Former NFL Player Encourages Tua To Hold Out On The Miami Dolphins!

Former NFL Player Encourages Tua To Hold Out On The Miami Dolphins!

on tonight’s episode of the Finish Line as always I’ll be joined by Richmond and ball game and we will discuss an former NFL player is encouraging Tua Tong of aloa to not even step foot on a training camp field let alone in the regular season to take snaps for the Miami Dolphins if he doesn’t get paid so we will talk about that also who are the building blocks of the future for this team on offense and defense we’ll we’ll give our picks as well as we will discuss the latest on the Tyreek Hill situation and why it’s probably not likely that he’s going to miss any time whatsoever so do us the favor smash the like button subscribe if you’re new and as always let’s get into this [Music] [Applause] the passer is in trouble loses the football touchdown you have got to be kidding me Jaylen W has a dolphin touchdown and he will score Domer SL that open p down the run from two a Tong bya touchdown he’s going deep [Applause] [Music] [Applause] got the dolphin beautiful day to be a Dolphin fan let’s go [Music] all right huddle up huddle up we’re going to crank these engines up on one on one all right wa0 wa set drivers start your engine [Music] Larry Boda this is the Finish Line I ped some great offensive linemen in the past Larry little white Stevenson Jim Langer all Hall of Famers and richond web Bel to that same group here are your hosts legendary Miami Dolphins left tackle Richmond web reason and Mr ball game [Music] what is good fin Nation what’s good it’s your boy reason and we are back here for another one as we welcome you in to the Finish Line as always I’m joined by legendary left tackle Richmond web and the triple OG Mr ball game um listen I want to give a shout out I already see her in the chat shout out to Britney and shout out to sideline T her and Jennifer go subscribe to sideline T right now all right because they sat down and had a two and a half hour interview with Omar Kelly I don’t know what you talked to Omar Kelly about for two and a half hours but that enough that alone requires your attention she’ll be splitting in into two episodes I believe the first episode’s dropping this Saturday and then they’ll be dropping the second episode and I got to say this I know one of the segments they’re doing on that show I’m not going to I’m going to let her put the teaser out and show everyone she has one of the most creative segments I’ve ever seen with a reporter or a media member coming out on that show so make sure that you go subscribe and go tune in to that episode when it drops all right um Richmond ball game how are you doing tonight gentlemen doing good good good afternoon good evening gentlemen uh good evening crew uh I’m good uh it’s been hot here in Texas but other than that I’m good just do do a little celebrating I don’t think I’m going do much but uh Happy Independence Day tomorrow uh 4th of July here in the United States and um I’m sure everybody be firing up their grills or whatever you know having little get togethers and all that so y’all just be safe but um we’re getting closer to training camp you know this tomorrow be the fourth and I think we start up at the end of this month so just looking forward to that we just a few weeks away from football so definitely excited about that and then things will pick up and get going again so other than that I’m good the family’s good I have no complaints so how you doing Mr ball game Life’s good man I had a whole week off to uh recharge the battery you know what I’m saying just sitting around watching all of the Foolery going on in the Sports World made my first baseball ticket today so we’ll see how that goes um you made you made some you took some parlays today yeah yeah yeah yeah buddy I’m not even gonna li no you laugh I started getting to baseball this off season two yeah and I today was my big I did four different parlays like home runs and some to hit no bro I’m into it too bro tell me what you’re playing I want to hear it what are you play I took um let me look I’ll tell you what I took I took uh hold on let me get my cheat sheet hold on yeah CA you can still get some of these in right now yeah I’m not even joking how do I get to my play man I did a bunch of player props so I took um come on show it to to me all right so I took Christian Scott um for over 16 and a half for the um the outs okay I took uh ryell Blanco under five and a half for strikeouts took um Colin Reay under four and a half for strikeouts oh so you’re playing strikeouts eh yeah I took um Daniel Davis I Davis Daniel over five and a half strikeouts and then I took um Julio riguez he been on a a bad stretch so far with the RBI I took him under One RBI so I got sh atani to record two RBIs tonight Aaron judge to record two RB both have been on hot streaks Jose Ramirez to um record two RBI and then I got a Manny Machado home run and a Cody Bellinger home run because the pictures they face they tonight they owned $5 pays $1,382 yeah he went with yeah he went yeah yeah oh I’ve got an $85,000 parlay going on$ five right now I’ve got Raphael de O’Neal Cruz Mark Vientos Juan stto yordon Alvarez and Elliot Ramos if they all hit home runs tonight $ five is $85,000 so if you come up Mia you GNA give oh it’s it’s on it’s on if that hits buddy it’s on like I’ve got a a five one parlay with Marcel auna Elliot Ramos Tyler O’Neal gunar Henderson and Aaron judge if all those guys hadit a home run so I only need five five dollar pays like $3,497 Jesus all and all I need is five home runs I don’t it’s not like I’m asking for the other ones like eight or seven you know so like you can play like there’s a lot of guys you can play who are good chance of hitting a home run you play three of them and like $10 will pay you like a know yeah I stuck my toe in today I’mma do some more research um over the next couple days and I’ll get back in my groove but I just I figured I’d go with something to see if I strikeouts and home runs and and RBI are the are the are the props to play I find right um night hit the hit the like comment and sub y’all this two a contract has me in a very bad place reason I feel like we’re GNA get Drew Brees Fins Up why do you got to say we’re gonna get Drew Brees for the second time as a franchise I think think what he means is Drew Brees leaving San Diego and then turning into a Super Bowl winning Champion which is what I you remember this I would say this ball game back when people wanted him gone in to keep Flores I say okay you know while people were like oh I want to see him go play with Shawn pton I’m like no I want to see him go play for Kyle shanan in San Francisco which is he now runs an offshoot of that offense and and watch he’ll win a championship he’ll do what grappo couldn’t do so you know that’s the thing thing you can win a Super Bowl with to a tongue of AA yeah I pitched this yesterday gentlemen right because I read an article from W Mar Kelly like what’s the backup plan and what happens and so I talked about the part okay let’s say to a you know they can’t come to agreement on a franchise tag or whatever and Tua walks right here’s the thing with that if he walks if Tua walks I could see a team like I don’t know the LA Rams who have a 37y old Stafford who run a version of the Shan offense turn around and pay a guy like Tua who’s 26 entering his prime