the New York Rangers did not make any big moves in this year’s NHL free agency they signed one guy for the actual NHL team so far in Sam Carrick a fourth line Center we can play a solid two-way game there physical guy but definitely not a star level player definely not even a big signing he’s a fourth line Center and that’s what he’s going to be at best then you have a guy like Riley Smith who the Rangers traded for who is a a middle six kind of Winger there can play in the top six but is more of a kind of second line or third line kind of right winger can provide some great depth scoring on the third line there you know being a solid kind of two-way Winger there helping the PK plays fairly physical but also can be a 50 60 point kind of guy possibly while playing alongside guys like Ryder and Zan Jad on that second line so it’s going to be interesting to see kind of what happens here through the rest of this offseason do the Rangers decide to go out there and make a big trade happen or maybe make a signing here there there’s not too many you know big name fre agents left but there’s a couple decent freance left that could be nice targets for this Rangers team but the question is has Chris jury in New York rers for an office already done their heavy lifting by acquiring a guy like Riley Smith myself and I’m sure most of you Rangers fans would agree with me when I say this let’s hope not let’s hope there is another big deal out there whether it is you know more than lik going to be via trade ideally it’s not a rental guy because when you’re constantly giving up first round picks and high tier assets like we have done over the last while the trade deadlines me look at a guy like Andrew cop Tera senko Patrick Kane their Smothers as well it’s not ideal to constantly be giving up a lot of draft draft capital and prospects for these rentals so hopefully if we’re going to make a big trade happen where it is a first round pick you know plus plus whatever it is hopefully it is for a guy who has more term than just one year or at least a guy who could look to extend at some point but my point here is are the Rangers actually done with making their big moves until this year’s upcoming NHL trade deadline like I said you know they made that little move there for a guy like rice Smith there a second and a fifth round pick you know obviously not a crazy Trader I’m fine with giving up a second and a fifth for a rental of guy like you know Riley Smith who is a second line caliber guy plays this all two-way game helping the PK plays very physical a veteran guy has been a true playoff performer as well that’s one big thing with him is he is a true playoff performer that is very important this guy shows up in the playoffs and accelerates and kind of you know exceeds his actual regular season numbers there he takes a big step forward in the playoffs which is important but are the Rangers actually done with their big moves this off season I think it is a possibility I’m not saying I’m hoping for that I definitely want to see more moves happen with this Rangers team this off this team is not good enough to win a cup I think as they’re kind of built right now unless eigor is going to save every single shot he faces this team’s not really good enough right now to win a true cup so are we done I think it’s possible unfortunately I think we might be looking at some other kind of smaller tier moves there’s a guy Daniel sprung up there in fre agency as recording this video he has not signed yet I think he’d be a nice addition but again he’s a you know a second line guy at best you know more of kind a lower tier maybe kind of second liner decent second liner but more of a kind of middle six guy there so that’s not a crazy kind of top six you know Topline caliber guy a decent kind of middle six Winger there and Daniel sprong I think overall though are there some moves out there for this team to make hopefully but maybe a guy like Nikolai eers is a possibility there are some decent players still out there via a trade that could happen but honestly I think there is a chance that he might be done with the actual big moves this off which would be very disappointing this team like I said is not good enough right now we got to make some more moves here we got to add an ideally a true kind of top lineer top six caliber Winger and then you can have a guy like Riley Smith there on that third line which provide some great scoring depth maybe a cocko trade happens there I think that’s a possibility but right now as things stand this team is not good enough and they could possibly done with the big moves this off se but doesn’t mean they’re not going to make a big move happen at the deadline there at the deadline though I just hope that we’re not going to make you know a couple you know once again like tereno and a Patrick Kane where it is you know two rental kind of guys we’re giving up you know multiple big tier assets and you know first round pick or possible two first round picks which ended up being a second for Kane there because didn’t go that far in the playoffs but still my point stands you know I don’t love giving up high tier assets for rentals that’s what kind of happens for the most part the deadline there it’s mostly before rentals so that’s kind of where I don’t love that idea of just waiting till the deadline there because we’re probably giving up you know a first round pick Plus for a rental which is not ideal you can’t constantly keep doing that because obviously this team right now does not have a ton of draft picks right now we have no second rounders for the next three years we’re missing a third rounder as well we have no Force like this team is missing a lot of their assets we do have all our first round picks that is a lot of draft Pi draft Capital you know not with this team right now they’ll be traded away over the last you know deadlines or offseason so hopefully this team can be smart here make a good move this offseason to acquire a very talented you know forward or defense whatever it is because we still need to add another defenseman here to kind of take the spot of Eric gson unless this team believes in a guy like Matthew Robertson or Zack Jones to go out there and really kind of take that spot of Eric gson which I think Zach could do a fine job feeling that but come playoff time I’m not really sure I want to see Zack Jones on this team as a true kind of you know top six caliber defenseman he’s the number seven or eight guy I’m fine with that but come playoff time i’ rather a bigger tougher more experienced NHL vet who’s been in the playoffs he’s done that maybe want a cup or two possibly as well would be ideal but that’s not necessarily there just a physical guy who can move the puck play all defensively and ideal could probably kill penalties as well but in general there there are a lot of question marks with this Rangers team going forward and hopefully they answer them at some point this offseason do not wait until the deadline which would be a little unfortunate next up here let’s take a look at some of the big major signings that have happened throughout this NHL fre I’ll kind of talk about whether I think they were good contracts and whether or not would like to see the Rangers kind of match those deals or possibly give a little more as well as after that we’ll take a look at some of the prospects in this Rangers system currently that I think could make a decent impact on the NHL team this upcoming season to kind of fix some of these tools that we definitely still have need to fill at some point whether it’s this off season or throughout this next season starting off with the frases though first kind of major deal here a guy like Brett pesy signed a six-year deal with a $5.5 million capit with the New Jersey Devils defenseman there solid defensive guy 29 years old I think that actually is a pretty fair contract I don’t love saying that about the Devils there as they are Rivals of our team but honestly I think that is a fine contract and if he were to give that out to a guy like R PES there I would not have been too upset about that at all I thinky Chandler Stevenson though he got a bit overpaid for