Crunch Time Show | Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

Crunch Time Show | Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

[Music] welcome everybody to crunch time with Jeff Boer Lucas and gentry it is Wednesday July 3rd and we got a we got a pack show I know it’s July 3rd but it seems like Boer we have a lot of stuff to get to Red Wings lion stuff we we need to discuss today the doc will be joining us Mike will be here in a couple of minutes we’ll break down what the Red Wings just did and making a very significant signing by the way tereno which we’ll get yeah boom how we feeling tomorrow 4th of July I hope everyone has a great time tomorrow I’m not a huge firework guy if I’m being honest with you Boon but I watching them I love watching them I don’t I don’t mess I don’t mess with no fireworks I’ve seen some my uh I actually a guy I know blew his hand off with a firework oh wow so Jason Pier Paul you know him that’s a whole another thing but I hope everyone has a safe Fourth of July we won’t have a show tomorrow uh we’ll have content posted all throughout the day and also Boon yeah we just hit 8,000 subscribers here we go boys come on put it together we’re growing hey that is Big Time 8,000 subscribers we hit it um very very thankful for all you guys trying to hit to 10K by the season we’ve been saying it for months and we’re on our way but Boon how we feeling tonight I I feel I feel great Fourth of July tomorrow I am a fireworks guy I won’t have the opportunity to go light him off and and have fun tomorrow it’s I’m just going to take a day off and relax um one of the best hey I will say this one of the best Fourth of July I had it in college one of my last years in college was I bring it up all the time my Australian friends I got a paycheck in the summer I spent my whole paycheck I didn’t realize what I was doing I thought I was walking into a fireworks sale and I ended up spending like $500 on fireworks at the checkout it was one of those it was one of those situations to where you think you’re getting a sale and you get all the things together and when you get to the register you’re like they give you the number and and you’re just like I can’t back out of this now like I’m going to look I’m going to look bad if I say no I can’t do this so just did it and we had a good night of fireworks uh we to get the cops called on us saying hey we can’t be can’t put the fireworks off but do enjoy I’m a fireworks guy I do enjoy light of fireworks Juicy Jay I I mean Bo I would expect nothing else from you um I mean that $500 in fireworks that’s um again it wasn’t like I meant to do it I went to the register they said it’s about 550 and I go all right still the boys behind me I can’t look around like I can’t embarrass myself here I’ll take this out I’m I’m gonna take this bill on no I know I understand completely uh I do I feel great though and you know what too honestly I was shocked today when we were putting prep together and stuff there is so much stuff to talk about and like things just keep coming out it feels like as soon as we think like oh it’s going to be a slow day or a slow week it just gets like just more things get piled and piled and piled on and things keep especially with the Lions too so I’m pumped for Today show I have a lot of notes this year big note day not got notes today all right well we’ll start off by something that happened about three hours ago and it you know what Boer sometimes your prayers just get answered you know that’s just kind of how it works sometimes and you know uh I’ve been trying to find different ways to come up with ideas for at least a player that the Lions will acquire at the deadline at at the edge position specifically I already went through Hassan reic was kind of a miss you know we talked about it you told me to do some homework I brought Matthew judon the next day and it just so happens that Matthew judon tweeted out this GIF very subliminal all he put was all I’m a head out and it’s the Spongebob meme of him getting up and walking out and we know that Matthew Judah has had contract negotiations with the Patriots he is up and he’s been very productive they can’t come to an agreement so and he’s done this before he tweeted out something else probably a couple weeks ago and this is the next thing he’s put now I think he’s itching closer him and the Patriots from from splitting up now I’m not doing this to say pay Matthew judon but what I am saying is unless he wants a a deal right now there is that which the Lions I have not seen the lion should pay him so maybe they can’t agree to that but if he’s looking for a place especially the place here where he played college football to come back and compete for a Super Bowl the Lions of the perfect perfect spot booner imagine judon and Aiden Hutchinson we talk about the the amount of Havoc that those two alone would cause and I haven’t gotten to Le mcneel and DJ reader even for a rental booner he checks the the character trait like High character guy guys teammates love him he’s he’s available I know he was a little banged up but that’s typically for his career he’s been healthy he’s not just a one- trick pony he’s very good against the run very physical I I think the Lions would love that c I Know Dan especially would love that that type of player veteran what do you think what do you make of the of the judon stuff and and do you think that my dream of acquiring an edge at this deadline maybe just maybe will come true Jeff honestly I don’t even think it’s a deadline situation I think like I think a Matthew judon situation is something that comes before the season think about it they’re going through contract negotiations as soon as he knows hey this isn’t going to work out he’s either gonna ask out or they’re gonna find a contract situation they’re gonna say let’s extend you for a year or two or let’s let’s figure something out to patch this up or and if neither one like one of those has to happen and I think like a Matthew judan Jeff I know you brought him as his homework this is a guy for I think the last year year before he even got hurt was someone that I think I brought up we’ve all like this is a guy who has been in Michigan he went to West Bloomfield High School this is a local kid who like he would like if there was a team where he would say hey I will take like I will do a contract I will do a one or two-year contract or I will take a little less money to come back and play for a team that I grew up rooting for and my family grew up rooting for and I can come back and make an impact and possibly win a Super Bowl there like that’s a dream come true for someone someone like him too who’s already been through he’s already had contracts in the NFL it’s not like this is his first deal he’s been successful in the NFL he’s done his time and now he’s in a position of Leverage to where if he wants to go somewhere where he’s going to make a ton of money yeah he can go do that and I think he would like I’m not gonna um you know I’m not going to go at him for doing that if he wants to go somewhere that’s willing to pay him a ton of money uh because he wants to keep bringing money in for his family which great family I I threw it out there before I do know his brother so like they have a great family so they deserve all that money but I also do know that like I’m sure he would consider coming back to Detroit and being like yeah I would love to win a Super Bowl somewhere where that I grew up playing high school ball 30 minutes away and then somewhere where a couple hours away I went to college and played at a D2 college in Grand Valley State so like I don’t think it’s out of the the picture at all for an opportunity for the Detroit Lions to acquire Matthew judon now what will happen with the trade the trade assets and everything with that with the Patriots and the alliance I don’t know if that’s even been a question or if he’s like requested to trade or if that’s came up but I wouldn’t be shocked if that happened because like Jeff this man before he got hurt so I I think it was a collar bone I think he broke his collar bone last year that was the first significant injury he’s had in his career he went six straight years I think in six seasons he missed like two total games but he had in 2022 before he got hurt 15 and a half sacks and before that 12 and a half and before he got hurt last year he was on track to do that again and he had four so I think this is a guy like if you pair him up with Aiden Hutchinson that is one of the like scariest like I think Aiden Hutchinson is the top five Edge rusher already in the NFL and a healthy Matthew judon you could you could like you know he’s a top 20 guy so you you pair him up with those two guys together you have two top 20 guys that defensive line not even counting the DJ reer the El McNeil like that’s a scary defensive line right there and now you have the secondary that’s a Super Bowl defense instantly I don’t see like if if judan was to request a trade and the lions were all on that I don’t see him being like no I don’t want I don’t want that well you you got to think and this is uh the side of that I was thinking about today Montes sweat in a contract year went for a second round pick now judah’s been more productive so I I a little older but still more productive last two seasons I don’t know what the assets maybe it’s a second maybe a third I I don’t know but this is what I do know is in me and dark flame agree 110% you think Super Bowl appearance would help this man in fre agency I know one thing sitting with the Patriots and playing out this year and racking up a bunch of sacks on a bad roster it’s he’s still gonna get paid but man if you’re helping a team win a Super Bowl reach and win a Super Bowl and he’s productive and it’s going to give him some more motivation I mean you you think about you’re playing for something meaningful and he’s still going to get his money that’s that’s again I know the NFL it’s not always guarantee that guys get the exact money they want but for judon to come play with the Lions a place that he’s familiar with a place that he grew up and played for the Lions a Super Bowl Contender if they make a Super Bowl or win a Super Bowl and he’s one of their better defensive players oh my God he’s getting a contract like he he’s you know so it’s like Best of Both Worlds you get to compete for a Super Bowl play where where you grew up and you’ll still get paid I mean baring a significant injury which is always a I get that’s why guys want their contracts but he’s on the last year of his deal you don’t even have to resign him Boer I’m cool with a rental just to go chase the super Super Bowl it’ll be worth it if you give up a second third round pick and you win a Super Bowl you can have a second third round pick I mean I I don’t at that point you got it and and you do see it as well and and there’s all the time players like Matthew judan who is very very respected in high level players in the NFL who get to a year 10 a year 11 and they’ll sign two or threee deals they’ll sign shorter term deals places where they want to be to try and win and on top of that to continue to prove yourself like he’s coming off an injury yeah like it’s injury to where and it is a a a collar bone I believe so that’s that’s a tough injury but like yeah he wants to prove himself still and show that he could still go out there and get 15 12 sacks like he has in the past like I wouldn’t be against bringing him in and if he agrees to a two two-year deal and and and kind of and go with that especially when you’re going to pay hutch in a year or two like you’re you have an opportunity to do that and keep a very good uh defensive line together for for multiple years especially we talked about yesterday on the show The the window of the short Lions I think there’s a five six year window but to you like to your point yesterday was there a two-year window where it’s you’re at your like your Peak to where you’re like you can seriously win right now why not add another piece like that like I think that’s what Brad has wanted to do like he Brad was in the conversation with denil Hunter at the trade deadline last year and it came out that he was talking with the Minnesota Vikings about bringing denal hunter in if Matthew judon somehow becomes available I know for a fact that he’s going to be talking to the to new England Patriots in regards to him too I think that’d be like you have to say yes to that I agree 100% it’s it’s something you at least have to pick up the phone and call and I think Brad will do that at least just see I mean it seriously just at least see what he would go for I’d see Tyler judan would be our kawh Leonard for the Raptors I mean I mean I see Steve too it’s a Super Bowl defense now without judon yeah but and I get it your biggest weakness you just added to that solve that yeah I mean he sorry he’s better than anyone they have on the defensive line besides Aiden Hutchinson he just is he he’s I mean he’s a guy who’s had you know what 27 sacks not this P counting out this past season where he was injured but the prior two seasons like dude he’s a uh very very productive player so we we’ll keep an eye on that situation I see someone brought up in the chat that PFF ranked the Lions offensive and defensive line which we’ll get to in a second I want to give a shout out Ryan became a crunch member once again appreciate you thank you for that Steve says let’s talk some wings tonight we will we will be getting to Red Wings don’t worry uh later after John so stick around can I make two who was it in the chat someone in the chat where is he at oh I’m pulling it up I’m pulling it up I can’t find his comment now what was it it was Jeff Olsen I believe Jeff tweeted at us because he was asking I think Jeff’s a bucks fan and we did the Lions give we did the Lions Jersey giveaway and he asked if if he does win if we can get him a different Jersey outside of the Lions oh absolutely think I think we could agree that we can make an exception for Jeff olon for Jeff olon that’s if he wins though we have to do the the randomizer if he wins book it I’ll give him give him a Red Wings Jersey that no problem at all uh because I get that I didn’t even think about that honestly he a so he’s a loyal supporter I’ll make an exception just for Jeff yeah no we got you Jeff Jeff to Jeff don’t worry about it uh well PFF ranked the Lions uh offens of a defensive line and they did a kind of a position group ranking with offensive line and defensive line lions on this list Eagles are on this list Browns and and uh the Jets and cowboys which is weird uh oh no no no sorry Jets but they acquired Tyron Smith can you can you take that bottom part off I don’t know how to do that on my end I got it uh so yeah that trick me for a second but you see it teams with top five offensive lines and defensive lines lines are on here number one offensive line not really a debate there we all agree and they have the fourth best dline according to PFF which if Lucas was here woke sports that’s what he would call it but they are four they are one spot better than the Cleveland Browns according to this and one spot behind the Eagles the Jets being the best which I don’t really disagree with that no but four I was trying to think about this Boon I mean there’s I mean the offensive line there’s nothing to discuss like they’re the best offensive