FIRST THINGS FIRST | Nick Wright STUNNED, Miami Dolphins Should NOT Pay Tua OR Tyreek Hill | NFL

FIRST THINGS FIRST | Nick Wright STUNNED, Miami Dolphins Should NOT Pay Tua OR Tyreek Hill | NFL

somewhat long show wide receiver Market has exploded and Tyreek is already looking at his next payday take a listen happy for um obviously my teammate W you know get getting his new deal um so um for for guys like me that’s great you know I’m 30 years old you know um also looking for a new deal so very very excited to see where you know I fit in to like that category the real goal is win the Super Bowl it’s cool to you know get paid and all that but you know being able to win a Super Bowl and bring something special to the to the city of Miami muscular tank top when you’re asking for a new deal Savvy move some people say I’ve lost who should the Dolphins prioritize Tyreek or Tua well the guy who might be the best at what he does or the guy who might not be one of the 15 wow Tua did lead the league in passing right no I mean the answer is Tyreek Tyreek is the engine that moves that offense Tyreek is the in is the Irreplaceable part of that and the market has passed Tyreek by tyre’s deal to begin with was fake they called it a 30 million a year but it wasn’t because it was 45 million or 46 million salary in the final year and it just did that for the headline and now he’s got three years left on the deal the last two legitimate years two legitimate years left on it but but now his annual average has been like you know moved up or it’s 60% below the market so or the market 60% above where he is so it’s Tyreek you have to have Tyreek for that thing to work because you don’t have that guy at quarterback if you had that guy at quarterback you wouldn’t have to have two awesome receivers including one of the most physically gifted unique receivers in league history we were talking about Tyreek Hill last year around week four is he one of the five best receivers ever that was the discussion and MVP what right and if he gets to 2,000 yards could be a league MVP so I I to me this is easy Brew because I look at Tyreek as clearly a top three receiver and I wouldn’t pay TOA so I this is not hard for me and so yes Tyreek is my answer it’s even easier for me wow neither oh wow right now oh he going to say you’re contract here we go we got two years left on your deal all right we we G to take care cuz I do think Nick and I know you’ve a lot of times done the over 30 receiver he’s not declining he his numbers are getting better all right so I’m not worried about Tyreek like falling off I could pay him in the future maybe next year right now I’m not try trying to pay either you know how I feel about Tua I want to see another healthy season I want to see you winning some frigid weather and beat some good teams all right so I’m not really and I got the franchise tag for Tua if worse comes the worst all right so I don’t have to pay either one of them right now Tyreek I’m just like look if if if they either one of them makes a stink then it becom stink is he I mean he looked happy he that wasn’t a s now if he makes us stink it does become an issue and I will say this if my if one of if they put my back against the wall and I’ve got to pay one I agree I’m prioritizing Tyreek because I might I think I can probably find a quarterback with Tyreek and Wadd and those running backs and Mike McDaniel I think they’ll be all who’s their backup is uh is I don’t not Skyler Thompson well it was Mike White I don’t think Mike White I you put Mike White out there and I’m not saying he’s a good at but I’m just I’m just not ready to give to a $250 million yet I maybe after this season I will be not yet it is still Mike White and I listen I don’t think Mike White I to be clear not as good I don’t think that they have a tua replacement on the roster but is there a tua if like you know what we’re not going to pay Tua who who no well I mean that’s why that’s why the franchise tag exists and that’s why the NFL draft they got time I mean I think that there is an element of the dolphins with Mike McDaniel and with those receivers that is plug and play and so I am I this is where and we’re not going to have a brock py argument but there there’s nothing argum this is there is to me those two quarterbacks are in the exact same mental bucket in my brain which is physically limited pie I think is a touch better physically limited undersized perfect situation Shanahan system replaceable and so I would always prioritize keeping those Superstars around them over losing those guys to pay them because then you are asking them to carry you and as far as Tyreek creating a stink Tyreek saying unprompted I’m looking for a new deal is a an alert I’m ignoring when I I’m walking by Tyreek when I see him in Thea I’m I’m notag here’s what I will say what what some won’t say about pie we have seen pie have to go off schedule and get it done we have seen that that’s the question with Tua he’s on schedule but when you have to get off schedule cold that’s when he struggles what can pu what can Tu do he can’t do much off schedule I what can he do to impr can go off schedule give Dak Pua is what wild was about to say he’s I guess that’s a combination between Tua and Pie all right so it’s an interesting question you know bigger priority to pay Tyreek coua I think the way how we’re how we’re looking at this or how they’re at least looking at this is they think well least Nick right Nick according to Nick the Dolphins especially with their coach and their weapons that it’s very plug and play and under that logic then Tua is the limiting factor as to what makes the Miami Dolphins not able to get over the hump so to speak but it’s interesting because Tua obviously balls out with these weapons whether you want to say that he’s benefiting from that roster and the coach and the system and whatever I guess my question is if you have a better quarterback how much better can they can they play than Tua within that system if you want to make the argument that you need to be able to have someone maybe a little bit more resilient so maybe when those weapons aren’t able to thrive like say in the playoffs against Kansas City Chiefs that if you have a better quarterback you can kind of like Get over that but to use the Kansas City Chiefs game as as an example I’m just not so sure that if we had a better quarterback up there that the Miami Dolphins magically win that game I’m just I’m just not so sure about that and then even a game against the Dolphins versus the bills at the end of the season that I referenced a lot more to kind of highlight Josh Allen’s ability to put a team on his back I’m not so sure if Tua was such a limiting factor in that game either so then the real question is is like well then what’s the limiting factor for the Dolphins because I just I don’t know what else because I can I can see the argument if you want to say tu is not a top quarterback I I can say okay