because that’s another thing people are forgetting this kid’s about to enter his prime 26 entering his other than the terminology he knows our offense like the like the back of his hand NFC it’s easier to win I don’t got to deal with Mahomes on this side you know what I mean like I could see a team like that turning around and be like yep [ __ ] thank you know and then we end up with Stafford at 37 years old or we end up with KK like I’ve heard people say well trade for KK cousins why would you trade for like a 36 37 year old who’s in a stack offense in Atlanta this year if him and the Falcons don’t get it done in an EAS conference easier division yeah I’m gonna stay optimistic they’ll get it done I think they I think it done by I think from what you know Omar said it and he’s right the Dolphins tend to make their best contract offers in that low in that low between training camp ending and the season and the season Y you know I can see that that’s my hopes so he can get past this foolishness yeah well I think I think it it I think it’ll I think it’ll I don’t know man I think it’ll I think it’ll work out yeah I really do um um you know Richmond I wanted to like let’s get into this right now because Ryan Clark is out here and what he said speaking of his contract um you know he’s basically encouraging Tu tangaloa to not play another snap for the Dolphins before he’s given a new contract um you know he said and I quote if I’m two I do not step foot onto a Miami Dolphins practice field or field until I have some sort of guarantees Clark said if a contract is not done I do not go to work um what’s your take on that in the terms of like people aren’t looking at it the flip side of we want to protect ourselves from injuries but a reason why Connor Williams and everything fell apart was Connor Williams wants to protect himself wanted to protect himself from injuries with a new contract to a guy who has has an injury history of course he wants to stay healthy of course he wants to do his thing but what what do you what do you what do you think when you have former players coming out and say and encouraging a player no you have an injury history hold out unless you have some guarantees around your level of play what are your thoughts and take on something like that well I mean everybody has different takes but I think the thing I would look at from Ryan Clark’s perspective is he’s an an he has a podcast so he is a former player but at the same time um he has people listening to his show and you got to come up with content and um a lot of guys gonna take a stance either or this and that now whether he approached the situation the same way when he was a player if he didn’t have a contract I’m not sure but some guys you know do it that way and some don’t and I don’t think Tu will do that um I just think it’s now it’s just kind of a dead space and I kind of agree I think once training camp starts in that I don’t think any I think everybody’s just kind of just holding right now and once we get closer to training camp I think they’ll start back negotiating just that and it it should be done before the season is over it but I I don’t think he’ll sit out because the good thing is um the way train Camp is now you got one of days normally the quarterback is protected you can’t hit him this and that if he played a different position like you know wide receiver cornerback or you know like offense where you study in the in the grind study possibly making a hitting somebody or you got to make a cut or a plant or something that’ll be different but I think he’ll be there I don’t think he’ll take that stance unless you know that’s what his team is advising him but I just don’t see that happening but I think Ryan Clark he he gives some good takes at times but I think that’s more from an analyst perspective Ive and I don’t know if he did that so a lot of time I’ll be like okay you can give advice but did you actually approach it the same way when you were a player versus now that you’re someone that’s in the media you you’re giving a guy advice like this and unless you truly know that guy if you don’t know that guy I don’t know how much to is listening to that so I just I listen but it doesn’t it doesn’t carry much weight with me what do you what do you think ball game and and you know this is this is a defensive player who obviously you know he knows about taking the beating from the game this is a defensive player sitting here imploring a quarterback to S out when you know defensive players will usually tell you suck it up and get out there princess and he’s not saying that I think I think Ryan has like Rich say has a lot of great takes but I think Ryan should mind the been that pay him he’s never been a quarterback he’s never been in a space where he’s actually had this type of opportunity because of the fact that he was never a first round pick taken by a quarterback had to go through what tour had to do to get here and also once again he’s not a quarterback he was a safety he’s a defensive player all you know I’m saying all Praises go to those guys because that’s my side of the ball but at the end of the day I’m not g to sit around and talk about a whole things a whole bunch of stuff that I ain’t never experienced and trying to give somebody advice about something in a situation where you’ve never been at that level of where he is with this whole situation I think that just bad that just that just that’s is bad business right now you can have good intentions right and you know I’m saying he and he’s entitled to his opinion but at the end of the day we’re talking about the face of the franchise right Ryan was not the face of the franchise in Pittsburgh two tagor is the FR Fran face of the franchise here in Miami and the situation is different and at the end of the day for me I agree with Richmond I think they’ll get it solv we all agree that they’ll get it solve but to be trying to tell Tua not to show up when Tu already is on a contract right in you know in essence he already has a contract he’s on the fifth he’s on the fifth year now where the money’s already been deposited into his account it’s already factored in all these different things what he’s asking for now there’s an extension past this but you already on contract so telling this man to not show up to work that’s bad advice in my opinion because at the end of the day NFL ain’t like no other I mean just like anything else you show up you you getting paid already up front and you don’t show up that’s not communicating really to your bosses that you really give them a crap about anything other than yourself and at the end of the day this this this business is still about we pay you to play right but we will in good faith pay you in advance of your play if you also show up to work right and we will reward you ahead of when you actually suppos get it’s like one of the only situations I’ve ever seen where you can actually go to a job and get paid ahead of what you actually are being asked to do that next contract because he already been paid for his rookie contract you feel me and the fifth year extension gives him that buffer room so now at this point anything past this they’re giving you money up front for what they hope you can do for us down the line so okay so let me ask you this uh okay we’ll follow back up with you ball game and then Richmond go ahead who do you feel has the leverage in this