line in football now four if you go Jets one I wonder who two was I’m trying to think maybe you you go the Texans that’s where I went with it off off the top uh of I think even this comment etn with the Giants I mean the Giants added Brian Burns and they have Dexter Warren so confusing uh they’re up there but three and four I don’t I I mean or three and five I think is fair I I don’t think the lions are too high ranked or excuse me too like too much like too high of ranked maybe a couple spots you could drop but I think they’re top six seven I don’t the Lions yeah yeah four to me’s a little high in my opinion I think four I mean if I want to be honest like I and I’m the the the Slappy as people want to call it I wouldn’t even put the Lions defensive line at like five or six like I think I’d put them lower like 10 maybe 10 like like I don’t think I I think just like say obviously I think a lot of people already seen in the chat like we’re all we’re all Detroit show and I think you could agree like this isn’t the best defensive line in the NFL yeah I mean because like like typically like seriously think about it I went and got like all right let me show you this real quick yeah go ahead actually this the Cleveland Browns the Cleveland Browns are the fifth best defensive line according to PFF correct and the Detroit Lions have the fourth best defensive line the Detroit Lions are returning and I know like the the run the rush defense I think actually has a big factor to play in this um and I think that’s why they put them number four is because of the rush defense that’s the only thing I could think of and their PFF grade in Rush defense is so high that that brings the whole crew up but if you’re like looking at even getting to the quarterback and like sacks the Detroit Lions return how many did I get here 23 and a half sacks total on their defensive line and I know obviously we had as a crew as a team we had more than that but that’s taking out linebackers uh safeties Corners all of that take all of that out they have 23 and a half total sacks shout out Ryan Hutch defensive player of the year that will happen and then the Browns they return and I might have missed some guys on the Browns their defensive line is returning 42 plus plus sacks this season so you’re looking at 42 to 23 and a half I think I think the Lions do have some guys to prove like Marcus Davenport like as good as we think he can be like he still has to go out there and prove it and stay healthy yep like you still have guys out there like Levi o he still squ there improve it he had one sack last year Josh Pascal had one sack like you’re you’re still relying on a lot of different guys now if you’re talking about our top three guys Aiden Hutchinson DJ reer and Al mcneel like okay yeah maybe we can make an argument who has the best top three you could say the the lions are top five but I just think as a whole it’s that other side of the line is is an issue and I think looking at outside of Hutch alen mcneel you have no one on that that off or defensive line that’s produced sacks side last year no one yeah and that’s again maybe top six top seven I’m just trying to go through it so I got the article here well real quick I see a just a devil’s advocate comment here U or at least someone that disagrees JT’s massive purpose name four better lines that include their bench Boer go compare the number and how deep our bench is go watch the video PFF put out please I think they have that watch it I I think they have depth but but that’s not what you’re saying it’s not the it’s not the deepest uh it’s it’s the most talented the most capable and let’s let’s bring up teams that are on this list I think the teams that come to mind in my opinion immediately I would go 49ers being one right just right off the rip um what they have um I I think another team the Giants like I mentioned you know I think they have to be considered at least I mean Brian Burns dude I mean Dexter Lawrence Kavon Tibido I think Aiden’s better than Kavon but still they havex lawren who’s one of the best at his position like El is uh he’s up there but Dexter’s better than El and then Brian Burns is better than anybody they have on the other side so it you know that’s and that’s already two more that’s why I said maybe top six seven I the Steelers with Alex heith TJ watt cam Hayward yeah that’s that’s a good defens that’s up there too that’s up there too so I just I’m not saying the Lions aren’t top 10 like I you can make an argument especially with their run defense that this defense line is it’s just more so like I think we can all agree they have more guys on their defensive line that need to prove themselves like that maai Wingull I hope he steps up he’s a guy that hasn’t played in the NFL yet he needs to D Davenport needs to stay healthy like there are guys on this defensive line it’s just like you’re expecting them to do that and we just haven’t seen it yet yeah I would agree with that I think the players you don’t worry about are Aiden Hutchinson Al mcneel and DJ reer when he returns there’s not really those are like three you don’t really have questions about everybody else you have a question like like James Houston okay let’s let’s see is it rookie or James Houston you know Davenport can he stay healthy Josh Pascal is he gonna take the next step like there’s a lot of that and there the guys we just brought up like Heyward High Smith TJ watt no questions like that you know or Brian Burns dexra Lawrence Kon Tibido not really any questions you know all three of those guys so you know I think Aiden definitely brings them up a lot and and DJ reer very very good Elite mcal I think them two if we’re going defensive tackle Duos they’re up there that’s why I think they’re up there I don’t no one’s saying they’re a bad defensive line I’m not saying that I think they got better this off season yeah I mean like if see Bo we could revisit this like seven weeks in and Davenport’s playing really well and that’s my point my point you have guys who can play at a high level like I think that’s why they’re getting ranked fourth as you have like if you rank the interior defensive line which I’m I’m pretty sure PF did the Detroit Lions I believe had the number one inter tier defensive line with DJ rer and Al mcneel so when you look at it that way that’s why that’s exactly why now it’s all clicking for me that’s exactly why PFF has him as a number four overall defensive line because they think the Lions have the number one interior defensive line in the entire NFL and then you add in the Aiden Hutchinson and then if Marcus Davenport if you guys remember the uh top 30 ranked um Edge rushers in the NFL they had a Hutson I think top five and then they had Marcus Davenport in the top 30 as well so they had both of those guys ranked so these are guys who are highly ranked but if you’re looking at it like I I brought the facts there like 20 you’re returning 23 and a half total sacks on your defensive line 23 and a half the Browns who are behind you in the rankings are returning over 42 sacks like that is a big difference and like you do need someone to step up and run game and interior we already know that’s a different demon itself like those dudes like we have guys that are on a different level but when we’re talking about getting to the quarterback and we talk about it all the time Jeff the the most important thing is yes pressures are huge get into the quarterback and creating sacks that’s essentially like getting another stop like that’s exactly what you need to do even though Dan Campbell says who cares about it that’s still a piece to this game and like when you look at a team that’s bringing back double the amount of sacks than yours I want to see some guys step up I want to see M like I hope Makai Wingo works out like imagine if they brought in Matthew judon your defensive line gets that much better if Levi o works out or Josh Pascal ends up working out or the commish steps up James Houston comes back healthy that’s scary like things can work out in the favor but I think it’s like we just have more so of a question mark on that edge than other teams have kind of already solidified yeah and I see um you know JT says in the video they said even if healthy they said even they they they even say if healthy yeah and that’s fair that’s fair that’s fair yeah and I get that Matthew bats I don’t know according to the people very good SOB yeah uh big MC’s Big M says need to figure out coach Williams on the ranking he will definitely make this dline better uh yeah I think development absolutely um I think that’s huge um all right let’s uh well let’s transition here because that kind of relates to what we’re going to talk about and by the way we will get to Red Wings uh we have segments designated right after doc rest of the show is going to be red wings so just hold on we’ll get do it uh so don’t worry about it but right now I I do want to transition into where ESPN had the Lions ranked in their top 25 under 25 rosters so it’s uh under 25 top 25 and or at least I don’t know if it’s top 25 but it’s under 25 Talent like teams that have players great players under 25 years old and you and where do you think the Lions well I’ll ask the chat because you probably have already looked because last year they were third on this list where do you guys think they are this year because we know this team we mentioned it all the time how young they are and that helps with the window because of how young they are and they have great players that are very young but ESPN had them this upcoming season I see ones I see a lot of ones one one ET they have them at two behind the Houston Texans who last year was actually won this year they are won again which you know H most of the roster is Young like the Lions have more experienced guys especially on their offensive line but and a quarterback so I I’m not really as mad at that but number two the lions are here uh number three real quick the Baltimore Ravens and then number four the Atlanta Falcons so lions are sitting pretty comfortably in my opinion at least for a roster under 25 and ESPN rights here as you can tell by their placement on this list the Lions acce the top of the past few drafts we we can certainly have some interesting arguments about positional value uh geez with these picks uh with the picks that Detroit made but it’s hard to argue with the result Su was a first team all proo last season it is 23 years old leapor was also 23 and set NFL record for catches by a tight end with 86 Gibbs and Brian Branch are just 22 while firstr rookie tan Arnold is likely to be an NFL starter at 21 the Lions also have several quality players who are 24 this season led by one of the League’s top wide receivers in St Brown after catching a career-high 119 receptions for 1515 yards Sam Brown signed a huge contract to keep him in Detroit Hutchinson led the NFL in pressures and is also 24 so our linebacker Jack hell and Edge rusher Josh Pascal and don’t forget about the 23-year-old wide out Jameson Williams a former first- round pick whom the lions are counting on to develop and finally reach his potential this season and they have some [ __ ] players here pan Su Aiden Hutchinson Sam DEA Ain rosin Brown and Jamir Gibbs who that didn’t even actually they didn’t mention in the explanation there they left a player out too in this whole thing Ali mcneel 24 years old oh I don’t know how you leave Al mcneel off of this whole article yeah I think that’s crazy and that speaks to it’s crazy that usually with in the NFL it’s a little different like basketball if you have an all young roster all bunch of guys 19 20 21 you’re not going to win that you’re going to lose a lot of games in the NFL it’s such a balance it’s a bigger roster so you can kind of balance out with young players and vets and different positions like if you have a veteran at quarterback a veteran at uh tackle which they have P which is basically a veteran uh the dude plays like a 10year vet you could kind of get away with these other young players but no these young players are just that good Boer I mean yeah they’re just that good it doesn’t matter where they play the crazy thing is like in this article too they have a segment there that basically says key uh key players notable players that graduated off the top or the under 25 list and if you go look at every single one of of these lists here every single team has a player that’s gone you know got older than 25 like an elite player the Detroit Lions might be one of the only teams on this list that it said none it just said there are no players that have exceeded this number and they are all still under 25 and I’m gonna this might be I know Detroit Supremacy Supremacy said earlier and like are we getting a non-bias Boer in here today I don’t know if this is non-biased or not I think the Detroit Lions should be number one on this list and I get the the the Texans have a great young Corp but the thing that you have with this Lions team is you have the panou amanra hutch leapa Gibbs alen mcneel Brian Branch Jack Campbell Jameson Williams like you have guys guess what all of these guys did all these guys were a part of the team last year that took this team to an NFC Championship game and they all were contributors like it wasn’t like they just were guys like getting random snaps no by the end of the season including Jameson Williams like they’re getting they’re contrib Jameson Williams had two touchdowns in the NFC championship game like every single one of these guys are contributors to this football team that is returning in their Super Bowl contenders like that’s where I think this comes like dude you literally have your whole core outside of like Jared gof is on this list and they’re all under 25 years old like I think that’s the craziest part you know what Bo I agree with you I I think they should be higher than the Texans I’m thinking about it I think the big reason why they’re there is CJ shroud and Will Anderson Jr I think those but I I anybody else the Lions can go toe-to-toe like I even think with Will Anderson and and uh CJ they can go toe-to-toe CJ at quarterback their quarterback’s older so you can’t really go toe-to-toe there but in terms of the volume of players that are great and young you’re right like Sam leor All Pro and what they’ve accomplished already like a lot of these guys are already First Team all Pros like laort is already an all pro tight end pul is already an all pro uh I’m in Ros Brown he’s 24 yes GI this year you’re hoping and not even just all pro but like Hutch pro bowler Gibbs pro bowler like these guys like you have just a list that just keeps going of pro bowlers and All Pro players that are under 25 and guess what most of these guys are going to be on this list again next year maybe outside of Peno and uh and amanra like those are the only two guys I think that might be close to Turning 25 out of this whole list and everyone else will be on it including terion Arnold now is going to jump up into the the top of that list like whoever you draft next year I’m sure it’s going to get put on it I think it’s in it’s incredible what like it’s a testament to Brad Holmes to be honest yeah it is I mean even the all Pros that has to matter I mean Will Anderson won Defensive Rookie of the Year but he wasn’t all pro CJ stad was not all pro they have multiple all Pros for guys under 25 