Minnesota Twins add Brooks Lee; Lose Royce Lewis to another injury

Minnesota Twins add Brooks Lee; Lose Royce Lewis to another injury

these two guys have wrong intro it’s the score North Twin shell Oh wrong intro to start there it’s score North Extra Innings got the sports dad Jud zolad back on the home front uh you know speaking of being recalled you you got you’re under dog Duty for the whole weekend is that correct you got two dogs in the house two dogs so Stella who is of course my child and then uh uh da and her friend Michelle are in New York for like 5 days so I got Ryder Michelle’s dog here but he’s like a son to me so yeah two dogs uh they’ve been for walks they’re barking right now they just ate dinner I’m going to tell you right now I I am not a parent officially I would be a great parent you would be I am there for these kids whenever they need something and believe me when their moms get back these dogs are going to hate their moms cuz they’re they’re going to say right now they’re saying that Uncle po Pop’s the best open the door po pop open the door uh speaking of doors opening and um and all sorts of things flurryo roster moves man usually Friday news dumps is always you know one of the things you see and on the eve of a Fourth of July here this is kind of like a long Friday elongated Friday but uh breaking news that happened today I got word right before leaving the ballpark hey check on Brooks Lee was able to check on Brooks Lee got a a couple sources our guy Doogie and I were able to dig on that figured out brooklee was being recalled by the twins uh this was obviously on the heels of Royce Lewis being placed on the injured list I’ll get to that in just a bit uh but Brooks Lee is here with the twins he’s making his major league debut on Wednesday he will be at third base batting eighth switch hitter uh for the twins uh so Brooks Lee excited to make obviously his debut here uh Jud I did ask about the defensive flexibility to Roco I asked you see him at third he obviously spent some time at second you’re welcome Toby Gard uh he’s played some short stop as well and he said in the absence of Roy I would see the bulk of this time coming at third now a lot of guys can play there’s defensive versatility all over this damn team basically so you know you can have Willie Castro bounce all over the place you know outside of kareah Carlos Santana and buckon everyone else can play multiple essentially positions I would expect Brooks Lee to get the bulk of time at third base maybe he’ll mix in some other times at Short um but brooksley is here he’s going to make his major league debut tonight and he’ll be at third base uh batting eighth I’ll get to Royce Lewis in just a bit after I get your thoughts on on Brooks Le you up well for first of all they’re going to continue to bark so excuse that so I love this I love this in fact I tweeted it last night when Roy pulled up lame and left the game again um that brooksley who who you know we forget now but missed an extended period at the start of the year because of a back problem went to St Paul and we saw him once and it was impressive two home runs in the game that we saw 329 394 635 slash line five doubles seven home runs 21s 21 runs driven in so I absolutely think that that this is smart um Julian has as you tweeted back at me last night he has improved at the plate of late but I mean he struggled again in field I think he needs time I think he just needs time and I don’t think rushing him back is wise so I like that Matt walner who I believe was if I’m not mistaken today voted the international league player of the month but he’s an outfielder and as Doogie said on the scoop Tuesday I also think he’s probably being shopped and so I think part of the question is do you want to bring him back here and potentially expose him when he is going great guns at Triple A and it’s like oh my God Matt walner is back do you want him so anyway um I’m impressed because this is not necessarily the typical twins move but I think it’s a good move and uh yes I think the fact that Lee can play Third short and second and I don’t think it’s that difficult now we’ll find out here um in the next couple of days how if there is an adjustment or not but this all to me makes perfect sense and and again darn dogs and again Willie Castro you know the nice thing there Dex is he has so much flexibility that you don’t have to be like okay Lee has to play second pay so I like this final thought as well because we don’t talk about this guy enough it’s also uh reassuring that Jose Miranda is now playing like the player that we thought he was played at least two years ago so like Miranda’s success also factors in but I am very excited to see Brooks Lee and as you get to Lewis I have to admit I mean I remain concerned here man I remain concerned your thoughts Trump mine but he cannot stay healthy to save his life yeah quick one more note on on Brooks Lee here before I I’ll dive into Roy um he has improved Brooks Lee that is uh batting from the right side of the plate so he is a switch hitter um he’s he’s improved a lot more batting from the right side so yes he’ll still make some starts I think against some righties here and there when he bats left but I think him putting together those final pieces of of being a complete hitter on the right side of the plate plus it does give Rocco the flexibility of having three Switch Hitters in a starting lineup uh between Castro Carlos Santana and now Brooks Lee so you