situation Tua who we’ve got sample sizes you know go back to peret we got bridgew we got Scot we’ve gotten sample sizes of what this offense and even flores’s offense look like without him and and you know it was clearly a big Cog was out of the wheel or the guys who are on the other side who are basically like okay you gave us one healthy Year yes you led the league in passing but that’s just a one-year sample size you haven’t done that consistently enough for us and we got to protect ourselves um who do you think has the real leverage in this situation because I don’t think I’ve ever asked either one of you I don’t think I’ve asked either one of you so ball game who do you think has the leverage well I I think right now at this point because of the the way things were structured and the way the offense was built Tu definitely has a little bit of more um wiggle room than the Dolphins do but at the end of the day he still he still has to show face to the NFL and all parties involved as well at you know because if you show you know if you’re looking at it right from a GM perspective they took a chance on him right the dolphin took a chance on him nobody else nobody else had him on they had a they mean they might have had him on their board but they didn’t happen to be taking number five you feel what I’m saying yeah yeah yeah with everything he was coming off everything he was coming off of so but on the flip side okay I’m just playing Devil’s Advocate yeah okay you took a chance on him but he took a chance on you when you guys were allowing Brian Flores to run a muck and he was putting up with all the Deshawn Wat rumors and all the trade speculation and you guys didn’t come to bat for him he took a chance on you guys that you guys were going to get your franchise right and he’s rewarded you with that with his play that part is definitely true as well but in the same sense right like you have to look at the bigger picture and think to yourself at up to that point he hadn’t really done anything for them to give to have that type of faith in him that he was going to be the guy it was the two years after that that he proved that and we moved past that because we got rid of the guy that was saying bagging you we got rid of the guy that didn’t give a crap about your career we got rid of the guy that was really giving you all that heartbreak and bought you in a guy that was consistently built everything that’s there today around you so the Dolphins showed that they really are 100% in on him they’re just looking at they’re just looking at trying to figure out what’s the best number and what makes sense in regards to his history up to this point and what his projection should be going forward that’s a good business place to be in in my opinion and then and it ain’t it ain’t personal I think they love him death but at the end of the day they be stupid not to put certain things certain writings or certain literature into his contract that protects them as well it’s not just about t protecting his future but it’s about the Dolphins also protecting themselves financially also and anybody not willing to see that then you’re looking at it from the different you’re looking at it from the wrong perspective because at the end of the day it’s a business but you know he he he proved that he could stay healthy for the season that was a check in the box for him he’s also passed for more yardage than anyone did last year another check in the box and now at this point you’re in the third year so but we already like I said we we go back to it we already got you on contract you got you gotta prove what type of professional you really are and if you listening to all these other people in your ear then are you really your own man because at the end of the day oh now we getting into manhood now I’m just saying I mean I mean there go be conversation somewhere around and say listen they came to the table they’ve been real nice and real good to us us like you don’t want your last year to be here where [ __ ] is not opening doors for you and looking at you sideway when you walking down the hallway and you looking over your shoulder again you had two whole years now where you ain’t had to do any of that you’ve been free no worries no concerns you have been the guy they didn’t bring nobody in to really even challenge you for that job like come on man like I I see both sides so for me at the end of the day like I said I believe it’ll get done because it’s less stuff that you want to carry into the season but you know I think it’s unnecessary understanding and it’s a necessary back and forth between them so that they can get a even better understanding of who each other are because they dealing with his representation and not directly to it so I don’t put this on which they don’t have a good track record with they don’t yeah exactly you know but you know but you know right out the bat that those guys are going like if this was a j roen house client this would probably be done done let’s be honest with ourselves right now yeah but you know that that that group that that group is doing something that this group try trying Tok the situation I know for a fact Wilkins was ready to agree upon a deal last year and they said no and athletes first are the ones that said no we can get you more money yeah see that was a bad I think that to to some degree I mean how much money how much money is enough money that becomes the question well here’s the other thing who are the next three quarterbacks up to get paid Tua Jordan love Prescott Prescott yeah what do they all have in common same same cut they got the same first yeah yeah and you know and I I haven’t spoke out on this I why but I’m going to say this now cuz I had this conversation with my son my dad a couple other people that I talked to that that that’s a problem really for the Dolphins because you know they looking at Jordan love gotta get paid yeah you gotta get it done before Jordan get lawren type of money yeah you got to get it done before his and if you do if you don’t get it done before his then you got to deal with back then you got to really deal with that cuz then now you going to be slided in between Jord and love and Dak Prescott and that’s in their mind cuz they started this whole craziness out with Daniel well what did I know yeah you’re right on Dan what did I tell you guys and what did I report that I heard back before free agency open that both that two in the Dolphins wanted to get it done and then what what changed was athletes first stepped in and said dak’s asking for 60 we want to see if we can get this daak deal done so that’ll drive up your Market yeah and what’s happened since then the mark been driven up we should have got it done as soon as Goff before the ink dried on gf’s contract got that done because when I started hearing that the con Nick KH like you know Tony KH and his father were ready to pay Lawrence 50 plus million a year I said okay we’re GNA get into crazy money now now and what’s happened and then L you know love is probably going to get a little bit more than La Lawrence and then Dak is going to get more than both of them and dak’s goingon to end up sitting on his 60 million number anyways and all because you sat on your thumb instead so Richmond who do you like you’ve been in these I mean you’ve been around a a Top Flight quarterback in Marino negotiating a contract and he when he signed