[Music] [Music] for [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] what’s going on Nick Kirby Craig sandin we’re gonna do a half inning earlier because you know what it’s a one- run game at Yankee Stadium and uh I’m hoping for an insurance run or two here Craig how we doing yeah an insurance Runner to sounds great clay Holmes uh we’ll talk about it if uh if we need to during the show but Klay Holmes struggling a little bit of late be nice to get a uh couple hits couple runs here get a little insurance going uh here in the ninth for uh for those tuning in that want to try and uh sync up with us uh we are obviously looking at clay Holmes facing Spencer steer 01 pitch is down one and one to Spencer steer Nick how was your day that’s good good good day can’t complain it’s going to be hard for them to syn us with us since we got the game cast on there that’s going to be way ahead of us I don’t even look at it um so you you’ll probably get to see our reactions after whatever which honestly I think kind of is actually cooler if you’re a little bit delayed if someone’s watching you and they’re trying to watch the game at the same time so it is what it is or you could pause the game if you really want to what oh yeah yeah all right let’s see if we can get a bottom bar in here let’s try to get a little little Hightech here is Dayton one link County one we’re going to the top of the 10th how was your day today my friend it was good it’s uh it was a busy day for me today from a work perspective so nice to relax a little bit take in a little Reds um hopefully uh end the day with a nice Reds dub that would be uh that would be nice I must say what a double play man to judge that was huge all right we got Brewers two Rockies nothing bottom three we got Cubs winning botom five and then the the Cardinals just lost folks uh I wasn’t fully paying attention to it but they were winning they were up they they were up 43 going into the bottom of the tth and the Pirates uh hit some sort of walkoff I just looked up and saw them celebrating so oh so yeah I mean that I don’t want to jinx anything but that could be a pretty big deal here well it’s gonna be a big deal either way I mean yeah it would be nice to uh take a series in the Bronx e yeah uh Padre’s down 42 also to the Rangers so some good stuff all around y yep opportunity to make up some ground and shout out to those watching on Instagram uh we do do this after every single Reds game all 162 uh we don’t always we aren’t always able to have you uh join us but we are able tonight so uh this is the best consumed on YouTube YouTube where you can join in on the chat um especially on nights where you’re we’re playing the Yankees and I tag Aaron judge in the uh title because it tends to uh attract some interesting folks to our uh our live stream we appreciate them too except for that one really weirdo last night can’t say I appreciated that all right we got a bottom bar we’re official now Craig boom oh right down the middle TI Steve this is not the clay Holmes that walked four batters uh no last year looks like he’s a little bit better of a shape than he was last year he’d actually been I think struggling coming into the series yeah he uh I mean obviously not not going this way today but coming into today he had an 11.57 erra over his last five games so was uh was not the clay holes that uh led the Yankees to one of the best records in the major leagues by any means nasty how about marte’s catch man that was really nice I think it’ll be a play that kind of gets overlooked a little bit in the grand scheme of things but like because especially since it was a foul ball but it all right well here we go nice athletic play bottom of the ninth Alexis Diaz you got the glasses let’s go oh man we’re gonna get made fun of so much by when yanes fans find this I mean to be fair we deserve every bit of it don’t we we do we do we do all right I’m gonna look at the comments here for a second Nick seems to be on time with me bye chat all right I’m glad uh gab day 513 you really this is all uh this is all the fault of uh uh Memphis Tennessee being a uh uh Red’s territory but you can’t actually watch the game on any of your C you can you can yeah well I mean I’m a I’m a cord cutter too so that doesn’t help streaming is automatically delayed yeah you know Trace is delayed when you watch with him just because he’s on FUBU or fubo or YouTube TV or whatever he watches so um yeah just the joys of Technology you know Willie Wilson should be facing Wells h i get the the cament there I I just I don’t know if I I don’t know if the tradeoff of potentially messing up Diaz is worth it though like I get I totally understand it I’m a big people who watched the show you know that I uh I love my matchups but I I just I don’t know if the trade-off of of messing up and God forbid Wilson walks Wells and then Diaz is coming with a runner on base I just I I I don’t think I can that trade-off is worth it you have any thoughts on that Craig I’m gonna be honest with you I was uh trying to catch up on the box score recap for you Nick so didn’t even hear what you just said but uh we had a we had a commenter Willie say that Wilson should stay into face Austin Wells their catcher a left-handed batter um I I don’t know I I get the sentiment for sure I just I don’t know if it’s the trade-off of potentially messing up Diaz would be worth it yeah you gota you know potentially throw off Diaz there but then if he stays in and faces Wells he also has to stay in and face Anthony vulpe no he he bitched the last inning oh yeah you had to face three minimum in that still right yeah if you come back out for the next inning you have to face three so a good you have to face and I don’t I don’t think that makes sense so you you go to Diaz let him face uh Austin Wells or whoever the uh the Yankees send up there I guess it would be Wells because they’re not going to burn their backup catcher but um and then let him stay in there and just try to try to go one two three and avoid having to face Aaron Judge first pitch on the corner uh likes likes Folks by the way this is uh one of the days you really need some likes like equals wins it’s science it’s been proven trust the science come on baby you ever been to Yankee Stadium Craig no not the old one or the new one have you I haven’t been to City Field not Yankee Stadium I’ve only been to New York City once and it was for a long weekend for a wedding so I didn’t really get to have a lot of opportunity to explore much so uh haven’t been to either one okay so I saw on Twitter I don’t remember who it was it might have been clay uh said that Yankee Stadium is boring so not not one that he ranks very highly on his list and he’s been to all but I think six he set so okay he knows a thing or two about what he’s talking about I thought City Field was boring I thought it was I mean it was like a perfectly fine ballpark like it was nice but it felt like you were going to feel like a football stadium not a baseball stadium okay interesting what’s the what’s your favorite ballpark that you visited well finway by far and then then Pittsburgh Pittsburgh’s definitely it’s finway Pittsburgh and there’s a big gap between anything else interesting two very different uh ballparks yeah I mean Pittsburgh’s the best in terms of like the new ballparks finway you just can’t you can’t beat the um just everything about finway oh easy thanks Wales Wells didn’t take one for the team there I know oh they’re challenging oh are they maybe challenging I don’t think that hit him if it hit him there I can’t imagine he just he certainly didn’t sell it very well if it did yeah I mean you’re gonna have a hard time overturning that just because like he didn’t Flinch yeah like you get there man like I would expect you like on the ground yeah put him away right here Diaz let’s go got him I have no idea what a strike and what’s not I don’t either I don’t either if that Ball’s on the outside an inch or two off the plate it’s probably strike three but since it was on the inside where he could see wouldn’t that was a great that was a great pitch though from Diaz good good work B yeah did I I I mean I could have missed it but what was that a little signal from the home plan umpire like I don’t think he was throwing him out obviously but like I think it was like a kind of a a warning or something was weird I don’t know don’t you respect my [Laughter] authority 10th pitch of thisat 10th pitch of the abat he has threw nine pitches last nightz three outs is anybody warming in the bullpen just in case or no I don’t think so right not exactly what you want to do to turn over the uh the lineup here in the Bronx yeah I mean now unless you get a double play judge is batting so yeah yep and I mean want so pretty good too come on Diaz lock in GDP he’s so fast got him bang uh oh oh no come on Austin what are you doing brother oh he’s he’s IND chirped at him yeah he’s pissed at him again great great replay valy yeah yeah I’m not really sure that Wells did anything bad in that I it’s hard to see from that angle but like it didn’t look like you was yeah well we didn’t see the foot cleats up or anything like that but see the feet so I don’t really know all right let’s go let’s go shark one got him let’s go let’s go Ellie steer steer steer Series win in the Bronx let’s go Nick let’s a show baby woohoo how about those Sid saddy Reds will’ll be back in 3 minutes and 54 glorious seconds bench to bench change in the air to deep right field and the get out of here B he’s gone oh my God can you believe it John bch is trying it Happ the Cincinnati Reds win the World Series in four straight with was the sweet in the dirt it’s a wild P the wi the pen Lin won the game that ball is fair Cincinnati’s ahead two games tonight welcome Joe Rand to Cincinnati Adam D has done it again Binger backing and calling and the 1990 World Championship belongs to the Cincinnati R Mary yes this is Adam from Milwaukee hey Adam how you doing I’m good how are you okay do you think Scott hadberg is a good player G up there