Philadelphia 76ers NBA Free Agency 2024 LIVE Day 4: 76ers Making ANOTHER MOVE Soon?

Philadelphia 76ers NBA Free Agency 2024 LIVE Day 4: 76ers Making ANOTHER MOVE Soon?

he we are back once again and we are better than ever right here on Philadelphia 76ers now I’m Chase senior Jake chipper on the ones and twos and we have Sixers fans rocking and rolling with us from every pocket of America and worldwide why is that because you’re all real ones you’re the best and it’s day four of NBA free agency and there is a lot to talk about with this basketball team that has been extremely active to start off free agency a lot to get into dur during our live show here today we are waiting for people to get that notification they’ll Pile in and then we’ll start talking some hoops first let’s get the comment section going here I want you to shout out your city let us know where you’re watching from one of our favorite things to do here at chat sports because it gives us an opportunity to see where you are with all of our loyal viewers who have been supporting us helping us go on this historic stretch here on 76ers now because we have not had a heater of a weekly like this before and it’s been awesome to see as somebody who grew up in the Philadelphia area lifelong Sixers fan myself and then Jake chipper the same thing growing up in Bucks County I’m from Chester County and the Sixers one of the more exciting teams in the NBA throughout this off season and with the additions that they have made on this roster you feel as though the fan base starting to get pumped up with what this team is doing and it’s been a long time since we could say that Jay is in Lancaster that’s awesome my mom went to JP mcy High School still have family there my grandma is closing in on 100 years old so I always go to visit her at Lancaster diamides tuned in from the Philippines taekwon young New York mechanicburg from Angel ston Mountain Georgia from Gregory Brooklyn New York from Troy Woodfin Melbourne Australia good a mate Northern New Jersey greatest of all time Ohio from timeing the buck guy one of our chats sports legends Bok is here I like turtles originally from Syracuse New York Brisbane Australia from home dog 76 we always love our Aussies because my pops grew up in Melbourne Australia Donald rone Philadelphia how about this a fan since the 60 60s how about everybody types Dr for Donald ran down in the chat a Sixers fan since the 60s so he saw some lean years WIIL Chamberlain up until the 80s when the Sixers were winning championships and then he saw the era of alen Iverson now the current ERA of Joel andb love to see the support there for Dr Peter Thurman how about this Home Depot in Delco yo greatest of all time type in that Dr too Daniel saying since 1965 that is some good stuff right there so over the night not as late or early as the Paul George signing there was some more Sixers news that we did bring you right here on the channel and a pretty funny story I was knocked out we have had a very long week we have worked some very long hours and I had to get up at 6:00 a.m. for a workout class this morning so I just passed out at 10: and I didn’t even know that I fell asleep I woke up this morning slept past my alarm and I look at my YouTube app and I’m like what is this buddy hee video that chipped did late last night and then I saw the tweet from Shams this one right here the Golden State Warriors are in serious talks on a sign and trade deal to acquire buddy heeled Warriors and the 76ers have been in deep discussions working to finalize the deal for one of the NBA’s best three-point Shooters now we bring that up once again even though we’re far removed from that report last night because that deal has not been finalized as soon as it is we will bring you the latest details right here on 76ers now but chip what were you doing last night when this news broke because you got in front of the camera you did a video 30,000 people watch no big deal yeah I was just chilling in my apartment on the phone with my girlfriend Aly just hanging out before bed you know getting ready for bed and I see this notification I’m like whoa like not something we expected not something we expected we have we haven’t been hearing anything about Buddy hee at all really just kind of figured the six wouldn’t bring him back any side elsewhere but we get this notification like we had to do a video here now no deal has happened yet if this falls through like it’s it’s still very possible apparently the holdup right now is the Warriors and Buddy heel need to come to terms on a on the financials of what he’s going to very tight on the cat yeah numbers are very tight and this is a very confusing deal because again the the Warriors are very very tight on cap the Sixers have some very confusing and particular cap situations that we’ll talk about on the show today that they have to manage and deal with relating to these new NBA aprons and CBA and it’s all it’s all a lot to to take care of but we’ll try to explain it to you but so it’s very intricate they’re saying that this deal could turn into a a five team trade yeah so a lot to sort of work out here I’m sure you know it’s probably going to take a few days maybe the teams will sort of take a little bit little bit of a break over July 4th reconvene after that and try to come to terms but buddy heeled sounds like he’s going to be going to the Warriors we have no idea what the Sixers are going to get back seems like it could be maybe some second round picks Santos being talked about yeah gu Santos because he could be absorbed into the Sixers existing salary cap meaning he could be traded right away as opposed to having to wait six months or until January of next year to trade him so a lot to take in but again whenever we get the details we will let all of you know but nothing as of right now basically a lot of teams in the NBA are very scared about the second apron as part of the new collective bargaining agreement which I think is a terrible agreement I just want to be a basketball fan I want to talk about the NBA I want to talk about the Philadelphia 76ers without having to worry about being a lawyer or being an accountant and if teams go into that second APR you have to be really positive that you love your roster because if you go into that second apron you pretty much can’t make any moves whether it be trades or signings it affects draft Capital it’s very very messy and for the Golden State Warriors they just don’t have a lot of money so the Sixers really are a team