yeah and that matters I mean pan Su is the best you argue one of the best players in the game and and the definitely the best tackle in the game so you know there’s that yeah I agree with you I think volume and pound-for-pound even though CJ’s so he’s so good he’s great but he he him and will really put them up there like you could go multiple guys pan Aiden Amed raah Sam uh Brian Branch J Mo even though J Mo hasn’t shown exactly his potential yet he you still have to put him in there I mean they were were talking about Christian Harris on the on the Texans which Christian Harris is fine but like they’re mentioning John Mei who’s barely played like if we’re going if we’re going to mention those guys like let’s be real lions they mention tin Dell at least like okay I was going to say but if you’re mentioning like John meie no offense to him but like you can mention J Mo you know s and Sammy B just put pan is only 23 so he’s gonna be on the list next like you this this you had no one leave this list no key players leave this list on the the article like you probably won’t next year I think I’m in Raj’s 24 and neim McNeil’s 24 and they left mcneel out which is is is shocking to itself this is such a good roster that they’ve built like it’s crazy that that they’re not number one especially after what this team just did yeah and that’s and that should tell you right there when we talk about uh them being a Super Bowl Contender that’s the that’s part of the window conversation is the youth like that that’s some teams are put together and they have a lot of veterans older players in their Windows like okay guys gather up we’re winning a Super Bowl um no offense but kind of like the Rams etn in the chat I mean the Rams had Matthew Stafford who I mean he was getting older they they went all in they got Von Miller they had Aaron Donald they weren’t sure of his future uh jayen Ramsey they they acquired him they were like we’re winning this thing you know and they they won which that matters I mean they got the Super Bowl so everything else no one gives a damn about but the lions at least have young guys still on rookie deals for the most part so you know you’re gonna have a couple swings at this thing yep so that’s honestly the biggest part of this whole entire conversation isn’t just about where they rank on the list but what’s to in the future and really what they can turn into so um that’s big time uh let’s welcome in uh Michael Gentry here heent yeah let’s let’s get our boy in here Michael Gentry welcome to the program how you doing my guy beautiful hat you doing oh thanks Boon ways you know I’m rocking the hat but it’s been a great day boys obviously uh these guys made some moves so you know we love it it’s been a great day go how are the boys yeah Stevie hey they were you know some people were trolling Stevie May made a couple little signings the last couple days and people are like really you know what are we doing here and then he drops the bomb Vladimir tereno just signs him to what a two-year deal and this is a guy who’s in six seasons in his career has had 30 plus goals what what are the Red Wings getting in Vladimir tereno I know he played well in the playoffs last year but can you can you go through and talk about what he provides for this team well obviously two-time Stanley Cup champ winner and I he he’s replacing David pan in that top six and you’re obviously going to get way more production out of him offensively not so much on the defensive side but to get him two years 4.75 and obviously you dished off Robbie fabry to make some extra cap for that and hopefully another move for that right-handed dman but man it it’s a great move that that’s going to benefit in multiple areas his goal scoring it’s gonna add a whole another level to this team and then you know power play one power play two wherever they decide to toss him it’s just going to be an extra boost there so this is kind of the ideal signing that you wanted as a Red Wings fan you know you get teraso a great goal score to add to your top six on a reasonable contract for two years you didn’t have to go out and spend eight million on Stam Coast you didn’t have to go out and overpay anyone else this was the perfect signing and as I said the other day you just have to be patient because you know obviously last year the de brinka trade took till July 10th so seven days from now but he had the space and you know he was just waiting for the right move he wasn’t going to overpay he knew that this addition was you know the right one for the team so he went out and got him yeah I I mean listen Boon this move um it was worth the waight I’ll tell you that yeah I I mean d the only thing and I said this to Gentry the other day when we were talking about the wings I just wanted the wings like just make moves to where like this this franchise moves forward you’re you were one or two games out and I think honestly I I say it a lot I I do think like if if Lin if l injury doesn’t happen they probably make the playoffs but you were like one or two games away from making the playoffs last year even with the Lin injury for a little bit it’s like if dude all you have to do is just improve a little bit like and and and you remember all the people what they were saying like the spit and chicklets and those guys were like if the wings get in they can make noise it’s like all you have to do is just get in next year and then let whatever happens happens I think that’s all this team needs to do is get into the playoffs and it sounds like teras senko is like the guy to like all right maybe this puts us over a little bit yeah no I I agree as far as that goes I think he’s a guy that could help and um obviously the our offense was kind of slower last year and we were begging to see those young guys so when a lot of people were panicking over not signing people I was like well don’t you want to see these young prospects come up and get their time and with a signing like this you still have your bottom six open where you can plug and play some of those guys and then you obviously have two spots on the defensive end for Johansson and uh Edinson so you’re still going to get that that youth movement that we all wanted and you still added goal scoring to your top six so like the teraso move I already thought this year you have to make playoffs Stevie had to go out and make the moves to make this team a playoff team and I still think there’s still some moves to be made you have three goenda was a huge step forward in your top six yeah I mean they they signed they signed tereno and then right after they traded Fab uh and they cleared 4 million in cap space so you basically signed him for what I think it’s like 4.25 for I think it was 475 I could be wrong and then you clear four million right after um so I mean from Stevie Steve his perspective still like you said more moves to be made I see Pon start Patrick Kane yeah they played together what with the Rangers yes like like that yeah and Patrick Kane wasn’t fully healthy when he played for the Rangers so like him getting we’ seen what he did last year when you know that that surgery he had is not an easy surgery for him to come back from still was a point per game guy now he has a whole offseason to keep working at it and then you know he’s got training camp with the wing so I think you know it’s it’s going to be a great time for you know those two Getting Back Together on the ice healthy so yeah is there are they going to make another massive move like is there another big time player that’ll get added in a trade or is it just like now which’s depth um I would say you know I think one of those goldendarkness that off or that top pair that that would be my thing a right-handed defenseman I know there’s a couple guys out there but I don’t know if it’s going to be via trade if they have to offload some more cap to kind of get that situation right with whoever they’re looking for but definitely a right-handed defenseman what do you think about this comment di he says ninth best offense 25th best defense why is everyone talking about scoring yeah I I mean I agree with that to a certain extent but I think you know the the younger forwards will kind of help out that group and balance the off throughout four lines and then your top six got better so you got to always kind of talk about your offense and uh the defense I think you know people are kind of sleeping on the Edinson the Johansson’s a little bit people were pushing to kind of get these guys in the lineup last year and now that their times finally here we’re kind of scared to watch them take that step but I think those guys will help that and like I said um they’re going to add a right-handed defenseman to go in that top four Decor 100% yeah that um I will say it was worth the wait all right I know we we were coming at Stevie a little bit in joking matter but hey Gentry likes it we like it all right that’s fair no Ste by here what about yeah Lucas uh etn says I’m just gonna agree with everything jry says uh what do you think about the deadline at least the uh trying to acquire goalie I see Ryan mention that uh would that be more so a deadline move like okay let’s see let’s evaluate gold tending and go out and get so more yeah yeah it could be kind of a thing because you kind of maybe work who so back into things and then you roll with three guys at first and then kind of dish off one of the three so that could be an option I just I don’t know if I feel like if I don’t know if you’re going to Dish off a goalie at the deadline you’re G to make a goalie deadline deal you’re GNA bring in someone too so I feel like I don’t know that that’s tough I think if they’re going to go get their goalie they’ll probably get them now rather than wait on it and try and you know backpedal and hopefully a goalie falls into their lap at the deadline I think they want to go out and kind of get that situation secured as soon as possible I see the comments about uh Detroit Supremacy and pistons talk is a playoff team we do need a little more help on defense Evon would be nice uh would love to see if the true bet trade happen though yeah I mean I would love to see the TR bet trade happen too but when deals like that happen obviously there’s a lot of stuff involved with his family I kind of read a story about that all the stuff his wife is doing so it’s it’s more than you know just him wanting to get traded here he’s leaving actual situation behind in New York and but he’s a great player I think there would have to be a lot of money taken out or retained rather from New York and uh you would maybe even have to Dish off one of your defenseman but one of those bottom guys I’m sure Red Wings fans are totally fine with dealing off so I would love the trba trade I don’t know if uh that’s going to be the move like I said because you have to do a lot of things with his contract I don’t think they’re going to take that big contract on so U I think I would maybe lower the bar a little bit now especially given that situation and everything that we’ve heard you know come out about Jacob trouba so yeah I think they’re maybe lower the bar there’s still a good defenseman coming just like I said a couple days ago Don’t Panic this forward signing was coming I didn’t know it would be ter Ino I thought they would have kind of went uh a trade route after how the free agency boiled down to start off with but I mean you got the best free agent left on the board today yeah they like 20ish million left and with they still do have some contracts to get worked out but uh I’m assuming with the way things are going they’re still going to go make that Acquire right-handed defenseman it’s still all part of the plan no matter if it is offloading someone or whatever they’re they’re going to go out and they’re still going to get a guy if feels like every time I see them make the move the last couple days a goalie is involved I don’t know if that’s just me but it’s like they’re just stacking up goalies and I don’t know if any of these goalies they’ve brought in are good but it’s just like I feel like and now I see some people in the chat like we’ve got enough goalies like is that is that does it feel weird that ad is he like well it’s not with centers the goalie you traded for today you will probably never see um you know he’s in the ECHL so like he’s got long steps above him and then you sign Jack Campbell you’re not going to see Jack Campbell um good linebacker there let’s let’s pray on it let’s we won’t see Jack Campbell he’ll be more of a Grand Rapids guy but you do have Cam tal but you still have Alex Lon and you still have Billy hoo and I like Billy huso man I wish he would have worked out the man just oh who Billy’s a great goalie when he’s healthy but he’s been battling a lot of injuries and he’s even been forced well not I don’t want said forced to play but he’s went out in there and played when you know he was battling those injuries and you know he had some good games he had some very bad games but so why do they just keep giving up random pieces for go just like why why not just keep the the keep well they actually you know they still do have Trey Augustine Sebastian kosa and those guys we’re hoping will be like the next Generation goalies for our future you know and hopefully see those guys in a few years but I mean when you’re talking about guys like you know the one you traded for from Anaheim these aren’t guys that you’re hoping you know could be something very soon kind of hoping that they could be back up plans down the future you know and just hopefully pan out if you need them to and like the goal you acquired today was it was all a cap dump and you know he he just built up on depth in his lower leagues that’s fair I’m I’m on the eer plan I trust it the AER plan reminds me of the Boer path so I’m all in on it I’m just it just it’s taken a little longer than maybe expected but I will say this I do agree where a lot of people are and Jeff you could I know you going you guys go back and forth about the Troy Weaver isman thing I think in hockey you know you have to take that approach to be able to to slowly build and build like when aimin did it in Tampa and then leaves and they win all those cups it’s like okay like let him let give him time it’s different in the NBA in the NBA you could figure it out and it’s either you have it or you don’t adan’s already done it so yeah it’s GNA take longer but it’s worth it at least that’s how I look at it I thinken the NBA and NHL are both like the NFL is not for long I mean you it teams go from worst to First all the time I think in hockey and basketball it’s a little different but the difference is Stevie y’s done it you know like that like it’s we joke around but no offense to to you and Troy Weaver but like Stevie y was an injury away from already getting this team to the playoffs and competing in the playoffs he was like an injury away yeah so like Troy Weaver was the worst history away it doesn’t matter if Dyan Lin gets injured or not they still choke the season away they weren’t an injury away they they essentially they blew it but I I agree but I do think top but but but like isman put the team together to be in this position so I do think he’s done a like as much as people might hate him I look at it in a sense to where I don’t know hockey as much but just from a sports fan P perspective and Detroit fans