with the bases loaded the Outfield deep and around toward right and the 1 on the way to the plate swung on long drive right field and this one do the r and a high drive hit back into deep right field Junior has just knocked the door down to the 500 clock defens first home run as a walk up winner they both have a family and deight Cruz is oh my goodness look at this kid run my oh my that is a Triple M M Clan’s first big league bomb Spencer steer first big league hit it’s a home run to straightway center field Joey botto’s done it again the pitch Botto swings high in the air right field yes he pointed to The Dugout to say I told you that is Joey V’s 315th career go ahead Ry only Johnny Bench had more as a red and I can’t tell you how much it means to play in front of everyone here in Cincinnati as a red what a gift what a tremendous gift so thank you thank you I think I can speak for all of Red’s C Joey V thank you high drive left Center feet racing back to the world B the RS are National League Central Division champions in the air left center [Music] field field the first round with R in game you believe it in the air down the White Field line doesn’t have a chance one a fre run home opening day by raon Hernandez strike away and out way is Homer ba round ball to thir Frasier gloves throw to first and Homer failing for the second time in his major league career has toss the know him oh [Music] God second player in history to seven home runs in the first T game in the air the best wi it what a dream beginning to the career J [Music] Bruce the red CG how about that Cincinnati Reds they had no chance of going into Yankee Stadium and winning a series they don’t even need three games to do it Craig they do it in two how we feeling brother I would I would ask how you’re feeling but it’s very clear how you’re feeling this is a nick that we’re not used to seeing uh you know the Reds go in to a series that like you said I don’t think many expected them to win I think a lot we’re hoping that they just take a game and here they are two games into the series two and 0 over the Yankees so I don’t know lots to talk about Nick lots to talk about just a little bit to talk about as always thank you for tuning in Chatterbox Reds post game uh Trace is uh off on a trip this week so I got my guy Craig filling in um we’re gonna have a lot of fun talking about a big win for the Cincinnati Reds uh going into Yankee Stadium winning back-to-back games Red’s now eight and eight all time at Yankee Stadium Craig what of the most obscure things I’ve ever heard just considering the inter league play I think the first game was in 2003 that the Reds ever played the Yankees in a regular season game and uh it’s not like the Reds have been necessarily great over that Span in the Y have been uh poor or anything so wild nonetheless we got a lot to talk about uh we’ll get to the box score recap here in just a second but uh the super chats are flying off the shelves so I’m just going to go ahead and get to them and then uh we will uh uh roll back to Super chats about Midway through the show so we could try to keep somewhat of a some so somewhat of coherent thoughts going all right we’ll start off let me do him an order here there we go Patrick Sharp for the Reds defense two absolutely clutch double plays and This one belongs to the Reds we’ll be talking about the Reds defense tonight Patrick there was some good plays One play that maybe um not so good on defense that I think hurt the Reds we’ll talk about that uh Rd 711 is this real life or is it fantasy this is real life brother this is real life since I Read’s uh when the Yankee Stadium won two in a row Mark feds 20 bomb Andrew Abott pitched a gem uh yes he did uh and under some really brutal circumstances tonight the we’ll talk about during the show uh absolutely Mark appreciate you Bryce seore Reds win a series in the Bron I get this is a kid show but bleep Jim wolf God awful behind the plate you know what really sucks Bryce is I I Jim wolf had to have had probably about five grand on Yankees money line today and he still lost he still lost that’s how good the Cincinnati Reds were tonight Bryce uh tough night for Jim wolf though and then Rd 7eleven back at it again yuck the fies all right I see what you did there and then Jeff just with the classic lfg appreciate it all right let’s get into a show you think that’s you think that’s GIF or GIF oh I don’t know with the extra F kind of out the extra F thre me off are you a gif or GIF guy I’m a gif guy I’m a gif guy too so yeah I don’t know if it’s if it’s real or not but there’s rumors that the the developer that created the gif has come out and said it is in fact chif so we don’t need to get into that tonight we got lots plenty to talk about with the Reds as it is but just throwing out there to Jay all right you don’t hear that kind of information anywhere else other than on Chatterbox Reds Cincinnati Reds pod postgame show all right Craig let’s run through the box score recap here for the the folks that might have missed this glorious ball game from the Cincinnati Reds if you missed it you missed a good one for sure Reds and and Yankees game two of the three- game set had Andrew Abbott on the mound facing off against Carlos rodon we pick it up in the second and after a deep drive to right field by Spencer steer that was caught by a jumping Juan SoDo at the wall Tyler Stevenson would reach on a single to center field then noeli Marte would put an emphatic end to his 0 for 16 slump he would drive a ball deep down the left field line that curved around the foul pole staying Fair for a two-run home run marte’s first home run of the Year gave the Reds a two to zero lead in the third the start after allowing six walks Andrew Abbott didn’t get much help tonight the Yankees threatened in the bottom of the third as Abbott seemingly had back-to-back strikeouts to WAN SoDo and Aaron judge turned into walks by Home Plate umpire Jim wolf they would both advance on a wild pitch but with Runners on second and third Andrew Abbott would get JD Davis to ground out to Ellie De La Cruz to escape danger and keep the score at two to Zer in the fifth Stuart Fairchild continued his mashing of left-handed pitching he led off the fifth taking a 3-2 breaking ball deep for his fifth home run of the season the 362 foot big fly to left field extended the Reds lead to three to Zer the Reds would Chase Carlos rodon in the sixth after a one- out walk to J candelario Michael tonin would come in and surrender an additional walk but the Reds could not capitalize final line on the day for Carlos rodon five in a third three hits three earned runs two walks and eight strikeouts but the two home runs had the Reds ahead then in the seventh having retired sixth straight abot would return to the mound for the seventh he’d get DJ lahu to ground out to noeli Marte before giving up a double down the left field line to to designated hitter jamai Jones that would do it for Andrew Abbott as David Bell would turn to Fernando Cruz Cruz would walk pinch hitter Austin Wells before surrendering a two-run double to Yankees leadoff man Anthony vulpi a wild pitch would allow vulpi to advance to third in the process of Cruz walking Juan stto to bring up the MLB leader in just about every category Aaron judge and on the first pitch he saw Aaron judge grounded into a 54 three double play to end the inning with the Reds clinging to a 3-2 lead Andrew Abbott’s final line on the day six in the third Beautiful Innings three hits one earned run four walks which we touched on two of those may have been questionable and two strikeouts the Reds went down in order in the eighth and they turned to Lucas Sims for the bottom of the frame he’d walk the leadoff pinch hitter Ben rice then after back-to-back out Sims would surrender a single to DJ lahu to put Runners on first and second Reds would then turn to former Yankee Justin Wilson who would strike out pinch hitter Trent Grisham to end the threat in the ninth the Reds went down in order via strikeout to closer clay Holmes and the Reds would turn to Alexis Diaz Diaz walked leadoff Man Austin Wells but Anthony vulpi grounded into a 643 double play to erase the B base runner then Juan stto flew out to shallow left field giving the Reds a three to to2 victory in the series win over the Yankees the Yankees Dro their eighth game out of their last 11 falling to 54 and 34 while the Reds improve to 41 and 45 on the Year beautiful Craig and we have a DSC deep Drive of the game Noel V Marte home run in the top of the second two-run home run put the Reds up two nothing early EX velocity of 111.5 went 395 ft and our DC our deep Drive of the day sponsored as always by Deep South Commodities DSC is a leader in renewable commodities for biofuel production specializing in used cooking oil collection aggregation and sales visit southc for more information thanks as always to our friends at DSC all right well plenty to talk about and discuss tonight as the Reds get her done uh what a what a win what a job hanging on in this one let’s start off talking about Andrew Abbott um because really his effort tonight was the the biggest reason in my opinion uh you know why the Reds won the game there was an absolutely brutal Strike Zone behind the plate incredibly inconsistent uh Abbot the fairy uh the tooto and judge as you mentioned in the first inning two two uh at bats that should have resulted in strikeouts uh um resulted in walks so his he was just set up for failure right from the Rip but he didn’t let that like obviously um deter him tonight uh he was determined um and to give this kind of performance that he did at Yankee Stadium under the circumstances that he was under um just a really unbelievable effort he mixed all of his pitches um he threw 12 curve balls 16 change UPS 19 sweepers 51 fast balls um it just really felt like he kept the the Yankees hitters off balance all night yeah I agree kept the hitters off balance all night the four walks I think are misleading and if you look at the final line um you know Aban only gave