What If the Sacramento Kings Don’t Make a Big Move This Summer? | Locked On Kings

What If the Sacramento Kings Don’t Make a Big Move This Summer? | Locked On Kings

a couple days ago I share with you why the Sacramento Kings have yet to make their big move this off season I saw the comments to that podcast I got the emails many of you pessimistic that a move at all is even going to be made so let’s lean into that pessimistic side a little bit what if the Sacramento Kings don’t make their big move this off season how bad would it be and would Monty McNair’s job be on the line we’ll discuss that plus the California classic rosters are out Devin Carter out of summer league and damont sabonis is dominating for Lithuania it’s all right here on locked on Kings you are locked on Kings your daily Sacramento Kings podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day and now ladies and gentlemen it is that time time for another episode of Locked on Kings hello and welcome to locked on Kings your podcast hub for Sacramento Kings coverage all offseason long today’s episode is brought to you by Game Time download the game time app create an account and use code locked on NBA for $20 off your first purchase terms apply my name is Matt George I have the privilege of being your host here I’m a Sacramento Sports Anchor and reporter for ABC 10 News Now before we dive into the pessimistic Viewpoint the idea that the Sacramento Kings might not make a move or a big move this offseason at all I want to preface it by saying this is not what I believe so then Matt why are you even talking about if you don’t believe it because we’re going to explore that realm of possibility that Branch off of the tree of this off season if the kings were unable to make any of the big moves that they’ve been rumored to be involved in from low marinin to uh to Brandon Ingram to Kyle kosma cam Johnson whoever it may be if if that ends up happening how bad is it for the Sacramento Kings what other options are available to the Sacramento Kings and what does their outlook look like for next season with the roster uh as constructed at this point in time that’s why we’re going to explore it we’re going to talk about it I know a lot of you Kings fans feel like the kings are more likely to go there than to actually Land one of these big moves I know you’re hesitant to trust Monty McNair’s ability to actually close one of these big deals based off of how the last couple of years have gone I understand that so again in an attempt to either relate to you or discuss that possibility other when than just ignore it happening or or the possibility of it happening we’re going to dive into it full transparency I would be fairly surprised fairly surprised if the Kings don’t land one of the names that we’ve discussed this off season now I think there’s rights to be skeptical more and more skeptical as time goes on about the Kings getting out either low marinin or Brandon Ingram I’ve shared with you the skepticism that I’ve had around those deals from the very beginning and again the more time that goes on it feels like the less likely a deal is to happen I’m not saying the kings are out on both of those players I know for the fact that Kings have inquired and still continued to be in conversations around both of those players but conversations and closing a deal as you know are two very different things so I’m I’m skeptical about that but again I’d be pretty surprised that the Kings don’t end up by the end of this off season with Kyle kozma or Cam Johnson or Dorian finy Smith or a combination of any of those guys right I I would be pretty surprised if if one of those names or a name on equal playing field or a similar tier to those players is a Sacramento King by the end of this off seon now there could be names out there that we haven’t talked about at all that the kings are inquiring about and are involved in and and Monty doesn’t always and actually more often than not makes moves that we don’t see coming so there is a chance that there are other names out there that the kings are are talking about or having negotiations about that we don’t know of all we can do is go off of the information that we do know and I would expect again my feeling on the situ a my read on the situation is that the kings are going to end up with somebody because in many ways I feel like they have to end up with somebody but let’s be honest with ourselves here at this point the way the Kings have set themselves up putting themselves in the sweep Stakes for marinin the sweep Stakes for Ingram hell even the sweep Stakes for demard de ro in a little bit if the Kings don’t end up with a quality player of that that that caliber it’s going to be underwhelming right we can we can be honest with ourselves that the Kings end up just going out and let’s say using their cap space the mle to sign a role playing Wing or they make a trade for a Fring starting caliber player we’re going to be underwhelmed by that and the Kings have kind of put themselves in that position now underwhelming doesn’t mean that the move is bad but that’s something that we as a fan base has to deal have to deal with more than the Kings will