my liking as well I was a big fan of him but got a little more than I would like to see there he has a seven-year deal with a $66.25 million cap he’s already 30 that’s not in a great contract there Jake de bruss got a 7-year $5.5 million capit I honestly think that’s actually a decent contract I don’t think it’s a great one not a super Team friendly one but definitely not too bad for a free agent signing seven years 5.5 for a solid kind of second line caliber kind of guy plays physical game could be a 50 60 point kind of player something around there it’s kind of what a boat he could bring if reers offer that I would not be against that but I think Chris Dre didn’t really want hand out these super long-term deals which most of these freance got with the cap kind of expecting kind of Skyrocket up in the next couple years it seems like you know a lot of these teams out here kind of offered quite a bit you know quite fairly High cap hits but also fairly long-term contracts a lot of kind of five six sevene deals were handed out I think the Rangers Inc Three the front office there kind of wanted to stay away from some of those big deals which I’m not against but obviously that means you’re not signing any big fre agent names and that’s kind of why we had to go after a guy like Riley Smith who is a rental with this team more than likely maybe he gets signed back next offseason as kind of a possible cheaper deal because he is you know getting into his kind of mid-30s there but still my point stands you know I don’t think Chris jury wanted to go out there and PID this kind of high cap which a lot of these guys got but also for a very long-term deal because it’s one thing whether you’re giving it a long-term deal or a high cap when you’re giving up both in for agency sometimes you know these deals don’t look too great you know a while ago whatever it was eight or so years ago we had that really kind of awful you know free agency where guys like David Clarks are getting massive contracts those a lot of those deals look pretty terrible so is this going to be another one of those Poss be both the cap going up some of these deals are going to look fine but some of them are not going to look too good at all and a couple more here before we carry on to the prospects I think could make an impact a guy like sea Monahan 5 years at 5.5 already 29 I actually don’t mind this deal at all for the Columbus blue Jacks think that is a phenomenal signing normally they kind of have to overpay a bit for some players just because they’re not obviously a great team and not the biggest Market in the world I think that is a perfect signing for the Columbus again a division team I don’t love talking great about them but I’m going to be honest here I think that is a good contract especially for them and if rers bra from about like five years at 5 mil I would not have been against that at all I think that’s about kind of what he’s worth and deserves so overall that’s a pretty solid contract there R just offer something around there I would not have been against that but again I don’t think Chris D wanted to go super long term a guy like Matt Roy he got 6 years at 5.75 to the Caps that’s a little too expensive for my liking there a guy like Brady Shay got a massive overpay in my opinion 7even years at 7 m per he’s already 30 years old I think that is a massive overpay but obviously the PRS wanted to make some big moves happen Stam Co at four years 8 mil that’s too much too long term and to have a cap in my opinion he’s worth about 8 mil but for four years that’s going to be too much and Jonathan Marshall the finally got we’re going to talk about here I liked him a lot but at 5 years at five .5 I think that is too much he’s already 33 he’s going to get into his very late 30s by the time this contract is up I think for the next couple years it’s going to look great but after that it’s definitely going to be extremely expensive carrying on though taking look some of the prospects I think can make a good impact on this team for this upcoming season to fill some of those holes on the forward side of things are guys like Brandon othman Brett barard and Adam edstrom I think a guy like Offman there could be a nice fit possibly on that second line alongside Cryder and benette on the right wing there he can play left and right so might be a decent fit there a cheap Prospect obviously very talented guy know decent two-way games kind of worked defensively over the last couple of Seasons got a lot better on that side of things there great offensive player great shot decent playmaking not bad at all there definitely a pretty kind of high tier Prospect and could make an impact at the NH level of this upcoming season do so at a very good level or you could possibly fit somewhere on that kind of you know third line there may being the third line right winger if we trade away got caco for draft picks which I don’t think would be the worst idea at all I honestly kind of rather see a guy like Offman take that spot on the third line over caco especially if we can get some good draft Capital back like a third and fourth round pick or a third and fifth maybe conditions on there as well but I think that wouldn’t be a bad idea at all to get some draft Capital back for a guy like kaco and get a guy like Offman on that third line there who can provide at least out of man what kako can bring but do so on a cheaper contract you know save an extra you know almost 1.5 million while also getting some draft Capital back which this team desperately desperately needs to do a guy like barard there nice left Winger you know smaller guy but plays a bit of a gritty game fairly physical for his size good offensive threat there led the Harford wol pack in scoring last season for goals very very talented Prospect again could be a nice fit there somewhere on that third line possibly and a guy adet him there could be a great bottom six forward he’s very very tall 68 guy can play left wing Center and right wing very very style a big forward him and that ramp on that fourth line would be pretty cool to see there being you know two 6′ s two 6’8 guys they’re very very tall fairly physical and I think if we could see more of them together that would be pretty cool to see at the NHL level and for the defense there’s not a whole lot of guys there but Matthew Robertson and Zach Jones I think are both guys who you know would be fine on the third D pair for the Rangers but come playoff time if it is Zach Jones on that third you know left-handed side deep pair spot I don’t love that I want to see a bigger more physical tougher guy can move the pot quite well more veteran guy who has experienced in the playoffs on that third D pair throughout the regular season though I’m fine with that so we be waai until the deadline to make that kind of move I’m not against that but I do think a guy like Robertson could possibly be ready he’s a solid guy getting more kind of close to to is kind of mid 20s now he’s getting up there in age a bit more not necessarily A young Prospect anymore can he make the impact at the NHL level it’s possible but Hammer Zach Jones could be decent fits on that third left-handed deep pair spot we’ll have to wait and see what happened throughout this preseason training camp and all that good stuff leading up till this 2024 2025 season where the Rangers could possibly be pretty much running it back which I don’t think is the best idea but come deadline this team could be looking to make some big moves happen there instead of this off season anyways thank you so much for watching if you have enjoyed this video please smash the like button helps with the channel a ton I would really appreciate it if you are a Rangers Fan don’t forget to hit that subscribe button for daily New York Rangers content also comment down below your thoughts on this Rangers off season do you think they’re going to run it back with the same team pretty much think they going to make a big move happen at some point throughout this off season big trade maybe Nicolai eers who I don’t love because he’s rental but still would not be a bad move at all thanks for watching I’ll catch you next one and see you