up um shoot now I lost it he only G he only gave five hardit balls yeah um and three hits I mean the two walks in the third the thing about it to me was that that third inning had a real opportunity to be for some pitchers they may have kind of you know sheltered themselves during that third inning after the back-to-back walks but he comes up he gets uh Davis JD Davis to ground out to end the inning despite the back-to-back walks that should have been strikeouts um I felt like just the entire game he was grinding um you know even before he got pulled he had struck out seven or not struck out I apologize he had retired seven straight Yankees um really just all around of very solid outing uh for Andrew Abbott again only giving up the three hits on the entire day two strikeouts I mean that’s vintage Andrew Abbott he’s pitched a contact guy um and the hard hit balls were hit right at guys for the most part so uh ended up ended up working out for him and and I think that ultimately like you said when you’re mixing up your pitches the way that Andrew rabbit was doing tonight keeping those batters off off balance all night it felt like uh moving the pitches around in the zone it really makes it hard as a hitter to settle in and be looking for a certain pitch in a certain spot when he’s changing locations and changing pitches so often yeah just it felt like he was in control the whole night which Yankee Stadium um against Juan stto against Aaron judge um just yeah an unbelievable effort from Andrew abbit I I know you know I’m a guy that that likes to look at a lot of different you know pitching metrics and I know there’s a lot of stats out there that would um suggest that Andrew abbit is due for some regression but I I will say I mean like like Fielding independent pitching which is probably his biggest negative he’s now outpitched his Fielding inde pitching at three last three stops so he did it at Triple A last year he did it in the big leagues uh last year and he’s doing it in the big leagues again this year so when you start doing that over and over again you have to start going okay maybe you know he’s just he’s he’s a little bit of an outlier here that’s not saying he’s not going to regress at all because I think there there probably will be some at some point his numbers are also going to be a little bit skewed this year because of his Walks Like Tonight four walks is just there’s no business he should have walked four batters the last time ADI walked a career-high six batters but you might remember Tyler Stevenson um got pulled to um his wife went into labor right before the start started he was prepared to to throw to Stevenson he still threw only gave up two runs in in the start his last time out but he walked six batters so when you when he walk 10 batters over two starts all those all those uh um expected stats and all those uh um peripheral type numbers are going to start to look really bad and if you kind of take a step back and you kind of look at it he’s probably pitching a lot better than that but a massive start for MRE rabbit um and uh yeah what a win for the Reds uh let’s talk about the uh real quick real quick the one thing that stands out to me about tonight’s outing outside of the two walks uh in the third inning that advanced to second and third Andrew rabbit only allowed one other base runner into scoring position and that was the last batter he faced the double that he gave up to Jami Jones no other batter even reached second base against Andrew abbit tonight the Yankees really didn’t threaten much beyond that third inning against Andrew abbit and so you know like you said he’s in control he felt like he was in a Groove most of the night and when you’re really pitching without a whole lot of stress it allows you to just kind of go out do your job and not have to worry about a lot of things and uh showed tonight that that he was in control uh yeah and one other thing on on Abbott I mean one of the reasons he’s been so successful this year coming into the game tonight he ranks in the 89th percentile in hard hit percentage and in the 78th percentile in average ex of velocity so he’s allowing a lot of weak contact um and uh you know is he able to keep that up I don’t know maybe it’ll come level out a little bit but uh for Andrew Abbott I mean this is his second year in the the big leagues Andrew Abbott had all the potential of being a guy that could have a sophomore slump and he’s been anything but that somehow he’s been better than he was last year overall now again last year he was really dominant at the beginning and you know slow down at the end he’s this was now uh Craig his 18th start he only threw 21 last year so he’s getting close to already being at where he was for the whole year last year obviously last year he started a triple A but um yeah just can’t say enough good things things about Andrew abbit and kind of what he’s meant to this this team that right now has to rely on starting pitching starting pitching has to be the thing that carries this team night after night and you can win that way you can win that way um and hopefully you can absolutely win that way it’ll be very interesting to see how David Bell manages Andrew rabbit’s load down the stretch though you’re talking about a guy who’s shown a little bit of fatigue at the end of last year obviously um and as you mentioned is already a approaching that same number in terms of outings that he threw last year so how he is managed down this stretch will be interesting certainly if the Reds get healthy and have options they may have an opportunity to stretch him out in between Innings or give them a day off here and there as they’ve shown that they’re willing to do already this year for other starting pitchers so I it will be interested to see how David Bell manages that but when you’re throwing as good as Andrew avot has thrown it’s really hard to want to give a guy a day off yeah that’s true that’s true and Nick Lolo um through a a side side session I don’t know what exactly was called thre 20 pitches today from the mound at Yankee Stadium they said all went well he’s trending to come back into the rotation um and and you know what that might give you some flexibility and if if Graham Ashcraft can pitch well his next time out then maybe you can do some stuff like that and that obviously would be very important for this team’s long-term staying power um into the the the second half of the Year all right let’s move on to the bullpen before we get into the two guys that hit some long balls today uh Fernando Cruz uh the biggest double play um in a long time I I I’m trying to think I know the Reds turned one they I believe they turned one to finish off the 12th win last year of the 12 game winning streak I think that ended on a double play I believe it was Orlando arcia maybe was at the plate but this was Aaron judge uh I I know I saw all over social media walk Aon judge walk Aon judge walk Aon judge um it’s one of those spots where I really see both sides of do you pitch to Aaron judge do you not um if you walk him well you’re putting the go-ahead run on second base um and if you don’t walk him well you know you’re risking giving up a um a three-run home run and uh you know the game being completely flipped but David Bell or Fernando Cruz some combination decided they were going to pitch to Aaron judge and boyed to pay off today what a just unbelievable job and Fernando Cruz didn’t feel like he had his his um uh not maybe not his best up it didn’t feel like he had control of all his pitches tonight either yeah they mentioned it on the broadcast he didn’t have control of his main pitches which then limited his ability to go uh to his out pitch that inning in general was wild so you start off obviously and just to give you a little bit of context about how big that double play really was you start off with DJ lahu grounding out and that improves the Red’s win probability all the way up to 91% okay by the time that Fernando crw walks Juan stto to put Runners on uh first and second at that point first and third at that point the Red’s win probability had dipped all the way down to 51% and then obviously for o Cruz who had struggled with control went to his four seam fast ball on the inside part of the plate to Aaron judge grounds into that double play win percentage all the way back up to 75% so in that inning alone it went from 91 down to 51 all the way back up to 75 on that ground ball double play I mean it was a roller coaster of an inning for sure but I think that my reaction to that double play may have been the biggest reaction you’ll get out of me in a long time I mean we you both we both know that I’m not a big like live reaction guy and I’m not going to be over the top celebrating but like that was that was a moment that got me excited for sure and uh it was a big moment um you know that that ball was hit hard you know shout out to noeli Marte for scooping the ball it was 106.8 off the bat Marte makes a good play Scoops it up and turns the double play on Aaron judge so big moment uh for Cruz to get out of that probably for his uh for his psyche as well imagine giving up uh the lead there could potentially damage someone’s uh confidence and yeah he big big moment and Big Show of confidence in himself to go to that fast ball in that moment kind of felt like hey this is an All-Star reliever an All-Star reliever comes in gets that out right there um you know you can have all the great numbers in the world and Fernando Cruz has all that but the the top guys they’re able to get an out in that spot and Fernando crw just uh got it done and reds turn the double play uh there was I mean a lot of you know good stuff from the the bullpen tonight uh Justin Wilson obviously got a big out as well um don’t want to forget about that but then Alexis Diaz um comes in in the ninth inning first batter he walks it wasn’t the patented Alexis Diaz just completely out of control walk um the the pitch was a ball but the Umpire been all over the place and and you saw maybe why you know Diaz