that’s trying to help them facilitate a deal I would imagine buddy heeld would like to go to the Golden State Warriors I think he’d be a really good fit alongside Steph Curry after Klay Thompson signed with the Dallas Mavericks as part of a signing trade as the Warriors Maybe pulling off a couple of signin trades here but as soon as we know that information we’ll of course pass that along I see a lot of people in the chat right now who have been supporting us every single day this week let’s do a real one roll call A real one what is a real one if you’re subscribe to the channel you really like what we do you’ve been here with us on 76ers now real one rco type real one in the chat if you’re a big supporter of us here on 76ers now Angela G getting us going she just got some clean cancer scans back that’s excellent news Israel typing real one Brian Dockery real one godspeed J sers A Delano Clyde elephant in the room jordano Molina damus Raymond Donald Rome Gregory Iron Mike Pat Ward Troy Woodfin Ty in the Buckeye Eric vulpi Arthur Brown Humble Home Jacob Bo champ Daniel I like turtles I like turtles time in the Buckeye again Angel Gonzalez continue to type real one and I also want everybody right now to please make sure you hit that thumbs up icon and like the video 330 people watching live and we haven’t even started the show yet we’re about to start the show officially so we want as many likes as possible therefore more people will come in and join us Sixers summer league roster has been announced and there’s a couple of intriguing players on this list a couple of familiar faces whether it be players who used to play for Philadelphia and of course Jared McCain and ADM Bona some notable players here Tony Bradley who played for this team a couple of years ago you have RJ Hampton a former first round pick Romeo lenford who a lot of people liked when he was entering the league Jared McCain ADM Bona Jordan Tucker Jaylen Sims Justin pal couple of really solid players and intriguing players on the six or summer league roster chip I don’t know about you a couple of summers ago at least several summers ago at this point took a trip to Las Vegas able to watch the NBA Summer League it’s a cool experience when some of the top tier rookies are playing as somebody who talks about the Sixers in the NBA for a living it’s also really fun to watch summer league because you get the start to scout some of these players to see what they can bring to the table last night I’m sitting at the cbot in the Philadelphia Phillies I turn on some Jared McCain highlights I’m all in on the kit quick release can score from anywhere really crafty with how he finishes 15 feet an in and he’s able to hit some contested shots so I’m pumped up about that what are you pumped up for for summer league yeah I love watching Summer League man getting to see the young guys play we saw players like tqu on Smith last year a very good summer league so Justin Edwards another one I’m EXC Edwards going to be exciting to watch as well as Ricky Council I’m I’m very excited to watch Ricky Council in this summer league you know a seconde player now who has a year under his belt playing against NBA Talent I’d love to see him like really step out in this summer league roster and be their standout player you know someone that can prove that he deserves real minutes in this six years rotation so I’d love to see him dominate in this summer league obviously going to be excited to watch all the rookies Jared McCain Adam Bona Justin Edwards some of the undrafted guys as well Max feedler so should be a fun team they’re going to be playing in Salt Lake as well as in Vegas y Salt Lake I believe is just next week starts on Monday this is the salt league summer league roster only as of right now so it will change once they pivot and shift gears to Vegas but gonna be exciting man summer league is always fun to watch if you haven’t watched summer league before check it out because you know a lot of these guys are auditioning obviously not just for the Sixers for other teams as well even Jeff D who who the Sixers declined as team option is going to be playing for the Sixers so a lot of guys to check out obviously you’re going to want to watch shared McCain so yeah solid roster excited for it yeah some people are asking about the bigs on the team ADM Bona of course Tony Bradley I think that Ricky Council can play a little bit of four uh Justin Edwards more of a wing um so those are kind of The Bigs on the team and then again little bit fluid things can change as the Sixers go to Vegas and they make some tweaks to their roster we’re closing in on 400 people watching live please make sure you continue to hit that thumbs up icon and like the video it’s a easy way and a great way to support us for free as for our Super Chat menu I have a drink right here that is ready to get cracked happy Dad not a sponsor but they should be and the first person to send in the Super Chat of any value I’m cracking this drink it’s a Wacky Wednesday right on the eve of 4th of July let let’s have fun 4th of July 1776 Philadelphia America’s birthplace 76ers let’s go $5 is a beer cheers $10 for a wheel spin $20 a chip shot and $50 a beer bong or a shotgun that right there is our Super Chat menu if you want to donate to the show we’ll have some fun I saw Joe Casey in the chat a little bit earlier he was one of the Super Chat MVPs of our 10hour live stream deep into the morning on Monday from Sunday as we awaited the signing of Paul George if you’re ready to start the show and talk some 1 two 345 Sixers some 1098 76ers I need you to hit that thumbs up icon like the video our views have been incredible our live show numbers have been incredible as well outside of just the live content that we’ve been doing a lot of videos on demand and those have been taken off subscriber numbers up like crazy Angela g a $2 Super Chat I’m watching McKenzie why not a wacky chat let’s get wacky on a Wednesday cracking a drink for Angela whose scans came back cheers to that clean much love Angela much love B do said he’s at your house and my house B do get the drinks ready my man get the drinks ready basketball dude I love the Eagles did you know that me and Chip run Philadelphia Eagles Now by chat sports the largest independently run Eagles channel right here on YouTube closing in on 77,000 subscribers look this year trying to get that silver plaque from YouTube 100,000 subscribers that would mean I’m the host of two shows with 100K really trying to get there so go over there