it at the time he was the highest paid NFL player ever which is pales in comparison to nowadays give me one second Richmond and can I just say this [ __ ] is crazy because Joy and love really only play eight good games oh but what are they doing they’re locking them up on TRC his future and they’re and they’re they’re sorry they’re projecting his future and they’re projecting his trajectory right cuz that’s a part with being a GM I talk about all the time why do we never get out ahead of aals why does The Scouting Department never traj never project these trajection of these players and say this guy’s going to be one of the top in the league three years pay him before he becomes that his ask for top dollar anyways Richmond you’ve been in negotiations yourself with NFL teams you were around with Marino negotiated he became the highest paid NFL player ever who do you think has leverage in this situation I think uh I think Tu has a leverage I think the Dolphins know he has a leverage I think when he did last year and completed and once you you put the stats up and you you become healthy and you can you’re you’re capable of doing that even if it’s not even if it’s a little bit less than that you’re still a top five quarterback based on the statistics the numbers that he put up last year so um I think they know that and I think longterm they know he’s going pretty he’s going pretty much consistently unless you know boring injury or boring injury from other players that that could affect his numbers but um his work ethic um they look at attitude is he the type of guy that could be the face of a franchise he checks all those boxes so that’s why I’m confident it’s going to get done um y’all up a good point as far as Jordan love and Dak Prescott and I think even if the Dolphins wanted to do it earlier with those guys represen those other two guys they were gonna push it back anyway so you can’t really fault the Dolphins for that but I think um I think it will get done I’m still one I don’t know if I don’t know if Dak is gonna get the 60 million I’m just honest with you I just I don’t see why Dallas would tie that much money up in him um when they got you uh Trey was it Trey Lance the guy they traded from from the 49ers he’s back I don’t know what he’s look like but you know they traded away uh the left tackle he’s with the Jets or the Giants now it’s like it’s one of those deals where you gotta pay CD lamb you gotta pay um he holding out yeah it’s so it’s like Dallas is really really in a bad situation I think the other thing like ball game say is business side even even if they pay to and it’s it’s probably going to be in the 50 the numbers going to be in the 50s but it’s better to pay him this year and average it out because it lowers your cap number with this with this fifth year he still has a year in extension yeah he’s under contract that’s why I said I don’t think he’ll hold out or anything but it helps lores his cap number even though he’s getting the money that he possibly wants you just don’t want it to go crazy and like you said 60 million whatever but I think his contract will definitely be in the 50s probably mid-50s 53 55 somewhere like that um before it gets done but you get to average it out over that last year so that’ll help lower his cap number and like uh ball game said just put some some some structures in his contract to where um you kind of protect yourself and I’m sure they G on most of the guys when I played if you had the real high contracts they would take out l a London insurance policy so any event that something happened to you are they still around yeah yeah I think so yeah so even like the guys like Tyreek probably had one on him you know the jayen Ramsey the guys that’s making a big big money wrestlers used to take them out wrestlers used to take them out and then what would happen is they would get their multi-million dollar policy but the fact is when you got that policy now you can’t wrestle again do you yall remember Mr perfect perfect yep and it happened with him but do you remember Rick Roode yep you know how Rick Roode ravishing yeah but you remember how in the 90s he became a man manager because he had a he had a wrestling match in Japan where he landed like on his neck or the upper back pretty bad took out the Lloyds of London policy and then he couldn’t become he couldn’t return in ring because WCW or WWF would have to pay out Lloyds of London and the remainder of the policy for him to wrestle again Lloyd’s of like I haven’t heard about Lloyds of London since the 90s so like the fact you brought them up that’s why like take me down the memory lane like they used to do that for for the you know the top guys that were on the Dolphins we come in do a little physical and sign it and it it counter balances out because not everybody has to get hurt but if you lose one or two guys like say like they had a LW of London on chub or or whatever last year when he got hurt even though you might have had six seven guys that getting that money back for that season pretty much takes care of all the all the insurance policy so it’s it’s really a good way for teams to kind of you know protect themselves and stuff but yeah um I would say too I I think he has a leverage and I think he’s doing everything the right way um as far as the way he carries himself um I do I do know like based on what y’all been telling me is about athletes first or whatever they’re kind of saying hold off this and that um you know let us do it this way let’s we can get you more money money is good but they’re trying to run it up if you really that’s why I think he’s a little frustrated with him them too I I don’t think it’s just one way if you really happy where you at like even with Wilkins yeah you got more money to go to Vegas but is that really where you want you know what I’m saying if he was smart he’d move over to Drew man and get it done and be over with bro yeah no I told y’all when he dropped Lee Steinberg who Jerry McGuire is based off lean styberg he dropped him for athletes first you know he’s ready to play ball you know what I mean okay so let me ask you this because I had an interesting conversation with em today and I want to ask you guys this on the two of thing we’ve seen Mike McDaniel like okay we saw how instrumental he was in bringing obj right like he was on vacation when we signed obj came down here flew back met him and then flew back out right that was sorry before when we were trying to sign obj right like you know we’ve always seen him are you guys surprised Mike McDaniel hasn’t gone more to bat for Tua in terms of this is the guy who operates his offense at a highly efficient level and you guys know how coaches are you don’t want any hiccups in training camp you don’t want your qb1 sitting out you want all of the cogs in the wheel to be well oiled and just rolling and steamrolling heading into the regular season you don’t want any bumps in the road especially with all the expectations etc etc that are coming with this roster being built in this season you know don’t you think from a coaching perspective like this is your guy you he’s also the one you came in here with a whole bunch of clips of remember hours full of clips of saying I can not only can I make this guy work I can make him one of the best in the league in this system he’s proven you right he’s made you look like a genius even further this is your guy we