was a little bit frustrated but uh then Diaz rebounded obviously got the double play ball that he needed and then got Juan sto I don’t think you see Juan stto hit a bunch of weak popups uh to uh uh I think steer caught it but it was very very shallow and left field um Alexis Diaz 12 consecutive saves Craig is Alexis Diaz back I mean I never thought he left I don’t know what you’re talking about um look I I think Alexis Diaz we’ve talked about this in the past right ultimately there’s conversation about is Alexis Diaz your closer is Fernando Cruz your closer what what be it we even talked during the uh during the game on our live reaction show during the 9th someone asked in the chat do you keep Wilson in here to start or what do you do and and in reality I think David Bell has two guys in Fernando Cruz and Alexis Diaz who he has basically full trust in right now to be able to do their job and so being able to turn to your closer in that situation regardless of who’s coming up to the plate really gives David Bell a little bit of sigh of relief to not have to make a whole lot of big decisions in those moments when that ninth inning comes and you have a a narrow lead you know you’re turning to Alexis Diaz right now and that he’s going to slam the door shut and like you mentioned that first at bat was certainly not a traditional Alexis Diaz walk I mean it was a 10 pitch at bat you got to tip your cap to Austin Wells for working that at bat I even thought that the ball four could have been called strike three uh based on how the strike zone had gone so um you know I thought that he was throwing the ball well from from the get-go and uh certainly no real concern um from him and it’s really nice when you have uh Alexis Diaz not making you sweat too much in the ninth because we’ve certainly gone through plenty of situations where where we have um and so yeah for Alexis Diaz to come in and like you mentioned now 12 straight conversions of saves um it’s a it’s pretty good you know go-to out of your Bullpen to be able to rely on all right the uh the big home runs we start off with Noel Marte you know I I feel like Yankees fans really should appreciate a third baseman in Yankee Stadium that you know got Ed for steroids hitting a big home run and that’s what Noel Marte did today I’ve been saving that all night um but no Marte who obviously came in um you know struggling um he’ been struggling not just offensively he had been struggling defensively um and maybe more impressive than the Home Run was the catch that he made in foul territory who knows if he doesn’t make that catch um how the rest of that eighth inning plays out um a big catch for him a home run from him look Noel Marte I think we’re goingon to you should expect ups and downs I think what he did at the end of last year is not what you should expect this year I don’t think you should expect him just to hit the ground running and be this consistent every night great at bat kind of guy I think you’re going to see some great moments you’ll probably see some some less than great moments but there’s no question in my mind that he’s the Red’s third baseman he’s the Red’s third baseman of the future I have all the confidence of the world I believe in him um it’s just this year you’re going to see some ups and downs and it was nice to have a big up at Yankee Stadium tonight yeah and for a team that struggled with power at the plate this year it’s really nice and would be great to see Noel Marte get in a little bit of a Groove and go on and hit a couple home runs here over the next couple games uh and really kind of changed the tone maybe a little bit in terms of offensively how things have been going we’ve talked at length about some of the uh other players that we expected more from from a power perspective this year and so for noeli Marte to come in get his first home run ball that he absolutely smoked um really has an opportunity to kind of set that table moving forward and so you know he’s got another opportunity in the Bronx tomorrow before coming home for a big home stand uh before the All-Star break that really can determine really what the Reds do with the rest of the season if we’re being honest uh we’ll talk about that a little bit later in the show as well but you know 111.5 miles per hour and a ball that was absolutely roped and twisted around that foul pole um I actually thought it went farther than 395 ft it was hit well up well up the stand so um you know big for him especially you know I I mentioned it in the Box Score recap but he was on an 0 for6 slump going into that to that swing so that’s quite the way to to break out of a slump for sure and good for Noel Marte and uh and good for Stu Fairchild to continue to mash left-handed pitching uh he continues to be a guy who from a platoon standpoint which is exactly what he was on this team to do has really stepped up to the plate yeah steuart fairchild’s home run tonight I know when there was a lot of reaction to it that oh that was a cheap home run that was a Yankee Stadium home run but I go pull up stack ass home run in 30 of 30 Parks so I think that maybe Yankee Stadium did a some tricks cuz I saw it too I was kind of it felt like it but if there was anyone who deserved a B steuart Fairchild after legitimately being robbed of two of them over the past couple weeks uh but yeah I mean steuart Fairchild just continues to uh thrive in the role that he was supposed to be in this year uh TJ fredle supposed to be back um where hoping maybe after the All-Star break and then you could have Fairchild slide back into more of his traditional role but he’s got a 668 Ops he’s played solid defense outside of some brain farts I think he’s more than made up for the brain farts with of the spectacular plays that he’s made um and I think a stat like outs above average kind of is a good way to kind of gauge that uh but yeah super Fairchild has been great in his his role um one of the few players this year that’s won a stayed healthy and B performed above your expectations of them coming into the year so shout out steuart Fairchild um any anything else on anything else on the offense I mean really this is well just real quick on on steu he’s got five home runs now four of which have come against left-handed pitching he’s hitting over 310 against left-handed pitching this year and uh with an Ops over 835 so I mean this isn’t a fluke this isn’t something that like oh he’s just hot right now or whatever it may be like this is what steuart Fairchild is on this team to do so um you know it’s really it’s really nice to to have that kind of reliable piece uh from the right-handed side and in a piece that has been able to provide at least a little bit of power uh from that right-handed side which has been in um but look I mean it’s unfortunate that he’s had to play every day or most days um certainly not what he’s on this team to do but it is really nice that you know you know when you’ve got a left-handed pitcher on the mountain you’ve essentially got an All-Star batter and steuart Fairchild uh if he only faced left-handed batter or left-handed pitching he he’d be putting up All-Star numbers yeah and Red’s offense overall I mean this is they got three hits tonight um they had expect the batting average of 127 and you know what this team deserved it they’ve had a lot of games um where uh I I know that Pittsburgh series is one that really comes to mind where they had so many hardit balls um and uh just had nothing to show for it well this is the other side of it so I I try to remember you know when there’s nights when you know I’m watching statcast and I’m just like oh man just a brutal night where the Reds should should be having a better performance than the art well some night you get nights like tonight and I mean to the Red’s credit they did hit two really big home runs uh their pitchers made a lot of really really good pitches but they also I think had some fortunate things go their way and that’s a 162 game baseball season uh and that’s why I always have a hard time people are like well you have to win this series you have to win this series oh that series is okay to lose like who knows what’s gonna happen I mean these are all individual baseball games where Randomness happens I saw the Chicago White Socks one tonight I mean you know like uh the the Brewers uh they they lost the other night to the Colorado Rockies like you just you can’t expect anything on a given night and this series is the perfect example of it um hopefully the Reds can you know find a way to keep rolling and some of these get back their way but the Reds a look they’re um they’re continuing to hang around they’re now just um four games below 500 just would be nice to get back to 500 they were so close to it back when they had that stretch earlier um they got to hopefully grind their way back to it yeah one one more here in the Bronx and then they head home for a big home stand Nick if uh someone wanted to go to that game during a home stand where would they get tickets how did you I even send you a rundown and I know how this show Works Nick you can you can Craig is inside of my brain knowing where I’m gonna go next I mean it’s straight Pro straight Pro I mean I screwed up oh no I’m not a straight Pro there we go outside of your face I don’t really know what I’m supposed to do with that maybe I should swap it to the other side that would be a lot of work that would be a lot of work all right we’re good I’ll just slide over here so people can see the pretty face yes the Cincinnati Reds back in town on Friday 10 game home stand ly up to the allstar break they’ve got the Tigers the Rockies and the Marlins uh I know uh Tom said on on his show earlier this week this is go time for the Reds here in July and I agree I mean this is the time that um you uh you have a really opportunity to make up some ground completely flip the season um around and you got the trade deadline coming up so why don’t you come out to Great America Ballpark and support the fellas on their Quest and if you want to do that be