[Music] when and you know I my heart on my sleeve you hitting Aries take your [ __ ] like you f to leave I go and hide your keys put you the win bless you with B you down in on the BV we was getting cheat over play my part I can’t breathe I feel the pain in [Music] my over my I can’t breath I feel the pain in my I thought [Music] be [Music] [Music] and you know I my heart on my sle you H all the your [ __ ] like you leave go and your keys you in in the win bless you with sne B you down in on the BV we was getting cheat over play my part I can’t breathe I feel the pain in [Music] my over play my part I can’t bre I feel the pain in my I thought was my [Music] that everything this [Music] yo what’s good family can y’all hear me can y’all hear me m check 1212 um salute to everybody in the chat man want to chop it up with y’all real quick I’m not going to be too long man still working with some uh some technical difficulties here um haven’t been able to address them yet so I’m probably going to end up switching to my phone I’ve been hella busy man even though y’all see me running my mouth on Twitter I’ve been uh been hella busy so I didn’t get a chance to go redo these see Lord have mercy I didn’t unplug my own microphone ain’t that crazy but I had to come tap in with y’all real quick man I got a couple things I want to get off my mind man so I know y’all see me um oh hold up wait wait a minute let me get my salutes going on real quick man who we got in the building tap in with you boy let me know you in the building man let me know you’re in the building let’s get the salutes going on couple things I want to discuss with y’all today man not gonna take up too much of y’all time so uh because I know people it’s fourth of ju Fourth of July coming up it is hopefully you’re tomorrow you’re not working tomorrow right um tap in let me know if you in the building tap in tap in let me know you’re in the building man um yes technical is good yeah technical is good on on your end on my end I have to go which I’mma do tomorrow uh I got to return a couple things back to Amazon and I got to go purchase some new um speed speakers cuz I think it’s the speakers I hope it’s not my motherboard port but I really probably should just get me a whole new PC to be honest with you and I might just mess around and do that tomorrow I might see if I could find me a Fourth of July sale just go get me a new pc and just because this one ain’t this one the motherboard tripping the volume thing ain’t working that is a new motherboard no I put a new one in there and it ain’t working it won’t load up Windows should get a pre how much they cost depends I’m g go I’m g go to PS because I want one tomorrow I if I get one I’m getting one tomorrow I don’t feel like waiting yeah that’s what I’m yeah that’s what I’m get yeah I’m g go to PX probably PX what’s i a messing with Walmart my bad guys I was talking to my son he was asking me about the PC and whatnot but yeah I think I’m g go ahead and cop a new PC tomorrow gang and just eliminate this right here but let me get the salutes going on before I get into discussion man salute to my guy tanre in the building salute to Joe R in the building tapped in as a member of the channel my boy Antonio STS in the building salute salute to the homeboy Cojo Cojo what you serving up tonight my guy what you had on the grill tonight my guy salute to my guy Craig in the building skin.com is in the building the homeboy Carlos is in the building tapped in with you Virgo life in the building tap in the homeboy Mike in the building tapped in sports and Society is in the building my guy the first member of the channel in the building and the number one moderator out here who else we got in here catch up in the building what’s good Daniel Barry’s back in the building sports highlights tap in with my guy barnesy is in the building Dex J is in the building Orange Juice Jones in the building salute to everybody who is tapped in right now uh salute to the homeboy Ben price in the building the best Hulk show let’s go that’s what I’m talking about I gotta pin this one that’s what I’m talking about right there baby that’s what we trying to do man that’s what we trying to do man we trying to be the number one Hawks Channel Hawks fan channel right cuz this is for the fans this is for y’all to come up and if you need to speak your peace you want to get something off about the Hawks this where you do it at this is an intera the fan Channel without y’all without the fans or the Hawks we don’t have a channel you feel me so this is this is all hawks fans channel right here man when people think Hawks we want them to come here when they looking for some Hawks fans we want them to come here and talk and tap in with y’all you feel me salute salute salute salute to the homeboy sh man the prison says hi the prison guard what prison guard you talking about show what prison guard where you at work hey that should be crazy if sh was in prison right now on the phone tapped into the show that that’ be CRA that’d be gangster though salute to the homeboy John Kip in the building what’s good what’s good Levi Levi Shaw is in the building tap in with my guy so um all right gang we got the salutes out the way anybody else T in need that shout out drop drop it in the chat man drop it in the chat um the viral oh hey I mean I wouldn’t even put it past nobody if they was in prison watching here they got everything phones TVs everything internet all type of stuff man but um yo let me go and get started man um so you saw the title of the show um um do the Hawks fan base owe the Hawks any patience right salute to the homeboy Ashley in the building saying happy 4th of July to everybody out there do the Atlanta Hawk fan base matter of fact that’s gonna be a poll right there gang that’s a poll let’s put that in the chat man that’s a poll I I need I need I need my fellow fans to answer this one man we got do a poll on this one do the Atlanta Hawk fans ow this organization patience okay once again does the Atlanta HW oh this organization Pati put this up in the chat I mean as a poll let’s see here let’s write this down there it go what’s up in the chat Man follow that poll right there tap in with me on the poll gang get get active get interactive you feel me so let’s see so right now I’m seeing people say no salute to my guy Carlos in the building K in the building Ashley in the building catchup in the building torian in the building salute so I’m I’m seeing I’m seeing some yeses I’m seeing some no I’m seeing more NOS than anything I’m seeing the homie the homies homie Stark say sell the team um Ashley says we owe Quinn and Landry patience but not the wrestlers the homie J we need a GM Fields doesn’t know what he’s doing wrestler need need to get his house in order okay let’s discuss this the homie catchup said we just want a swag surf that’s all we want to do huh just go in there and swag surf K said Ashley on that mat time listen man this my thoughts behind it bro this is my thoughts behind it in my opinion um as a organ organization I don’t believe we owe them any patience as an organization um what what what what really irks my nerves right what really irks my nerves is this I will get on Twitter or Co or come on this show and people would tell me what type of players by name or by archetype what player what players you need to surround Trey young with right they’ll be like Dean you need a good point of attack Defender Dean everybody since Trey is short you need everybody that’s tall blah blah blah and the first thing that comes to my mind when people tell me that is well if you know that as a fan right not as a coach not as a former player but as a fan of basketball as a fan of deadline if you know that how come my front office doesn’t know that how come my front office doesn’t know that I mean Trey young is going into year seven now year seven and this is probably one of the few times when they traded de Jon Murray and got that return back it’s probably one of the few times where I’ve seen a nice size of Hawks fan saying they’re finally headed in the right direction oh really they are okay I’ll give him credit for getting whatever type of player you need around Trey young okay I’ll give him credit for that but I don’t feel I owe them any patience they should have already done that don’t y’all agree they should have already done stuff but instead of doing that they do everything outside of what they’re supposed to do to build around the Trey young right they’ve done everything but what they’re supposed to do they haven’t got the right Personnel they haven’t even got a multi-time Allstar in their Prime to play with Trey young and probably still well the the multi-time allar they proba that still ain’t going to that’s still is not going to happen right I mean where it is we in we in a hunt for Lor marketing but he’s not a multi-time Allstar he’s not a Kyrie Irving he’s not a Klay Thompson and he’s not a go bear and why am I saying it’s because you know Alca Dage or Ant-Man basically around close to the same timeline as Trey young and they’ve played with multi-time all star champion meanwhile I look at my Hawks and I see who who who who do I who do I see on this roster that that that that blows me out the water I don’t see nothing nothing and before people even start before people even start I’m not including uh Jaylen Johnson I’m talking about my front office going out and adding a player okay not internally adding a player who still haven’t done it still so what if let me show y’all something man I saw this on Twitter do let me show y’all this let me show y’all this man saw this on Twitter I’mma show it to you right now I’m gonna show it to you right now give me one second [Music] bombastic I want y’all to see this right here man let me share this for y’all let me share this boom y’all see that right there you see that look at that right there look at this tweet okay another great Tony interview says they are substantial Lori offers from sack Golden State San Antonio Spurs mentions that 20 plus teams have contacted the Jazz about him what now what if uh salute my guy White Mike in the building man Jay Boogie in the building Dober in the building make sure I a Miss nobody Kevin Jr in the building what’s good family Virgo life in the building what’s good family salute salute abute so so so what if we miss out on Lor marketing what if we miss out on Lori marketing guys so if we don’t end up with Lori marketing what are we supposed to say you know what man they really tried to go get a guy they didn’t get it cuz you know they going to tell you the same stuff cuz it take two the Tango blah blah blah two to make a deal blah blah blah so we supposed to give them more patience after that so if they get out bid it or or refuse to give up the demand meet the demands or meet the demands that Danny a wants and Lori Markin is moved somewhere else what are we supposed to say give them they need more patience Deon because they try so hard they trying so hard to to to get guys here I can’t tell you know what this remind me of man I’m just gonna go and say it bro I’m just gonna go ahead and say it man it reminds me last year what was do what was the Talk of the Town last year y’all what was the Hawks doing last year this time I left my drink what were the Hawks doing last year this time all the way up until the end of December what were we doing oh we’re gonna get seak they so close to getting seak oh no we’re gonna get this guy woo woo woo how that turn out how how did that turn out you got nothing you got another year Clint capella though out the deal but you ended up getting nothing done so are we supposed so once again I ask y’all if they don’t pull off this L marketing deal we supposed to give them more patience I mean we supposed to have more patience we supposed to give them more time H like I said me myself nope nope nope nope nope nope we’ve been giving them time gang I know I have I’ve been giving them plenty I’ve given them 24 I’ve been patient for 24 years and I’m just starting in 2000 because a lot of everybody can relate to being around two in the year 2000 okay so since the year 2000 I’ve been patient 24 years and you have one you have two Eastern Conference Final appearances you have one 6 win season this is over 24 year time period 24 year time period And I know some people going to come up here I know what some people going to say some people going to be like well Deon uh Landry wasn’t here well Deon the wrestlers didn’t own the team then well Deon listen Russell has owned a team for 10 years so in that 10year time span you got one Easter Conference Final team what else you what else do you got under a wrestler ownership you get one you get one Eastern Conference Final appearance since the wrestler has owned a team excuse me um you have who you who who do you want to give who do you want to give credit to the 60 win season the 61n SE the team was built under the ASG while they were selling the team so who you want to get at you want to get at that well John gave it to the ASG so if I give that to the ASG means under Tony Rustler’s ownership you have zero let’s do it like this let’s I’mma do it like this I’mma do it like this in the trey young era now let if I’m lying I’m flying let me know if I’m lying when I’m lying call me a liar chat when I’m lying in the trayon era you have zero 5 win seasons you’re going into year seven with 0o5 win season since Trey young has been here and I’m not blaming Trey young I’m looking at my organization I’m looking at my front office I’m looking at my ownership zero 5 win Seasons six years zero 5 win season I don’t even think we’ve had a 45 win season yet we ain’t had a 45 win season yet the Atlanta Hawks organization 20 years excuse me 24 years total we gonna start in 2000 because a lot of y’all can go back to 2000 go back to 2 go back to 2010 in 2010 from 2010 to now 14 years 14 years one Conference Final appearance one and and and and let and some of the fan base call that a fluke anyway some f some of the haulk fans say that’s not that wasn’t a real run because we was up we was a under 500 team when Nate M Millan took over so it ain’t like we was just making our way through the Eastern Conference some that’s what some fans tell me they’ be like Dean that’s that that uh Easter Conference r on that [ __ ] was a fluke but even if I didn’t say if I even if I give that to the r give it to him boom okay it wasn’t a fluke it was real one Conference Final appearance one one one in 14 years you got teams who’ been to the finals more than that you got teams you got teams excuse me you got teams who got more final appearences in 14 years than what we had just getting to the Conference Finals 14 years under wrestler ownership we starting in 2010 when did Russell by the team I forgot 2013 15 somewhere around there but 2010 I’m just using 2010 because it’s a round number salute to my guy real in the building man white Mike in the building salute salute salute champagne in the building salute salute salute Atlanta good folk in the building salute salute salute Dame salute salute barnesy in the building salute salute you got one Conference Final appearance with Trey young and some fans call that a fluk that’s it you have nothing else that relates to winning we have nothing else to talk about when it come to winning zero zero the best in the the be in the best player let’s start when Trey young got here and the best player you put beside Trey young Accolade wise is Deon excuse me that’s not same age as me and white Mike is De Jon Murray that is so crazy to me man how do you look at Dallas and I know what people be saying Deon you always use that you damn right I use Dallas I use Dallas because Tre young will always be compared to Luca Dage I use Dallas cuz the day Luca Dage win a championship the media people going to look right at the Hawks and say man y’all they the Hawks was so stupid to give up this guy and they got a Trey young and Lucas a champion that’s why I always talk about Dallas cu the media gonna always relate Luca to us and Luca to Trey so when I look at Dallas and I see that they put KP beside them you y’all y’all know where I’m going going with this but I’m going say it again I know I I know I sound like a broken record they put KP beside him guess what the [ __ ] didn’t work so did Mark hum say you know what man you know what Luca this what we gonna do Luca and Dallas fans this what we gonna do we are going [Music] to we’re we’re gonna cut salary right cuz we’re not good any we’re not that good so we’re going to cut salary because they’re not worth spending all that money hell no he ain’t say that the coach quit RI Carlile quit and left and guess what and guess what guess what Cuba did what he said who available who who available got re available go get him didn’t think twice go get him he didn’t sit there and say man you know what man I don’t know if I’m I don’t know if I’m want to get a champion and probably the best player the best player who play Under the basket who got the best bag in the league handles off the chain he didn’t say nothing about man I don’t know if he’s gonna fit with Luca I don’t know man I don’t know is he gonna be able to get his shots cause Luca dribble the ball all the time and then he passed the ball with no time so I don’t know if Kyrie is going to uh I don’t know if he can fit no he ain’t say that he went and got him meanwhile we over here in a meanwhile in a in a uh in Hulk’s land man you know we really good at I’mma I’mma tell you man you know we really good at as a Hawks fan you know I realize we good at we will get a average ass player and we will find something good and try to Hype that [ __ ] up man I tell you we will bro we will get a average we’ll get a play that no one else wants and we will hype that dude up man listen I listen I know he I I know he only shot 5% from three but man that man really could jump you see him Elevate he real protect man come on man we good at that [ __ ] we are good at that come on man that’s why what people that’s why I don’t be having no patience that’s why I don’t have patience and I’m just talking from 2000 to now 2000 24 years our franchise has two Conference Final appearances we got swept in one and sabotage in the other one but my point one of my points is this man after each 61 team we refuse to go out there and get impath for free agents to make that team better the maves got they ass whipped in the finals they said you know what we F to do who available Klay Thompson get him what now Martin get them we need wings for Boston D get them meanwhile we sit over here hands on your knees hands on your knees so no I for me cuz at the end of the day this is a personal question okay I don’t have pay with the Atlanta I want to win but I can understand I do understand the younger fans having patience cuz they ain’t they ain’t they ain’t been around they ain’t been rooting for the team long as I have so I can’t hate on them for that I can’t hate on them for that if you know you’ve been rooting for the Hawks the last 10 years or you’ve been rooting for the Hawks since Trey young got here so I can understand that I can understand that right but for me man listen I don’t have patience I want us to go what did Mikey say he said I want the shiny you D there I do I ain’t gonna lie I want the shiny toy I do I want the shiny toy man I don’t want the old ass Lego man I want the shiny toy I want the shiny toy that can get out there and help us win these games man that’s what I want and I know everybody I know everybody not thinking like me that’s cool I don’t have no problem with it man I don’t I don’t have no problem you know if people don’t agree with me I could care less I mean come on man y’all know me y’all know I don’t I don’t really care about other people’s opinions man to be honest with you I don’t care because at the end of the day it’s your opinion and that’s how you feel that’s how you feel you say been support he been supporting the team before basketball was invented man listen man all I’m saying is this man this is all I’m saying man like I don’t have patience man you know we I we need to go get players and I hope you know the the Murray move man I’mma tell you like this man I’mma tell you like this in my opinion the move for the jonte Murray should it should have never uh never happened should have never happened man I’m not even going to lie bro should have never happened I don’t know why I don’t know why the owner would listen to his son and not the NBA basketball executive like I’ve I have no idea why they why he didn’t do that because if you look we in right now guys let me tell you something we are in a and listen listen let me say it like this I want nobody to be tripping this is just my opinion salute to my guy Irv in the building man salute to my my guy Irv in the building man salute to my guy Irv my guy Irv right here man Boston Celtic fan this guy right here he’ll tell you this dude I grew up with Irv he’ll tell you how long I’ve been rooting for the I’ve been rooting for this team my whole life he will tell you this is my this guy right here Irving Reed this is my childhood friend from when we was in the when I met Irvin I was in primary school when I met Irvin you hear me primary school so if anybody ever want to know how long I’ve been a Hawks fan a falcon fan a brave fan IR tell you salute to my guy he he been a celt IR a Celtic fan I don’t know how IR a Celtic fan and a damn Bronco fan that’s crazy third grade that’s right IR third grade I know it was churchin primary I just couldn’t remember what grade it was so my there’s my guy right here let you know I’ve been root for the team a long time and now you see why I don’t have any patience don’t let the flyness fool you gang your boy is pushing 50 you hear me [Music] 50 but they tell me be patient they tell me be patient listen man I don’t think we ow the Hawks any patience now like I said if you want to get in patience that’s cool that is fine I have no I don’t got no problem with that I don’t got no problem with that salute to my guy Maring in the building salute salute ATL Sports media in the building salute Kool-Aid in the building the bird cage LLC in the building tap in with my guy Ryan man you need that Falcon content that Georgia Bulldog content you want to see the old school legends from the Falcons go watch his channel go watch bird cage LLC man he got that for you he got that for you but let me tell you something man Starks you ain’t you ain’t [ __ ] Starks oh man so I appreciate that Kev I appreciate that man I appreciate that remember this C you can’t beat you can’t beat father the time my guy you can’t beat father time but you know what you could do you could push his ass back a little bit so if y’all y’all young boys out there if you’re in your 20s late teens hey just start working out now man when you if you work out right now when you hit my age who else old up here Larry up there white Mike when you hit our age you still be active you know what I’m saying CA no matter how old you get man you never know when you gotta put your hands on somebody shout out to homeboy Mark in the building salute salute Mark say he just got back from a run I went running this morning Mark I ran this morning man I ran yesterday I ran the day before yesterday what I at yesterday I only did six I did six and a half miles yesterday man I just did six and a half yesterday today I did eight and a half miles tomorrow probably go do I don’t know might might knock out 10 miles tomorrow man it’s Gucci you on the Nike run Club no I used to be man I used to be on the Nike run Club app man I’m on uh I’m on straa get on straa Mark I know you’re on Strava right get on straa I’m on straa um salute the homeboy Georgia born in the building man salute salute um rayan in the building salute salute Craig in the building oh don’t forget tap in with Mark man see Mark Mark in the chat right here boom go tap in with Mark right here man he got his own YouTube channel man he is uh and he is on Bleacher Report tap in with my guy he going in man he got some interesting Tes I caught some of the show today uh I think Mark did two shows I saw one on uh his Channel with foot was on the on the show today and I saw other one on uh I was watching it on um Smitty’s channel so go tap in with Mark man uh New Hawks content creator okay Cojo I listen I see I see the little jokes man I see the little jokes y y’all putting down man what was slavery like hey you don’t want to see me as a slave pimp they would have killed me dog for real for real salute to my guy chip in the building man mid-30s I waited too long get in progress it ain’t you ain’t never you ain’t wait too long chip you didn’t wait too long bro it’s listen listen it’s never too late to work on your physical fitness chip you heard me it’s never too late to work on your physical fitness dog and I’m telling you right now the best thing you can do if you want the fastest result I know this I’m talking hwks but let me let me put put this out here real quick if you want the fastest results and you’re a little heavy set you’re a little overweight start running got it go get you some uh some Nike invincibles or some or some uh A6 uh what I’m running in now you can get A6 um I got the A6 Nova blast fors you can use those I got the A6 um Jael Nimbus 25 and 26 is I got Nike invincibles man get those get some matx cushion shoes Max cushion shoes and just get out there and just Cruise it Cruise it and I’m G tell you like this gang when you get out there and listen and listen here’s the T here’s the T here’s the tip I’m giving you the game gang I’m giving y’all the game right here man here’s the trick get you a heart rate monitor okay get you a chess heart rate monitor the watch y’all see this watch right here y’all see this watch this a coros Vertex I bought this two years ago this is uh $700 watch right here you you see this right here they are not accurate get you the chess one okay when I run without my chess heart rate monitoring I use my Watch My Watch is off by 10 heartbeats per minute and then when you do that but if you don’t have it don’t even trip use your watch until you can get one and keep your heart rate below 140 beats per minute okay keep it below 140 beats per minute JB say how often do you run [ __ ] almost every day at a minimum JB I’ll get out there and do 45 minutes man at a minimum but I have done uh I ain’t done no speed work in in a minute I’m I’m in a Bild right now I’m just building up right now but um yeah if y’all got any uh hell no Josh eat one meal hell no uh-uh don’t do that don’t do that eat your food bro you eat your food how you going so how the body going to function without food man listen listen I guarantee you you start running and listen I forgot to tell y’all this when you first start when you first start okay you going to run keep that heart rate under 140 if you get tired you walk got it you walk once you catch your breath you run again jog jog when I say run people think jog that’s why you going to keep your heart rate below 140 and if you keep it 140 for most people you that’s usually Zone one or usually zone two zone two heart rate that’s gonna put you in your fat burning Zone