know they have one of one of the best quarterback coach relationships in the NFL right I mean we know how cold the Rogers and laflor relationship was in um in in Green Bay and this is the complete opposite these guys are broheims over here so are you guys shocked that you haven’t seen it more of a public because every time it comes up what does McDaniel say oh you know that’s for them that’s for the front office to handle that’s a front office thing blah blah blah blah blah are you not shocked that he hasn’t gone to bat more publicly or do you think this is one of those things where he’s playing the pr game publicly but privately he’s in Chris’s ear saying get my guy signed I don’t want any distractions come training camp So Pro publicly he’s playing the game privately he’s letting them know I’m not happy either get my guy taken care of where do you guys fit in with this Mike McDaniel Dynamic well to be to be completely honest with you I know for a fact that on all levels when a quarterback is denam with a with a player I mean a coaches and them with the player there’s always conversations that that that that happen on different levels that no one’s prived to so I would think without I would think with no with no doubt at all that Mike has had these conversations with Chris but there’s a line bro like there’s a line of operations and how that works and there’s just one side of it that might he can’t really step over into the other side and tell Chris how to do his job and if they if the Dolphins feel without a sh doubt that what they’re looking and trying to offer to her makes sense Mike can go in there and talk to he blew in the face but at the end of the day he still got to be in charge of coaching the other 52 plus the practice squad players and let that business handle that business you know what I mean because he’s already made it known to them I think they all have had these conversations of how much they love T but if his representation is not the ones coming to the table being reasonable then everybody’s hands are tied and there’s just no way that that I don’t think the Dolphins are going to allow themselves to walk into a situation where they walk into the room have their pants pulled down and just totally grab their ankles it’s just not gonna happen and I respect them for that because that’s how that’s what Jacksonville did with tror Lawrence right they essentially got they they they got scared right now Lawrence hasn’t shown you any that makes you believe that he deserves what he got but they got scared and instead of going through the process and trying to figure out a number that made real sense they just took and they they they went and ran with it right and they let they let the agency dictate what he what what what they felt he should get I don’t think the Dolphins want to play ball like that and I don’t blame him for that so that’s why this situation is where it is but in the same sense Mike there’s only so many things like he can say publicly and what he said up to date in my opinion has been exactly what he should say as the head coach because of the fact that there’s that line there’s a very thin line and because they do listen to him and because they have given him all the guys that he’s wanted to put around tour there still comes that space where Chris Grill’s job takes over and it is one of them things too there well like I said from the beginning with uh Ryan Clark you got to mind the business that pays you man you feel me his job is to focus on the other 53 52 and the practice squad players at this point Tu and tagalo is in a special space right now where his representation is the one holding up this process not the Dolphins so I think that needs to be put out there and but the Dolphins are not going to face his representation either because then that’s bad business across the board but we kind of knew this was coming yeah because if Daniel Jones was able to get what he got when knowing how crappy he played what you expect them to think when they got a player like Tour on the roster and they got that and they got Jordan love all ready to you know I mean like it’s just yeah yeah you think Rich yeah I definitely think it’s a PR move I I think in I I remember it was a few weeks ago I think reason you even said that you know the Dolphins don’t want to try to try to negotiate this in the media and it really they negotiating with Tua so everybody else just got to kind of sit back and relax but um no I think McDaniel has made his stance known and hey we all know that Tu is his guy and that’s a a pivotal piece of the puzzle to go for them to be able to go out and execute what his vision is and Tua fits that system and from Tua standpoint I think he’s looking forward to it because he’s seen the success that he’s had in McDaniel system so it’s not like just a oneway street this and that but uh Mike McDaniel’s very smart guy he’s not gonna come out to say anything to jeopardize um the contract getting done or give a leak to where they they they showing weakness and saying well man we need to really hold tight because I think they they’re getting nervous and you know they want to go ahead and get this thing done so it’s it’s you know they playing chess and you you just got to make your moves and this and that and um I’m sure I don’t know if they’ve had them proberly but I I think at some point McDaniel might reach out to T and say hey we’re gonna get this thing done just be patient you still our gu just in that but um because I I believe they have the type of relationship where they can go to each other and have a conversation and not one trying to go back and take it to use against the other one as leverage or whatever I I think it’s a me respect there between those two guys and uh they make magic together so um I think McDaniels definitely looking forward to it getting done and I know Tu wants to just get it done and put it behind him so he just focus on playing football being the best two attack of Lola he can be and and and trying to win games get to the playoffs and win a Super Bowl I know that’s what’s on his mind he he works too hard you can see his work ethic and everything so he’s built so I know that’s why he want to get it done so he don’t have to worry about it the quicker you get it done you can just go focus on what you need to focus on and I think that’s why he’s a little frustrated because it hadn’t get done but once you get it done you don’t have to worry about it because you say okay it’s been sign let me go put in the work yeah um I mean I guess where I’m at with the whole situation is you know this is why I go back like everyone just wants to say he’s frustrated with the Miami Dolphins I mean I I really do think he’s turned to them and said to athletes first and said listen I don’t want this hovering over my head get it done and I think why he’s getting frustrated more frustrated is he sees that this is going to potentially leak over into training camp and affect you know their progression as an offense because at the end of the day there’s new guys involved now you got obj from the rookies to the you know Malik and Taj Washington Jaylen Wright there’s a new running back you know jonu Smith is there now Jody forson there there’s new weapons that not only does he want to you know play with in Camp but he wants to get on the same page with right and you know at the same time when you’re talking about his