Buffalo Sabres Development Camp 3v3 Tourney | 07.04.2024

Buffalo Sabres Development Camp 3v3 Tourney | 07.04.2024

e e e e and then it would be our social media team with the camera in the middle I’d assume uhhuh I put the gear on and skated with the pros in the college kids how F it’s unbelievable my shoulder pads felt like I couldn’t stick handle I felt like I don’t I felt like it was embarrassing for me I did not I don’t know how Vinnie does it Savage it’s great we’re challeng you’re getting it now you’re getting it cuz you’re five points for a pass through what do you mean Five Points they’re a little close it’s a hockey net do you wanted me to bring out the soccer net or what get so good that you could don’t ever have to put your head down the best defenseman in the world almost never put their head down ah guys keep covering my stick oh he went the wrong way y off the wall attack downhill yes you’re right little bit of a workout we for you through like always wouldn’t be C without you here getting to work and almost getting killed job me is ice s on you is that you in that no no is you I wasn’t paying attention I was just celebrating the goal to be honest I didn’t know who was in there this way other way wrong way oh no oh yeah oh yeah my head feels B he’s big eh toy holy smokes boy yeah I wish cover the whole just like this like the whale and play The Walrus one the wall walrus huh so much Ste what does that mean sty you want to switch parts I’ll go C want to see the big man move get there get there get there yes sir release me oh just having fun that’s all should have been wearing the goldpro should have been wearing the gold Pro e e e e and then it would be our social media team with the camera in the middle I soon uhhuh I put the gear on and skated with the pros and the college kids how F Los it it’s unbelievable my shoulder pads felt like I couldn’t stick handle I felt like I know I felt like it was embarrassing for me I did not I don’t know how Vinnie does it Savage that’s it’s great we’re challenging you’re getting it now you’re get it cuz you’re five point for pass through it what do you mean Five Points they’re a little close it’s a hockey NE what do you wanted me to bring out the soccer net or what get so good that you could don’t ever have to put your head down the best defenseman in the world almost never put their head down ah guys keep covering my stick oh you went the wrong way yep off the wall attack downhill yes you’re right little bit of a workout week for you like always wouldn’t be C without you here getting a work and almost getting killed job me is I SC on you is that you in that no no it’s you I wasn’t paying attention I was just celebrating the goal to be honest I didn’t know who was in there other way wrong way oh no oh yeah oh yeah my head feels 50 lb heavier he’s bang man ho smokes yeah I wish cover the whole just like this like the whale play the walus one the wall w huh so much what is that me you want to switch parts I’ll go with toi want to see the big man move get there get there get there yes sir Release Me oh just having fun that’s all should have been wearing the gold Pro should have been wearing the gold Pro well the happy 4th of July it is the 2024 Buffalo Sabers three Onre tournament that concludes their annual development Camp a pleasant good afternoon everybody hope you’re enjoying your holiday and hopefully an extended holiday weekend Andrew Moss’s alongside Brian Duff and Rob Ray and guys uh it’s always fun this time of year you start to think about next season the NHL schedule just came out and for a bunch of these young mostly teenage players it’s time to give their ch chance to uh to get a look and earn a look and get some opportunities in Sab jerseys Razer I guess we’ll start with you you’ve been one of these kids you were a Sabers draft pick you were that teenager that was uh hoping to be here one day Phenom is the word you’re looking for phom sorry icon Legend a placeorder what do these camps mean to the young kids well I’ll tell you what I never had the opportunity to come to something like this when when I was drafted you stepped in you came into training camp and it was the main training camp with everybody there was there was no velopment there was no coming in for rookie camp and it was tough because that first time you walk into the dress room especially that first year you’re like you’re an on you’re overwhelmed with everything that’s going on and everything’s new to you so it was kind of a position where you might not have been playing to the level that you could possibly play and do what you got to do because you were so overwhelmed of everything going on it’s perfect now these kids get to come in they get to know each other that’s a big thing these kids are all over the world coming in playing in different leagues some know each other but most don’t they gets a chance to get to know each other build those relationships get to know the development group I think more than the coaching staff for the Sabers and Kevin Adams and Lindy Ruff and those kind of guys watching these kids it’s more for the development coaches that they get a chance to see what each kid can do allows them to be around them to get to know them but when they’re going to be working with these guys all the time throughout the season wherever they are they go out and you know to their college to their junior teams and work with these guys for days at a time it gives them good opportunity to see hey when we get there what do we need to work on yeah like Adam mayor and Tim Kennedy and Zach Redmond Sheamus CTIC um it it really is for a lot of them your a starting point in that relationship and for the guys that are here multiple times over it’s cool to see just the relationship that has developed with those coaches over the course of time and how much they enjoy seeing them on a regular basis through their regular season yeah I think these guys they don’t get enough credit because a big part of the development of these kids because they’re the ones working with them every day whether it’s oneon-one with them in their wherever they’re playing or through video through talking all the time so it’s a constant communication with these guys so they play a huge role in how these guys develop moving forward and in terms of this tournament we’re going to see three teams so it’s similar to last year team perau team Martin and team roer it’s going to be perau vers Martin to start we’ll get into the roles here in a little bit uh we can tell you one of them is going to feature 12 minut minut periods and this again being three teams is going to be round robin style there’s just under 30 prospects involved in this year’s development camp we will first though go to the anthems and we’ll tell you a little bit more about these players when we come back at we ask you all pleas if able and remove your CS as we honor two great nations with the play of and the starled banner e e for and with that we are moments away from getting hockey underway by the way uh for everybody that’s joining us on our stream you can’t see the near side here at leom Harbor Center in terms of the stands but this place is packed end to endend on our side Duffer Razer I think one of the coolest things for some of these teenagers is it’s the first chance the Buffalo Sabers fan base gets to see them in person and it’s got to be cool for the players to look up and see this many people here too yeah it is and there’s a lot of local kids here too whether Rochester Buffalo and it’s a great experience a great chance for these young men you know to play in front