bates I think I put him ahead of Zack hers as well but the thing is like it’s it’s the it’s the holistic look at it right like Zack s’s receiving ability is by far and away ahead of John Bates but if you need a guy who can do both every single snap I think John Bates is ahead of him Zack her is going to be third there Amman Rogers even come off the Achilles is going to be fourth and then Cole Turner again just until we see it you can’t put him any higher uh than that position there in the ti tight end room so how does this all lead to Zack hers being the number one tight end who’s going to be number two three and then ultimately who’s going to win that fourth tight end job because I do think that’s a little bit up for grabs that and more coming up on today’s episode of Locked on commanders part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day wrapping up today’s episode of lock on commanders again thanks for making lockon commanders your first listen your first View today and every day started off the show talking about Tiki coming out of pocket about Austin then we dove into the tight end room ultimately kind of racking and stacking the types of tight ends we have on this roster and the question when you organize this depth chart is who’s going to be the top tight end who’s going to fall in line second third and then ultim ultimately who’s going to take that fourth job if there is indeed a fourth job on the active roster I know there are a good amount of people out there watching the command is up close who do think there will be a fourth job available on the active roster whether that goes to Cole Turner orione Rogers is really kind of the question because I think most people have Zack hers number one on the depth chart right now and again I think that you know Cliff Kingsbury is known for kind of the pass heavy attack and all that stuff there’s certainly going to be plenty of passing but I do think he’s going to want his tight end to kind of block a little bit and while I don’t think that part of the office is going to push Zack hers off the field as much I mean he’s a little bit older right so I wouldn’t be surprised you’re going to see some B theet John Bates sets anyway right but not because Zack Herz just can’t block but more so because at the end of the day if you have Zack Herz on the field put him on the right you put the extra Blocker on the left if you have a two tight end set a 12 Personnel set you can roll away from or with Zack hers with the intent of if I roll with my quarterback Jaden Daniels he pulls Defenders with me uncovers her I throw the ball I connect with him or I roll away from it so that he can operate away from the pass rush I’ve got my extra blocker the same way so there’s a lot of scheme things you can do to help kind of the fact that Zack her’s not necessarily the best Blocker in the world number two tight end I think entering training camp John Bates is going to be the number two tight end um I I think that his consistency across the board is just really good and really valuable to an NFL team I just I I think that I said this with with Adam Epstein on the radio Here Local in the DMV recently I think that John Bates is just he’s the kind of tight end that any NFL team would love to have because no he’s not your Travis Kelce you know what I mean he’s not your Superstar or Mark Andrews or things like that but he’s a really solid dude that can do everything you ask a tight end in the NFL to do really well can’t do any of them great but he can do everything really well I think that’s incredibly valuable in the NFL so John Bates you know Health uh you know permitting knock on what it does I think he’s have a very long career in the NFL because of that um but I don’t think he’s ever going to just kind of become the top guy anywhere uh Ben CET I think he enters training camp as the third tight end I think by the end of the preseason cette certainly could be that number two tight end and I think by this time next year benet’s probably going to be the number one tight end so it’s just a matter of how quickly that climb happens when it happens there’s really no rush at the end of the day because you do have some faith in the guys ahead of him currently so you don’t need to rush it which is great for the player because he can just focus on getting better doesn’t have to worry about all those other things um because unlike some people might think you don’t have to play 300 snaps or get 300 touches a season to be a great player um clearly Armani Rogers Cole Turner I think they’re battling it out for that fourth tight end spot it’s hard guys to be honest with you it’s quite hard because Armani Rogers if if Armani Rogers that we saw last comes back just at the same or or even better than his Achilles injury I think he’s going to really battle C Turner for that last spot col Turner certainly has a lot of upside as a receiver I think he’s the better receiver but I think if this team is looking at a fourth tight end and they want that more that blocking ability as well I think Armani Rogers really has an opportunity to steal that spot I don’t have a prediction there I know that’s kind of boring and believe me if I could just make one up I would but the truth the honest truth is and that’s why I try to be with you guys all the time honest and true I don’t know I don’t know who’s going to win win it but I think honestly the fact that I don’t know who’s going to take that fourth spot if there is indeed a fourth active tight end is more of a negative towards or more of a takeaway from Cole Turner and and it just kind of shows where we are and again I like Cole Turner a lot uh I have a lot of Hope for the kid but blocking has just been his his problem and you know we need to see if that got better this offse season hopefully it did hopefully he’ll come in a training camp and really uh kind of show marked improvement there doesn’t have to be the best Blocker in the NFL right just just show a marked improvement there and if he does then I think my tune will change there but of course we’ve got pre-training Camp expectation episodes coming up as well towards the end here of the Dead period we get into the later periods of July coming up tomorrow we will continue these conversations here on lockon Commander so make sure you come back for that in the meantime if you got questions or comments throw them down the YouTube comment section or text me by becom a locked on commanders Insider join sub text.com loock on commanders don’t forget make sure you also check out locked on sports today the first ever 247 live streaming Sports channel on YouTube as always thank you for making lock on commanders your first listen of the day every day every Dar thank you for coming through on a regular basis like you do till we speak again if you’re out out please be safe be kind and I’ll see you next time for another episode of lockon commanders part of lockson podcast Network your team every day

Washington Commanders running back Austin Ekeler received some ridiculous criticism from former New York Giants running back Tiki Barber.

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  1. Austin is also an extended WR out the backfield so for him to tote it 300 times wouldn’t make sense when there are so many other ways to get him the ball ….

  2. AE understands at his age toting it 300 times would hurt him more than help him, so having a fresh AE on 3rd down or in the red zone is more valuable than having him as the bell cow… we have B Rob aka 50 cent for that

  3. Thanks so much for your thorough analysis, David. When it comes to Cole Turner, he is just a part of a list of former RR players who show promise and simply don't develop as we (or they) coahes thought they should. Sometimes, the players regress, e.g., Emmanuel Forbes, Jamin Davis, Antonio Gibson Gibson (to some degree). How much do you think Turner's growth was stunted by the previous regimes piss poor coahing and how much can coaching fix?

  4. Football has definitely gotten 'softer' over the years! I started watching football in like 1980 – 1981 (And loved the "Inside the Nfl' when it was originally on HBO with Nick Buoniconti, Len Dawson, and then Chris Collinsworth joined – Bob Costas made regular appearances – all after Meltzer and Bednarik left the show in the late 1970's!

    Now days, I had to do a double take one day because I thought I accidentally went to the Lacrosse field instead of the football field that my son was practicing on, and wanted me to come watch him play! Jack Tatum (The Assassin) Dick 'Night Train' Lane!, Franco Harris, Lynn Swan, Mark Duper/Clayton and Marino, Ronnie Lott, Mike Singletary, Ray Lewis, BEASTS

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