talk about lineup flexibility I mean now it’s all over the damn place with this team which is good on Rey so this was interesting because yesterday they announced it was a left groin strain for Royce Lewis and um after he did talk to the media a little bit afterwards and I I asked him and I said is is the gro Jo strain on your right side where the quad injury was goes yeah it’s on the right side so I thought okay maybe I maybe I got confused or maybe there’s something Miss there but this injury is indeed on the right side and I believe it’s technically an abductor strain is what it’s now being called an abductor strain I Googled abductor you can Google it as well if you want a visual of where the abductor is it’s basically near the groin uh but timeline wise out through the All-Star break at least it is a ra to strain uh for Royce Lewis so out at least through the All-Star break of course the benefit of that is you the twins will get about 5 days off so you won’t Royce Lewis gets extra time to heal and then I’m sure this isn’t as severe I I get the hunch by the way I’m not reporting this I’m this is not as severe as the quad strain in terms of the timeline to return but I’m going to assume that when they do return to player when the guys get back in the building here at some point after the All-Star game that there’ll be a reassessment and then seeing where Royce Lewis is at so obviously we’re about what 11 days from the last game before the All-Star break pause so that’s 11 days you take five more days until the twins return to play on a Saturday by the way they don’t return to play on Thursday or Friday they’re back on Saturday I think against Milwaukee here uh at Target Field so a reassessment basically you know a week and a half from now or two and a half weeks from now uh but yes it it’s too bad man it this is this is incredibly unfortunate you watch back on what happened this wasn’t something that he was dealing with uh before and um you know I was even I was chatting with Cory provis on the way up from from the scrum I believe all of these injuries Jud and I haven’t double checked this on the ACL I believe all of these injuries have happened on the right leg for Roy ACL quad and now abductor so genetics it stinks proper precautions yes could there be on both sides training any Roy’s side better things to do to maybe take care of the body certainly and then as also there’s there’s some fluky bad luck when some of these things happen yes but it is too bad the twins will be without Royce Lewis for at least the next two and a half weeks I will un unmute myself as the dogs continue to bark you know I I looked this up so last year in Baltimore in July it was actually a grade one hamstring strain that cost him 36 games that was the left one beyond that I think you’re right I think it’s the right side but but you know above and beyond the time he’s going to miss again now uh and and the grade The Strain uh grade that is assigned what what really concerns me is that he just cannot stay on the field like like this is buckton like now and you know with buckton at first we’re we’re like okay Byron don’t crash into fences as much right like like try not and then he didn’t crash into fences as much and he got hit by pitches or he HT his knee and it feels like we’re going down the same path and I don’t know who’s the blame if there is blame to to be assessed if there’s blame and bad luck to be assessed Ean but I mean we’re talking about two um potentially I I think in Buck’s case the ship has sailed but potentially at one time at least Superstar players right yeah and and it just feels like it feels like the fact that we’re dealing this with this with two players isn’t just some weird coincidence so I I don’t know what if can be attributed to the same thing I’m not even saying that’s the case I am saying that way above and on the time that Roy is going to miss at what point does he come back and then just plays you know what at what point in time is he not trying to leg out a double CU and and look it’s the same as Byron no one’s ever saying that these guys a don’t want to play or be that they loaf right like it’s not a oh my God he was trying to run hard for the first time in three weeks I mean Royce Lewis clearly just like Byron loves to play and compete so I don’t know how it can be examined but it certainly seems like something where it is very distressing when two of the key Parts if you’re ever going to win another world championship right two of the key Parts simply cannot stay out there and brooksley might be great and that’s awesome but at some point in time can you imagine brooksley at second as we’ve talked about Carlos k at Short yeah you know Roy at third base Byron in Center playing like is right now or has been like these are the those are the things that win you a championship um so it is just a stressing to me at first at first it’s like well that’s too bad and now it’s frustrating as hell if you watch this team to watch these guys that you clearly want to see uh play and guys that you will pay to see play who can’t play and I think the question is what can be done if anything because with two guys like that it is just super super frustrating you know what with what with buck uh he obviously had you know Head Shoulders Knees and Toes essentially of injuries uh he’s dealt with just about every little thing and now it’s more just been pinpointed out he’s got a knee problem he has a degenerative knee problem essentially the