Ep. 17 | The NFL is Forced to Pay Up

Ep. 17 | The NFL is Forced to Pay Up

what is good ladies and gentlemen we are back here with the open field podcast we’re back at it again with another episode we are really in the Dead period man there’s really nothing going on in terms of football and uh it’s uh it’s it’s tough it’s tough we got couple more months and then the NFL season finally starts but nothing crazy is going on the only thing that’s happened recently is um the hard KN episode for the New York Giants dropped I haven’t peeped it because I don’t got HBO Max but I I heard them talking about sequan and why uh talking about trading sequin and all that stuff but other than that nothing nothing crazy from what I’ve seen but from what I saw it looked like they love Daniel Jones that front office love Daniel Jones because they’re like well we’re paying Daniel Jones and like they they were actually sound like oh he deserved all the money he was getting and so they like we can’t and then they were like kind of downplaying saquon they were they were basically saying like oh we could play chicken because like how many people are actually G to pay what he wants like how many people are like we’re not gonna trade them because like what’s the effort of the trade like what are we really G to get then they were saying like oh there’s still other running backs out there like Derek Henry then they said Austin Eckler I just saw her laughing I was just like yeah they uh they were disrespecting saquin when they were doing all that saying what is his Value 27y Old running back with all this mileage I’m like y’all just disrespecting a generational talent in as a running back the only reason why he hasn’t produced like other running backs is because the situation was so awful but somehow he still was able to produce it’s it’s crazy man I it really makes me think that the New York Giants has just not been a well-run organization and this would be considered one of the worst organizations in football if not already if Eli Manning never played for this team and won them two Super Bowls because since the 2000s other than Eli Manning and what he did not much to talk about I’m not gonna lie not much to talk about so yeah it’s it’s a didn’t do [ __ ] since what Phil Sims yeah man they’re just they’re not great but pray for Neighbors because he he deserves to shine he doesn’t deserve to have Daniel Jones throwing him the damn ball so yeah here’s hoping that um Daniel Jones proves he’s terrible throwing Drew lock and then so you want a tank you want a tank this year Well tanking this this year I I rather take next year because Arch Manning is who we looking for we need we need to rejuvenate the Manning Manning bloodline and the New York Giants [Laughter] but uh there’s really no quarterbacks from what I seen that I really want from the upcoming draft other than maybe maybe but shador is gonna bring baggage man Dion Sanders is doing too much he than Daniel Joneses though no I agree better too I don’t think he’s GNA be no like top five QB in the league or anything like that he could maybe like I think shador could maybe be top 10 but I don’t think top 10 is still better than Daniel Jones yeah no it is it’s is but I just don’t think that he’s like a elite like I don’t think he’s gonna be like a super Elite because his arm really isn’t that strong like he has a good arm but it’s not like he doesn’t have a elite arm it’s not like Josh Allen Herbert I even think it’s like burrow strength um his athleticism is okay his awareness and accuracy or what like is what’s gonna carry him but like average height like average height because he’s like what six1 six foot cidor yeah so yeah okay athlete like he’s a good enough he’s like good enough at everything to succeed but like he’s not like Elite at anything besides like his accuracy so yeah I think he can can be okay like between like the 10 to like the TW 10 to 12 range like where you see like jarro G Matt Stafford uh Dak Prescott kurk cousins like around that tier is where I think he’s gonna end up being the crazy thing is is that Daniel Jones is supposed to win a lot more with that defense bro Giants have put on put a pretty decent defense on the field for the last couple years and they just haven’t had yeah it has it definitely has no no question the offense been all the way around outside of saqu like you don’t have nothing really good about the offense like you don’t got I still don’t know why slayen is still on the team because he’s I don’t think he’s ever really been good did he even have like a really good year like once or has he just been like I feel like he’s had one okay close to a th receiving yard a year but yeah is not the answer I mean we have three receivers that I’m comfortable with now we have Jaylen Hyatt W Robinson and Malik neighbors so I mean Slayton doesn’t need to be the guy anymore but um yeah it’s a tough situation it’s a tough situation uh since there’s really nothing to talk about in terms of NFL right now uh like I said the only thing people are really talking about is fantasy football y’ y’all excited for the fantasy what what happened to sheer he just disappeared who what what’ you say ster yeah oh he’s done bro he’s done he’s always injured man he’s done man what happened to him man he just he was just not playing but he was only have Rost for a long time wasn’t he yeah but he’s just never healthy so another funny thing about the Hard Knocks thing was that they were saying like how they have like all these other pieces like oh yeah we have like hayatt we have uh Robinson and all that other stuff and then they’re like oh yeah then and we also remember we got Darren Waller I was just I just start laughing it’s crazy but I’m gonna bring it back up if y’all are doing fantasy who’s the first pick usually it’s Christian mcaffrey but I would think it would be beon this year beon said they G try to they said they’re gonna try to use him in a Christian mcaffry role so they’re gonna try to feed him as much as possible who’s going to get used and abused my first overall pick honestly these one actually might not be a bad CH with N N I think with if they’re saying that they’re gonna use him like Christian mcaffrey that means he’s gonna at least get a minimum of 20 to 25 touches a game if if uh I’m looking at you know Josh Allen this year and with his situation you don’t pick a quarterback first pick you do not pick you don’t Pi a quarter Pi a quarterback in the first round random time I pick a quarterback because I he gonna be hell of a but who really G I mean I I wouldn’t put my money on B John because he got a shake car I wouldn’t put my money on Christ Caffrey because I I ain’t never seen to too like you know I think well as a p fan I watched him after having great seasons start to wear down so I ain’t gonna lie I don’t want it to happen to him but deep down the side I believe that Chris CA will miss some games this year um due to injury um because you just can’t you can’t wear him out like that I promise you you can’t you Tred to but you just can’t so with the first overall pick I probably take saquon Barkley saquin is interesting but he also has injury concern some I’m number one if I’m a number one overall pick I’m not taking saquan another sley can get abused just like uh just like uh Bean yeah but you know the tush push that tush push a lot of TDS from squ they want to keep jayen Herz healthy now so might as well just give it to yeah I don’t think they gonna give Jay the Herz the ball this year I think he gon sit in the pocket this year run when he got to but only when he got to I could see saquin Barkley being a Red Zone machine in the Eagles offense I could see that for sure he’s about to go crazy especially with that offensive line sequ Barkley could be a sneaky good first pick um Hill would be another one hell no I mean it sound like he didn’t get like top three points last year I mean I hear you but I just don’t want to put y y’all talking about taking a a quarterback I rather quarterback than a receiver no you wouldn’t do you play Fantasy early what the hell are you talking about what are you talking about was second in my League last year the only person that beat me was [ __ ] Brandon that’s on the hey I I won I won The League last year with uh Trent and jro and all them like I I beat the breaks off of them and half my team man because I had Jetta he got hurt I had Kyrie I had Kyrie Williams he got hurt crazy Jett would be my first pick this year you out your mind well what quarterback who who’s the running back over there in uh in uh Los Angeles for the Chargers uh JK Dobbins well actually he hasn’t he has uh well that is some news he hasn’t played he hasn’t practiced yet he’s still rehabbing his what ACL so their rookie running their rookie running back is getting the most of the carries kamani V kamani vdal he in the fifth round wonder I wonder why they didn’t get um my boy uh the one that played for Michigan I’m surprised he was drafted earlier he was drafted ear drafted earlier but he’s also be getting a lot of he’s also getting a lot of touches on the Rams because Kyrie uh Kyrie’s uh dealing with some type of injury so he’s been getting a lot of reps they like they like uh his catching ability that’s been do he’s been doing well with that so we might see him like some third down situations I I think honestly man listen I’m taking saquan simply because I just watched what the last two backs did over there that ain’t about [ __ ] taquan should he just if he can stay healthy he should just go but honestly with fantasy football dog that St healthy [ __ ] if you even think about a [ __ ] getting hurt it’s going to be bad for you for you so I probably go saquan man I think Squan just get it done they made Swift like he I just get over there yard 25 total touchdown type year this year I’m telling you another thing with beon is that remember Kurt cousin’s coming off like a Tor Achilles or whatever so he’s gonna start off Rusty like they don’t want to like just make him throw like 30 40 times a game so they might rely to little bit more on bean early on in the season so that’s why he might get let’s stay on let’s stay on um Fant top five greatest fantasy football players you’ve ever seen top five greatest ever well just tell me tell me who you like who you like tell me who you like and I don’t mean just one year I mean like at least a two or three year span who you was like man I could Bank on him I’m gonna get mine first Jamal Charles boy I tell you some points I think Adrian Pearson in his prime Adrian Pearson in his prime went I I legitimately had him the year he almost broke the record and he was winning he was putting up quarterback numbers that year I think he he he car he carried me he carried me he was G you 16 to 18 touchdowns and 2,000 yards y’all might not like it but Austin Eckler is a top F all time bro Austin Eckler be cooking in PPR leagues for no reason touchdowns and receptions that is all Austin Eckler does oh you got I definitely got Alvin Kamar what yeah what what what’s wrong with alar lot ofes Le’Veon Bell too let’s not forget him put some respect on Le Leon but also Todd Gurley in his prime damn was Todd Gurley was cooking on my teeth he was cooking n name a player that if if Fantasy Football was really popular when they was around they would one I’mma go another charger priest [ __ ] H damg never play Chargers PR was like that that Kansas City play the Chiefs do you said you said Char you don’t know about 31 PRI hole no you said Chargers I said no I said Chiefs I said you said charger you said charger um me I’mma go all the way back I never cheat I’mma go I’m g go to the 80s Roger Craig would have been an amazing fantasy football player Oh Roger Craig the first original thousand yard back thousand yard receiving yeah you right he would been he would have been fantastic another one um Ricky Waters was pretty nice to with it too wat was nice fumbling heyy SE hey man um yeah I mean for the most part it’s like if they are a dual threat running back receiver then they’re going to be the best fantasy players period yeah we can hear you all right early you cooked so yeah dual threat also I was saying uh early you need to lock ined yeah you’re so cooked all think what’s what’s the next topic while early cook um I forgot the title so what’s going the NFL has to pay up regarding Sunday Ticket um well the Sunday Ticket situation and um I I didn’t really look into it I didn’t really care that much because I don’t have Sunday Ticket I can explain I can explain it for you a little bit so the NFL um with uh Direct TV Sunday Ticket which was basically Red Zone before Red Zone right where you could watch multiple games at once um so they were sued a while back because of the Monopoly they had and also the fact that they would drop a lot of games you know what I mean so if you’re trying to watch let’s just say you’re in you’re in LA and you’re trying to watch the Chiefs and Ravens play on at one o’clock you might not be able to get that game because it’s region locked right so it it be so basically it they got to the point where the it was it’s not a class action but it is a kind of a class action where they ended up losing to it made it a federal court they’re losing the NFL so they they the the federal judge made them pay about 4.1 billion but depending on how big the damages are it could go all the way up to 13 billion and the fact that they’re basically saying you had a monopoly with this so so the NFL is appealing so this is going to be in court for a while but just the fact that the NFL was caught and a federal judge did say so basically if if this goes all the way you could potentially see the Supreme Court rule on this I don’t think they will though because it’s it’s Sports I don’t know they might just kick that back down to lower courts but the NFL is basically caught with their hand in the cookie jar in terms of um you know how they how they broadcast their games cuz even now like remember um when they used to offer games for free like back in 2020 you could watch one game the the game that is in your region for free then they lock that down and people have a problem with that so it’s it’s basically like they’re region locking the NFL Sunday Ticket is is a monopoly because if somebody else tried to do that with NFL games the NFL would shut that down only the NFL can do it so they will caught because that’s why you never saw ESPN try to do something like that or CBS or NBC because they would completely lock that down oh well I think they need to cook the uh NBA too because that shit’s annoying as well for the NBA because you can watch League Pass games but the ones that are local you can’t watch those games it’s annoying as hell because it’s gonna travel now because the N I’m surprised it went after the NFL first because how litigious the NFL actually is and how it’s very hard to really nail them down in court um but now that they got the NFL there is a blueprint