[Darren Dreger] May be out there. I’m travelling. The Winnipeg Jets signed Mason Shaw today to a 1 year two way contact. $775,000/$350,000. $425,000 guaranteed.

[Darren Dreger] May be out there. I’m travelling. The Winnipeg Jets signed Mason Shaw today to a 1 year two way contact. $775,000/$350,000. $425,000 guaranteed.

  1. So Shaw ends up taking a league minimum 2 way deal. Bit surprised we didn’t match this.

  2. Regardless of who signed him, I’m glad that he was given another chance to the play at the top level. His first game back at the X he threw my middle kid a puck, he is a standup example of what we should strive to be – chase your goal.

  3. Good for Mason! I was hoping he would come back and play for Iowa, but I am thrilled that he is getting a shot.

  4. God damnit. This is retribution for claiming Chisholm.

    I really think that Shaw has it in him to carve out a solid career as a 4th liner so I’m happy to see it, but why does it have to Winnipeg?

  5. Dumba on the Stars, Shawsy on the Jets. This timeline is weird as shit

  6. Uh oh…the wife is going to be upset to hear this. She loves Shawzy and the fact that he has been given another chance…but this will hurt for her

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