got it what does that mean that means when you out there running that’s why if you look when I put my stuff on Twitter sometimes I put it on Twitter I know right Levi we talk Fitness my bad man my my bad because you know I’m very passionate he said does my son run with me no my son my youngest he run on the treadmill because I he does speed work for basketball so he’ll do treadmill work just speed work on the treadmill my oldest son he don’t run but we all lift weights all three of us lift weights my young son just started he 11 he just started lifting weights in the gym two months ago he just started getting them gains well running hurt my Gams depends on if you run a lot yeah cause rayan I’ll show you a picture before I started running when I was but I so listen I’ll put some pictures I’ll put some pictures on Twitter dog when just 10 years ago when I was like 225 dog crazy work crazy I show you when I was dead when I used to do deadlifts I I was pull I I used to pull 315 on the deadlift I I used to pull 315 what’s the most I did 315 time for 17 Reps for no with no break but uh he said he gonna stunt his growth n that don’t stunt your growth bro it don’t stunt your growth but um that’s just a rumor do I do Trails no Carlos but I’m I’m thinking about getting to doing a couple Trails man for the uh just to work on uh running up the hills um yeah but we got some good trails out here but I’m a road runner though I like just I like running on the road man I don’t know what it is it just it’s just something about it I don’t know what it is man I am Carlos I’m gonna start with the trails man if you’re a trail Runner tap in with me man I’m gon need some pointers man need some points go buy me a little trail running vest I be seeing the trail Runners with but D me and the wife we gonna get up tomorrow man I’m G try to do 10 miles hopefully she she don’t make me stop and leave early um I I really want to get 10 and then on Saturday cuz Saturday I won’t be here we got uh my son got Au basketball but um yeah no joke tap in with me if uh salute to the homie K he said I should start a fitness channel I know right I mean I’mma keep it real with y’all bro when it come to Fitness it ain’t [ __ ] I ain’t done yet bro I’ve done anything you could think of I’ve done it already I’ve tried I’ve tried everything just to see how just to see how it works man but uh yeah it’s fun man if y’all want to get into it man just Tye in with me man I help you man for free I help you that that’s the cheapest way this the best thing about cardio man is free you just go outside and do cardio you don’t you don’t need [ __ ] to do cardio you just go outside you go out there and you just start look at the end of the day the cardio as long long as you get your heart rate up to zone two you’re good okay get it to zone two and just stay in zone two don’t go above zone two okay if you go above zone two that means you you you the cardiovascular system the heart is working too hard it’s pumping too hard got it so when you get out that’s why I want you to get a heart rate monitor you feel me that’s why I want you to get a heart rate monitor so you can see and put a number on how how hard your cardiovascular system is really working right I got friends who just started they go out there and they just Jog and that heart rate go up to what like 170 180 I’m like oh hell no you feel me what he say uh what I think of calisthetics hey I’m for all Fitness man calisthetics weightlifting I’m for all of it man whatever Gonna Get You them gains you need to be doing it it’s especially all the young guys in the chat man you’re a youngster you need to start right now man if you start now okay you ain’t gonna be 40 45 out of shape okay you ain’t you gonna be able to go out there and play basketball with your kids or go out there play basketball with Mike you feel me that’s why you start now man don’t wait don’t wait you got to make time man what my boy say he said Earth I ain’t never heard of that you heard of earthing when you walk on grass barefoot no well I ain’t heard of that I ain’t heard of that but uh I’m about to go look it up though vitamin D is the best medicine for melan yeah just goam run without a shirt that’s why I don’t run with no shirt Starks so when I go out there in Texas the sun’s out I just take my shirt off Z up all that uh vitamin D Man boom pause pause pause pause pause no Di no Diddy for somebody try to call me out on it all right let me get back on topic real quick cuz uh I’m not going to uh and here’s another tip I’ll give you another tip basketball basketball watch this watch this this this is crazy what I’m GNA tell y’all I’mma show you I’mma tell you how I look at Fitness real quick give me five minutes right um this is more for my guys that are 20 years old no probably 25 and up okay my guy 25 and up meaning 25 you already got your job so you work okay hell no hell no lar what happens over time is this give me five minutes what happens over time is when you sit behind this desk working right when you got a family right and you dealing with your wife you dealing with your kids you dealing with your girlfriend you dealing with her kids your kids your baby mom what happens is you stop having what I call recess really they trick you in high school cuz I think the ninth grade where I live at in Virginia in the ninth grade they sto giving you recess and gym time that starts taking you from away from being active unless you are like on the football team or something like that playing a sport if you’re not playing a sport they take that away from you so now you stop being active like you used to be okay that’s why you hear older people around my age or maybe in their 30s say stuff like man when I was your age in my 20s I could eat anything I want and I would never Gain No Weight yeah you know why you could do that because you was going to play basketball you know what’s crazy when remember you was young when you was young when you was young you go out there play basketball for hours that’s why I be laughing when people like man he got to come out the game for what when you was young playing ball You’ll Play 50 games in one day as long as you keep winning right so what happens is you end up stop doing recess I like to call it recess yeah not active watch this you got interval training interval training is basically you do something for a short period of time and stop and then do it again and repeat you did that when you was a kid when you play uh when you play hide and seek hide and seek is just is like hit training when you think about it hideand-seek is hit training everybody get there right and they say all right you’re it and you C the dude count to 10 he closed his eyes what does everybody else do run as fast as they can to find somewhere to hide then when you find somewhere to hide what do you do you stop that’s your recover every time and then the person walking around looking then when they see you what you do take off again that’s your second interval it’s crazy how that stuff work out man right but um what I do is I tell my friends I tell you to I tell people about doing a lot of cardio because if you do a lot of cardio if you can do 45 minutes to an hour cardio a day at a low heart rate right you can eat whatever you want guess what I’m going to eat tonight I got two pieces of birthday cake I’m going to get on that today and I eat two pieces of uh but I used to be real skinny too as a kid when I was I was real skinny all right let me get back to what I was saying man so I can get up off of here man um but yeah if y’all need anything about Fitness man if you want to know anything about Fitness you want to know anything about the gym hitting the waights I’ll show you my my my oldest son shees bro I think my oldest son he big I think he bigger than me now yeah he got to be B he I walked in the room I thought I was another grown man in that mother what the hell boy didn’t got swo my youngest son he just started in the gym I show y’all a I took a picture of him doing his real double bicep from from so he can see how it look from from his back [Music] y’all you don’t want to see what my back look like when I hit that pose this game over but uh now let me get back to what I was saying man my bad now um patience patience do I like I said I don’t feel like I owe the hwks any patience what how often you see your kids uh every day well not my oldest cuz he’s in college he just home right now cuz cuz uh college is out for well not college but uh his internship gave him the week all and my youngest son Liv with me so I see my kids all the time thank you static that’s crazy but how often do you see your kids but uh what Mar I need to lose weight and suffering from the sugar get outside start walking to Mario bro just get outside bro it’s it is so simple oh that’s cool static it’s all Gucci it’s all Gucci it’s all Gucci static it’s all Gucci yeah he yeah yeah I feel you I feel you get outside and go walk that’s it just start walking it’s that easy man I’m trying to put on a podcast right this what you need to do de Mario pull up we talk Hawks put on one of them three hour four hour podcast and start walking boom that’s how it start is that is it’s it’s really that simple if you want to lose weight if you want to lose weight listen to me listen to me my bad man listen to me I know I’m supposed to be talking hwks but real quick real quick real quick because I I like helping my people out when they want to get back in shape man listen this what you do listen to me Mario Listen to listen to me the human body y’all listening the human body does not know sugar car the bread it don’t know what you eating bread what else they tell y’all not to eat candy the human body don’t know that only thing the human body knows is it’s whatever you put in has calories that’s all the human body know and then the body breaks it down and sends it out accordingly by carbs you know with the glucose you know protein help build muscle then body will break it down okay so think of it like this all you got to do is calories in versus calories out if you want to lose weight you have to burn more energy with your calories than what you take in and you’ll lose weight boom all right now now let me get back I’m tripping okay now you know um [Music] um if Landry feels in a minute in a minute fasting Kobe you fast already why you why you fasting twice a day huh Kobe you if you do intermed inter uh minute fasting you’re fasting twice a day because you fast when you sleep so you’re already fasting right when you go to bed for one four eight 10 hours you are fasting so why would you want to get up and starve the body again like that’s crazy to me you want to get up and starve the body which has already been starving for the past how however many hours you were sleeping hell no eat food listen real listen the reason they make diets Okay the reason they make diets is because people don’t want to work out that’s all it is it’s because people don’t want to work out so they give you a diet so you take in less calories than what you burn that’s see see how that work but guess what if you work out you can eat what you want shout out de Mario on the building we talk Fitness on your T yeah de Mario on my Tik Tok my whole Tik Tok is Just Fitness man it’s just me running lifting weights that’s all it is my whole Tik Tok that’s what it is man okay but yeah okay now back back to Hawk’s business so now if um if Landry Fields does not end up what’s the what is my Tik Tok let me look I be forget myself man let me see uh so if Landry Fields right if he misses out on um what’s my guy name on Lori marketing hey follow me on Tik Tok man my whole Tik Tok is Just Fitness man and if you got any questions y’all can just hit me up on there dog just follow me on Tik Tok right there man hit me up on Tik Tok boom whatever questions you got I help you for free man I don’t be charging nothing all right let me get back so now I showed y’all okay I showed y’all this right here let’s bring this back up I show y’all this right here let’s read it again another great Tony interview said there are substantial Lor offers from sack Golden State San Antonio mentions that 20 plus teams have contacted the Jazz right why am i showing y’all this man I’m showing y’all this to say this if he don’t get Lori marketing family are you still going to have patience are you gonna come back on the are you gonna come back up here if we don’t get Lori marketing cuz you know the day we get Lori marketing or we don’t get him he get traded somewhere else you know we doing a show right if we don’t get him do you still have patience do you still have patience with the organization I’m just saying man cuz like I said we said earlier what is that that’s going to be a strike too cuz we went we just went through this last year with seum we just did let me know if I’m right or wrong so now if we don’t if we don’t get them if if we don’t get them what’s your next Target or do the Hawks say you know you you know what I I like what we have here we got a good 13 guys they all got Hawks DNA I know none of them are Allstars besides Trey young I know I know but I like what have if let what if they say that are you still going to have patience listen I know listen I could tell you right now I know everybody who is old as me I know I’mma say it like this I everybody that’s a Hawks fan over 40 they don’t have no patience I’m G tell you that right now zero zil got it because they haven’t shown us nothing once again I asked the chat chat when have the Atlanta Hawks showed you a commitment to winning a championship when somebody tell me since 2000 when have the HW shown you that they are committed to winning a championship um I’m just saying man I’m just saying like we are in let let me tell you this is this is just my opinion okay this is just my opinion once again I’m just a fan you understand I’m just a fan okay but this is how I see it you cannot start the season off I saw that Ryan you cannot start the season off with this current roster you have right now you can’t do it you know why because this team is probably gonna be a playing team if we lucky luckily lucky luck means nobody gets hurt and we probably a playing team at best because I didn’t see us I think every team that the top the top four teams that finished on top four of the East we didn’t get better than none of those teams by trading off Murray we definitely ain’t better than none of them so this current roster bro you we we can’t even a you can’t afford to lose because if you lose guess what the Spurs take the pick well they already got the pick anyway but if we lose they get a better pick while we sitting here hoping the Lakers crash out and and they pick be worth something but wait there’s there more there’s more hold up I’mma give you some more um 26 you don’t own your own pick in 26 it’s a pick swap so you can’t even be bad then cuz the Spurs if if even if the Spurs better than us they just gonna swap the pick and we lose again but wait there’s more they got a 27 unprotected Atlanta hulks pick you can’t even be bad in 2027 bro like we are in a awful position but some fans are tell you no we’re not we’re we’re good we’re straight they like the return they got on DJ they like that let me tell you something if Landry Fields was smart in my opinion this how I would have handled the deal okay I would not have traded Deonte Murray unless I had a handshake a hand shook deal with Danny Ferry I mean with uh Danny a there’s no way I would have traded off Murray without knowing a 100% that I was going to get the guy that I want but they say we got they say we got to wait till July 6 so I’mma give him to July 6 cuz that that could that could be true maybe the Hawks is like you know what we don’t want to make no move right now till we get this stuff right here situated so we can uh level out the books that could be 100% true I don’t have no problem with that right the problem is when July come and like foot said we don’t do nothing then what then what how do you look a your star player in the face after he was just on his own podcast say he want to win and you look him in the face and said Trey hey the best we could do with Dyson Daniels um what’s my guy name Larry n Jr and two P that’s the best we could do man you got to go to war with that are we serious right now are we serious right now but like I said man I don’t want to take a too much of y’all time man I’mma drop the link if anybody need to tap in but uh I won’t be up here for long um because I got me and the wife got to get up early so we can hit the road I think she trying to do I think she doing 45 minutes heart low heart rate running tomorrow I’m trying to do two hours so we got to get up hella early because this mean by SE by 8 o’clock it’s scorching hot out here dog yeah my bad outside you right you right I forgot we got EJ too we gonna let Trey know you can win you can win with EJ Lindale man J Lindale that sound like a damn like he should be in MMA or something he should be like fighting EJ that there was a MMA fighter name EJ W it it was something Jay EJ no Chuck Lidell that’s that’s why I that’s what I’m thinking about oh my bad I forgot we got you CH we got EJ lell we got you Dyson Daniels we got you Larn ass Jr we got you two picks and we got you rich say Trey go make go make something go make something Shake Trey and uh Trey and Jaylen goon make it work listen we in a bad position gang we have to get somebody else on this team man Zack LaVine I wouldn’t even mind Zack but bro look at his contract who even gave him that money he got three years left for 178 million let me go double check that that’s ridiculous who gave him that money Lord that I hope that general manager already been fired man let me look at this dude money again let me just make sure I’m correct if anybody in the chat already know the numbers drop it in the chat man what’s Z LaVine uh contract looking like man I thought that thing said three years 178 million that’s what I thought it said let me look make sure I wasn’t in the garage when I saw that let me double check oh my God oh my Lord they gave him five a fiveyear 215 so what is he oh so 24 25 damn he taking up 30% of the cap Oh my days he making a same thing Trey almost making he might be making more than Trey 43 million and 25 45 46 million and 26 48 million and 20 and that’s a player option and you know he gonna opt the end that he be a he’d be a fool to opt out of $48 million I don’t care what team he playing for damn who gave him that money hell no bro that was awful awful bro they had to give me two first round unprotected pit to take that [ __ ] take that money [ __ ] but I if they did that [ __ ] no because we would had to sign and trade so then we had to give up people if they moved off Clint Hunter but damn he don’t even he don’t defend neither do we um um Zack LaVine is he a good Defender man we are we in a bad spot man we in a bad spot bro I’m not even gonna sit here and lie to you gang we’re in a bad spot man like you have to get somebody else on this team so we can compete so we don’t get a lottery pick for the Spurs and attempt to keep our own Superstar cuz let’s be real bro the day Trey young ask out of here dog woo because guess what if Jaylen Johnson turned out to be a Allstar you gotta pay him then you got to show him you’re trying to win before he asked for a trade listen let me drop this link man if y’all want to tap in like I said I ain’t gonna be here long man I probably got about 15 20 minutes unless uh somebody else Gonna Come Oh foot in the building unless foot gonna hold it down I’m about to go in this garage in about 10 minutes but I’mma drop the link cuz I know somebody got people got stuff to say we can make it real quick real quick and plus my speakers ain’t working I should have plugged up my headphones I’m too lazy to go get them man we got about 10 minutes man if anybody need to tap in if not but while we wait let me show y’all something this the homeboy right here man what he was talking about right here that’s my homeboy right there look at that weight loss look at my guy getting it in look at that what chip out here getting it chip out here trying to be a chip andell look at chip before after Chip he trying to be a chip andell model man look at chip look at that to that that boy chip working salute to my guy chip man let’s bring the he man keep a with y’all man my speakers is tripping so I unplug them I can’t hear y’all but hey uh uh I’m in the show at uh what time is it 8:30 I mean 9:30 uh I’mma end it like at 9:40 about 15 minutes man because I gotta go I gotta go to the garage for Fourth of July hey yo so let me jump it off real quick I wanted to say this I’m about to matter of fact this what I’mma do y’all go ahead and chop it up I’mma switch to my phone let me switch to my phone real quick that way I can heit y’all and stuff hey I jump it off look Ahad go ahead I was in the chat I was just screaming apron talk we talking aprons right he mentioned that because um um that’s why they might really can’t make no moves we really ain’t got the money and also we gotta also sign what’s her name next year um we gotta sign we gotta sign um um JJ we gotta sign JJ and he gonna want some bread see you see LeBron already grooming it yeah I mean you know that’s that’s right they’re not think about this holistically right they’re not looking at all pieces all the movement all the stuff you got I said something about that a couple weeks ago oh we can do this you gotta sign JJ you gotta have to sign the young guys so no I agree with you man I agree with you you know that’s right though we older guys Ain got no sorry got got feedback need to close the YouTube page and just keep the stream iard finish Mario now I was saying uh maybe that was me I had okay yeah I still I think it’s you on Fe I still see feedback go go ahead Kool-Aid hey coola we can’t you muted hey man hey hey don’t be talking long now everybody gota get in we be long oh man I got sh man they don’t gave me my shiny D you know they gave me my I’m a Larry n fan I’m just tell you now I’m a Larry n fan I disagree with you on that D Daniels man like he you said better he better than DJ yeah man the long you g show watch and see he he bigger than DJ strong than DJ fter than DJ uh all he had to do is just shoot so every he got all the attributes that he he might knew he might shine a toy I had said that about him when we were F to get the trade when I thought we gonna get bi and him so you know I mean they don’t gave me my shining Tie Mo uh I got my shining time Moi uh I got bu that’s that’s my new that’s another one of my new I mean to cut you out but you know let somebody let go keep Koolaid the toys along with along with my boy who ain’t got no rust on him oh man we ready to crank it up and go bro all we have get one my one more other Shiny Toy a0 marketing if we can’t get them I take a b ball to go with that there another seven foot two guys at the stretch bit get out there and play a little bit on the inside I take either one of those three guys and we can steal one of those guys only reason I say those guys C koola koola koola bro bro we’re making it quick let let let somebody else I want to mute you now go go ahead uh B is not available I know I just saying hold on Mario go ahead Larry you muted you muted Larry you muted all right all right uh we got to do another move this organization has not earned our patience uh this ownership has not earned our patience you want to say oh well let Quinn and let Landry build something they still got holes in their back and and strings on their arms and they being puppeteered um by the ownership we should not have Nick wrestler in the front office but it is what it is uh I like Dyson Daniels but that’s not going to move the needle um to be no better than 41 and 41 or 44 you know what I’m saying the max 44 wins that’s still Landing you and who is that feedback coming from bro that’s not that’s not getting you out of the plan and if you’re if you want to win what are we doing like Trey young want to do better than he said he want to win not just make it to the play that’s not winning that’s in the same spot we’ve been in so get better because damn everybody was muted I’m on mute I know that one go ahead RTD I agree we need to make one more move it’s almost like we’re it I think deom referenced it earlier is we’re scared of that apron hey is the m yeah so like we we’re scared of reaching that first apron because we’re worried about you know you know because I think if we reach the first apron we have to give up a draft pick or or something like that anyway but but we need to make moves like we need another guy who can go out and put up 20 over 20 points and like can create his own shot that’s all I’m gonna say go ahead Mike um I mean I I I’ve been trying to relax over the last few days and stuff like that man not dve myself too crazy because I mean that’s that’s basically what’s gonna happen man we gotta just I mean I get it I get it I get it I get it completely it’s just you know I mean it’s the Hawks man I don’t think you should now magically expect something different when like Tony wrestler hasn’t owned this team for the 40 years or whatever a lot of y’all been fans or since 2000 or since 1980 or since St Louis came here like bro this just some Hawks crap you know what I’m saying like I’ve explained before I mean Lori isn’t like a perennial already Allstar or whatever you know what I’m saying so it’s not like he’s just this big big huge name though but um I just I just feel like we we’re the type of franchise man that’s unfortunately stuck with you you you have to draft right and you have to get guys in here and develop them who aren’t already all stars or basically like like this situation you got to bid against the whole league to try and get them and stuff like that because at the end of the day you still got to make right decisions CU we’ll be pissed off you get Lori in here give up the whole team to out bid everybody else to get him and you still don’t have a squad like you suck all you got is Lori and Trey that don’t make sense either so it’s like I get it guys I really do get it I’m just trying to be real because we always hear this crap about nobody wanting to come here so it’s like what the hell the owner and Landry supposed to do then if nobody want to come well we got to try and get it out the mud another way then I told y’all bro we’ be pissed off if we gave somebody a record record breaking contract who have not won a championship or not a perennial allar or something like that even if they were we still would be like what we really just gave somebody 500 million because that’s what it’s gonna take because right now the contracts are like 300 million you know what I’m saying like like we the Hogs I mean I hate to say like like I know somebody trying to tell me I’m not a fan like bro I am a fan bro it just like I mean I just I mean I don’t want to say I accept it because I don’t accept losing but at the same time I just want like we gotta kind of we gotta kind of get it out the mud a different way we mess ourselves up I agree messing up draft picks like we as a franchise can’t afford going like three years straight four