for somebody to go after the NBA or if baseball does it or any any other sports League that does it and and and go after they’re doing the same thing yeah cook them both cook them both man stop making Sports so hard to watch bro it’s it’s annoying nobody got cable anymore especially like Rell said nobody really has cable anymore um if you’re you can watch you can legitimately get an antenna and just watch the local games on CBS and whatever and they’re trying to find ways to you know obviously they want to make more money they want to do this they want to do that and just bad business practices that they’ve been running for a while like we when we talked about it before this is not the first time the NFL has been caught doing something like this like they used to charge the military to fly the flag at their games they used to charge they to charge the military then that came out and then um they were called out and then all of a sudden no no no we never did that blah blah blah and now now now they don’t do that anymore get man they don’t give F none of that they be trying to get H corruption they like y’all got us play y’all got us paying these guaranteed contracts you know what I’m saying used to be a to hustle now we can’t Hustle No More we getting our money some type of way um so hey so you know let’s just get right into it let’s just have some fun with it you know we’re in the low period so we can do like a little fun NFL games throughout the next couple weeks so one of the ideas we brought up is NFL Jeopardy now I didn’t make this Jeopardy they I found it by looking on my uh handy search engine so who really knows ball we about to see of course come on man I’m terrible now we can have five teams or we can team up what we do we want to team up or everybody every man for himself what’s the word let me uh I about say I want to be the uh the judge E I want to be uh Alex Alex Alex rebec AKA Aaron Rod remember he was supposed to be Japanese leader but he couldn’t because he played okay no he no my my thing was I think he could have gotten it but then he started being the Aaron Rogers that we know yeah I really do think he would have got it I I think he would have got it too I think would have got it too so we still need to cook Aaron Rogers more he went he said my trip to Egypt is more important than going to mandatory mini camp and then he’s getting mad that people are are criticizing him for it yeah I ain’t gonna lie before we hop on that I ain’t gonna lie Aaron Rogers you what that Aaron Rogers had I know he got four MVPs you would think he had four or five Super Bowls too the way he act Aaron act Aaron yeah he one of the greatest of all time but he ain’t that damn great he act one of the greatest of all time what he’s done with how he’s conducted himself over the last few years I understand he loser though he it’s it’s not even the fact how his Seasons end I say he’s had great Seasons but it’s how he’s conducted himself as a teammate as a leader that should be caught into question the reason one of the biggest reasons why Devonte Adams left the Packers thank you bro and that’s one of the main reasons I cannot stand Aaron [ __ ] Rogers bro what he did to Devonte Adams you broke up a beautiful thing over over [ __ ] once bro over once something that could have lasted a long time bro like a lot longer than what he’s doing in New York or did in New York and what Devonte is doing in Oakland my my main thing is that the his last season don’t we blame don’t we blame Green B on that no don’t we blame on that because you let this you let it’s almost like this it’s almost like this hold up if you got an older brother right random and your older brother get away with a l of [ __ ] not out of 10 you gonna do the same [ __ ] if your older brother Steals and gets girls pregnant not out of 10 you might do the same thing because you like let him get away with it they he watched Brett fob hold them [ __ ] hostage for so long so I feel like he just took the same route like well [ __ ] if he could do it I’m better than that [ __ ] so I’mma do it but he also watched Brady take pay cuts to keep guys and win that’s true but that’s like it ended up making him ass you never won Brady from Cali two type of C two type of Cali Brady’s a nice Cali boy Rogers is a dick they literally I think I think they literally grew up in the same area too yeah they both yeah but when it came when it comes to Rogers like his last year uh his last year on the Packers like the the main that he was complaining about was his chemistry with the wide receivers how he couldn’t get no chemistry going but he also missed mini camp with them and then the the start of this offseason he’s like yeah we all need to lock in we all need to be on the same page y ya y your second third and fourth receiver you’ve never thrown to before Mike Williams the receiver you got in the third round the other guy you picked up in free agency you’ve never thrown to them before you’re saying oh you got you guys need to lock in this year and you’re in [ __ ] Egypt Ain gonna lie if I’m Aaron Rogers and I’m looking at this defense I’m going we be all right if I look at this defense I’m Aaron Rogers myself we be all right if I give y 65% of me we going early early you can’t you can’t just discount the fact that in terms of playing he’s only played he’s only ever played four plays with a team even last year even last year he didn’t have that much time with the receivers like if you’re if he is out here saying like Lonnie said we need to lock in to win the Super Bowl we need to that’s what he said and then the first one of the first chances you have to show that you’re locked in you are first of all you go on some iasa trip again then you go to Egypt and now you’re making Salah look incompetent because they don’t know where you are and now you see the Jets trying to run damage control because of how bad it is he needs to be called out for that because we would call out we would we would definitely call out Russell Wilson if he did this we would call out Dak Prescott if he did this do not let him off the hook D well but that’s the problem y’all have let with so much over the years and let’s be real let’s be real random and Rogers goes out there has a brock pie year a Dak Prescott Year from last year we don’t say a [ __ ] thing we just move on and mosy on with what we talking about I feel like when he that last year he had in Green Bay uh although he did he did do a good job making me think Christian Watson was a legit number one but that last year he had Green Bay I feel like nobody really gave him the amount of hell he should have got he just went on to the Jets and we all said who with that Jets team they’re just a quarterback away and no one really ever FL and what I was giving him I was giving him flak because he deserved it how many rers Flack though like I’m that FL Aon I was I was G I was giving him Flack because he deserved it Aaron Rogers is one of the best quarterbacks to ever touch the football but that does not mean that he’s he’s not above steep a still calls him a bad man well well we we don’t we don’t we don’t care about what Stephen A says anymore though that’s cons we’ve been watching Stephen show his ass is that Aon Rogers is still Aaron Rogers no he’s not he hasn’t shown he’s been Aaron Rogers for two years no not you preach to the qu random we all know that Tom Tom come division straight to his Super Bowl his first year with a new team after 21 years of the same uniform he let Tom Brady do that to him in one year he shows he’s the same always Tom so good let me say something Tom Brady so good he can say [ __ ] with the hard R I ain’t gonna lie to you and we’d be like come on Tom don’t say that Tom don’t say that Tom come on Tom stop it Tom you said great stop ear speaking for himself ear ear is absolutely speaking for himself his comments did not reflect the open field yeah hey Lonnie is full of [ __ ] Lonnie if he said the n word you wouldn’t think that I just think he has no chemistry with his receivers and we’re expecting him to be elite oh he’s also like 40 years old so he’s 40 good only other successful quarterback at 40 was the goat who wasn’t who wasn’t injured he’s coming off one of the a season ending injury no chemistry with any of receivers he played Four snaps I don’t know how many of those he threw to Garrett Wilson so and we expect a whole new o line too so yeah line got a whole new o line a whole new thing of receivers no chemistry off of torn Achilles but we’re expecting them to just he better hand that ball he better hand that ball off till he figure it out they got that kid from Wisconsin and Bree Hall they the ball until he figure it out so yeah let’s get on with this Jeopardy though all right uh let’s dive into this um yeah I don’t know about early you being the host because I’m the one controlling the Jeopardy so I don’t know how that works I don’t Li yeah yeah you you can be you can be the host of rdale me me and Mike versus uh r random and Lonnie oh we can split it up Mike I mean he and random versus me and Lon it don’t matter matter of fact dark skinn versus lightskinn let’s go random baby baby now it’s weird come on man all right they call his cousins already come on now evil Trent Lonnie vers Erin Family come on let’s get let’s get it I might throw my two cents maybe I want to throw a hint here and there uh depending on how I feel but with that said this is the NFL Jeopardy this should be a lot of fun we’re in the low period as we said already I didn’t make this Jeopardy I don’t know what the questions will be but we all know how Jeopardy Works 100 to 500 you pick which one you want to do if you get it wrong you get minus points if you get it right you get plus points so real quick question because the open and you gota say what’s the little thing they said before before they answer question what you can answer the qu you have to answer in a form of a question yeah so if they’re like what how many yards is it for a first down you be like what is 10 yards that it is you gotta do if you don’t do that it don’t count whatever I’m not gonna be that pressed about it but I don’t give a damn but okay who’s going first so early Hefe I’m thinking of a number between 1 and 10 early uh give me number seven lucky number seven Cafe let me get five okay we got to do it again it was it was six all right let’s do it again I’m I’m thinking of a number between one and 20 random uh 13 Lonnie eight random wins it was 15 okay random and early do you all want to go first or you want the other team to go first early what do you think what you say keep it or give it to him uh I’d rather give it to him yeah let him have goad let him have all right B he where do you want to start you can go first he let me do NFL players with 500 oh Jesus oh go biger go home off the crib true or false Patrick mahom started every game of his rookie year CL I I I I come on now what is false man come on now let’s do it my bad I just feel like this was too easy for 500 my bad so you said easy for what is false y That’s your 500 question survey says oh this must be false he was the backup to Alex this must be for the super casuals that’s crazy say this is the yeah is there like is is that like a difficulty level we get no no no let’s see let’s see what else before we get we get crazy let’s see what else got what like I said I didn’t I didn’t make this all come on let’s see all right um they keep going next I know he L what’s uh what’s your next one uh NFL teams for 400 what would this team name before they became the Tennessee Titans what is the Oilers is that your final answer yes by by that a it survey says Oilers no no no no no so he didn’t get that right C because I know how Jey work you got say the exact thing they will Lally penalize you for not say exact are you dead ass right now you didn’t say Houston Oilers that is true you have to this some [ __ ] random would that not be wrong random would that not beong wrong Lonnie Lon I’m not even trying to be unfair whatever I’m not even trying to be unfair it’s just that they would they would take it away these dark skinned let me stop all right random and early what do y’all want to do go ahead early uh let’s see let’s see let me get NFL team for 500 Alex there are 12 teams that have never won a Super Bowl name four cool cool cool uh you want go want me do it or you got it early I okay so uh what is the Carolina Panthers what is the Jacksonville Jaguars uh what is the Detroit Lions and what is is the Cleveland Browns all right survey says Browns correct Jaguars correct Lions correct Panthers correct that is five you know you know what’s crazy uh I think there’s a team in every division that hasn’t won a Super Bowl I think there’s one team one team no no no no it’s not not in the um not in the East because all NFC East everybody won one yeah w super oh both and AFC East NFC North everybody won Super too I want to say Browns are in AFC oh you said NFC nor yeah the Vikings and the and the Lions have so I think both both divisions in AFC in in both AFC both East divisions have all teams have won Super Bowl so my bad have the Bills ever won one no okay yeah I know NFC East is the best division because we all win Super Bowl that’s it is multiple too multiple R three Giants got four uh the AFC I I would argue that AFC East is better the bills haven’t won a Super Bowl you’re lying to your literally the bills l two Super Bowls to NFC east teams the Giants and the goddamn Cowboys what blowouts too when not blowouts one of them was a kick but blowout I just think I mean one of them having maybe the great greatest dynasty of all time plus an undefeated season Cowboys are one of the greatest dynasties of all time too yeah but the Patriots dynasty you wow we going to do that one [ __ ] Dolphins year 72 wow they won they went they won they won two and the Jets when was the last time the Jets won get out of here R the AFC East can’t compute with the nfcs come on the last time the commanders won one we still have the Giants Cowboys and Eagles I don’t know when the last time the commanders I’m it was like the like the 8S I feel like the Jets were even long like the 60s yeah just I think I think obviously obviously the it’s very topheavy but I don’t care what you say it’s the only undefeated season I don’t care if you want to poo poo at all you want how long the Jets the Jets they won in 69 they won in 69 early the Jets is so long ago when when Joe name of won that super bow he went to a restaurant right after and told the waiter [ __ ] I need two you’re buing bro [Laughter] yes yes sir Miss [ __ ] I need two CES over here yes um random early what’s your next one uh you go random um what let’s go NFL teams for 300 what is the name of the stadium that the New York Jets and New York Giants both share what is MetLife Stadium survey says what is metti stadium that trivia for I didn’t make this man I didn’t make it stop hating you ain’t say Houston shut up I am hating