of the people too and they get a chance to see these guys that are homegrown guys so it’ll be interesting and and and I think for me it would be over the top it would be something that would push me even harder just to be able to uh perform in front of my own people I do want to mention the gold team is team perau the blue team is team Martin and on gold we have cona helenius of course the first round pick from the Sabres as we’re underway in this 3v3 tournament 12-minute running clock periods per game and this is a round robin format again so we’ll start with McCarthy back in his own end it’s again for the gold team and uh you know as we mentioned the gold team Duffer I talk about cona helenus he’s going to be a big guy that has the puck right now and I think has the attention of a lot of fans at this tournament he’s already got the first ooh of this morning here at Harbor Center out the center ice blue with it helenius going after vikor neev now you got helenius who’s in his first Camp Victor neev is in his third got to think there’s a bit of an advantage for a guy who spent an entire year in Rochester last season as he enters the Zone with Zer who takes a shot that one absorbed by the goal tener topus lanin who was a second round pick just a year ago highest draft pick uh amongst goals for the Sabres in the first century guys a lot of expectations for him and the buzzer in the background in case you’d forgotten they uh they Buzz for the line changes during this tournament yeah if not guys would stay out there too long which is probably hard not to do in a three on three setting you well they’re so used to it these guys this is what they do all summer long for training you’re not playing Five On Five hockey when you’re skating in the afternoons it’s you’re playing three on three it’s a much better conditioning Factor get you work on your skill a little bit more so rer to that point I’ll ask you I mean we’re talking early July 4th of July to be exact where is a pro player at this point in terms of their their offseason routine in the regimen well the big thing is in the summer you you sit with your coaching staff at the end of the year you have your your exit meetings and it’s like what do I need to work on and and and the summertime is not a time to be going out and just playing skating three on three and all this kind of thing it’s time to work on your skill if you need to work on shooting you need to work on your skating whatever may be that’s the time uh the the weight room that’s where you hit the weight room hard is in the summer to get to regain that muscle Mash you might have lost over the summer and that’s the kind of thing the biggest part of it is is you mentally you need a break from it a little bit you it’s so strenuous I don’t care if you’re playing college junior leaving the pro life you have to get away from it a little bit too you have to let your body recoup a little bit and more mentally than anything because it’s such a strain and you got team blue AKA team Martin in the attacking Zone although it’s taken away from them Gustaf Carlson with it and he’ll frisbee that one down the ice it misses everyone and onto the Stick of colender Scott rosoff who had the opportunity to be with the amirs on an atto toward the end of last season as Pier Brunet takes a shot that one sliced off the goal tender it’s picked up now by zemer Across the IC he goes in the right Circle back door opportunity to tap in for zemer evaded and a little bit of a scrum in front I should mention sure not your favorite role uh Razer but there is no hitting in this and and there’s no need to be you know what these guys are not out to prove something here physically there’ll be time for that once Camp starts and they’ll get the chance you know right now you the worst thing could happen is somebody come to something like this and get hurt and it’s happened in the past it’s happens every year you know at different places but you don’t want a kid to have to take the rest of the summer here when they should be working on things to improve the rehab of an injury that they got in something that’s not saying meaningless but it’s it’s not the time to do it oh here’s Jake Rashard out of Jacksonville Florida stepping in across the ice oh and it finds the iron on a cross ice pass nearly a goal we’re almost four minutes in scoreless in this opening game that one would have been buried by Gavin McCarthy who’s uh a local kid not too far from here Clarence Center New York as Max trach comes in the zone lot of exciting prospects to look out for the Sabers as he has a shot tipped wide off the Stick of Jack varer well everyone will keep an eye on sterback for the next couple of years just based on the fact that he’s a right shot defenseman and it’s such a focal point right now based on how the sabes are constructed as far as what’s coming in the pipeline for right d yeah Max stach nine points his freshman year with Michigan State I think another thing to mention is guys a lot of the players you’re going to see here today you probably won’t see right away in Buffalo come September October you’ve got some kids that have uh commitments to college some that are uh actually even going to be resuming high school and playing Junior Hockey but it’s got to be a great experience for them this early in the summer to get ready for those next steps well the sooner you get an opportunity to be exposed to this type of environment and training and dealing with the coaches the better off it is you don’t want to wait a kid even though he’s not going to be here for two or three years before you give him that opportunity to come out and be a part of things you want to get him you know involved as soon as possible be comfortable with the organization and the people and then when the time comes for him to get a chance he you know that transition is easier another line change being prompted here with under 7 minutes to go in this scoreless opening game of our 3v3 tournament should mention if it gets to a tie we go to a shootout as brune steps in for a shot that one is turned away yeah typically it’s been a sudden death One Versus One shootout is I’m didn’t uh check the rules but I would assume that that’s the case cuz they try to get it done as quick as possible I think so we are uh yeah I’ve got fireworks to let off so I got to be out here before dark oh we’re hoping we’re helping the cause with this early morning start by the way uh topus Lenin and who who made that save you can see those uh those bright red kick pads he didn’t even have those at the start of this Camp he was actually borrowing gold Center equipment his stuff didn’t come in until Tuesday I tell you what he looks good you know he’s a big kid covers the net really well but when the puck is down low and near the blue paint within 3 or 4 feet of the front his body is vertical he’s ight he’s got his pads flush he’s got his hand hands up and he covers low very very well and he pushes the puck to to you know out of danger area so he’s been tested and he looks really good speaking of looking good there’s zemer as he gets the first goal of this tournament and he gets scored up Brody Zer with the goal a little bit of goal tender curse there Razer it worked out one goal is not going to break the kid’s career well what warms my heart is the uh narrative that we like to uh continue on a daily basis which his faceoffs don’t matter and they they matter so little that they don’t even do them in this tournament that as soon as the goal went in they go right back into action on running time here so one nothing teams are extremely important