work ethic and his competitiveness I think the fact that negotiations would hinder that or impact that probably bugs the hell out of him because of how hard he’s worked this off season to basically showcase his and now he wants to Showcase his Improvement right and so I I don’t know like see for me is you know it’s it’s kind of a weird one for me because you would have Flores he would publicly go out and basically tell tell the public in the media what time it was with certain players you know what I mean he didn’t really hold back with players public yet you know we’ve got a coach like this I I don’t know like I guess because schula standing was different with the organization but you know schula probably would have went to bad for Marino in the public you know what I mean like I don’t think I don’t know I I just and then it’s like you said it’s probably the guy that’s representing him I think if if he was with a Lee Steinberg or something like that I don’t think you have all those those issues um yeah yeah with these guys trying to sign multiple guys at the same position they’re trying to Corner the market and they’re playing one against the other one you know organizations are like okay we see what we see what you’re doing we know what you’re doing but yeah everybody’s not gonna Bend to the pressure kind of like what you know ball game said about Jacksonville it’s like no this is a fair deal this is where we at and we gon we’re gonna hold to that I don’t think it’s got to that point yet but could it if they’re if they’re kind of outrageous and trying to reset the market not saying that the number don’t get higher but if it’s just a crazy number if it’s you know something that the Dolphins will be like no that’s that’s not we can’t do that this is what we’re doing leave it on the table and if not you played it last year and we’ll franchise you you know it’s it’s things they can do to keep here another year or two to just but you don’t want to go through that if you don’t have to but yeah I think it gets done but I think like you said they know who they’re negotiating with and the tactics and stuff they try to pull so yeah they they they they playing it the right way I guess so they know what they’re doing yeah for sure um there’s been more news Andy Slater dropped this yesterday and he said uh the social media influencer remember that female came over to Tyreek Hill’s house and broke her leg or whatever um she is accusing who’s accusing him of breaking her leg is now asking for an immediate jury trial if the judge grants this request the next available date could be during the NFL season the women’s attorney says the trial would take 7 to 10 days now we have um Brit in the chat right now who actually works in the court system and she said there’s no way a jury would be you know a judge would Grant an immediate jury you know in a celebrity trial like it just wouldn’t happen and this will get settled out of court but this begs the question I mean you know he’s sitting here asking for money right he wants Tyreek kill wants new money guaranteed to him is this becoming now you know now this is blowing out of proportion is this becoming a thing where are you starting to see these type of things happen and now it’s starting to make sense to you guys why the Miami Dolphins haven’t offered Tyreek Hill any new money like do you think you know they made sure to get waddle paid they’re focusing on Tua you know it’s Tyreek Hill becoming too big of a distraction that they’re playing a wait and see game with him I I I don’t think so I think with Tyreek I think Tyreek s saw all the the new guys coming up getting this money and Tyreek still has he has one one year left on his deal right yeah he has but the problem is um when you look at Tyreek Hill’s deal this is the last year of guaranteed money um the problem with his deal is over the the next two years um 2025 he’s got 2025 and 2026 left and there are $ 34.2 million cap hit in 2025 and then a 56308 million cap hit in 2026 but there’s no guaranteed money left on those years yeah so I think I mean I know why he’s doing it I I get it but um normally teams don’t just they don’t just jump and say oh we gonna give you a new deal cuz yeah these guys got paid this and that typically if you’re in that you got one year left this and that and then the other thing you might look at as as the season progresses maybe they might redo it or restructure to say okay we we’ll give you some money at the end but I think um not that he’s not a great player but I don’t think he’s priority right now like you said they got W locked up they’re gonna lock up to it they’re gonna lock up those guys but um he just got to wait so I mean I know he might get a little frustrated and and this and that but it’s not the first time this has happened and most of the time you have a few years left on your contract teams just don’t redo it whether the money is guaranteed or not so um it’ll definitely have to be a benefit to them and they might go in and guarantee part of it later but I just don’t see that happening I see Tua getting taken care of and then maybe depending on how the season goes I think they may do something later on in the season but we just have wait and see but um he’s got a lot of off the field stuff he’s he’s dealing with as well so um hopefully he can get some of this stuff cleaned up and just be able to focus on football I think for me personally you know what I’m saying there’s a lot more things that he like you said Rich a lot of things he need to get sorted out and and fixed before they start worrying about money right at this point right now you’re not the you’re not the future right that’s Jaylen w we all know that they already paid him and such so that he would be and um be grateful at mean because you said he said 10 years and now if you want to do past that then we know there’s some negotiations and things that should be done but it ain’t going to be to the market or what what he probably think because they’re not going to they’re not gonna have two guys that making um top five money you know mean top 10 money you know what I’m saying and if that’s the case then we bat you farewell cuz they’re not going to do like like my man said they’re not doing that all over again we’re not going through this whole thing with like did with xaven Howard again I don’t think the dolphin G ever allow themselves to go back down that road again but I think these are different things because xaven Howard Hill has no guaranteed money left after this year that’s why and they want to get out of that $56 million cap hit in 2026 what what what I’m saying though is that like one one thing is not going to Mo there’s only one thing only thing he can do right now to motivate them to even entertain anything of that nature is to one cut out all of the Antics right and not bringing all this negative pu back towards the organization and two just shut up and play you already got paid and if we do need to get you you do exess interest in coming back then we’ll take care of it but let’s be clear like you’re on the back end of your cont you’re on the back end of your career not on the front end anymore you got less days ahead of you than you do behind you at this point so that contract or whatever money he gives you is going to be you know what I’m saying suited towards that not not not not you out here trying to run down Justin Jefferson Justin