looking from the outside in a little bit he’s done a way better job than a guy like tro like that that’s not even conversation to me when when Jeff tries to go at when Jeff goes at you for that I think it’s one of the craziest things of all time wait when what when you try like oh like oh like he goes at you for Troy Weaver you’re like well isan’s at home too right like come on dude I never said that I never said that I do mess with him because he’ll come with the Pistons I’ll be like well our offseason start at the same time but I’ve never won that that’s what I don’t like cuz one team had 14 wins and the other team okay it’s a joke police relax all right this guy’s gatekeeping it’s a joke uh but I’ve never once compared Stevie and Troy Mike back me up i’ yeah I I agree with that I’ve never said that would be over that would be egregious that would be egregious that would be egregious I admit that even years ago I mean because Stevie’s proven it Troy hasn’t and Troy falls asleep at press conferences and Steve doesn’t so um yeah there’s that as well uh let’s welcome in the man the myth the legend I mean the doc it is Wednesday and therefore friend join the program and we’re GNA break down not only training camp but some of the stuff we’ve been talking about the last couple of days that hopefully we can get the doc’s answer on I hey I played a little quick nine holes with Doc you know doc solid very underrated golfer I will say that very very fundamental very fundamentally sound let’s please welcome in the man the M the legend Mr John mackon John welcome to the program how you doing my man yes sir fellas it’s great man it’s a good time uh enjoyed uh playing golf with I freed it was great but my favorite part of the week was nearly giving Boer a heart attack at the rocket mortgage classic I never seen a guy more scared in my life to walk next to professional golfers it was great he didn’t he understand that you could actually walk behind the golfers and I sent you guys a great picture you guys can see it if they post it on here it was great Boer sitting there in the spot on the second hole and CBS caught him you went National so it was great man it was fun because uh the rocket mortgage very gracious letting local um local media out there to cover it it’s really fun and it was fun to talk golf with Boer and to see how how that All Shook out and actually Boer got to see the winner I saw the DSP curse lived on in that I saw every shot of the final group and you saw the winning group so it’s fun to back and forth and uh it was a good time man it was the rocky mortgage really in the end is underrated I think it’s a great event locally for people locally to check out the best golfers in the world do their thing I doc I I appreciate you you were gracious you helped me out a ton walking on Sunday and it I think it worked out like you were like Boer you’re with me today and and Doc kept saying this we were walking together and the doc kept looking at me going hey you’re with the do they’re not going to say anything to me I was like all right all right and after the second hole I think it worked out after the second hole I said hey I want to go follow I’m going to go follow like I wanted to go follow Cam Davis in their group and we ended up working it to where they were about to go to overtime we were we were covering it together we’re texting each other back and forth like hey cim Davis birdie this this happened this happened and we were helping each other kind of cover the whole thing with those last two groups and the event is crazy like shout out to all the people who let us even go and and beat credential there it was crazy to do that I hope next year they get like a hundred more like I hope the whole best golfers in the PGA end up at some point coming to Detroit because it’s such a good event it was a great time though shout out to Doc man it is and like I said man now it’s summertime and get get out there I think Michigan has such a plethora of great golf courses man it’s such a great time to get out there especially in the summer months a little hot last couple days but still get out there and have a good time man it’s great enjoying enjoying some time off before training camp rolls around but it’s been interesting to see free agency with the Pistons and the Red Wings and kind of seeing how these teams are taking shape similarly to the Lions and kind of their free agency mode not taking big swings but really focusing on developing their young Talent so it’s been it’s been interesting and intriguing to see how everything’s going and all these rankings and and kind of the talk about the Lions has been real interesting as well to kind of get a sense of how the national media is viewing the Detroit Lions uh well doc I I’ll start off with this and I’m sorry I’m going to be a little ignorant here but uh Jeff risden reported that the lions are not interested in receivers uh agents they telling agents that they’re not interested in wide receivers sounds very familiar to something that we talked about John you know a couple weeks ago it’s weird how that works but I’ll I’ll throw it to you John what are your thoughts on that report was that I told you so um no not to you well not even to you Boer just in general like I I’ve been I’m cool Brad Holmes is cool so I’m cool all right that’s with one what you what’ you make of it John and uh it seems like it’s on brand right absolutely I don’t know if you guys uh got a chance if you have HBO Max the Giants uh Hard Knocks off seon was off the chains to see Joe Shane talk about saquan Barkley talk about kind of the philosophy of how they’re looking at roster construction uh we’re going to have an opinion piece tomorrow at all lions just looking at man if Brad Holmes was featured on that he’d be a bigger star than he already is locally I think nationally when you kind of look at just how bright he is and the way in which he constructs a roster I don’t think that it’s really all that much breaking news to indicate that in free agency now they’re kind of pausing and not going to look at wide receivers heading into training camp they do have a couple of individuals at four and five that are competing and I think that they have also in Kaden Davis and Williams they have some wide receiver talent that they want to see so I think that it’s pretty clear you didn’t really need a lot of sources to kind of understand that at the wide receiver spot when Dan Campbell has talked about it he’s kind of indicated that look they’re they’re all set there for now barring any injuries and I think that the position that they would maybe look at would be along the defensive line or at safety but I think it’s fair I think it’s it’s good to hear that agents will come out and say hey that you know maybe a player that they represented talked to the Lions and they just said we’re not in the market right now but I think the Lions have always been kind of clear and honest when the media has asked him about kind of um Dan Campbell said uh I think one of the last media sessions that he had he was asked okay prior to training camp what are you looking for and he said basically shuring up some competition in depth and they did sign uh the linebacker nean there soon thereafter for some competition in depth there at the linebacker spot maybe they do that uh for the offensive line and at the safety spot if there’s a spot available for the Detroit Lions but there’s not going to be big splashes these are just moves that you would probably look to just have you know you don’t want to be disrespectful but just individuals that will be given an opportunity to potentially earn a spot on the practice squad you don’t expect big moves at this point in time uh with this roster at this point the way it’s been constructed yeah doc I I want to ask you this too on the defensive side of the ball you mentioned there um one of the position groups that potentially you could see a tra in the trade market or kind of moves being made of free agents uh the defensive line and we had a discussion uh before the show um and even we talked about it to open the show was the Matthew judon situation I don’t know if you’ve seen it just yet but he’s been tweeting out all day um that it’s essentially he’s probably out of New England and and G to be looking for a different place to go uh where where do you stand on that like kind of two parts to this question I guess is is one do you see it like viable for the Detroit lines to actually pursue him um this offseason before training camp or during training camp and um if he becomes available to make that trade and do you think that’s something that he ends up leaving or do you think he just kind of sticks it out until his contract’s up yeah that Situation’s been wild what was interesting to read about was galani Tay kind of finding his Niche with the Patriots it always was very intriguing and I look back one of my first media questions was to Matt Patricia on galani Tavi’s first day and he kind of gave the answer it’s like hey it’s his first day he’s got a long way to go but he just never really showcased a lot here in Detroit and it was intriguing when he got the extension for judan at 31 years old I think that maybe you know it’s something always to look at but I don’t think that at this point when you have Jack Campbell and Derk Barnes who need to take a step forward this year I think they really do like agude I thought that he acclimated very well in terms of what we got a chance to see I thought he got to the football showed speed I think that he’s a player that the Detroit Lions really like and it’s really intriguing when you look at it the the early pre-training camp roster predictions we did one uh the Free Press did one and the linebacker spot is real intriguing in regards to do you keep four or five does AUD get in the mix you probably presume that it’s going to be Alex anzelone um Malcolm Rodriguez Derek Barnes Jack Campbell gudy in the mix also competing with Jaylen Reeves mabin so you look at you know four five linebackers uh on the roster does anybody else sneak in I don’t think they need another veteran um but at this point in time you look at a player of that caliber he’s very talented but just each with each passing year you do slow down a little bit especially at that linebacker spot I liked his game I thought that he was a bright spot on a team that has been struggling the last couple years but uh I just think that you know for him I I think that he’s more in line with uh opportunities for you know playing time maybe somewhere else because I think the playing in Detroit might not be there for someone 31 years old in his position right now Doc judon would come right in see you later dport scoot over instantly yeah walking he’s better than anybody got you’re you’re you’re booting Davenport before we even get a chance to see him I wonder if they if he if he take if he take the opportunity to do it you know I it’s interesting when you look at at you know how Brad Holmes operates I think that they do their research they do their they do their due diligence and true I do think that if that name would have been starting to Circle a little earlier maybe you could believe it but I think they do like it’s interesting you know it’s not like how it is in terms of fantasy booking where we we we kind of just say hey uh do this it’s not like M and you push a button I think the Lions do their due diligence they do a lot of research and um think that I just find it difficult you know with how the way the Lions talk about free agency like look if they did it it would be great I think that more competition at different spots is is is is is is great and I know people are concerned about Davenport and what he’s gonna bring to the table but I kind of like what Davenport can do uh if he does stay healthy and then also with James Houston as well so just like with the Red Wings and those that are saying hey why AR you bring in more big names and like the say you don’t want to give away time for the young guys and I think that James Houston is somebody that is somebody that they also like as well so I don’t want to take time away from Barnes or James Houston and taking time from the look 31 years old uh the Lions have kind of trended younger in regards to you know the way in which the the roster has been built so I know everyone loves Tobias Harris at 31 years old and $25 million but my God you know I I like I like the way the roster is constructed right now I don’t think you need to be searching for uh trades for plus 30 linebackers even though come on for one year for one year he could he could do some things but I think they’re okay with what they got at their spots right now hey it it’s like uh the Rams getting old good old Von Miller just come on over here for a year you know come on come on over here for a year help us get this bull mike what do you got doc these boys kind of talk if it was two years ago I jump all over it this year I don’t know that’s fair doc the boys talked about it at the beginning of the show I think PFF had uh the Lions defensive line ranked fourth is that too high too low in your opinion or is that just perfect it’s pretty high doc that is I was like whoa that’s a a nice nice ranking there I know the PFF has been um you know throwing out their rankings here and there I love the fact that they ranked the offensive line number one um the defensive line look when you got Aiden Hutchinson that gives you credibility right away and I think that when you see a guy that’s potentially poised for 15 to 20 sacks in in another um you know solid season with all the pressures and everything that’s a good starting point and then you add DJ reer which PFF loved they love the veterans uh they love the addition of a player that probably is gonna open things up for Al mcneel I think the rankings pretty fair um they do have a lot to prove they do have to stay healthy but you look at also I think a player that is going to be talked about quite a bit and we you guys have talked about it we’ve written about him is Al mcneel I think that he’s going to be poised for what I think is going to be a real Stellar season real special of force I think he’s going to continue to be a run stuffer and then now with DJ reer taking some attention maybe you’ll also have some opportunities for some some some great pass rush and I think he’s gonna have a great season and this defensive line yeah the question marks are going to be you know does Josh pasel take the next step forward that’d be great you know John Kaminsky is going to battle maybe uh could be somebody that is battling for a job but is also an individual that has experience and then you just like you guys have said Davenport is going to be the key I think if he can stay healthy now you you mix a match with him and James Houston and the and the young talented Makai Wingo now you have an opportunity to do some things and mix a match and have guys that can play uh at multiple different spots and that’s what the Lions love so Aaron Glenn’s got to be happy and then again I think the wild card is the new defensive line coach Terrell Williams is gonna get brri Martin in better shape he’s gonna get him some some opportunities there as well so you got some young developmental guys as well so that just is a perfect ranking I think right now heading into training camp yeah and and Doc another thing