Vladimir Tarasenko is a Detroit Red Wing! | Robby Fabbri traded to the Ducks | Tyler Motte signs

Vladimir Tarasenko is a Detroit Red Wing! | Robby Fabbri traded to the Ducks | Tyler Motte signs

the Detroit Red Wings signed Vladimir teras senko and trade away Robbie fabri does this move the needle in the right direction for the Detroit Red Wings your locked on Red Wings your daily podcast on the Detroit Red Wings part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day welcome back to the lockon Red Wings podcast we are your hosts Brian fiser and Scotty Bentley I’m a former broadcast producer for 971 the ticket where Scotty is the host over at locked on tigers as well as a freelance journalist for the Detroit news and today’s episode is brought to you by Game Time download the game time app create an account and use code locked on NHL for $20 off your first purchase terms and conditions apply and want to thank you guys for making lock on red lockon Red Wings your first listen every day we are free and available wherever you get your podcasts and on YouTube part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day Scotty it’s nice to seeing you again on well for actually before we get to that happy 4th of July as this will be the Fourth of July episode uh happy 4th of July the Red Wing cender Russian there you go well it’s funny because we uh we had already recorded at one point today and then we were talking about like Fourth of July content and we were like trying to think and then all of that just kind of goes out the window and the wings make a big move but happy fourth to you too bud yeah I think I will clip and probably censor the end of that episode because have to censor it a lot I’m not even it might just be 15 seconds of just a censor if if you do that but it is a funny clip you’ve never heard somebody so angry to get an impact signing because we were literally finishing up 31 minute Mark like we were done we were like about like I was about to say we ball like were we were like wrapping up the show and then yeah and then breaking news Tera s show is coming to hockey town it’s like Steve you mother I was mad it was really wild it was a wild roller coaster of emotions Brian was like yeah but no was really a wild uh it was a wild they did this to us on Sunday remember because we had we were like Listen Patrick Kane signing a one-year deal Emily Kaplan La Freeman all these guys are reporting it I’m not at a one-year deal I don’t really know if any amount of money you’re going to give him outside of like something exorbitant it’s going to really change my opinion so let’s just record 25 minutes in they officially announce it breaks $4 million now we have to re-record it’s the second time this week and we waited on Sunday too we waited till like 9 10 o’clock at night to finally record today we were less patient but we had things going on so we were like let’s just roll the dice and it didn’t work out our way but anyway Scotty we’re 3 minutes in already we got to talk about the Vladimir teraso signing uh he was a name we brought up yesterday on the is Eiserman done episode we were like there’s not much left on the open market there’s teras senko spra you could go the trade route for NIS but like there’s not a lot of options left well one of those three guys we named is one of the guys Red Wings picked up what is your you know instant reaction to the signing of Vladimir tereno to a 2-year $4.75 million perear contract yeah I like man I I think that this uh this definitely addresses a lot of needs that the wings have um I I think there’s a lot to break down with this I think fit in the lineup card is a big conversation I also think just I mean who are his linemates going to be is somewhat of a conversation um but I I think that this at the end of the day anything we talk about in this show will go back to the beginning of this conversation which is you wanted top six goal scoring and and offense and uh you wanted again to to solidify that top six and uh with the amount of offense that the wings have seen kind of walk out the door they’ve been more depth pieces but like they have objectively seen goals walk out the door and and go to other organizations or or are still free agents or whatnot and so having somebody fill in that not only is going to score goals but score goals hopefully at a relatively High High clip and solidifies I think your top six in in one signing is uh is definitely nice it’s it’s something that I I think it’s important to discuss the the risks of it as well I I don’t think this is just like a a guaranteed you know like this is this is gonna you know he’s going to score 40 goals and it’s going to be all sunshine and rainbows like I think that there is some uh some some things to talk about as well as far as like the risk factor of it all but at the end of the day I’m I’m really pleased with it I love the term I have zero issue with the contract whatsoever especially after the fabri trade which we’ll talk about later but even before that I I think that this is is is more than fine term um and yeah I’m I’m really pleased and and I think that the uh at a minimum this somewhat relieves the the stress and and the anxiety surrounding you know like is are we going to get any of these goals back and what is the who is the sixth forward in the top six yeah I mean before the signing of teras senko we were all kind of waiting with baited breath right we talked absolutely they’re going to sign they’re going to do