years straight without hitting a player in the draft like we have to hit a player in the draft at minimum every other year you know what I’m saying I know it’s not realistic every s every season but like at least every other year we need to be pulling somebody out that’s like now gonna be a part of us going forward and stuff like that you know so it’s just like yeah yeah man um distance like I said before the distance between Trey and the JJ of now is a little bit too great you know what I’m saying but we you know I mean we got JJ he comeing around it just that we needed JJ to be the JJ of now a few years ago even though some people think like when he first got drafted he was ready that’s a whole another argument debate between us as hwks fans and stuff like that I lean on the side of that he wasn’t but um you got him I mean we got a a number one overall pick here so his his timeline of being ready should be a lot faster than say JJ or so and um I mean bro it sucks y’all I get it y’all it sucks man it does bro I I I would love for us to just you know like some of these organiz just seem like they keep making up it seem like the rules get changed for them like how the heck they even got money or room to do this bull it still happen somehow I feel y’all bro like it is crazy you know I just I just want us to breathe a little bit man because I mean to be real with you though dog like none of y’all no nobody foresaw the 60 win season like I know that’s not something that you want to try and do all the times but no none of us saw that coming into that season nobody was gonna say like oh this roster is about the real law I I I’m I’m big like you know telling Quinn that he suck and he need to step up but hey Quinn was part of that coaching staff you know I I mean all I can do is like I said it’s the off season y’all I’m GNA be positive until I see them on the court when I see them on the court not playing defense or some crap like that I’mma start giving them hell and I’ll go back to being you know the mic during the season that y’all know but you know that’s all I got to share you know what man you know what man Mike let me tell what’s funny bro like how do Celtics even afford this stuff man bro they got two 300 million bro like they’re you got two 300 million players right they just gave holiday a buck 25 million they just gave dir white another hundred million how you already know because they already know they’re gonna be competitive know like you know hey how about this let’s let’s come back oh hey you know what it feel like it feel like we went to the grocery store with the Celtics and just spent on the wrong ingredients but we had the same budget like like why we P where’s our money at I don’t when do we spend where do we spend aund cu the cap I think is 170 I think or something the the arena owners don’t that hey check this out fellas let’s come back to that let come back to that question let’s come back question let my bad my bad foot you know what man I’m be I’m G be up here for a hot my bad I don’t you I got it I got my bad man but join the garage game tomor my bad I’m just saying we G let’s talk about that then go ahead Mary I think that um one of the things that that we have to realize is that number one we don’t have any cap space so we can’t be in free agency anyway uh number two even if we did have cap space I don’t know if you realize that over the last 20 years maybe 30 years the only free agents that we’ve ever picked up was the kimbe matambo and Dwight Howard uh top free agents that is is the kimbe matambo and D white Howard uh we we don’t have a great track record of that uh so like Mike was saying we gota we got to get ours out the mud a different way usually that’s through trades and that’s by development of our players that we drafted and that makes the game harder for for the Hawks that that’s that’s what makes it harder for us uh and it and it’s been different GMS it’s it’s been the same regardless of who the GM was it’s been the same regardless of who the coach was it’s just something that we’ve always gone through uh as we look at team now this last trade I was very disappointed at first but then I looked at it again and like I said before we did get a unprotected 2025 first round draft pick and that that could be valuable what if that ended up as being Cooper flag um then then then it’s a win all day it’s a win all day I see you laughing fo but the truth of the matter is it’s unprotected it’s just like all of our other picks all of the pcks we gave San Antonio are unprotected so foot up there being petty man be Petty no I’m not no I’m not he didn’t he didn’t care about 25 games a year he said it’s it’s all right with him I don’t know I don’t know where you get that from all right anyway anyway um and and in terms of in terms of positional size uh I see the direction that we’re moving in positional size and defense uh same thing that Billy Knight was looking for a few years back I think it’s not a bad idea um My Hope though is that we got add one more scorer and all of you know since the beginning of the of the offseason I’ve wanted us to get DeAndre Aiden because I believe in having a a scoring big man um and and I think that he would be a pick and pop pick and roll threat I think that he can he can do everything that Clint can’t um he don’t play as he don’t play defense as well as Clint but on offense he would be everything we would need so that’s my hope is that there’s a plan to get DeAndre Aiden as soon as come because I think that our next moves will be trading in uh when when trading opens so we’ll see what happens right cool go ahead Darren uh I don’t know it’s kind of gone the way I expected to be honest I mean y’all know y’all know Tony about to try to go over the luxury TX like we know this we know this no matter what Steve coonan’s lying ass gets on the radio and says Tony ain’t touching that Tony ain’t touching no lu tax man um what else and you do kind of have new players cause Kobe Moji Seth Lundy they didn’t play last year so I guess those are goingon to be the free agents that we picked up technically y yo forget about Lori we don’t have the assets if there’s 20 other teams a coming to the hwks Tony ain’t doing it not happening I do hope we get DeAndre Aon though cause Clint’s contract and his contract they kind of cancel each other out Lori ain’t happening we ain’t getting no free agents Tony ain’t doing it that’s just that okay so now my turn uh uh oh hey hey get ready for I told you so no no no it’s not even about that man you know y’all see me drop a couple of thing go off y’all see me go off on Twitter I keep telling y’all guys team ball well no no the M don’t told y’all too you know but Deon be flip-flopping right now Deon don’t told y’all Mike don’t told us Larry don’t told us it’s funny okay it’s funny right it’s hope it’s called hope fellas and that’s okay yeah it’s called hope that that word ban here foot I understand my hope this year hey after this season My Hope Is Gone My Hope Is Gone the Atlanta hopes it is what it is right it ain’t our it’s not our Told You So I ain’t got to tell you so you already knew y’all just W believeing it right Tony ain’t spending no money right deante is a salary dump let’s keep it 100 it’s a salary dump keep 100 regardless oh wait for this there another move coming all this other stuff I don’t care who you get here right now now that most of the key free agents are gone and a lot of the key trades have been made we’re not going to be contending for a championship you can get L marketing that’s a good get oh you want to pay you got to pay this dude next year right he ain’t no all NBA guy I’m sorry right you get aen with him we’ll be better of of course but what that going to look like right right now let’s talk about the problem the problem is we hadn’t got any good free agents over the years if you look the past couple drafts really ain’t been bad you look at these young guys right ain’t really been bad you have to build a team through free agency And Trades you got to go get those readymade guys that can take you to the next level to even put with a trail whoever they hadn’t done this they hadn’t done this at all right so and I’m just trying I’m just telling y’all man y it is they ain’t F to do nothing I call y’all to keep hope alive crew right now right yeah you know that y y’all know I’ve been P I’m done with hope right I’m looking for I’ve been I’ve been I’ve been trying I’ve been trying I’ve been trying so some of y’all know I’ve been just been going off last few days it is what it is right go ahead y’ huh y’all clown me y’all clown me when I said blow this thing up right right but hold on understand but see the stuff I’ve been saying weeks ago before before the draft before I was getting clowned I told y’all they to do nothing I told you that then I’m crazy well what we gonna do next I’m reserved to the play the young guys we have a decent core of young guys in the stable we’re not trash on the bench we’re not trash blowing up don’t don’t don’t mean you get rid of everybody we got huh I said they about to get played fo we ain’t getting nobody like true but then hey Mike but Mike then this is what I’ve been saying right I’ve been saying this I’ve been saying this get huh but are they gonna get but that’s a whole another story I’m that’s a whole another story right see I’m just say I understand but I’mma tell y’all I’m G keep going back to this what I saw what we talked about on this damn show when Trey went out I said went TR out let’s see if Quinn can coach y’all remember that let’s see if Quinn can coach now we talked about this right and what happened Quinn coached his ass off he coached like he was restricted he did he the he coach like he was unrestricted he no the first thing you said what he coached his ass off yeah yeah there you go yeah he did I gave him credit I got credit he coached he coached so why he can’t do that again again you y’all tell me because when I I said it again on we talk HKS right here let’s see what’s goingon to happen with Quinn when he come back right yeah we had these conversation mik foot is taking the victory L right now bro I’m not I understand what he saying I’m just trying I’m just trying to bring the the all right say can one say that like all right it wasn’t so much that Trey went out it was just that it was one ball hog and guard on the team now that’s it so hold on hold on going out I understand AKA TR going out Trey going out ca again we talk Mark Mark had a YouTube today Kool-Aid showed up and the other folks right he was playing video certain things right he brought up a lot of key Point Marin jumped on later with what he be talking about what what he say so so so he showed video certain things he show who of who fo D try and they blade and they play right how they play when you can tell like like one one of them games you know uh I think we talked about DJ got mad because he was telling Trey you can see getting the ball back and forth then Trey gave him to it when the shot Cloud we have a shot then they went out the court mad right we talked about a lot of stuff but let me get back to what I’m saying though I’m not taking no damn Victory lap this this the team I follow I’ve been following since I Little P I’m not not happy because you like mar mar think I’m happy because we we we doing this hell no I’m tired I’m I’m just I’m just like yeah I said that I sure did because he’s on good contract I I sure did so my whole point is man I’m tired of losing I’m tired of I’m tired I’m tired I’m tired of the excuses everybody keep making excuses you know I’m tired of put and let me make sure this is not directly solely about Trey but y’all just making excuse for everybody now first it was first it was Lloyd he out of here then it was Nate then JC right Hunter right everybody keep blaming all these other folks and players right I I see it all the time right Kevin her is always Place Tron ran two coaches up out this mug right and I’m g go back to what Mike Mike said started saying a long time ago and I when I really paid attention I said he’s right what’s up you a win you ain’t willing with a small ass point guard like Trey hubal hog period Trey has been scoring Trey was a 40o game guy in high school right Trey what he doing the nation in college what he do Trey is a scorer Le the league and scor and and assist yeah so he’s a scorer so so y’all expect him to change his game you cannot have as Mike said you cannot have that at the point guard position and be dominate the ball like that not his I you you not not with him and see then hold on then people compare with Luca well Luca no Luca is a is a 6869 dude right his defense is trash but because let me finish because he bring resistance and stuff he do it’s totally different it’s totally different Mario Mario let meide let me ride let me let me let me rock I I’ll get you have your 10 you I ain’t standing for this I got speak because no man up how they want to dress it up man no it’s not dressing up everything I’m saying you go look at facts fact fact so so so let me tell you something trayon got to go just keep it one I’m going to get to the point he got to go how many times won six gam been here right how many times somebody mentioned that right it it’s it’s not directly solely upon him that’s not what I’m saying he’s part of it right so so everybody gone everybody gone everybody been gone he only three only dudes that’s still here is bogy um please can I follow up behind him bie um uh I I said Clint first I don’t necessar a cono right man stop stop trolling so so again y’all need to start looking at and we already know the ownership trash y’all keep talking about who we gonna get ownership ain’t gonna do nothing they ain’t gonna spend no money d right no no I said that I said long let me finish I’m you talk three times as long as Koolaid finish you know what no no because I be chilling I be chilling and see y’all y’all don’t call me I sure I sure did I’m running it now I’mma Be Like Show I’m be like show today on Twitter space so so so y’all just go on ahead stay La La Land keep keep looking at the same thing and be happy with the result oh we gonna get this the only SP ain’t spending money they’re not spending no bread do y’all not understand that theand don’t told y’all they ain’t spending money yeah coach DC I’m I’mma make it 20 so again the reason why they don’t why the other team doing it and we not cuz they spending money we can spend 300 million we can go into first second apron whatever I don’t do all that Sal crap and keep capology they can spend the money if they want to and pay the tax they’re not okay that’s all I’m G say at the end of the day we ain’t doing [ __ ] just relax ahead go ahead Mario go ahead my first thing I’m say is bro how can you blame one person when you know the other the other problem oh damn how can you blame no no young gota go that’s that’s what you part of the problem all right let me fin let me let me cook let me cook cause you you cooking like your food though foot I don’t care guess what so so if you know know the ownership Ain ain’t about to do nothing they sitting on their hands tra for assets you try to dress up LCA like he just all this and all that ain’t did nothing he ain’t won nothing soop and then you say he a 68 dude okay damn dude he ain’t he went to the finals he went to the finals that’s what he did okay he didn’t win so what’s the problem the problem is he got people he got a he got a top 10 player around him then he got a better supporting cash Am I Wrong y’all love this that’s [ __ ] see y’all keep making excuses no no no no here’s the thing here’s the thing Tre Young right no I got you something for that I got one more Point let me I got one more Point let me got one more point then you can you can you can jump on me all right listen no D but listen listen yo the last point I’m gonna make is I can’t even get it out cause y’all got caught with no again you can’t get it out no d listen listen bro godam listen um what what happened with with with with in the finals is you saw a guy no defense you saw a guy who defense we’re not talking about LCA here bro I don’t want I’m get to a point bro you gonna let me talk you gonna let me talk about a point so you got a guy who got no defense like y blame Trey for all the time no defense on each end so [ __ ] that dude once again another thing I like to make is uh a point I like to make all the time we try to blame we don’t never blame nobody else about the what our team Dynamic the man ain’t got nobody around him please get him some people man please get this man some people in here we love we G we gonna get rid of the guy he gonna be gone by by the trade deadline let him ride he gonna be going by to trade that line we’ll trade him off but we gonna be right back in the same position we’ve been in for the last years 20 30 40 years back to the same you said you want to win but you ain’t getting out you ain’t got nothing to win with you keep play guys and then you get another guy who had his big then next thing you know we back losing again we back Mario both ways scared in my opinion both Mario cooking no I don’t for let me ask a question so I understand that you said that everyone’s to blame not just Trey okay I hear you say that right right but to me it seems like you’re more frustrated with the front office and the owner that’s what that what it ISS that’s why I’ve always said that it starts again at Tony westler so if you’re with office in the owner I know that I don’t I don’t understand trading I don’t understand trading your best piece and then trusting that front office and owner to try to find another okay I got I let me let me I don’t mean to let me respond see people keep talking about keep talking about how can you trade your best friend and Trust ain’t no damn trust in the front office how did that change one don’t go with the other the front office trash we can’t TR well if they’re trash why would you give hold hold hold on hold on they got the power we ain’t got to give them the power y’all keep why y’all keep saying that dumb stuff we they got the power we don’t have to give them said why would you trust them to move trade and quote unquote rebuild correctly to get us to where you I’m G to say it again exactly I’mma say it again I don’t trust none of them right one has nothing to do do something different what I said the other day we need to do something different we can’t trade them we are are are ask you something me ask how differ we’ been doing the same thing over and over again let me ask let me ask you something we doing something different in my opinion I’m say the same I’m GNA ask say this again if y’all cool with what’s going on ride on sir thank you thank you Trey money Trey Trey has been here Tre Trey is the money maker they put nobody they put nobody around him they they didn’t spend money tell y why hey hold on let me finish they didn’t bring people in to help to assist nobody they didn’t get no free agents that need to get they didn’t go get no all NBI they ain’t spend money the M been sing they just been dumping Sou to stay up under C let me make that clear right they ain’t did it so do something different we don’t show they a if you if you tell Tre you want to win you need to go do your job and get somebody in ag to win they ain’t doing it so you can’t trade away your best you can’t trade away a championship piece have we won a championship he’s not a championship with him that’s where you start at though that make sense that do make sense bro bro he gonna be gone do y’all not get that what I’m saying he don’t want to be here no more on this BS it is what it is bro he don’t want to be here Deon this what I was talking about the other day the reputation the H have is because of that it’s like they we don’t nobody know nobody want we the PE the players know that the hwks are not trying to win thank we know as fans that the hwks are not trying to win can I touch on something real quick because again man it’s a it’s a all right real quick though it’s it’s a great thing that we have in today’s time being able to with these player podcasts right so you can get hear them talk all right it was something that uh they were uh Carmelo on his podcast he had igala Andre igala they was talking about Iris Allan Iris igu DOA was talking about the time in Philadelphia when he was talking about and they was and and and Carmelo was like when when AI got to Denver he was surprised by what the Nuggets had because a udala told him it was like no bro and Philly it’s like we didn’t even have our own practice facility he was like we had we shared with XY Z and it’s like so if you wanted to get extra shots up to work on your craft you couldn’t you go in there and it’s like a a convention going on like you can’t go play you know what I’m saying so when what I’m saying is that Carmelo them out of their own mouth listen to players they said that winning franchises like they said like their facilities are top like they have these things that’s available for the player some of these players talk about they call them winning organization they like bro I came there I didn’t even know we get food this stuff that we don’t think about but he was like the team actually feed the players where some of these organizations don’t feed their players they don’t have a practice facility XYZ so I get what y’all saying the Hawks need to be better but something that like we I think that we and I’ve done it myself like gloss over it and act like it’s nothing Tony wrestler them have made sure that they have improved all of the Atlanta Hawks facilities and the M where to his point now it’s like we not winning per se but our amenities and facilities for the players are top of the Notch and up there with supposed so I don’t know when maybe this reputation in Word of Mouth it just I’m just saying I just wanted to put that a little bit that like I think that we should give them a little bit of credit because that does go into part of the the reputation and trying to show that you’re trying to uh move towards winning and stuff because I heard players on their podcast talk about the negatives of franchises not having XY andz but yeah go ahead Larry I pass on I just you know just adding that on I say y’ I’m Twitter hand up uh he’s really great at making the amenities you know what I’m saying oh that’s a great practice facility good job Tony you know what I’m saying um yeah we got a a a club and and and a barber shop inside the not that part I want talk aboutall no no no no no that’s all a part of it no that’s for the fans players though yeah no no that’s all a part of it he’s a real estate guy he’s going to make everybody feel comfortable around him he’s going to figure out the cheapest way to do it and he ain’t going to really try to win he’s just going to try to um get you in there cuz he’s trying to get butts in the seat to sell tickets so I’m using Trey young as a you know basically like a six and look I’m not forgetting about Jaylen Johnson and his growth you know what I’m saying I hope people don’t understand that like that’s the thing I’ve been hearing why are you worried about um bringing in someone else don’t you really want to see jayen Johnson um improve and Blossom yes but we still need another guy that’s what people don’t understand ain’t nobody winning with two guys only person that won with two guys was the Lakers in a bubble and no one realized then they had Alex Caruso and kyp there and Dwight Howard and um McGee they had a defensive team but again everybody look at the ancillary stuff you know what I’m saying oh LeBron and AD all they needed was two people now we know that Alex Caruso was a plus defender on ball so was kcp you know what I’m saying that’s how you win games you do build your R I think Dyson D can be that but we just can’t sit on our hands and say we’re good with Dyson D also we can’t trade Clint capella and Larry Nance we need them that money to come off the books next year to make it easier to sign JJ to probably a DJ deal or a little bit better than DJ’s deal all right so you don’t trade Clint capella and Larry Nance you need that money to come out the books if you trade them it’s gonna make it harder to sign Jaylen Johnson just know that and I like you bring here that’s why you use the other players you don’t trade Clint you don’t trade Clint the Pella that’s the EAS way even if you sign Aon how many years Aon got left on this deal three two two or three like oh okay so still you still got them for at least three years basically his contract ends with with trades you know what I’m saying so if it don’t work two years by the third year you’ll have your pick back hey it is what it is you know what I’m saying or you trade both of them and then that’s when you BL but again if you really look at it guys if you get Aiden what’s that that’s not an Allstar de jonte actually better than him you just getting it from another place I’m I’mma keep it a buck all right the jonte will still be the best player we ever put around the on Trey young and that would be a failure from the organization I Liv through Dominique I sat there and watched him U waste his talent you know what I’m saying bringing in the old ass U Moses Malone was the best player he ever played with stealing money and I’m just saying like say John Battle can’t forget Kevin Willis tree Rollins I’m not gonna let nobody disrespect Kevin was a dog on that board yeah he was always Hur he wasand he was DeAndre Hunter before DeAndre Hunter stop it uh hey people forget we had two SF Footers we did with Tre roll and shout out to Kevin Willis Rivers got a um Championship with watching this s team then I a start watching these yeah you w yet exactly so we’ been watching ask let me ask so would you feel uh what if they did pull off that Lorie marketing deal what’s your opinion of the front office then um if we pull out the front office deal I think the Synergy of the team could play in so many different ways and if we wanted to go a fast team even though Lori don’t play the center it’s just like you playing double O at small I mean in a small lineup I think we’ll be so multiple that I think that I think we surpass the Bucks personally I think we’re the four seed do does Mark make us a 51 team uh close close probably high 40s 46 47 I would say 47 48 I think with L Maring if coach Quinn actually uses the players uh like if he starts bogey then no that’ll mess up everything Darion starts Trey Dyson Daniels or Zack at two I don’t care but Dyson needs to start does does does Lor does Lori Marin make it to1 in the alternate universe that Tony actually decides to spend money and we get them we come close it’s close but like I said though like I ask again though I ask again coming into the season of the 60 win season I only think people saying 50 that year you know what I’m saying so good coaches though good coaching though does get teams to overachieve or to look better than what it is the paper says and what some of us have been trying to say when you pause for a moment basketball wise so far what they’re doing makes more sense than what team is better the team is better construed right now that’s all yes got I’ll be honest I think right right