Jefferson is going this way Tyreek Hill is plateauing off and they settled in you feel me and it ain’t no more there’s not another there’s not another gear there’s not another Peak for him yeah you see what I’m saying it’s GNA start going like like this for him so he got to keep that in mind too and if the Dolphins JW decide to give him throw him some more money be grateful for that because you know you I don’t know I mean you you bring a lot to the table but in the same sense you got a whole lunch of other off to feel foolishness that we don’t expect from you as a veteran also so you got to clean up you got to clean that up too cuz we got young guys looking at you right you’re supposed to be the model of Excellence you’re supposed to be the vet that teaching these young young guys how to be professionals your your your profession your your professional life is not you know what I’m saying matched off with your personal life and you got to have both in line you feel me to be to be a part of the the three Horseman a forehead Horseman for this franchise and right now you lacking Jaylen got here you don’t hear nothing about Jaylen Ramsey you don’t hear nothing about Tyreek I mean you don’t hear nothing about Tua you don’t hear anything about Wadd and the one that you depending on the most who had everything built around him really and was you know what I’m saying the backbone of the offense is the guy with the most foolishness going on and all of the shenanigans like come on man hey hey uh reason in ball game I was sitting here thinking when you talking um like we signed obj right so if they wait and you can get really good production from a receiver like obj that lessens the demand to to keep a Tyreek when you can say okay we can bring in a veteran receiver and the draft and in the draft in developer guys so it’s like like I heard this draft I heard they were sniffing around how much it would cost to move up just outside of the top 10 if Romo do D fell I heard they were in love with romad dun and they were sniffing around if he gets past number nine which he didn’t the Bears well how much is it g to cost for us to move up so if if I’m hearing that what does that tell me they PA J and jayen was a top priority for them Tyreek was not and if they would have landed Roma Den Tyreek would be on Boral time right now yeah yeah yeah I started thinking about that cuz like you can you can sign a veteran and if he can give you maybe not Tyreek Hill production but offence the way it’s built let’s be clear though Tod Washington and the other kid they brought in Mal are not slouches by any means they’re just young so you know in all in in all fairness right they could be they they they could just as well be great pieces in this offense for the future too I mean you don’t go and grab two for nothing they grabb two wide receivers yeah right and these guys they made it they’re there they just got to get it figured out so and Tyreek we got to remember was a running back convert to a wide receiver it was you know what I mean if he could do it why can’t one of these guys step up and be the next great thing you know what I’m saying so like I think the Dolphins had a plan in place they didn’t they couldn’t get up to go get one of the top tier guys but they brought in two guys at this point because I like I said I think one of these young guys is going to take one of them positions somebody goingon to lose a job either R crate craft or roxon baros probably ain’t gonna be here yeah because these are these guys are mainly SLO guys SL guys yeah and Taj Washington has a knack for getting open I mean he runs a 452 but the guy just gets open and Malik Washington runs a 447 but he reminds me his game is very similar to Steve Smith yeah Diggs was a fourth round pick bro exactly don’t matter where you’re picked as long as you’re got the dog in you to get right I mean what wasn’t Dak like a fourth or a fifth that was yeah fourth round he was fourth round late fourth round yeah yeah so just saying right like top 10 you know what I mean we all saw what happened you know and I like I think our running back room though this year is G be AB disgusting stupid stupid um all right so speaking I mean we kind of talked about some when you look at this team who are the two like if you could name one building block on offense and one building block on defense who would you name I mean I’ll give you my offensive one because we kind of talked about him obviously I’m not gonna name Tua because that’s just easy but Jaylen Wadd I think is Far and Away you know the biggest building block on offense I’ll let you guys go and give all both of your picks and then I’ll give my defensive pick last but Jaylen waddle is you know and that’s why we’re so happy they locked him up because that’s the air to Tyreek Throne basic basically right if they would have drafted AR Roma Den jayen W would be the number one here sooner than later um who would be your guys building blocks on offense and defense uh go ahead uh Richmond yeah since we not naming Tua and you named wad um you can name wad that’s fine I’m just saying well I I had I had two of Wad and my last on offense was uh Austin Jackson um if he continues to play you know just a Cornerstone piece that can that can be there for you know eight to 10 years this and that like you say he got a slow start but I think it because he was he was 20 when he was drafted and you know he he he came along the then he had the high ankle spray the year before this but I mean he just bowled out athletic ability and everything they got that right as far as the evaluation on him it was just he needed a little experience and then U coach Barry just help him achieved that other level I think he always had to work ethic to drive to be great but it all came together last year so and um defense I got um Ramsay I put chop Robinson in or jayen Phillips but um I think when I say core most of the time I think with more than one guy but um jayen Phillips come back off of that Achilles as his old self and Contin to to to to Incline as he’s been doing you know I think that’s the guy on on defense um and he helped Elevate those other guys but man we got so many really good players who is the two but yeah those are names I came up with but um ball game you gotta be able to cover your cheat sheet up a little bit better than that brother I’m always gonna be looking over it’s all good man so on offense I had a I had a Ace in the Hole so on offense for me because Mike is going to be a guy that’s um in this offense is still going to be Prett uh looking to uh run the rock it’s going to be a chain for me and then um and it’s on the on on the flip side of it I think that chub’s replacement was just drafted in this last draft but I’m going to go with the guy that’s GNA be opposite him and Jaylen Phillips because I do believe that Jaylen Phillips is young enough and athletic enough to come back and then probably be even better than he was previously from that injury that he sustained and a little wiser in regards to doing things to continue to build himself into the monster that he was becoming so um for me aan on the offense and uh Jaylen Phillips on defense on defense I’ll agree with you guys but it was an asteris because I think the two best building blocks you have are chop and Jaylen Phillips moving forward I think you can throw in if you extend him Javon Holland enters that situ that