because I didn’t say Houston that’s a bullsh we would still be going all right really random go go again they’re goonna just clear the board I’ll give them a three three 31 what what is what is what is NFL history for five I’m going I’m going high [ __ ] this [ __ ] the only team to ever go undefeated the hold on hold on early stop early stop what is the 1972 Miami Dolphins because you’re gonna get the year wrong early I’m gonna be pissed you’re gonna get the year wrong says I just said it this 19 hold up random I literally wait we just had a conversation whoa whoa wait wait wait we just had a conversation I literally said we’re GNA go to 72 Dolphins come on random don’t play me man I got it right just say 72 Dolphins aak you gotta find a harder one in this we gonna clean this board up we G clean this board up all right um what up Shi what up man that but bro they they said the 2018 Patriots lost to the Giants I said all right bro get this make a wish Jeopardy came out of here oh this one okay okay all right the only thing right about that state statement is the Patriots lost that’s the only thing right about that statement oh my God okay so early random you started out since you were winning is this what harder yeah know it it’s already it’s harder I looked at one question it was already harder than the other one all let me get uh let me get what is NFL receivers for 500 baby you know can go negative just saying uhhuh who is who has the most receiving touchdowns in the season as of 2022 most receiving touchdown in the season as of 2022 it has to be the one and only what is 2007 Randy MOS for the Patriots survey says Randy MOS come on baby random um know what let’s just go up the board um what is random NFL for 500 what college team has sent the most linebackers to the NFL as of 2022 damn [ __ ] yeah y’all thought this was going to be sweet huh sweet it’s gonna be some random ass team too that’s that’s what’s gonna piss me off what uh I I think I know what is Boston College oh Jesus Christ survey what is pen State I was I was I was legitim be it’s it’s it’s a it’s a it’s a big 10 team it’s probably either Michigan or like Penn State but y’all got it okay all right all right lightskin Duo it’s your time go ahead fa let me do NFL quarterbacks for 300 uh um where did Russell Wilson go to college oh [ __ ] what is Wisconsin survey says we need to do this when there a lot of people here too University of Wisconsin or NC State I thought this was gonna be a trick question yeah that’s corny I thought this was gonna be a trick question but if they’re gonna give you both answers then I got you yeah Fair yeah or it’s crazy it should be and goddamn it um let’s do NFL running backs for 300 where did Dark is crazy what is the University of Georgia ding ding ding survey says there you go literally just giving this is I mean they’re harder questions I’ll give them that I guess yeah they’re harder hey can you can you look is any way you can look at them by yourself uh uh he did check before he did check before I checked one question that was harder oh so you can Ste this one’s harder it’s fine so you can steal um yeah can you way you look at it before so you know it ain’t right like for we knew for a fact that Houston he didn’t say Houston so you should have add them and we could have got it what what are we doing now can we still answer so for instance if you did if I would have said uh you know when I said Boston College If instead of just getting rid of that one off the board you in real J you can steal so he can look at it tell him it’s wrong and y’all get answer to that question no I won’t be able to a okay it’s cool all right uh NFL let’s do NFL running backs for four oh actually I think I can actually hold on so what were you saying NFL running backs are 400 so a right just let us steal that we don’t waste Soo many points who was the first running back to gain more than 10,000 yards rushing and 5,000 yards receiving also even if you steal if you get it wrong you still lose points by the way do you know what he yard receiving [Music] uh if you don’t if you don’t have it I’m gonna make a guess what is Eric Dickerson survey says what is Marcus Allen oh yeah you got you guys you got to still let me know if you want to steal so I would have been wrong I was gonna say I was gonna say Marshall fa yeah yeah we won to Ste God late we know the answer now too late we’re answer now all right team dark skins where you want to go time to come back let me get NFL quarterbacks for 500 please you want to go in the negative what quarterback had the most touchdown passes in the 1990s most touchdown passes all time in the 1990 these ah yeah let’s see Team let me know if you want to steal who got busy in the 1990s uh oh I’mma go what is do you know it random don’t you be SE nothing random we don’t want to cheat I have I have an idea I have an idea too it’s a guy we love to hate nowadays what is I want to go Brett farre okay lightskins you guys want to steal I’ll check it all right survey says oh Brett for for was really the only answer Kelly no no no you’re right you’re right BR I think BR far was the only answer when you look at the quarterbacks John Elway was too old um Jim Kelly I think he ends up he he ends up getting hurt Dan Marino was was too old so and Troy Amman know who 90s bre was SL he was a [ __ ] problem I was say I if it wasn’t Brett fa I wouldn’t know who it would because I would have been like Joe Montana but like he he retired in 94 yeah so okay br br was a three time MVP in the 90s [ __ ] he’s a problem tell y I know we hate him now but [ __ ] he was the quarterback in the 90s no no no Team Dark skins I think you have yeah keep going that was your first NFL running backs for 500 you want to lose all the points which of the following running backs led the league the most times with rushing touchdowns in a season as of 2022 oh my god oh early I’m really mad at you for picking that you don’t know which which of the following running backs led the league the most times with rushing touchdowns in the season of the 2022 so no as of 2022 as of so 2022 is the cut off so who led the league in rushing touchdowns the most as of 2022 let’s let’s think about great backs think about great backs uh ad adri Peterson you can’t his name [ __ ] stop you got this early I want part this question uh let the leag let the Le let the Le let the Le what is the Dan th survey says got that [ __ ] right bro darkin with a commanding you know why I remember that cause Mike if you know you we all yall 30 damn there LT was a 99 on M for like nine years and no one talks about it yeah he didn’t go nowhere for like eight years was the best running back in the league yeah okay there we go all right team darkskins next up kicking y’ ass you pick it random since she nervous as [ __ ] uh you know what let’s go NFL situations for 200 if a team uses excessive timeouts how many yards is the resulting penalty son of I’m gonna say I’m gonna say uh 15 yards I don’t think it’s that much survey says and if nobody says they want to steal I’m just gonna keep on going five yards I knew was fine I know it was fine I know it was fine you guys lost some of those points all right team leskin you guys are up he you go random in for 100 no it was five what number did Ryan anah Hill where in Miami what a 17 survey says that weak ass answer 17 I doubt I said no I just whooping his ass all those years I don’t remember I don’t yeah I don’t I had no idea what his number was in my all right team lightskin you’re up again uh NFL ride receivers 300 who led the league in receiving yards in [Music] 2019 don’t y’all look man yeah no cheating put your hands up goddamn it put your hands up reach for the sky Cowboy this year was Hill the year before that was cup before that Adams Devon Adams [Music] 28 was that the Michael Thomas here I’m start putting a 30 second time limit by the way 20 19 18 He are you cool with mt I go gota be what is what is Michael Thomas do we we definitely want to steal um I can’t see your hands never mind never mind I’m not cheating never mind I don’t know okay you don’t know survey says Michael Thomas let’s go clutch like Brady in the fourth all right that because that that LT was about to skin of my teeth [ __ ] I had no idea I was I was praying ass Smith all right team lightskins let me do NFL running back for 200 Who currently wears number 30 for the Carolina Panthers in 2022 yeah good luck with that early early you better steal this that’s what I’m GNA say you’re the only person who watch Carolina Panther games around here I think his name chubba du or whatever the hell his name is in 202 yeah in 2022 we want to steal we want to steal what is what is CH I believe that was his last thing chard don’t don’t don’t help him out I want to steal I want to steal hold on I’mma check out what the answer is I know what it is no one watches that bum ass team but you it gotta be right it gotta be right I’m what is the answer now no no no you gotta say the name right what is chabba Hubbert you had to say the name right you to say the name right I didn’t even hear the answer what did you what said CH goad survey says what is chuba hubard so I got it right that was close enough that was close enough that’s dark no it wasn’t you can’t do close enough in Jeopardy ly you dick all right team Darkon you are up you are up by 600 points let’s let’s run these quarterbacks out of here uh NFL quarterback for 400 I play for the Giants and wear number two who am I 2022 let’s go N2 yep in 2022 [ __ ] who W number two for you want Ste in 2022 okay okay okay okay we doing this all right bet what is Tyrod Taylor survey says Tyro Taylor there’s no way ear knew this I would be I’ll would be trying to vet tury I’m not gonna lie I didn’t know I thought I thought it was like Davis we or some dumb [ __ ] like that no because quarterbacks when it’s quarterback I’m like okay I I think I’m like [ __ ] I’m thinking everybody like is it running back I’m oh no it’s quarterbacks it gotta be oh yeah yeah yeah yeah Tyrod Taylor makes sense when you did quarterback and quarterback for 200 who threw for the most passing yards in a single season as of 2022 that’s easy what is Manny in 2013 survey says Payton Manning iing all right now all n 100 where did Kyler Murray go to college you want to have this one random uh what is what is Oklahoma survey says oh oh on and and Texas A&M sorry he did transfer from Texas ANM University of Oklahoma um all right that’s three in a row we’ll throw it back to lightskins they are down by a lot CLE up on running backs to yeah lightskins time to come on a running come on a streak so uh y’all are up random NFL for 400 who is the last player to win the MVP that did not play quarterback or running back as of December 2022 hit it was a defensive player what is Lawrence Taylor son all right early said he wanted to steal so let me check the answer that’s it it’s not a running back Adrian Peterson if it was running back it’ be Adrian Peters but they said running back quarterback so yeah LT that’s crazy to be the only [ __ ] that ever wi def MVP on defense D he got to be the goat surve says Lawrence Taylor I think at this point in the NFL it’s lowy and possible for a defensive player to win the MVP no I don’t think so think so I don’t think so I think wat was close it’s a Quarterback Award at this point they don’t even give it to running backs they don’t even give it to running backs at all like might as call it Best Quarterback Award if you think of yo early I understand Aaron Rogers had a crazy season that Year Derrick Henry ran for 2,000 yards and he did that wasn’t about [ __ ] Simpson let me something clear y’all keep the 200 y y know Eric Eric Dion ran for 215 [ __ ] he won early early every running back that has ran for 2,000 yards has won the MVP except for D Lamar Jackson was not better than Chris last year did OJ win it did OJ Win It win it and Chris Johnson win either and Chris Johnson those the only two and Jamal Lewis didn’t win it either he didn’t win it Jamal Lewis you think Jamal Le got an MVP no I think I think if you rush for 2,000 yards Davis don’t got one neither he got MVP yes he does he has a Super Bowl MVP yeah but it is a Quarterback Award like they would have was MVP Christian mcaffry would have won it last year not Lamar Jackson look at that man B he literally won the MVP in 98 Terell Davis did didn’t he R for 2K yeah he ran for 2K Davis they win it twice Davis only ran for 2,000 yards once Oh I thought he ran it for twice how many times you want them to do it God damn like nobody’s ever done it twice nobody’s ever done it twice um y’ y’all are up oh it’s still us y NFL wide receivers that’s crazy in 2012 Calvin Johnson broke whose record for most receiving yards in a single game or a single season what is Jerry Rice I was gonna say never mind survey says what is Jerry Rice the one and only all right this is your third way you’re only down 500 do you guys want to do it NFL situation for 500 he said he did how many yards is a team penalize if the first onside kick goes out of bounds I want to steal I wanted to steal for sure it’s a 10 a 15 a 10 all right let me make sure I do this check the answer do you know what heu go back it’s either 10 or 15 and okay I’mma go I’m g go with 15 what is 15 you want to steal early they said 15 right they said 15 okay then it’s [Music] 10 I think is 10 and it’s 10 survey says it is five yards you both got it wrong damn okay he said y’all doing so bad he want to come and help pull up B the link is in the the link is in the thing uh Bama it’s in the it’s in the thing if you want to pull up I’ll put it in the chat right there for you all right it is team darkskins turn uh let’s just go NFL receivers for 100 let’s just knock them out where did stepan on days go to college hit near bit not in New England I don’t even know what that means near bit not I mean not we we want to steal yeah we definitely want to steal sorry sorry that’s just throwing me off he’s like near bit not so did they say did they mean to say but not in New England um I have no idea I have no idea but where we Ste [ __ ] all right where the hell is early at I don’t know you’re riding solo Doo random I just I just got one question go Ahad I got one question on the onside Ki you cut out Bama you said on the onside kick and then you didn’t say nothing else my fault clear my voice I’m hearing double but anyway on the onside kick thing you get the ball at the 35 five if it goes out of bounds so how is that only five yards that’s what I’m thinking right you B got I didn’t make I didn’t make the the Jeopardy thing so cause no technically it’ll be a 35 yard penalty because technically you’re taking the ball from the one that’s when it actually starts even if you field it in the end zone technically I they said uh they said onside kick not kickoff so it’s an onside kick yeah my bad my bad right you’re right you’re right all right I can answer if you’re ready yeah what’s your answer and