Eric snow right now can you mute you got feedback 21 seconds I mean I think right now we’re I would say we’re probably at 44 45 wins if we stay healthy with injuries that still that might be that might pit you still in the play in correct lar that might that probably be borderline 5th 60 let me let me let me say this real or six s excuse me let me i’me this right 44 I think I think let’s just say Lor is added right let’s say Lor is added there should be no damn reason we can’t win 50 games right I keep saying y’all was telling me last year oh we don’t have no Talent we have talent on this team we’ve had talent for the last couple years yeah we had injuries but we had Talent we had one of the best talented [ __ ] to anybody in this league as far as Talent right who guys who can actually play if you look acoss the league at these other benches that don’t have the talent that we have you know you know we we all got role players but the talent that we had on the bench has been better than most in this league for the past two years been setting up two years so when people keep talking about we been the team no I’mma tell I’mma go back again the brand of basketball that we’ve been playing don’t work right that’s what the problem is I’m with you with that on the the brand of basketball the lack of [ __ ] Player move the lack of people movement the lack of ball movement has been the issue of this team when we’ve done that even with Tre on the say when we moved the ball people move we won games I point out every time when we talk HS I thought but I thought our issue was defense dog that’s part that’s that’s part of it though de that is but but but see but keep people keep playing like oh it’s just defense It’s a combination it’s the team play as a whole defense have been a problem but I’m again percent if we breaking down pies and everything it gets a big share bro yeah it does get a big but yes not the only thing but if you look look at look at let me see you Matt favorite if you look at if you look at as holistic I said this I said this in the uh in the middle of the season last year we were losing game by how many points I mean one five five yeah at an average Five Points on the average I think we I think we finished with like seven or something so if you want to uh if you want to look at hold on hold on so I’m use if we extrapolate so you go back so you go back you got you go back and look at efficiencies that are overall like everybody kept saying we got number one off no we don’t it was inefficient we played dumbass basketball is what we did that’s why when everybody’s talking about Quinn that’s a that’s a problem for me right right so so that’s why I H I keep going back to this when Trey was out Trey as a point guard gonna have to be have to take less shots I’m sorry and that’s what that’s what I I didn’t see the video but it was talking about but that was that’s what I know that’s what he was pointing out that’s where DJ and Trey was different from me it was like the shenanigans that Trey come out there with when playing is different What DJ do when he play he’s more point of attack and getting the players involved as opposed to Trey is point of attack shig and that’s a fact so so let me finish like saying so and this is what I’m talking about see everybody’ turn a trade Defender he do that though he do have them shenanigans out there bro hold hold on Mike out as well I see this KO say he been quiet for the last 40 minutes is his time had two Luther King speeches up here so so back so back so back to what I’m saying if you look at the game Hess see people keep looking at it in vacuum this piece this piece I look at the game holistically right stop looking at the game in the v vacuum especially the trade Defenders like like Mar you know Maran right he looking at you really look at the game holistically fo think look at the game holistically I do so going back to well how do we have so many of our games like I said if take if you look at all we can have 50 wins if you get marketing it should be easy because of what we have that’s all I’m saying and and do what we need to do even with our injuries how how we still losing game by many injes smarter make up those five to seven points if you make it if you play smarter real easy and so when everybody keep blaming it if we keep blame injuries I make mad fo can I piss you off you GNA make me mad let caid talk no because I got Kool-Aid because I know this what pissed Kool-Aid off a little bit because he hear all that but at the same time foot like blow it up trade them and then we getting on the front office but literally if you say we wasn’t if we stay healthy and then you say we lost majority of our games five or less we gave up too many points I mean it’s slick not much bro that gets us into say 45 to 50 range or whatever that’s what I’m saying bro that’s what I’m saying my thing is what what I’m saying it’s the offse efficient I agree he need to be efficient as a point guard he need to make the right decision y’all probably 70% plus of the time going into next season every game that mean when he bringing the ball down Court he going around the screen 70% at minimum of the time he need to make the right play that mean the right pass him doing his floater him going all the way to the Lane thr the foul Trey is the franchise Guy this is year whatever seven or something like that these role players around him that GNA defend and just catch and knock down I said this some years ago after ECF with Trey all you need is Defenders athletic guys who can catch and shoot that’s it let that man go up and down the court doing his dribble dribble dribble dribble dribble and just and set people up that’s it he gotta set them up though that’s what I agree M he gotta set them up he can’t do dri D but that hear Larry having his hand up go ahead Larry he no actually I’m gonna let koola go I relinquish my time to Kool-Aid go ahead koola go okay first of all I want to say we swag Sur because the fans in there dead okay only way get them Joker hyped up in there I have to scream and holler then they have the swag search to get them to get up and do something winning or losing them jokers it’s dead I walk up in there sitting there they go like I’m looking at everybody like what are you sitting in here we SP we we in here supposed to be cheering for our team get up and say something my wife be quiet be quiet no heck no Che chines man cheer man cheer white boy cheer oh Nick Rose here you Ain calling out allac all the races my other point don’t come with that stuff about Trey be holding the ball be shoot all the time when your boy DJ set a record DJ without times bro you know why he had to CU them other dudes around him one putting the ball in the basket they wasn’t he had to shoot at 44 freaking time for us to beat the D Boston Celtics and you gonna tell Trey who’s a two-time Allstar I tell you what cool look at the percentage look at the percentage of the other guys doing the game look at their shooting percent ahead let me tell you something let me tell you something Trey on you know what how Trey start the game if you go listen to every time he say I tried to get my team involved first he do and he passed the ball for the first 10 time 10 plays of the game and they brick brick brick till we are behind then he start playing and we hope that he have a good game if he have a good game you gonna see a different game he gonna put up 30 he gonna put up 40 shooting it 18 to 20 times okay with 10 assist and then the other thing is that as for the team we got our shiny pieces we just don’t know it they they are making the moov that they have to make at their own ability they doing the best they have done the best they can because guess what nobody want to come here ain’t never been nobody want to come here and play with that L of hwks a free agent like you said but Tombo was about the only one uh we got the we and then it was another guy came over and played with us we was we was we was we were happy we got got got my boy to play with play with Harford Joe and play with Harford so we was just happy to get do hey we started off the 2120 season with Rondo and he got ran off Rondo he just came off a championship Rondo was garbage but it don’t matter he was garage totally I totally forgot this team had Rondo that what I’m saying he and you go look at his stats and you go look at his record he got one of the best records in in the NBA as a point point guard as NBA all allar and everything I ain’t going to go with you on that about him but you got to understand man we right now is is is starting to make the Right Moves okay we start make Right Moves by getting the young guys and we starting to make the Right Moves by getting by by by all we need to do is make one one more move and we need to get that Center spot now I would believe that if we get that Center Spot sold up with a A or marketing with these young boys we will we will be going over the top let me tell you why because last year we was in the top five in offense but we was in the bottom in defense we were topheavy on offense we were one of the teams that scored 150 points even though we lost 151 but we but see now we got a team that’s still with trade in the players that gonna balance that out which gonna bring our defense up to a top 15 team and that’s all we need now we have a player those little points that your boy foot talking about we lost by five Ricochet and JJ gonna make up those points so when if Trey Go 25 and 10 guess what what that’s 25 more extra points because we going to be averaging 125 points a game so that’s another 25 points for each four more guys however you want to trade 25 and 10 so so we got the right thing and guess what is when I a guy say G there a guy said this he said sometime it is better to be lucky than good and dang if we ain’t getting lucky we got we had 3% chance of getting the number one draft pick and we got it we he your boy Landry winning got Moji Kobe and S and they as good as you they they are really they are gonna be really good guys and now we G sit around we G made a move with DJ to correct what we the mistake we made somewhat to get Dyson who was a number one first round draft pick eight and he’s bigger stronger and faster That’s it man and y’all can have it again I’m I’m out I’m dropping the mic I know y’all hate me word but I hope so hey it’s okay to have hope okay to have hope late go ahead Larry you had something say uh if we get Lori I think we’ll be a top four also you cannot the the main thing is you cannot trade Larry Nance and Clint capella you can’t you can’t you gonna have to because huh don’t broke it down for listen to Mario he broke it down I’m sorry my bad no basically the way you’re going to be able to sign Lori and sign JJ you have to keep both of those contracts on here when Clint come out the books and with that’s why expired contracts are so um valuable guys if you’re in the running for signing someone that contract come off the books you had to fill it so you didn’t have to replace that salary so if you trade Clint capella in a trade now it makes it harder to resign JJ and Lori Market you feel me you see what I’m saying yep so if you it I don’t know I don’t don’t think JJ’s going to qualify for a rookie Super Max you know what I’m saying like Trey did so most likely he’ll probably make something like around what de jonay Murray made and if you want to say if you think JJ’s gonna take that next step that that’s an excellent deal to get him on and now you’re going to still have to move people around to sign Lori but again if you make that deal you already committed that you want if they sign if they trade for Lori they are fully in my opinion they are fully going to sign him all right in my opinion that’s why they did not want bi they were not willing to sign bi I told you just told you yeah I tell you this much if we trade FL marketing and we think what and deal is what we think it’s going to be a player and four or five picks bro this is this is probably oh he they have to resign him like this is probably Landry’s all in move cause that’s it that’s the only reason why I really don’t want that to happen that’s the only reason why I don’t want to get um Lori because does DeAndre and Lori like make the same amount of money DeAndre Hunter and Lori actually Dr make more Dr make 20 this year and Lori makes 18 okay I mean we could easily shop Dre and Deuces and get Lori a Chris Brown I mean yeah I think we say that think gota realize that Danny a don’t lose trades no no but see you’re going to have to you’re going to have to give them the picks that we got the Dyson danels and Larry n look a might be they just grabb um Clingan I’m not going to be mad at that but I think Lori would make us a top 14 I so because if you look at Milwaukee they’re selling off them losing Brook Lopez is huge he is huge two years ago no not last year but the year before he was Defensive Player of the Year runner up losing him is going to be huge asking Giannis to do so much more so in my opinion if you get L marketing you just bump the Bucks out of the way which you already beat you already go toe-to-toe with the bucks for some reason you go Toe to Toe with the Bucks hey Larry if you’re I just hate it because it never it’s never a real possibility what I was saying no if you’re Landry though why would you why would you make an all in move just to be top four to me make Allin move I need to know that I’m gonna be at least one of the two best teams in the east then I’m definitely gonna end up in the Conference Finals I don’t know if you me well the Knicks the Knicks and Boston are clearly better than us right now that’s what I’m saying that’s that’s a quick way to get my ass this this what I’ll say this how this how I counter you know what I’m saying you first got to get in position to see what else you need right now we not even position to actually say we know what we need to win a championship you know what I’m saying it’s kind of like I mean I hate to compare it like freaking Dallas but what they did they went out and got they they got kcp I mean KP it didn’t work they went out and got Kyrie okay now with figuring out how Kyrie and them can work together then they said okay what else would do we need for the low l for somebody who’s just trying to dunk they got gin and PJ Washington two players you don’t even think about is going to help a team because they on shitty teams but can definitely help your team there’s always guys you can go and get help but I think with the addition of KP with the growth of JJ you know what I’m saying now you got connected pieces on offense you got Dyson D coming there you can actually start double up and not be mad about because you got Dyson Danel I think Dyson Daniel raises my defensive ceiling more than anybody on this on this um team so DeAndre Hunter can go if if that’s all I got to do to do the um the match if you give up four picks you got to be sure you got to be right there with this agent like guys you got to resign you know what I’m saying we keep it’s not just it’s not just the and do not trade capella if you trade capella then you did it wrong then I know the cap o don’t know what the hell he do don’t either to me future PS it’s the look at what the financial thing would be like just for the star of lineup think about that Trey would be making what Tre be making 30 something would definitely be would you say no no no Tre Tre is gonna be up in the 40s after this okay so Tre be making 40 something Lori would be making 40 something JJ’s contracts will be more than what y’all think it is CU you got to remember John got paid five for 125 yeah 125 yeah so I’m not talking about proba be like’s gonna get like yeah yeah I’m thinking like DJ yeah and it escalates escalates it it starts low it escalates up like DJ had a Allstar second Team all defense hold on y gota remember y’all gota remember how this thing set up now you can only really have two big players on your team that’s what I’m getting at Mario Tony ain’t touching that unless you pay the unless you pay the tax yeah so like I said LeBron grooming your boy he might be walking on us look if you look if you get a team that’s a top 14 and you host a playoff game you know like post a playoff series you win that series and now you know what you need to get to get you know to compete what are we talking about do you think if we do get Lori Marin in do you think if we do get Lori and we make it like to let’s say to the conference semis yeah do you think like okay like do you think Travis or Travis um oh Tony Tony Tony Tony thank you Tony’s like okay This Is What It Takes I’m willing to pay this for uh over the first uh half of the luxury tax it had to be the second April oh it’s gonna be second APR we’ll be we’ll be over the to be close to the second April we’ll be over that once we so say if he likes like okay this will be the one year I’ll take that chance we hit that second apron but we make it at the conference semis do you think he’ll shell out more money be like okay now we got here now we know what it takes you know let’s get slightly better pieces to take that next step let me call my sources sources how you doing um do you think Tony wrestler is gonna spend money hell no but uh Anything Can Happen uh yeah my S to say hell no but uh hopefully I’m wrong uh that’s I mean I know I know foot don’t like the word hope I know I don’t it’s not I’m just telling y’all I don’t care about I’m just not hoping what y’all do is on you I mean I I can’t think do y’all think that we have the best offer for Lori c i don’t that’s actually do we actually doinga and them they not gonna offer kaminga and go to State Warriors a offering kaminga and and that’s what they want they want kaminga and the Brandon kid who they got rid of clay for here’s the thing Larry Larry this is this is the way I see it I think that the reason why you had that article that that uh they exposed all the people who are in in business for Lori is they’re starting a business a bidding war yeah true that’s that’s a Danny a thing and he doesn’t lose trades so basically starting to bid War for Lori marketing so I don’t know if just one player and four picks are going to do it because I think they value P they don’t want players as soon as as soon as they get that bid he’s gonna let everybody know if you can beat this bid you can have Lori he’s starting to he’s starting a bid war and and guess what the Spurs got all of our picks yes if they really want it Larn marketing the Spurs got everything that we have for the next three years they can offer that along they feel like giving up they value our pick more than Lori because every every like little trade that I seen them in it’s everything but the Hawks pick literally everything but the hit so we were never getting our pcks back they value them things more than anything Paul they went and got Chris Paul and drafted cast just to let the hwks know you will never see these B and and the funny thing is no one thought who kep Trey young out of the Olympics pop po who’s still there pop was never Trey young was never going there see I was gonna tell KET that but you know they don’t want to hear that but anyway like he was never going there guys that was a smoke screen once they got them piics with DJ they was like no no pop was like you going to get Trey Young [ __ ] no I don’t even put him on Olympic team why want him on my team huh I don’t even want to deal with him for a month put him on my team to deal with him all the time ain’t nobody even thought of that come on guys but check this out though do y’all want to be all in for Lori that’s the question and cool I just saw you I let you go up there do y’all want to be all in foror does that make sense does that make sense to give up all got too many choices man okay but but but unfortunately it took too long but huh I feel you unfortunately it took too long and guys that we could have possibly got opted out like I wanted Paul George but he opted out so that left us no chance everything right because that’s why I said we yeah wait too long to go get free agents around Trey everything I said other it’s too late it’s to late to do all this stuff everybody want to do we didn’t do it we missed the window right we missed the window to build around trade so y’all think it’s done now do you want to just start instead of just start throwing [ __ ] at the wall now on all fronts instead of just D why don’t you take a step back and really figure out what your next step is you know I guess hey get some long some some athletic guys with length or whatever pause right that’s fine now but everything anything that’s going to be significant for next year it’s too late and that’s my whole point so I don’t want to just start giving up St again Santa you know Marin you mentioned you know uh all pick you know hey maybe we get to the point we get lucky and get uh what’s the kid name bro it ain’t gonna work cause that that that that pick is who it’s G from New Orleans right that’s New Orleans first right no no was the Lakers the Lakers Lakers Lakers haven’t been in the playoffs for the last four years right right no no no I’m talking about what New Orleans traded us Lakers Lakers Lakers okay so they were in the play in with us last year Lakers gonna be better they ain’t gonna be trash enough to make that work they just gonna wish well well I guess I guess you still got the lottery so I can’t say that yeah that’s what I’m saying got the lottery the West got better and in New Orleans got DJ Not only that not only that there are six seven other teams in the west that are better than the Lakers the Lakers yeah like like Daren said the Lakers were healthy last year and they were barely made play be honest ad gonna misson 30 games I’m gonna be honest if I had to put the Lakers pick in there I’m only giving them three picks I’m G be honest outside of the Hulk pit outside of the Hulk’s pit that’s probably the most valuable pick out obviously Detroit and the real sorry teams they’re not giving up those picks but if I’m the Atlanta Hawks and I say I got the Lakers unprotected pick I dude I’m give you Deandre Hunter and three picks and you gotta look at the L unprotected it’s unprotected in the 2025 draft unprotected better and this draft is deep it’s the strongest draft class we’ve had in a while yeah like let Koolaid get get he been having his hand but yeah I’m not giving him no four pits if I have to offer that I’m not hey koola I got a question I got a question two questions before you start uh you ain’t ran your wife out the house with all that holler yet number two hey can hey number two can you make me some tea CA we see you be working all the time on here boy I feel you go ahead bro man I gota do I gota do I’m at home all so I work at home so oh okay that’s cool that’s what’s up I’m cool working I’m at home go ahead bro but uh no but I I ain’t saying this to say I’m against G marketing I’m just saying some of the rumors that I’ve been seeing was not pointing marketing to us you know that’s the only thing I’m saying is that all what I’ve been searching I haven’t been seeing I’ve been seeing Marketing in a three-way trade with us with us getting somebody else in the marke and going to somebody else like one of them I seen where we was going to get get it was a threeway trade with uh Timber wols and we to make a move to get uh cat and and uh Walker Kesler now I I saw that that move right there as a room of trade and that was a pretty decent RoR trade cause it somewhat let us keep our picks you see what I’m saying and that three-way trade now like the only other trade that pointed to us that was more favorable was the one that I saw with eight and that would be one that would give us $8 million back in the trade now I would say that the chance of us giving Clint capella to Portland cause we because it was like this time when I thought we was gonna have to give up give up uh DJ and Clint or double O we didn’t we really didn’t have to do that in that trade with the Pelicans so and we still end up with Dyson and Lance because we wasn’t going to get bi in that trade or we W gonna get Nance in that trade not n but you know the other guy the other young guy that they wanted that the Hawks wanted can’t think anyway but but in that in that with the with the Portland Trailblazer I think a hunter bogy trade would be would be a perfect trade for us to go there and and and still keep Clint capella on the team and do a h bogey that way because they already on went and got clinging they went and got clinging they drafted clinging and then they drafted another Center so they really don’t need no Center so I’m saying with that rumor it would be it would be they would more so would go for a bogey Hunter trade in in in a 2030 uh first round uh draft and then that was save us $8 million so I would see that that by us being cheap that would be a more favorable trade that that they would go for but but right now I think what I heard was that right now why it’s so quiet they trying to make trying to make the right decision with the guys that we have because Vic and actually Vic kie uh was was if I’m not mistaken if I didn’t read it wrong that he was signed on a two-way contract unrestricted and he he do have a chance to go out and shop himself if he want if he want to you know in that unrestricted two-way contract so uh so they just trying to make sure they getting their gu sign that’s what they trying to do they trying to make sure they get that the guys they need to sign the bench sign and they already know what they want to do they know they need a center they they know that’s why they didn’t get star that’s why they got rich sh they got rich he was the best guy of the draft that’s the only reason he he got one that he did not period so so I just think got Lu I think he doing the right thing right now and he just got that I hope he get a I hope he get a I hope he can get Mark we gotta give up like what Matt said we gotta give up those dra that we just got in that trade that we made to get the C so I don’t want to get I don’t want to give that’s what I’m just got your draft picks back I don’t want to give them up I want to say my dra we having dra on a combination of draft and free agent so hey Deon mute your mic bro oh my bad RTD go you you had your hand raised yeah wasn’t there um I heard a rumor that said that there was a third team in the Dyson Daniels dejon Murray trade is that true or not yeah they gota uh because of they New Orleans forgot to factor in Murray’s trade kicker so okay they oh yeah yeah yeah yeah that yeah they trying to get a third team in yeah or they gotta give us five U million dollar and they goes against they hard cap yeah but I heard it’s as as easy as just uh making the valent Tunis deal to Washington the signing trade as that third deal oh I don’t know to us it has to be done by July 6 so I know that much yeah well they better do something my money that be crazy they don’t get the deal done and they cancel they void the Trade N they can’t they can’t void it they just got to run us our five million the deal is done they got to run us our money bro damn you either make it right like that or my money oh that’s I forgot go against a cap