Free Agency: The Wizards sign Tristian Vukcevic to a Two Way Contract.

Free Agency: The Wizards sign Tristian Vukcevic to a Two Way Contract.

the Washington Wizards signed Trista vich to a two-way contract with their eye towards the future this was a really good deal for the future I’m going tell you why next on locked on Wizards you are locked on Wizards your daily Washington Wizards podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day what’s up everybody it’s your boy Brandon Scott again and I appreciate you guys making lock on Wizards your first listen every single day we are free and available wherever get your podcast and on YouTube part of the locked on podcast Network your team every single day tonight’s episode is brought to you by Game Time download the game time app create an account and use promo code locked on NBA for $20 off your first purchase terms apply so tonight we’re gonna talk about Tristan V was signed to a two-way contract and why was this an important move for the future I’m G tell you why and we going to take a look at the the new city Edition jerseys for the watching Wizards they’re actually my favorites um outside of the the original District ones so we’re going to look at which ones were the best which ones are the worst and then we’re going to look forward uh to the rest of the week obviously tomorrow is the Fourth of July so U definitely this is Fourth of July Eve so I definitely want to uh get this content out for you guys uh for you guys that are traveling man so let’s get into it Tristan vich was signed to a two-way contract now why is this an important deal not only for the present but before the future at the center position and so I’m going tell you why because they are making moves that are align with the timeline which is development right if you look at the center position right now um obviously we just drafted alexar who plays the four and the five so you can definitely put him in uh the center rotation technically even though he wants to play the four and I definitely see him um starting at the four now but you know looking at the center position obviously we just signed Jonas Val Junes we have Marvin magaly I third and we have ran Holmes so the center rotation is the we got death at that position which if you look at last year man death was an issue man especially toward you know in the first half of the season and um little you know and really the second half of the Season too more so the second half now that I think about it because we were running Denny and KY kman in small ball five man so it got dire in the second half when a lot of injuries hit you know ran holes did well Marvin Magle thir dealt with injuries and TR vich very raw and the minut FL the minutes fluctuated so why is this a good move for the future well the reason why is it is in the maculate move for the future is Tristan vich has the opportunity to be properly developed which if you look at the Washington Wizards what has been the biggest knock if not one of the biggest knocks against Washington Wizards as far as prospects uh you know first of all missing in the draft second of all not developing the talent do we D do draft so if you look at Tristan vich you know obviously he was a second round pick had a twoyear contract um a lot of people were kind of shocked by them declining his option but then now with you with this outcome really good move really good move because again we can take our time to properly develop him you know on the two-way contract he’s gonna spend a lot of time with capital city go go and we know what the go- go can do and if you look at the track record of what uh general manager Amber Nichols has been able to do with the capital city go go and with the staff over there Immaculate job Immaculate job because they’ve had a lot of young Talent there that they’ve have given qual minutes to but the big key to all this is they get them ready to play when indeed is their time to play when her name is called you know the last couple years we’ve dealt with a lot of injuries especially dating back to covid you know we’ve had a lot of you know if you look at the past three years we’ve had guys like you know Jared Butler we’ve had guys like Jordan Goodwin come up and play and earn NBA contracts because the Capal City goo are getting them ready to play they’re playing good minutes in the Cal City goo as far as the g- league man um you saw Johnny Davis he played well in the G League we know he’s had a struggles in the NBA but I can’t really stress enough how important the C cogo has been with not only working with this young talent that they’re you know accumulating in DC but developing them giving them ready to play like I said Jared Butler and Jordan Goodwin both got NBA contracts out of you know coming out of the go- go because when their name was called they came up and played minute for minutes so that is the big key they’re going to develop him right they’re going to get he’s going to get get quality minutes in the G League you know he’s going to be able to get his confidence up which is key with a young player like trist vich man and with the rotation we have with the Wizards obviously look alexar he’s probably the starting power forward and you’re gonna see Kyle kman at the wing which I think is a really good move because I think Kyle kma on the wing is gonna give him the opportunity to be that score on the wing and I mean he’s gonna be able to utilize his size to his his advantages on the wing so I think that’s a good spot for kyman man yes he can play the four but he’s going to