I want to ask you and great job by the way I just want to you know what we got to give doc some love like we always do but you got Jake Bates great interview by the way I thought you know doc very professional hadit his Polo on I mean doc yeah s’s best man and it was a great we broke it down here on the show and no polo tonight doc no polo for for the doc but doc I gotta ask you uh one how was how was the interview for you and just getting a a chance to talk to him I loved his perspective on a lot of things I know we talk about a lot that there was an adjustment kicking in the NFL we all understand that um but the way he was talking about how at the end of the day he’s just it’s just uh it’s something that he does for a living and he just lives in the moment um and he just understands listen I just go up there and kick you know although the crowds there and he’s it’s going to be different than 9,000 10,000 people I understand that um but what do you think of Jake Bates H his kind of mentality and uh your confidence and kind of yeah you know see you later Michael Badgley where you at with it was fun going back and forth trying to schedule the interview um look um I’m somebody that I think is kind of in the mold of being a direct interviewer and I I did Listen to I did peek in a little to the breakdown and uh I I it made me laugh one of your commenters said ah I can see why doc where a cap because he’s going bald and yes yes I can’t I’m not allow I’m not allowed on those videos to wear hats it’s professional and look this is you know to be honest right now this is vacation mode for which is always wild to me is that the beat writers kind of like disappear off the face of the Earth like they never had like there’s no more NFL like they they still do their pieces and stuff like that but they don’t interact as much I never I I understand it you know we need some time away but I didn’t need that much I’m always online at Detroit podcast so I wanted to in a way establish you know the lone wolves podcast I’ve always done Lions podcast but I said to myself okay we got this new named podcast that’s for SI specifically it’s called the lone wolves to take up uh take a you know from Brad Holmes and and saying hey you know I’m kind of somebody that’s more direct and right to the point and asking these big bold question so I said okay I like the name I’m one of the lone wolves in the media just doing his thing in my way so I said okay how do you start to distinguish yourself well you kind of need you know to get a a a guest that people want to pay attention to and boy I was like I thought the the response would be great but obviously when others write about it and you guys talk about it the response has been overwhelmingly positive and it’s a fastest growing podcast I’ve had and it’s great to see the the response and and look that the point was simple it was okay let’s learn about somebody that’s new to the roster and had this experience that’s just really kind of different than what we’ve been used to a kicker that played for uh a UFL team that had success at Fort field and when one of your first kicks is a 64 y I wanted to learn more about uh Jake Bates and I thought that he listen um and I’ve told you guys he was a great guest and the the best guests are the ones that come in that want to be there and that elaborate and answer the questions directly and they know how to look I asked him a point blank kind of question that you know you kind of assume he might skirt around where I said hey was that second year part of the reason why you came and he said look there’s a lot of factors and I do think that clearly getting the two-year deal and an opportunity maybe uh maybe kind of knowing what what what the situation is being here kicking at Ford Field that you know his agent said look this is an opportunity you have to go out there and handle business so I thought that if you go check it out it’s available everywhere you just type in jig Bates you can find it uh you can find it at all lions um by visiting NFL Lions is right there in the podcast page um I do think he’s got a legitimate chance he’s got the biggest in tangible he’s got a big leg and the guy can kick 60 yard field goals and the number one thing for him is going to be when he’s put out there in preseason games and in the the practice reps he’s got to be consistent look you can have the biggest leg in the world but if in um if in a situation in which you’re called upon to kick field goals you’re inconsistent as he kind of was a little bit towards the end of the missing some 45 yarders uh you got to be somebody that’s going to have to beat out Michael Badgley so to me as we speak even though I interviewed him right now badgley’s in in command he’s the incumbent but Jake Bates has a legitimate chance to beat him out look Riley Patterson beat out Badgley last year so why can’t that happen he’s gonna be given the opportunity so when he when it’s time it’s going to be time to deliver the goods and make your field goals and it’s real simple when the time comes and you’re competing I mean they’re going to compete and the and you guys have been out there you can see how they do it they line them up at different spots 30 45 55 60 and they put them out there in different uh timed uh time drills and hey go at it start kicking and and they monitor each and we’ll be out there each day reporting on clearly one of the biggest battles out there so is if Jake Bates wants the job he’s clearly got to go out there and take it from Michael Badgley and I do think with with leg and his confidence if he’s doing the work now this off season which we all know he is then I think the competition is going to be really great and fun to watch especially in the preseason games and during all the training camp practices he coming for his job we are a pro for job we are a pro Jake B I ask you but I’ll ask you guys this because you know it’s a new era of NFL football with the new kickoff rule would you keep two kickers would you potentially say hey okay if he does well maybe you you you say you got one kicker for the distance 55 to 65 that’s Jake bat’s job and everything else is Michael badgley’s job do you think any opportunities there to be outside the box and keep both or do you say okay if one then one goes on the practice squad uh you look at it and you say it’s not out of the realm of possibility to keep two kickers but at the same token uh I’m curious to see how how the Lions view this especially if it’s close like what do you do if it’s close that’s the biggest thing Jake bat’s got to do is make this a super tough challenge you know I don’t think they would keep two but it’s not out of the realm of possibilities unique docc Jake I was gonna say real quick you’re talking Kade mcneer maybe JJ McCarthy we’re talking about that you know we’re talking about a higher ceiling here if it’s close if it’s Clos Jake is the talent and and badley Big K big leg Yeah you take the talent um dog I want to ask you we had a question yesterday and we talked about it on our show um about the Detroit Lions secondary and I asked I posed a question to the guys in the chat um if they thought the Detroit Lions secondary could be a top 10 unit and PFF rate them 11th um and then I I I mentioned that I think by the end of the season with the pieces that they put together that they’ll be in the top 10 by the end of the season uh top seven potentially like they can make that jump do you think and I know there’s like some younger pieces on this defense or the secondary do you think the secondary ends up being the best unit um on this defensive side of the ball and do they like take a step to a top seven secondary in the NFL yeah that’s the biggest key I think defensive line you have a little bit more sure uh answers there in regards to Aiden Hutchinson and DJ reer and Lee mcneel you have more proven in terms of we’ve seen it for a little bit longer the secondaries got to get out there right away and start to prove it man it’s going to be interesting Carlton Davis has been a guy that hasn’t been a true number one but has that Talent so he’s going to be given that job I think he’s going to earn it I think he’s the veteran that wants to also prove based on his cont contract that hey I can be potentially if not here in Detroit somewhere else somebody that can be a lock down corner or do a lot of different things listen teron Arnold is somebody that I think is GNA have more of an immediate impact look he’s gonna have his rookie moments he’s gonna struggle at times look he’s gonna get picked on by the NFC North quarterbacks there’s such great talent at wide receiver It’s just tough to limit everything that goes on and I asked um one of the safety coaches I said look man the North has got some stacked wide receivers it’s going to be a challenge and he said yeah look the all over the place all over the league these wide receivers are coming in from college and and they’re developing and they’re able to really do some things just based on how the league is set up so it’s just really tough but I’m just I think it’s going to be a fascinating challenge I love I love the offseason workout videos of Terry and Arnold you see him all over the place his footwork is out of this world I just think that he’s got fundamentally sound techniques I think he’s ready to go and he wants to be a Hall of Famer the wild card is going to be Andis rraw if he can stay healthy he’s a physical I think defensive back that can play nickel he’s learning the different responsibilities I think he’s you know your first year is always tough because the lions are gonna try to play him at multiple spots outside at nickel and at different positions so he’ll have his opportunities but there’ll be a learning curve there the big thing for him is if he’s going to stay healthy I like amek Robertson at the nickel spot along with Brian Branch I think the secondary has more question marks is more wait and see I think the unit that you can count on is the safeties you put Brian Branch with iffy or Brian Branch with Kirby I think that safety spot is pretty locked down they’re gonna Force some turnovers they’re going to be around the ball clogging up the middle making things a lot easier so the secondary has question marks I think the ranking at 11th that PFF gave was pretty fair and they’ll have an opportunity with development to get into that top 10 and be productive but it’s going to be they’re going to be tasked with more interceptions more breakups and at least at this point we’re all more comfortable smiling a little bit more because it’s much better than uh than Jerry Jacobs and cam Sutton I think the lion secondary good job kudos to Brad Holmes for revamping it and getting a lot more talent but uh that position that position is super tough to succeed just based on these offenses and it’s G to be a challenge but it’s one in which if they are able to meet it oh man look out if the defense becomes the strength I think that these games can be one even more comfortable where you know last year there was a lot of grinded out games maybe the Lions can be one of those teams that hey if if all if they get rolling maybe they can beat teams by seven to seven to 14 points every single week do do you think Doc and another question I already had and it fits perfect into kind of what you just said there but Brian branch that you saw the video like he obviously had that small injury and he was rehabing so he wasn’t at OTAs in mini camp do you think this is like a a pro bowl jump for him this year because it seems like everyone’s kind of counting on him to do that and he showed so much like he showed a ton last year in in spurts and then he obviously had some injuries do you think this is a year to where it’s like he ends up being one of the best players on on this defense and one of the best safeties in the entire NFL I’m hoping I’m banking on it yeah listen it’s crazy because let me show your share my mindset um last year I approached Brian Branch the most I think out of any player that was in the locker room and it’s a double-edged sword because I love the fact he was coached by Nick Sabin I’m fond of Nick Sabin I when he was at the draft I stood there and seeing him on the set with McAfee I almost was like whoa I see the aura of Nick Sav I almost tried to rush the stage and be like I’m your biggest fan Nick thank you for what you did for all these Alabama guys because Detroit is now alab the Detroit Crimson Tide so you look at it on the one side I love that he was coached hard by Nick Sabin on the other side Nick Savin does not like his players talking to the media so it was a grind to get information like he was super uptight and super serious I tried to you know do as much as I could to get some information out of him but he was like boom like he was Ultra business and it took a like the more times I kept approaching him the the better it got so this year year to I hope that he can understand that hey look you’re somebody that people strongly care about and he got the seal of approval when Chris Spielman said wait a minute slow down everybody the talk of Gibbs the talk of uh Jameson Williams Wait a Minute pump the brakes maybe eventually the best pick that Brad Holmes could have made could be Brian branch that was what Chris fielman said and why did he say that I could see it right away why he would say that all business the man wants to study the man understands the game he made an impactful play his first time out there in Prime Time against the Chiefs and the man is look if you’re going to be tasked with it’s it’s no easy feat to just go from nickel cornerback to safety and everybody’s like yeah we believe he can do it and nickel cornerback is not easy I mean you gotta be you know somebody that reads plays quickly sure tackler you got to be a linebacker and a cornerback to play nickel and he Embraces it so I think Brian Branch you should Levy even higher expectations Pro Bowl is more of a you know popularity kind of thing I I I prefer I think he could be an all pro I think Brian Branch can be somebody that could be you know if he’s healthy and does some things he could also be in the conversation for defensive player of the year I think that this is a player that you can count on to do the work he does his homework he’s somebody that cares deeply about his craft and he came out and said that he felt like he left a lot on the table his rookie year when you have somebody that kind of has the intangibles and the mindset to be great I think Brian branch is exciting he’s not talked about even enough we should be praising Brian Branch a lot more for the season that he had and what he can do I think he you know man he could be one of the Premier defensive backs in the NFL in in a few short years and uh we’re seeing the fruits of it now imagine in a couple years from now when he’s in his prime man I think that Brian Branch you can’t speak highly enough about him and uh hope hopefully you know he he he loosens up a little bit when we get a chance to talk to him all right doc this is an on Lance’s question you went golfing with our boy Jeff here I just need to need to know how the overall experience and if was starting an article or he was writing an article on Jeff’s performance what is that article say ohc give the context doc yeah yeah yeah you didn’t you didn’t prep your boys this is good so here’s what happened