damn I forgot yeah and it goes against a hard cap so why what they got to do with us everybody talking about we gota wait for that deal done that deal is pretty much done because if you want to do a bigger deal you don’t want your books fluctuating like that you know what I’m saying because you can get P you know what I’m saying you don’t want to uh if they’re trying to get in the mid level exception they got to get dropped down low enough so they can get back up you feel me so they trade like say they trade um three picks I I feel that the um Laker pick could possibly be very valuable just like the the hulks picks so if you’re thinking in that way you’ll say okay I trade you Deandre Hunter gandre Hunter makes what three more million more than Lori so when you look at it it’s still within 10% of the contract so so it clears you know what I’m saying you say a couple of million you get it back now you saving that’s how you get down and down now you can use a mid-level exception you know what I’m saying you can do all of that stuff you know what I’m saying especially if you tell Lori I want to sign you right now you feel me instead of wasting it because I forgot how much we have with our mid level but if we can use that plus whatever keep Clint capella and Larry nans they come off the book boom you just signed Lori and you signed um JJ now you’re young players you actually have to play those young players anyway you force Quinn to have to play them even though he hate playing them you force him have to play Mo you force him to have to play Kobe as backup um Point serious minutes you force to play Lundy even though Lundy hurt so I don’t know I mean man it definitely could work man the of it could work but I like what Koolaid said also if we had to trade a a pit what six years from now seven years from now to get uh a I’m good with that I’m not worried about a seventh grader seventh grader yeah I’m not worried about seventh grader how good he’s gonna be oh okay okay I say yeah I mean that’s what I’m saying like I think TR out is the 2030 is is is it got yeah well I mean 2030 then so yeah so so the rumors the rumors about Aon being weak-minded and being a quarter don’t don’t bother y’all yeah it definitely bothered me I mean I don’t want cat for that same reason but I mean I at least seen a just like you said before I’ve seen Aon um help his team get to the finals big cat literally chokes and when you go back and look at eight numbers eight didn’t have bad numbers now did he dominate like he should have no he did not okay especially uh when you look at it but again uh here’s my thing if I oh you f to I don’t know I I I think that’s like play C or Plan B you know what I’m saying G Aiden is a pivot you know what I’m saying like if you can’t get Lori if you feel like it’s gonna cost too much and Danny you know what I’m saying playing the reindeer games and trying to F you then pbot cuz yeah so here you’ll be better than what you was but I don’t know six but that’s it that’s it so what here’s the question that we need to start asking right what are the Hawks trying to do what are they trying to do are we the hwks are trying to get to the six seat I think so so not playing the plane they said they was trying to win that’s what they said they trying to win it doesn’t look like it Championship man Trey said he came here he want to win a championship we got it we Ain talking about that we talking about what the HW trying to do bro H man everything evolve around trade right now hey let me finish koola let me finish saying what I’m saying bro so what are the hwks trying to do trying to win for the we trying to we because they keep saying [ __ ] let’s just keep 100 right they just keep stringing y’all along right are they trying to win now they’re trying to what the hell they down to I don’t see them trying to win that because if you want to go down and get a marketing that you gonna have to pay get a d ha a and you have what I think it’s two years left on this contract l or whatever are you trying to do something right now for Trey to keep Trey in the fold or the compete or whatever because nothing is available to me gonna say bro let me f let me f nothing nothing say nothing says for me right now that we’re trying to win the championship right now I don’t care who’s ever available right now you can get two of them I don’t think they gonna that’s going to bring a championship to this to this city no time soon right so what do you dear you stupid you st hey no we ain’t get a championship no time soon hey wait you said we G get two of them it still ain’t enough yes yeah because because I mean what are y’all thoughts on that what what are y’all thoughts do you think Aiden and uh and marketing realistic fellas now yesterday we’re the number two seed in East so think can’t afford that though foot but if we get Lor like magically get Aiden and and Lori yeah we’re the number two we’re better than New York we better than New York yes we better than Philly yeah yes I think they I think they already accomplished their goal this off season I’ll be honest you still have look we would have everybody do that but sometimes it don’t work out because you got a people that’s a lineup that everybody like no I’m saying that the I’m saying that the roster was so poorly constructed the fact that they actually have a normal roster now they need to figure out what the hell they what the hell they actually got I gotta be smoking shrooms bro why you smoking he he just eat his shroom why I’m in this don’t even look like no why I got to be smoking bro D that’s tough I don’t think that make us a number two seed I’m looking at what we have I mean I’m looking at these are new guys being put together right you got and where other teams have added dudes that already on played together on paper that might look good but again you got Dyson everybody I’m not taking nothing away from dce but he ain’t play with us yet right everybody hype him up like he damn all all NBA defense right until I see what I’m a reserve my my opinion is that I don’t this is not number two se you get Aiden in marketing this is not number two seed just yet I have to see it there’s promise but I have to see it if that makes sense again I’mma go back I’m real quick I’m go back what hold on I’m go back I’m I’mma go back to to to my comment about Quinn it’s not about how you how you got your pom comes out for Philadelphia and New York and you haven’t seen them play together what did they add what they add we we adding key pieces we add multiple pieces how what they add hold on on so New York what did New York New York was tough with your boy out right they were tough your boy should be back and they added a key piece all right so who else Philly but wait a minute wait a minute play better without Rand you haven’t talked about chemistry yet though yes I am because they most of most of them played together you gonna have all you talking about is what’s on paper are you gonna let me talk no no they play it together Mary okay who who feel most when is four players I don’t no I’m just playing bro go ahead they play together colle they play together in college % my whole point Mary my whole trying to prove my whole point is is that we replacing them multiple guys we replacing DJ as a starter right and you bringing two other uh guys in that’s huge that’s huge soel just just replaced their whole team just about and you was throwing the pom poms up for Philadelphia Philadelphia is better than us M uh Marion sh we don’t know yet don’t know get your pom pom seen they were better than us last Seas tell you what when the don’t get on the bus don’t get on the bus okay so you I know you do you want to put money on it you want putar though we don’t know man okay so okay so it’s okay it’s okay for y’all to say we better then hey man better 202 Like Larry said they better no it’s okay for Mar it’s okay for you to say you better yes or no it’s okay for you to say we better what’s the difference Mar don’t we always say we better no that’s what you said I don’t know say did he say we better again no no no no Mar you Marin said it we better team are we a better team steal something from De yes no man hold on on answer the question man are I said was that’s a yes no question have you said we were best yes no hey hey Mary I’m ask you with with the drafts and the tra are we a better team yes or no yes or no yes or no off seon then we talk about yes or no no because you said it I think I think what we trying to say might be still better we there man we competing man you know what I’m saying that’s all you know might be better than us but phly no don’t know nothing yet that’s my whole point it’s we don’t know it but we’re not getting both opinion it’s opinions I get it I’m just trying to prove important we shouldn’t be arguing and cutting each other down over something that’s not gonna happen brother and and I’mma steal something from Deon embiid is a playoff loser loser you’re a loser I’m just saying man he’s a multi-talented guy probably creeping up there to um possibly top seven Center all time top five Center all time but in the playoffs there’s always something and I know he’s always injured guys we know this so so let me ask let me ask foot a question for that foot should they trade mbid because he losing the playoff all the time he gonna say to the Hawks yeah yeah to the Hawks yeah but but hey hey I don’t do I said Trey young losing the playoff all the time I know what you get let me goad address that we should trade trade young okay what did got do the playoffs I I gave my reasons I’m not I’m I’m a h no I mean I’m not going at you about none of that foot I’m just asking you a question bro no that you you you trolling come on Mario I’m not trolling I’m not that was a legit question bro yeah cuz you troll I feel I know I ain’t got ain’t got nothing to do with I don’t follow I don’t follow like that you’re trying to you’re trying to prove a point about they Superstar train I don’t follow I mean kind you know he he had made as far as M be but you know what I’m saying do you feel like with that should he be traded that’s you I don’t follow him like that so I can’t make a comment I don’t follow him like that something about MB you know why MB MB would would beat the Hawks majority of the time because he the biggest thing on the floor he he beat us time with a bad wheel that’s bad what guess what he was the biggest thing on the floor and Trey young came out there put them 30 foots about on about three time put that 30 something points they they they they they sent out you were talking about playing stretch big right they they they went from they went for in that game they went from Tabo to your boy who used to play with San Anon who supposed to be a shutdown defensive player to Ben Simmons and neither one of them stopped him think about that I heard you said something about just put a stretch man out on on Trey and neither one of those guys stopped I didn’t say put a stretch man on him I said put a long guy you put put a put a trade guy with L yes yeah put l he G him problems he G problemo had L your other boy had L and you know you know Simmons has ly you saido okay well no no we had seia that’s why I’m trying to figure out who you talking about I’m talking about when we played against the seven Sixers okay what about him all them guys was ly and they didn’t stop him okay he have good games I’m overall good guys he have a lot of sometime yes he does guess guess who guess guess who else who didn’t stop Trey hey man point guard best hey why you still table dancing why you bringing why you table dancing we ain’t talking about that saying about playoffs keep bringing try to compare we were talking about inid and what I’m going there is that the little man on the floor is gonna be the reason when we get big around him we have a seven footer on the floor but NB it gonna be over why you have to inject uh try to me and point me out right cuz I cuz I have a is that’s what what you Mar like to do it too and Mario slick you just took offense to that because I said just question question was saying it we pick on you you’re not hey hey hey do I am show me go go pull my words they written no I mean the same thing that apply to trade on apply to nobody else in your world no it’s not no it’s not Mar show show I post I you got my word Mario just show you that ain’t got nothing to do with him I’m not talking about embiid I don’t follow himbi no he ain’t show me nothing y’all try to bring up a point I ain’t even talking about that’s what y’all do so so he didn’t Mario didn’t show me because I’m not I’m not embiid is not on my team so that compares to you compareed to another team another player that that I’m I’m following the Hawks so he didn’t show me because I’m not I’m not I don’t follow the Philadelphia I don’t follow embid so how is that the same it’s not that if if I would if I talked about him be a lot situation the same not Mary trying to say is there’s a foot in the in uh the no the fandom but no the whole problem is gota apply to both up out of there that’s fine of Philadelphia absolutely he’ll get killed but again y’all trying to include me in that foolishness I’m if I if I fall in in be like that that’ll be a whole different story y’all have an argument I don’t fall in be like that y’all just be reaching that’s what it is especially Mar but yeah go ahead this went to mbid because we were talking about Philadelphia being better than the Hawks now and and that question you sent to Marian and you asked me that question the Hawks is better than Philadelphia now okay that’s fair enough that’s your opinion I ain’t got a just like I got my opinion glad answer exactly so what did Trey go to do with this why y’all got Trey you know whaty one thing I fig out one thing I fig out Arena when he said one thing I figured out if I say anything about Trey y’all trigger if I say anything about Trey y’all get fig and start table dancing for him thr anything about Tre you’re triggered uh foot no I’m not yes you are no I’m not you come at me about Trey then I get triggered hey foot I ain’t mad at you about Trey bro I’m 5050 today you Mar you know you CH like the way bro don’t even go down come on bro I ain’t going to let you out on now it just depend on the day bro on how you feeling now we we just listen to you say that you want to trade trade because we’re not a consistent playoff team that ain’t why no Maran stop trying to TST no it’s not no no stop stop putting words in my mouth talking about same situation because we know you be ring them them soloqui on freaking Facebook about this damn loan when when anybody say thing about just learn to read no bro they a been read all that [ __ ] you be doing disser anybody say anything about Trey you’ll do a whole dissertation paragraphs down and y’all y’all be complaining the got a thousand words in it bro the parag have a thousand words in it come I’ll do respect though all do respect my man Deon said he wanted to end this this this thing early and we need to show him some respect I got I got it that’s why I why we still up because I got it so long as y’all want talk got okay I know you okay chilling he back and forth yeah he up you know you know since y’all want talk hang yeah but gu I’m really keeping the car man really I’m not excited that’s what I’m ready to go see see what Koolaid I like to see my young boys play so I’m ready to go see my I’m ready to go see my shining toys man man man I’m I’m ready to man you know how long I’ve been waiting to see JJ really play and get off from day one I bought I bought I renewed my ticket just because I thought JJ was gonna play his his rookie season cuz I watched that man go into the gym on his rookie season and work out with Rondo and all them guys and I and I saw that boy jump from from from from the free throw line and slam and I’m like heck yeah that was his rookie year man I’m like man you talk ESPN did that showcase for that for that uh when he said he from three no he said let me ask this question let me ask our first Summer League game are we gonna have a watch hey I’ll do it if the if I’m available I’ll do it if don’t do it I can’t do it because I’mma be at the game so you actually going I was think I was gonna go man I was planning on going to Vegas because I got a un out there so I got somewhere to stay but I can’t do it with this squad be with you he is all right TV man hey Mary if I Ain got nothing going on I do it I mean hey hey hey y’all do we make any move though do we make any kind of move it’s get we G we gonna make some mov we G I believe we gonna make one or two moves just he just got the guys straight that’s already on the team yeah it’s just going to be you g make get we gonna get we gonna get some free agents on here I just I mean tonight tonight I’m be looking at some kobe buffkin um tape tonight yeah yeah enjoy yourself man go look at some kobe buffkin man colge get yourself uh uh wrapped up man go write some of his college stuff and go look at something he have he G have to be the second SC as a guard yeah man I think Kobe gonna come in this season doing straight I think he gonna be a good uh Play Straight huh I think coob was already straight I love what no no yeah yeah yeah you’re right I mean towards the NC stuff I mean he yeah he was a pretty solid player I mean that’s another thing too bro like even last season I don’t know how it might have been towards the beginning but like just simply the addition of Kobe buffkin coming off the bench as the backup Warner two or whatever man that that that make the team better oh absolutely you know what I’m saying and I mean I hate to be that way a little bit but again like I’m keep saying it’s the off season man so I ain’t gonna really trip too much until I see the stuff on the floor I do understand like like the NBA it does that to us you know what I’m saying it make you seek out star players you know what I’m saying star players this name like like that ain’t basketball though you feel me like a lot of times like people hoop you feel me like ain’t no different but like say for again though every like another player that’s an example of what I keep throwing out there like we as hwks fans gotta fix our mind that way I believe but like now everybody in their mama think Derek white are allar or he this or that you feel Wasing like that when he was in San Antonio coming out of San Antonio oh we should you know a few people like yeah you know that would B but that’s what I’m saying that’s a ahead of the time earlier you know before that player really start you know what I’m saying because a lot stuff too onlyy SE that’s the only guy I seen Tre lock Trey down in the game when he played for San uh San Antonio sh he locked Trey down bro he what do we defining as locked down I mean because I’m just saying man we seen some folks uh I mean Trey don’t go like zero besides the Miami series like that’s the only time Tre like don’t do crap basically that’s saying AO frustrate tra you know what I’m saying like uh Phil that Philly series I know y’all touched on a little bit but Trey ain’t necessarily play like like like he did play good though but Ben Simmons gave that boy trouble I mean Ben Simmons huge as crap though gave in trouble was blocking his three shot literally was blocking his step back trying to shoot a deep three Ben Simmons will block that yeah he did block it a c yeah anyway hey it’s all in the Evan flooor of the game but he but but but you always say when you go up against the star you just want to slow him down so if he averag 30 and you can get him down to 25 you did good right I me 25 that’s good defense if you get him got 25 but you gota look at that he still got 25 though yeah but if you go if you go like what eight for for 20 or something like that eight for 23 you know what saying get this like we used to that one though uh uh Mike we used to that so yeah unfort because Trey get his points different ways this what Trey got to do this year y’all this what Trey got to do here the mind be on him every single season about this crap and I don’t know why it happens every single season still this year it didn’t happen as long I don’t think though but hold on but man he cannot start the season out slow man he can’t do that like shooting wise like his his percentage like he G to have to start the season from the jump shooting good from the field man shooting good three-point percentage ain’t no waiting until like November or some crap for your numbers starting to get straight percentage wise you know what I’m saying like like we definitely can’t have that from Trey going into U let me let me tell you what I hope what I hope the hwks do when Trey comes in the game he said he want to get his his team involved I hope his team that he when he trying to get him involved they don’t start off slow cuz that’s going to be very important that when he start Distributing that ball for the first five to 10 possessions of the game they got to have us up by 15 or 20 because it gonna be very important they cannot brick for him brick for him when he get that when he start that you see what I’m saying he play out of that game y’all want him to play into that what you are saying it gonna be very important that the players around him don’t put him in the position where he have to go into that that that that that that shooting impress I call BS on that one y’all y’all gotta keep that’s BS be a smarter player man it doesn’t matter it doesn’t matter y’all stop bailing him out he got to be as a as a point guard as the leader of the off stoping out no he need to hear this he yeah yeah he gotta start he can’t start off slow period it ain’t got nothing to do he can’t start off what if it players is bricking in the first no y’all keep y’all he bricking he bricking he was bricking bricking no say now Trey came out in the first 10 shots he take and he miss he go he go two for 10 that’s bad why he still shoot he do L he still why he still shoot stop blaming on everybody else bro come on did you not listen to what I said y heard exactly what you’re saying you BL you start his game and he passed the ball for the first 10 possession to his teammates for them to score they start the game with the first 10 shots he need to score how about that it worth BR way stop blaming everybody everybody got do job he do Sho everybody got to do their job when he do he do shoot he need to shoot then to be to be everybody has to do their job koola not pressing a shot because everybody J if he look look if he pass if Clint compel his everybody need to do their job bottom line bottom line everybody need stop stop stop stop singling out these players everybody has to do their job whoever on the team that’s what I’m saying you no no no no koola you keep talking about like nobody else doing their job Trey gota depend on these dudes gota do this everybody got to do their job dude that’s all I’m saying stop blaming the other player no you’re not you said when Trey do this they got to do this when Trey do this they gotta do no everybody has to do their job exactly same thing fo no you’re not no you’re not no you you saying all right you got it Koolaid not saying the same thing when I say if Trey pass the ball to bogy he got to hit his shot when Trey pass the ball to Clint he got to make the layup what who and he gota do his job this what you said this what I’m talking about you got it okay what I’m saying when Trey playing when Trey playing man on man he got to defend his man everybody when when Clint playing man on man he got him man say the same thing to the open that’s not what you said you said because when was brought up when Mike brought up at starting slow you start mentioning what other people do when Trey what the other people when Trey pass the ball they gotta do when Trey pass it they no everybody gota do their job bro everybody was it in addition to what Mike said or was he trying to take away from what Mike said said I don’t know what he is I’m just going by what he said well you can’t make the assumption that he was taken away from what Mike was said that means he included it doesn’t matter he was add it does he just said it early he said the same thing early he said the same thing ear on another on another live he saiding the same thing Mary Koolaid don’t said this over the time hey Mary Mary let me have this I’m going off what I’m seeing here Kool-Aid saying he don’t said this [ __ ] three different times today okay and now like you said I put words in your mouth you putting words in my mouth no you said the same thing earlier with Mark did you mark yes or no I’m saying and I’m telling you you say everybody got to do their job and I’m telling you what each person need to do one by one to do their job we saying the same thing everything that you said started with Trey Trey is the point guard you said himself he’s the point guard he’s the quarterback of the team that came out your mouth do his job did that not your did that not come out your mouth he has to do his job not when people pass ball to you you got it Kool-Aid I ain’t GNA debate with you because it’s stupid no it ain’t stupid yeah so go ahead you got it you ain’t stupid I ain’t stupid I didn’t call you stupid you just said usba us debating stupid no didn’t us debating is stupid don’t use the word stupid then all right coola you got it my hope for the I hope that we get better three-point shooting this year because we we were middle of the road in terms of three-point shooting I hope that our three-point Shooters are better this year we got we got rickochet so hey Mike let me ask you something what do you think rich is like uh go should be this year his goal like like like like what do you expect him to be like I say if like if we don’t find a TR targ for DeAndre I feel like he should start after like a couple couple games or I’d say probably about two months I don’t want this to make people mad because the name is gonna make people mad and the number pick that we took them but I feel like he give it to us his first year off the rip or whatever basically like come out there and be this guy in a sense for us like it’s gonna help but because I mean if he comes out and he shows like more aggressiveness than DeAndre Hunter but that’s saying no no no no the name I’m G use is is different like I said I hope people don’t get mad though but like all right especially if he playing a little bit at the two well even at the three because his hype whatever though but if he’s an an aggressive an an an aggressive not ho shy Kevin her we where we gonna be straight I like that because I mean I’m like if he comes out and he shows like more like grit on the defensive side like he goes out and gets a board or gets a nice defensive stop start I think you I think you’ll see that because he does give you all right I used to explain the differences between Cam and J defense you know what I’m saying people be like oh Cam a better Defender than J I’m like and Dre plays great defense it’s just that Dre doesn’t get you blocks and steals that’s going to show up neily to Casual fans that’s see the good defense they not going to see J consistently cutting people off consistently denying the ball doing you know saying orig just contesting