sure to use the game time app because the game time app is now an authorized ticket Marketplace of Major League Baseball that makes getting tickets even faster and easier prices on the game time M they actually go down the closer it gets to first pitch killer last minute deals all in pricing views from your seat in the lowest price guaranteed game time takes the guesswork out of buying MLB tickets they have all in price you can toggle this feature and it shows you the total up front with no surprise fees at checkout lowest price guaranteed or game time will credit you to 10% of the difference take the guesswork out of buying tickets with Game Time download the game time app create an account and use the code ciny C ncy for $20 off your first purchase terms apply again create an account and redeem the code ciny for $20 off c i ncy download the game to map today last minute tickets lowest price guaranteed and you can also we want to remind you you can call or text 988 anytime at all day or night the 988 suicide and crisis Lifeline is a place to get support for anything related to mental health whether in an immediate crisis simply wanting to find out how to connect with care or anything in between it’s a 100% confidential and secure and Anonymous way to reach out for help when you don’t know where else to turn to connect call or text 988 or visit to get help it’s okay not to be okay all right uh I think we had some more Super chats let me get to those before I forget uh they’re not showing up that’s unfortunate got a couple we got Mark fed dropping A5 Super Chat there we go there we go they didn’t pop up into my they didn’t autop populate I don’t know YouTube man we got you we got Mark feds Marte sure looks the part yes Mark he does look the part um again I just I think we’re gonna see some ups and downs from him but um he’s a massive upgrade what the Reds were running out there and uh nice to see him make a good defensive play because that’s really what I was banking on and he had a really couple rough games and I was just like [ __ ] he’s not bad defensively Nick you kind of get in your head almost a little bit I’m like I’ve seen this guy play Min of the game after mind of the game Mak see make great plays he played Short Stop sur’s goingon to be okay really looked rough had some just Bon he actually almost threw a ball away today too um at first base um but then he made a really great play later so yeah I believe in noeli Marte Michael rol I love Chatterbox Sports Craig sandin is the Diaz Cruz of this stream Nick and Tracer Ellie always here happy fourth everyone stay Health stay safe a t o bttr and then Mouse cop oh baby stew you got what I need appreciate you Mouse Scot all right good stuff you say he’s just platoon but you say he’s just platoon oh baby stew oh boy we’re going off the rails um my next one more Super Chat one more Super Chat is there one more yeah they’re not oh there we go did show up it just came in it’s like delayed on me um game day 513 Never Gonna I guess I got to sing this right never gonna give stew up never gonna let stew down never gonna say he’s just a PLU oh boy all right no more I’m not doing any more singing so you can pay all your this is what you get when the Reds win a series against the New York Yankees I guess huh you can pay all you one I’m done I’m out I’m out uh that was the number one song when I was born so shout out to uh Rick Roll um my next thing on here was actually defense and I know we kind of talked about that a lot um Spencer steer did make a uh or didn’t make a pretty big play in this one um uh in that trying to remember try to think back to the inning it was the inning that uh that Cruz end up getting the double play on felt like felt like sear should have cut the ball off oh yeah yeah yeah in left field yeah I felt I felt like he took a a pretty poor angle on that ball but again that was off the bat of Anthony vulpi I he’s such a fast runner that regardless of cutting that off he probably gets a double I was honestly concerned that he might extend that into three as I watched it live um I don’t know that it really affected a whole lot other than whether or not Austin Wells would have scored from first uh that’s the biggest question of whether or not he would have scored ultimately didn’t have a a huge impact on it but yeah certainly was something that uh I felt like he took a a poor angle on the other one that stood out to me that uh again didn’t have a huge effect on it and I have to remember exactly when it was uh but there was a a seemingly double play ball I think it was actually Anthony vulpi as well in the fifth that Ellie decided to try and pick with his glove and then flip with his glove and it like was just a really slow flip like it wasn’t smooth at all he grabbed it and then went back and then over to India and by the time that India got the ball he had no chance at getting vulpia first that’s just a play that like again it’s it’s really tough and in the moment you’re trying to make a play but you know go in there with two hands immediately have the ball out flip it to your second baseman with you know with a little bit of speed on it rather than that little flip out of his glove um but again I think a lot of it can be chocked up to two guys who are still learning the positions that they were playing right I mean Ellie is 22 years old he’s going to have to kind of feel out some of those situations and the other piece is you got to know who the base runner is and who the runner the batter Runner is right so in that situation you’ve got Anthony vulpi running like either take that ball yourself and touch the bag and make a hard throw to first or get that ball out of your glove real quick give a a shovel over with some speed on it and give Jonathan India a chance and then similarly you know Spencer steer playing Left Field taking a bad angle I think just uh you know luckily a couple scenarios that didn’t negatively affect them in the long run but uh certainly two plays that could have potentially had a different outcome uh but equally I felt like the Reds made a number of really good plays today too uh you mentioned the Marte uh foul ball um but it just felt like they were really solid behind Andrew Abbott for the most part yeah I agree um I think overall the The Good outweighed the the bad today I think there was um some some really you know big plays and and big moments um and yeah I mean the defense it it matters a whole lot in uh baseball all right so something today that I saw all over social media I thought I’d bring it up um the Reds have yet to commit to a deadline strategy so there was a column from Gordon Whitmire of the Cincinnati Inquirer who apparently everyone now believes everything that he said says uh because of what was written um the big quote that came out was uh Brad meter Reds GM said we have to wait and see how we finish off this road trip and the home stand coming up and then we’ll see we’re talking about it we’d love to be able to add but realistically we’ll probably just have to see how it goes um so those comments come out I know there was a lot of of Buzz about that I think there was also something in the comment in the article is behind a pay wall I didn’t uh go look it up um where he said something about how TJ fr’s coming back and the old cliche of uh that’s as good of a trade probably not the the best way of of wording these comments now again we’re relying on the fact that this column uh was actually 100% the exact way that that Brad meter said it and uh without actually hearing it from him this was exactly what what it was was meant by it I mean personally I I think you probably should have been a little bit smarter with the the column or with the with the words that he used there probably should have you know straight up lied and said right now we’re trying to find every doing everything we possibly can to to find a move that makes sense for our team um but right now there’s just not a lot of teams that are willing to make trades we’re going to continue to work hard up until the deadline and if there’s a move that makes sense for us we’ll do it uh but but ultimately if we fall out of the race before then we might have to go the other way as well like just you know come with a more of a BS um thing there because people want to be lied to they say they want the truth but they don’t want the truth especially when it comes out like this um and then again they probably should have said DJ frel is good of a trade because that just really I think sets people off when they hear things like that uh but again I mean this is literally the comments were pretty much I I I know most people have been saying at least from our conversation on the show that the red should be sellers so I I don’t really understand the whole uproar about this I just think probably should have been worded a little bit better any thoughts on this Greg yeah I mean I I agree with you but let’s be honest I mean I think the next 11 games really can have an effect on what the Reds decide to do and certainly beyond that after the All-Star break as well but I mean there’s a lot of opportunity here I mean you look at the upcoming 10 game home stand obviously one more with the Yankees tomorrow but then you’ve got three against the Tigers you’ve got four against the Rockies and then you finish with three at home against the Marlins those are 10 very winnable ball games and so if you go out there and you can you know let’s say you go six and four or seven and three you know if you go seven and three now you’re sitting at 500 at the All-Star break I mean that’s a lot that feels a lot different than if you were to some you know for some reason go three and seven during that that stretch and now you’re eight games under 500 like it sounds bad to say but like it may in fact have an impact on what the Reds decide to do the other piece of it that’s not lost on me is that being the face of a franchise and the voice of a franchise is not always easy and Brad meter is taking on a new role as general manager and has