Vladimir Tarasenko SIGNED with the Detroit Red Wings

Vladimir Tarasenko SIGNED with the Detroit Red Wings

might opt out and next year get players breaking news oh a this is goingon to be stupid the Detroit Red Wings just signed Vladimir teraso to a 2year wow $44.75 million I swear to God shut the up let’s go let’s go I am him start talking [ __ ] Nick let’s go come on baby what a call first time let’s hey I’m on the heavyweight for a reason what do we do boys we call [ __ ] here we call [ __ ] let’s go that’s huge come on that is huge who is I am if you guys weren’t tuned in yesterday we did me and Nick had a little back and forth Red Wing segment he said one thing that the Red Wings need is a veteran presence who can still cook and a guy he put out there that is still available is Vladimir teraso and it is confirmed two-year deal wow average annual value of 4.75 million that is a great contract for a guy who’s got Stanley Cup experience a guy that’s going to come in here he’s going to be one of your top six forwards this is [ __ ] yeah Stevie [ __ ] all you guys all you got oh what’s he doing why didn’t he sign stamp Coast to a seven-year contract why didn’t he payer tday 6 million doll a year be patient and good things will happen Steve Eisman [ __ ] yeah quick 31 this guy is yeah I can confirm it’s 31 or 32 is he a righty he’s rightwing if I’m not mistaken does it [ __ ] matter mate you don’t even [ __ ] hell let’s go damn that feels good I thought that the veteran presence would be helpful I saw a lot of comments oh yeah you don’t think to Brink it Larin um sherro are veteran presences on this team this guy has two c he just was on Florida he just won his second Stanley Cup I think he helps out the young guys let’s go 61 220 left-handed shot obviously this is a guy who’s played a lot of hockey in his career he’s been in the league for a while majority of his time spent in St Louis he went to New York he went to Ottawa and then he went to Florida to win his second cup after getting one in St Louis you love this move this is a great veteran piece this is a guy who’s still good like he’s still out there scoring you know 20 goals a year I I this is this is a great move for the Red Wings this is a guy like you said that will bring in that experience of playing in and winning Stanley Cups to put around guys like Lucas Raymond like moider like Dylan Lin who haven’t experienced that now you have teraso and you have Patrick Kane to be leaders in the clubhouse so goodbye pan welcome to Detroit vlat teraso I love this is a great move is is is like a top 75 guy top 75 guy in that NHL yeah he’s probably around there he’s better he’s better than better than Tyler bruzi and Tyler bruzi just got paid more I would stammer is better in his prime but sammer’s down to the back end of his career teras ino’s still in in his prime I I I I’m really happy with this move man this is a this a 13 in the regular season plus four in the postseason he’s a top six guy like he he is and if he gets moved your third line he significantly improves that third line he is going to be a lot better than David pan was for this team I can say that confidently I think I we we just got the best remaining free agent on the board and that’s Teran Sano I know we didn’t see the fireworks early but I think this is going to really help solidify that offense with all the other young guys coming in but in I think we’re all expecting still a move on the defense to be made but this is a great start to pair with Kane cup cup uh godamn um cup experience cup experience that actually adds to this team and when they make the playoffs that actually matters because they have the experience to teach these young guys what it actually takes and even guys like L and that really haven’t seen it before so let’s go dude ter this is huge this is this is exactly what you this is exactly what you needed to bridge that Gap you sign Patrick Kane you bring in Vladimir teraso you’re obviously going to extend Lucas Raymond and extend uh mider you bring in an actual goenda so all you guys that were talking [ __ ] oh he’s doing nothing he’s sleeping look at why didn’t he overpay for Stephen stamp Coast why didn’t he overpay for this guy why didn’t he bring back Tyler bzi eat a dick shout out Steve eisan [ __ ] love it [ __ ] love it that is a great move that is a guy who in Stanley Cups this is a playoff forward this is a guy who has experience not not Stanley Cup not oh he was all right and got carried to his no he win multiple cups one in St Louis and one last year in Florida he is an impact piece on both of those teams just an amazing signing amazing signing by Steve Eisman you could do uh I say eight per for Raymond cider just to be on the heavy side you still have like seven to play with if you’re Stevie y going to make another they’re going to get another defenseman to they’re going to get another defenseman to I could see them actually going for over eight to be quite honest both guys yes the way that these contracts just got handed out these guys are 22 and 23 years old or 21 and 22 um they’re so young like if they’re going to get that 8year type thing to really lock them up I think it’s going to be for over 8 million personally so we talking playoffs now I they are we I was already talking playoffs but yes they are a playoff team the Red Wings are making the playoffs next year they would have made the playoffs last year if they had cam tbit now you make your defense or you make your goal tending situation better you bring in a top six forward to your team and you’re going to lock down a couple guys and they’re not done they’re not done I promise you they’re not done another move is in the books remember we didn’t trade for du Brink it until July 10th last year so they’re going to make a trade to bring in somebody on that a veteran piece on that uh blue line you can you can take that to the bank too I I love this like this makes me so happy this is a great contract for both parties cuz teras inko still gets out of it in the prime of his career he’ll still be able to sign a long-term deal after this the Red Wings can get out of it while their younger guys are going to be a couple years more that’s crazy you know seasoned and are ready to come up to the show this a perfect contract two years 4.75 great call by our guy Nick let’s go take your Victory lap again it feels [ __ ] great baby let’s go what a news day before 4th of July I’m going to be celebrating this one I’m not even going to lie for one reason specifically because now we don’t have to depend on a guy like bergren or merer to be that top six guy when them being so young and unproven we’ve seen teren SEO do it before and like I’ve keep alluding to he’s won two cups I believe that matters when you are installing young rookies into the lineup to have that experience you cannot put a number on it but the only number you can put on it is a win total and I think that’s the thing that matters the most this is a big move for this Detroit Redwing team moving forward and for Stevie y specifically in my eyes he’s not going with just the younger movement and that’s when I was going to be not worried about the iser plan but maybe our expectations for next year with the eer plan maybe sitting around a playoff spot I think we’re definitely locked in for a playoff spot after this move and knowing what’s coming next with a defenseman going to get added as well teraso has already experienced playing with Patrick Kane they played together in New York this is uh dude this is awesome this is this is a perfect signing for the Detroit Red Wings and what we need this is not a overpay for a a Steve stamp Coast this is not a overpay for a Tyler bruzi for a tanv for a marshall Sal all these guys you saw get these long-term super expensive contracts no this is a flexible contract in a good good cap number for a damn good player that has Stanley Cups that has three Stanley Cup finals appearances like this is awesome you sounded um you were happy with it yesterday when we talked about it but the thing that you were scared of is why would Teran senko sign on this term when this will might be his like one of his last chance to get that long-term like four five sixy year deal he just did and this is speaks to Stevie W that’s the only reason why you were out because you didn’t think he would do it he just did it yeah I insane I love it there was there was I was completely doubting that him being at 31 years old right would sign this kind of contract when he 32 so at the end of this contract he’ll be 34 so he’s not going to be finding a contract that’ll lock him down 8 years so I figured he would want that now to be locked down and be good for the rest of his career no this is just more proof that what happens when oh [ __ ] Steve e on the Steve hello hello hello uh hi Mr Eisman Captain Mr Eisman how you doing hi teren s show watch bring it here to Detroit I I’d love to be init two years 4.7 Stevie I’m I’m I’m 32 Stevie see you in hockey Town Bud all right all right let me call my agent real quick hello hey uh hey Steve uh hey Jim what’s going on Steve Jim Steve here uh Jim Steve I just got off the phone uh with Detroit yeah I was talking Detroit I was just talking talking to Toronto Toronto what do youit uh Detroit called um I I’m I’m going I’m going to the Red Wing what do you what do you don’t worry don’t worry discuss this with me yeah two years two years God yeah you’re 31 years old we got to capitalize in the market now I I know two years but but but but 475 okay I all right [ __ ] you I’m sorry we’re done C let’s go Redwing it’s literally Steve Eisman has these guys children tied up in a basement during these deals like it it doesn’t make sense this is a guy who should have signed for a long-term deal with his age with what just happened to him just won a cup it’s going into the Twilight of his career you’d think he’d want to sign a six sevene deal have that cap number set and be good for the rest no Steve isman said is you’re coming to [ __ ] Detroit and you’re gonna you’re gonna sign for what I say you’re gonna [ __ ] sign for I I love it dude I I love Steve eisan is the man the funniest part yeah Mike G was talking a lot of [ __ ] in BD today what why he’s talk oh wasn’t plan doing anything is he he’s just going to cash out that money and and start a bartab for the heavyweights blah blah blah blah blah look at that great sign this is a much better deal than what Stam Coos got St don’t don’t get me wrong Stam Coast is a better player but this is a much better deal for the team than what stamp Co got all the non- hockey guys when you said that me Cay and Chris like we didn’t know like yeah I think I wasn’t ready to say this yesterday with I didn’t know if Steve Eiserman was going to go with the youth movement but I’m ready to see it say it now I will see everybody at LCA for that first home playoff game let’s [ __ ] go baby we are back town I’m just saying you know I I miss when I when I miss shows piston news breaks but when I wear this Red Wing [ __ ] when I wear this Red Wing [ __ ] ship pops saw we wear it again on uh Friday just you know just in case [ __ ] love it I’m not here Friday so so we should actually make a segment we should predict what’s going to happen to the Pistons Friday be here Nick maybe we get back Nick the predict that segment a perfect signing hey real quick before we go to break amazing so you think you want to throw against the wall what’s going to happen next yeah say something else say something they were telling me to say act Bland but I I don’t I think that’s a little too richl yeah I don’t know if they give up yeah I’ll I’ll uh I’ll think of something in the upcoming maybe uh TR trouba’s wife will actually uh realize she doesn’t wear the pants in the f f I’m just kidding all right all right let’s go to break y tell us about more shout out her for her career shout out to her she is her Michigan doctor congratulations we want trba sorry we do want trba [Music]

