Philadelphia 76ers Off Day Discussion Thread – July 04, 2024

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Posted: 07/04/2024 05:00:03 AM EDT, Update Interval: 5 Minutes

  1. The ancillary moves we’re angling are quite exciting. It’s clear we’re targeting gritty 3&D types that aren’t necessarily on-ball threats but gladly do the un-glamorous work. Feel like we’ve lacked that kind of energy and it would energize our entire rotation to have more of that. Oubre provided us with that shot of energy, now imagine another three or so guys like that up and down the roster.

  2. So we are about to spend the offseason being tangibly better AND maintaining our war chest for trades? Sounds good to me.

    That said, I still don’t see this as a championship roster right now. I’d like to see a couple of elite roleplayers somewhere/somehow.

  3. i worry about how little passing this team has on the roster. paul george was great last regular season in part because james harden is a generational floor general and passer. kyle lowry isnt even on the roster yet, but he would by far be the best passer on the team, which is scary. last playoffs the guy was playing the whole game damn near. important role!

  4. saw that Turkey played France yesterday, is Kork not even playing for the Turkey national team anymore?

    dude is gonna be a car salesman at this point yeesh

  5. Would be surprised if we don’t take back Santos in the Hield trade, with his cap hold being just $750k more than an empty roster charge. We would still have roughly $8.15m in cap space.

    Basically we would lose $750k of our cap space, but gain $1.9m in tradeable salary

  6. With the Bucks having Doc and it seems they’re getting some vets in. Maybe there’s some young players they have that they won’t use(like Joe).

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