subscribe to that channel if you like the birds as well okay we are going to start off today’s 76ers now live with the rumors round up looking at some players who the Sixers are interested in it includes Caleb Martin Marcus Morris Haywood heith and Reggie Bullock that is coming up right now and then segment number two vet minimum targets including some intriguing names like my D guy Dario charage all right Philadelphia 76ers now live gets underway officially right now let’s get it let’s run it let’s talk some hoops welcome into the show this is Philadelphia 76ers now right here on chat sports I’m Chase senior no matter where you are how you’re tuned in I appreciate you for making Today’s show a part of your day in a little while you’re going to hear from producer chip and coming up on today’s show a rumors Roundup here on day four of NBA free agency because darl Mory is not done filling out this roster the 76ers according to reports are interested in these players right here and some of them fulfill big needs on this Sixers roster Caleb Martin formerly of the Miami Heat Marcus Morris who last played for the Cleveland Cavaliers and that played for the Sixers following the James Harden trade Haywood heith who was a Sixers process Legend several years ago and then Reggie Bullock a three and D Wing who could be a decent vetman dep piece make sure you subscribe to the channel before we talk about those players we’re approaching 18,000 subscribers we’ve embarked on the most historic run in the history of this program which launched in 2021 all the support that we’ve gotten has been incredible the views have been impeccable and the subscribers have really gathered momentum and picked up steam so make sure you hit that sub button if you like the show what we try to do every day is give you insightful informative entertaining thought-provoking Sixers content that involves you the fan let’s start off here with talking about Caleb Martin decided to not opt into his contract with the Miami Heap he was an opt out because he thought as though if he hit the free agency market number one he was going to have suitors and potentially number two he was going to have an opportunity to make some more money was really good for the Miami Heat in the playoffs two years ago especially in the Eastern Conference Finals against the Boston Celtics cooled off a little little bit in the NBA Finals but you got a glimpse of what he’s capable of at that Wing Spot for a player who is Crafty and getting to the rim can knock down the three and is a good Defender at that size of 65205 here’s a Barry Jackson of the Miami Harold said about Martin the 76ers have had discussions with heat free agent Caleb Martin as they scan the free agency market for options to fill their roster according to a league Source a lot of it is going to come down to the price tag for Caleb Martin I think A team out there would be willing and able to pay him between 10 to 13 million per year right now Philadelphia is a little bit tight on cash where if they give him that much money they won’t be able to fill out the rest of their team you look at his numbers over the last four years his best shooting campaign came in 2021 2022 when he averaged nine points on 50.7% shooting 41% from three the three-point numbers have gone down the last two years I think he’s a better three-point knockdown shooter than 35% which is what he shot last year as he was a little bit hot and cold maybe pressing a little bit looking to get that new deal I think that he can hover between 37 and 40% the big thing with him the shot making when he’s on and the defense which is always a constant chip KB Martin interesting player here a part of that heat culture he’s been in a lot of big playoff games played in some huge NCAA tournament games alongside his brother back several years ago for Nevada what do you think about kale laart and his potential fit with the Sixers yeah and that playoff experience is exactly why I like the idea of adding Caleb Martin we saw in that run that he made to the finals I mean he was tremendous in that playoff run just knocking down shots left and right sort of had an outof body experience and the hope for a lot of Heat fans was that that would carry in into this past season and it it really didn’t he kind of took a little bit of a step back wasn’t able to demand as much of an offensive load as he was during that playoff run but still a solid player nonetheless now I’m not sure if Caleb Martin fulfills the Sixers need at starting four because he is only 6′ five 6’6 and is it going to be that big rebounder that maybe some Sixers fans would hope at that four position he’s more of a three in my opinion because again he doesn’t have that height and he’s not going to you know be a crazy rebounder I think he’d be a great first man Off the Bench Wing Defender Off the Bench that could certainly play in closing lineups depending on the matchups and who you’re playing will be a little more pricey than some of the other other people on this list so Sixers about 910 million left in salary cap space that could be like their last move they make before signing some other vet Min targets so keep an eye on Caleb Martin again some solid Seasons with the heat could hopefully get that three-point number back up and who knows could be Sol for the six in the playoffs yeah a couple of things with him too additionally he could go to a team where he could start he’s not going to start for Philadelphia he could go to a team to make some more money which he might not be able to do with Philadelphia he could return to the Miami Heat now the Miami Heat signing Alec Burks does that signal the end of needing a score like Caleb Martin we’ll certainly see player number two who we want to talk about here on the show is a former shorttime sixer Philadelphia native went to Prep charter Kansas Legend been in the NBA for a long time he’s now already in his mid-30s time has flown I’ll tell you that Marcus Morris senior and we know what he can bring to the table I thought with Philadelphia after the James Harden trade when he was thrust into the lineup when he actually played especially when some injuries happen hit some big shots he played okay this could be the fourman for Philadelphia it’s not ideal to have an older player starting on this team with championship aspirations you ideally want to bring him in Off the Bench but it’s part of the predicament that the Sixers are in here because as chip said they don’t have a lot of cap space Keith Pompei Philadelphia