not done a lot of these interviews a lot of these have been uh handled by Nick crawl in the past and so Brad May quite frankly have just not been comfortable in the setting and like you said kind of not necessarily worded things the way that most GM and and president of baseball operations would do that um but at the end of the day again you’ve got 10 very winnable games before the All-Star break you come out afterwards with the Nationals um you’ve got the Nationals the Rays and the in the Cubs after the All-Star break uh with the Braves sprinkled in there so um it’s a big stretch and and if you look at the the schedule before the deadline ultimately you’re going to have a three-game series against the Cubs at the deadline uh that could have an impact directly on what the Reds decide to do and the other piece of it again I know the wording is wrong but this Red’s franchise has had TJ fredel for how many games this year certainly not very many and so yeah it probably is a little weird to say that it’s like getting uh a trade acquisition at the deadline but he’s played 26 games this year so you know having a center fielder that you can trust on a daily basis regardless of who’s pitching puts this team in a much different position than they are today um so look I I I appreciate the Uproar I guess from the quote um I’m not ready to to throw in the towel and think that the Reds just aren’t going to sell or aren’t going to buy at this point but you know a lot can change between now and then it’s our our standard goto saying a lot can change between now and July 31st so we’ll see where the reds are and and we’ll see what happens there’s not a lot of teams making moves today uh although I did I do think I saw one potential trade today Brewers the Brewers picking up yeah so um yeah we’ll like he said we’ll see I don’t know yeah I mean couple thoughts on this number one there’s not a lot of moves that happen everyone sees like one move happen they go oh why can’t the Reds make this move okay well 90% of the moves happen at the deadline and they happen for a reason um you have to find a partner that’s willing to trade that that wants your pieces um that you’re not overextending and we’ve talked about this going into the year the Reds aren’t going to be the team that’s going to make these big flashy trade deadline splashes I just don’t think that’s going to be in their DNA going forward you can hate that but that that’s not the way they’re they’re trying to build this roster um and so again I think they should have word of that different I think you should have just straight up lied and said we’re trying to make a trade right now what what’s the what’s the downside of saying we’re trying to make one and then you know it doesn’t happen like I just there’s no real downside there’s downside with throwing out a quote like this again assuming that it was 100% delivered pen to paper accurately um and without missing any context that was in there but the other thing is is like you know say you go out and get a a trade and you make one big trade say the Reds go out and get Luis Robert does Luis Robert guarantee that the reds are going to play incredibly better over this 10 game stretch he’s one player right um so again it’s whatever player you get it’s not going to move the needle that much like you’re talking you know if if you’re a guy that likes someone like something like wins above replacement your chance of acquiring someone that’s gonna add two more wins is pretty low um that’s probably your almost your best case scenario so you’re if the reds are going to win or lose it’s going to be with this team that they have right now that’s going to be what’s going to either win the season or lose the team yeah they may be able to add someone that helps but that’s a it’s it’s a margin it’s a margin play and again I I look at Luis Robert I know everyone’s like fascinated with him and for good reason he’s had a lot of injury risks himself I’m not sure TJ friel’s a worse player than Luis Robert I’m not sure there’s that big of a difference um and and so like I kind of get what what he’s saying there as well but again it’s not a smart thing to say because people are going to run with that and be upset with that it’s just going to um upset a fan base that that has reason to be upset because the Reds as we’ve mentioned many times haven’t done a a damn thing for the last 25 years well ultimately the front office is going to have to believe that this is a year that they can truly compete for the playoffs and for potentially a World Series right this is a front office that has a plan has a plan in place that they believe in and think that they’re on the right path they think that they’re ahead of schedule and so if they are going to make a move and potentially sacrifice what they’re building depending on the move that they make I mean I don’t know what kind of package it’s going to take to get Lewis Robert but like if in order for them to truly sacrifice their plan that they’ve had in place for five plus years now it’s going to have to be a feeling that this is really a team ready to compete and there’s a couple pieces I think that make that possible and it starts with health if TJ fredle is not healthy if they continue to have to run Santiago espanol out there on a day-to-day basis um if Jake fry doesn’t get better you know there’s a lot of things that are at play here that can potentially contribute to the decision that they have to make but the Red’s front office is not a front office that has shown a desire to really go in unless they really think that they have an opportunity to to get to that next level and so this is a season Where the wild card you know with three teams go into the playoffs in a wild card spot and with no real teams in the NL running away with it outside of you know the Brewers in our own division this is certainly a season where the Reds have every opportunity to make the playoffs it’s just a question of are they G to make moves like they did last year by adding Sam Maul that get them a little bit better and get them in a better position to get into those playoffs or are they going to go out and make a major move like Landing a lubob or somebody else that Red’s fans would get really truly excited about I’m on the record having been on Off the Bench uh last week that it feels like the type of season where the reds are going to make you know one or two small moves uh to make the team a little bit better but I don’t necessarily believe that this is the year that they’re going to go all in and trade away a number of top prospects in order to acquire somebody like lubob uh despite the fact that he may or may not make your team significantly better you know he’s a player that ultimately has one more year of control I believe after this year if I’m not mistaken and so you know you’ve got to believe that by adding him you have a chance to compete to advance in the playoffs uh something that the Reds team hasn’t done in 20 plus years robbert does have two more Club options after next year he’s he signed so you would actually get him for three more um years after this year but I don’t think if the Reds were in first place I don’t think if the Reds were had the record of Milwaukee Brewers and have the distance that they’re going to go out and make a big move they may make a marginal move um but I I just don’t think that’s the way this team’s going to operate and I don’t frankly don’t think they should operate uh that way I think they should always be trying to win now but also be focused on the future because that’s what’s going to um keep this team from having to rebuild um um if you try to go all in you’re almost guaranteed with the payroll that that the red front office is going to be allotted you’re guaranteed that you’re going to be rebuilding and I personally don’t want that I want to see this team be able to compete year after year give themselves more chances as opposed to maybe increasing their odds by four or five percent in a given year I’d rather every single year have a chance to to get to the playoffs and kind of see what happens um but we’ll see how it plays out all right Let’s uh get into some Reds MB uh we had three games that went final the uh Louisville Bats they were reigned out against the Indianapolis Indians um this evening uh but we’ll start off with double A Chattanooga they lost 86 uh pretty tough start for Rett louder four in a third seven hits four earned runs two walks six strikeouts uh this will soon be Rett louder’s last start of the first half the uh minor League Allstar break is next week Rett ludder was of course going to be pitching in the uh the Futures game so you hopefully maybe like that can kind of get him back on track you know getting to pitch in um um in that you know big environment um but yeah I’d have to say ret L has been pretty disappointing so far um at least at Chattanooga uh Bubba Thompson one for five Dominic patelli 0 for four Von Johnson this guy has really been hot of late he was two for three had three RB’s and then Nick North cut hit his 17th home run of the Season all right down to high a the Dayton Dragons they lost in 10 Innings to Lake County two to one South Stewart was two for four with a double in a walk Leo balazar two for four so his fourth bag of the year and then a whole bunch of ofers Cam ker was 0 for five and then Hector Rodriguez Carlos Jorge Jay Allen and Ethan O’Donnell all 0 for four and then Daytona they won seven to one over St Lucy uh the Lefty really talented pitcher Adam winsky uh threw four in the third Innings one hit one run three walks struck out 10 batters in four in the third Innings he’s been one of the better stories in the Reds minor leagues um and really a season where the Reds pitching has not been great in the minor leagues um Adam swinsky has been uh really great urin confidon has been incredible of late uh tonight he was four for four with four doubles and a walk uh so really impressive night for him he’s been on fire the last 10 games or so Samy stur was one for five with