have to deal with the Kings just have to make sure whoever they go out and get it actually helps improve this team underwhelming is better than no move at all right and I would rather the kings make an underwhelming move that improves this roster remember I felt that the Mike Brown uh hire was an underwhelming higher compared to some of the other names that we were excited about look how well it’s worked out for the Sacramento King so underwhelming doesn’t necessarily mean a bad thing but look as the this this Saga goes on right we’re we’re three days into free agency at this point three days it’s still relatively early but we’re 3 days into free agency the kings are involved in multiple trade rumors and as time goes on more and more names that could be targets for Sacramento or could have been targets for Sacramento that could have helped this roster are off the board Derrick Jones Jr Nai Marshall Royce O’Neal terion Prince all names at the forward position that could have helped the Sacramento Kings and the Kings could have used their money to go out and get but there are still names available Lonnie Walker Caleb Martin Doug dermit is Isaac aoro uh who is a restricted free agent with the Cleveland Cavaliers sadik Bay he’s injured and likely to be out a large portion of next season so keep that in mind Jay Crawford uh Robert Covington these are names that again if the Kings ended up with any of these guys after all the talk that we’ve had about Ingram and marinan and other names we would probably be a little underwhelmed by but some of these names are still available out there so if the Kings decide to eventually go the free agency route because these tra talks fall apart there are names out there that would be underwhelming but could still help this roster now do you do any of those guys spark you as there’s the Sol or there’s the starting caliber upgrade that many think this team needs right I think a lot of people think if the Kings can go out and find a starter to replace Harrison Barnes and put next to Keegan Murray that’s what the Sacramento Kings are looking to add and need to try to add this offseason none of those names do that for you they shouldn’t do that for you but again underwhelming is better than nothing so let’s talk about if we’re being pessimistic kind of the worst case scenario what if the Kings just run it back I’m not advocating for this at all I am going to be if that’s what ends up happening if we go into training camp with this roster essentially as is with very minor tweaks you’re going to hear on this podcast me Express frustrations about this offseason missed opportunity and the Kings putting themselves in a very similar position to last offse where they’re relying on a lot of things going right to get to where they want to be so I am not advocating at all for the Kings to run it back like I was advocating for the Kings to run it back last offseason last offseason I felt that in a lot of ways they had to do it it made sense this off season it absolutely does not make sense for them to run it back but let’s go down this rabbit hole what does it look like again I’d be very surprised if it happens but if we’re being honest the roster as constructed is talented enough to be a playoff team in the Western Conference we’ve seen them do it before now we know the western conference is a lot better now than it was then but the kings were right on the cusp last off season we know what happened don’t need to make excuses what but whether it was injuries or defense or whatever the case may be the Kings still won 46 games just missed the playoffs by one play in game that’s not good enough that’s not a consolation prize that’s not okay that’s not acceptable Monty McNair’s own words on draft night the goal is the playoffs anything less is unacceptable last off or last season’s result was unacceptable but this roster as constructed is capable of being better than that I’m not trying to spin it into a positive that’s just what I believe I would put this roster as it stands right now as a fringe playoff playay in team I’m talking about a six to8 seed I don’t think that’s good enough that shouldn’t be good enough that shouldn’t be acceptable they might get in by the Skin of Their Teeth might the Kings need to put themelves in a position to where even in the Western Conference they feel confident enough to go yes this is a playoff team going into next season if we went to training camp and low Markin and or Brandon Ingram was on this roster I think we would be saying yes this is a playoff team that’s what Sacramento needs to be trying to do this off season but as it stands I think this is a fringe playoff play-in team and what would the Kings if this happens what would the Kings be hoping for right what is the best case scenario for Sacramento we’re talking about the team overall staying healthy again last offseason they were relatively healthy dearen played over 70 games damont sabonis played every single game Harrison Barnes played every single game like this team last season was relatively healthy Trey LS dealt with some injuries of course Malik Monk and Kevin herder at the end of the season had a major impact but