buffer here’s Rashard on a breakaway shot and did that one go in I think it went off the post and behind ratoff as he bellies on top of it that one looks like it’ll be kept out and some Applause given to the goal te yeah Rashad’s been involved in two posts here on a great setup earlier to McCarthy and there shooting from the rightwing position he had a decent year but I think based on his own expectations it’ll be really interesting to see what Jake’s able to accomplish in his second year at Yukon this year hey Duffer you talk about expectations now for Rashard it’s his third development Camp do expectations change from then to your first yes I would have to think so Duffer you know what I’m I’m not going to answer for you I would I would like you to answer I would think that you know after coming in and having multiple opportunities to to be exposed and having the coaching and and and development and all that if you’re not improving then that’s not a good sign right you know like it doesn’t matter if you come in and your week in two or three areas you know within that two or three years that You’ had to to work on your development then if you’re not getting better then there’s a question you’re going to question is is a kid hit his Plateau or is he is he got a lot more to to go so that’s the big thing Olivia Ado just had a great chance there and he’s also interesting in the fact that he’s been around here and has battled through offseason you know injuries where he didn’t uh come to a camp like this in full health or able to participate and last year was in Jacksonville so we’ll see what he can do to try to earn his way up full-time with the AMS this year well I remember you know him being sent down to uh the echl’s Jacksonville Iceman the affiliate for the uh Sabers and amirs but Seth aert head coach of of the amirs at that time and stressed how important it was for him to get the minutes that they they just didn’t have room for him to obtain in Rochester and a pretty successful run with Jackson and after the week that this has been free agent wise man it is the competition is fierce once again at all positions just to make the amirs this year Andrew I mean when when you look at the depth at both the because the the forward group is expected to be so young with Rochester this year but they did bring back some key veterans great move there in tight by Jake Rashard we’ve been talking about him enough right there he goes cashing in after a couple of chances third chance he finally buries it yeah that was beautiful goal in the back but we were just talking off there before this started Andrew just about the blue line and how young it could be but then the veterans that have been brought back already this year right so it’s um it again we’re not seeing a ton of guys that are going to make that jump to pro this year but there are a few so keep an eye on them today and and just really try to get a feel for what they’ve been able to accomplish here this week well you look at the Blue Line even on the Sabers ster not a very old group of guys but a lot of experience and that’s the big thing so right and if you keep competition level for that that that position is going to be off the chart so I mean you you it’s hard not to look at the Sabers and think there’s eight full timers there right now here’s a breakway for team gold chance to take the lead and they do a shot and a goal coming off the Stick of Steven sardaran with a 2-1 game and just over two minutes to go oh nice job on the breakway he made one last move just inside the slot area and it froze rat laap and he was he was dead to the water he was fing his feet beat him on the blocker side it was a nice goal a start Darion coming out of St Petersburg Russia this is a a 21-year-old rookie who had a 14-point season last year he set to join uh Northern Michigan ratoff is pulled there’s going to be a four on three now blue trying to die things up and a shot that I think awakened uh Lenin in a little bit there but he was able to turn it aside McCarthy scoots the puck up toward Carlson again net empty 9 seconds to go team perau that’s the gold team with a 2-1 Advantage looking to get the uh first couple of standings points in this 3v3 tournament blue looking to tie it up Mato constantini here’s an opportunity for a shot that was from NF fan on the onetime team blue set up pinoa to zemer left Circle drops the shoulder and then shot one just over the crossbar and we’re down to the final minute of this opening game again net empty line changes forced and helenius will feed it off for a shot that goes wide of the goal blue coming up again entering the Zone trying to tie it here’s an opportunity for a shot that one denied by Lon and Puck sitting there it buckled off his padding and going behind to get it for a moment there that’s Simone Pierre brune he hovers at the top of the Blue Line 30 seconds to go right Circle shot that one for I think off the loose stick of helenius now Zer to stach returned to Zer and now opportunity sbach onetime and he scores how about that little bit of Dramatics for the F pant and then little slow getting the goalie back in there after they tied it and went off the right post oh man well let’s see can we get a buzzer beater after The Blue Team tied it up it looks like we will need more than 12 minutes one last chance at the doorstep for Rashard he’s already got a goal but it’s two for both sides and that means each team gets a standings point oh that’s fun for the fans and attendance to see some drama like that build absolutely and smart on team gold to fire it down immediately yeah great awareness and just off the outside of the post who did it I don’t know Razer I’m still looking for I’m still looking for the replay I was still looking at the goalie being slow getting into the net so bad coaching over there by Madam may not being aware of what’s going on getting his guy back on the ice quick enough all right so pear the r R I’m not seeing a a one-on-one shootout but we do know that we have the shootout so Victor neev will start it for the blue team he comes in looks between his legs and then goes to his backand that one is turned away oh I think it was closer than I thought it was at first Ling and had it right in between his pads he got a little fancy got in a little too tight and is it hard not to want a Showboat for the crowd yeah but all can this is what they all do here’s Shard a little bit of creativity on his end as he goes back to his forehand and shoots It Wide it would be good to hit the net though got to give yourself a chance right Duffer I admire the creativity I had one Breakaway in my career in Toronto shot the puck got the rebound came right back to my stick and I shot it again and scored There’s an opportunity that one also wide of the Target but I go back to my point if I didn’t hit the net the first time right then I wouldn’t ever got the second opportunity it’s true then I wiped out went in the corner that was BR Zer with the uh did may try to claim that goal from you as well yeah he wasn’t there then okay pre-br here’s K helenus first round pick this year stops and that should be it and scores it and I think that is the winner well there’s the kid that went 14th overall some projected him to be in the top 10 so you could say maybe he fell to the Sabers to steal for Buffalo and that’s going to get the gold team team throw the uh win at least we believe for now and because they win yeah white team roer is coming out on the ice now replacing the gold so we’ll have Team Rober make uh its debut it’s against team Martin so again going back to the