something else because there’s no way you can walk into the season with this roster I think at a bare minimum now the team’s kind of made a l like is laterally as good uh while leaving room for the Youth to make an impact which is kind of exactly what we are asking for obviously we want improvements but I mean in terms of having guys to make try and make it so you don’t slide in terms of veterans but also leaving opportunities for your Youth and Vladimir tereno I mean I think he is an upgrade over David pan now they’re not one for one guys but you know David pan was clearly slowing down these last couple years uh last year in particular you really noticed it his Five On Five Points were really starting to drop off teras senko takes that spot from David pan as your top six scoring Winger he can finish a shot like no one else in the league this last year I think he had 24 goals 23 goals in 76 games played a total of 56 points uh between the Ottawa Senators and the Florida Panthers and the Ottawa Senators team this last year was not that good so I like this as for the Red Wings is just like again getting that impact player in the top six that they need uh he’s been healthy the last few years as well relatively healthy he’s missed a few games in each of the last three seasons but nothing like crazy after having two seasons where he went 10 and 24 games in 1920 and 2021 so like Health isn’t that big of a concern anymore with him outside of like normal you know getting nicked and banged up mid3 yeah so I I think this is an upgrade over David Pan the question then becomes oh and as far as term goes like 4.75 at two years is like exactly what evolving hockey predicted and I just want to commend Steve Eiserman right for staying patient and not overpaying through the nose for guys like and in the last few years like we’ve even mentioned like these are a little bit of overpayments that’s free agency but this year he really didn’t do that like Patrick Kane at 4 million teras senko at 4.75 and then the talit at 2.5 Gus gust ofon at two two was it like these are all good signings at good dollars now they have $20 million left to sign their rfas like these these were really good signings and I want to commend him on that but Terra senko again is just really going to help reassure that top six but the question then becomes where’s he gonna play because he is a left shot Winger that likes to play on his off Wi Red Wings have a lot of those and a lot of them happen to be left shots Raymond obviously the exception he’s a right shot Winger who likes to play on the right shot of the right side but Patrick Kane left shot Winger plays on the off Wi on the right side tereno is the same way to Brink is the same way on the other side so right now as it stands your depth on the right side is Lucas Raymond Patrick Kane and Vladimir tereno does tereno goes go back to his natural left side I’m sorry you’re not you’re not making Patrick Kane go to his like you’re not telling Hockey Hall of Fame Patrick Kane who’s the best playmaker one of the best Playmakers in NHL history sorry buddy you got to go back to the left side that’s not happening or do you make Lucas Raymond go back to his off- wi uh on the left side which he can do and I think he has done at moments with the Detroit Red Wings that becomes a major question with how you’re constructing this roster because ideally you want de Brink tereno Kane and Raymond all in your top six all at once because that really makes that top six a threat especially like Kane to tereno Kane’s playmaking ability and finishing ability feeding terasen CO’s finishing ability or Kane to cat same concept there uh Raymond’s a good playmaker and a good finisher like there’s a lot of potential for goals in this top six especially not even talking about Lin in there as well so how do you make it work and that’s just such an interesting concept that I’m glad I’m not want to figure that out I don’t know what the right answer is for that yeah I mean I I I think that that’s we’ll have a much clearer picture of that when they we see them all on the ice together right and that’s a fairly like Captain and obvious thing to say but I I think that preseason is going to be really interesting for that and that’ll be something we can look at when that happens but at the end of the day I mean clearly it this isn’t like a surprise to anybody involved tereno or the Red Wings that uh that this is how the the current lineup card looks and I’m sure it’s been discussed and I’m sure they already have plenty of ideas on on what to do about it I’m not really too worried about it to be honest like I I think that that is that is something that will resolve itself and it’ll iron out and at the end of the day you had an opportunity to uh for again a very reasonable term and and a very reasonable contract get a goal scor of this caliber I I think you you do it and you worry about that later yeah absolutely I mean final line on teras senko he is an he’s going to he is that impact Winger he’s not like Steven stos but he’s the impact Winger that I wanted the Red Wings to get for their second line he has incredible finishing ability he’s not good defensively but he’s still an upgrade over D an aging David pan for not that much more money in fact he signed the same exact contract I believe that David pan originally was signed to with the Detroit Red Wings so even had a rising cap that contract even looks better so and of course he’s another asset you can use on the PowerPlay