flap that that got removed and it flared up again this season he had to go on the iil I do think though um and I’m not saying he didn’t do this prior to all those injuries or prior to the time when he first got called up in 2015 and basically became a regular player from there on out um I I think now he’s in a pretty good spot outside of a knee problem that is significant I’m not trying to downplay it I think he realizes the um the type of things that have to go into taking care of your body in Byron’s case and I think he obviously is doing everything he can to maintain his health but also the staff and even probably Byron knows that this could be a ticking Time Bomb of whenever this knee is going to again flare up or when are there’s going to be another problem with Royce it’s just unfortunate that we’re talking about a hamstring and then it’s you know weirdly ACL tears and then it’s a quad and now it’s a groin so you know I I’m sure Roy is doing everything he can to take care of his body I know I see comments and I get a ton of things of being like reassessed his entire medical staff um at the end of the day there they’ve tried yeah and they have they’ve gotten rid of it before so um so I I think Roy knows that this stinks the other part of this too is the mental side of this you know what does this do for a to a guy who is incredibly upbeat to a guy who had just emotes positivity to the 100th degree um obviously there’s frustration I got to imagine I I wasn’t able to catch up with him today I talked to him briefly yesterday about the injury and just about the game he had I got to imagine it’s frustrating and some guys you know um some guys can be around the team and Roy was like that during the quad trrain he wanted to be here he was around and being his normal self I don’t know if that changes you know I I don’t know if you get to a point as a player or as an athlete where you you do kind of have and I do rightfully think so a wo as me of why is this happening and also I need to kind of unplug from everyone I don’t know what type of ramifications come from that with Roy I’m going to guess it’s probably the former I’m going to guess he’s probably still going to be around that’s just his type of personality but I do Wonder just what is probably going through his head over what the hell do I have to do to just stay on the damn field his comments last night I thought postgame were were some of the oddest that we’ve seen like this dude tore his ACL twice and basically he was upset so don’t get me wrong but still maintained a positive outlook I thought last night when he made a reference to it’s always bad news which seemed to be how the team takes things you know I’d be curious to see what the push and pull is because these to me look like they look like I injuries I don’t think the twins are like being too careful here you’re pulling things if you come back and play it’s a problem uh but his comments last night seemed to me to be interpreted as probably the most how how can I put this positive negative comments that we’ve seen from him the frustration and I’ll go back to 202 when I was around the the team a bunch during the co season and buckton got hurt again and again and you know I remember the frustration there and it was I I asked bald Deli at one point I said what do you do here like what do you tell him like this is and Roco got not defensive but he’s like uh you know I don’t know we’ll we’ll see how things go um but I can tell you right now these two they’re similar in the fact that they are competitors like Roy is a nice guy but don’t mist that for he would he’d love to kick your ass in sports um and so I think the competitor is really really hard and the other thing though to go back to Buck is one is Buck is playing well right now okay but one I agree the knee is a time bomb you just don’t know but more so you know Buck’s ability or window to be a superstar is sort of passed now like like we’re happy we’re happy when we get good Buck for a month um and I think part of the problem there is the injuries begin to mount decks and you finally do something that is going to be a problem for a long time in Buck’s case the knee what concerns me with Royce is like we are looking at a litany right of hamstrings and acl’s and abductors and eventually when when you hurt that many body parts something is going to come back and become a long-term problem and that’s what concerns me can we can this be cut off before we’ve got a similar buckon thing where it’s like Roy is still good don’t get me wrong but the days of saying that guy is going to be a perennial All-Star Superstar are gone that’s where I’m a little bit concerned just because the human body can only take so many setbacks absolutely uh by the way hit the like button subscribe button for those watching us right now we got over 200 people watching the SC our twin show so thank you so much hit the like button subscribe button twins content by way great scoop by you and duges on on this so I’ve seen a couple of comments as well but this is a great great scoop I I know you had an inkling as did I I was guessing but I mean you you guys got this nailed down very very nice work Sports dad is very proud of his Sports son uh no good deed goes unpunished though cuz right after I was able to report that and get on that I’m hustling into Target Field and I’m on 94 coming here a rock comes and chips my windshield on my car so that was also a great start are you going to get it replaced