it could be worse it could be a lot worse health-wise for Sacramento this season so one of course the Kings need to ultimately stay healthy the kings are H hoping for dearen Fox to essentially be that scoring takeover 30 points per game version of himself all season long not just to start and to end the season and of course another offensive jump from Keegan Murray we’re talking getting to that 20 points per game range and turning into that in his third year uh three level score and ability to create his own shot score that the Kings believe he’s capable of becoming you’re looking at your rookie Devin Carter who has end up being the biggest addition you made this off season you’re looking at him to immediately have an impactful rotational role I don’t think he’s going to be in the conversation for being a starter but he plays solid minutes off the bench with the on ball defense and hopefully the floor spacing and that three-point shot translates to the NBA right away you’re looking at Keon Ellis as your true established NBA starter he either continues what he did last season all this year as teams adjust to him and figure him out a little bit more or he even improves upon that and you’re looking honestly for more of the same from damont sabonis and Malik monk sure we could ask for more scoring from sabonis but sabonis being what he was last season if he could do that again he’s a damn good basketball player right and as for Malik monk right maybe we can ask for more but if Malik continues to come off the bench and be a six Man of the Year candidate should have been the front runner uh like he was last season it’s hard to ask for more than that other than hey maybe a a couple more offensive explosion games and then you’re looking for impactful bench minutes from Kevin herder again they run it back Kevin herder and Harrison Barnes are still on this roster many believe that if the Kings have Kevin herder still on their roster going into training camp that Kevin herder should be the favorite to take the starting spot back from Keon Ellis I respectfully disagree I don’t think that that Kevin herder should be now there’s a chance he could win it back if he comes out playing out of his mind in training camp and is locked in on the defensive end while shooting 40 plus% from three-point range right he can win the spot back but I don’t think that should be the expectation so what does Kevin hder look like in a volume shooter score roll coming off the bench if all these things go right this team still isn’t likely to truly contend maybe they’re a top four team we’re talking like a fourth seed or at best third seed again maybe but this roster as constructed probably if everything goes right is still probably struggling to actually contend for a championship next season which to some extent is okay because I don’t think any of us are expecting the Kings to contend for a championship but I know the kings are trying to build there and if you had an a chance this offseason to give yourself more of a chance to actually accomplish that and you did not take that opportunity because you wanted to stay patient again there’s there’s certainly frustrations uh and reasons to be upset about that so the question then becomes like when does Monty McNair’s seat start to get hot right if the Kings don’t don’t make a big move this offseason if they ended up trying and failing again and this is the roster that they have going into training camp is Monty McNair’s Jobing question I know Kings fans are going to be calling for it many of you are already calling for it in my comment section right now which I think you’re jumping the gun a little bit but you’re entitled to feel how you want to feel I’ll be honest with you I don’t think as of right now even if the kings run this roster into training camp I don’t think his job’s in Jeopardy at by any means he’s not going to lose his job at the beginning of the season because of that unless the King start somehow like 0 and 15 which is not going to happen right the Malik monk signing and the Mike Brown extension I think are enough for him to secure a positive off seon positive could still not be as good as it could have been but it’s still positive when I think Monty’s seat starts to get hot if the is if the king’s go through let’s say they’re in a very similar position to last season and they have obvious holes and they go through another trade deadline and they try for this star or they try for that guy or they try for this role player and they don’t get any of them and other teams do and then other teams surpass the Kings we can’t go through another we tried trade deadline or we tried off season after this one or that’s where I think VC and the King’s ownership has to start looking at Monty and going okay he’s a very smart general manager he did the job necessarily to necessary to get us out of the playoffs now we have to start questioning whether he can actually get us further than that I’m not predicting that’s going to happen I’m not rooting for that to happen at all full transparency I am still very much a believer in Monty mcir as a general manager I have faith in his ability to put the best product out there