way that this format works there’s going to be a 3 minute interval uh in between each of the first two games and that’s going to allow the goenda rest up warm up a little bit now following the third game we will get an ice cut uh before advancing into this tournament that’ll be the conclusion of course of the round robin portion at which point we will step aside but in the meantime we’re going to hang out and uh be prepared as uh these teams get ready what did you guys think of that uh move from Helen is pretty impressive a lot of patience and exactly what you would expect I thought he actually showed well in you know both ends of the ice prior to the the team giving up that tying goal in the last 30 seconds um he did have a strong defensive play on the outside side so again you’re not over evaluating this stuff but you just like the the little Tendencies of effort and with helenius specifically because we’ve talked so much in recent years about first round picks and and for a lot of these guys too their game may be a little more physical you know clearing you know the attributes they bring you can’t really show that off here in a three on three situation so it sometimes is a little harder to judge but you do like to see even those kids that are kind of that type of a player when they get the opportunity offensively to be creative and do what they got to do I don’t know how that one did not go in but the pulled off the line by the defender who’s now joined the rush and brunette two on1 an opportunity sent wide by zemer you know you’d have to think it helps helenius that o oenin is Coach O over seas or at least was for last season I mean you have a guy that has such a long tenure in the NHL with so many different teams and I I would think Razer that many different perspectives it helps to have someone who’s who’s been in that seat that you hope to one day hold oh absolutely because if if you’re smart and you’re you’re dedicated and and you’re you’re serious about your craft when you have an opportunity to work with guys like that you have to learn as much as you possibly can you sit you should be an open book and just take in everything you possibly can from all different types but when you got oen and who was very successful in the NHL offensively you can learn an awful lot from a guy like that oh here is the white team team Roar rushing in this is gir with a shot that one is steered away up and out into the safety netting by Roff I tell you what you know I know he’s l in those two goals earlier in the shootout he’s made some spectacular saves though it’s been a great showing for him early on pedaling out the corner there was vcil zenov he still dances with the puck hands it off to Victor neev down low looking for stach he’ll get it off the boards maurbach held to the outline yeah May they’ll let it go you know the body check exactly oldy how and may maybe it’s just a twitch there little nervous twitch for stirb back I look at the rules and I don’t see no elbowing so we haven’t seen much in the way of infraction SC a lot of Skating here in this three on three absolutely well and then you get to see the speed which is always so fun as constantini has the puck in center it’s picked off a his stick by the German Bor noan uh Norwin pinoa has it off to burn shown across there’s a pass to wwor stick Jack wwor another New York native tow drag now back to pinoa tries to get his p and he scores what a goal it all smiles coming off The Twig of Norwin pinoa not noted for his offense but you’d never know it there that was incredible uh just how he stuck with it in front he’s a seventh round pick from a year ago coming off his rookie season with shikami in the Quebec major league as mcmarro has it for team white so again The Blue Team uh who dropped that first game they’ve got a point in these standings now they’ve got a goal in this one as we’re three minutes gone another minute past another line change coming should mention a pretty cool story you talk we mentioned some of the New York natives Aiden McKenna is in goal for team roer that’s the white team Rochester New York native and undrafted invite T that’s got to be pretty cool for him yeah Little Junior saber development in his background and uh yeah I it’s the beauty of this year’s Camp specifically with the number of undrafted and invitees that are here uh fewer high-end prospects but uh a lot of opportunity for others oh he had that he had it locked under his right pad then he lifted it in the momentum took it in so I’m interested are they giving that to brune who took the shot I think Z I think zemer poked it in you would be correct so Brody zemer giving the uh blue team a two nothing advantage he’s skating in again looking for a multi-goal performance but Patrick giri beats him there keep talking about these local products out of Hamburg New York is gei yes and teammate is giri of sterback at Michigan State University so uh it was nice for them to reconnect here at development Camp after spending their year together at as Spartans you guys both hear so many players talk in media availabilities as well you got to love what he was saying earlier in this week talking about how he grew up coming to Sabers game seeing guys like you play and said that there’s no place he’d rather be as Roff makes it’s the greatest opportunity in the world if you get a chance to play in this league to the team you grew up watching well that’s the thing right I mean it’s it’s a dream come true to be in the NHL but then it’s a then you’re playing for the team that you you grew up going to Key Bank Center as a kid it’s got to be awesome yeah and and a feather in the cap to the junior Savers and Rochester as well you know the players are able to produce over the years here and get these guys maybe not always to the NHL but to college levels to Junior levels so it it just it’s a testament to how good the hockey is here in Western New York and you’ll see a lot of guys too uh even in the minor league level you knowl ECHL the American League as well um even I mean just you know coming from experience thehl you’d get guys out of the the Sunni schools in New York you got a couple of uh ojhl Buffalo Junior saber alums there so uh it’s a breeding ground for development in this city back behind the goal of the blue team again two nothing Advantage for them 6 and2 minutes to play here in game number two as an opportunity to grow their lead to three that was B shown near the front of the net zemer who made it two nothing hands it off to boka who’s got the other goal and he’ll return it to Brody Zer just out his reach he catches that puck Off the Wall handing it to top of the Zone they’ll skate out to center with it it’s got to be a heck of a workout too with the three on three right here in July hot day out these kids are these kids are in shape you know back in the day used to get in shape in August here’s a breakaway chance to cut the lead in half and ratoff making another save as he denied constantini that’s Matteo constantini his third development Camp as well yeah these kids from the time they’re 14 15 years old they’re they’re skating all year round now it’s a there’s no downtime you almost got to force kids to take some downtime now just because they’re growing and is that allowing themselves to develop a little bit because so many of them think I got to be on the ice got to be on the ice I got to be doing something and sometimes it’s good but sometimes it’s a little detrimental too you you you got to be hungry when the time comes to perform whether it’s in September in training camp or once the season starts you