right away Saturday the chip Saturday really see I’ve had chips for months and I just don’t care well I I unless it’s in your right in your fieldis it’s not in the field division but I you know I don’t know I don’t want to deal with that I once had my windshield crack because it it was C out and I had the heat on and I stopped and I went I didn’t get it fixed again I was like it’s it’s on the bottom screw it but anyway a great chance for for the twin show to be sponsored by a windshield place right here that’s right yeah if if uh maybe I don’t know a safe FL repair safe flight replace want sponsor the show there you go um so on on uh on Royce Lewis too I I went talked to him yesterday about just cuz you talk about the competitor that’s in him so yesterday there was a time during the first AB where he got got called out after a lengthy at bat on a change up that was clearly low and in it wasn’t in the zone and I asked Roy about that cuz the very next AB he got the same change up from scoble one of the best pitchers in baseball and he’s able to pull it down the line for a basis clearing double and I I just noticed the fire that was in him and he was like you know he struck me out the first time thinking he got me and I he didn’t get me it was a ball and you know he’s talk talking about how I know that this is going to be the pitch I want to hit and the Umpire was also very inconsistent with the Zone he was trying to not let that frustrate him so there definitely is that comp ative fire that is in him uh that is definitely not just a positivity and he’ll shake your hand and sign autographs and all that good stuff I think he should do that um but there they definitely I wonder does something change there you know does does something change of all these injuries it does get frustrating um and you know when you talk about all these injuries that start to add up and does the body ever like break down that that’s that’s what I wondered with Alex kof to the point when we were reported on that a few weeks ago of you just have so many things happen to you and even though you’re still young and even though you’re uh still obviously way more athletic than 99% of the people on this Earth it catches up and you’re just never going to be able to be the person that maybe you thought you could be athletically or what your projections were as a minor leager uh that’s I think that’s the tough part that Roy probably has to understand here and won’t put him in my shoes I won’t speak for him but that part is frustrating cuz obviously he does want to play the fans want to see him play you know the twins got a little bit robbed with that with buxton’s Prime and Miguel Sono even flaming out with the twins I mean that for the last 10 or 15 years there’s been a few of these Brook Lee is the next guy right I mean Brooks Lee is is the eighth overall pick in the draft and he was battling a back issue in April so yeah you’re right you just you hope obviously things start to work themselves out but it is a bummer when obviously you lose Royce Lewis for exed period of time I do think there’s an interesting discussion to be had there too about like like you know 2024 the focus now yeah like it used to be you could do a lot of things and I don’t you know I mean the these guys including baseball players or a lot of them are fine-tuned machines now you know and and look in sona’s case I felt no sympathy because it was all his fault like anything you know he was not in shape consistently he was not a guy that I I looked at and I said he wants it right buckton he wants it Lewis he does as well but I’m also from a twins fan perspective I’m saying if you are going to win series playoff series right if you’re going to make eventually a deep playoff run Royce Lewis you have to to have him and ideally probably at near not at because it’s hard 100% I mean you know Dex I don’t think the twins beat Toronto necessarily in the short Playoff Series last year without Royce coming back easily I mean heor and he deaged yeah and he scored I think 75% of the runs or something so you’re right you’re 100% right like you’re not like the twins as a whole because personally as a baseball fan it sucks cuz I would just like to watch him play baseball I enjoy watching him play he’s really fun to watch but beyond that if I am the Twins and I have an investment in him and he is you know he was what the first pick in in his draft or the second pick um this is a guy that you have to have like I I honestly think if you get the pitching right and I’m not saying this season but let’s just play this out if you get the pitching right and they do have some good things there you know and you have Roy at third Carlos at Short Brooks Le second buckon let’s just say buckon as buckton now playing center field so he gets everything basically like that’s a great that’s a hell of a playoff team right there that’s a great core yeah great you know that that’s a team that can defensively and and you know Korea shows this consistently what type of a difference does Korea who’s the professional is professional what type of difference does he make in things like erra oh 100 yeah yes you know yes yes I don’t talk about that enough and I I you know I just wonder too if Korea cuz Korea sat down was it buckton going into last year and said hey man we we just need you to play uh invited him over to dinner and I know you’re probably against this whole DH thing I’m I’m trying to paraphrase remember exactly what happened