that he can get for the Sacramento Kings doesn’t mean I’m not frustrated and and and have issues with the mo some of the moves that he’s made or more specifically hasn’t made but we got to be honest with ourselves as a results league vrad and the kings were very upset that they missed the playoffs last season that can’t happen again and I don’t think it’s going to be Mike Brown’s head that rolls for it I think it would start we’re going to have to start looking um at Monty in that case but we’re we’re a fair ways off from that still yet today’s episode of the lock on Kings podcast is brought to you by game time and authorized ticket Marketplace of Major League Baseball which makes getting tickets faster and easier than ever before prices on the game time app actually go down the closer that you get to first pitch game time needs to be the first app and quite honestly the only app you’re looking at for ticket prices now you can compare game time’s prices to those other ticketing apps if you’d like to the game time guarantee means that they’re going to have the lowest prices or you’ll get 110% back uh on whatever lower price that you find but game time gives you deals that you’re not going to find anywhere else from their last minute deals where you can save up to 60% on sports events concerts comedy shows theater Productions whatever it may be the closer it gets you can save up to 60% they have Flash Deals uh which can’t be beat all of a sudden these deals come available for events and you have a hard time saying no to them in zone deals where you can pick a general selection or area of the golden one Center where you’d want to go watch a Kings game and they’ll find the best seats with the best price in that area at a discount for you uh they’re all in pricing shows you exactly what you’re going to be paying fees and all so you’re not bombarded by fees at the very end of your checkout uh and they have unbelievable game time ticket coverage your purchase is covered with the most flexible customer service policy in the ticketing industry period go and get your tickets now at game time when you download the app and create an account use code locked on NBA for $20 off of your first purchase again that’s locked on NBA for $20 off download game time today lowest our last minute tickets lowest price guaranteed the Sacramento Kings California classic raw stirs are out yes stirs plural there’s two different California classic rosters I’ll get into both of them in just a second but we got to start with the bad news Colby Jones excuse me not kobby Jones he is playing uh Devin Carter the Sacramento Kings rookie 13th overall pick he will not be playing in summer league period that includes the California classic and summer league now Devin Carter suffered a little bit of a shoulder injury it happened during his one of his one of his pre-draft workouts we don’t know if it was in Sacramento or otherwise but we do know that the kings were very aware and are very aware of this industry or injury they knew about it when it happened they knew about it when they drafted him and and he went through the the King’s Medical uh team and their medical facility and they they they came out and made this decision together so disappointing for all of us we wanted to see the King’s first round pick Devin Carter in action in the California classic here in Sacramento and in summer league in Las Vegas but unfortunately we’re not going to get that so that might sour you a little bit to the excitement that you had to watch some Kings basketball over the next couple of months the good news is there are still some names to really pay attention to the California Classic this year is different it’s split between both Sacramento and the bay area which I think is ridiculous but hey that’s where we are it means more teams and more opportunities except Golden State for some reason couldn’t find another team to play in their version of the tournament so they’re having the Sacramento Kings have two different rosters there’s the Sacramento based roster and the Golden State based roster so here is the sack based roster the head coach of the Sacramento based uh summer league team is Doug Christie not surprising Mike Brown talked about Doug Christie likely being the summer league head coach uh at his end of season press conference I would highly expect Doug Christie to be the head coach of the Kings summer league team in Las Vegas as well they Sacramento based roster features Keon Ellis Colby Jones Mason Jones who is on a two-way contract with the Kings and two two-way rookies Isaiah Crawford and Isaac Jones also Drew Timmy is going to be playing for the Sacramento based California Classic roster he is the Gonzaga star big man uh he was a surprise Edition but if you don’t know Drew check his game out it’s going to be fun to watch him play in Sacramento of course you see that list and and all eyes immediately go to Keon Ellis and Colby Jones a little bit but but Keon’s the guy that I really want to talk about I think this serves two purposes number one I think the Kings know especially with the loss of Devin Carter that they would like to get as much of a name as possible to help