and will be fantastic on the power play so yeah I love I this this ter Seno signing makes this offseason look so much better right so like this was one of the signings that we were hoping Eiserman would make so kind of a sigh of relief he’s going to be really good at the Detroit Red Wings and whether it’s across from Kane across from Raymond whoever he’s going to be eatting good and and I’m really excited to see whatever he does in the top six absolutely no this like you said this really makes the the the offense the offense the off season uh and the offense I guess uh look a lot better uh on paper certainly and I think that uh look I I mean I still think that you know everything we said earlier this week is still very fair and I and I don’t think that this signing makes the wings like oh like they’re guaranteed to you know like put up 95 now 98 100 points now um but I I do think that this at at least makes you right I asked you the question on Monday are we better a better team than we were before free agency started and now I at least think that you are uh you are at least back to where you were if not kind of starting that conversation yeah absolutely uh so we got head to a quick break when we come back we’ll talk about the Robbie fabri trade so stay tuned for that in segment two of lockdown Red Wings today’s episode is brought to you by game time game time is an authorized ticket Marketplace of Major League Baseball which makes getting tickets faster and easier prices on the game time app actually go down the closer it gets to first pitch with killer last minute deals all in prices views from your seat and their lowest price guarantee game time takes the guesswork out of buying MLB tickets save up to 60% off buying last minute for sports concerts comedy theater and so much more save even more with exclus exclusive inapp deals on select seats ahead of the game or the event save even more when you’re choosing when you let game time choose the section and the seats and the lowest price guarantee means that game time will credit you 110% of the difference 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roster and you’re looking for players who uh may not be worth their salary are getting paid a decent amount of money he was one of the candidates really from the start of the offseason that was always going to be at least in that conversation of uh of being kind of a victim of a salary dump trade like that so not the most surprising thing in the world love Robbie fabry wish him nothing but the best uh in Anaheim assuming that they uh they keep him on the roster and whatnot there but yeah this was pretty clearly I mean it almost was one for one you you’re playing terao a little bit more but it was almost just like you remove fa’s contract and and you slide this one in there so pretty clearly just a move so that they could still have enough money to extend cider and Raymond even after uh signning tereno but I mean that that’s some more offense and some more depth offense walking out the door and that’s been something that the wings have seen a lot of but they added some some defensive pieces between the margins and then just got a a guy who you hope can be a higher end goal scorer at the top so it again it makes the off season all of this makes the offseason look a whole lot different than it did you know 24 48 hours ago right and we talked a lot about defense and goenda salary because to us it seems so obvious but honestly like after they traded Robbie fabri I’m like looking in looking at it I’m going yeah this was a really obvious option too he’s he’s slightly overpaid right 4 million is not bad for a guy who in his career at the Detroit Red Wings is just slightly over half Point per game but it is definitely overpaid especially when you consider that he has continuous health problems and that’s not his fault you can’t control staying healthy but you know they do say the best availab best ability is availability and he even last year he played his most games ever with the Detroit Red Wings and that was still only 68 games because he missed a good chunk at the beginning of the Season due to an injury not to mention his multiple ACLS and again that’s not his fault and I’ll never blame a guy for getting injured cuz that’s unfair but it is important when you’re telling in the context of the story when you’re paying a guy $4 million to be you know a middle six Winger a top six Winger at the early stages of the rebuild it just over time he continually got injured and he was getting pushed down the depth chart as the Red Wings continued to get a little bit better this last year he played a pretty he played at times if not a significant chunk if I’m remembering correctly on the fourth line like even though his production last year still wasn’t bad 18 goals 32 points for 68 games you can’t you can’t pay a fourth liner $4 million and he had no trade protection so it just made sense and the you’re giving up the condition on the fourth round pick that you’re giving up is again just like the first round pick you gave up in the de brinka trade it’s whoever finishes better right so you had two fourth round picks to give and at least this time when you shed it shed salary it’s for a guy that was overpaid again not to Robbie fabry is a decent offense first Winger I like Robbie Fab a lot and he’s given us some fun moments he’s he scored hat tricks with the Detroit Red Wings he scored some clutch goals but I think it just made sense as as far as