then and Lonnie just tell me your steal and then it’s Maryland which is Maryland Lonnie do you have a different answer that’s Maryland how is Maryland is New England isn’t it survey says University of Maryland first off so first off random go open a map okay and I thought Maryland was part of it I’ll look it up my [ __ ] no Maryland is its own State yeah New England is in the state it’s just a region of the country England is like New England is Massachusetts though yeah it’s Massachusetts Vermont Delaware so Massachusetts the lowest it goes is what you’re telling me Maine and Connecticut that’s all Maryland is not part of New England it’s not Maryland’s probably the DMV not Maryland I mean not uh New England yeah all right NFL NFL receivers for 200 all right name two players that wore number 88 for the Cowboys and remember as of 2022 what is I’mma Be Petty and I’m gonna name all of them so what is you Pearson what is Dez Bryan what is Michael Irving and what is C lamb okay since he didn’t order since he didn’t do it in order come get get out here get out here Ki him out of here since he do do them in order because they just laid says Dez oh you got it I mean you just needed two so you got it yeah I was Dick I name all of them nerd all right um this is your third one go for it uh what is NFL situations no random NFL for yeah NL sitation for 400 I want all the points NFL situation 400 how long is halftime during the regular season oh [ __ ] halim during the regular season oh what is 15 minutes survey says 30 minutes what is I thought I thought I thought oh my God we don’t get to steal oh you guys gotta say you guys have to say steal I didn’t I can’t you son [ __ ] picked up an extra person yep bam te that’s crazy that’s so it’s team lightskins you are only down 400 points it is very winnable now lock in where we going Lonnie random RB 400 guess we going RB for 100 we GNA win this we win we is crazy we is crazy when he came NFL RB 100 you mean but look how many we we get to go to the board it’s clear right we got three times you get three and then uh it turns over oh bet yeah that’s ball game we only got four left what number did saquon Barkley wear in college what is number 26 survey says number 26 Alabama also H him Alabama also held him to like single digit russan off oh God he had a rough somehow some Alabama glazes come in [ __ ] right after that after that kickoff after that kickoff he ran on Alabama man we was not playing with that [ __ ] do we need one of the we need one of the 300s uh Rand in thefield for 300 y’all could get whatever whatever make y’all feel good what number did Dan Marino even spell Dan Marino correctly bro where during his legendary career with the Miami Dolphins Dam Marina number on his jersey come on I know you know this looking right now look at him he literally look looking straight I’m looking straight ahead oh y’all don’t know go ahead go ahead Bama go ahead Bama stop playing bro it what is number 13 survey says what is 13 that game is tied up coming in Saving the light skins oh my yeah bro and we going to end this with NFL situations for 300 so the the only thing they can do is tie oh that hey B’s cooking right now all right if a player is wearing illegal equipment how long is a player suspended for what I have no idea that’s a great question is this 300 that’s a crazy that’s a great question you gotta use common sense for this one like yeah so I mean they probably won’t be able to steal this but um what is they are fined NFL right we talking about NFL right how long is the player suspended for it it’s probably they’re probably going by like the by laws or some [ __ ] you know what I’m talking about but even in the bylaws like for illegal equipment they get fined they don’t they don’t get suspended but what’s like a minimum suspension is it like a game is a two two games I think the minimum suspension now is like two games but they don’t get suspended for uniform policies no more I’m I’m I’m almost positive for that they just get I think there’s I think the way they’re saying is if somehow they pass the equipment check or they don’t get caught in the equipment check and then they get caught with it on the field mid game that’s I think what they’re saying yeah but usually usually we see like because for instance like they’ll wear cleat sometimes that aren’t uh that aren’t authorized and like they’ll tell them like oh just take the off G get fined or suspended why the [ __ ] are we still doing this he answering already no we did not answer yet we did not answer said what is a fine [ __ ] no he didn’t I didn’t I didn’t say that yet nobody said that yet Mr Mr controversial TR you are not playing it right TR back with the big guy his ass up out here I’m G say what it’s to I know I know I know early over there Googling them answers with all right all right go ahead surb says what so technically so technically was fa this is nasty work didn’t say it y got to say exactly how it is it say how long is a player suspended for they take it off that’s not a that’s not a correct answer that doesn’t make any sense random that do sense all saying we were literally the whole time saying they get suspended for this that’s the that was a whole damn conversation shut up shut up check me out though because when reek had them socks when he we did check you out you said two day two games we checked you out check them out now no they just get fine though cuz when reek had them socks on when he had no socks on yeah Mr he already said that $7500 yeah that that question and answer didn’t make sense so I it don’t matter you guys lost no no no no no no we’re using common sense I won’t minus you points but it will be the darkskins team turn so team dark skin you’re up that don’t hit the same when between terrible that’s why you that’s why you [ __ ] outside I hope y’all get extra lashes too double the cotton [ __ ] you would have been in the field too all right team oh boss early not working but they random for 200 oh my God bro what the hell was that how many teams currently play in California as of 2022 uh let’s go you ready random yeah uh it’s it’s the Los Angeles Chargers the Los Angeles Rams the San Francisco for 49ers I think that’s it right early survey to steal one second one second so say San Francisco 49ers survey says Los Angeles Rams survey says Los Chargers survey it right now I’m not come on not I think that’s it yeah I think it’s three teams yeah Ste I’m gonna check we want to steal we want to steal I’m gonna check since they do want to steal so I’m check okay all right I’m not confirming or denying if they’re wrong but if they if you do steal what would your answer be go ahead half what is four what is four team what is the Chargers what is the Raiders what is the Rams what is San Francisco he’s said the Raiders y’all all right Raiders pafic Oakland they moved they moved survey say you’re cooked Rams 49 Raiders moved the Raiders moved in 21 right Vegas boy Vegas now it’s not technically over this is the final question if they get it wrong and y’all steal you can tie up the game if they get it right they win so NFL situations for 100 last last question what yard Mark TI make a daily make it a daily double worth two it works best this way if you guys get it wrong you guys get minus 100 you have 1,200 they steal they get it right then then it’s 1,200 as well we want to steal this you guys have to if you guys want to tie it so damn that’s team darkskins what yard Mark it’s either the 40 or the 45 the opposing 40 or 45 yard line you got to pick one which one which one yeah you got to pick [Music] one uh I want to say [Music] the uh what is it’s either the opposing early it’s either the the opposing 40 or 45 I I thought it was a 35 give I hear discourse I hear discourse between them said what is where’s my timer where’s my timer 35 is their answer team lightskins answer just in case yes we do what is it uhma look it up what is the I a look that up I play football the 40 yeah what is the 40 y yeah sir and to see what happens next survey says 35 team that is false that is false that is false that is false they moved it up five yards to reduce the concussions [ __ ] that is this is made in 2022 this is made it doesn’t say 2022 though all the other questions said 2022 hold that L lightskids hold it no all the other questions said 20222 it if this said as of 2022 I would give it to you all the other as of 2022 this hey I said we’re using common sense for the other one we’re using common sense for this know that this was made in 2022 it is for 2022 hold it yeah darkskins take Victory darkins have a one y weren’t answering it as as it was 2022 random were you answering as it was 2022 go ahead and man we won thought I thought yeah bro hold the L hold it look look the NFL 40 yard line L oh my God also I didn’t make this quiz so don’t blame the messenger and you know why I know that answer because remember how they used to quiz you andaa that’s how I remember to answer wrong ear it’s still wrong yo low key bring back the quizzes and Road to Glory let me let let me go back to class I love that in the old NCAA games let me go back to class one time wor about my GPA a little bit I’m definitely getting that Joe next week right there with right there with the nil deal I gotta go to class sign my nil deal and then go win go beat go beat Alabama listen here I’m FNA beat y’all [ __ ] heads in with Alabama all year jayen milro is gonna be a slot receiver and Hollywood Williams is FNA go for 200 Jaylen Milo a slot receiver bro yeah he GNA have what’s this catching what’s this catching man that [ __ ] don’t matter what making me don’t matter watch run a slant and drop it what we talking about that [ __ ] y’all fa be sick y’all GNA be sick I’m g go crazy with hey after BMA lose that first game it’ll go out officially hype up his his catch rating watch I’m not FNA do nothing I’m just GNA join anybody wanna anybody want to SC any leagues that y’all want me to hop in or gladly tap it ass with the boys from Tuscaloosa The Boys Are Back In Town do you guys want to do one more this is do you know ball yeah yeah yeah [ __ ] [ __ ] okay hey [ __ ] I I was a 4.0 student when I was NCAA player [ __ ] them J used to save me Slim I know a lot about football because of them nacaa tests bring back NCAA test baby I hope they got the new they got them in the new one they make them even harder do we want the same teams uh yeah but no light skin vers do skins do the winners versus the losers all right um now this Jeopardy is do you know B hold on hold on Rell real quick can you put Bama in early in this evening because I got to dip in five oh so yeah now me and B go clean up man that’s not gonna be fair okay early and half give me half and Lonnie but but me and he more lightskinn than Lonnie shut the [ __ ] about me is oh yeah hold up B this is what Andrew said oh [ __ ] bro you was not cooking my Crimson time this listen here we’re never gonna lose we’re never gonna lose and y’all boys lucky Illuminati did not let them make that NCAA game in 2018 through the years of 2017 through 2021 do have to do this because I would have got kicked out L’s here I would have got banned from Xbox service what I would have did with Tua Jared Judy Jaylen W Jaylen Wadd Henry rugs and Devonte Smith I would have got banned in several States the amount of cheese plays I would have ran and made people break TVs controllers man y’all lucky they didn’t make that game especially you and especially you ‘s two uh early and Hefe what’s your team name B you would have got banned at every state you would have got banned to every state for calling a 12-y old a [ __ ] ass [ __ ] what you got banned in every state for I would have called him the hard art for real though he definitely never used to be streaming when that happens so bad what’s your what’s your team name all right let me get uh let me get goats of the game for 500 he asked your team early oh my team name uh team name is oh oh oh oh morning side our team name BD Ballers is our name that sound disgusting it’s like you take Balls to the face Ballers what did you say uh morning side morning side okay yes sir all right all right all right I gotta but I’ll see I’ll see y’all I’ll see you on Saturday all right bet bet we got you all right so we got Jeopardy do you know ball Edition this is uh I looked at some of the questions they definitely seem much more intricate than the other ones we did so with that said Team morning side where do you want to start early y’all want to start at a diddy party son so hurry whoa it’s crazy what do y’all want to do first up come on lock in morning side welcome to the hey where you want to start ear you got to carry now well let me get uh NFL nicknames for 300 who was a part of the legion of boom name at Le we W to steal we W to steal oh Richard Sherman what is Richard Sherman what is earol Thomas what is Cam Chancellor what is Byron Maxwell my bad I had go to the game did I go go to the game my bad oh no he picked um NFL nicknames for 300 Co he answer yet are you good yep you’re already answered ER Lonnie Bama do you have a different answer what was the answers Earl Tommy cam chanler Richard Sherman and Bon Maxwell and who B Maxwell yeah I I I was gonna say I was gonna say Brandon Brown and Richard Sherman and Earl Thomas cam Chancellor it’s the same but he still got it right though all right survey says who the [ __ ] is Maxwell Richard Sherman Earl Thomas cam Browner wter Thurman was the other one yeah yron Maxwell y all right had to be core okay good [ __ ] good [ __ ] Mike let’s go 500 NFL great goats I at who is the youngest back to ever start and win a Super Bowl 30 second timer we hey if we steal but get it wrong they get the points huh no if you steal and get it wrong you get minus points and they also get minus points oh okay bet we want to steal them Yo ear 10 N9 8 7 6 5 4 3 two let me go Pat mahs [ __ ] it pat moms all right Lonnie Bama what’s your steel answer I gonna say Tom Brady Tom Brady survey says oh who is Tom Brady my fault who is Tom Brady Big Ben rothberger you [ __ ] it was of that era though bro [ __ ] all right both teams are in the negative to start out with but team BD Ballers you you’re up next um uh where you want to go Lonnie uh goats of the game 300 which quarterback has the highest career passing rating let’s see Rogers survey says I was going to say J Aaron roders okay Bama take a charge Tai game you know I I I know I just play like I like I’m a a imbecile you know what I’m saying I really I love this [ __ ] so rip bro this literally what me and my dad like this like brings back you know what I’m saying childhood memories this is how me and my dad used to spend quality time yes I’m black and yes I knew my father you know what I’m saying my bad Mike my bad Mike it’s our turn to your fight Wilson what was the answer it was Big Ben a big [ __ ] B [ __ ] ass oh oh yours I forgot he go ahead go ahead oh let’s do college let’s do college over the NFL for 500 what