a double East smouth pan a top 30 Prospect he was two for four with a home run his fifth of the Year also a double been a tough season for him um Ariel alonte was one for four um and then I also saw that um Alfredo duno was moved to the 60 day might not be that big of a deal because he’s been out for quite a while um but nonetheless um unfortunate for him because he was having a really good year uh before he went on the isil and definitely um one of the players that I was most excited about uh no ACL tonight so no Shang in Lin updates um there was one final in the Dominican summer league the DSL Reds beat the DSL Dodgers Batista six to2 but DSL Roos that’s the team that has the the three top players they were not in action today all right real quick before you move on you see Nester laurant picked up the win today 7-2 with a 1.23 erra I mean this is a kid that just won pitcher of the month for the for the month of June in the Florida state league in June five games he was three- one with a042 erra in 21 in the third Innings 21 in the third Innings he only gave up six hits total one earned run walked three and struck out 24 so yeah maybe a name to watch out for yeah he hasn’t had a whole lot of success over his minor league career kind of came out of nowhere this year but hey do you have those guys every single year um that do kind of fly on the radar definitely someone I’m going to have to learn a little bit more about because he was not a player that was uh on my radar by any means uh going into this season all right Reds Craig they’re going for a sweep tomorrow against the New York Yankees um this will be uh a good one because it’ll be Frankie montes’s return to Yankee Stadium obviously the Yankees gave up quite a bit to get him and it it just didn’t pan out largely because of injury but you know montis will be fired it for this one uh at last two starts he’s been good this was against the Red Sox and then at the Cardinals 12 Innings 2.25 er uh he’s got a career 1.29 ER against the Yankees of course all that came um when he was with the Oakland A’s um last start was in 2022 um and then um yeah Montes with the Yankees went two and three with a 6.15 ER in the nine games he pitched after the Yankees gave up JP Sears Ken walchuk Luis Medina and Cooper Bowman for him so uh yeah maybe you fired up on both sides I don’t know Aaron Bo might be like boys we gotta get this guy he they got fleeced for him uh but then Reds be going up against uh common foe Marcus strowman strowman’s down his 10th Big League season um he’s another Yankees pitcher that’s been struggling of late every Fitcher they faced kind of coming into the series have been struggling last five starts a 5.13 ER he’s walked 14 batters over 26 in a third Innings pitched over that span um this guy signed a two-year $37 million year deal with the Yankees this off season um he’s got a 3.76 ra and seven starts against the Reds however his only start last year Red’s put up six runs in three Innings against him uh the active Reds against strowman 11 for 42 candelario has a home run will Benson’s one for two with a double Jonathan India two for seven with a double so any thoughts on uh uh this matchup tomorrow Craig me and you we will be on uh Chatterbox Reds live post game um right after the in the ninth inning like normal on the fourth of July we’re working men around here we’ll be grinding it out uh any thoughts on this game Tre yeah TG whoever yeah uh a afternoon game so an opportunity to uh take in some Reds uh come check in with Nick and I on Chatterbox Reds after the game and then go get in your fireworks in barbecue uh Frankie monto’s June’s been really solid 3.55 erra with a 189 batting average against uh you mentioned his last two outings really solid against Boston and St Louis so be interesting to see how he comes out uh Marcus strowman throws seven different pitches which is insane to me his fast ball only averages 90 miles an hour so this is another guy that I’ve talked about in the past that the Reds have kind of struggled with a little bit the The Crafty uh pitch per se so it’ll be interesting to see how they come out his last outing uh little bit of drama around it no decision on it four and thirds five hits uh three earned runs three strikeouts and three walks but if you’ll remember it was all over social in on TV a little bit of drama that he got angry with glaber Torres after uh he felt like Torres didn’t throw the ball very hard on a potential double play uh strowman ended up walking his next batter uh and that was his last of his outing um and then Aaron judge came over and had to kind of calm down strowman in The Dugout afterwards and take on that leadership role so we’ll be interesting to see how strowman bounces back from that outing um and if the see if the Reds can uh rattle him a little bit more because Marcus strowman is a a pitcher that has an ability to be rattled if you can get to him early for sure so um interesting matchup and and expected to be a warm day again tomorrow so we’ll see if the ball’s flying out of the ballpark yet again yeah uh yeah big opportunity here for the Reds I mean man you you talk about uh coming home uh feeling really good you sweep the Yankees in the Yankee Stadium um you definitely would uh have that all right one last Super Chat from Daniel Meyers if we move cam Coler it would be a huge mistake I agree I mean I think people um you know see cam kier’s inconsistency and think yeah he’s a guy that you can afford to move um he’s 19 years old he’s the third youngest player in the midwest League that has 50 plate appearances so he’s far and above where anyone else at his age is so you always have to take players like that you know that with where their ages and I I think take their overall stats where they’re at with a grain of salt now if he you know turns 21 he’s still at high a and he’s not going anywhere then uh I think you have a a totally different discussion but I agree man if you trade cam ker you better be getting you better not miss you better not miss because that’s the kind of trade that could haunt you for years to come and the riches can’t afford they cannot afford to give away players that have potential Superstar potential on them um that you’re going to have control of them cost control for six years um you have to be very very careful you have to pick your spots and um I I just yeah I would I would be very against just about any trade that involved cam Collier uh Nick conveniently left off the second half of that super chat but I’m not a chatter boox employee so I’m going to say it the locked on dbos are wanting to trade cam Collier what are they gonna do Nick what are they gonna do I was just just reading what it says just reading what it say try to be polite they’re so to you I mean look I I’ve said plenty of dumb things uh and I’ll continue to say plenty of dumb things so I’m not going to cast stones uh by any means but I do think Trading cam Coler would be absolutely um ludicrous um I mean he’s your number one Prospect right I mean like it’s really hard you have to have you have to really truly believe one that the trade you’re making has the ability to take you to that next level whether that’s advancing in the playoffs or even all the way to the World Series or whatever it may be I don’t personally think that that that this Red’s team is at that level where that big move is really going to take him to that next level and I don’t think that the this front office is the type of front office that’s going to make a move like that in a season like this now if you continue to move forward with your plan and everybody’s healthy and next year you’re you know competing to win the division and you think that that next level could potentially be competing for a World Series spot then maybe that’s an opportunity to think about it but I’d much rather give cam cam CER the opportunity to compete for advancing to Triple A and then potentially even a a spot on the major league roster next year and see what he can do versus trading him for another another bat so we’ll see what the Reds decide to do yeah yeah I’m not sure there’s Kim ker might be the my least my my number one unmovable guy um I I might trade red louder before I in the right deal before I trade Kim Coler and I don’t want to trade R louder but let me be very clear um but it just 19 years old old I he’s got 13 home runs at 19 years old in high I don’t know I think it’d be a pretty pretty big mistake all right Craig any final thoughts before we wrap this up let’s get the sweep tomorrow baby yeah I gotta find uh I’m gonna put up the uh I’m gonna put you full screen talk to the chat I got to find the pillow because I lost it Well normally I would wait for for Nick and do this together but I guess since he’s unprepared pred unlike me I’ll go ahead and uh do the Craig on Nick crime first boom dubs dubs in the chat I can’t believe that Kirby can’t find this pillow like how hard is it you literally just throw it behind you every I I cleaned I cleaned I cleaned and I moved yeah yeah yeah I cleaned I’m sorry that clean Craig here we go Nick MF and cage let’s go let’s get sweep tomorrow did you clean or did Andrea clean I cleaned I cleaned sir thank you very much confirmed that all right text away I clean I slaved away yeah all right all right well appreciate everyone for listening today as always be sure to check out Chatterbox Reds everywhere you get Podcast we’re the only cin Reds podcast with new episodes the morning after every single game weekends holidays we’re always there for you um so be sure to check that out if you could be so kind really would appreciate if you left us a five so review whereever listen to the podcast there’s been a lot of people that have done that lately means a lot to us that stuff really helps us out um but appreciate everyone listening hit the like button on the way out we’ll see you uh tomorrow afternoon as your Cincinnati Reds go for a sweep of the New York Yankees take care everyone [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] n [Music]

