For those that keep calling iHart a bench player

For those that keep calling iHart a bench player

  1. Bench player and coming off the bench are different imo, not saying he’ll come off the bench

  2. Nothing like false equivalencies. Having one of the best shooting teams means less rebounds. Also throwing sga in there is kinda dumb. He’s supposed stay back on defense.

  3. People genuinely think a lineup of:

    Shai giddey dort jdub chet

    Is better than a lineup of:

    Shai Jdub dort Chet Ihart

    This sub really justifies playing jdub at the 4 (who’s natural position is the 2) over Chet💀

    Yall really think Presti flew out to personally recruit Ihart and is paying him $29m a year (more than Jalen Brunson) to be an 8th man?😂😂

  4. It’s fine bro rebounding isn’t important! We must not sacrifice our elite 3-point shooting 5 out offense! Any other style of basketball is not permitted!🤓🤓

  5. He provides roster flexibility. We really going to act like Mark isn’t going to run 156 different lineups during the season the get data for the playoffs? Whether he starts or not means nothing. It’s what he allows our team to do and that is provide Mark more flexibility

  6. And Hartenstein did so in 5293 fewer minutes:

    – Hartenstein played 1896 minutes.

    – Chet + Shai + JDub played 7189 minutes. (Chet 2413, Shai 2553, JDub 2223).

  7. Huge Knicks fan here. He’s absolutely a starter and it’s wild to think he’s not. Dude has great passing abilities, he can dribble if he needs to, great screen and roller, great teammate, makes everyone better. Chet at the 4 and IHart at the 5 will be ridiculous.

  8. Tbf Giddey- whose minutes he is likely replacing

    Had 111 oreb in similar minutes

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