G Gage Alexander goes he’s he’s a former fifth round pick by the Anaheim Ducks in 2021 and as you noted he’s played pretty much exclusively in the ECHL the last couple years in fact I think it was exclusively this past year putting up like an 890 save percentage just more goalie depth to wall I need goalies too so I’m not really he might push too for Grand Rapids who knows it could be competition and training camp for the Griffins as well but like I say in just that they got another goalie because of course it was another goalie but as he’s not he’s not gonna be pushing for an NHL job I don’t imagine unless barring some kind of huge development in his game this off season no I mean yeah this trade was to get the salary off the books that it was just nice to get something back for once right that’s that’s what this trade was for yeah I mean it’s just I hate to see fabri go because he’s been a part of this team since literally the the worst season the Red Wings have ever had right the the 1920 season that was the year that was he on that team he was on that team that’s the year they acquired him 52 games at the Red Wings he had 31 points again that’s the thing like he was over half Point per game every year except this year where he was just under half Point per game like that’s that’s good production from a bottom six Winger you’re just paying him $4 million which is too much yeah so he you had to let him go also you know you mentioned that you shed more offense right that’s one thing we’ve talked about is they’ve lost a lot of that really good depth offense they had this year but this is another guy that did not play great defense either and so you might be getting better defensively just by moving on from that player and replacing him with someone else so and that’s a conversation that we did have on the last episode uh we had that whole entire conversation about you know is how much we can def keep that one in the back pocket and yeah we we got a whole off seon still ahead of us so that’s a that’s a later in July conversation now so we’ll see but um yeah I mean as far as it goes like trading way Robbie Fab allowed you to upgrade massively in the top six by signing vladamir tereno it’s it’s pretty much a a no-brainer in my eyes yeah absolutely and again there he’s not going to be uh not going to be great defensively I think if if him and Kane are on a line together you’re going to really deploy that one pretty carefully I’m I’m not sure that that’s going to be uh you better hope they never ice it from the dzone correct yeah that might be a a line that does not see the uh the Wings Zone very often if they do share a line together but um there’s a lot of offensive upside there that that’s really really exciting and uh yeah man I I’m pumped I this was again this completely changes the Outlook of the off season I think and I think there there my thing now is I know we gotta get to a break too my thing now is is I I I want maybe I’m greedy I I want more I want something else uh as well because I think right now you’re you’re similar to where you were last year just with different personnel and and again maybe more of a defensive orientation in mind when adding some of these players but that can be a whole like kind of a a bigger picture conversation maybe later this week but um I I I do think that there’s a conversation to be had for like now how much different are the Red Wings from last year to this year after this signing um and and it at least makes it a lot more of a conversation than it was 24 hours ago so we’ll gladly take it I mean bar there there could still be more coming or this could be it I mean obviously you have the RFA signings that need to be done but you know those those are two possibilities right I I but what I was going to say is I think you could make the argument that they did improve in some areas and then got worse in others and that’s the question that level out to well where does that level out to and was that the intent because Eiserman said like got to get better defensively and there’s not a lot of really really high-end two-way players out there especially on the free agent Market that’s the biggest thing man so many people are you know bring up and we’ve said this before on the show this isn’t like a new take but like so you know people are are like oh well you know what about the you know we need to find somebody who’s who scores that many goals but is better defensively it’s like well if a you know a 25 to 30 goal scorer that’s really good defensively is going to cost you $8 million a year like that those don’t just grow on trees those aren’t just like out there for the taking all the time man that you’re talking about uh you’re talking about one of the elite players in the game at that point so um yeah I I think that this is a great addition to the top six it solidifies your top six it’s really exciting and uh yeah hopefully he can uh you know push 30 goals that’d be pretty fun that would be sick Scotty we’re going to take a quick break when we come back we will we will rehash one of the conversations we had on the Lost episode and that would be Tyler M kind of got overshadowed by the Tero signing so stay tuned for that in segment three of lock down Red Wings segment three locked on Red Wings podcast Scotty the Red Wings announced on geez Tuesday Tuesday night that they had agreed to terms right today’s Wednesday Yeah Tuesday night agreed to terms with Tyler m to a one-year $800,000 contract and at first