got to be hungry and want to play and be ready to play you talk about all guys that are going all year round sometimes especially younger kids lose that edge a little bit so I don’t even if you talk to the pros you’ve got to have that time to shut it down it’s so to your point Razer is that different from when you were a kid growing up there was no ice like where I grew up you had to drive an hour to to find any ice and like I said you wouldn’t start that till August you’d go to camp in September so totally different the way they approach it whether it’s uh you know eating and and physicality and workouts and all that kind of thing oh man what a Nifty little move there coming off the Stick of Ethan MMA blue goes the other way a shot off the glove of McKenna it ends up back behind the goal under 5 minutes to go here two nothing Advantage for The Blue Team white skates up to Center noev gets it off the Stick of Mida on to zemer and looking back for sturb back play off this stick from William Von barnico was in the shl last year he actually was teammates with Noah osen who’s also a Sabers Prospect amir’s got a chance to see him a little bit last last year we finish this season in Malmo as a puck will fly back a couple rows deep possibly off the shin of somebody couple of saber prospects sitting there that uh definitely defied that puck what is nice to see that really reminds you of minor hockey is seeing team perau anxiously half of half of the team standing there like you’re at a at an all day tournament and awaiting your next game it’s actually kind of cool the youthful enthusiasm but and and something we talked about yesterday when we had that little conversation with the guys Duffer I was sitting at the rink before and watching these guys come from practice to go over and get changed before they come up to and I watched so many of them stop to the security guides in the building stop to the people working in the building we’re actually having conversations with them and that’s what I look at and I go that’s awesome like that that kind of thing right there where they’re not just here they’re robots doing their thing they’re getting involved they’re talking to people they’re asking questions you know I love that involvement when they’re when they make everybody a part of the whole organization whether it’s the building workers zambon whoever it may be another post right post but those kind of things those attributes are are what really kind of makes the player and I’d like to see that yeah giri had a great chance there down the left wing off the post yeah that right post down there is is might have to be painted again haunting some people as cbone is pressing toward brune he gallops out of his own end skating in and blew up two nothing McKenna with another sharp save this time off his mask zamer behind the goal swiped by anden cbone and it goes the other way could be a breakaway it is a shot and Riley Fiddler Schultz is turned away by Scott rosoff Vector neev skating on the other side it’s just north south nonstop as his stick is lifted Fiddler Schultz will skate out here’s another one of those guys that had a little bit of time with Rochester last season spent the bulk of his campaign in Jacksonville playing meaningful minutes at the e level oev turns in the zone just over two minutes left off to zenov who looks for a wrap around that is available but it was stopped by Fiddler Schultz on the back check as we hit down to two minutes I think Adam Cleber had a hand in that not getting on the wrap around two good defense and the net is empty McKenna coming out for team white who Trail two nothing but it’s turned over and tucked in from Center Ice yeah that was not the cleanest uh possession once they pulled the goal tender there so Martin team Martin going to win this one by the looks of it I like how aggressive Vinnie Pros was getting him out early there by the way that goal uh coming off the Stick of yel rankovic Bonne who uh makes it three nothing again 14 Martin The Blue Team who uh well actually barring a miracle in the final 8 seconds they’ll take the tournament lead right now with three points there’s a shot in the goal I’ll just talk about the miracle it’s a two- goal game now and another empty net this time it sent wide of the target a further shot coming you see the blue Squad here right now team Martin just kind of hitting a wall a little bit you only got five guys on your bench it’s it’s tough and you just play back to back games sitting back in defensive mode here right now and we did reference uh just under uh 30 prospects uh at this development camp now there have been years where it’s been mid-30s even closer to 40s so that lower number it means more ice time it’s a good thing for these guys but you get a little more tuckered out yeah you do and performance level goes down quite a bit so as the loff’s got an empty net but that one is stopped by Cleber who gets in the way of it 35 seconds left net empty four on three white with more skaters on the ice down by two goals as Fiddler Schultz tried to whip one toward the goal that one was canceled out by pinoa fedler Schultz has it back though in the slot hand off again here’s an opportunity toward rosloff and he’s able to make the save pinoa is going to skate out of the Zone with it he’s got a fire to the net 10 seconds left I also said skate out of the zone and he backpedal right as he got to that blue line ah he’s a defenseman 5 Seconds sent toward the goal filler Schultz will stop it from being 4-1 but 3-1 will be the final and team Martin after picking up a point in the shootout loss now earns two points with the win and they tentatively move into first place although uh team perau will have an opportunity to take that lead before the end of our round robin format guys uh we’ve played two games so far early Impressions who are some guys that are sticking out well it’s not so much the guys that are sticking out it’s the uh it’s the you know kind of commentary that Razer has professed over the years where he’s such a fan of running time and I and I can only imagine how much you’re enjoying straight time today I I’ll tell you your your your uh viewership your attendance would go way up if every game in the NHL was running time especially you know in the December January February mode you can slow it down in the playoffs if you want yeah I thought you’d appreciate that but uh honestly like there’s each game ha has brought an a a lot I think ratl has obviously shown uh very well in goal I enjoyed seeing uh Bradley Zer there or pardon me Brody Zer there in the last couple of games uh fresh out of this year’s 2024 draft class and you know it’ll be interesting to see just now um the the response from Team gold which is team perau that got the shootout win it’s a second look at at cona helenius here who had the shootout winner in the first one uh Razer I do want to go back you made a point a couple minutes with a couple minutes to go in that second game referencing how you had spoke to these players and had the opportunity to do so yesterday if you don’t mind kind of peeling that curtain back for the fans listening at home what are some of the things you talk about to these young kids yeah Marty uh Marty Braun and Alex talk to myself and Duffer out with the guys yesterday and you know just kind of talked about what it was like to be a part of the organization what it was like to be a part of the town we all also got into Rochester a lot of you know what it was like to be there and how it works and the opportunities you get because the proximity it’s so close it opens up a lot of