inquir saying this according to sources Sixers have expressed interest in bringing back Philly native Marcus Morris senior and he’s played good ball in recent years he’s played good ball on some solid Clippers teams as evidenced by the Numbers here 13 15 11 points per game this past year though just didn’t see as much time as Seasons prior has the mid-range can knock down the three you know he’s always going to be northly tough he’ll get in your grill and defend you he’s not the player obviously that he once was in his prime but this is a player chip who you can get on the vet men no doubt about it yeah no doubt and ideally I think again this is a player that you wouldn’t want to start but he was solid for Philadelphia obviously he’s going to bring that you know Philly toughness that mentality the fans love him he knows what it’s like to play here of course so you know if you sign somebody else like a Caleb Martin that you need a backup for I I wouldn’t mind Morris at all he’s going to get his shots up hopefully be efficient when he does take those shots it’s tough so can play a little bit of Defense not the most laterally quick player and not a you know big player it’s going to really defend at The Rim or grab too many rebounds as well but when it comes to solid depth pieces that championship teams need as they’re making those runs that eighth ninth 10th guy off the bench Marcus Morris could certainly fill that role familiar with the city for vetman 100% I’d love to bring in Marcus morrris so we’ve talked about Marcus Morris we talked about Caleb Martin next up on the show we want to talk about I’m not going to call him like an outright 76ers process Legend and when I say Legend I say that tongue and cheek obviously sarcastically but Haywood heith went to Wheeling University okay not a basketball Powerhouse by any means and a lot of people are aware of his story he played for the Delaware Blue coats in 2018 18 2019 and then a couple of games with the 76ers in 2019 depending on how you look at the timeline of the process you can look at that as the end of the process depending on when you think it ended for me it’s kind of in the early portion of the process it’s post Sam hinky but that’s when the Sixers like started to win and pick up steam and Joel embiid and Ben Simmons were kind of established players at that point but Haywood heith he was around all the way back then and play played over the last couple of years with the Miami Heat since 2021 Keith Pompei of the Philadelphia inquire once again with the reporting on this front the Sixers have been in discussions with Miami Heat free agent and former sixer Haywood heith as a free agent option he would probably get 10 to 15 minutes per night on the Sixers team and maybe 10 to 15 minutes is a little bit too much now when Jimmy Butler did get hurt in the NBA Playoffs or in the NBA playing tournament when Kelly UB injured his knee by AC and then he missed that first round Series against Boston Haywood heith was thrust into the lineup by Eric spola he saw some decent time in that one game that the Heat won when they shot the lights out in that first round Series against Boston Haywood heith able to hit a couple of big shots in that ball game six points per game last year three rebounds 46 a half% from the field almost 40% from three-point range but what’s the theme of today’s show and what’s the theme right now and moving forward for the 76ers free agency period when you’re paying Max contracts to three different players and darl M does have a three star Theory where the more stars that you have the better opportunity you have to win a championship but inbi Paul George Tyrese Maxi they’re all making Maxes so realistically you just don’t have a lot of money left to fill out the rest of your team you want to avoid the restrictions of that second apron which is why you’re looking at players of this level and honestly K Lam Martin might be too expensive for Philadelphia because of the quality of player that he is yeah and Haywood heith has come a long way since he started his career with the Sixers really developed into a solid off ball standing the corner three-point shooter and he plays very solid defense I think you know much better than Marcus Morris is gonna play Caleb Martin’s a good Defender as well but Heywood heith GNA cost way less than a player like Caleb Martin and coming off the bench again for the heat been a pretty Dependable role player going to always play solid defense and going to be able to catch and shoot off that three-point shot he’s another guy that again you get close to that you know first apron close to that salary cap space you need vet mins could he be a vetman guy he might demand a little bit more than that because of what he showed for the Heat last year but again Sixers with about 9 million in cap space so you shell out 5 million over a couple years to Haywood High Smith going to be a tough player going to defend be physical so Heywood iith Sixers is obviously interested in him so keep eye on him and these other guys as well over the next couple of days I expect they sign one of these four that we’ll talk about here and then finally a couple of years ago I was a fan of Reggie Bullock I thought he did a good job of being a stickler on the defensive end of the floor knocking down some threes when he was playing alongside LCA donic I thought he was a good fit on that team because he fit in well given the roster construction there he hovered around the threo arc and he could knock down that three ball give you some solid defense he did play for the Houston Rockets last year and barely played only 44 games with zero starts he only got 9 and 1 12 minutes per he’s looking to continue his NBA career I’m not sure how much gas he has left in the tank after a couple of several years there and trying to really earn his way on some NBA rosters and then he became a really good rotation player and a starter for a couple of teams Kelly Aiko saying that Rockets Wing Reggie Bullock uh is unlikely to return to Houston multiple playoff teams have expressed interest in the veteran and Sharpshooter Bullock has met with the Suns Nuggets Clippers and 76ers so far so that’s a meeting that we know about more expected in the coming days what you always want to look at for Reggie Bullock what are the three-point numbers because outside of Chuck in the triple he’s not really going to give you much outside of that 2020 2021 41% from three with the New York Knicks he goes to the Mavericks 36% and 38% in the