I was like is this another AHL guy and I was like I’m looking at him and I’m looking at his stats I’m like no this guy is he’s going to be a third or a fourth liner maybe 13th forward but I actually the more I think about it the more I’m pretty confident He he’ll probably end up being a fourth line player on the Detroit Red Wings and I actually really like this signing yeah he only had nine points in 69 games played but you didn’t sign him for points you sign him to be shut down forward and that’s something he’s really good at and in fact a lot of fans from other teams are really upset that they did not get Tyler Mt the Tampa Bay Lightning where he came from this last season is a a lot of fans are like wow I wish we had kept him for $800,000 because one fans always love another dog and he is a dog uh but also he’s huge for PK right I think I said on the last episode that he had he was second among forwards in PK time per games played so he averaged the most penalty kill time amongst forwards on the Tampa Bay Lightning like he’s going to be a huge PK guy he’s not going to get a lot of time at five on five probably about 12 13 minutes but it gives redings a little bit more flexibility in their matchups because you know you can deploy this guy in the defensive Zone to get the puck out and transition up ice to deploy your better lines on the on the offense again only 12 minutes Ice uh 12 minutes a night so it’s not going to have that big of an impact but it does make you a better defensive team yeah the odds that this dude is dog of the year are are very high let’s let’s just start off Fisher right I I know we we did bring back fish so that’s a it’s a conversation to be had but yeah I I love this move I I really do and and like again like pre teraso we were like oh like we we like all of these we just haven’t got any of like the big splash yet so um I I I absolutely love this move he’s not going to produce offense and that’s something that we need to make abundantly clear like at no point in his NHL career has he ever produced offense um again at the NHL level but that’s not why he continues to get work he continues to get work because of how good of a defensive forward he is and I think he’s absolutely GNA have an everyday spot on this team I I think that he is he perfectly epitomizes what the wings tried to do with that quote unquote shutdown nine this year right it was cop Ras m and and who else fiser was that it was that the the three that they tried to make like the shut down line and they were really good for like a month and then like before and after that month they were really bad though when it was like this big thing right and like this this is somebody who you can consistently no matter who you put him with can really epitomize that and give you that um I I I love it I cannot say enough good things about it I I Adore the move and one of the things that I also think is really under the radar about him is my favorite stat um this past season he actually took faceoffs for the first time in his entire career and won over 50% of them I and like I don’t know why it took so long I don’t know why it’s not something but he’s obviously a left shot forward so that kind of fits that bill as well but like he has never taken consistent and maybe he just didn’t have a big enough role on any of the teams he played for but he he was never a consistent uh or really at all for some teams like person that was in the face off circles in this past year uh took over around 150 uh faceoffs and and won just I think literally one over 50% so uh I I think that that’s something that you know you can get some depth in that department as well I I love it man I I absolutely love it these are the kind of players that I think this organization was kind of looking for going into this offseason yeah absolutely I I mean the last few years he’s played over half the games in the season I could see him I think he’ll be a regular in the lineup as far as he’ll play in over half of the games I think there will be you know match up dependent there might be Knights he sits out but I think he’s going to be real good on the second P penalty kill unit for the Detroit Red Wings and just get limited ice time maybe defensive Zone starts for the Detroit Red Wings help them transition up the ice and free up a little bit for the offense but also not to overplay his impact as well because again he’ll probably only play about 12 minutes a night when he does Play It’s just he’ll be in put in important moments um defensively for the Detroit Red Wings and that’s what they need is guys who can impact the game defensively especially among the forward Corp because as much offense as the Red Wings lost last year they do a lot of addition by subtraction probably this year in terms of defensive strength among the Ford group oh absolutely absolutely so I like this signing a lot and I think there’s a lot to the Lost episode was a really good conversation so we’re going to totally rehash that later next week about whether or not this team got better and the area the areas they did improve if they got better enough to move the needle but the signing of teraso does shine a much more positive light on that conversation I think at a bare minimum this team is comparably as good as last year with the added benefit of we F probably going to finally see some youth trickle into this lineup so it’s I I think you’re at a position now where like this upcoming season is now really fascinating you are you