eat on Wing man he’s going to eat on the wing and I think that Alex SAR man is great starting at Power Forward obviously jonis valunas is going to start as Center you know Marvin Bey the third will see injuries but I think we all can agree that he’s definitely an intriguing young Talent who you know still very very young and so you he obviously needs to learn how to take care of his body you know deal with the injuries get himself ready for you know the longevity of a 82 game schedule but you know getting back to trist and Vish good move good move because we you don’t have to rush him you know I get it it’s a rebuild and yeah we have you know we have accumulated some veteran Talent you know obviously you know Malcolm Brock didn’t coming over in the the Dy trade to Portland obviously you know yonas valunas and Kyle kman or the Vets on the team as far as you know being mentors and I think you know I like that because we and I get it when you look at the moves you know Jonas valunas I think overall people thought it was a good move because we got him on the cheap and you’re looking at the fact that he could be a mentor to Alex SAR and also to Martin Bagley the third you know um I think that if you look at the fact that you know availability is your best ability the fact that he’s been available to play you know he’s been relatively in you know injuryf free for the most part you know he could definitely work with Marvin Bley thir who’s a young Center so I think that you know Martin magley third expiring contract you know they they’re obviously looking to flip him at some point so I think he can do wonders of get his value up a little bit and work him K is the same thing working with the wings man as far as bow um you’re very pivotal as far as being that leader for us you know K kusma has been a really good leader in DC uh so you definitely want to see him work with wings you know definitely work with BL I know they have a relationship uh BL had a previous relationship with Denny um Jordan you know and the same thing with Malcolm Brock Jordan P you know Jordan p is going to be the the starting point guard of the future now when I say the future the next three years now obviously it it really depends on what div vision is going forward I think we kind of know what when you look at the draft class if you look at the you know the Denny try and if you look at the two trades from last season you know Will Dawkins again is trying to put his his stamp on his front office and we all knew that the only Untouchable asset was B kabali and now it looks like they’re building around Bal and alexar and they should because that is a heck of a young tandm in my opinion so um so you know I like this move for TR vich because we could take our time to develop you know we lit these veterans on the roster because like I said before in the previous videos man if you look at the contract now obviously you know looking at the D trade you know Will Dawkins is going to explore a trade from most the guys on the roster right now outside of the three guys we just drafted you know in B kabali you know KY kman is GNA get interest because the fact of the matter is a contending team like the Sacramento Kings is going to need a 20 plus points to night score in Kyle kman and you know again you know if you look at his contract it’s Team friendly for us and it’s Team friendly for teams that again want to add talent and not necessarily want to pay a humongous price to do so you know if you compare Kyle kusma to Brandon Ingram what a potential package could be for him you know Kyle kman is more of a market value you know I mean his contract the fact that matters you teams aren’t GNA have to break the bank to acquire him and that’s why it really works the Wizards advantage to take their time with them um you know same thing with L Shaman you know tyus Jones the list goes on Will Dawkins is going to explore every Avenue to move on from lot of these veteran contracts but the thing the fact of the matter is this the team’s not goingon to contend in the next three years and you can definitely you know keep Kyle kman for the three years now obviously you want to get value from him right So eventually at some point they’re going to move him whether it’s this year’s deadline whether it’s the next couple years but there’s no rush same thing with yonis dunis you know he’s here you know he’s G three years so he aligns with the timetable which is in three years B is gonna be up for a rookie extension and that’s the first guy the first Domino as far as paying him his rookie extension that’s the first guy you want to pay in three years man and that’s when a lot of the contracts like Jordan P Kyle kman and you know Val come off the books so there’s not a rush to really move any of the three because the thing you know the name of the game right now is building value building up Jordan pool’s value you know to see if he’s a tradeable asset at the deadline or a couple years from now same thing with Kyle kma you know definitely they’re still asking for two first round picks and look you know I made it known that I think it’s gonna be hard but not impossible I think that if anybody can do will daas can knock it out now you know two first round picks is definitely the starting point of any negotiations I agree with that um can you get two first rounders you know I think I don’t think it’s impossible you know I think that’s you know as time goes by it’s get a little harder but it’s not impossible okay so and you know Jordan P you know this is the year they put the ball in his hands