two years there were he’s playing a lot of games and then last year seldom used by Houston does he some have something left in the tank here chip can he contribute to this team it would be a player with size who can defend who can knock down the three for Philadelphia yeah I look I’m gonna be honest I think Reggie Bullock if he sign him wouldn’t really crack the rotation he’s definitely a vet Min Target here and a pretty typical Daryl Murr signing you know a veteran who’s getting up there in age has shown the ability to shoot the three he could come in and spurts give you four five minutes here and there and hopefully be able to knock down some threes but getting up there in age doesn’t give you anything else outside of that three-point shot so you know it makes sense as a vetman signing last guy in your roster type of thing but not a player I would expect to really make much of an impact for the Sixers if they were to gr inside him godspeed in the comment section during our live show saying Reggie bulock is Daniel house without handles hard pass honestly it’s not a bad depiction of who he is at this point we talked about four players on today’s show now it’s time for you to get into the comment section and pick one who you want the Sixers to sign who do you like the most here Caleb Martin Haywood heith Marcus Morris Reggie Bullock as you venture down to the comment section please make sure you hit that subscribe button let’s get the 20,000 subscribers ASAP good stuff there for Segment number one nearly 600 people watching live for those of you just joining the show we’re only ramping up segment number two is a about to get underway coming up just around the corner and we’re going to take a look at some vet men targets who the Sixers can also sign here’s our Super Chat menu we’ve had one super chat so far today and because of that I was able to take a drink any Super Chat gets a shout out $5 beer cheers $10 we’ll spin the wheel 20 chip will take a shot $50 Super Chat I’ll do a beerbong or a shotgun and I’ll let you choose what you want me to do recent commenter Club Donald Rome Alex Clyde Johnson godspeed John Garcia Eric fuli dens 9000 presidential Mike JL chaino Mack Jonathan G Alex dhf basketball man said he really likes the show awesome stuff Justin Fowler said Shams bomb I did not see a Shams bomb no I think someone’s U making stuff up here in the chat yeah I don’t see any tweet noties here from Shams someone tried to say the Warriors traded Wiggins and the Nets for Simmons that did not happen uh I also want to address this from Donald row a good question here so if the Sixers have 9 m in cap right now approximately how much would they have if they move bball Paul so if they cut him they’d save the most money obviously he’s making 7.7 so they have about $16 million open there to sign somebody if they like so you know maybe if they think Kayla Martin is that missing piece and he’s demanding 12 13 million then you just simply cut ties with Paul Reed and S cayb Martin other than that you could also of course include Paul Reed in the trade but as we’re going to talk about here on this segment there’s some tricky cap situations that the Sixers are going to have to manage with the first apron they don’t want to trade Paul re straight up for somebody making more money than him because that will restrict the Sixers what they can do this this season uh even all the way up to the trade deadline of this upcoming season so explain in further detail here in the segment but I don’t expect you know the the Sixers can’t just trade Paul Reed and some picks for Dory and Finny Smith it’s not smart it would hard cap them at the first apron and really limit what they can do and they don’t have enough money just to send picks for Dory and fny Smith now if you straight up just cut Paul Reed then you could just trade picks for Dory and finy Smith it is an option there’s some tricky stuff you could do with KJ Martin paying him $20 million a year potti and moving him at the deadline but we’ll talk about all that coming up yep so stick around I’m excited for this segment because I’ve seen a lot of people who have dropped some player names down in the comments section can the Sixers assign this player or that player and a couple of those names are going to be on this next show here as some potential Sixers free agent targets one of which we’ve talked about a lot from my standpoint I’d love to see Philadelphia sign Dario shard and bring him back it would be a cool story I think he’s a good fit he’s a four who can stretch knock down the three he can playmake a little bit as a big he’s a willing Defender who’s going to put forward effort there he’s played in a lot of big games both at the NBA level and then internationally with team croia so I think that would be a great signing for the Sixers he didn’t sign until late later on in free agency last year with the Golden State Warriors so still out there still available nearly 500 people watching live 21 likes away from 200 be sure to continue to hit that thumbs up icon like the video here on the show as we round out the program or as some people say program by taking a look at some vet men free agency targets what is up welcome into the show this is Philadelphia 76ers now I am Chas Senor thank you so much for being here and coming your way on today’s show vet men free AG targets for Philadelphia because the Sixers are paying Joel NBI Tyrese Maxi Paul George Max contracts darl Mur in this front office have to get creative with how they build out the rest of their roster and hopefully Daryl muray watches this show because we got creative by taking a look at some affordable free agent targets who the Sixers can add to this team let’s pop up today’s PLL question before we take a look at that list what say you what is the Sixers biggest need right now with the roster constituted the way that it is let me know down in the comment section for me it’s the starting power forward which we still don’t know who’s going to be the starting for let’s first bring on producer chip as well he is our 76ers now version of Bobby Marx does a great job of monitoring the cap and understands the cap rules very very well and this really sets the foundation sets the table and then gives us the runway as a launching pad to take a look at these vetman targets explain to everybody what the 76ers cap situation is right now how much money they have and then some of the moves that could take place to clear up some cash right so there’s some very intricate details that