Jeff you know last week we started talking about you know let’s Golf together let DSP and crunch time get together and I said hell yeah let’s do it and uh Jeff sent me a message of his swing and I said oh okay so I had thought that he was practicing at CJ Berry Morris on that same day I said oh you’re out there uh I said okay it looks good I think let’s uh let’s see about this swing and get it get it rolling and I said you know what it was it’s Tuesday and I said you know what I’m not doing much I want to start this vacation because um uh it’s it’s the slow time of year I’m taking a lot more time off not grinding as much writing so I said I said you know you know what let me see if Jeff’s in the area and let’s go out and let’s play some golf and I said you know what nine holes for me at this point suits me so much better the couple hours and uh Jeff got out there and look I competed doc I competed yeah let’s let’s just say let’s just say this I whooped his ass out there on the on the scorecard but but I’ll say this he was it was more of a practice session for Jeff he was tinkering he was trying to see which club his game better whereas I’m already established with with fitted clubs and have used them for a year so I was pretty comfortable you know for me my game is simple I can’t drive at all I can hit it 250 but it’s I can’t tell you how where it’s going so my iron play is a lot better chipping is up and down putting is you know average but I can get around a course reasonably Jeff was all over the place Jeff was spraying people Jeff was hitting old ladies like there was a there was one time I had to yell four at the Jeff almost took out four older ladies with one swing was so bad he was 40 yards off the te every you know 40 yards left off of every drive but we were working on it we were trying to you know you know get it out there and and work on it but listen Jeff’s a gamer he rebounded he took counsel he he he finished strong and look the best part of golf and that’s what keeps us going and that’s why I love playing with Jeff you know you can tell right away way if you can you know have a good round with someone Jeff was into it he listened he I said Hey try this try that and then uh dude Jeff lined up an eight or nine iron with 100 yards took it within 20 feet and just launched a beautiful eight iron finishing hole was absolutely stunning and he finished strong like a champ so I could definitely play a lot of golf with um with a Fredy but you know for the ladies there man look out because he was that that was scary I thought was going to take somebody out with all of the uh all the Wayward drives that were going on but it was professional we had a good time uh Sycamore Hills is always nice and they put us on the right spot where we could kind of you know get you could practice you’ve seen my drive uh Jeff taped me secretly I didn’t know I turned around and there’s Jeff Tak taking photos of me and I’m like you know what all right now it’s crunch who Jeff yeah he he he he was trying to you know get some content so I said okay guys I said I’m going to hit the best Drive I that was the best Drive I think I hit which was like a 40 yard fade but that ended up going to the right so yeah and uh you know I can’t wait to get out with the dock I cannot wait it be a good time you know Jesse what’s funny is that I am a shorter guy and my nephew’s like uh are those pants or shorts that you wear when you’re you know I like those longer cargo pants I like them like that I don’t know why you know I’m not a fan of the uh above the knee shorts I’m gonna I do have them on now but I I am more into the uh cargo p pants and things like that but I had a good time and uh listen it it definitely was the best uh best way to spend the Tuesday was a couple hours golfing and got my mind off of a lot of nonsense and uh look if that’s where Jeff is starting you know he’s got a ways to go but at the same token if he does put in the work and just a couple minor changes I think his swing will come into form and you know specifically probably using clubs that he’s comfortable with and not going experimenting with the doc trying to figure out what clubs suit him yeah well you know what you know what doc I you know what I appreciate you not throwing me under the bus I almost uh by the way those old ladies I almost took off the crunch time Polo I was wearing just avoid the lawsuit purposes I almost just tried covering the logo know who I am uh so yeah I had a blast I had a blast with you dog we gotta do it again uh but I gotta I gotta ask you because we we talked about this too Mark sareth uh stink he he has his own podcast and he was talking about the Lions roster and he was like oh the Lion’s roster stacked and he mentioned Dan Campbell and I believe it was his co-host or a guest I I don’t know exactly who it was but they asked he asked Mark about Dan Campbell’s aggressiveness and he said he doesn’t think he’ll change you know he thinks that’s who he is and um you know I think he He also mentioned that it gives the players a kind of a different mindset on third down given they know they’re going to go for it on fourth down what you think of his take on Dan and even if they do get a kicker I mean we can all assume that it’s he’s always gonna be Dan even with higher expectations to try and win a Super Bowl yeah I think that’s you know very listen the blessing is this offseason is hearing the compliments of the the rest of the NFL world when you see how much praise the Lions have gotten in regards to the way in which they’ve kind of steadily built and the NFL lends itself to a two threee rebuild and it’s been fun I think Detroit sports fans look collectively to just to take a step back I just recorded a podcast a couple hours ago and just saying you know I think the fans have a little bit of fatigue with all the rebuilds with the Tigers wings and the Pistons and it’s very slow it’s like the trajectory is like is like it’s it’s it’s it’s fan fatigue I mean literally they they’re making lateral moves with the Red Wings losing a an interesting player gaining a player and you look at the rest of the teams and you realize Man Dan Campbell is among the best coaches in town and maybe listen pretty much arguably the best based on his knowledge and experience and what he’s got going on and the the amount of respect that he’s garnered nationally has been amazing and you get you know is saying man that roster stacked and it really is when you see it from top to bottom there’s so many potential pro bowlers uh you you look at young players that are still very much in the early part of their careers you can name them off at least you know six seven players that have Supreme Talent so with Dan Campbell I think that look he realizes that being aggressive is the pathway to win and when you have all those offensive weapons why not I mean I think that you see now when you you I mean the great part is this year is going to be to analyze who gets the target I mean clearly amanra should always be the first choice but then you have leaport who many people Travis Kel’s praising you know I think gonna emerge to be a top two three uh tight end could arguably be the best tight end right now in the National Football League so why not be aggressive go for it and the thing that he said which was really really key that got me to look and do some more film watching and research was he said that the reason Dan Campbell likes to be aggressive on fourth down is it kind of makes third down pressure a little bit easier like you don’t exactly have to you know execute exactly right like if you get it if it’s third and seven and you get five yards there’s no you know there’s no Supreme pressure knowing that hey on fourth down we can pound the ball with David Montgomery we can do things so that actually helps the Lions mix and match in terms of play calling on third down and it really is true the lions were able to succeed on third down quite a bit they moved the football they moved the chains and you recognize that man with everything they got going on so many positive things that this football team Dan Campbell should be aggressive it’s the pathway to win now with that said I think he will be aggressive but there’s gonna be times I think that the interesting discussion and debates could occur this year if Bates is the kicker and you got a kicker that consistently can hit 65 yarders would Dan Campbell have gone for it as much if he beli believed he had a kicker with that strong a leg if he had uh you know a kicker that was all World last year would he have done the same thing it’s yet to be determined and we’ll see but I do think it’s going to be a high frequency he’s going to be among the most uh one of the most you know they’re gonna go for a heck of a lot as compared to the rest of the National Football League but I think that you know I think the best way to put it is I do think there has to be some level of adaptation when the playoffs roll around and points are at a premium in the regular season it’s a little different than the postseason the postseason every Point matters literally every Point matters because momentum can swing just like that just like you saw and I think if the Lions had maybe if you gave uh if you gave Dan Campbell some truth serum and some bourbon uh and said hey would you have maybe kicked a field goal he probably said yeah probably one of them I would have tried it and uh because you saw that your kicker had made one he was in Rhythm he he might have had a chance to get some more points so we’ll see and it’ll be interesting because those will be probably the big decisions that will decipher how we view Dan Campbell moving forward right now he’s a toast of the Town everybody loves him and he got the team to the NFC championship game but the expectation now is to take it a step further and one aspect of what I think the Lions can also get better at is if their head coach manages the game look it’s not a weakness but he has to also evolve as a head coach and get better and do more like I don’t lower the expectations for Dan Campbell and say congratulations you got the Lions to the NFC title game I think that Dan Campbell with the right players the Right Mix the right coaching the right growth himself can be a coach that can win multiple Super Bowls here in Detroit he’s got that potential he’s got the knowledge it’s just in those Split Second moments when you got to decide take the points or not you got to be right and you got to have it where you can’t have your football team collapse the way you get one okay it’s your first time and many people will say okay it’s the young team and they collapsed can’t do it again now the expectation is you understand what you’re doing handle business and deliver what you’re supposed to do that’s the that’s what you’re getting paid for and the expectation is not to be satisfied with just where he’s at he’s got to take it to the next level I think he can be he can be the next Andy Reid I legitimately believe it but I hope that it’s not a situation in which it’s like with the eag I hope it’s not a situation where it’s like with the Eagles where uh uh the coach there Reed took all the Heat and and struggled and then goes to a situation somewhere else and gets the reaps the rewards I hope it’s here I hope it’s here in Detroit because look Dan Campbell has it all he has all the tools he has it all the ability to relate to players exes and no knowled know experience he’s got it all I’m hoping he puts it together we’re we’re we’re definitely I’m writing it down right now we’re definitely making a quote graphic and posting it all over social media the doc going yeah even out of context he can be the next Andy Reid with the big D cam I love that doc I love that people are gonna love it too I’ve got one last question for you here um because I saw you guys post an article and you guys put it up on Twitter um I can’t remember who it was on your website who who wrote it uh but the the article essentially was just like a breakout player for the Detroit Lions in 2024 in this season I just want to ask you who you think if you had to pick one offensive player one defensive player uh to break out this season who would if you had to put your money on it who would you pick for that yeah no doubt um I assigned that to Christian um looking at some of the offensive and defensive breakout players just kind of looking at you know which players can you count on which players can you say hey maybe they can do more clearly on offense the player that everybody wants to break out is Jameson Williams I think that he’s got the tools everybody knows that he can you know play at a high level and is going to be somebody that’s gonna earn the number two wide receiver spot I think a player that’s underrated is kif Raymond I think that he’s a player that can do a lot of different things and can be somebody that can be a reliable number three um you look at it and you say jir Gibbs clearly but he’s got expectations so you know that he started to break out last year and he’s somebody that I think is going to be very key on the defensive side that’s always interesting in regards to looking at the defense you know many people wanted to be Jack Campbell and probably that’s the fairest statement to make because you know in looking at the film he did have 95 tackles he was around the football but I think that I can’t say it was a bad rookie season I just don’t think that firstr Talent linebacker was you know he didn’t meet that level of expectation but I just think that the Lions put so much on you that look it’s just really really tough to be used that different spots to try and Rush the quarterback to drop back in coverage play different spots so Jack Campbell I think is the player on defense that everybody expects but a player also at the same spot and in a situation in which you can also see an interview we did um another writer spoke to Alex anselone the linebacker spot I think Derek Barnes can do more now with his natural spot rushing the passer I think that for him being somebody that can you know uh be more comfortable and now a littleit more comfortable in his skin he’s been through it all he made the big critical mistake in front of the whole world and overcame it and now I think that once he gain and at that spot you get you know and I think too when when you’re a linebacker with the Lions and then they go out and they draft another linebacker in the first round that kind of maybe shakes your confidence just a little bit saying wait a minute are is my job unsafe but I think the Lions have showed that hey we rely on Derek Barnes he’s an integral part of this defense and then I do think that his mentoring uh his relationship with Alexan alone he’s got a big brother who will protect him against the big bad media who talk bad about him and I think that Derek Barnes has a chance if he gains that confidence little by little to just put mistakes behind him and get after it I think he can be somebody that can gain confidence from a big interception in a playoff game and and do some things yeah great great stuff today doc we appreciate you uh for all lions fans that are looking for a place to not only watch content because we got it here on crunch time but you could watch and digest whatever John and his career of writing all lions in the description you can check it out show some support