five colleges bring in the most NFL players all right what is Ohio State University of Alabama what is University of LSU what is University of uh uh you said most NFL players so I got Alabama LSU um Ohio State who who you say either Penn State or Michigan for the F yeah I was gonna say Michigan who is Michigan and who is uh uh hold on this is one more I’m thinking about oh uh who is Clemson all right let’s see if they’re correct survey says we don’t want to steal Alabama Georgia Ohio State you was hating on Georgia you was hating on Georgia got it wrong you was hating on Georgia because they be whipping your ass you ha on the only te to be whipping your ass Georgia Georgia Georgia don’t beat us what are you talking about early don’t beat us what are you talking about Georgia don’t beat us has Georgia not been the last two teams to beat you no we beat Georgia last literally we beat Georgia last Georgia beat y’ last man talking about hell [ __ ] we literally just lost in the round before the national championship early but didn’t you just lose to Georgia in the in the bowl game a year no not a bowl you didn’t lose to Georgia champ you didn’t lose to Georgia Nation Championship amama no early that’s how we got into the Final Four four early b not this past year I’m talking about they beat y’all like a year or two ago right about two seasons ago it don’t matter beat y’all the [ __ ] that still not mean they beat us a lot they only beat us once still doesn’t mean that they beat us last what hold it um Team Bey Ballers no team morning side you’re up next you guys are both than the negatives bro that’s [ __ ] bro because I know clams are probably was six huh y earll yeah you want to pick this one [ __ ] uh yeah yeah yeah give me one second give me one second give me one second give me one second um let me go with I want to we gotta come up y’all down uh let me go with NFL nicknames for 500 y’all keep on picking the 500 ones y’all tripping I gotta come we got messed up on one man Bob and sweet D are nicknames for this famous and well-known football player’s kids who is this football player and what is his nickname damn why do y’all keep on picking 500 Bob and sweet are nicknames is crazy that’s disgusting maybe sweety as like an adult no he said kids yeah like his kid but like he grows up no sorry sweet sweet D for any no oh can we steal I don’t know wa can we steal for sure if you guys want to keep on losing points sweetness because of Walter P I don’t you got this with Mike nope I got I got this Lonnie trust me I I trust you B I trust you if get right wait wait wait I don’t know Bob and sweet be Bob and sweet be it don’t give you enough [ __ ] is they team they kids play Sweet D yeah yeah no no it don’t even say say well well football I don’t know I don’t know if [ __ ] and his niame was sweetness [Music] Walter Peyton you said Walter P Peyton’s your answer yeah Walter P his nickname was sweetness all right team uh BD Ballers are you guys stealing hold on let me reread this reread it this [ __ ] is giving me a seizure right now Bob and sweet D are nicknames for this famous and well-known football player’s kids who is this football player and what is his nickname yeah I’m good off of that okay well survey says Dion wow Sanders Bob and sweet so is shador and Shiloh’s nicknames sweet D and B no one [ __ ] to Sweet no sweet D is Dion JR he actually did have a son that played at SMU he play receiver he playb at firstwe that [ __ ] is the Instagram kid now one that don’t play they call that [ __ ] cameraman sweet D who the [ __ ] is so I made that up you hey [ __ ] made that up I bet right now go Google that and see if it’s true no they do call little buddy sweet D though you’re C sound crazy I don’t know I don’t know who they call Bob though hey all I know is probably a the do I know ball Jeopardy game has both morning side and BD Ballers at minus 700 points all yeah I’m I’m I’m going chill [ __ ] nowadays uh y’all go y turn this a hard one you pe uh NFL team trivia for 300 y I would start going for 100 200 y’all need to get in this game how many teams in the NFL animals as mascots now counting Texans this has has a timer I’m not going to lie I’m not going to have you just count out all the timer Starts Now start [Music] thinking trying to St a cord and it’s probably a minor Bengal Ravens Bills Dolphins 15 seconds no they mascots remember remember they mascots animal 10 seconds eight seven six and I do not want to steal four three how can you how can you put a that’s [ __ ] up C you gotta think about I’m not gonna wait until you count all the teams no no we ain’t doing that they didn’t even have no time limit for theirs nobody took youing in stalling name your answers this [ __ ] yeah I need your answers also I put a time I put a time 12 I’m G say 12 yeah I was GNA say that too what is 12 say 15 all right come on team morning side what you want to do Earl uh I’m sorry Mike hey I’m going man [ __ ] that I’m going man I’m gonna play as Tri I got get this money back 500 we got to get this money back M I’m getting this money back y’all going y’all just gambling your money away which running back rush for a record 296 yards in a you got you want me to Bro Easy Money 500 how is this a 500 what is Andre [ __ ] Peterson all right B Milani do you have a different answer no got it back I told you got it back oh y are still negative but y’all did get it back all who was it against who was it against go gamble that who was it against [ __ ] can we get another 500 for who’s against can 500 what is the Chicago Bears all right play if you want to all right uh what’s your next one uh let me get no I don’t want college let me get go to go to the game for 100 let’s start get this money back who is the only player to win the NFL offensive player of the year and Defensive Player of the Year Awards in the same season wait what timer Starts Now um [ __ ] I wanna I think only [ __ ] I know play Both Sides is one [ __ ] what you think Mike I’m thinking the same [ __ ] you thinking about go yeah yeah all right let’s go what is Dion Sanders survey says lawence Taylor [ __ ] what what why what yo this was on super crack like what I need help they did say him and Jordan used to go oneon-one at hoop and he really used to beat Jordan like so that crack yeah crack cocaine not cocaine not not what you sniff the [ __ ] you put in and put fire to it and smoke it they said that [ __ ] used to smoke an ounce before a game I said good God damn only player to win the offensive player of the year and Defensive Player of the Year Awards in the same season yo what yeah what Taylor is unreal though when the [ __ ] did he play off man figure what position did he play was he a running back like was he had to play tight end he was coked up I mean cracked up he was doing whatever he wanted [ __ ] put me at receiver running back [ __ ] it put me I don’t know if this is true wait like what now I have to look this up but no they still lose the points because because their [ __ ] wasn’t true the last round you still gave it to him so I don’t give a [ __ ] Defensive Player of the Year award in the same season um yeah I’m looking for NFL not NBA could this be a college thing I I I don’t it says NFL offensive player of the year okay so the only thing I can possibly think that would be the offensive player of the year is him because he did win MVP and defensive player of the year maybe that’s what they mean that because technically MVP normally goes to an offensive player but then emergency sorry about that there’s no way Lawrence Taylor was offensive player how was he offensive player because he won MVP technically technically yes that’s wait a minute that’s the hund that’s the like come on this is hard as a [ __ ] godd damn oh that’s 400 that’s 400 no that was 100 I said 100 I swear I heard 400 I said NFL goes for 100 oh I heard 400 so oh you son of a [ __ ] um yeah I feel like they meant to say MVP because this does yeah this offensive player of the year thing didn’t make sense but yeah because off play year that’s not even that’s not even a thing um all right nobody loses points we’ll just go other team though all right team Bey Ballers you’re up uh [ __ ] it let’s go college and thefield 200 NCAA head coach Brendan Haj daaz coached the Seattle Seahawks in 2025 Madden what team did he coach in college what [ __ ] what and is that the head coach is no is that the head coach for the SE Seahawks no it’s uh uh Dave oh no it’s um McDonald from the Ravens yeah so that’s wrong wait wait what they mean 2025 he never said well he didn’t say it’s a head coach it says NCA head coach Brendon no no he didn’t say he’s the head coach for Seattle that’s but how did he coach in the year how did he coach the Seahawk how heach 2025 Madden [ __ ] doesn’t even make sense they gonna come out next week yeah what the [ __ ] yeah these [ __ ] somebody said somebody said it was too easy it was like we gonna make some [ __ ] up see how good you really is yeah we’re gonna make sure we put you on your toes right now is that is Bron is that even a real person and see Brandon I I can’t find a Brandon like what is this I’m looking it up is that even get this whole chart the [ __ ] out of here get a new chart in here please yeah this [ __ ] is what [ __ ] freestyle [ __ ] is making up [ __ ] to make it harder this person does not exist this person does not exist take you it take you to a [ __ ] Sound Clown hell yeah white found like a I found like a 16-year-old swimmer when I typed in that name hey that boy smooth he’s he snapped with that I like how I’m geeking yeah he he’s a freestyle swimmer class of 2024 yeah that no the [ __ ] yeah this this uh whoever made trying to sell a mixtap whoever made try to sell a mixtape get out of here yeah this lost all credibility I’m not going to lie what 2025 he the University of Texas he said the answer was University of Texas I don’t even think offensive play of the Year n get the [ __ ] out of here I don’t even think offensive player of the year was a thing back when Lawrence Taylor played maybe that’s why he meant MVP that’s yeah well you can’t mean something on Jeopardy [ __ ] that’s that’s how we lose get this list the [ __ ] out of here I like my easy answers better get this the [ __ ] out of here well yeah that shit’s cooked but now I’m looking up the University of Texas head coaches because now I’m curious like what the [ __ ] was he thinking hey coach Steve St like how would he be the coach of the Seahawks when the Seahawks literally just got a new coach he might be like uh like a and he SP spell damn Aro wrong or something like that one of these [ __ ] all right let me look up their coaches only offensive play so [ __ ] all right well what what what what what should we what should we discuss what’s on the chopper block I mean we’re already an hour and a half in uh Dam you lucky I want to cook y’all [ __ ] man come through Saturday we’re gonna do that again with with the whole Squad here it should be us versus Trent vers Trent his [ __ ] oh the young [ __ ] the old head young [ __ ] no it depend on what y’all it depend on Oh Oh I thought you talking about a debate off some of [ __ ] y’ old heads been saying been ridiculous no no we’re gonna do trivia this trivia same thing we just did je actually I want to hear like some abama Mist so where where do you rank Julio B jio you know he’s Alabama [ __ ] though okay C I also have easy Julio’s a [ __ ] freak of nature easy how where you got him ass um any anywhere anywhere you can have him anywhere five through 10 oh my God but you I I have I have like seven or eight yeah know yeah need to know Bama also thinks that Matt Ryan was uh hell hul back I need y’ understand he did he did he did he did he did did ear you cannot you cannot tell me all you he was giving this ngga like 200 tget a year how do he hold him back Zone situations where like he was not looking at Julio’s way Julio was like breaking the defender’s ankles and he was not getting the ball Rodney White did a good job of getting 80 touchdowns in his career I’m just saying real quick I verified what exactly the question was it was just the it was a weird name but they’re talking about Mack Brown ma Brown is a coach on the Seahawks coaching staff but it don’t matter he was a former head coach of the University of Texas yeah guy said Brendan whatever yeah Brendan yeah I don’t know I don’t know what that was all about that [ __ ] don’t exist what was m brown I mean he does exist he’s just like a he’s just a swimmer you you think you think Julio better than Marvin Harrison all time uh not even close not even not even close not even close you hear him Mike I think so look on real quick real quick Mike just let me I think people looking at the tricks and and bills and whistles more than they looking at the actual play like Marvin Harrison didn’t had wasn’t 63 he didn’t run a [ __ ] 44 43 whatever [ __ ] he was still great he was still great but he wasn’t so how is it not even how can be great but not even close because like like what Mike said my [ __ ] you’re talking about a freak of nature versus a pedestrian I give you the fact that Marvin har arue because he’s a freaking nature he should have did more I can argue that bro what what I’m saying is did they no all saying it don’t even have to be pay maned did they make up defenses to stop Marvin Harrison because this is a proven fact that defenses was made to stop Julio they literally invented cover six to stop Julio bro lit plus touchdowns stop doing that if y’all say Julio is he should have Randy M Terell numbers [ __ ] if y’all say he is yall say he is yeah I put I have him at seven Randy Moss and TI are like two and three that’s not that’s not that far how is he seven how is he seven even listen listen if we doing all time even we ain’t talking about Peak we a’t talking about what you like and you saw out him we talking about his [ __ ] career he do have a top seven career all time is all time all time this where I’m gonna get y’all at all time a lot of all of the pretty much all the receivers is graded on five to six years five literally that’s it all time because all of them receivers all of them receivers you can even go with Jerry Rice bro they’ll have a stretch of six years where they have crazy numbers bro so if we do that now if we J has y 40 [ __ ] stop it it’s not the same but still though he go but he only had ridiculous though broke down comp jry rice who is number one to number seven like they’re two different tiers they two different so many more [ __ ] the same abilities and capabilities as Julio and shits on his career and Randy Moss took off two or three he’s number two or three but Randy Moss also took off on plays bro and it’s on film the third compared to the seventh Rand y’all not telling me a [ __ ] a [ __ ] who got 66 touchdowns and only had a good like you’re not telling me a [ __ ] who who don’t have much than so many other you clear watch the games you can clearly see their times where was