Leafs make SNEAKY signings… This is PERFECT | Toronto Maple Leafs News

Leafs make SNEAKY signings… This is PERFECT | Toronto Maple Leafs News

the Tonto Maple Leafs continue to make moves as they’ve made a few sneaky signings to help sh up their blue line as well as some other moves that are very interesting so I want to stay tuned for that because we’re going to discuss exactly who those players are and how it could affect BR living’s plan going forward for the rest of this off season so stay tuned for all that but before we do if you’re a part of the large per who aren’t subscribed to the channel make sure to hit that subscribe button it would mean the world to Darius and myself but Darius let’s just break it down there’s a lot of May police news coming out obviously they made a few more signings and with Yanni Haka um you know status of being a Toronto Maple Leaf up in the air the lease went out and added some more depth to the blue line they also added um some forward as well so we’re going to break all of it down and these signings aren’t the most flashy but I think it might paint a better picture of what Brad sh living’s plans might be going forward as free agency continues um to get closer and closer to uh kind of coming to a conclusion regarding what the Leafs need to do but let’s just dive right into it so they’ve announced three signings each with an aav of 750,000 now none of these three players are super um exciting they won’t jump off the paper but some of them are pretty interesting so Darius we’re going to break them off down and I want to see which one of these three do you think is going to make the biggest impact obviously we have Myers per and meris so we’re going to start with let’s start with the defenseman I mean there’s two defenseman here but we’re going start with one of the defenseman very interesting so mermis has Captain in two AHL teams and he is 30 years old so even if the Iowa stin was brief this year a nice leadership addition for a young Marley’s defense and it appears this is from the original report from Jonah seagull that the 30-year-old defenseman is joining the Leafs and is now listed on their active roster so what is your thoughts on this I think it’s very interesting that they’ve signed two defenseman and a forward and I don’t know how much a lot of it I think depends on Yanni hakena regarding the depth defenseman because right now he would be technically our seventh defenseman if he’s healthy he probably would slot into the uh the starting lineup a lot of games but what are your thoughts on this yeah one thing I noticed about all three signings is all three guys have won championships barring you know they are in junior but they are Championship caliber players at a certain level so that was one thing I thought was interesting and they’re all pretty low risk right like I’ll get the mermis in a second but it’s all low risk like very minimum uh deals uh you know some of them were one-year deals like totally fine right in my eyes I thought this is great great death signing uh no problem with that to go to Dakota mermis uh again 30 years old I think he’s going to be a pretty good depth option like he played some games in the NHL last year like he played for the Minnesota Wild right and if you look at some of his charts like you said he doesn’t jump off the page at you he’s not a superstar or anything like that but again a good depth option a guy who can come in who’s played NHL games in case there’s an injury or something like that right down the road so I don’t hate this player um he’s he’s played in the ol I like guys who play in the OHL because it’s closer to the NHL game with the travel and all that stuff uh so I I like that he played on the London Knights won a championship there he won a championship with the asosa generals he was on the team that shut down Conor McDavid in the ol finals too obviously that doesn’t really translate to the NHL game at the level Conor mcdavid’s at but you know this is a pretty good defenseman and if he does end up playing in the AHL for the majority of the year it’s going to be a young Marley’s team so he’ll be able to help with that so I like this signing very low risk uh and it’s a guy who can come in if need be at the NHL level too yeah the very least depth for the Marley’s and depth for the Maple Leafs as well but I mean if you rewind back the last season when the Leafs got Simon benois obviously he played a bigger part on the team for the uh the Ducks when he was there than mermis did for the while but Ben ju now ended up being one of the most crucial important player so having depth like that is very very important and ultimately you mentioned it he played he’s 30 years old he not a young Prospect anymore he is there in case someone gets injured he might be the seventh defenseman if Yanni Haka ultimately doesn’t get signed so this is probably the guy who has the most likely outcome the most likely chance of becoming an actual piece to this team going forward and maybe given the opportunity he will produce similar to how Simon benois did last year when he was given a full opportunity again on an actually good team that wasn’t uh unlik the ducks that had a horrible defensive core there so it’s very interesting let us know in the comments what your thoughts are on that but daryus we also have Phil or Philip Myers same thing Phil Myers to discuss you can see here from Kyle kushman saying Phil Myers was among the best even strength defenseman in the AHL last year an excellent depth signing that fits what the Leafs want he is 6 foot6 had a cup of coffee with the Maryland in 2022 as a loan if he’s the guy he was last year he can push for NHL minutes so it seems like the Leafs are just going ahead and signing AHL defenseman who if needed can really fit into what this group needs especially given their current defensive uh pairing they six their three pairings right now and kind of the size that they’re