here I think this is what happened that sounds right he he brought Korea Korea brought Buck over to dinner and just said look I know this stinks for you and you want to play center field and know in hindsight K was right we need you to play now in the grand scheme of things buckson was right of I need to be playing center field obviously for my own psyche but also his best version of himself since center field I wonder too if that happens with with Korea cuz Korea is the captain of this team I I don’t think that’s that’s obviously not a hot take and if you just are around him in in the time I have been around there is that Captain like commands the room presence feel that only so many people can have and you know some of these some of these twins teams over the last few years didn’t have that and I think Nelson Cruz had that but it was in a much different way about going about things um I wonder with kareah and kind of trying to figure out how to help out Roy Lewis to kis Miss time with some injuries before as well um I wonder if there’s some influence there from from this captain from that heartbeat guy that can also you know kind of steer some of these dudes in the right direction mentally and and physically in 2019 you know Cruz controlled the room in a really good way like like like he is one of the most effective uh guys that I’ve ever seen as far as baseball captains not not officially a captain but you know Cruz was very much a year-to-year guy and he was a DH now I’m not saying that that took away from what he brought but I am saying Korea is here longterm and he’s a shortstop which is a pivotal spot so yeah I I think that there’s definitely something there uh but you just think about the twins long term with the potential that they have from their players and if you can if you can get Royce in there consistently and again this is this is concerning cuz it’s twice or three times a year decks like it’s not once a year it was what he he came back from the ACL in June of 2023 if I’m not mistaken two or no again right did didn’t he come back last year again then in June yeah yeah he made his debut in he T the AC twice tore the AC yeah yep yep yep so then then he he strains um he strains the hamstring or the oblique and Baltimore in July and then and then he strains the hamstring late in the season misses 10 games and then comes back for the playoffs can’t play Third and still makes a huge difference in the win against Toronto so yeah it’s uh it sucks in that sense Brooks Lee though it’s going to be fun to watch him I’m I’m not going to lie I’m going to race down to the ballpark right now and go watch them with you absolutely hit the like button subscribe button this is score North Extra Innings appreciate Jud are the dogs going to be okay with with with being gone for a couple hours we good with the dogs there I don’t know if we’ve got a mailman situation a UPS man situation well here’s the other thing those packages yeah yeah yeah in fact we got a fan a big fan today and I I hope she’s not expecting Sports dad to put it together because it ain’t going to happen she’s going to have to do it once she returns from her trip but the other thing I fear is so when when we ordinarily start our morning recording sessions I put up a couple of big pillows to block off a window entirely so so Stella can’t see it I think I took him down and so I think they’re I think they see a person go go by like with a dog all hell breaks Le what really pisses me off is then the dog’s long gone and they still bark like the dogs there oh that’s I don’t have good uh let’s just say this I’m not doing a good job of running my locker room right now oh no you’re not no you’re not you need you need a you need your own consultant you need a bench coach there you need a jce Tingler I need a post game show to about my team yes yes you do you absolutely do my dogs are barking Brooks Lee up Royce Lewis with another injury that’s your latest here on the scor our twin show uh appreciate everyone listening and watching supporting the show over the uh last three or four months here it’s been a blast uh we’ll be off tomorrow the start time by the way I usually don’t you know preview things that are coming uh tomorrow’s game got moved up an hour so if you were planning to be here for the 4th July game against the Tigers it was going to be at 1:00 it is is now at 1210 cuz I think it’s going to start raining around 2 or 3:00 so can please stop I’m in a suite so if if it if if there’s a delay that’s fine that’s more times I can stay up Place could get hit by lightning not going to care I’m not moving until they are kicking me out of the and not this this won’t be here tomorrow but but this will be in a different way okay Bo that’s dangerous drop drop a scoop and then drop some beers tomorrow so hit the like button subscribe button this is score North TN show appreciate everyone listening and watching

Minnesota Twins add Brooks Lee; Lose Royce Lewis to another injury; Lee should spend the bulk of his time at third base; Lewis has an abductor strain and is out at least through the All-Star Break; Can Lewis rebound from another weird injury and more on the SKOR North Twins Show.

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  1. Donโ€™t even care that Royce is injured at this point, heโ€™s been ice cold for the past week and the offense has held its own, not to mention Brooks lee is a great replacement to Royce

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