using him as a decoy if you want to say Julio has a top seven Peak cool when we’re talking about all time on this list you won’t find a [ __ ] list from no NFL scout from no NFL GM from nobody they got that jul Jones top 10 dog you don’t you won’t because [ __ ] again Marsh my whole point is [ __ ] like Brandon Marshall had eight to nine great, 1200 yard seasons like what are we talking about that don’t make him a top 10 receiver I’m just G I’m just gonna type in top wide receivers of all time I don’t know why you keep bringing up Brandon Marshall sorry ass either bro stop bring that [ __ ] not sorry [ __ ] can’t be respect I would never call my Mike if you can’t I’m never gonna call Julio trash and you can’t be respectable dog and you got [ __ ] on the next [ __ ] to up Julio now I can’t have a conversation with you cuz that is that we doing now [ __ ] come on bro oh my I can’t read all time great he not no all time great let’s do a let’s do a quick activity so receiving touchdowns all time just so it’ll be nasty or not nasty it’s gonna be nin got twice as many as it’s gonna be a gauntlet so I’m gonna nameis cartero then I’m gonna name another player y’all just let me know who has more receiving touchdowns so who has more receiving touchdowns between all time Julio Jones or Stefon Diggs Stefon not I don’t think Stefon yet Stefan probably like 60 he probably got a couple less than him I’ll go Julio just because he played a little longer I don’t think Stefon got 60 yet he probably got he probably just got 60 if he do got 60 so I’m gonna go Julio CA Julio got 66 everybody else agree I could see stuff Julio Jones as we know has 66 Stefon Diggs has 67 receiving touchdowns nasty all right who that [ __ ] ston is playing with with with is BR that’s sad is and here’s another thing about Julio before we say anything else I would give Julio if he pulled to Calvin Johnson he just was like man I don’t feel like playing no more Julio tried to play as much as he could his body broke down because he was a lazy [ __ ] and that’s what we don’t talk about Julio talking about how he didn’t stretch Julio was another [ __ ] who ate Candy like [ __ ] DK me like Julio work ethic don’t [ __ ] with [ __ ] like Terrell Owens and them bro it don’t even [ __ ] with [ __ ] like Brandon Marshall work ethic but Brandon Marshall was a work was an athlete himself was a was a work workaholic himself like that’s what I be talking about if Julio had a career the way he way his career worked out [ __ ] like Andre what would Andre be if he play with M Ron his whole career what would Andre be like if he played with a legit quarterback his whole career Andre reti Andre retired in 2017 right Andre retired he’s a great work at guy and retired in 2017 right he had five it’s five years to be eligible right he got he he went he he went to Hall of Fame this past year that mean that [ __ ] literally was two years away from being first bolid like what are we talking about bro and he got more touchdowns y Julio and play on Worster teams and have worse quarterback so that’s not act like but y go Audrey he clears them how does he clear a [ __ ] who like I get it his Peak is crazy but for what he should have got he ain’t all time all time Peak yes but you cannot put him in conversation with [ __ ] like Chris Carter who also have 13,000 yards you can’t put him in CR [ __ ] like Reggie Wayne who also have, 1400 yards [ __ ] like Mar Harrison who also have 1500 yard 15 not true you can say all of that the reason what I know from when you play with quarterbacks like Matt Ryan versus okay that’s fine not but Chris Carter all all I want to say all not all time all Dam talk about if you want talk all time then we have to bring in his Philly years you want to do you want to bring this Philly years no listen listen early this is where I shut all that [ __ ] all time career Lon so yes but if we talking about if we talking about if we talking about career if we talking about career bro the reason why he still got more touchdowns by twice as many touchdowns [ __ ] what we talking about man we only focus on is the touchdowns the only way you can knock Julio is the touchdowns you can’t knock knock catch can’t knock him on but receiver but receiver is a dependent position so I’m gonna go back to my original Point God when you got quarterbacks like Matt Ryan where you got people that’s like oh he’s so-called good them [ __ ] have egos to where when they get to the Red Zone he’ll do weak ass [ __ ] like oh I’m not gonna throw it to Julio because I’m Matt Ryan and I’ll throw it to somebody else because if we look at Julio Jones the year he had 1,800 yards bro you can’t tell me he was supposed to only have eight touchdowns bro this fcking bull many many top on top of that on top of that this is proven when you got young or trash quarterbacks the co the coach is making you throw it to the receiver one it’s like [ __ ] you have no room to say oh I’m GNA throw it to this person or I’m going to throw it to that person like they are going to force that’s why do Marvin if that’s the case why does Marvin Harrison why if that’s the case what you say when you got trash quarterbacks right why does Marvin Harrison have 120 touchdowns why did why diday why because they you talking about they are playing with Elite quarterbacks if Julio played Kurt warer what are we talking about Julio if see these Atlanta games where Julio was Lally like they were literally commenting on the games oh Julio Julio was wide open he didn’t get the ball they forc it to Muhammad senu or somebody or some or Gage or somebody like there were plenty of games I watched where like they were literally commenting on because it was like because he was a top fantasy player they’re like oh he’s getting he he got like two Targets in the red zone and like four games what kind of sense does that make it doesn’t make any damn sense no y’all not about to sit here and tell me Julio was the only [ __ ] whole okay so even if that’s the case right when we look at a [ __ ] like Andre Johnson right for what he had and what he was against not only Andre Johnson look at a [ __ ] like like uh DeAndre Hopkins who’s still playing who literally has like DeAndre Hopkins is not better than Julio I’m saying you’re trying to trying you’re trying to diminish the quarterback of him not getting his Red Zone touches so then why the other [ __ ] who wasn’t as good as him get get get get more rone touches Rodney white lily has five more touchdowns than Julio let me let me let me let me say this real quick Green Street you don’t bring up Julio in college that [ __ ] had John Parker Wilson and Greg Mao as quarterbacks don’t do that don’t do that don’t he didn’t get locked up by nobody he got locked up by them having them sorry ass quarterbacks if he would have played you jio never got locked up in the NFL Julio not from what I seen the only time I seen Julio get locked up if when a [ __ ] just don’t pass to him I literally watched Josh Norman stop him twice in the same season oh my well pck games but they’ve also been playing each other since college and Patrick Peterson also has games where he shut Julio Down bro College Eric game he went for 100 on LSU I ain’t saying College I ain’t saying in college about NFL [ __ ] no he did it early shut up no he didn’t no he didn’t Greg maroy and John Parker Wilson were his quarterbacks bro that was at the beginning of Alabama Julio Jones team wouldn’t better LSU’s aent pet I mean Patrick Peterson teams that we saying Fu no oh [ __ ] early early early I got something for you I got something for you because you know what I’m just gonna be nasty p also had honey bagg right next um there’s this article that says according to this AR bro y’all heard y’ had Jones has been targeted about half as often inside the opponent’s 20 yard line compared to everyone else on the field and then they said this quote incredibly Jones lack of scoring seems to be by Design his percentage of quarterback Matt Ryan’s targets drop steadily the closer Atlant Atlanta gets to the goal line from 32.8% of passes when the Falcons are at least 80 yards from the endzone to just a little more halfway than 16.7% when they’re in the red zone so he does get targeted way less in the Red Zone but why that cuz the [ __ ] wouldn’t leg that Arthur Smith that was Arthur Smith’s game and like I said if you literally watch the games back then because I remember he was on my team watching the games I’m like they’re not targeting him at all they’re not Matt Ryan’s not even looking at him and if he looks at him is he like pump fix to Julio dump off the senu pump F to Julio give it to Devonte freem like that’s what was happening that’s what was happening they would use him to like draw one or two DBS or draw a DB and a linebacker and like he he would sometimes he go like a fade rout what but like he would always be trying to draw multiple people then they would dunk it off somewhere else that was what Arthur Smith was doing all the time Arthur Smith wasn’t on the Falcons that long no he wasn’t if it was was a kubak that was on there before that I forget who the but I’m just talking about the year that I had them on my fantasy team but no there were plenty of games because there was like a good I think there was like a six game stretch where he had where he had so mik [ __ ] want [ __ ] want me to believe they talk about this great specimen of a receiver this guy who couldn’t do anything with no one could do anything with him he was ungard he had the greatest hands the greatest routes y’all want me to say all that about a [ __ ] right and then tell me that a [ __ ] who was literally twice the size less than him was getting more touchdown to him on his same team Rodney White so you want to tell me they had Julio they you Rodney White in the Red Zone because he was having 12 uh t uh years 13 TD years but we got this this this demon and Julio you know do you know play with Matt sha and Mike VI too bro like don’t do that don’t do that don’t do that who whoa so so guys so guys are we giving are we giving Michael big your quarterback inl A Plus or a minus oh my God Michael was a one read quarterback [ __ ] you know who ate Michael VI play for the Falcons [ __ ] Al crumbler that’s who ate he was AER look go look at roning Micha play with him go look at Ry white receiving years when we play Michael Vic stop Michael Vic was just like Lamar he did not throw the [ __ ] uh rece he was a Red Zone [ __ ] he threw it up in the air like I said Rody white benefited from that then he got locked up that year then he had Matt sha who was a West Coast quarterback and they used Rod White’s Perfection that’s when he had his better years Rody white from went UAB [ __ ] don’t tell me this I watch this [ __ ] bro he got a lot of his better years with Ronnie White won the number one option Ron up getting money that CH end up getting money from how he baled out in that uh West Coast off off bro then after that he played littleit with play there it was pierce mat bro you still missing the time frame with Matt sh I have some more uh I have some more interesting quotes and stats so another paragraph said the glaring red flag was Jones catch percentage that dropped dramatically to a percentage second worst among pass catchers seeing over 15 targets besting only Mike Evans Julio had the fifth best Endzone Target share in the league five completions on 18 targets can be read in a number of different ways I took word for and then there’s a bunch of quotes about Julio Jones so in this one they’re just saying uh Julio Jones kept on dropping the ball in the Red Zone would that alter scheme would that alter scheme guys would that alter scheme with that making I could throw to somebody that’s actually catch the [ __ ] ball receivers and drops we can talk let talk about drop if we do that 2017 by the way that’s that’s but what’s so crazy in 2018 or 2019 didn’t Julio and Kenny gal lead the league in the highest contested catch percentage go go Google that go go f check that go f contested catching is great but contested catching when you have like 50 yards [ __ ] does contestant contestant catches equal touchdowns I ain’t never seen him equal touchdowns I don’t know man this is one of the things I just togas he was and this my thing Mike this what [ __ ] me up right a [ __ ] you you know who how we Define some of the greatest route Runners being able to get over in the phone Boo the only time you get over the phone B N time 10 is when you’re inside the 10 yard line inside 20 yard line everybody know football when you get inside that Red Zone they get way smaller the [ __ ] who was able to catch passes there are some of the greatest rout Runners same with Cooper cut went off that Year great rout Runner same way Marvin Harrison went off same way Chris Carter had 17 one season so you’re telling me that a [ __ ] as Grand as he was all this great route running just wasn’t getting open in the Red Zone ain’t no way you going show me a bunch of films he oh my God me a buch of film of get wide open the red and I going that way I can watch the tape that’s all I gotta say hey do y’all wanna do y’all want to put up the Julio Jones Red Zone highlights sure if you can find them I can I got it right here show with that [ __ ] early you be cooking yourself [ __ ] I don’t cook [ __ ] you [ __ ] just don’t want to admit that [ __ ] Julio a what y say he is that’s all I’m saying he is whatever you say he is green you [ __ ] better AJ Green got was injury PR early in his career because I I promise you he’d be a better all timeing Julio so you mean to tell me Julio getting injured Julio had injury bugs too came in after 10 years [ __ ] you let him my man came in with injury bugs bro bro he came in with a broke foot he ran to combine 438 on a broke foot fra your foot oh so and this [ __ ] couldn’t give you 66 touchdowns Mike this [ __ ] Mr broke foot could give you 66 touchdowns all that’s again all you can talk about is touchdowns with Julio that’s all you can talk about part of football they are part of football to though I I about I can talk about his I I can also talk about his [ __ ] his uh his [ __ ] uh his catches too you got to get at least 80 Ys scope you would think he would have over a thousand yards but a [ __ ] but another [ __ ] who’s literally five six inch smaller than him was better than him and brown so I ain’t gonna say Tonio Brown was better they were good no Brown was better school mool that looks like a bad throw like wa here here’s the here’s the first play here’s the first play okay let’s go that like stra to me that look stra to me that is not stra that was stra oh this is the second play right here that is no such thing as strap the first play the first play that was a bad throw like first play is a bad throw he didn’t didn’t even give him a chance you didn’t even give Julio a chance shut [ __ ] catch that shut up shut up shut up the ball the ball’s out the ball’s out the Red Zone the ball’s out the it wouldn’t