that’s fine but with this team I’m just like do you want him to throw for more yards like more touchdowns like beat teams by more points like I’m not entirely sure now I know the other argument is like well hey he doesn’t play so great against teams with winning records okay but like it’s seemingly the entire team doesn’t it’s not like Tyreek Hill is getting wide open and and Tua just like can’t take the heat of playing a good team and he just throws the ball at his feet you know or just consist consistently makes poor reads that whole game so that that’s where I’m kind of just like I don’t really know what to do with that information honestly um I agree I would not want to pay two a $250 million either quite frankly there’s a lot of quarterbacks that I don’t want to pay $250 million so that’s not a knock on Tua I don’t want to pay perie 250 million I don’t want to pay Trevor Lawrence 2 I don’t want to pay any of these I mean that’s just a lot of money and it becomes very difficult to continue to grow this team but the question though is and like if you’re not going to pay two a money and like Nick is saying that this team is Plug and Play when are you getting a quarterback that you can plug into this team where you can win with them because eventually Tyreek hell is not going to be Tyreek Hill I mean that’s is a fact right I understand he’s still young and in his prime but like in a snap of the fingers he’s not going to be same thing with W same thing with all these guys your Prime only last so long in the NFL right not for long so then what quarterback are you going to be able to just plug into that system that’s going to give you a fighting chance to win a Super Bowl because that’s what it’s all about so if it’s not Tua then you’re going to say all right we’re going to draft the quarterback or we’re going to get a quarterback in free agency it’s not going to be a backup quarterback you’re not going to tell me that there’s a single backup quarterback in the NFL that can do what Tua can do there’s not a single backup quarterback not Russell Wilson not Justin Fields none of these other more fancy backup quarterbacks can he pick it right some of these like Fringe like are they starters are they not I’m taking two over those guys any day of the week no question and then the question because they referen Mike White like right like Mike White’s going to be able to step up unless Mike White proves to actually be a legitimate starter like okay but that’s a very specific situation we not under that logic it’s not going to be Trey Lance so I I’m just I’m just lost on that aspect so then you’re going to draft a quarterback and what quarterback are you going to draft at this point like unless you have the number one pick in the draft like what quarterback are you going to draft that’s going to be able to have quick enough success with the dolphins that you are going to be able to take advantage of the Prime players that you have right now if Tyreek Hill was five years younger then you could say all right it’s going to take a year or two to kind of get this going then that makes a little bit more sense but if you’re trying to maximize the talent that you have right now and you’re saying that the quarterback is limiting you well then the situation is like well then you need a quarterback that’s ready right now then you needed to make a play at like a Kirk Cousins if you assume that he’s going to make a full recovery or a couple years ago and this obviously is a lot easier to say well that was a bad move like the Jets with Aaron roders if you thought that he was going to actually be healthy or a Dak Prescott if you think Dak Prescott is better than Tua so it’s just it’s just you got to reach the conclusion to why is this team not winning in the way that they should be in terms of the their playoff success is it the quarterback is it the team is it the coach is it a combination is it their defense that holds back their offense like you know which is it so it’s just not as easy to me to just say oh you know you just got to pay Tyreek or Tua this is the guy that makes the whole team go around okay let’s say you have Tyreek and you get rid of Tua and you put then uh you know I don’t even know Kenny pick it like the Dolphins are now going to be a good team like really you’re gonna throw Justin fields in there I don’t think so Russell Wilson in there I don’t think so Garner mchu like like where are these quarterbacks coming from that are going to be able to do better than Tua so this this whole situation is kind of messy right now honestly and I think the Dolphins are in a tricky situation especially if now Tyreek is saying that he wants money and it all depends on how much money Tua wants I I keep hearing conflicting reports as to what Tua wants and so at this point I don’t know what Tua wants does Tua want that $60 million contract does is he okay with taking 50 you know where where is he at um it’s all it’s all interesting to me I think the Dolphins actually though have more leverage over Tua quite frankly because if Tua said like okay I’m leaving um I just don’t know if there would be a massive market for him just because I think at this point in for other teams where they’re at with their quarterback situation they already have a quarterback that they’re confident in and they think is better than Tua or they’re kind of in rebuild mode and they’re like we’re not drafting a quarterback and and doing the whole rookie quarterback situation and and saving all that money so I really do think that the Dolphins have all of the leverage and that the only way that Tua then gets another job somewhere else is if he takes a pretty steep pay cut right it’ll be kind of almost like a baker Mayfield type of situation where he had where even even when he signed with Tampa Bay it’s a pay cut relative to what a first overall pick has you know historically gotten as a starting quarterback so very very interesting situation for the Dolphins moving forward and I’m very curious to see how this all unfolds but those are just my thoughts I would absolutely love to hear yours what do you guys think do you think it’s a bigger priority to pay Tyreek or Tua and what do you think is really the limiting factor behind uh the Miami Miami Dolphins and what should they do about it let me know in the comments below I read every single comment so whether you agree with me or disagree with me either way let’s get into some discussions let’s get into some fights but ultimately let’s just have some fun and please do consider subscribing we are building an amazing Community here and I would absolutely love to see you part of it I want to build something that we all genuinely feel connected to something that we’re really excited to be part of and I think we’re well on our way to doing it and please don’t forget to give this video a thumbs up as it really does help with the visibility and the algorithm thank you so much and see you next time