doors for these kids but you know just trying to tell them what to expect uh you know when they come into these situations what it’s like also you know I think a big part of it was I think it came from all three of us that you have to be able to adapt at this level these kids are all coming in they’re usually you know stars and and high-scoring guys whether at their college or Junior levels and when you make that next step you have to sometimes adjust your game and you might have been a top scorer on your on your school team or your junior team but when you get to this level those opportunities might not be there and a coach may say hey we need you as a third fourth line peny killer good Defender all this kind of thing you have to be willing to adjust and adapt to that and a lot of guys aren’t able to do it they’re not willing to do it and I think the ones that do and and take it to heart that I’m getting an opportunity here whatever it may be and however it may be I have to take advantage of it and those guys are the ones that are successful there’s not a lot of difference you know you watch these kids you ask if anybody stand out they’re all pretty much the same right right it’s I mean the yeah they’re all able to keep up it’s high Pace it’s end to end and especially in three on three you see defense looking like forwards half the time yeah I talked to after this play I’ll tell you there’s elenia sent it toward the net front for Ryan Smith he’ll get it back this for mccarth and that one pops off the outside of the net yeah I talked to a lot of guys that I’ve played with over the years and they’re e their college or Junior scouts or or coaches and I’m like what do you guys look for when you’re looking at players and they go the problem with the day and age is it’s pretty much cookie cutter they’re all fast they’re all skilled and when you’re picking a player a lot of the times you’re just hoping you pick the right personality and you get the good kid because they are very similar so that’s the thing when they come to something like this you have to St Stand Out do something that separates you from the other guys because they are all pretty much at the same level there’s always the odd kid that you know stands above a little bit but even if you’re in that middle of the Run guy you got to do something to make sure that the coach goes oh did you see that play just made a great defensive play or offensively you got to do something that leaves your name in the back of their head when decisions are being made down the road I think people will really appreciate one of the key things you touched on there which is how they’re all talented players and in that you’re looking for the right people the personality the qualities and characteristics that make a good human being can go hand in hand with a good hockey player absolutely here’s an opportunity for cber coming in so again this is the third game it is team white vers team gold white team being team Roar gold being perau as an opportunity right at the net front was perhaps turned away from laning in couple sticks there in front of him to try and help out as uh s lanon though took the bottom of the net where his body straight up in the air he’s watching the puck the whole time at no point was he out of control he was under control the whole time and eventually the puck comes to the front he feeds his D and away they go it’s impressive he had an injury plague season overseas playing in the tier 2 league in Finland only got in 12 games but he’s getting some work here at again the sa annual 2024 development Camp as it is McCarthy with it Gavin McCarthy made it to the Frozen Four with his brother case McCarthy earlier this year great experience there as Rashard Twirls it back to the aformentioned McCarthy left it there for Rashard already a goal in this tournament 920 to play in game three scoreless so far through the first near three minutes and again team White playing in their second game it’s uh also the second game for gold who has two points and white taking the lead off the Stick of Riley Fiddler Schultz who fires it past laning in and makes it one- nothing that’s a nice quick release you like to see from him hung on to the puck really well worked his way across that slot area but showed the patience to hang on to it he didn’t force the puck to the net waited till he had that lane helenius coming in on the other end trying to tie it up unable to work out there as the white team will skate out now on the other side Is costantini AO costantini with a shot that one offt target Smith on to helenius and from the near side he whacks it over to the right end a breakway way opportunity for a shot and they score Steven sardaran his second goal of the tournament and it is 1-1 remember team perau W in a shootout well just like that is that short side yeah y Ethan MMA who’s heading into his fourth year in the ol this coming season yeah had a 41-point campaign with Kingston in the Ontario League that’s a heck of a short side shot to get team white back up 21 Here Comes gold looking to even the odds yet again Rashard with it as he hands it off a nice spinning move from Luke Osburn gets toward the net front his stick lifted at the last second they’ll battle behind the goal of course no hitting involved it doesn’t mean it’s no contact that’s what we say in in Beer League as well right here’s Osburn with it beerle that’s I tried that has done playing and it’s hard to play at 11:00 at night du in the middle of the winter yeah I’m trying to I’m trying to get our team stats on Elite prospects it hasn’t worked yet so they were too old to develop here’s an opportunity for Rashard in the slot he’ll take a shot please share that link when you accomplish that feat of getting your team on on the on the uh stats page of elite prospects the uh save percentage by the way not very high high in this game there have been three goals on five shots in total no I’m glad you’re uh able to follow that safe Marty and I are obsessed with shots on goal and things like that by the way I I do want to mention Marty since you go there as well I wish we had more headsets I I’ll talk for him because I know he would love to talk go home with a headache here’s a breakaway for the gold team and a shot and they will score what a move there coming off the stick I believe that was Ryan smth it was so we are tied at two with under six and a half to play this game’s got the goals a little bit of a net front push there as McCarthy was able to take his man off the puck for a moment that being sbone for the white team gold back in trying to get their first lead of this game as a shot is absorbed by McKenna he’ll hold on Brian Smith another Junior saber product there’s so many of them you know what this kid have watched him play over the last few years is very smart head up all the time he distributes the puck really well it’s great to see guys getting an opportunity hey you know other thing guys we should talk about there’s so many talented players oh almost batted into the net in front how about the coaches on the bench uh throughout this Camp as well and some of those names you’re familiar with Vinnie prosel Tim Kennedy Adam May of course the director of Player Development but uh also a couple of other noteworthy names as a shot is sent off Target by Riley fidler Schultz you’ve got Michelle pic here and Chelsea Walkin those are uh two women with terrific experience especially nearby in the case of Chelsea she’s a Pittsburgh a Pittsburgh native Robert Morris grad uh Michelle picardo former pro blue liner for the Metropolitan riveters back in