have been if he would have high pointed the ball attacking the ball he not he not gonna be able to jump and get that you tripping but the [ __ ] 63 got ver and all D but you not going to be able to do that you’re not going to be able to do that full speed [ __ ] who heed SE make them catches 10 times hold on Chris Carter Chris Carter never made them catches he never we got we got more don’t debate everyone but that one the first one was a bad throw but this one is in his hands what we saying right in his hand did he does he end up catching it or no he’s out of bounds no he didn’t catch it though so the whole bad hand [ __ ] that they were saying this is double cover this you can’t do anything about that one strap that strap no that was strap you you go back you lying that wasn’t a good where the ball’s going this is not stra look at what position look at this look hold up hold up littlewind how he ran his whip route and how that DB is on his ass hold up hold up hold up real quick real quick look at his pocket hold on he hold on I know y’ I know I know early is not doing this when he the first guy he said no no no early no we let you cap enough we let you cap enough you’re not gonna throw up Marvin Harrison like Marvin Harrison did not play one of the greatest quarterbacks of all time and Superior already he he had another Hall of no this is what early fails to mention no no no no this is what early fails to mention bro random we’re past that topic okay even then let you talk no no no this is what early fails mat I know we’re P it but this still needs to be said Marvin Harrison played with multiple multiple offensive Hall of Famers multiple damn cooked multiple offensive talking CU he’s talking [ __ ] that’s why he’s not so so so you tell me right now even though no no hold up hold up hold up early early so pay man is not a Hall of Famer yeah um what’s his name Edan James is not a Hall of Famer he didn’t play oh yeah he yes he did go cap reg Wayne Dallas Clark he play with Dallas Clark he played with Reggie Wayne who has a Hall of Fame case yeah like you can’t you cannot you cannot just keep dis are we being petty are we being petty because Matt R can be Hall of Famer boom Manning all right let’s finish the Julio Jones tap let’s finish the Julio and even then even then everybody he throws up everybody he throws up no no no everybody everybody early throws up has significant offensive support than everybody up had more significant offensive help the video play the damn video there out bull no no no no no [ __ ] I proved you wrong excuse [ __ ] excuse but it’s the truth it’s the truth you want to go quarterback what’s Andre’s excuse he was on the hip though [ __ ] out of here Dr drop you could caught that drop that one was that was strap that was I think you’re being holy unfair you’re being hly unfair to Julio being unfair Julio Jones and you know came back late you came back late and all that come on bro I no no no you’re being holy unfair to him and you know it I’ve been watching since I left video can we watch the video we’re trying I’m trying to have the conversation about the video I don’t care about the let me say this though the whole [ __ ] point is that we’re sitting here saying he doesn’t have touchdowns because of what Matt Ryan did what I’m seeing is Matt Ry trying to get the ball even when he’s [ __ ] double team is that what you seeing Mike or no I’m seeing mat trying to get the ball even when he get that one I mean he was he three [ __ ] on him three [ __ ] on him that’s not his fault there’s three up y’all just said that the [ __ ] was ding the ball hey M you see what they doing this is all moving the goal post this is all the plays where he gets the ball what are we talking about this is this is a compilation when he no he’s just supposed to go through three people early uh Lonnie he’s just supposed to go through three people oh that was a crazy catch got Julio nuggets on this we got Sanders Butler Malcolm Butler was a top DB during that [Music] stopit was during that time show you Andre Johnson doing that against some of the best in the league BR what does that mean what does that mean that doesn’t take away what Julio just did though these [ __ ] is camping for this [ __ ] who got watch these nuggets right here hold my nuggets he took it out of his hand too like that was give me that boy that’s a nice cat catch what are we talking about oh was that wait wait wait wait wait wait wait what was that that was straps who was that guy can anybody in here tell me who that guy is that’s that’s Mo Clayborn that’s Mo Clayborn that’s Mo Clayborn that’s Mo clay dboys correct yes Mo clay was still a great when his was already considered done he was no he was just play with he shut the [ __ ] you I’m throw though but the route wasn’t great the route wasn’t and the throw was seen Larry Fitzgerald catch that ball literally 15 times he say Larry Fitzgerald is better than Julio they keep on saying [ __ ] that we already say better than him trying to compare about that’s how I know he great that’s how I know he great this this right here this right here I’m done with this [ __ ] because you [ __ ] you want to C show [ __ ] Chris C touchdowns and let me show you how [ __ ] work let finish Chris Carter we can go Steve Smith slim we’re doingi better than Chris quarterbacks what are we talking about bro this this route shut [ __ ] shut up when you’re trying to put put and man in the same sentence when you know they’re not in the same sentence at all why we arguing Chris Carter we’re talking about Julio Jones right now random come caping for [ __ ] man stop I’m not caping I’m I’m I’m adding context bro you ain’t adding context and [ __ ] nothing okay hold up early let me ask one can all you want ask let me ask one question hold hold hold hold up early let me ask one question I’ll be done so you’re telling me that M Ryan and p man on the same level no one ever said that no one ever said that random he answered it he answered it bro we’re trying to we’re trying to talk football we’re tring talking about the tape we’re talking about what’s going on right now on the screen okay all right um I don’t think this was a great route he didn’t D stra the moris [Music] playall I mean that was an over all I know is up but that was catchable this is catchable this is catchable he’s wide open early he’s wide open whatever whatever he literally over hold hold on hold on this is catchable this is catchable beat this man by two to three yard early what we call a drop that’s not really he never had it in his hands what the [ __ ] you mean a Dr if it touch his [ __ ] fingers he should have caught it that’s football fact anybody that is a oh yeah it’s a hard that’s not really a catchable ball bro that’s not really catchable not really catchable isn’t not catchable bro that is but you’re not g to say that’s a catch that’s not a drop on Julio this [ __ ] is 6 fo and he ran like you said a broke foot look but look look where the ball man but we sucking dick oh my God oh my God that but that’s a hard wa hold on early you’re being nasty that isely nasty completely nastyy I don’t do that talking but yall on him when he when he du on somebody that’s not really CCH it was listen but listen what I’m saying it wasn’t catch a ball he just have a play right okay that was dis that was that wait back and play that one more time please I can’t defend that one nobody can drop we’re not defending that that not only did he drop it once he dropped it twice bro he dropped it twice that one that one is a hard watch every time he drop a ball we’re goingon to count the number could have been so that’s 67 that one was not a good that was not a touchdown play I mean he was he was strapped but he wasn’t in the end zone bad ball terrible throw yeah this that a drop that’s a drop that’s not a drop it’s just everybody Hold Up Hold the [ __ ] where F want R throw these balls at y’all y’all right now why the [ __ ] y want him to throw this when he cover throw it high you got to throw it high but he is let it be a jump ball don’t throw it don’t throw it like that bro right Mike I can’t do nothing so you just catch it like Odell like because because you think Odell caught his CAU his touchdowns like that look at that one he under thre threw that one he caught that one that compl underthrow he completely beat his man my god let’s re oh let’s we got to rewind oh but he ain’t no route runner though he ain’t no run I’m getting tired I’m getting tired of this [ __ ] y y saying [ __ ] I never said no one ever say was a r Runner getting annoying now bro never said he wasn’t a r Runner I just say he run certain [ __ ] I like that’s it all right let’s see well certain [ __ ] you like how about that [ __ ] that was a bad throw bad throw oh they silent now they silent out with the bad throws silent with the bad throws he was strapped 69 that’s a horrible decision that’s a horrible deis y to give me heada so I’m out of here after this here’s my thing though right we going into this whole conversation when we watch this film y’all said that he wasn’t getting the ball but I’m literally watching M ryant force feed him compilation of all his targets so does a [ __ ] not give him the ball or does he force feed him it’s a compilation of all compation of his Target the whole season y’ boys he get he gets Target y don’t get it y’ don’t get it Pi up onism 201 this is a compilation of all his Target he getting the ball you saiding him in the red he gets trying to feed this [ __ ] with three [ __ ] on him because he want him to score so bad all right so what are we saying Mike I don’t understand what these [ __ ] are saying yeah that was that was I don’t think that was true Lonnie him not getting the ball in the Red Zone yeah I don’t going into this mic what did they say about him getting the ball in Red Zone [ __ ] said Matt Ryan was looking him off this one compation all of all the times it was thrown to him it’s not a compilation of all of all the Falcons plays in in the Red Zone if it was a complete under baby you see that that’s stra coverage hey look I’m a [ __ ] that is compl underthrow Julio J so is a [ __ ] not giving you the trying to feed you even when you’re not open because for me if a [ __ ] try to feed me when I’m not open that mean he Force speeding me that don’t mean he look at me off and we we can look at Mike Evans Mike Evans do better than this no he doesn’t lying now lying now no he not Beena this whole time see I see why them young [ __ ] be on y’ head like this you [ __ ] y’all be on [ __ ] because Mike Evans 95 touchdowns in his 12 years the same way Julio had 12 years says he actually does [ __ ] hey ear hey ear how many hey ear how many was it hey run that back how many was it Earl J right now right now he say Mike Evans is better say Mike Evans is better than Julio Jones say it then if you that’s what you believe he’s still playing oh my hell does that me does that mean [ __ ] does that mean hold up why the [ __ ] every time I name another [ __ ] with a quarterback you [ __ ] act like M wouldn’t [ __ ] you know who could hey yo if I look back St Smith would have died for a Matt Ry Johnson would have died for a Matt Ryan even Chris Carter them Seasons that lar played with [ __ ] Kurt War which was only four years he would have died for a Matt Ryan y’all [ __ ] are full of [ __ ] man oh my God no you full of [ __ ] because I guarantee look look at this look at this come on another drop bro another drop he beat him to the outside throw it to the throw it to the pylon it’s a touchdown throws it toward the defender R he threw him into the D he threw him into the defender just it y’all just be drunk talking the the touch the ball you not catch his hands the [ __ ] ball play the game bro I played the game too and as a as a player bro you know if your hand the ball you bring that [ __ ] in you lying and you said you catch that bro you’re not g to catch that bro if your hands is a physical freaking is he a physical freaking he’s a physical freaking don’t argument bro that’s simple it’s simple you Mike thank you Mike thank you Mike he ran he ran a 438 with a broke foot but can’t catch a ball and contestant coverage when when they was saying he’s one of the best contestant Cates ever now he’s having problem bringing this [ __ ] in and they want act like he’s human n [ __ ] don’t kick that [ __ ] y’all was kicking that [ __ ] but now when he’s on tape not doing what y’all claim he said Lally can we watch can we watch Julio contested catching so I’ll shut all now we moving to I’m Mike I know I’m here it’s not gold it’s not gold post early one minute he’s a physical specimen that we’ve never seen before but yet when it’s time to be a physical specimen that we never seen before he don’t do it one minute Matt Ryan licks him off the next he throw bad ball there’s a [ __ ] looking off he force feed him I don’t understand that bro Brandon Marshall would have qu that bro that play Mike Mike Mike another [ __ ] that played 12 seasons and got more touchdowns to julo I never I’m telling but do he have more yards though by a thousand [ __ ] he got him by a thousand [ __ ] and who play quarterback who play better quarterback had 200 more reception how many more re talk about the reception to early the re bring up the better quarterback Mike it’s always a problem oh he had P many oh he had Tom Brady who the fight since you’re doing that Julio Jones [ __ ] who R Moss Randy Moss is better Randy is better than we doing we doing we just did yards benefited fromand Marvins had better quarterback why can’t better quarterback than Brandon Marshall Mike you see that do Mike it’s a lot of early early early early early are you legitimately saying that Brandon Marshall is better than Julio Jones what I’m saying to you is this all I’m saying is this be fair if you’re going to tax Marvin haris P Manny then when you say that he has more yards because listen say Brandon Marshall better Marshall is better than Julio Jones then early I’m not saying Brandon Marshall is better than Julio I said this before and we clipped it up I said that it’s closer than y’all think that’s all I said I said closer than y’all think I still think Julio is a better receiver than Brandon Marshall I say this Clos I think when [ __ ] like Bama say [ __ ] like he was ass and [ __ ] like Trent say he clears him BR M can’t hold Jo strap I say hold on you’re being disrespectful that’s all I’m saying that’s all I’m saying Mike have I not been saying that yes sir I want to understand I don’t want to understand what’s going on we said Julio is this [ __ ] the same niggaas who had what Julio had catches them balls Larry Fitzgerald Marvin I mean Larry Fitzgerald Terell ens Randy Ms Calvin Johnson look what you gotta go to look who you gotta run to who you got to run little my whole argument has been since day one my whole argument has been since day one that if Julio is who y’all say he is he should have the numbers that they have does anybody let’s