the shot because even if a shot get off a lot of times feel like you know like oh it ain’t NE you know you know you’re not gonna block everything a lot of times players can get steals because they yeah do undisciplined crap bro like leave and jump play you know do certain stuff like that like he not necessarily taking those you know gambl of risk per say but uh like I say he don’t get that’s but that’s also a knock on Jer that he doesn’t get blocks or Steals and he doesn’t rebound so re you know what I’m saying it IT projects at least we don’t know yet you know what I’m saying but he shows that he does Rebound for a wing and for a size though he shows that he does get some blocks you know what I’m saying he gets still and that should help us also too if you getting that naturally from your wing player too added to the that’s getting us out on the breaks and stuff more often or whatever more possessions too or whatnot so uh yeah like I said his first year at least of course he need to grow past that but it’s his first year he gives us a like I said a a nun a nun ho Kevin her because a lot of times you like man shoot that J Kev you like be like Kev can dunk you feel me but Kev never like just cross somebody and go to the hole and dunk it you feel me but if right if re do that stuff here and there when opportunities and stuff they’re like bro yeah bro we gonna be lit bro like d 1610 like let go yeah take a shot of that I would say I would like to see Rich come in play probably 20 to 22 minutes per game if he can get 13 to 15 points five to seven rebounds and more importantly if he can shoot over 36% from the three-point line I would call that successful man let me ask you something with that said so those are some good numbers right so for me if he get that in 22 minutes shouldn’t he be starting where he can get more I I I believe that he probably should start based on the fact that I think that Hunter plays better off the bench because of because of his health um I think that and and I don’t I don’t I’m not really saying who should be the closer Hunter can close um but I think that I think that rich Shake should probably start uh get some time in with with the starters um and and he can set a defensive tone because he’s played with Pros before and supposedly he has good defense so we can we can start him off like that I’m I’m saying I’m still belief we ever had he should start I’m I’m still of the belief if you draft the number one yeah all be no no most time number one guys going on bad team if you draft the number one to the halts and you a 610 Wing guy you should start I don’t care it’s time to put him out there right yeah right right off the rip yeah I don’t problem don’t matter like if he comes out and he like kind of does what Jaylen Johnson did at the beginning of last season where he comes out he’s like okay this this guy’s good like by all means because remember we started sadique Bay for the first like four or five games till we saw Jaylen be like okay this guy’s better than sadique I think that’s a like that’s why I told I was like talking to Mike I’m like give him like at least a couple games off the bench and then you know put him in the lineup but go ahead Mario I’m thinking out the coach just not I don’t know if he gonna play a rookie hey guys I’m sorry like you said like you said Mario it’s the highest pck we pick we ever had man I can’t guarantee this though but these fools tripping it’s the highest pick we ever had um the young man is 610 like I said his height looked legit to me when I saw him being next to Mo you know what I’m saying them dapping each other up I’m like even draft KN when SAR got drafted I was like they don’t look too much different standing above it’s not next to but then when I saw later on next to other people I’m like oh because then I saw him next to uh Nikola and I was like Nikola supposed to be six7 right like he looks noticeably taller than him you know what I’m saying then you saw him next MOJ and mo 611 that’s what they say at least so I’m like okay when he up there so he 1610 can shoot and defend we talking about this versus Dre Dre 68 you can actually play re with them you feel me and not do all this because a lot of times you play Dre at the four anyway where he guard that but if Dre at the three I’m saying he guards that sometimes when we go smaller we did that a lot more before JJ got the running and playing a lot you know what I’m saying but since you got JJ some you can actually that’s the beauty about Zack you can slide him to the two I’m not saying you start him and do a fulltime two all year long but you can slide him there and you still have J on the floor as well and that type of defensive lineup that’s what I say about like basketball wise is looking like okay you might be rolling out a better team around Trey because also now I ain’t even mentioned Dyson Daniels yeah that you bring into it I was gonna say I was gonna say have guys two through four put them at the two the three or the four so you them all out there different yeah ways like we got we got four guys who 6 foot6 and smaller out of the 14 guys we have on the team we have Trey Kobe oie and I if I am I missing somebody else Garrison Matthews yeah I think Garrison’s like 6’5 but like everybody else in up is six7 or taller that’s not a bad thing to have can can I add something to this back back to what I was saying about uh uh him let me just say one more point fo one gohe one of the things that I think we always forget about Hunter is Hunter is actually the perfect size for a basketball player he’s 6 foot eight 224 that’s a that’s a perfect size for a wing uh the the one thing about richet that that kind of uh gives me pause is that he’s not over 200 pounds yet I I hope that that they take him past the varsity and and a couple other places and get some weight on hey he needs times he need to go to Varsity go to IHOP and get a little bit of weight on he just turned 19 and to that 215 Threshold at 6 foot n 610 I think that he’ll be able to start and we can play more minutes uh the 20 the 20 minutes that the 20 to 22 minutes that I I I propose is the same amount of minutes they played uh wama uh because he came in undersiz to in terms of weight came in undiz ter weight uh so you don’t you don’t want to put him out there with with Jay you don’t want to put Rich sh out there with Jaylen Brown and and and and watch that 235 work them over yeah let me let me add to that y got think y’all say Jake Boogie coming because I be thinking that but anyway okay check this out if y’all I’mma go back to to Mike’s man it’s my man too V right didn’t he start doing that stretch a couple times yeah I know a couple times he did start so so against the Celtics yeah you look at V kety right do we think Rich say better than him right now we say that I’m just your op it’s it’s it’s close so so I’m G look at it this way you got a six 610 guy out there 610 right he 610 who’s that yeah you got yeah I I think it’s safe to say 610 so you see V what he did at 68 he was on real we didn’t expect him to score he had some open threes but he defending his ass off so you throw length at them dudes like that pause you know how y’all ass be that’s that’s the that’s why I’m looking at it from that standpoint and like like a lot of people don’t like Dre Hunter [ __ ] Dre Hunter is not the problem right and like Mike said you you got you can start mixing and matching with the lineups now you don’t have a deficiency where people get Target out like Target people from size because we too small overall outside the Trey it ain’t nobody I’m saying the coach can’t make a mistake in the rotation of losing sides like he was doing the last time CUA sometimes he when he he went tiny man he go put the GU like hold hold on hold on let me address something real let me Kool-Aid Kool-Aid I did not call you stupid I said we were having stupid conversation I want to clarify that because I’ll be mad if somebody call me stupid all right so I want to clarify that got it all right got yeah I wouldn’t do that so I just want to make sure we understand that because I didn’t I said we was having stupid confence it wasn’t you so I just want me because I’m I feel about that too all right go ahead Mike what you saying no I’m just saying that’s a great point because I you know I I always said like we always like three out of five positions small bro under size and the roster has been set up they’re like yeah Quinn dumb self can’t even accidentally fill the a small lineup you know what I’m saying it’s like no like yeah we’re gonna just fix that I’m like thank you you know what I’m saying I appreciate that you know like but I keep saying it like actual basketball wise you sit there and look at the stuff or was like all right it is a is it is a better team going forward I mean they still need to try and do some more little tweaking here and there though but the vit thing or whatever uh is Zack better than vit uh defensively we we have to see I don’t think vit had a had a um what do you want to call it a reputation coming in or that’s part of his draft scouting of him playing defense period coming into the league you know what I’m saying with Zack that is so if they on par now V is older had a develop defense Zack 19 160 longer and if he already at the same point of it or whatever that’s a that’s a that’s a great plus because he’ll just get better yeah and the thing the thing is I see some people in the chat chatting one of the things to mention is that vit like you just mentioned vit and and and Zach are different and what I mean by that is that Zack is a willing shooter he’ll he’ll shoot vit is an unwilling shooter v a point guard man I get offended by that when y’all talk about my boy like that man I mean you know we we have to we have to we have to keep he doesn’t like to but he can he he can he’s a great got a different point guard right now Mike that’s great shooter but he’s just a real point guard I know I I’m just saying he’s been with four point guards and he’s still been kind of had had to be encouraged to shoot the ball um but the thing about the thing about the thing about the thing about uh Zack is that he looks like he’s gonna have have no conscience about shooting so he’s he’s gonna be a a regular shooter uh vit got a great handle Zack Zach’s handle is not that great right now uh and what we’re saying is that we hope that that Zach has the same type of defense that V has shown I’m I’mma tell you something real real quick know why Mar he has a great handle a better handle vit does because he’s a point guard yeah not a point guard you what z z I’m G tell you what Zack G feeling the spotlight if you go look at that Tony snail in 2021 Tony snail was a 67 682 and Trey hunted him out every time to put that ball in the rack when he needed a great shot and and Tony snail and Solomon Hill they were they were they were trapping and putting it on them boys with that height and so so yeah he go he gonna be that Tony snail for Treyon this year he gonna be the guy that Trey young gonna be looking out and be shooting it out to at at that big height if you go look at that he was a perfect perfect he gonna pick that perfect spot just like Tony snail man he gonna be putting that ball in on clutch time hey man I’m looking forward to that new toy I’m telling you I’m looking forward to it don’t say it like that bro pause real quick though everybody that question if um Zach should play or get he need to get time y’all the summer league and preseason all that is Zach get in the field for the NBA catch up on levels do so come number one pick or whatever yeah that’s what yeah just don’t expect don’t expect Zach to come out and drop 30 because that ain’t going to happen I’m cool with that he’s going to go he’s going to he’s going to be cold from the three-point line just give him time I mean let him play for the people for the people that feel bad about the DJ trade bro I don’t feel like we lost we lost in this thing I’m looking at this Kobe tape bro I think we got a DJ in Kobe exactly a lot of people compare it like it’s a B plus on both sides youit to replace DJ he tried to change you that you literally got a left-handed a left-handed DJ mode you know what I’m saying right there already in your in for real a couple times I see Kobe on the floor and I lo I had to look twice to see if it was DJ no I mean Jeff for me I’m saying the way they look and they if you don’t look at it real quick you would think that was DJ a couple times like did that hey man part hey check this out y’all uh when Kobe got drafted did you see he yeah I said that dud dude you need to get it I’m glad he cut like bro you gotta cut that half who was it that got drafted this year that had the big fro and they could barely put the Hat on their head oh oh no I saw that I saw that like the one cartoons I mean it was it was out there and he just had to place the Hat on top I forget who it was I know but um I’m more excited to watch Sumer Le this year to watch mo mo run the offense I feel like typing though that’s I’m saying it though but to Josh or whatever though the DJ Kobe comparison thing it’s it’s basically yeah if Kobe coming into the league I every player get drafted they have an NBA comparison they have CS okay Kobe C basically will be a left-handed DJ all right already got him there it’s not it’s not it’s not a draft pick this year we already got him here all right so look at it as like okay a first round pick coming in this year that already got some experience a little bit you know what I’m saying so hey we already got that for that like Mario was saying that kind of lessens this this moving DJ alone you know what I’m saying you did what you needed to do we saw Kobe towards the latter part of the Season look like okay that’s a nice little something like getting backup wise we ain’t talking about starting them you know but back up getting significant minutes that we going to say Patty Mills Trent Forest to get off huh Kobe a better unball Defender than TR exactly but thing is then in the djx you get dce and Daniels when you look at every single defensive stat like crucial defensive stat stuff like that that man dce Daniels is on top of that thing man I have I have something to Sayad go ahead fo okay my bad no you did like Trey young disregard this past season Trey Young on a team that was not like tuned to him got him 40 wins this is the first team that has been tuned specifically for Trey do you think do you think we’ll get more than 42 wins well I mean I guess we already answered that but like this may be a year where we get over 44 wins we we should do that anyway take try equation on the team cool out man with TR yeah we tra on the team but take him out the qu equation this team should be well over 40 wins right take try the equ but we Trail on the team period the talent we got on this team we should we should be to 40 win we should have been 40 wins with the injuries last year right because our team we had the bench I that’s why I keep saying play these young guys they showed me enough for the past couple years that you got some young guys on this bench that can play ball right that’s why Quinn why didn’t you play them dudes right until you had to they showed you when you had to play them that they could play right they could when I said they can play they ain’t no damn world beaters they ain’t no starters but they can give you solid minutes is what I’m talking about they need to play these young young guys let me ask this question do you guys think that Mo will be our backup power forward I don’t I don’t know mo should be 22 minutes how about that Mar I’m not looking at back up power forward what what let me say this man let me let me so we shouldn’t we need to start playing position of basketball because all those dudes got got uh got length they long Paul you know I know how y’all be doing all those we got decent sides all around we got some versatile players too we’ve talked about that some of those guys are very versatile so play position basketball just play ball is what I would like to see Man play DNA we F to play Hawks basketball foot I agree with you what what what what what Mo be basically is your backup what four or five you know what I’m saying you ain’t throwing at no three2 or one you know what I’m saying but Mo would be in that you go small ball optional sometimes with JJ can do your three through five that’s the versatility there um the only people on the team that you’ll have that’s goingon to be stagnant bro in one position is Trey and Clint Trey and Clint the only ones that’s probably gonna be stuck in one position Trey is not going to be anything but your one and that’s if Clint doesn’t get traed even dou low you probably can slide at times to your four if you wanted to do something you know what I’m saying and and run another Center uh I think they’ll do more of that this year of playing oh at the uh four instead of the five uh dou yeah yeah playing more at the four kind him and Jaylen more run at both positions but it’s going to be a lot of position this uh basketball foot with with majority of the well not it should I hear a lot about POS positionist basketball and that’s all right but but I I believe in skill sets I believe that that that you have to have certain skill sets for every team uh so even if even if it’s positional list you still have to have the same skill set of somebody being a rebounder you got to have the same skill set of somebody who’s who’s running the offense and being a leag guard you gotta have Mar that’s what we’re talking about because we have those versatile SK that’s what ask do you not think when you look at what we have right now Mar do you not do you think we lack what you said or we don’t have like I I think there’s more stagnant players than than you like to mention like for instance bogie bogy is a shooting guard I don’t I don’t see bogie okay we’re not talk we talk we talking about the I’m I’m talking about the young guys I’m not talking about like a b no no no no he he reminded me I mean he just he just he just um you know over he just you know I I missed him but is there anybody else on missing but that’s still overwhelmingly majority that’ll be three guys then that I think is is stuck at a position is there anybody else and it’s not stuck at a position but when you talk about both JJ and Hunter nothing else when you talk about JJ and Hunter I don’t I don’t really want to see Hunter playing the four that much he been JJ on the floor if JJ On The Floor will be the four yeah right right that’s what I’m saying I said I’m saying that JJ is more suited to play the four than he is I mean I I know we can move him to the three and we can play him at the five but I would just rather see him at it just depends on who we play don’t disagree what I’m saying and what I think foot as a coach you feel me I’m not starting or on my on my box she you know the Box all that stuff my lineup my lineup gonna say every single game that JJ is a power all four every single dog on game at the beginning of it throughout every single 82 season what you saying I don’t want to see nothing else but as a cult and then we be talking about adjustments why the coach ain’t making a adjustment is what we playing with the lineup so I might need to throw and mix stuff up from time to time is that so what I’m saying is that we have the versatility to do that where JJ for minutes in a game can slide from a three through five or whatever positional this basketball we playing basically offense he might be the four or the five but on defense he guarding the you know what I’m saying like on the floor with like a lot of that is going to happen with a lot of guys we have like offensively Dyson Daniels might be slotted at the three right now but defensively he guarding the point guard or or even I don’t know the power forward who knows depending on who I talking about though I see better sliding with Dyson with um R and possibly a little bit with Kobe sliding from the one to the two but you know I don’t I don’t see it necessarily with everybody like before we play JJ as our small ball five let’s put I’m more people that slide though it’s more people yeah no see see see Marin what you JJ has played the five this year right so so so you know Li very limited but again did this this is what we’re talking about you look at the the landscape of the NBA right and and like like like Mike was saying I’m not talking about you starting lineup I’m trying as a gang go you mix a match and slide dudes all over the place you have more versatility than you did before and and JJ again JJ was a point forward in high school right he brought the ball up damn court now he his facility ain’t is like let’s say a tra or close to tra anything like that that’s why I when people say he’s like he can he can do some things he can run some things he’s versatile enough so he was he played the five he played one through five in high school right so that’s you you ain’t got to be like the expert but you got the versatility see this this what I’m talking about when you go up against when you call we could cause matchup problems with teams if that makes sense that’s my main Reon teams ain’t gonna be able to match up with that [ __ ] if we do it right who gonna match up with that ain’t nobody matching up with that across the board you know with what we have and some of this versatility we have that’s another reason why make positive what you about to say man don’t mess it up now man dang you being positive about Ahad go ahead one more in man we get nard to take that Wesley Matthew spot man we’ be good to go we don’t have to go get we just get naris and get put him in that Wesley Matthew spot in that pre wesle Matthew need to go we need to get some other dudes for get yeah M go look at the M nor highlights no I don’t need no highlights no man yeah I know been watching that boy for a while I feel you I feel you I feel you I feel you trying I’m trying to stay with I’m trying to stay with them young boy man so we’ll be aead of the curve man young boys early man we gonna be aead of the curve man all all the other team old boys gonna be falling off the cliff and we gonna be ah head of the curve that’s why I said run these young guys I keep saying it you know like I said like I told you earlier coola yeah it is what it is and I know you some as a season ticket holder I know you I know you want to see something different I know you want to win too so I feel you you know you you more invested than most of us so I I can I can feel I can respect that but yeah man I mean this is why I keep talking about play these young boys fellas for exactly the reason that we’re talking about right we can go get this we can go get that I understand that I want everybody just talked about all these guys we got in waiting in the wing right I they need they don’t need to start but bro they need to play man we the future the fut the the future later future ahead is bright tomorrow is not bright for us from the HS so that’s why I say it’s not bright for us tomorrow but it’s right for us for the future that’s that’s why I I have The Stance I have right now CU again you gota think about we drafted pretty decently and we saw them young boys play when everybody was in the mass unit so I just want to see more of that because I I like the ball I like the type of ball that that that team played them young guys played they they played intelligent basket they do it at College Park if y’all been watching college park they they they did they play more they play intelligence they coach qu just go a little bit deeper in the bench man that’s all he he got a team that he can go a little bit deeper in the bench throughout the year so hey Mike how is it that we only offered uh vit a two-way contract I think I think getting the number one pick messed that up to be honest with you no no hey but hey Mar here’s my belief of that let’s just get him on on locked in cuz he to kind of do something in the future like future I I think that they might have would have did more bro but getting the number one pick you getting Zack in here and then Dyson Daniels coming to or whatever and like I said they moved in the second round to get uh Nikola as well or whatever even though that’s a second rounder though but like you you got a little bit more in the Mi like I said V Mado but like I know nobody expected us to get the number one pick but you go and get like okay like we said we saw the impact that went and they were playing V at the dog on they playing him at the three and stuff anyway two and three and I always say point guard we still ain’t played that man at his actual position what’s the other guy we got uh got Jurassic who play that’s what we call him Jurassic the guy I know much about I don’t know much abouty draft Pi you talking about draft pick yeah last year no no last year Seth L SE Seth Lundy and yeah I like I like sth Lundy like shooting guard I like self Lundy man he’s tough too he he he aggress play defense he play defense he physical yeah yeah I mess with Seth Lundy too I mean we got we got got some nice young pieces man the only the only issue ultimately really is is that I mean Trey young is here so because Trey here and what we’ seen we we expect things to happen you know what I’m saying but like um if we can erase everything for a moment just look at stuff in the vacuum the last couple drafts I I mean we haven’t seen these two guys play yet but them going to get the second guy too on top of us with the number one pick like I don’t know I wasna ask I was gonna ask if Nicola do you guys think Nicola will make the active roster or will he be like stashed in Europe no he’s G be in College Park he gonna be here he ain’t going Park they gonna be down in college par yeah we’re gonna have to clear out some some spaces though because we we running up on 15 real hard right now that’s what I’m saying but the second round is not guaranteed he like on the same thing as um vit basically a two-way right hey I’m G I’m G to share my screen so we can have a discussion about that all right fellas let me share this let me share this with y’all so we know if theyve uh Mike do you know if um V accepted the uh offer and uh Wesley Matthews is gone oh he didn’t Mary oh no oh he didn’t yeah I I didn’t hear anything yeah they said that he he can still field other offers from other teams um right right about VI is that part of like a qualifying or something somebody want to take him from us if say someone we gonna match we can match whatever they offer him so that’s that’s the position he in okay so that’s like off of okay if we decide not to match it then he I think we have the rights to match him because I think we got his bird rights but to be honest with you I feel like the hul’s doing that out of like honoring him and respect man I think the hul’s doing a little good business with him because I’m be 100 100 with you Nikola Nikolai is is a is is is what is vit what y’all want everything in vit to be honest with you I I mean I Ain um I ain’t seen him play like that though but like he can offer the same things that I like from vit you know what I’m saying and give the fans what they wanted from vit which is a more aggressive