[Friedman] Jack Roslovic will be signing in Carolina

[Friedman] Jack Roslovic will be signing in Carolina

  1. Looks like our first game vs the hurricanes is Nov 27. Make sure you bet heavily on this guy to score his first goal of the season against us

  2. Lasting memory of Roslovic will be him missing that empty net on Florida in Game 6 on a rebound…

  3. Fast skater. Gets into the offense zone quickly but once he does his game falls apart. Loses the puck almost immediately, gets fore checked, or makes an errant pass.

  4. I’ll always remember fondly how we gaslit ourselves into thinking he was the next Vatrano

  5. Never seen a guy play at such high rate of speed and with such purpose just to immediately stop all of that as soon as he crossed the offensive blue line.

    It’s like there was a magical force field in the offensive zone that his brain couldn’t make across. If advanced stats were worth a damn he’d be a regular in the top 6. Too bad he can’t finish for shit.

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