there doc we appreciate you we’ll catch you next Wednesday we can’t wait Legend Doc it’s gonna be a lot of fun doc as we closer to the season so thank you and we’ll see you again next week let’s go the course yes well definitely some golf some sports it’s all good man looking look you I hope you guys get a chance to take a little time off too for the fourth have a good Thursday off and enjoy everything going on and uh look this is the best time of year in my opinion I think it’s it’s a time to reflect a time to celebrate the United States drink up and let’s get after it and uh when you look at it you know the ability to see everything going on in Detroit sports it’s amazing you guys are a big part of it I can’t wait to join you guys next week let’s go happy fourth go enjoy your day oh enjoy your weekend oh he just disappears right yeah he does man he yeah see Batman yeah yeah he just comes and he just disappears uh what we do we appreciate Doc and and next week and man training camp I just imagine I keep saying this but the season with Doc is going to be a blast so please yeah come the season it’s gonna be great um fellas uh before we we got about 20 minutes till mailbag and I want to spend the next uh 20 minutes here kind of talking about what Mike pton put out which he covers the lions from ad toz and he does this every year and we brought up the Alan rosian Brown projected year that he talked about like what can Aman rossan Brown do this year I think he said 1600 yards and and we discussed that yesterday he did a breakdown of the entire offense statistically and it gives us like a visual look of what J Mo could do Sam could do Jared G could do in the running back so let’s uh let’s break this down and we’ll give our thoughts on it um and see if there’s anything that we excuse me agree or disagree with so let’s let’s check it out and again this is AD toz but Mike pyton wrote this and for his first uh and by the way he got Alan Ros and Browns projection last year like pretty spot on spot on essentially like he was like a couple catches off which is crazy I mean yeah he was a Yeah couple catches four catches off yeah it was almost spot on so he’s trying it again and we’ll start with uh Jared G’s numbers and this he projects Jared G to have 4,725 yards 35 TDS and nine interceptions he writes here we got golf numbers going up this season for a couple different reasons this the first is Aman rosin Brown he’s gotten better every single season we’ll have them getting better in 2024 Jameson Williams should be getting more production and jir Gibbs and caki will see action too all these guys are big play guys that tend to take the ball for some yardage then there’s Sam leapa who puts up big play as well GF has some options if he can get one really good one more really solid receiver we could be talking about a potential 5,000 yard season 35 TDS nine picks I mean that 4700 yards yeah I wrote in my notes Boer notes take a look back into it I just put this as an MVPs season like GNA say that that he would have led the NFL in yards last year that he had 4,500 and 4500 yards 29 touchdowns and 14 interceptions last year like that’s all increases and like if he had these numbers this Following Season he probably would have competed for MVP with Lamar Jackson because it was such a bad like class of MV so I I do think dude like if he does 4700 yards 35 touchdowns and N that’s an MVP conversation yeah absolutely he’s a finalist and I did I I did put my foot down and say that I think that he’s going to there’s a chance by the end of the season he’s a finalist for that award so like he would have to put numbers like that up to do it so 40 to1 odds Boon are you taking them I’m going to I’m going to probably sprinkle a little bit on it because I i’ I’ve said this all along if if Jared Goff you play what two or three outdoor games which is what he’s bad at if he somehow gets out of those with putting numbers up and he puts up big numbers and the Detroit Lions are have the number one seed they win 13 games and they beat the 49ers in week 17 or 16 whatever it is and he puts up he has a big game he’s in the conversation you have a chance at 40 to1 like his odds are going to go from 40 to1 to plus 300 plus 400 down the stretch and if anything you get a chance to cash out like like that’s where it’s like the value of it is insane itself because it’s like last year if he plays good in Dallas which he didn’t and and but if he plays good and goes thrs for 300 yards and three touchdowns last year in Dallas and they win he’s in that conversation with Lamar and bra pie like that’s just the way it is that’s how the NFL Works here’s my here’s my and we’ll get to it I have some thoughts I agree that he’ll be like it’ll be one of those things throughout the season where he’s uh In Contention if this is the yards but I’ll explain why kind of disagree but I it’s we have to get to a certain stat here before we we talk about it but yeah I mean this is a great year by Jared I I mean under 10 picks 30 plus TDS almost 5,000 yards this is a hell of a season I mean this would be to me the best quarterback in the NFC one of the best in the NFL but I think this would be the best I mean this is kind of what Dak did last year but Dak didn’t really have a run game so it you know this would be impressive uh even in the run first offense but look at the receiving core that they predict they project meeting Mike Payton uh but look at some of the numbers here that he has he has alond Ros Brown 125 catches 1600 yards 12 TDS and you got Sam L pora second on the team 70 catches 775 yards six TDS Jameson Williams third with 65 catches 782 yards and five six TDS and that’s again more yards than Sam leor he’d be second on the team in yards uh he just has five less catches jir Gibbs third on the or fourth on the team in receiving yards with 55 catches and 52 yards Donovan peoples Jones little 378 khif Raymond 350 vaky with 250 and then Brock Wright Dave Montgomery with 40 40ish each uh this seems very it doesn’t seem I don’t know like to me I’m and Rosy and brown almost I mean if you if you want to talk about it like this I mean Sam Port is 25 yards away from having basically half of Aman ra his yards yeah you know that’s it seems a little um not balanced yeah I’m it’s interesting that’s what I would say I would think you kind of spread some of St Brown’s yards out across the board a little bit but like this is so hard to predict so I’m not even going to be like nitpicky with that I mean it’s all just like a prediction and whatnot but if I was doing it I would probably just spread out a Sprinkle a little bit of spr uh St Browns yards elsewhere and and the weird thing too like the CLE Raymond this is where I go a little different is like the two things that I think I would change up is I would I would move some yards around I think I would give Sam lorta and and I would take maybe a 100 from am and Rob but I think i’ would give Sam leapor close to a thousand if not a thousand and then the other one too that I think ends up being your wide receiver four over dpj is khif Raymond with 350 yards 20 something less than dpj and I know it’s a little nitpicky but khif Rayman if you look at his last three years he had 490 yards last year he had 600 yards plus in 2022 and he had 570 yards in 2021 so like so like essentially like Josh Reynolds leaves my opinion Jameson Williams and khif Raymond are the two players that I know for sure that I can essentially trust to step up and and this it has CLE Raymond taken 150 to 200 yard step back which is interesting to me so like I think I would say khif Raymond i’ would find a way where he gets 550 600 yards um whether you have to take that away from dpj or cion vaki Sion vaki having 250 off the like right away that’s an interesting one because that shows Craig Reynolds is out and there’s no Craig Reynolds anymore um so like I do think like if I had him make any changes to this list and predictions I would move the numbers around to get Sam leapa closer to a thousand and and khif Raymond over because you’re essentially saying Sam leaport and khif Raymond are taking two steps back when you’re losing your number two wide receiver which I don’t see this this I don’t see that happening I don’t think um I don’t think that Sam Le Porto will take a step back like I think he’ll have more yards but if I’m being honest and I think khif is reliable but when you have jir and Jameson emerging like I think he’s the one that’s going to take a hit I don’t think he had 600 yards but you have to also think about no I’m saying I’m talking about CLE um because he had 600 yards 500 yards but you gotta think that was also like no J Mo you know and yeah but that was also Josh Reynolds and 500 you know like yeah that’s where it gets a little tricky to where it’s like are you still G like K still going to get the ball that’s the thing though like he he has 35 like he had 35 receptions for 490 yards last year like if he gets another 35 he’s probably going to go for another 400 and something that’s how I look at it like he’s essentially going to be a similar player he’s not changing it so like I do think J Mo gets up around there like are you like there’s no way leapa takes a step back like on this he’s basically taking 15 less receptions and 100 less receiving yards I don’t see that happen I see him staying the same or taking a good step forward I would probably take a 100 off alond raw and put it to Sam Le pora and then and uh I don’t really have a problem with the rest of it if I’m being honest yeah I don’t I don’t really mind I think this is kind of realistic I mean couple guys with a couple hundred yeah um and then I think leor I just think lorta the only thing I would change is I think lorta is closer to a thousand but I think Jamir Gibbs could easily get 500 yards like five I mean he’s a he he’s I mean I think we just saw a glimpse of what he can be in the receiving game so I I think 500 is fair for him you know what I mean like this is so this is such an interesting I kind of like looking at it visually like this is I would like to have him on to talk about this honestly uh David Montgomery that that is another one I know like seon and we all kind of expect him to like do something receiving wise I just don’t know if that’s going to happen off rip and jir Gibbs we probably expect that step to definitely be taken catching the ball he’s showing flashes towards the end of the year but David Montgomery had 46 yards receiving by week three yeah yeah he’s he’s a good he’s a good pass catch and back too I know he’s uh vaki is here but that’s going to be the interesting thing because in the in the rushing part too and I know we’re about to get to that but like C vaki Soni vaki is in that too like I I think that was the most interesting part is that Mike Payton and them when they did this it seems that they they feel like Craig Reynolds is gonna get beat out by ciaki which which he will I think I’m I think I’m on the same page wavelength Lucas is in the in the chat that’s he’s a big son vaki guy I think that’s what ends up happening but instantly they have son vaki going for 500 500 plus allpurpose yards which is the more interesting thing to um Tyler uh real before we move on here I just want to get this comment up here Tyler says uh I don’t want to sound like a hater but I think the same brown we saw last year is near his ceiling um I don’t think career best across the board is realistic he said um and I’m gonna be honest I don’t you’re not a hater at all Tyler I don’t think that’s a hating take I think you’re trying to be realistic I know 1500 yards is really good anyway so like if that’s your ceiling 1500 yards is a hell of a ceiling dude like 16 15,600 that’s that’s incredible I mean only so many pro yeah breaking kelvin’s record and now you have I mean that’s a whole thing only certain guys are able to do that but 15 for I mean come on it’s it’s insane so I don’t think that’s crazy at all but let’s uh let’s keep it pushing here we’ll get to rushing because this is what I believe okay look at the rushing so he has jir Gibbs I know Lucas would love this jir Gibbs with 1250 12 TDS Dave Montgomery with a th8 TDS uh get more than eight TDS uh yeah I agree with that give me that line on a sports book I’ll [ __ ] hammer it yeah gets was that last year the line was n and a half last year yeah yeah and he actually I think it was than that because me and Neil on the other network um were boasting about him being like plus 400 for 10 touchdowns or something like Wonder crazy I mean one thing David’s playing bullyball that boy’s getting in the end zone man getting in the I agree with that I think the way that this is set is perfect I mean they have 1250 for Gibbs like I said 12 TDS Montgomery a,10 and 18 tsaki with 255 and two TDS it would be they write Mike pyton writes here two running backs hitting a thousand that would be the eighth duo in NFL history to do so so let’s let’s put this in context guys eighth time it’s ever happened 2,000 yard running backs run first offense but Jared’s gonna be finalist for MVP does that makes like not that it’s not impressive but do you think that kind of matters when have two we have like what over 2,000 why can’t you do why can’t you do both because I don’t think that’s crazy no I when you when I look at MVP I think of most valuable player and when you have two guys and by the way quarterback most POS that’s most important position in football I get that why most quarterbacks all quarterbacks pretty much win the MVP award I understand that but do you think that hurts that you have what 2,260 yards rushing that year behind the number one offensive line no I mean yeah you could you could use that as an excuse but I think like you being like it’s one or the other like you’re a running you’re just because you’re a running offense doesn’t mean your quarterback can’t like you R they rushed for essentially close to that last year like and he wasn’t even in the conversation but if he would have played well in the Dallas game and just had a good game and won the game he would have been in the like he was one game away from being in the conversation like he’s still like you’re acting like he threw for 4,000 yards and in 15 touchdowns like he threw for 4500 yards he threw for 4,500 yards Jeff and basically 30 touchdowns like that’s like you still being able to do that while also having a running game like they did last year like to me that shows that you could do it and that’s with him having some of the struggling the bad games he had last year like in Baltimore and stuff if he goes through this year and he doesn’t have that bad stretch of football that he had last year and he dominates and you have the running game like if he goes and throws for 4,500 yards and 35 touchdowns this year and you have two running running backs that hit for th000 people aren’t going to be like oh like Jared G’s 4700 yards is a fraud because he had two 2,000 yard like no no not a fraud don’t don’t but he still threw for those a lot of yards that’s what he’s saying he’s like how this all happen essentially happened and it happened last year and you had a bad stretch of football if you don’t have that bad stretch of football and you have and you dominate all season like you’re a contending Super Bowl team that can happen like like Jeff like and Lucas put in there part being ahead of CAC was disgusting