the nwhl days and Michael Leone here the new head coach of the Rochester Americans there’s a lot of talking points behind those players on the Ben PA is down there as well yeah there’s a shot tucked home from helenius who dazzled in the shootout and tapped it home there to get the gold team its first lead in this game with under five minutes to go in the third Duffer I’ll bring this to your attention just because we see you so much in Rochester with us uh joining us for the broadcasts it’ll feel different with with Michael Leone but it is a new era for the AMS it’s an exciting one he’s got some big shoes to fill from a communication standpoint Seth oper had that mastered and uh I have no doubt that uh the man who will affectionately be known as Leo yes um you know moving forward will undoubtedly Embrace that opportunity as well but uh but Seth really set the bar High both internally and externally um in communication standard and I think that’s a wonderful place for the rest of the staff and the players to develop from so uh it’s it’s it’s pretty cool to see coaches take the next step like players take try to take the next step and uh I think Seth has left things in a in a better place as he graduates to the Sabers so to speak and I think he’s going to be very good for the saber group as well because the personality as you said that he brings in he’s very open he talkative he’s just a really nice down earth guy I I think sometimes coaching staffs they they tend to be a little more quiet you know they allow the head coach to to be the focal point and I don’t think that’s always needed I think it’s it’s it’s very good because these guys are all putting on input it’s not one person saying hey this is what we’re doing it’s done as a group and you know I think Seth just knowing him how I know him now that he is going to bring a personality to this group that is is going to be very good especially the guys the guys love anybody that’s played for this guy they love him so that’s a big challenge in itself right there we start daring with an opportunity then toward McCarthy that one uh paddled wide 3-2 lead again for the gold team here with about 3 minutes to play in our third game as sardarian who’s already got two goals in this tournament send one wide we’ll get a horn there for a line change might have been a game-saving defensive play by Mima there to keep it a one-goal game for team roer that’s a good eye again we’re talking so much about offense there’s not a lot of opportunities for those glamorous defensive plays in three on three but when they show up they stick out guys do you think it’s a coincidence by the way just one more thought on on Coach Leone uh similar background a and portfolio to that of Seth AER with time at the US national program similar yes but obviously so much less in the way of head coaching experience you know um just in sheer number of games and years but I also think that’s really cool just seeing where Leone is at and again we talk about how coaches relate with the players um he’s he’s not far removed age-wise you know what I mean like it’s it’s pretty cool to see how it’s all going to develop and another one for helenius there yeah but a beautiful move by Rashard there he just man he he dragged pulled and dragged it there allowed the defender Slide by he had the opportunity to take shap Lane as he got a better opportunity slides it across and I might have been able to put that one in that team Ro Bears uh they got a little bit of adversity right now three unanswered from the gold team who might try to go up by three here’s Carlson back out in front same spot helenia scored back to car oh what a save Aiden McKenna the Rochester native with left-handed Larsen if that’s his last save cuz I’m sure he’ll be coming off the ice soon you’d think for the extra attacker that’s one to remember there’s Patrick giri with an opportunity that one off the shoulders of topus uh linen there’s one that goes wide I don’t know if any prel is even considering it over there right now getting the golender you got a minute left he’s been in the Sun a lot it looks like maybe he’s yeah you know last yesterday had a great quote uh talking about uh chasing the golden train uh for these these players that are looking up to the NHL as their golden train can’t say that I’ve been on one of those before but it sounds awesome and here’s Rashard with a goal and that will just be icing on the cake you’d imagine with 40 seconds to go net uh not pulled so McKenna was in goal for that but cleer will go the other way and he says hold on a second 30 seconds to go we’re back within two well you think the and now it’s just a it’s a mini shootout Richard’s going to go the other way that one buckles off the Blocker of McKenna quality save and it’s just Breakaway City for a little bit sardaran gets it in the slot over for a shot off the outside by Rashard Rashard has been everywhere here in this last five minutes and uh again all unofficial but eight goals on 18 shots in this game I I consider me a fan of this format though I think the fans are enjoying it as well there’s been a lot of Applause some Ooze and Oz as we’ve said throughout but the time hits zero and for team Roar they will go to 0 and two team perau is 2 and0 that gives them four points and team Martin will slide back into second as they have three points and that concludes the round robin portion of this tournament so coming up we’ve got two games left you’re going to see the two- seed vers the three seed so that’s going to be Martin against Rober and the winner of that game uh will face off against the gold team team perau which is led by Conant helenius as he and the rest of the team Trot off the zambonis come on they’re going to get a nice Cut we’re going to get an opportunity to step aside guys and when we come back we’ll get the back half of this 3v3 tournament you are listening in and watching the Buffalo Sabers 2024 development camp we will be back e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e all right we are back here at our 3v3 tournament we got uh the end some Razer karaoke and now we’re ready for the continuation guys uh it’s going to be team roer verse uh Team Martin here the blue against white team and we’re underway just like that Victor nef back got it so the ice cut is done we’ve got two games left the winner of this will play Team perau the gold team for the uh trophy uh to be the development Camp Champions we’ll call it as fedler Schultz gets it out in front sliced away from him Brody zemer had it now it’s on the stick of Max stach and it’s turned over coming out is the white team Cleaver with it it’s going to be a two on0 Fiddler Schultz to his left he feeds it over and Scott ratoff with our first great save just 32 seconds in on the left it is Zer entering in again scoreless a big save from ratzloff fidler Schultz who had that chance denied we’ll get another one this time it looks like it could be a breakaway he takes the shot and Twice As Nice for ratoff again a happy Fourth of July Andrew mosri with Brian Duff and Rob Ray covering this great action guys it’s been fun so far good start for Rober as far as creating chances and uh it’s been a challenge for them here this morning so we’ll see if it uh improves here in the next 10 minutes again team Roar is 0 and two team Martin is one and one or 10 and one we should say the shootout so but again team roer can eras those two losses with a win here they’ll go to the finals and they have an opportunity to get the opening goal there’s a lot of speed toward the net coming off the uh the skates of Brendan mcmarro who