Spencer Raxter, EZ, Nick Kohlof and the rest of the Heavyweights crew discuss and react to. the breaking news of, Vladimir Tarasenko
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  1. LFG!!!!!! πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺ

  2. I’m happy with the signing but you guys are ridiculous with you shilling for Yzerman. I love the guy, but he’s made some horrible deals. We have like 3-4 awful contracts on the books right now that he made.

  3. He was SUPPOSED to be the next Pavel datsyuk. That's a good signing. Not sure I would flip my shit about him, but it's definitely a good one considering the contracts that have gone around. If you consider him the perron replacement then I think you upgraded, but not like night and day.

  4. Great deal for both parties. The Wings need SC champions experience and mentality (Tarasenko, Kane) while Tarasenko wants to enjoy playing hockey with a team full of young talent and great team mate like Kane. I believe Tarasenko is a guy with great pride, he wants to prove to the league that he can still be successful wherever he goes. If he can help the Wings reach playoffs next year that would be no small feat compared to winning SC with the Panthers

  5. I have been hypercritical of the Front Office, but today they have a serious "Good on Ya" from me.
    having already resigning Kane and now one of my favorites Vladimir Tarasenko is huge. Big change is attitude on this team. Younger players are saying we have real fire power. Also it appears that we are also bolstered in goal. No one we had last year compares with these pickups.

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