I agree with that CAC should have won MVP but guess what to your point Jeff they had one of the best winning games in the entire NFL and Brock py was still in a battle down the stretch to win MVP when he went Head to Head versus Lamar Jackson and if he would have won that battle Brock p is your MVP so like that point but but that point is so invalid because it literally just happened it it actually isn’t the same and I’ll explain why I’ll exp it just happened I’ll explain why mcaffrey best back in football I we agree I’m not saying you you think Brock should have won it you’re not saying that I agree with you um that CAC should have won MVP but what do he what do you have last year right 1,400 rushing yards we’re talking about 700 more 800 more in this back field and a better offensive line that’s like that’s my point with that you know it’s yeah you can’t take you can’t say oh line so he shouldn’t he should aot come on Jeff that’s a lot 800 more rushing yards they R the 49ers as a team rushed for 2400 rushing yards the Lions rush for 2 I’m talking about Christian MCA but we’re talking about Russian game in general you have one of the best Russian games in the NFL as a team they had 100 more rushing yards than we did last year okay if you want to go team rushing yards okay fair because that is it though we have to factor in C vy’s 255 so now going I think that’s I think that’s part of the argument though it’s like total Russian game like they he has this to help him out as well but like I don’t think you can use that against someone I just think last year golf I know you you mentioned the stretch that you know he struggled a little bit um but last year he was top four top five in top three in a couple categories and he still wasn’t even in the conversation so like it’s like being like should LeBron never have won MVP because he had Dwayne Wade and Chris BOS no he they helped him like he was a dog but like they just they were his team was great he just had such a great team I just don’t think I just don’t I don’t think of it like that it’s like oh that’s like one of those arguments where people are like well you say Jared G’s a top 10 quarterback but he has a top he is the number one offensive line in the NFL so you use that against him in the argument that’s I look well I would ask I would ask you if if this happens let’s say these all play out how they’re supposed to P MVP at that point if they you gonna talk you wantan to talk you you wanna go uh keep talking keep talking I’m trying to talk here I’ll ask you Boon let’s say this happens this transpires rank top three most important pieces to the offense if this happens number one pan Su so why don’t we just give pan Su that no I’m just asking you I’m saying to your point to your point it’s well he has this and this to help him the the number one reason that the rushing game is so good and the pass game is so good is because pan Su is there to protect and there to to to block for the the running backs as well so you would say your point the MVP should go to P I would agree okay but you see I’m like quarter award it’s a Quarterback Award if if he puts 4700 yards up and you’re the number one seed overall and you just had a game versus the 49ers the other number two seed and you go out there and have a big game that you’re going to be in that that’s just the way the NFL Works dude that’s why it was Brock py versus Lamar the end of the year and it wasn’t CMC versus Lamar jacks and wasn’t getting hyped up like that that like as much as we hate it that just has to like welcome to the NFL I don’t know what else to say like that’s how the the NFL works I get what you’re saying but that like yeah you’re you’re it’s not about it’s you’re trying to your argument is what you think the NFL will do not what I know the NFL will do yeah um oh I I don’t I I disagree if you if you don’t know the NFL would have done that CMC would have been MVP last year that’s my point no they they thought Lamar was I mean come on it’s a Quarterback Award it’s a Quarterback Award Lamar’s Run game it’s a Quarterback Award was the Run game I understand Quarterback Award but but when you look at the other candidates besides I know Brock’s like a good example but I can name you two Lamar and Dak that didn’t have really much of a run game and those guys were boosted because for sure they were able to make plays but like Brock was like a jent that that kind of matters like those guys don’t have the help with the Run game yeah but I don’t think that’s like the deciding factor though like you have to be like well just because he has the Run game he shouldn’t be in this conversation like that’s where I disagree with you like you’re like instantly like you try and look at the negative of well he has all this to help him so trying I’m just trying I’m trying to give you like The Devil’s Advocate side of it like Fair like when I look at the the Ravens I would say most valuable Lamar Jackson you know like that dude his ability to run the ball kept them alive you know for sure but like again bra py is the exact same situation as Jared G and he was one game away from being the MVP but they were but also yeah I mean I guess if you’re it depends how many games also Lions I mean the Lions go like 14 and two or something crazy 13 wins like again my argument I get that stays the same 13 wins the one seed in the NFC and you beat the you beat the 49ers and he has a big game and he throw he has those stats like that’s like a a conversation to be had that’s fair um well again p [Laughter] P um yeah you know what give it to P [ __ ] it do you remember when when we had the conversation where I was like if the Super Bowl MVP has as an offensive lineman ever won Super Bowl MVP yeah give it to pan oh well yeah Tyler just pan needs his own pasta brand yeah that’s fair I agree with that yeah it’s different obviously pan plays on a unit I get that so that man’s never G but if there’s an offensive lineman that needs the MVP would probably be uh he’s also he can also catch the football can also do that don’t sleep on it um all right let’s get the mailbag Steve Leman start us off here what teams drop some questions baby that made the playoffs last season you think will be there this season that didn’t or that did wait that uh that you wait that made that made it that won’t um H the Browns hard division Joe bar can I got a better one who do you think that is Bo oh yeah let’s not talk about that one we got two I got two he’s gonna say the bills oh the bills Jeff bills and cowboys I think the Cowboys is a good one and I also think I think the oh you didn’t like my bills like like the Dolphins yeah the Browns actually I do actually I do like the Browns because I think the Bengals will will swoop in in that division three teams in that division make it and one of them is not the Browns wow okay I do like the bills one though Jeffrey see M hey thank you it’s gonna it’s gonna be tough when the bills are in the playoffs and you guys are gonna have to like and then your guys’s narratives you guys are gonna move the field goal post if they’re in the playoffs Josh Allen’s gonna be like that Jimmy Butler meme where he’s like hunched over they’re going to be in the playoffs and you guys are going to move the goal post and be like well they can’t win in the playoffs and then you’re just going to keep moving it oh well they lost in the first round well you guys didn’t think they were going to be there at all so you can’t say a word if Josh makes the playoffs give them an MVP clip that so if they make the playoffs and even lose you can’t you can’t go at his his career you can’t go at him at all no I would honestly be imp Bo I’m not even I’m not trying to tr if he makes the playoffs I would I would who everyone watching right now I don’t want anyone to forget that yeah I I’ll say it again I’d be impressed if if they make the playoffs and he has like an MVP type season I think he should win it to be honest he’s about he’s about do let’s be real he’s about do for an MVP at some point like the dude been the second second best quarterback in the NFL he’s gonna get one eventually um he just can’t throw like 30 picks but other than that he’ll be all right that’s probably gonna help spot on not gonna decline that’s it you know that’s the only thing holding him back this year uh etn says mailbag which team SL player are we hate watching the most this year oh that’s a little you know what you guys are gonna say the bills probably like one of those teams you name maybe the Cowboys just praying on they’re down for maybe even the Packers like hoping Jordan love struggles this is where I I’m struggling boys and I’m going to I’m not gonna lie this first time me mentioning this I’m having some second thoughts about the Jets I’m love that Boots the bills drama I’m shaking I’m I’m gonna stay put but I’m be honest maybe I’m talking on both sides of my my mouth here but I’m GNA watch them because I’m kind of intrigued it’s a whole drama thing going on with the Jets and it’s it’s kind of reality TV so I’m interested for I know there’s one team that I’m not gonna watch one game it’s probably the Carolina Panthers oh you see the uh tempers see them on Red Zone did you see that yeah yeah she ain’t Sheila that she ain’t Sheila trying to be she Sheila yeah Sheila yeah Sheila how many uh how many likes are we at hit the like button too yep we’re at 67 let’s get to 100 likes we’ve got 100 people in here let’s get 30 something real quick real quick forgot to do this earlier Mike Reed you know what Mike shout out Mike Reed man what a legend what a legend gifted five crunch time memberships earlier Mike we appreciate you man give it back to the people that’s big time man much love to you Tyler says we need a crunch time golf episode uh we are in the works all right in the future trying to figure something out because I think we need that’s one thing we always talk about in this channel we have we have goals for uh content outside of just the show and I think a perfect thing we could do if people only could spectate how we are on the golf course like I think it’d be hilarious we just need a videographer uh so we need that’s like a crew we need like one or two people to video we need like an actual crew to video a that if any of you are in the area choreographers hit hit us up you know we do need um I think it’d be freaking hilarious uh yeah you see it watching me play Jesus we even put clots up I think we do have have to let Jeff and this isn’t bad to you Jeff I just think it’s like we have to let you get a little better because we cannot do a video if no this is not bad I just no no no no no no no we just can’t do a video if you hit like 20 times in one hole there’s so many there’s so many YouTube accounts and ticktockers and [ __ ] that do golf videos that are mid as hell or they’re just starting off I’m just being honest dude get recorded three times now he’s gotten better every single time and that’s how go when you start off so it will be comedy too some people will laugh at Jeff starting off but they’ll be able to see his growth all I’m is let let him develop a little bit more and then boom we’re good what AM my bronny James what I go I mean yeah look at Tyler Jeff has upside man he does have upside I just let him Dev Bel for a couple more weeks let’s get another month under your Bel and then and then let’s go mon we can’t just be like no we can’t just be like right now though Jeff like hey let’s get you out there hitting 400 times in a round in a nine Hole Round no like let’s get it to where you feel comfortable and you’re upside you get a little higher to your ceiling and then it’s like all right now we can actually have a good match here because if it’s dude if we did a video where it was the me and stick versus YouTube we like we we we the video’s over in 20 minutes it’s not a video I mean it came down to the last toll and that was just but that was because me and stick that was because me and STI on the third when we were up four STI looked at me and said we need to lay off them a little bit like’s let’s lay off me all right he said lay off the boys the boys were struggling you guys know you guys were struggling yeah he so I mean he’s getting a little see that’s what golf does to some people you get your your chest High that’s kind of Boer now it’s like declaring who’s a who’s worth being on camera like I mean this is what it’s like that to be honest with the boys and be respect to the golf world I’ll you know what no Jeff you’re the best golfer ever like yeah let’s go I’ll never I’ll never tell you the truth again I never I’m gonna always lie to you going forward oh don’t do that boo yeah now he’s going the opposite way don’t do that I’m gonna I’m gonna pump you up dude here we go yeah I do your golf game’s great dude you’re the next Tiger was he’s getting better Boon be nice he he is chat chat’s got my back you know I appreciate that you know trying to Hype me up love je struggle it would be funny I’m not good but I think it’d be kind of funny you know I’m not like the worst boo next question they they’ll have that video into a try to be next question I don’t even care aboutmore H says we need to crunch time members only golf ring let’s do it I am so dumb we’ll make something happen with people oh that guy up north milb who ends the season with more receptions C or dpj k Ray man I’d probably say k too yeah I I’ll go k chemistry is there you know what I think that’s fair uh yeah I think it’s CLE I agree with that um let’s see Jeff says mbag who is going to compete for best special teams in the NFC AFC new kickoff world makes things interesting I think the Lions will be up there given if Jake Bates is any good um I think Jack Fox is already one of the best punters in the league if not the best so I think they’ll be up there certainly in the NFC I was going to say the Packers probably I mean they have a good kick returner Kean Nixon’s dog yeah he’s good and the lions got germ they got some good special teams vaky I think they’ll be up there in special teams this year maybe in the NFL in general to be honest um so yeah that’s where I’m at with it um but yeah I want to say before we end the show here everyone have a great great Fourth of July have fun out there whether you’re golfing whether you’re going out on the water doing whatever with your family enjoy it uh we’re very blessed to be in this country uh number one and we’re very blessed to be doing this for all of you so please uh subscribe we just hit 8,000 it’s big time uh we’re we’re we’re trying to get to 10,000 for the season so continue supp yeah we we support I mean we love the support we appreciate it until Friday we’ll be back so love you guys make sure you’re there well we’ll catch you guys see you

Jeff Iafrate, Booner, and Michael Gentry discuss ESPN ranking the Lions roster in the NFL, Detroit Lions players’ statistical projections, and the publisher of SI’s All Lions and host of the Detroit Sports Podcast John Maakaron joins the show to discuss Lions training camp and more!

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The official page of the “Crunch Time” sports show features Jeff Iafrate, Booner, Michael Gentry, and Lukas Klotz discussing all things Detroit Sports. Available on YouTube LIVE 8-10PM Weekdays on YouTube and all podcast platforms! (except Apple)

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