draw Kings fans to come to this event last year it was Keegan Murray right he played in two California classic games didn’t need to play anymore we saw enough and it helped build the excitement and and fans got to come see Keegan drop 30 and then 50 Keon now has that opportunity so one it’s to help sell tickets and and help the draw but two this is Keon’s breakout opportunity right for however long he plays as part of this California Classic roster Keon is going to be and should be looked at as the top guy on the roster now Keon doesn’t have I think the offensive bag that Keegan Murray does so don’t go expecting 30 and 50 point performances from Keon Ellis but what you should expect is him to get a good opportunity to showcase what he can do and more importantly showcase that he is an established NBA starter caliber player like he did like he played last season right when you have these California classic games and Summer League games and even the G League to some extent NBA players in these settings clearly separate themselves and and and and show themselves As Above the Rest think back to the first ever California classic game Kings and Lakers dearen Fox played in that game you remember that dearen fox played in the California classic he dominated he he kicked so much ass in that game that he was done they shut him down for the rest of the summer like yeah we’ve seen enough he he looks unbelievable Keegan probably could have done that after his first game but they gave him a second one and and he put on even a better show so we’re we’re we’re thrilled about that here’s Keon’s opportunity what should you expect from Keon you should expect numbers how does he look as someone who can uh to score hopefully he gets a good green light and a lot of opportunity to shoot from the perimeter does he look like a lock down on ball Defender that frustrates any of the rookies or g-league players or uh journeyman trying to get an opportunity he’s going to be guarding all of these guys he should be better than all of these guys does he look dominant with his defense on the floor when locked up against those guys this is Keon’s breakout opportunity so there should be high expectations for when he plays I’m of course going to be paying very close attention to that inside the golden one Center then there’s Colby Jones this entire summer league and I expect Colby Jones to play in Los Vegas as well this entire summer league should be about Jones showcasing his growth from last season he spent all last year as part of the main roster he was not a two-way player he’s worked with this main roster a ton of course he didn’t get a boatload of playing time last year I am a believer of kobby Jones and I’m not alone here in Sacramento I think Kobe Jones has uh the size the skill set as a passer as a playmaker as a Defender with his wingspan and his length I think kobby Jones could be something really really impactful for the Kings as a rotational piece maybe not right away I’m not looking at Colby Jones to make an impactful uh or or be an impactful role player maybe seventh eighth or ninth man for the Sacramento Kings next season I don’t necessarily think he’s there yet but if I’m wrong this is your opportunity in summer league to show me if Keon Ellis is going to be the best player for the Sacramento Kings on this Cali Classic roster I expect Kobe Jones to be the best player for the Sacramento Kings through all of Summer League period Cali classic and Las Vegas right he’s going to play second fiddle a little bit to Keon I’m excited to see the two of them share the floor together like they did in Summer League last year but in reality once we get to Vegas Keon probably won’t be and shouldn’t be playing anymore and that’s where it’s going to be col’s team a little bit where Colby has the opportunity to opportunity to showcase again that he is an NBA caliber player and he is above not just where he was at this time last season he’s above all the players who are in the similar position to where he was and where he is right now you want Colby Jones to show that he is an NBA caliber player so that’s the Sacramento based roster then there’s the Golden State based Cali Classic roster which is uh led by Jad Williams only a couple names that are super recognizable on that team Jordan Ford fome Zone Jordan Ford um he was on a two-way contract last year he’s not going to be on one this year the Kings all their three two-way spots have been taken up so we don’t know about Jordan Ford’s future maybe he’s uh going to be on the Stockton Kings again going forward who knows this is an opportunity for him to Showcase who he is to other teams as well remember how impressive he was in Summer League last year he had the attention of Jamal Crawford on the broadcast so maybe Jordan Ford can use this opportunity to show that he should be on somebody’s NBA roster he should be at least invited to somebody’s training camp and uh maybe that happens for him and then there’s Dane Goodman Goodwin Notre Dame star who played for the Stockton Kings as well last season those are the two most recognizable names um on that Golden State team I know the Kings want to avoid this but it’s pretty