scoring like somebody trying to score at least you know what I’m saying like be out there no playing no time to give you zero buckets like he G he gonna get you some points oh yeah and get you the assist hey F let’s look at this real quick so who the hell is EJ liell he’s the third guy we got in the uh Deon trade okay okay guy so he’ll be this is 13 13 players on the active Rock roster right now is Bruno is not guaranteed he’s not guaranteed we got make decision on him by the 10 so he need to go um I like Bruno but yeah he need to go uh you got Sadi B they a going to draft they all right you got Richie Shay um so everybody else so let’s see U fit it’s tway twoway so it’s twoway so this cap hole we need to make decision on these dudes so Seth Lon should probably stay tway at least uh Zach you already know Zach so that’s how many we have on the roster 15 yeah so according to that took the offer that we gave huh according to what you got look like Garrison Matthews took the offer that we made yes yeah he took it yeah he ain’t on the roster yeah he’s yeah he’s on thetive okay so okay so they got him they got him for shooting okay so so okay so now that leads Westland coming back who the hell w a coming back you don’t see Trent do you please go Trent right there Tren is right there so how many so how many two-way so the roster is 15 right we can have up to I think three two-ways well wait hold on we can have 15 on the roster right yes and then in addition that we can have three two ways in addition to that 15 y got tell me how it work I’m not expert in that I think it’s two two8 contracts two two8 contracts I was thinking was two yeah so so obviously z z Zach going to feel at least one right and um Zach Gonna Fill at least one a regular contract that’s get regular yeah V’s gonna get a regular Seth and uh Trent are gonna get two ways so you think they’re gonna bring V up they should I agree so okay that makes sense to me so Seth and Tren stay on two a is that what you’re saying yes that that makes more sense with what we got right now so so so that V up that’s 15 so what if we trade for an laar marketing who the who the OD man now uh you see him going with it I’d say well we would just switch Hunter with uh Lori yeah because because I think we said earlier that H makes more than Markin in right now yeah Hunter’s at 21 million you trade Hunter probably no Hunter [Applause] EJ Hunter EJ and probably a two the two first round picks we gotten the DJ makes a lot well at least the 2027 pick the New Orleans Bucks pick and probably a 2030 pick for I think we EJ only make two million May what you talking about yeah I mean in consideration that he might not ever play that’s a lot he’s making more a lot I mean that’s dude EJ lindel right let’s look at him see that’s what we get they throw them in they throw them damn picks in he’s making two mil so he’s that next year has a club option undrafted so so this his second year so one point yeah I mean so he came like Ricky whatever the case may be I mean that’s not a lot I mean them guys make a lot of money now bro that’s not a lot I I don’t a lot for a basketball player I mean he was a throwin on the trade yeah and he’s taking a roster spot so what I’m saying is that he makes a lot for us to try to hide get yeah guy that could possibly get waved that is true they may keep him for uh uh the preseason but then they’ll probably get rid of them once they have to slim down the uh roster yeah because they’ll probably bring all those guys but then they’re goingon to have to probably slim down the roster because I know preseason you bring like in 16 or 17 guys to like play four or five games and then you have to cut some of them I mean yeah some Le G some Le some leag they G they’re gonna bring in a lot it’s goingon to be some new faces too so so yeah so yeah don’t look like it gonna be like you said something I was saying earlier about signing all guys right yeah so yeah that’s going to be so Wesley out sadik out for sure Zachary so re’s got a spot yeah uh V’s got a spot and Trent and Seth are two ways foot is there a way you can look at um uh Lor’s uh Lor salary yeah yeah so I just want to see how much he’s making because if we can trade uh DeAndre I mean we may be able to do that DeAndre for Lor’s maybe straight up yeah they got I think they got cap space too let’s go what they got what they got going on looks like Lor’s joh wow John Collin’s making the most yeah that’s not surprising so it looks like 18 mil oh yeah we could to we could totally trade uh uh DeAndre and for Lori straight up I know they won’t take it but see the thing is do they want to bring that back see he 27 qualifying already uh well the qualifying be 2 unrestricted unrestricted free agent yeah that’s a problem that’s a problem for me because guess what unless you do unless you do the thing Lorie’s fairly Fair loyal like you know he was you know he was loyal in Chicago hey we ain’t gonna go on that bro at the end of the day you unless if the HW gonna trade for Lori you know what they gonna have to do you know what they gon have to do right sign and Trade Fair yeah so you get if you go Lauren you gotta you got to go in cuz you ain’t going to have him and he decide oh I want to go somewhere else so we we we shouldn’t get Lori due to that fact in my opinion and he 27 no I’m good if if if I mean that kind of fits with the timeline though I understand but but my whole point is you got to invest in him you gotta invest in him long term right now you’re not you got to do a signning trade bro H H stupid they stupid enough to go get him as UND f for a rental for one year without a guarantee that he gonna sign I’m not doing that uh uh uh uh what’s the guy name from Toronto seak that I want that I’m glad we didn’t do in the first place even he would have resigned no I’m not doing that so I’m G say today I’m confident we’re not getting Lor see these these are the things that the typical would would you like John Collins to come back uh foot bring back he can’t we can’t right now because of what we brought in right we what we bringing in that ain’t gonna work back it would make sense at 26 million 26 milon no no is his contract ending this year no uh 20 25 BR next year I don’t know see so um yeah bro I don’t want Lori due to this fact you gonna have to you gonna have to break him off you have to do a signing trade let me see 24 25 yeah 2425 yeah you have to do I mean do anybody see anything different than other we have to do a signning trade for this would it make sense without doing a sign trade you have to get him to sign an extension before we trade for him yeah that’s what that’s my point do do anybody ex even he want to even he want to sign extension would y’all do this and sign him with an extension distension his qual look qualifying his qualifying offer is gonna be 28 million per that’s his qualified offer yeah right so obviously that’s qualified so he want that bread but okay want more than that but his his unrestricted free agent like offer is smaller than DeAndre Hunter’s contract though like DeAndre Hunter makes more like I think I don’t know if it’s this year or the next year but he’s like upwards of making almost 28 29 million or 24 or 25 million we’re starting here with Lor 28 so these guys what you gonna sign three most of them most time they want five he’s going to be a hot commodity and and and as that’s why you think they trying to trade and get some for him right now because whoever want to go I’m not signing him for a long term no no no yeah no as as they should it’s too many it’s too many unanswered questions about this roster franchise right now right you got a clear pass or something like somebody said earlier if you get him you all in on him I get that I’m not that’s just me so this is what fans have to look at when they want all these damn players right look at what the money gonna be this and that what can’t do so I’m not doing that I’m not doing that just me you know I’m glad to see Co I mean is there well gosh I’m just trying to think of other guys that we could go out and get that could possibly be you know decent or decent or guys who could make an impact that’s not many this is my whole point everybody clowning me when I said blow it up that mean start over play the young guys man that this is this is this but I’m crazy what we going to do what do cuz bro we got look we got problem you see what I’m saying so when you look at that that that way we got a problem so so y’all with me now Mario yeah what what’s your solution bro what’s your solution hey man my solution making us better you got to say we we’re not We’re not gonna be my whole point is again everybody making about I’m just tra no we’re not gonna trade G we gone you might as well get some assets out of it because we’re not winning no time soon is my whole point we’re not win no time soon huh the thing with blowing it up there foot is just because we don’t have our picks for the next three four years years let me explain let me let me let me explain to you that’s the common thing why blow it up we don’t have no Pi blow blowing up to me let let me keep it let me it’s not getting R everybody go ahead uh you see it’s an article out right now saying that the Spurs is gonna be patient and wait for I saw that for I did see that I saw it yeah but but in reference to in reference to what I keep saying when the front office ain’t going to do that your damn sure ain’t going to go on attx and I wouldn’t right now because there’s nobody available there’s nobody out there that’s available for us to go get that’s gonna be that Difference Maker we we you know we taking scraps people who other folks who they want people they trying to DK but but foot this is this is my whole point to you just try to make remain optimistic about the season going for you know you don’t never know what what could happen the top of stand 100% agree I agree with you but I’m not going to be optimistic right right now because I see this I saw what we saw stuff all we look at Saturday I can’t unless something changes and it’s still time getting a new getting us you you’re not going to get two players that really gonna turn make me excited right now for next year because the ones I would want it they pretty much gone and and and I was just selling okay they get a in marketing okay I’m selling who who uh who who did you want from free agency so let me explain free agency not just free AG it’s other pieces that goes along that if originally I wanted Paul George right at the wing but we picked up some good Wings in the drafts and stuff so I’m good with that we we picked up we we picked up people that would kind of play the role of Paul George play might they’re not good as it but we got more than one person that could play some of those roles right so that’s originally Paul George and that’s about it that I said unless we go get and beat that I said that ear that’s it but for me I was talk I was looking more so at trading I want that fourth and eight pick from San Antonio because I knew I knew number one from a free agent standpoint nobody ain’t coming here worth anything want to come here right right so my whole spill from day one once we got that first pick trade trade for for8 and I got I got I got slammed on and I was cool with that and I’m stilling on business because I knew try on to try Trey keep the deante it don’t matter they can trade him too right so so my whole point yes that would have been cool but I don’t think we still going to win anything and Deonte had to be like cuz he keep Deonte because his contract see what I’m from a bus standpoint his if he want to be still here and rebuild look at his contract look at his contract that’s a we not only see when when I said we didn’t we got we got we got um screwed on that contract not because we got two number one PS DJ had a favorable contract bro for that type of player people not factoring in that that contract was cheap as hell that was a discount you know I’m a firm believer get paid what you who you are but still that was a favorable contract for us for that type of player so people just look at oh we got PS we got this no the contract he was signed that contract start this season that’s cheap that gives you more flexibility so that’s why I said that and see it ain’t got nothing to do yeah I’m a rack on trade by some this play but the whole reason I’m thinking from a uh a business standpoint something make sense to keep this team good so you keep DJ for that cheap contract you add all them dudes right what we added and then you let these young dudes play because we’re not if DJ cool you know what I’m and I think he would been based off what I said how his attitude is all right man we F to build something yeah and then when it’s time to reup I need I need my money right so my whole point was do that trade trade not because I don’t like try he’s a phenomenal player we no one can take that away from him I don’t like his style of play at times but he’s a phenomenal player get some picks see if s turn on do that fourth and eight get some asset back less so when I said blow it up and a send everybody we need start I think I think they tried that they asked for that they did that’s they did say that everybody but Jaylen Johnson was available for trade yeah and they they ran they tried they said and jayen they said Trey and jayen no they said it was just J it was just jayen Johnson was that recent cuz I think I heard was it was before the draft okay okay well they tried to they tried to run that they tried to run that with San Antonio and San Antonio said nah that’s like too rich y to give up that fourth they didn’t want to give up the fourth pick they wanted the fourth and the eth they were like nah that’s too rich for us but again it’s a little bit as I said earlier it’s a little bit too late and see that’s my whole point so where I’m not being optimistic no more I had to be real I start being real last season I start being real because I can see it that’s why if if you notice I started saying HKS ain’t gonna do that HKS ain’t making no move we gonna be let try HKS ain’t doing that I said that before the season end HKS ain’t gonna do nothing if you look at it Go Tre get rid of Trey get assets this before I start really saying something about Trey I agree with a lot of people but I ain’t said nothing because I don’t want to hear nobody mouth I ain’t trying to be debating all the time about no damn Tre Young from a basketball perspective great as he is that’s a again it showed me I’m telling you I’mma go back to what I keep saying when Trey was out coach Quinn coach differently you have to cater to your Superstar so you have to do dumb [ __ ] as a coach because of your Superstar to make him happy Trey went got Trey wanted DJ so everybody blame J but Trey the one who wanted them if you look at it Trey is not respected in the league by players who gonna go one come in player DJ at this point how can how can you have a superstar that don’t want nobody else to come play with them right how can your your your peers don’t vote you in the damn Allstar how come I mean again that’s not necessar his fault per se but that’s just the way it is right he’s an allar it is I was trying to be nice junk out to be nice but yes it’s his damn fault his his he need I said I think I said ear in the season he need a PR person cuz his PR is trash right now you need a Public Relation person because his image the H Team right now needs a whole that is true a makeover PR wise like yo we are we got we got [ __ ] on our name bro the whole hws team it’s like yeah for years and years and years we can’t get a free agent here like what is that about and it you can’t see tell me cuz you got a girlfriend in town that [ __ ] yeah exactly yeah it’s just what it is I mean you know and see that’s why theand like Chris and N it’s not about being right because I’m still a fan of damn team that it hates me I hate to be to said I’m just being realistic you know no I want yeah I’m G to come raise hell yes I’m F to talk because I’ve been trying to tell y’all asses this ain’t it ain’t it ain’t happening it a it ain’t it I’ve been saying that I’ve been saying it I’ve been saying it so that’s where my hope is I have no hope I I I have no hope until I have hope hold on I have no hope for this coming season let me say this I have a hope for the future if they don’t [ __ ] it up I like these young guys RT what’s your solution to to make the house better I train need to stop playing the hero ball and when I herig I was talking about earlier I know exactly what you’re saying you’re really it’s him it’s him wasting six six seven seconds on the shot clock just to get you know a highly contested three-point shot when he should just be driving dishing it back out and having an open guy shoot and being precise on what being precise on what your attack points is like exactly what you want to or how you want to do how you want to execute with the ball I saw this with with Dante deante knew what he wanted to do with the ball he knew he wanted to execute with the ball that’s what it mean when the sh Shenanigans you see here trying to get a foul by backing up on people and stuff like the shenanigans is what I’m talking about they tried to J on you Mario they tried to you know Marin they tried to question you about that bull crap right and see that’s why sometime this the first time I really laid in to Trey because I’m done I’m I’m to be real we have conversation now yeah right it’s he’s not again he’s not he’s not it ain’t his fault totally yeah I’m talking about his Play I Don’t Like It Ain’t his fault we [ __ ] up it’s the front off but he could be so much better if he passed it more he he passed the ball man it’s you know like we led the league and clutch losses like we lost we led the league in games lost by less than five pointso you know how many times like we could have won those games exactly you know how many of those games we could have won and see I explain it but I want to get into it everybody because I already know the Marans and everybody going to come for me and I’m I’m speaking fact I speak with facts it was five then the told end it was seven what that tell oh well see that just tell you because we were hurt dumb ass we was even we were hurt cuz we’ve been in every game when we were hurt that’s why I came back and double down and say if Markin come here when somebody say oh we I said no with Mark even with we should win more than 50 games we should no less than 50 and I told see you can’t explain to somebody you gotta c i and you can use that fact but because we let we it’s true we did lead the league and the most losses less than five or less than five points what was the Mind say that he turn me on to Deon kept saying third quarter Trey come out there playing that damn hero ball and the offense start run stop running like it is like it been and we trick off the games right so that’s why I get upset when it keep it keep saying as a point guard and it’s it’s the multiple like three four possessions in a row where there’s no scoring you go five six minutes without a score but hold on let’s be real now Tre go see down and they go into a stagnant situation where none of them ain’t scoring you know why saw that do you know why tell me please so the so the game of basketball right in the game of basketball nobody got into the damn flow into the flow you have to get your players in the flow of the offense because they standing around like the damn team always standing around you can’t just turn on all right you’ve been in the game you ain’t got into the flow you gotta let them folks get that get off hold UPA hold up that’s what that’s what madeth Lundy versus Kobe B I’m looking at a play right now versus Kobe buffkin and he SC on man your man’s got to play your boys man he gotta play these guys this is coach go to stop this [ __ ] got [ __ ] the politics man we aor te but but but again this again since we talking now again I told you quen coach differently and remember I’m saying when I was explaining what I was talking about cuz he was forced to I mean he because he’s hamstr strong let’s just keep it 100 right I’mma keep it 100 that showed me everything that that showed me everything I thought and I said it right before hey Quinn we gonna figure out if Quinn can coach or not he coached his ass off everybody getting burned he was getting whatever that politics is that’s just what it is and then when it came Tre Trey came back we was on that [ __ ] again why this why I tell you I’m 5050 uh foot because a lot of time I saw that [ __ ] within LCA too I saw that [ __ ] in the finals I saw it in the whole playoffs yeah luk be on that [ __ ] Luka be on that [ __ ] he be with the shenanigans too yeah and I should have never brought his damn name up because people didn’t understand what I’m saying you know I know I know you did I know you you you were you you you were tripping but I know I knew you understood what I was saying because it was about that I was talking about one LCA has his size going for him and and from from he can def he’s he’s not a great defender but his sides affect people shots blocks let’s when we made that trade I said my I said I was like I went to I went to Facebook and everything I was like look man I don’t even know what we was thinking but this guy 68 why you don’t take him and run with it like what is I was trying to be positive you know why I think I told y’all earlier oh we getting C red too I’ll do that I want it look but if we get Trey and can R oh yeah we good but and I always said give me five give it five years we gonna see who won this trade and we know who won this now because cam reddish was in his [ __ ] head spoil and and that could have been cam reddish is [ __ ] sick man I don’t even want talk about I thought he was gonna be I I really was fooled because I thought he oh yeah I thought c r was gonna be really good man he had but guess what he has that potential he you saw you saw spurts of it but yeah he he spoiled he spoiled he should have rode with the hwks we would have been straight man I’mma go back them guys Kevin herder cam we had a squad man we did we didn’t give it time see people keep talk we didn’t give it time when Trey came in with re we didn’t give it time because that Eastern Conference Final hey wasn’t expected oh we good no you got to continue to build and don’t be and you start S and they I’mma tell you they messed John Collins up by throwing him out at the corner corner when when Clint came in his points his rebound dropped by two his points dropped by three then because start they throw him out in the corner then he got his finger messed up he shouldn’t have been playing no more he kept playing and they want to stick him on the corner shoot a damn three for what he’s a slasher yep dude is 2010 and with Clint he was damn to that him and Clint was killing them folks man yeah that’s what worries me about you know Jaylen Johnson and uh Clint just like they may end up turning I what this is what I hope I don’t want to happen is they end up turning Jaylen and the John Collins 2.0 I’mma tell you right now Jaylen don’t play like that he ain’t gonna play that [ __ ] but but but I’ve seen Trey free Jaylen out too Dr I seen free out Hunter and Jaylen Johnson many times like bro what are you doing when they own let them be on bro yeah again that’s why that’s why this that’s why DJ came I’m not dj Dre came out and said DJ the damn leader see again people a’t been paying attention to these ex interviews these interviews period Dre said DJ is the leader and it’s also it’s like when V went six for six from three they kept feeding him exactly he’s got into the flow feed the dude that’s Quinn if you got the hot hand you should be getting the ball that’s Quinn’s fault too but as your point guard you R that’s your fault too that’s all I’m saying like I said if you for the better man of the team he don’t want to listen he got to [ __ ] go bro yeah but it’s unfortunate Mario it’s unfortunate just because right now his value is at lowo like you could probably get two first rounders from two maybe three for Trey and let me let me say what I what what what see people don’t talk about right see they so scared of losing Trey oh we had a cuz the whole we had we a had a superstar like this we had a guy like since Dominique who cares guess what the H still going to be here he going to be gone at some point we all going to be dead but the H’s gonna be here right and and that’s my point so you keep talking about this CA you’re afraid cause you oh we got this this this but we’re not winning right so when I start losing respect for Trey that’s different than what I think about this play I start losing the spread you don’t get on the damn team plane you get your own damn plane because you pissed off that’s disrespectful to the team they could they can keep they can keep bro yeah that’s that game that Nate McMillan didn’t play him huh Miami you talking about Miami think so I think it was Miami because it uh because Trey didn’t want to practice because he was hurt but Nate was like you’re practicing and then Trey got angry and took own his own plane and he didn’t play the next game went back to Oklahoma yeah then the [ __ ] went to Oklahoma see see people don’t see that as a problem he he first of all see see and then they blame blame Nate oh he’s old school just like they said Nate couldn’t coach right n oh Nate said development is over with hell yeah [ __ ] get get on your time so this this is this is that’s the problem I had Nate ain’t got time see a lot of people ain’t never seen Nate play don’t know the type of guy he is Nate was a dog oh yeah guess what Nate was a point guard people see Nate was a point he was a [ __ ] dog on his defensive side he was a dog period right they don’t see that in him they don’t know that so Nate Nate man they ain’t got time for this fooling the new age dudes thing about Nate a like we didn’t get we I mean when he was here we would have never known what JJ was about man he wasn’t even putting JJ out there Mario we don’t we don’t talk about that JJ wasn’t ready did did J J JJ just like cam JJ was ready talking about Bruno you know until until he worked with LeBron you see before last JJ M he W matur maturity he he was the same way cam came up they s they they thought they made it and they get and they they bounced around the Finish R so JJ but what I do respect JJ figured he didn’t come in here with like me me me me his whole attitude he knew he work I respect that right hey did you see that he was working out with LeBron again yeah he better he clutch po they trying to get him paid yeah so he said he went to LeBron last year to get some he basically he understood like bro I need to get right and they talked about what what what he learned he went and got some mentoring probably hey bro you just need to get your [ __ ] together work on it get me and whatever stay focused so that’s good to have a mentor like LeBron as much I despise LeBron Somebody Sometime he is who he is let’s keep it 100 yeah you need need some I feel like for the formul work what we had to make it to the east conf fin you need some veterans that that can get them team get keep keep players like