and let him do his thing so how is all of this related to Tristan vich you’ve got the vets in place and Malcolm Brogden is gonna you know as far as mentoring the young Talent we have because MC Brock is doing do a lot with the development of Jordan Pooh in my opinion showing him the ropes showing him the skills showing him what he needs to do the other intrical parts of being a starting point guard you know he’s he’s a Score first guard you know there’s other parts that being a floor General I think that malcol Brock is going to be a great veteran mentor to help him with that and same thing with Bal um you can say thing with um kesan George you know a lot of these young guys you know kma is that vet man he’s that guy who’s gonna show them the road so you know you got guys in place veteran wise you know alexar and and Bel kulali they’re gonna get significant minutes man so they’re gonna start so you got everything in place where you could take your time and develop Tristan vous so this is a good move again um Friday we’re gonna look at a offseason recap a current recap obviously there’s still moves that could happen but we’re going to take a look at some of the moves made on Friday and live on the live uh live video that is I was gonna say um live subject I guess like we do on Friday so uh we’re going to talk about all the moves made by will dawers because this is again another good move he’s made you can take your time and you can develop Tristan vich right let him cook down in the Cow City goo and let him building his confidence up and then when Marvin back third’s gone when ran Holmes is gone you know you can bring him up and he can definitely be the backup if not eventually maybe if he works his way up to it the future as center for the Washington Wizards because alexar potentially you know alexar at him 71 and a potential seven footer at Center man that is we got a tall lineup in the future and in immediate because if you look at the fact that Jonas is 611 alexar 71 you know KZ is 610 bow 68 and then Jordan p is 64 so you have a tall lineup so a lot of possibilities lot lot to look forward to as a wizard F because again a new era you know three new Young pieces out of this draft and obviously Jon valun is another veteran piece is GNA help these young guys um develop right so again I I like the move I think it’s a good move I think it’s definitely a good move not only for the wizards but for Tristan vous for him to take his time focus on get himself together and develop right and and really let the you know development of Staff do their thing especially the capital city goo the resume speaks for himself they’ve been they’ve been able to do a great job with getting a lot of these young players ready so when a name is called they can come up to the Wizards and play miningful minutes so we’re going to look at the new city Edition jersey for the Washington Wizards I’m a big fan and I’m definitely gonna give me my first bowal B Jersey this year so we’re gonna talk about but but before we do tonight’s episode is brought to you by game time so as you guys know I’m a big Sports hit I go to a lot of games right now it’s baseball season so you know when I’m not you when I’m trying to go to Cy yards or Nats park or mon league stadiums or even college baseball you know I’ve gone through every app is and to me game time is the best one and there’s three main reasons why I’m going to tell you why number one last minute deals you can save up to 60% off buying last minute tickets not only for sports tickets but for concerts comedy shows theater shows Etc what else all in pricing this feature shows a total upfront with no surprise fees to check out which is Big you know what you pay is what you pay without all the surprise fees at the end that break your heart right uh and three seat views get a pamaran view from your seat 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lockone podcast Network your team every single day y’all all right so as you guys know uh the Wizards have released their um their City Edition jerseys this year and and uh let’s see if I can pull up a picture but um if I can do that screen but um if you guys have seen it it is sexy man so I guess the what we’re going to talk about going out tonight is comment below let me know what is your top five City Edition Jersy now I’m GNA go back a little bit and I don’t think they’re part of the the poll whatever but I don’t know if you guys remember the original District ones where it said uh District of Columbia you have the red you had the blue you had the white um trying to think the other color man but big and the black one the Bradley Bill one so those are my favorites I love those but looking at the ones um last year’s uh bouni Stone one was dope the pink one I’m not big on but this series is nice man so you know I definitely encourage you guys to to take a look at the new city Edition Jersey if you have it man because it is dope it is dope dope dope so um what jerseys do you guys think I should get this year man like I said if you look at my closet man obviously have a lot of um the former r word for the football team in Washington um one Washington football team won was Chase young and a bunch of Commander a couple commanders Jaden I got Jaden D but look at at the Wizards man I got a couple John Walls a Bradley Bill a r hachimura um Russell Westbrook Gilbert Arenas Kyle kosma and Jordan p and Bradley Bill obviously so Bal kabali is next man so should I roll with B Kabal or should I roll with alexar what you guys thinking so definitely comment below let me