obvious when you look at it there’s an a squad and there’s a b Squad the a squad’s playing in Sacramento as it should be because that’s where the Kings fans are and Kings fans are going to be filling up the golden one Center this weekend and early next week uh to watch these games finally last thing to talk about with this Jaylen Slawson I guess he’s gone draft pick last year late second round pick highly athletic forward worked with the Sacramento Kings Stockton Kings as a two-way player last season not on any roster I shouldn’t say not on any of the Kings rosters I have no idea if he’s going to be on another roster or what happened or what’s going on but the Kings have not been hesitant to offer second two-way contracts they did it for Nas kada they did it for Keon Ellis now they’re doing it for Mason Jones like if they if they’re not giving Jaylen Slawson a second two-way contract as a rookie that they drafted that means they probably don’t see in him what they were looking to see which sucks because I like Slawson I thought he was a good kid good young man wish him the best wherever he ends up but he’s a noticeable name that’s no longer involved with the Kings and uh we’ll see where he ends up finally before we wrap up Damon sabonis is playing basketball right now I’m not sure if you aware of that yeah he is the main guy on the Lithuanian national team now Lithuania has not qualified yet for the Olympics but they’re playing their qualification games currently the last two days Lithuania has played games and I’m going to share with you how deont sabonis played in both of those games first off yesterday Lithuania beat Mexico in their group in their group it’s it’s Lithuania Mexico and the Ivory Coast just three teams in their group Lithuania beat Mexico 96 to 80 4 yesterday that game damont sabonis had surprise surprise a double double 12 points on six of nine shooting from the field so very efficient 11 rebounds and one assist only played 25 minutes which is significantly less than he usually plays in the NBA but that’s common for international basketball he only took nine shots so here’s an opportunity for domas to maybe be more of a scorer and have more of a prominent scoring role on this team and he didn’t necessarily need to in that game which Lithuania won then today it was a little more dicey Lithuania ended up coming back in beating Ivory Coast 97 to 93 Lithuania outscored the Ivory Coast 32-21 in the fourth quarter and damont sabonis was a massive part of that for those of you wanting to see sabonis score more here you go 22 points most of them in the second half nine rebounds one assist and one steal for domas in the win today so good to see him kind of take over in that game to help Lithuania go 2 and 0 in their group they have advanced to the semi-finals I’ll be honest with you I’m not 100% sure what that means right I don’t know how many teams will actually qualify for the World Cup in this group and in this tournament that they are in part of me selfishly is like I hope they don’t qualify because I want sabonis to be as healthy as possible and back in Sacramento focusing on next season but then selfish in reality we should be rooting for domas this is an opportunity for him to represent his country and also an opportunity for domas to to represent the Sacramento Kings and and get some really competitive minutes and some competitive opportunity and she he showed some great stuff over these last two games so uh rooting for domas and wishing him the absolute best any more of what he happens to do with Lithuania I’ll of course have it updated for you right here un lockon Kings we’re still waiting still waiting King’s going to make a free agency signing King’s going to make a trade we don’t freaking know and it’s probably not going to happen tomorrow either with the Fourth of July holiday I don’t know if Monty will be have his phone with him at his back Backyard Barbecue with his family or not no clue I think the expectation should be pretty confident or should be sound in that the Kings won’t make a move on Fourth of July but hey stranger things have happened so the plan is as of right now to not have a locked on Kings podcast on Fourth of July for all of us to enjoy our holiday and then be back on Friday today as we don’t just hope to see the Kings finally make a move but we also prepare for the California classic that begins this weekend so as of now the plan is to not have a podcast until Friday but if anything happens on Fourth of July I’ll find a way to sneak away from my family stuff and we will uh cover it and we’ll chat about everything that goes down until then I hope you have yourselves a wonderful hopefully cool if you’re here in Sacramento it’s hot as you know what outside so stay safe stay hydrated stay cool and enjoy your 4th of July holiday hopefully there are some different kind of fireworks from the Sacramento Kings either before the holiday or right after the holiday that’s certainly what we’re looking forward to uh be safe and I can’t wait to see you on the next episode until then my name is Matt George you’ve been listening to the lockon Kings podcast part of the lockon podcast Network [Music]