have a solidified top six full of veterans right ranging from you know veteran at at 23 years old and and Raymond all the way to you know the opposite end of the spectrum and and Patrick Kane who’s in his you know like Twilight years you have you you have veterans and you have a solidified top six now as well like at least going into opening night you you know who your top six are going to be that’s something when was the last time we were able to say that like like in a in a positive light when was the last time we were like wow there’s a clearcut you know top six on this team but then also your depth is way more defensive and last year one of your biggest strengths was depth scoring so like having it a lot of that depth scoring kind of walk away which it did um but replacing it with better defensive forwards is is a really fascinating test and then also to your point you’re you’re injecting a lot of Youth into this you’re you’re putting a lot of rookies or really young players into this lineup card as well um you still have three goalies and eight NHL defensemen like it’s there there’s a lot that still could happen I I still think they they kind of have the flexibility for a trade if they want to um but uh I think that this is going to be a a really fascinating year yeah I mean I think defensively too if you look at the decor rather I should say because we got to be careful when we say the term defensively if you look at the decor I think that there’s an upgrade defensively there as well s Edon you’re going to have probably for the full season he’ll probably play you know second pair left side that’s going to be an upgrade on the second pair immediately I think gustofson who is an offensive defenseman is a huge upgrade defensively as well over Shane goess bear you’ll have the option of Albert Johansson or oi mat depending on uh matchups for what you want they still need an impact right side defenseman if you ask me because I don’t like and you know hes no guarantee to play on the right side I think somebody’s going to be playing on their offs side on defense down there but over all I think again the defense has gotten the defensive core has gotten better at least here’s that word marginally and I think the forward core on the bottom six has gotten defensively better as well so it is like you said it’s going to be a really unique season to observe whether or not they slide back because lone want preaches a defense first system and now Eiserman is backing that up with more defensive oriented obviously tereno notwithstanding because but you needed off like you needed offense like that’s a signing that makes a lot of sense when you realize like oh yeah we just still need to score goals but the the bottom of the forward group has a lot more defense first forwards now rather than trying to attack it from a pure dep depth scoring depth scoring depth scoring that you’re bringing outside of bergren is more oriented that way as well right like Marco Casper does play like he’s a guy that you expect to play a 200 foot game right like Danielson a little bit maybe not to the extent as as Casper but like that’s another guy right I mean and like Carter merer right I mean there the the list kind of goes on the the youth that we’re expecting to make an impact or at least be in the conversation at the NHL level is is more defensive minded as well so it another you know possibly big shift and it feels like that’s three seasons in a row where there’s been a lot of turnover and uh I I I don’t think that that’s necessarily a bad thing it’s just you know we’ll see what happens type of thing I mean these two signings these two most recent signings like shifted our mindset from this is a slam dunk going to be a slideback season to a they may still slide back but also I can see a future where it does work out and now I’m just going to be really interested to see what happens but like this is this is a good problem right like we needed the youth movement that was undeniable we needed some of these young kids to crack the roster but whenever that happens comes the risk of taking that step back and that’s why I was saying all off seon that you need and even on what yesterday’s episode or the episode before that like you need to get an impact veteran to help complement that youth so they can help balance out that youthful mistakes with the veteran leadership right and I like I said I still think they need that impact defenseman and they’ll have to move out of contract to do that because I think as it stands right now they they got to get cider and Rayman signed first but they have $20 million left in cap space you you got to I think in my mind move somebody out to bring in that veteran impact defenseman but I think that this is a much more competent lineup with with teras senko and M dropped in that can be at least argued to be comparable to last year in terms of overall points obviously offense is still overall down but defense is overall up so yes it’ll be fun to see how this plays out absolutely I was talking in circles there I had to stop myself Scotty Brian any final thoughts brother I don’t think so man we ball we ball happy four July to our listeners we’ll be back I I assume tomorrow so we’ll find out I me I don’t have a reason not to so why not same time same place your team he said why not why not every day why not why not want to keep at least one of the jobs I have the only job I have this is crazy self-deprecation to end an episode on yeah every day