really lacking right now yeah a lot of people are thinking like they’re just signing AHL defenseman but I actually think this is the most surprising signing and the most exciting for me out of all three of them out of the depth signings because you know there was a lot of hype around this guy when he was playing for the huskys and the qmjhl and he won a championship there and then coming out of that to the Flyers there was a lot of hype around him like he was going to be a really really good defenseman obviously the size is a big factor too at the NHL level so um he he kind of lost that right over the years and Co affected a lot of these players too who were just hitting their ride in the NHL so he’s been bounced around a lot and he was with the Marley’s too like you mentioned right on a on a stint it was aone or something like that I don’t think he was officially a part of the Leafs organization but now he is um and he played pretty well there so you know if he plays in the AHL that’s great you know he can develop further he’s not exactly young either but uh I think there’s potential there for him to come up I mean like you mentioned too Simone benois came out of nowhere this year right and this is a guy who had a lot of promise before right shot defenseman didn’t play too much with Tampa Bay either uh but you know you can lend to to the fact that Tampa Bay was a really good team and we winning Stanley Cups when he was in the organization so um I I think this is a bit of a wild card in the way that I wonder if you know he takes a step again he might be too old maybe it is over but there was a lot of promise and CID did hinder him a lot so I wonder if uh you know he’s a guy who might surprise this year it could be interesting yeah looking at the charts we just showed like they’re looking very promising Kyle saying that KY kushman saying basically he could push for NHL minutes if he gets the opportunity to similar to mermis as well and can look shout out to Kyle kushman for all this but he basically gave a little rundown on the three mermis we’ve already discussed Phil Meyers he was like you mentioned on alone Darius and then of course uh per was a Dev Camp invite in 2021 he’s a 64 Center who has steadily improved in the HL so another guy who could be potentially probably less of an option this year depending on who they sign though right now they’re lacking forwards when we go into some of their stats a little bit here we also have uh a player or someone speaking out on the couple of the prospects but you mentioned Darius he played 47 games MERS that was for the wild last year like this is a guy who has NHL experience isn’t just an AHL signing obviously right now he’s projected to be an AHL to in the AHL s to start the year but he’s a guy who definitely could make an impact on the team and he had eight points in 47 games so again points aren’t much for defenseman but he looked okay like he wasn’t terrible and then of course Myers played five games so a bit less there and he’s 27 so he’s someone who maybe if performs well similar to s m Beno performing well last year could maybe earn you know be part of the longer term goals for the Toronto map police St as mermis he’s also 30 he not super old could uh fit in as well but yeah any thoughts on that before I get onto a quote he played a lot of games last year so in the NHL NHL sorry yeah there’s something to be said about that right he doesn’t have to come in and be your second pairing defenseman but if somebody gets injured this is the type of guy who you know has experience playing in the NHL right you don’t have to call up a Marley or a guy who’s like 20 years old you can you can insert this guy into the lineup and he kind of knows what’s going on right I I think there’s a lot to that so and same goes for Philip Meyer in a way right like he does have experience playing in the NHL less but um or less as of late I should say but I still think there is something with that player so it’s going to be interesting to watch and you know I like the depth signings super low risk and I think that you know you might find or you might be a little bit surprised this year yeah I like him and again at this point last season the benois signing we didn’t really think much of it and he ultimately is now a part of probably the second Perry on the blue line so it’s crazy how things change with that and one thing before we do wrap up here we can see Jonathan T speaking out on some of the some of the new Leaf signings in general they’re great Pros two of them won the cup recently obviously we’re excited for the lessons we can learn from them and just kind of speaking out in the overall signings it’s pretty exciting because quite frankly the moves that the Leafs have made so far whether they’re sneaky more depth signings like they did yesterday or some of the bigger ones like o and and Chris tanv they’re all going to play a big part of the lease going forward but that’ll wrap it up let us know in the comments your thoughts there we’ll see you soon

Nick Gosse and Darius Domingues break down the Toronto Maple Leafs making multiple sneaky signings, as well as discuss how they could impact the Toronto Maple Leafs going forward.

0:00 Leafs News
0:47 New Signings
2:11 Dakota Mermis
3:58 Philippe Myers
6:03 Breakdown

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  1. I like Myers not sure why TBL let him walk but he could be a good 7th man possibly even a 6th depending on what they do with Liljegren.
    I expect Hakanpa to be a LTIR signing like Kilngberg was.

  2. Hakanpa is finished, his knee is bone on bone.
    All these guys are champions at junior level, now that's reaching for any kind kd positives, reality is this was a huge summer to re do the entire defence and make moves, they got worse, tanev is great but I highly doubt he'll play the entire season having to clean up rielly s mistakes

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