Matt George explores the possibility of the Sacramento Kings failing to pull of a big move this offseason. Would Monte McNair’s job be on the line? Plus, California Classic rosters are here and Devin Carter will not play in Summer League.

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What If the Sacramento Kings Don’t Make a Big Move This Summer?


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  1. Caleb martin is the only good caliber player left even if they trade for Ingram they are going to be 5-6 deep since they waited so long for a trade … the free agency market is dry. Ill give it till Saturday till I flip

  2. This team as is a 6-10 seed best case scenario seems like they are banking on fox and Murray taking that next step. No rim protection to atleast have on the bench is crazy shouldve signed a mo bamba or something

  3. If we run it back this year and come trade deadline are out of the top 8 in the West, you have to pull the plug and look to move Fox and Sabonis and start stock piling picks and younger talent.

  4. I try to have low expectations so I won't continue to get hurt when we don't do anything. But every time I hear about these trade rumors I can't help but get excited. I can't wait till we finally do something but I'm pretty sure it's going to be getting a player like prince

  5. Matt, you say you want Keegan long term, what do you think these opposing teams want? Huerter and Barnes?! Cmon bud, ya gotta be patient with Keegan, or ya gotta deal him. Don’t cry if they can’t make a move with the players u want dealt

  6. Lauri Markkanen requires a 3 team deal ( and a Danny Ainge jousting match), super tough. BI is a flight risk, with a potential $208M salary ask next year), semi-tough, Kuzma great contract, (does he want to be in Sac, and not be the big fish) doable.
    Levine: Crap contract, Crap attendance record.(An expensive deal for hospital bed) Reportedly easy deal as the ask us to take him and a first rounder.
    Not any easy choices

  7. As long as Vivek is the majority owner then there’s no need to get our hopes up. The only owner cheaper than the Maloofs and of course they both have been at the helm, is Vivek.

  8. Why would Monte make a move? We blew a 50 plus win season…Malik got hurt…fox will actually try this season cause he wants to get paid…Monte thinks we have all the pieces already. I don’t agree with him at all but it’s easy to see what he’s doing

  9. I would be okay if they traded for john collins to be our 4 even tho he is on a bad contract ill take it I see potential in him trade barnes n duarte for him and sign caleb martin and moved keegan to the 3 permanently thats a different kings team while keeping assets

  10. This is the same dude that swore up and down last offseason how amazing I it was that the kings resigned Harrison Barnes. It was a terrible move, they literally got worse and now they’re stuck with a contract that they’re struggling to move.

  11. If we run it back we will make the playoffs and who knows how deep we will go and set are selves up to add the last piece we need for the following year. We are building in a way that we can be around for a while. I still have faith in our GM and am willing to give him about 2 more years to see what happens.

  12. If he does nothing, he just wasted a season of everyone's time and money and should be fired for failing to advance the goal of championship

  13. Some of these Kings fans are more unbearable than waiting for a positive move I swear. Stop crying about how you want this or that and how you're about to be done with the team. It's getting ridiculous. Sound like fans who just started following the team as if it hasn't been a decade plus of waiting…maybe you aren't cut out to be a Kings fan

  14. Please be reminded that the Kings really don't have enough talent compared to other teams. I do believe that monte is making offers… But think of it from the opponent's GMs point of view. You kangz fans don't think highly of HB and huerter…the calls for them to be shipped out since last season… You would really have to believe that these other GMs see what you are seeing and leveraging that to low-ball the Kings offers at every turn. It's how its been for decades. The thing is Monte hasn't made a "blunder" many have before him. Remember it takes another GM to pull the trigger with Monte to get a deal done.

  15. Well if the Kings don't make a move I am ok with it and I don't think that means the front office staff should be publicly stoned to death for that. The players like the Jazz's trash, they don't want to pay, or another fringe piece other teams are trying to unload will make a difference. Lets see how free agency plays out and summer league ends up before we hit the panic button. This team hasn't even had a training camp yet and all I see in the comments are fire Brown and Monte trade everyone and stack picks. Lets all just calm down

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