Trey and [ __ ] yeah and see here and here’s the problem we don’t talk I talked about this long time ago Trey got what he want why you think tra’s up out of there because remember tra was gonna trade for DJ you can give her everything Trey went to the allar him and DJ got became friends and he W that’s okay but but but guess what tra didn’t want to make that deal is too much so so so Trey buddy the Restless son how you think Travis gotta get up out there it’s all this [ __ ] is all about Trey it’s all about Trey it’s all about Trey so guess what Trey won’t what Trey won’t Trey got this his fault just like when LeBron did the when Jim LeBron did all stuff he didn’t get what he wanted then they lost and whatever or whatever the case may be again this is I this [ __ ] go deeper than just what on the the game play right so Lord how the hell you going to fire a coach like that when you rebuilding CA Trey didn’t like him Lord Lord pierce his background comes from that like of Nate the coaches he’s coached up under are not about that [ __ ] oh yeah you know beforehand why you think he had a job with he coach coaches when he left and still had he’s must be respecting him Olympic team coach team it’s like when you had Dwayne Wade come to the Atlanta Hawks press press when they announced lloy Pierce’s coach saying that this guy is the real deal I’m like he obviously knows what he’s doing yeah so so you g believe it or not bro believe it or not looking back at it man like he had like he knew what he was doing with rotations and everything like yeah but but but again see this this is what these non these fans that don’t know the damn game oh Lord was trash no he wasn’t he got a rebuilding roster a fresh new he did I think he was doing well and he brought and he brought key assistance with him right just like they FR oh Nate they don’t understand the game bro they don’t understand the mental these dud soft right yeah they sof so that’s what it was so Trey got him up out of here I think I said that in my Spiel because I said it early on another thing Trey got Lord up out of here got Nate up out of here got uh uh uh Travis up out of here unintentionally but yes JC up out of here because see oh now see J JC was the mold no JC told you what in every EXT interview listen to these ex interviews man listen to these interviews see people don’t you got to sit like Mario if you s and think about this like you saying now you see what I’m saying right so again then you got Trey Daddy he get his ass on Twitter you know yeah Raymond monster youngster mentality yep exactly right and and that’s where we at man and and again that’s why I’m in real form the last two days that’s why I’m going the [ __ ] off I be trying to chill but I’m done that’s why I’m G man like let’s really get him a team some guys around like like the guys we had with well I say the big we had like ginar was a Difference Maker the X yeah yes he was he was uh we need we need be around him that can but can I interrupt you for a minute Mario the problem is that ship don’t sell it’s too late to redo it it’s too late it’s that that’s it’s too late it’s too late because he F ask out his valuum went down and we’re done it’s too late for that he ain’t gonna be around for no we don’t even need to re Bild we need to retool you know so that that’s my whole is it’s the ship don’t sell again you got your people in you know you [ __ ] up the front office cuz tra didn’t want to get DJ then you got the front office everybody C to you and again I’m I’mma tell you like this what it showed me when Quinn coached that when I’m I’m go I’m G keep going back to this Quinn coached differently when Trey was out the team played he coach he literally coached differently all right than what he normally do it w people oh it’s c no he per when he Trey came back Quinn coach back the same way right the same way the same way so again I’m I’m not saying I just know what I saw right because i’ I’ve been on the Quinn ass the whole season you know what I’m saying why you doing dumb [ __ ] as a coach I wouldn’t be surpr man look look look this one minute Trey young ship don’t sell I don’t hate the player I can’t take nothing away from that ship don’t sell we need to do we need to do something different cuz somebody posted have this team Ain even had 60 wins with him but but but but but oh Trey did this Trey did that okay if Trey Take a playoff Trey need to add five more points why can’t trade I’m just however he need do why can’t trade so that’s how I look at stuff because you want to the you want to trade this trade that trade okay well I need I want him to play better defense we get hey Trey you get two more stops that’s four points or maybe five it’s time shoot the three be a Difference Maker yeah so if we ain’t winning with you I don’t care it could be Michael Jordan if we ain’t winning yeah because I think I posted in the chat where it was like the most wins he’s gotten since getting drafted is 43 and and foot that wasn’t even the Eastern Conference Finals run that was the Conference Finals when they got 41 wins so I mean it’s yeah I would love to see Les herob ball from Trey now I mean I’m not saying I mean he still get his you know 24 25 shots for make him efficient shot I don’t I don’t I don’t need my point guard to be the highest score on my team and see M Mike used to say when I started paying attention he was right I don’t need my I don’t need that I have a huge problem with Trey usess I have a huge problem problem with him driving too deep into the shot clock that I do agree with and then throwing it on and you can see the when you can see I’ve seen it more than one time when DJ was upset on the floor I seen when Clint was upset on the floor with him how he when they in position he ain’t doing [ __ ] but this dribble dribble and or take Dum shot I seen him with Dre those three I seen more on more than one occasion yeah so so that that’s that’s that’s what and no no catch up I’m not giving Quinn a pass cuz I you know y’all know I’ve been he when everybody oh he’s a smart man he ain’t [ __ ] he ain’t want nothing more than n so he ain’t he ain’t that he need do he doing dumb [ __ ] too so I’m not I’m not giving him a pass at all you know you know Mario you you talking or cuz you muted I was saying that he need to do better than Nate cuz he went out they they went out and got him like he was gonna make a difference and you had people him like he was just this guy yeah cor One champion at that even with that decision from what I understand that one no even Landry decision that was a Kyle cor’s decision to kind of push that narrative so you got the front office in tomall you got assistant Jim Kyle corver really assistant GM KY Cory think about how that sound you just [ __ ] stop playing few years ago yeah had no like that that was my reaction when when I found out that they first signed him I’m like really K corver when you could have gone out and gotten somebody else I mean no no disrespect I love Ky love what he did with this city but you could have gotten somebody better Landry Landry then Matt like oh well man he a had no offer from Boston because they interviewed him it was no offer so he didn’t choose cuz it was no offer but Tony Nick whatever and man I tell you one thing if Arthur Blank would have bought this team money would have been spent I was about to say that I was gonna ask you guys I was gonna say like what if Authur blank bought this team the money would have been spent if you can’t if you can’t if you can’t say nothing El about that man yeah spend money he GNA try everything get a winning team yeah and and then folks be clowning him but f f folks be clowning him oh he he he involved man that man has always try hey man oh do free agent AR the blank closed deals oh yeah and and the players that he closed deals on don’t talk about I w’t come here he wouldn’t let me go you go to dinner with Arthur Blank it’s a rap bro I don’t know what the hell he be saying but it’s right I be I would love to listen to game replays and hear the entire Stadium say we want Arthur hey he old right now so I don’t know how long he gonna last but uh you know see what see what Pharaoh said boy you DOA you know what it wasn’t gonna work yeah he put no [ __ ] you know what I’m saying it would have work and that’s sad about it that’s sad car they they man yeah he one of them he one of the top richest owners and again think he’s like number seven if he until he get B real basketball people around see nobody talk about Dam consults they brought in they keep bringing him to help Landry one they brought in he left one they brought in he want no more part why you got to keep running consultant in maybe them consultant came in said man y y’ [ __ ] run like trash and I’m out he brought in two the last one I thought he going to take land job he brought man a to be up this bull he out so that tells you everything you need to know see if you sit back and put all this stuff together you’ll see where we at as an organization you’ll see yeah so until then it it hey man I don’t know so there you so that answer your question Mario that’s why I have no hope you I I don’t have no hope for today let me say this they’re done today and tomorrow with the young guys a bright day I have heard that they will they are very interested in building around Jaylen and Zachary do it do it I would that’d be interesting to see I mean it’d be a I mean if they truly hit their Peak you know Brown and Tatum 2.0 or bigger Brown T hey man that’s wishful thinking well you know what I’mma tell you like this with the pieces we had today I can see them being better if they develop properly not the hall develop if the players go and do what the they need to do to get better because I can’t I’m not letting players slide no you know they have to go get work because with the CBA they they don’t the the that’s why when people talking about Nate say he don’t develop he need to go and I kept saying [ __ ] none of the coaches develop them they give them they hey they can lead him to water they can’t make him drink exactly you need offseason you while you on the beach in the hey go on the beach on the boat and do what you need to do get on the yach like I see a lot of them do hey after a first week or two take a break you need to get me in the lab bro this is your career pay the dude go pay the guy up in New York go pay the guy this D who made a living off this go get that work right because again half y’all don’t came out too damn early in the first place you know so oh yeah it’s just yeah can’t develop young guys for TR on the train that’s hey man again this team can’t get better with with trade plan the way he does that is true got as a point guard if Trey now if Trey was on a two or three we find I was like you’re reading my mind foot if he was a number two if he was a two guard or three guard I wouldn’t have no problem to play like if Trey was the second option on the team like I think he’d be a better second option he would Trey had about 15 assists oh yeah I mean you can still get your 25 26 points 10 assists 11 assists still be an Allstar yeah and see that’s that’s what it is you know and I understand hey this where I play this is how I keep my Max contract going I get it but it’s hurting the team right when you you don’t hang out with your you don’t hang out with he don’t he don’t hang out with his teammates right that’s a known fact that’s been said he don’t he’s he’s not a team player when I I’m not saying his player I’m saying if you with a squad that’s like in a in I think I men earlier today you in you in let’s say you’re in the Army right you going to war right you got to trust that NE that guy next to you when you in the when you going when you in playing that game you going to war any sports you going to war if you ain’t got a soldier with you that you can’t trust what that look like that’s how it not good yeah that’s how it is he’s not a soldier for the team hey what I I hear something for Tre the what they saying Mario misunderstood yeah the Misunderstood Superstar ain’t nothing to misunderstand about him oh yeah yeah I’m I’m just looking at I was looking at some highlights and said ra did what they they going back the his his dad background or whatnot you know and they just talking about young and Oklahoma City and all that stuff hey man hey look he ain’t Atlanta I’m sorry he ain’t Atlanta what he doing in Atlanta I see see John C would see another thing John car was doing a lot in Atlanta outside Community wise what Trey what is Treyon doing in the community bought a pickle ball team enough said it he what what he doing he bought a pick ball the pickle ball teams you didn’t know that Mario I think I thought something else so I know hell pickle ball is it’s smaller version of tennis yeah yeah so he’s not tied to this community no kind of way see this what the community ain’t talking about what the hell you doing to the community as your people supporting him what are you doing to the community look at that look at what JC was doing in the community hell even Clint you know just like Matt Ryan was hated but what do you doing in the community and still doing the community he love the community he’s still here you see what I’m saying but a lot but I mean for one on the other end like I said I’m always 5050 about certain things bro that’s fine I think the issue with a lot of people not want to come here to is our fan base we we we I think the grow growing the growing mediocrity that’s that’s that’s a part of our you know our whole Sports Community is the reason why you got the these fans that be want to slap the [ __ ] out of somebody because they ain’t playing the way they playing or they playing the way they need to play or the way they we draft players from either team or whatnot and we’re just sick and tired of just being in the middle of the road can can I say something though go ahead brother um I don’t think it’s the fan because at the end of the day them players care about what number one that bread right right because the fans don’t control [ __ ] the fans don’t make decisions other than come spend their money so they don’t give a [ __ ] about the fan hold hold let me stop you right there so if I come spend my money if I come spend my money I’m I’m looking for a winning product I’m looking for 100% agree I’m talking about player I agree I agree but what I’m saying fans not stopping a player from coming here if they’re bread right right they they don’t care about the fan they care about that bread and how the team when I said growing frustration when you come in you come in the season every other season and you holler out you speak out you fix your mouth to say oh the season the beginning of the Season or the season is boring oh you know what I’m saying and and you say that you gonna people frustration is going to grow out of some of the fan base oh absolutely but but stuff like that or you come in and you don’t give your 100% 110 when you come in here you hold I’m confused I’m confused you were saying one of the reasons the players don’t come here because of the fans right that’s a lot yeah a lot of time they don’t because the reason why is we put so much expectations on these guys to perform and they don’t so check this out my response to that La Boston Philly I got a reut for that but keep going go ahead go ahead Mario you you calling out teams that I know you f say you’re right I know what you GNA say go ahead you’re right they get they get Hella help from the league bro I’m sorry oh oh okay say that call out teams that that you like you know it’s fixed it’s a fix in the game for it now say it like that but it’s like how does La and Boston win 18 to 17 years of winning I mean they they’ve won it all that many times okay now how did how how did you come up with a titum and then come back and get a jayen brown check this out though I feel you on that and you’re right see but see but you gota look at where it started it started with the organization being the championship organization then once it got popped out the 90s I’m what I start to see about 90s and stuff late 90s to 2000 let said 2000 that’s when you started seeing some [ __ ] some some funny [ __ ] going on right it wasn’t it wasn’t like that the ref call the way the ref call some games compared to others see it wasn’t like that to about 2000 the way like you said like they didn’t let Chris Paul go you remember they stopped the leag stopped Chris Paul from on that trade going from New Orleans to you feel what I’m saying they Le sto that right so yes that’s because those organizations was already established earli as winners Philadelphia is a winning city right so again it’s marketing right right you notice those those big it’s marketing what is it about it’s about that bread just like when I said they be calling dumb [ __ ] on DeAndre Hunter because they know he’s a great defender they and they gonna make sure they just like what that Tim dunu what was that ref that got caught up he he let he let no you can see and NBA see you can see is I’ve been trying to avoid that for years this [ __ ] is obvious with the NBA right the fix be on wh gonna get tight especially against the Hawks the wh gonna get tight and it’s like and it’s like um it’s like Trey is supposed to be here that’s basically what it is so when Trey went in New York and whooped New York ass went to Philadelphia whoop whooped they ass and made to the E finals guess who lost money guess who lost money the the betters you become hated when you make people lose money so it you can see that they they then they went to change rules that they still don’t enforce on other players to this day yeah for this little guy this little guy I mean that’s why I like Trey because he he got say he got a chip on his shoulder he play like I like underdogs they went and changed the rules yeah and then you see them don’t even call it on other players they just C that for Trey right so they like what thas we gonna stop that [ __ ] that’s a foul all day long it ain’t his fault they didn’t stop get off his back you see his back so that I that’s that’s that’s where we are man just just just it is and that’s hey man that’s the league today man that’s that’s what we had to deal with it’s it’s sad where we at but it’s like if La win all the time and and it’s the it’s sad to the fact that we we don’t want to see nobody else win but La you I mean you turn on ESPN and it’s a it’s a Cowboys L it’s a Cowboys Lakers Patriots Boston Celtics Factory I mean it’s like we it’s sad it’s only a few teams that they they want to talk about every time you turn on the damn Tobe no matter how [ __ ] sorry they are you want to see they they want to talk about them all that’s like people watching the second round of the draft just watch bronnie get drafted that you see what I’m saying you see how they switch that up it’s nobody gonna question that nobody because first this the first draft pick I ever seen in the second round to get more than5 million in the signing bonus and all this [ __ ] that man he got a sign 7.9 million to sign with the LA Lakers oh he did it just say just just say your daddy gave some money your daddy gave them some money so they could sign you just say that bro hold on bro hold on hold you get that much in second round no no oh he got it oh not even not even half that no them dudes ain’t even reaching two million exactly bro and it’s all [ __ ] like it’s [ __ ] and got he he got he get paid $2,000 I mean $2 million year let’s see here he’s the most expensive 55th pick in the history of the exactly bro you got picked at number 55 they made a special day for your draft be oh yeah oh no he got he got how many years so he got seven million almost eight million for four years and he just F 55 million five million uh foot find me find me a 55th pit making that much that that’s still in the league yeah the five mill is um 5.4 is guaranteed let me see what the other dude made because yeah that’s that’s seem kind of high for a 55th pit bro I mean who else got drafted who else did they draft uh oh gosh Dalton connect dton connect right okay okay do connect make 3 million a year oh well do connect got paid so yeah let me see do connect the first round the guy got drafted in the first round the damn first rounder well no do connect got four years 18 million okay so yeah yeah yeah no that’s right look atal Philipi okay cuz he was like the 35th pick first pick of the second round yeah SP last name philli who who drafting who drafted oh gosh I forgot Detroit it wasn’t no it wasn’t Detroit it was some I mean if you want to you can just look at the first pick in the second round f i yeah f i l i p o w s k i what was he pick what was he pick it’s like 30 second round 34th I got him Utah Utah I got him Utah yeah let’s see why my brows slow something it’s tripping see KY philipos just brows trip hold on a second see was supposed to go first round are we in a different collective bargaining agreement now than we were four years ago I think there’s it’s going to be next year that’s next year no we’re in a different oh different one never mind it changed again yeah now we yeah from four years ago I think we in the we in a different one on yeah I think next year I don’t know it’s either next year or the year after that hold on for a second y’all can still hear me right yeah yeah hold on my browser acting kind of slow let’s see here damn let me see here so some resources something I got that damn 64 gig ram up in this mod now I got a beast now acting crazy around here dang this thing give me problems yeah I’m have to pull them up let me let me just pull them up on here I’m while way TR so Ben Simmons ain’t even in the league no more I think his contract ended this year a dunk in the playoffs godamn didn’t his his mental man like that’s sad to see what happened man yeah bro I want I want to Ben Simmons go after that sh don’t say bro would been a different story for him boy then I say Utah drafting them yes Utah why I don’t see him on here there a cap hole let me go back here um yeah this thing tripping y’all still there yeah all right all right spell this last name for me Cal philler f i l i m p o w s k i all right he was taking the 32nd overall pick to Utah why they don’t show don’t show that on on the thing hey man my internet must be tripping I got like a gig fiber this my SL up slow on my on my laptop I mean I’m on my um um what you call it uh iPad Paradox explain boy you look Bo you dripping hold on for a second I’ll be right back hey chat what y’all get the free agency period for the hwks at this particular moment a through F say right now half of them are going to be bees maybe what the hwks for the hwks yeah that’s what I’ve just generally seen is B plus B’s B minus for the Pelicans yeah I think we we go a I mean right now it ain’t a f but it ain’t it ain’t good I say a d damn it almost 2 o’clock how many people how many people are on there Mario I can’t see the YouTube chat hold on let me see I see F minus F minus C minus God damn how you get a f minus damn whoa that’s crazy check yeah did y’all find it I still ain’t pulled it up won’t pull that page up uh all right bro where you going who you talk to man my dog 32 overall what doesn’t this say his deal this must not be done yet they hadn’t agreed yet that’s what that’s must be what it is his his deal is not done that’s why I didn’t see him yeah okay cuz you know they probably still working out the thing well fellas in chat I’m F to go on ahead dealing with y’ man almost 2 am man I supped been in bed early it’s all good man we having a good time man we oh yeah yeah man appreciate I like these smaller these smaller chats with like four or five people you know why you ain’t gonna find it foot because it don’t exist only person got that kind of money was that 50 who else hold on let me let me let me go back let me see who else I need to find somebody compar that that’s why they made it a second day just for bronny to get drafted right that’s why like I said that’s why people watched it I was hoping he wouldn’t get drafted just to see LeBron’s reaction I mean but he was gonna get drafted bro but we all knew where it was going man rck scale let me look at The Rook scale that’s gonna tell her out the rooky scale I know uh Rob was uh Rob was making calls Rob palena telling everybody not to the rookie scale for number 30 is 12, 800,000 for the rookie scale that’s over four years though so that’s like they don’t they don’t go beyond BR is guaranteed five mil yes so that makes sense the highest paid who is the highest paid 55th pick in the NBA of all time um number one bronnie and that’s said there’s nobody else y’all Stupid Boy Who was the who was the 50 who was the 54 pick even go to uh oh gosh go back on like basketball reference find out all who was drafted 55th overall and just compare I got it I got it right here um Anton washingon to Boston who the [ __ ] who the hell is that so there’s a scale right there’s a scale some of them d ain’t really signed deals there’s a scale that you start with that they’re guaranteed Yeah Austin re let’s see Atlanta let’s go down 47 okay we we we haven’t even signed Z yet have we uh not sure yet I don’t think so [Music] 55th what’s your contract like brother yeah see some people show me your contract so once you once you go down a little bit more Johnny so the 55th pick in 2023 got paid $ million yeah paid 1 million in the 2023 draft 5 so what did uh the Ricky scale go up I doubt it especially how teams are like cramming to save money now yeah so some of them deal ain’t done yet all right guys I’m gonna call it it’s it’s to all right y’all yeah see also now wanna now want to work oh hey uh chat let me let me go over here for hey hey hey hey you should do a show about that though what’s that we should do another we talk H I might do that about the dra about I might do that that’s ridiculous that’s ridiculous I you brought that to RT you brought that to my attention too like I didn’t even realize that we we was that they was doing that show showcasing stuff like that for bronny only oh yeah well you know remember when clutch Sports came into when J the year JJ was drafted you know they did the whole ESPN showcase on their guys that was being GJ that’s when JJ was had a whole damn body above Rim I keep talking about and then the the agents and stuff was mad because they did that on ESPN you know so this B that’s B is bad as LeBron going on and saying he going to Miami bro all that stopping all the presses and we all tuned into that [ __ ] I didn’t tun into it I’ll let y’all have it hey man chat Raymond hey man appreciate you appreciate you you hung out with us catch you we appreciate all you guys man we’ll catch y’all on the next one all right fellas peace out all right man me see let me see if I can do this right the what the the outro let let me see if I can do the outro right here we go go here we go let me see not the logo where the outro at where is at where is at where is at let me see if this [ __ ] gonna work damn LeBron I mean uh [Music] deand there you go Mario you can do it for us here we go let let me go let me go ahead do this thing [Music] like my my sh

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