00:00 Watching the 9th Inning
20:02 Full Game Recap

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Story we are following from ESPN:

Reds bring 1-0 series lead over Yankees into game 2
ByData Skrive
Jul 3, 2024, 04:02 am

Cincinnati Reds (40-45, fourth in the NL Central) vs. New York Yankees (54-33, second in the AL East)

New York; Wednesday, 7:05 p.m. EDT

PITCHING PROBABLES: Reds: Andrew Abbott (7-6, 3.41 ERA, 1.20 WHIP, 72 strikeouts); Yankees: Carlos Rodon (9-5, 4.42 ERA, 1.26 WHIP, 92 strikeouts)

: LINE Yankees -189, Reds +157; over/under is 8 1/2 runs

BOTTOM LINE: The Cincinnati Reds take a 1-0 advantage into the next game of the series against the New York Yankees.

New York is 24-15 in home games and 54-33 overall. Yankees hitters have a collective .428 slugging percentage to rank second in the AL.

Cincinnati has a 40-45 record overall and a 20-22 record in road games. The Reds are 18-9 in games when they did not give up a home run.

The teams square off Wednesday for the second time this season.

TOP PERFORMERS: Juan Soto has 12 doubles, three triples, 20 home runs and 61 RBI while hitting .300 for the Yankees. Aaron Judge is 16-for-37 with a double and five home runs over the last 10 games.

Spencer Steer has 20 doubles, a triple, 10 home runs and 51 RBI while hitting .242 for the Reds. Jonathan India is 18-for-37 with 11 doubles over the past 10 games.

LAST 10 GAMES: Yankees: 3-7, .235 batting average, 6.49 ERA, outscored by 12 runs

Reds: 4-6, .247 batting average, 4.50 ERA, outscored opponents by three runs

Elly De La Cruz triples, homers and lifts Reds over struggling Yankees 5-4

NEW YORK — — Elly De La Cruz tripled and homered in his first game at Yankee Stadium, helping the Cincinnati Reds overcome Aaron Judge’s major league-leading 32nd home run in a 5-4 victory over New York on Tuesday night.

Will Benson and De La Cruz hit two-run homers in a four-run fifth as the Reds built a 5-0 lead over the Yankees, who have lost 11 of their last 15 games.

Judge homered in the seventh off Sam Moll for his third hit. He leads the major leagues in batting average (.321), homers and RBI (83).

“I’m going to get into the thesaurus because I’ve used all the other adjectives up that I can hold,” Yankees manager Aaron Boone said.

De La Cruz, appearing in his 183rd big league game, has tripled and homered together five times, matching Ted Williams for the most since 1901 in a player’s first 185 games.


7:05 PM
Yankee Stadium


Andrew Abbott
7-6, 3.41 ERA, 72 SO

Carlos Rodón
9-5, 4.42 ERA, 92 SO
CIN Lineup
NYY Lineup
Jonathan India (R) 2B
Elly De La Cruz (S) SS
Jeimer Candelario (S) 1B
Spencer Steer (R) LF
Tyler Stephenson (R) C
Noelvi Marte (R) 3B
Stuart Fairchild (R) CF
Santiago Espinal (R) DH
Blake Dunn (R) RF
Anthony Volpe (R) SS
Juan Soto (L) RF
Aaron Judge (R) CF
J.D. Davis (R) 1B
Gleyber Torres (R) 2B
Alex Verdugo (L) LF
DJ LeMahieu (R) 3B
Jahmai Jones (R) DH
Jose Trevino (R) C

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