because of the new CBA and the NBA sign that deal the first and second second apron the Sixers had to be very mindful how they spend their money so right now Sixers came in a free agency with about $60 million their order of operations in terms of how they sign their free agents will go like this they’ll sign Paul George and Andre Drummond using their available open cap space that’ll leave them with about $9 million in cap space remaining they’ll spend the rest of that and then they’ll use the mid-level exception $8 million exception to sign Kelly UB then they’ll sign their vetman targets because then they’ll be out of cap space but they can use vetman exceptions to sign vetman targets like Eric Gordon that’s how he’ll be signed and then they will sign Tyrese Maxi officially to that extension and that’s going to leave him right up against that first a which could cause issues for the Sixers because there are certain moves the Sixers could make right now such as trading Paul Reed for Dory and Finny Smith that would hard cap them at the first apron meaning that all the way through this upcoming season they would not be allowed to go over that first apron no matter what so you got to be careful there’s a couple things that that could trigger the hard cap at that first apron if you uh sign and trade if you acquire a player via sign and trade or if you take back more salary than you give out in a trade because theoretically the Sixers could trade Paul Reed and some picks for doryan finy Smith and fit him in the cap space but because dor infiny Smith is making more money than Paul Reed that would trigger that hard cap at the first apron and the Sixers do not want to be in that position so how do they work around that position there’s really one thing they could do which is very interesting two things they could either just cut Paul Reed open up enough money to bring Dory anthiny Smith into their existing salary cap space or something interesting to keep an eye on because they have the bird rights on KJ Martin and his cap hold is so low it’s only counting for about two million against the cap right now they can use that to their advantage to resign KJ Martin to a deal worth up to 20 million I know it sounds crazy but they could resign them for up to $20 million for a few years they would only have to guarantee the first year of that deal and then come January and no it’s crazy yeah they could then trade KJ Martin who’s making 20 million for a player like Dorian finny Smith and they wouldn’t run into the problem of being hard capped at that first apron because he’d be making more than Dorian finy Smith or another player they’d like to trade for that’s making under $20 million so again things could change depending what they get back on the Buddy heel front but the new CBA again really limit what you can do the Sixers do not want to be limited come trade deadline at being able to go over that first apron if necessary and D Mor always says it’s about how you go into the playoffs the roster you go into the playoffs with not necessarily the roster you start with so keep an eye on all that again some very intricate details with the aprons here had to let you guys know keep you updated because the dorany smith thing might not happen now might happen later so just so you know keep that in mind clap it up for chip right there that’s good stuff to really get us started and now take a look at our vetman targets I have talked about Dario charar a couple of times here on the show the Sam hanky draft and Stash from several years ago where Philadelphia drafted him he was in Croatia he came over to America played at the NBA level his arrival watch what was a much awaited arrival and he became a fan favorite for a lot of people because of the gret because of the toughness because the Sixers started to win back early during the early portions of that Joel embiid Ben Simmons air and Dario Char was a part of that now he was traded away in that Jimmy Butler trade in 2019 but the reason why I’d like shich back with Philadelphia here he’s a big who could play the four or five he’s very versatile in what positions he can play he’s comfortable playing on the low block around the perimeter he can knock down the three at a really high level he can guard and is a willing Defender he has played in a bunch of big games at the NBA level and internationally 610 225 it’s really good size and I also like the fit as the starting four next to Joel embi I also like his passing ability when you talk about his fundamentals they are very fine-tuned and some people have tried to tell me Dario shich is wied he’s not good any longer look he’s 30 years old he’s currently playing for Croatia he nearly dropped the triple double against team Slovenia and Luca donic the other day in the leadup to the Olympics and I still think Dario charage can play last year for the Warriors he averaged eight points per game 4 and a half rebounds nearly 47% from the field and almost 38% from three year before that with Phoenix and OKC hit nearly 39% of his three-point shots year before that almost 35 and before that nearly 36 so if he could be at that 37 38% number from distance I think that he’d be a really good fit on the Sixers team to serve a couple of different roles and he’d fit in really nicely at that four spot which is the biggest remaining need on the Sixers team and of course the story of him coming back would obviously be pretty exciting as well and he’s far removed from that torn ACL that he suffered with Phoenix during the NBA Finals run precious auua is vetman Target number two he is not the shooter that Dario shich is he’s not going to stretch the floor like shich he would more so I think be a backup four for the six team and this would probably signal that you move on from Paul Reed you are not going to have bball Paul and Precious auua on the same Squad they’re both lengthy they’re both athletic I wish that Paul Reed would shoot the three more willingly like he did at the g-league level occasionally auua will knock down the corner three but is’s mostly going to be an athlete who can run the floor well be a lob threat play the four play the five as a small ball five and I think he’s a pretty solid player as a depth piece I’m interested to see what his Market is going to be last year with Toronto and New York seven and a half points per game six and a half rebounds nearly a block per night 50.1% from the field and we saw once Mitchell Robinson got hurt for the Knicks in that first round series Tom Tibido