New York Rangers have had a fairly slow start to the 2024 offseason only signing one NHL-caliber player and making one trade for a solid middle 6 right winger. Rangers may look to wait until the NHL trade deadline to make a big trade while being able to accrue some more cap space throughout the season.

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  1. So many teams have gotten considerably better especially in our division and we have done little but create drama in the organization and locker room.

  2. all depends on moving Trouba … 3 names I keep coming back to that are still available ( smaller moves obviously, shouldn't be very expensive) … you mentioned one in Daniel Sprong… Alex Nylander… and Kailer Yamamoto

  3. It is looking increasingly like we are running it back, making bad TDL deals in which we give up assets to have them sign with other teams in the offseason. Just wait for Igor to get his bag of 12+Mil 8yr taking up over 12% of the cap, once that kicks in we are unlikely to provide Igor with the needed players to support him much like we did with Hank.

  4. To be honest our window closed last year we donā€™t have the cap to bring in any big star without moving out one of our core but drury doesnā€™t want to do what Tampa did so we are done

  5. Looks like a good year to give our younger guys more ice time and let them develop on the nhl stage. You could see Othmann and some of the others play a good chunk of games from our farm system. As a long time Rangers fan guys like Jones, Othmann and Rempe should all see 20-30 games if not more. You canā€™t have it all at once, you have 82 games to put together the best team you can. The coaching staff did a great job picking the starting lineups from camp last year. I didnā€™t like all the one year deals but I only think that did that because our young guys are all just too young.

  6. Itā€™s funny to watch how stories get fabricated Out of nothing. šŸ˜‚ free agents got overpaid because of many factors. Only can build with what you have. This team is in a good position overall. We lost to the team that won the cup not far off.

  7. You mentioned heavy lifting being done? They didnā€™t start the lifting if they donā€™t address the porous defense issues. You would think a GM would analyze what went wrong in that Florida series and say. At times we couldnā€™t get the puck out of our own end for minutes at a time during even strength play. The panthers cycled so much in the Rangers zone there were ruts in the ice behind Igorā€™s net. I think that needs to be addressed just for a goof.

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