do this fun let’s have fun let’s have fun toe for toe right yard between between jul Jones and Owens who run better rounds J man we good bro you your name slightly better is a betterer jul got better hands than Julio Jones n what we do all right all right best fans in the N wish I find right now I wish I could find Trent right now you’re telling me that Julio got lesser hands than orangs yes okay yeah I you hold up hold up early are you saying trying to say to has bad hands have bad hands guys is this thing on stop listening to the media y’all are lying he you talking to [ __ ] who watch them play B stop bull [ __ ] no y’all didn’t because because [Music] y’all 31 Mike are you not 31 Mike oh my God Mike how old are you Mike oh my gosh bro how old are you Mike Lonnie Lonnie this how I know he said we didn’t watch it I can’t do nothing because because to only had a drop problem his first three seasons in the NFL after that my [ __ ] he started having the most receptions in the league the better catch you do not be top two in everything and you leading drops my mik well all that you watch ear what happened when to played for the for the Eagles and he used to go across that middle slam when they used to play against against Washington bro n used to dropbo was dropping passes like a [ __ ] too exactly even but even let’s not even get there let’s not even get there a division rival went one of the greatest middle linebackers of all time in the middle Sean Taylor wasn’t a middle linebacker he was definitely that’s why I’m trying to tell you you don’t watch the game London didn’t play back there play back then oh not in 05 and 06 London Fletcher was playing for the Redskins y’all are lying right now y’all are lying right now not and and when and when did and when did to play for and when did to play for for uh Philly uh what was it like uh what was it like the 2001 all the way up 20 mind you too had a whole career in San Fran before he went to Philly bro my point he he came in the league so we gonna look up too career take your time no so didn’t he say we was watching it though 04 yeah so he play 0405 so he play 045 for Philly he played 96 to03 saffran he played alas 6 to8 yeah hold on three years 06 to8 Buffalo then ciny so yeah again the what y’all talk about with uh London Fletcher so we gonna look this up too so I can tell y’all he lying you talking about he had a drop problem that [ __ ] Lon Fletcher used to be clean and [ __ ] and then he Sean used to blow toota [ __ ] up talking about one of the greatest safeties ever played the game but all right I didn’t even know that was up for debate early bring your Baldhead ass back [ __ ] I ain’t thre at you go go to now go now go to Julio contested catch it we ain’t through with this y’all ain’t going to do Julio like that y’all show them drops and then y’all don’t show the greatness [ __ ] out of here bro y’all got jul mean jul had some really good plays um he does drop IGN and [ __ ] I’ll give you that but a lot of a lot of big receivers do Brandon Marshall do I think the thing that I notic Brandon Brandon Marshall and Julio not in the same breath Julio is way better but I do I think what I noticed from watching those uh those targets is that Julio when he’s in the Red Zone doesn’t create as much separation than he does obviously when he has more space which obviously makes sense well being as big as you are you do have to create separation get a little complacent relying upon his size that he’s just going to Moss people and it doesn’t work out as well as he thinks he does Antonio G yeah I think he thinks he his size and his athleticism will carry him in the red zone and it’s not so I think from what just from that clip I think I can diagnose like what the problem was with Julio in the Red Zone pretty comfortably but I mean he still like that he’s just uh it gets harder in the Red Zone that’s why tight ends are so great in the Red Zone y playing with Tero though ter was that [ __ ] though oh ter is that definitely that [ __ ] Julio is nice I just don’t think Julio was where everybody else puts I think Julio went the [ __ ] off for his situation like I don’t think Matt Ryan was that good a quarterback and I think Matt Ryan was very dependent upon Julio but not really enough to the point where Julio went the [ __ ] as crazy as he could have but that being said that was the situation well Julio’s Talent is undeniable being as big as he is as fast as he is as skill as a route Runner skills of a receiver and the skills a yak guy in the every every dude that made the NFL in the first round their talent is undeniable that’s a fact that’s how they get there no there’s not there’s very few people who have the size speed and skill combination of a Julio Jones there’s very few people that have that that so Julio compared to a lot of receivers I mean skill for skill he’s better I think comfortably he’s one of the best from like give him the open field he’s one of the best receivers we’ve seen so I don’t think the behind open field I take Des Jackson over open field I’m not talking about open field I’m talking about like I’m not talking about when the ball in their hands speed I’m talking about in terms of how they dominate the field as a receiver in general I mean Desa Jackson is just fast just similar retire Hill but in terms of how they can dominate they’re pretty much at every spot from the left hash from the right hash from the slot that that Julio is one of the best ever considering his is uh the combination of size speed and athleticism yeah I agree with that I agree with that but like all out receiver allout receiver like football player I think there’s definitely better receivers than all every single one that early named we agree with to Rice ricey Moss they’re all better they’re those are the those are the great if we’re talking about tear they’re all in a in a te higher than Julio that’s where and and my my only thing obviously we already touched on it but all those the guys that he named also have significant offensive support more signif like Antonio Brown except Larry except Larry except for Larry but literally played Randy Randy had Tom Randy had he was on the Vikings and he was on the Patriots you own right don’t forget Robert that running back that they had who was nice also like I just think you you you’re completely underestimating what Julio played with just because you sayic number two like he didn’t play by himself we understand Tony Gonzalez was at the Twilight of his career at that when he played with Randy Ms you didn’t say that just a minute ago so it doesn’t really matter does it cuz at the end of the day he still made plays across from this dude hold on hold on Julio didn’t have a bad situation we don’t have to try to make I’m not saying had a bad situation two guys that he named the two guys that he named Antonio Brown who literally played with a better quarterback had a better running back had a also significantly better how many how many receivers do does Pittsburgh have to continually crank out for for y’all to see that they’re receiver fact they they just develop they just know how to develop receivers they definitely do def do definitely do then Marvin Harrison it’s not even a point at one point Marvin Marvin Harrison was literally with playing with three Hall of Famers on his team on the offensive side alone but bro that doesn’t stop him from being better just because his situation was better that that doesn’t likeo you have a James in the backfield taking taking OB this defensive attention away Reggie Wayne on the other side of the Field Dallas Clark in the thing like like th those are Hall of Famers those like some of the best of the best so so you can say the same thing about Rody white and Tony Gonzalez white is not a top 10 receiver of all time is he but that doesn’t stop him from being a significant threat on the other side and taking away especially every defensive coordinator ever would say I’d rather I’d rather cover I’d rather take my chances with Rody white every single day of the week and five times on Sunday before they take a chance on Reggie Wayne every sing I don’t think there’s a craap between Rody way can anybody hear me yeah we get you my thing is this though when y’all move the [ __ ] GoPro you to say oh he didn’t have anything then I then I introduce Andre Johnson so then what’s the excuse bro when I you say cause y’all do that every time wait wait let me say this though bring [Applause] no excuse ear there’s no [ __ ] excuse early then let us talk bro then let us talk are you saying that Andre Johnson’s better than Julio Jones I’ve been saying it [ __ ] we just don’t agree we just don’t don’t I have Andre like I’m not with Trent when like when because I I was with you early when he was saying when he was being just was saying that they clear because I have Andre Johnson top 15 Andre Johnson’s like one of my top five favorite receivers ever but I I have Andre Johnson like 15 14 I have Julio Lon but Lonnie Rand can say [ __ ] like you I underestimate what Julio had and he didn’t have so so joh we never said Johnson had better we never said Andre Johnson had better Talent by the way Chris Carter but you moving go say who hold up hold up he by the way played five years with r Moss five years it wasn’t like it was it wasn’t like he just for two years and he left including Pro season in 1999 nobody’s saying that we’re not saying that H Johns has better weapons we said the guys that you named except for Andre and Larry had better had way better offensive situations that than Julio so then what’s their excuse what is their excuses what is I think Julio Jones is a better receiver I just think so nobody saying there’s an excuse excuse but for 90% of the guys better than them we either agree with you hold up for the 90% of people that you say are better are better than Julio we either agree with you or there is clear reasons to why their situation was better except for two people that you named except for two people two people that you named so so watch this though for for for for for for Chris conter career because because a [ __ ] actually no ball for Chris Carter career right how many years did he played Randy MOS he play five years with him so so but I know a Chris Carter who was putting up 1300 yard 17 TDC before he before Rand Mar even got there who him then he only did it once early and he did it 95 he was still putting up 12 he was still putting up 10 plus 10 plus TD seasons though before Randy Moss got there he did it he did it twice before Randy Moss got there 95 let’s do this then from 96 to 2001 2002 because reg didn’t get drafted 2002 Marvin harison was still putting up, 1400 yard 1500 yard seasons before Marvin hon got there he play with Marshall Faulk and pton Manny Mar Park you know first of all first of all martial Park paid one year with pton Manny okay then he had Edward James after that didn’t get drafted until 99 okay 98 okay Marvin Harrison was still putting up y putting up yards a year or so before he got there so again I keep saying y if y gonna be Petty let’s be Petty let’s be [ __ ] Petty then because keep what y doing with Julio y’ say Julio don’t have [ __ ] the third so I say okay well then then why is he not why is Andre Johnson not better than him why is Brandon Marsh by the way by the way I’m literally looking up hold up hold up hold up early early I let you cap it up I’m literally looking up stop early early stop stop stop head F I’m literally looking at Marvin Harrison’s stats he did not have a thousand yard season until 1999 with PT Manning he did not have a he didn’t even have 10 touchdowns like you say he did till P Manny watch this how many seasons did he play before P Manny got there he played uh hold up let me make sure let me let me confirm when Payton when when pton was drafted I know Marv was 96 I can’t even remember when Pon was drafted 98 so he played I said that already I know both he play two seasons with him but no early you were legitimately saying you were saying no early you legitimately said out your mouth that Marvin Harrison had thousand yard season before Payton Manning which is false which is FAL what was what was the receiving yard before when before Payton was there 96 97 what was receiving yard he had 8800 yards in 96 800 yards in 97 700 yards in 98 so look so here’s my thing though right mik here’s my thing though right mik you’re right not a thousand right he still had 800 yard seasons and we can’t who theback was based on your original statement ear you were legitimately saying that he had a th yards 10 touchdowns before [ __ ] of all [ __ ] the game Julio was a [ __ ] demon and then he don’t make you lied you lied about Marvin all of his best years are literally with a top three top five quarterback of all time lied how many years did he do that he okay in 99 he had, 1600 yards 12 touchdown he literally had a th000 yards from 99 to 2006 guess what all those years with PT Manning now watch this Mike all those years literally played only how I kill him Mike Watch How I kill him hey Mike real quick what do you think was harder getting 1600 yards in 2004 2005 moving can’t wait and I quote and I quote Lonnie and I quote watch me kill him watch me get him he watch yeah watch me kill him Chang argument yeah hold up didn’t the Colts literally complain to the league didn’t the Colt literally complain to the league is not what he’s doing hold up hold up right now wa as long as you said he’s doing it as long hold up watch me kill him guys didn’t the Colts literally complain about how bad the Patriots were locking them up so they changed the past interference rules in 2004 the PO literally complain the literally complained about it not true I can show I can send you the clips ear I show you I I can show you 2011 2012 when they added the they literally Chas the rules4 I because they couldn’t beat the Patriots look look though Chas people this was crazy this was crazy right you said that was 2004 right can you you name me the season that Mar Johnny yards yes because no can you name me the season that Mar Johnny yards no he had he had he had 1700 yards in 2002 Mike Mike you hear that Mike you hear that Mike they was getting St but Marvin had 1700 yards 200 years two years before they even implemented the passer rule that’s the whole season not against the Patriots I don’t know I don’t know all in the playoffs the Colts really went to complain and they benefited from it they Patriots let’s not forget the Hall of Famers he was [ __ ] you [ __ ] came was a demon said Matt Ryan Li him off we found out that was a lie l deter that was a lie said didn’t around re honestly I don’t know I don’t know we’re just arguing at this point what is right now everybody [Applause] episode shout out my [ __ ] AKA Mike out my [ __ ] for coming through shout out my [ __ ] random Who Lies like a mother [ __ ] on this [ __ ] for hours in this [ __ ] CH and I quote Mar

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