turned to auua and I thought he held up well he held his own and guarding Joel embiid and just being on the floor in fact I thought Tibido could have gone to him a little bit more Lonnie Walker is vetman Target number three the product of Reading Pennsylvania who then played his college ball at Miami I’d say that so far in his NBA career he hasn’t lived up to some of the lofty expectations that he had as a first round pick but you do need to fill out your bench as far as your back back up guard play goes and I have seen some solid stretches of play from Lonnie Walker I do have to give him credit because he needed to improve his three-point shot and he’s improved his three-point shot his numbers over the last two years have gotten a lot better from long range two years ago with the Lakers almost 12 points per game he came up clutch in that second round series against the Golden State Warriors as a playmaker who was able to score from all three levels and give the Lakers some athleticism coming in off the pine and then last year with Brooklyn almost 10 points per game and he hit about 38% of his shots Lonnie Walker is still only 25 years old and while he may have not Liv up to the expectations of being that 18th overall pick back in the 2018 draft I still think there’s a player in there who can continue this Ascent as a solid three-point shooter and a solid athlete who could be a back up and fill out this bench Justin holiday is coming in at number four on our list of vet men free agent targets not used a lot with the Denver Nuggets this past year there were times in which he got some playing time on this team he might get more playing time than he did on Denver and that’s just a byproduct of the Sixers being a little bit thin because they’re paying three players three max slots couple of years ago the production was a little bit better for Sacramento and Indiana 2020 2021 72 games played with the Pacers he averaged 10 a half points per game 41% from the field 38% from three that’ll play following year 10 points per game almost 37% from three last two years with Denver and Atlanta though just not used as much he did play nine games with the 76ers all the way back in 2012 in 2013 he is the brother of Drew holiday and then there is Lamar Stevens checking in here at number five a lot of people probably familiar with this name because he been around for a couple of years but he also went to the haford school in Pennsylvania in addition to Roman Catholic and then he played his college ball at Penn State 66 230 last year for the Grizzlies seven points per game three plus rebounds hit 45% of his shots it’s taken him a little while to get going made his NBA debut December 27th of 2020 but as a bench player for the Sixers as that kind of wing position spot um you could do worse and he’s just not going to cost all that much money and again affordability is what’s big here for the Sixers um there’s been some growth in his game I think and with that growth there’s been a little bit of confidence as well he started his career with Cleveland then he played for Boston then he played for Memphis and last year with Memphis that was really the best year of his career and it wasn’t even really close he only did play a few games though chip five Atman targets for the Sixers who do you like on that list I obviously I like Dario sarich a lot I think he’s very versatile in his skills that he can offer the Sixers a lot of different things and would fit well you know either playing that backup five playing that four role he’s going to be able to give you that floor space in little bit of playmaking can handle the ball a little bit it would just give the Sixers another player with a variety of skill sets which you know you got to have your specialist and that’s fine like an Eric Gordon who’s just going to shoot the rock but I feel like you need players sometimes you can do a little bit of everything and that’s Dario sarch I like pre saua a lot as well because he’s gonna hustle he’s going to play hard he’s going to rebound the ball he has an expanding offensive game if he ever does get a reliable Corner three which has been very inconsistent up to this point in his career he could be a very solid player and he’s still pretty young as well and keep in mind when we’re talking about these guys they’re all vetman Targets so you might look at all these guys and say oh well these you know why would I want to sign X player why would I want to sign y player these are vetman guys you’re not spending anything on these players you are bringing them in and hoping that they can contribute at the end of your bench maybe in some cases you know a spot start I also I like the idea of just in Holiday a little bit as well because he’s long and lengthy could be a good Defender does he have anything left in the tank at this point we will see but look Sixers are GNA have to make at least a couple more vet men signings as they look to fill out that roster because they’ve already spent so much money and don’t have a full roster yet don’t have too many players on the roster so again keep an eye on some of these guys as these vetman targets and I’m sure you know as we move forward in the next couple days or so we’ll start to see the Sixers connected to some more players and of course we’ll keep you updated when we get that information and some people are in the comments saying uh comment sections saying Justin holiday sign back with the Denver Nuggets I know that’s been reported on we haven’t seen anything official his other brother Aaron holiday did resign with the Houston Rockets but we’ll of course continue to keep tabs on that so those are five players right there name a free agent the 76ers should sign it could be a player who we did talk about a player who we are missing a lot of people talking about sadique Bay in the comment section as well maybe we’ll hit on him a little bit later this week all right good stuff got up to almost 700 people watching live during that segment I don’t understand the Dario shich slander here some people are saying he’s never been good I completely disagree some people saying he’s only been good overseas he’s good overseas and he’s been a productive NBA player so much of this is about fit it’s about culture what do the Sixers need right now they need a power forward and Dario charage can play the power forward spot yeah Justin holiday I don’t believe has been signed yeah Aaron holiday was signed yes yeah there are three holiday Brothers in the league Zach Justin yeah Drew and