conversation I agree can cam Smith show this year he can be future building block for that secondary that’s another question David long might be the building block for that second level but mamara if mamara and chop Robinson pop off this year are they going to pay Jaylen Phillips big money in a few years somebody gonna get moved to linebacker oh you think someone gets I well it ain’t gonna be Momo I think it’ll be chop [Music] that’s what I I stand him up I thought about Javon Holland but um I think what I I put him down but the only thing I thought about was they ain’t gonna pay that price well that and he he was with athletes first you know you know it’s G hard to be negotiate so I just I I love Holland I mean he he a dog I love just yeah I think it’s going to be Wilkins 2.0 though he’s going to want 20ish million dollar and they’re going to say no we can draft that sorry y I think that’s going to be the first casualty you’re going to see of the franchise quarterback coming under contract is probably going to be Javon Holland and then if Mo Kamar and chop Robinson pop off if you got a quarterback on the hook for 55 million that’s why I don’t know if they’ll pay Jaylen Phillips big money when he comes up now what does the roster look like by that time maybe they can afford it I don’t know but um all right final thoughts guys ball game start with you final thoughts I think those guys do exactly what we anticipate they’ll do with the coaching that they’ll get and the Reps that they’re going to get early this season and into the next couple years of their um development I think across the board the Dolphins have put themselves or at least positioned themselves in a good space on both sides of the ball to be to have a core of players that are going to be a to sustain whatever run they make this year and the next two years um it’s unfortunate that we have to deal in these types of issues but this is a part of the business and I just always tell people like it’s never personal but you know these guys do this for a living so which means that the contracts that they try to get and the contracts that they sign more than just them get paid for these contracts so athletes first doing that the best to their ability to ensure that their three to four whatever 5% that they get is substantial along with their player being comfortable for the duration of the the contract that they’re getting put up under so I get it you know um for the Casual fan you have to start looking at this from a different perspective the season don’t start until the season start this is the business side of things now so look at it that way and that way you don’t get yourselves wrapped up in and feeling heart you know get get yourself too emotionally drawn into this stuff because the business always has to be handled in order for things to thrive so um just continue to uh sift through the BS that’s out there and um do some research for yourselves and don’t just listen to um these these fools out here that think they know everything about everything but they don’t know anything about anything cuz at the end of the day you know the track records have been proven to be is substantially wrong about a lot of stuff and I don’t hear as many I told you Souls as I used to we get we give you the truth here and we give it to you from a perspective of understanding true understanding and network and ties and information that’s coming directly from sources that can be trusted that’s not what’s happening in a lot of other places so um you got to build your network you know and any network that’s associated with the one that reason has built that’s going to be a good source of information that’s gonna keep you on the up and up and keep you extremely tied into to what’s going on so that you can be the most informed hands off okay final Yeah final thoughts is uh um I’m just I’ll be glad when the season start um I think the thing that I look at too is like you say this is negotiation I think the good thing with Tua is he has teammates and I think it’s mentioned I think like he refers or bouncing stuff off older veterans like Toronto Armstead and stuff like that so you you you seeking wise counsel for guys and then the other thing is you have guys that’s in supporting you getting your contract done this and that and I’m sure some of the older veterans say hate young fell just just hang in there they gonna get it done I know you want it done now but you just keep working this and that and those type those are type of people you need to surround yourself with to stay focused when you’re going through this B I think they’ll get through it I think um you know once that’s done but I know how his mindset is you want to go ahead and get it done because you don’t have to worry about it you can just focus on the season and like ball game said just you know right now it’s not a lot going on so even ESP and all that everybody’s trying to come up with a storyline this and that and you’re gonna get hit with so much information do your research or just listen to it but don’t just let your heart rate jump up every time you hear something that you think might be true or whatever because they’re gonna do whatever they can to get people to to to listen in and all that so just just stay calm hang in there buckle your seat belt and we’re gonna ride out with us and and and we gonna get ready for the season that’s all I got for you yeah we’re about 21 day just under 21 days 3 weeks from players reporting the camp so it’s getting closer and closer and closer so guys do us a favor smash the like button subscribe if you’re new appreciate each and every one of you for coming through go subscribe to sideline T um they got Omar Kelly coming on this week on Saturday so go check that out I’ll be back Live this week you can be sure of that and guys again smash that like button subscribe if you’re new and we’ll see y’all on the next one until then as always it Fins Up all day every day and have a fantastic 4th of July everyone

On this episode of The Phinish Line, hosts Reason, Richmond Webb & Mr. BallGame discuss how a former NFL player is encouraging Tua Tagovailoa to hold out on the Miami Dolphins until he gets paid!

Is Tyreek Hill going to miss time due to a lawsuit he’s dealing with during this season?

Plus they’ll discuss who the biggest building blocks on defense and offense are for the Miami Dolphins future and much more!


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  1. Dallas should trade for Tua, give him $60 million, get rid of Dak the choker. Tua would go, no state tax state, and his favorite team. Dolphins are dumb. Finally got a qb, and you play hardball. Just dumb.

  2. He needs to hold out and I know he hates not playing and probably will anyway but all he's had to go thru, they definitely should have to pay him. Teams will be glad to get him and maybe a team will get him and put a great o line in front of him. Miami won't be the same without him. He's so fun to watch with a healthy team. Took a chance on him my butt. They never cared about him until McDaniel got there. He's a very good qb and gets more hate which makes no sense. They want to blame him for the loses and no blame goes on injured players or when o line is not so good and say nothing about the dropped balls by receivers. McDaniel is going to do and say whatever Grier tells him.

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