FIRST THINGS FIRST | Nick Wright STUNNED, Miami Dolphins Should NOT Pay Tua OR Tyreek Hill | NFL
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  1. Julian, I'm actually going to say prioritize Tua and here's why. Teams where their best players are WRs have arguably only won once & that's the 49ers with Jerry Rice. Even then, you could argue that Joe was still better than Jerry. It's a toss up at least. I think Miami would have a better chance to win with Tua going forward (assuming he improves) and a speedy replacement for Tyreek than with Tyreek there with a possibly bad QB. History says if a team's best player is a WR, you don't win. Moss, TO, Chad Johnson, Odell Beckham Jr didn't win that way. Julio Jones was arguably just as good if not better than Matt Ryan. They didn't win. That's my logic, but Julian, I gotta debunk this narrative that Nick and others like to make about QBs needing great help being a knock on them

    Julian, if I'm using that logic, how great is/was Mahomes really ? If he was that great, why should he need a Kelce ? Why did he need a Kelce, Hill, Sammy Watkins, young Kareem Hunt ? When Nick said that, Wildes could've easily countered with that. Listen, we all know Pat is great, but this casual, stupid logic Nick uses on guys like Tua and Purdy is just that. STUPID 😂

  2. As a dolphins fan, we have the best Qb since Marino and people want to act like any old AB is just as good. Except for 23 years, no one else has been. Pay him, don’t go crazy but pay him

  3. 7:53 I do think part of the issue is theyre not losing these games 38-35 or 37-33 where the offense is amazing and theres nothing more tua can do. The moment the timing is off slightly tua/mcdaniels dont have an answer. They have a weak defense and that gets compounded with consistent bad offense performances against the teams they need to beat.

  4. I'm not a dolphins fan, but I like Tua. I honestly wouldn't pay him until he plays another full season. On your point about Purdy though, I think he has proven he is a great QB agter returning from his injury and had earned himself a great contract and he's better than Tua.

  5. Also, if this is a “plug-in play offense” and they only win because of the system and then when they don’t win, isn’t it the system’s fault?

  6. Put Tom Brady in place of Tua. They beat the chiefs and the bills. It’s just that there aren’t that many options at quarterback that’ll make a big difference replacing tua atm.

  7. Tyreeks biggest mistake was leading with the fact that he was 30 years old. That’s not a selling benefit for buying WR. Ask O’Dell, AB, TO. It’s easier for orgs to move on and draft talent or free agency sign backfill.

  8. Its everything when it comes to overall success. Health has been a huge factor late in the seasons losing key guys. Tua has gottem better every year but he does need to go off script more and kinda put the team on his back when times get rough. Kind of like josh allen, mahones, even cj stroud being one of those guys in the future. Tua needs to accept a fair deal now or he may be getting franchise tagged in the near future and probaly not with the dolphins in the next few years potentially. So many routes it could go and i like tua but im with you and the organization and im not paying tua more than lawernce or goff. Its a business at the end of the day and they need balance on the team and paying tua to set the qb market is not what the dolphins need right now. We are on the outside of a sb window barely hanging on and lightweight rebuilding so a rebuild in the near future could be a possibility and that means at qb as well. We shall see. Im rooting for the fins no matter what ! Always ! Whoever thinks im a tua hater save it now ! Lol. Just because i dont want to pay tua now doesnt mean im a hater. ! Lol. I like tua and always have but I'm siding with the organization right now! Lets focus on this year and see what we can do as a team with the big changes on defense and see what tua does this season in big moments ! We need to win the division this year !! 🐬

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