Cardinals After Dark 7/3


FINAL: 5-4 Pirates


Postgame Wrap


  1. Cardinals would’ve won if Gio had never stepped foot on the field. This is known as the Gallegos Effect 

  2. I hate baseball. I just can’t watch anymore. I’ll see you guys tomorrow

  3. I mean as good as he’s been, it would be cool if Helsley’s mental problems were fixed and they were allowed to use him in other innings besides the 9th and win games and whatnot

  4. No idea why I continue to subjugate myself to this mediocre shit.

  5. No excuse to use Gio when he was used, and I would hope next time Fernandez gets the call if Helsley can’t go on a night. Give Jojo and Kitt a rest

  6. Yo that’s crazy how all the Haters literally ran to the shadows like scared little rats when it was tied only to come back when we lose at the end. What do people like that even get out of watching the games lol.

  7. When does Jojo fall out of Oli’s circle of trust? He has not looked good at all lately and he’s still getting thrown out there in high leverage spots. 

  8. Good game. They have energy.

    Oli continues to be questionable on managing the bullpen. Is he actually making the calls or being told what to do by the org?

  9. Helsley would’ve given up a warning track fly ball to advance the runner then walk the next two guys and finally strike out the next two guys with six pitches. Like a true professional.

  10. JoJo was throwing absolute MEATBALLS out there. When’s the last time he’s looked good?

  11. Can any argument be made for keeping Giovanny Gallegos on the roster? DFA him yesterday.

  12. The fact that the Cardinals keep having this much trouble handling shitty and middling teams proves pretty conclusively what kind of team this is. Mo and co. should be embarrassed.

  13. That was an exciting game. I also find it amusing how quickly it fell apart for us.

  14. On the bright side the Mets lost and padres are losing so it could be a “nothing” game for us. Just win the series tomorrow and act like this didn’t happen.

  15. it’s just an all around rough year for this team.. zero offense (I did not miss that goldy strikeout with several men on base), spotty pitching, and a hit or miss bullpen. Arenado is just a non-threat at the plate and Goldy is no where to be seen.

    Disappointing team that needs a lot of work. I hope the second half of the season is better.

  16. Going to check out some other games. Cubs are losing, so this might not be a completely bad day. See everyone tomorrow for an early game. Go Cards!

  17. Only question I have after today is this: Is Ryan Helsley incapable of going two days in a row?

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