Aaron crazy it is very very crazy and again we’re talking about minimum targets here minimum targets Gary Trent Jr Caleb Martin I think Gary Trent gets a decent bag yeah it’s interesting because there was a report that Gary Trent’s Market wasn’t as strong as he hoped saying that he might not even get the $12 million non-taxpayer mid-level exception now I don’t think he’s a minimum guy I think he’s worth more than $3 million a year but you know the Sixers have 9 million left maybe he takes 8 million a year and you can fill him out with that role and he could be a guy to come off the bench for you can play that two that three shoot the ball there are rumors though I don’t know how true these are that I’ve it’s mostly from Raptors fans that I’ve seen on social media that Gary Trent and Nick nurse like didn’t get along okay Philly 007 said High Smith over precious we weren’t necessarily ranking them we’re just kind of talking about five players so that wasn’t really like our rankings cam reddish he opted into his player option with the Lakers so he’s not available he’s going back to LA well also uh Philly heith was a player that they’ve been linked to those first four guys in that first segment Caleb Martin Marcus Morris Heywood heith Reggie Bullock all guys at Sixers have expressed interest in already yeah it’s a different segment yeah these other five are guys again it wasn’t in any particular order yeah these other five were just guys that I think me and Chase think would be worth it you know for event men that fill a need for the Sixers T doson what about Brook Lopez I I think the signing of Andre Drummond kind of solves your backup five issue to the point where you don’t need a Brook Lopez as well so I think the Sixers are set there and finally Joel embiid has a legitimate backup all right we will stay live if you keep us live if anybody sends in a Super Chat within two minutes we’ll continue to chop it up with everybody if not we will sign off and we’ll see you tomorrow so interesting here this was a report from the athletic after after nurse got fired so of course you know it’s after nurse gets fired so of course stuff starts to come out but this was from Shams nurse in the front office did not see eye to eye on player usage especially when it came to some of the younger less proven players rares the Executive coaching pair is perfectly aligned but it was notable some of the coaches relationships had freay too Gary Trent Jr said after the season that he got used to the coach’s criticism coming out in the media before nurse told him in person and more players had issues with nurse privately so if that’s true then I I guess Gary Trent won’t come here but we’ll see we’re happy to have him in Philadelphia that is for sure most legit coach the Sixers have had since Larry Brown oh he’s he’s awesome I absolutely love Nick nurse absolutely love him it it’s it’s good to finally know the Sixers have an elite head coach and I’m excited to see what he can do with an elite core players Robert Covington I think Robert Covington done it’s so tough he had that knee injury in like December and was supposed to be back within at least a month or two and then missed the entire year so 117 and ticking on our two-minute shot clock you send in a Super Chat we extend the show we’ll chop it up with you if not we’ll sign off we’ll call it a night since we’re already putting in overtime campaign wouldn’t hate it you mean Terry Johnson Terry Johnson that’s his uh his new name the name that he give uh that he gave police hilarious joke I don’t think Terry Johnson free him free Terry Johnson yeah Mac I don’t think Bon is a four I know he’s shorter but he doesn’t space the floor he’s a five Eric vulp why do people want Simmons back honestly him is a four on this team as an elite Defender I hate Ben Simmons I would still be intrigued by the idea on a vetman if he’s bought out by the Nets I would never pay him the $40 million that he’s owed though that’s my guy Pure Energy free Terry from a Holmes Jared Dudley dude the Jared Dudley Ben assistant I think on the Mavs he’s a coach yeah but that that Jared Dudley Ben Simmons beef was legendary back in the day Jacob Bo champ buddy sin and trade could be a multi-te deal apparently it could be up to five teams yeah I saw that from like John Hollinger I think of ESPN this morning yeah it’s gonna get wild Christian Wood said to be a bad culture guy yeah I’m out on him can’t play defense can’t play defense at all let’s see anything else reason he didn’t work for the Lakers trust me the Lakers are not in the business of giving up talented players right and they they let him go so yeah all right no super chats came in all good though we wanted to go live very quickly once again and honestly we might just try to go live once again tomorrow are you in yeah we might do uh we might do get our NFL stuff out of the way very early and then do a later Sixers live so let’s call it I don’t know 600 p.m. Eastern tomorrow maybe we’ll run it back go live once again because the response and the audience it’s been awesome over the last couple of days and you’re making me and Chip’s job a lot of fun it’s a lot of work but it’s an absolute blast where I wake up in the morning I’m like I can’t wait to put out some Sixers content okay we’re gone enjoy your Wednesdays your July 4th Eve I know a lot of you aren’t going to be working tomorrow leave that up to us we’ll be working we’ll be talking Sixers so we hope to see you right here same time same place

2024 NBA Free Agency day four is here on 76ers Now by Chat Sports with Chase Senior and producer Jake Chipper. The 76ers free agency tracker has been popping to start NBA Free Agency and Philadelphia 76ers news and rumors are steady even after the signings of Paul George, Andre Drummond, Kelly Oubre, Eric Gordon and the reported sign and trade of Buddy Hield. We’re discussing that on today’s 76ers news and rumors now LIVE.

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Head Coach: Nick Nurse
Assistant Coach: Rico Hines
Assistant Coach: Doug West
Assistant Coach: Bobby Jackson
Assistant Coach: Matt Brase
Assistant Coach: Coby Karl
Assistant Coach: John Corbacio
Assistant Coach: Fabulous Flournoy
Assistant Coach: Jason Love

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– BREAKING: 76ers TRADING Buddy Hield To Warriors In Sign-And-Trade In NBA Free Agency | 76ers News:
– MAJOR 76ers Rumors: Sixers TRADING For Dorian Finney-Smith And WAIVING Paul Reed?

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