The Red Wings finally made an impact signing for their season next year, getting Vladimir Tarasenko on a 2-year deal. Tarasenko has insanely good finishing ability and helps to replace much of the offense the team lost through free agency. To make the signing happen, Detroit traded Robby fabbri and a conditional 4th to the Anaheim Ducks for a goaltending prospect to shed his $4M cap hit. They also signed Tyler Motte to a 1-year deal, he won’t score much, but he will improve the team defensively and on the penalty kill. #LGRW

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  1. Tyler Motte is from Michigan

    Another local guy in the room.

    Talbot’s wife is from Michigan

    So there are tons of Michigan connection in that locker room

    Jack Campbell is another one

    Couple guys from Minnesota (Holl, Lyon) and from Illinois (Compher)

    This team is like Detroit Great Lakers

  2. Around 20 mil to pay Seider, Raymond, Valeno and Bergrenn. Maybe another move or two to trade a defensman and Goaltender, and maybe get a descent right d. Like the signing, it was a concern and we needed to a top 6 forward, and we also offload Fabri and his salary. Still have room for prospects on the roster. We will see how the roster looks like come in October.

  3. I’m with you Scotty, I want to see another move. I think it has to be a defenseman to pair with Seider. We have the assets to trade – Husso, Berggren, a defenseman.. we’ll see what happens.

  4. I know we need defense, but could you imagine if we also somehow get Necas. This would be one of the best top 6's in the league if we get him!

  5. My two teams making deals with each other. Tarasenko is our top 6 problem solved for now. I forgot he was still available, huge signing! Let’s go Cats and Wings!

  6. Tarasenko is 4 years younger than Perron and produced about the same points so really it's an equal tradeoff, but you lose Fabbri in the process. In the end he's a top 6 forward but for 2 years this is just a bridge to guys like Bergren and possibly Nate Danielson.

  7. This is just a replace for Perron don't move the needle this don't make the team better brings us back to the same as last yr. Basically the same team as last yr. Steve will waste a pick to trade for a upgrade a goal. But he will ship 2nd 4th walman and Fabs for nothing. Stop giving Steve a pass this team is no better

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