know what you think but also what is the favorite one and U was your favorite City Edition Jersey and do you guys think that the city Edition thing is is a plus um and you know even if you want to go farther uh what other teams you like cuz I know the you know the 76ers got nice one so um definitely let me know what you guys are thinking man as far as what is your favorite City Edition Jersey definitely um what you guys to check out the new one because it is fire in my opinion like the blue and the red um like I said I’m probably looking to pick up my new um our first BL Kali this year um I was goingon to pick up a Denny man but obviously he’s now TR Blazer so that ship is sailed Maybe but I could still probably do that because his jersey is going to be on discount I a trying to throw no shade man but it is so um definitely looking forward grabbing me maybe a de a Denny and bow but definitely let me you guys let me know what your favorite um City Edition jerseys have been up to this point like I said I’m not big fan of the the um pink one the the cherry blossom one um the previous one was the where he mixed the the eras whereas the the blue and the red where they try to go with the G aren A in John War I want a big fan of that one and I know that the Russell Westbrook one the gray one I do like that one because I’m a big Georgetown fan and I think that was a good one um but my top three would be I’mma be real with you the new one is my number one like I said I my favorite favorites are the one the original ones like where it say The District Columbia on there where it was the red the black the White and the blue and like I got a couple blues in the closet man was a ruy and the gozas but uh you guys let me know um and I before I’m I’m I’m thinking about doing the sweet SS I got to clear it with my manager and my network if I can do but I want to do a a sweep Stakes um see if we can um get a winner on here man see if we can get somebody a New Jersey because like I said I’m a big fan of the New Jersey man so definitely comment below what what are your favorite uh City Edition jerseys man so but again I definitely definitely thank you guys definitely check it out man I um when I get the news and the timetable of when they’re gonna probably um put them out for sale I’ll let you guys know because I’m definitely gonna grab me one so uh so that’s G to be it everybody um tomorrow is 4th of July so obviously we’re not going to do any kind of content tomorrow night um but Friday I will be doing a live live topic there we go topic I remembered it now a live topic so the discussion is going to be about the offseason man we’re going to see really grade the offseason or really let’s grade all the moves made by Will da so far because in my opinion he’s done a great job now there’s still some moves that need to be H that need to happen this off season is he not guaranteed but you know Ty Jones signing trade Landry shamon do they move on from him Cory kissper another name that has been linked to trade rumors and also obviously Kyle kusma so a lot of you know lot we got a lot of guys on the roster who are are linked to potential trades but uh we’re going to look at will Daws man so far you know and I guess I’m G ask the question what would he need to do for him to be considered one of the better GMS so we’re definitely I’m looking forward to chopping up with you guys it’s been been a week or two man so I’m looking forward to uh chopping up with you guys live on Friday night man so look before we roll definitely hope everybody has a safe and blessed Fourth of July if you’re traveling definitely be safe on the roads man especially if you’re on the Interstate interstates are crazy man so definitely be safe everybody definitely drink responsibly everybody have a blessed Fourth of July and don’t forget everybody um I’m a mil say gu I know we got viewers listeners who are military either your active duty or your a vet don’t forget everybody you know e take a shot or at least you know 30 second a minute um you know take some silence man um to remember that you know a lot of you know military sacrifice for us the enjoy of Fourth of July man so don’t you know don’t forget that man you know obviously you know we look at holidays like Memorial Day and Veterans Day but Fourth of July you know it took a lot of sacrifice for us to have the freedom that we have in this country man so definitely consider that man take a one minute uh moment of silence man and take a shot for our our our gentlemen in uniform our men and women in uniform excuse me so uh definitely definitely again you guys enjoy your fourth of July I will see you guys on Friday night so lockon has launched the first ever National Sports 247 streaming Channel on YouTube and now it’s also available on Amazon Fire TV and the free Fire TV channels app locked on sports today is here for you 247 covering the top sports stories of the day with the local experts locked on plus the national shows covering every League find lock on sports today now available on the free Fire TV channels app so again everybody be safe have a good Fourth of July Hail to the Wizards and peace see you guys on Friday night

Brandon breaks down the Vukcevic signing and why it’s an important one for the future.

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  1. It's funny how many first round picks this year are considered great prospects "except that they need to improve their shooting" but Johnny Davis is considered a bust, because his shooting is weak…smh

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