went undrafted he’s here on a invite so he’s looking to try and turn some heads I I think the undrafted invite this is a big deal for them well he’s also going to Denver this year uh home of the reigning Champs and ni the one thing we were talking about earlier when it comes to you know whether you’re first rounder seventh round or undrafted and the minute difference especially in situations like this based on skating like McMorrow to me has looked like one of the fastest players out there today he’s got the Jersey flapping in the wind and I’m like holy cow like this kid undrafted but he’s also going to play college hockey like his level is pretty high obviously and it’s just impressive to see that depth throughout the three teams here today well the big thing is too he undrafted guy he can go to college it expands his career he gets more development time you know that’s that’s the advantage of going to college compared to the going to the OHL or Western League or whatever you got by the time you’re 20 that that’s over yeah so you go to college you’re really just starting by the time Junior guys are done and I think that that’s kind of speaks to the point of you know every player’s development ladder has a different number of rungs on it but if they climb to the top of it eventually it doesn’t really matter as long as they get there here’s an opportunity that one kicked away and now cber has it takes a r shot that one kicked as side on the right leg by Scott ratoff again 12-minute game they are all running time no hitting here this is and no faceoffs and no faceoffs that’s right you take the puck out you go it’s like open hockey at the local rank as three minutes are gone this is scoreless the winner of this game which is considered the semi-final game set to face off against cona helenius and team gold oh I would have challenged that for offside right there noev taking the shot do we have the replay neev Victor neev if you’re going to talk about a kid that’s got some Wheels this kid every time he’s on the ice he’s flying whether it’s offensively or defensively he’s playing hard at both ends of the rink here well and again I’ll divert back to Duffer on this one because you again got to see him in Rochester and how different did Victor noev look from October to the end of the season well I think again you would probably be able to speak to it better seeing it every day but I think the beauty for neev was he was able to string together long stretches of consistent highlevel play obviously there were dips as well which you’re going to experience as a rookie but you need the building blocks to believe that you can do it and neev put enough of those in place last year that I’m really excited to see what he can do this year costantini flipped the puck toward the Stick of Patrick giri it just rolled off of him as another line change comes four minutes gone this is a scoreless affair so far zenov in the zone takes a shot oh and that one leaks through McKenna and that’s a goal for vasil zenov who gets it a one- nothing lead that’s for team Martin so The Blue Team on the board first and here is team white trying to tie it back up turning with the puck on the right side there is Ethan MMA lost it and Jack VOR has it in the attacking Zone this is VOR gets his way to the slot it’s broken off for a moment but he’s got it back hovers at the Blue Line hand off to zenov who’s got the goal so far that one another one close to the blue line but pinoca keeps it on side they say rolled it toward the front of the net and that one will be turned over a lanoff just part of this year’s draft class seventh round 204th overall seam white coming in Fiddler Schulz looks over back to Fiddler Schultz and I think his stick got lifted at the last second there Off to the Races goes team blue three on1 Zer in left side looks across and the Stick of cleer is in the passing Lane that it goes at top The Zone and out to Center for brune to gather a lot of talented players we’ve talked about some with collegia commitments there are so many with backgrounds in the USHL as well that League seems to be the most was prevalent uh in terms of the uh junior rankings from the prospects this season well very comparable to you know any Canadian Junior League West Ontario or whatever it may be and what what it the advantage of going at playing in there is you open up your college eligibility still so you can go play very very highend hockey and still have that college eligibility when you’re finished or partway through yeah and in the case of many it’s multiple years in the USHL and delaying perhaps a commitment down the road to college and it’s uh it’s incredible the experience that can be gained in these situations so um not everyone is on the same timeline as you mentioned Andrew and uh it’s it’s cool that there are that many leagues just in North America that can allow for that development so anden cbone has the puck out at center now we’ve talked about uh undrafted Camp invitees he’s one of them there are six total in this year’s development Camp as giri has it in looks back over oh that one I think went off the shoulder of ratslof and in yeah defenseman in front he fires a Pucket cross goes off the defenseman and over the right shoulder rat laugh nothing could do there I think it went off VOR there as he was trying to defend we got a 1-1 game yeah courtesy of the uh New York boy and Sabers fan Patrick giri who gets to wear the Jersey now of his favorite team growing up Max sturb back with it trying to get the blue team back up with five minutes to play here in our fourth game again this the semi-final game as a change will be made with that horn sounding one contest ratoff on the one end has made a couple of saves Norwin pinoo who got a goal in his first game of this morning hands it to noev returned it to pinoca they battle now under the goal line for it allow me to give props to the net minders in this game after sabotaging them with save percentage last game we’ve seen 10 saves on 12 shots so far in this one so well some of these guys I mean we talk about workload you know I think of uh ratoff in particular had the fifth most games played amongst all Western Hockey League goal tenders last year he’s going to have to take another shot and this one goes by him that is a goal for the team for team white that’s team roer as Ethan MMA a guy that we’ve uh said the name of quite often today he gets the lead upset in the making possibly yes yeah the the standings would dictate that well it’s it’s not how many you win it’s when you win my son’s not here this time yeah I don’t think there’s necessarily A a whole M Advantage it might still be a tough building to play and you might be able to still say that as these guys uh have a the fans on top of them you enjoyed that one a that that speaks to my heart thank you here’s here’s Riley F Schultz I can’t focus sack of a save from rad sloth well you know what though I and I think we’re echoing what’s going on at ice level and that’s having fun that’s what this Camp is all about for these guys coming in here in July trying to meet some people as offsetting the own goal how about that from VOR ja VOR tying it up at two with three and a quarter to play Cleber trying to get team white back on top he leaves it at front but it goes through the legs of cbone and if blue hurries they’ve got numbers barwork who just got the goal could have another he’s at top of the Zone on the left side dances through a Defender takes the shot that one is canceled out from the Stick of sbone and then it rolls out in front off The Stick of I believe that was Fiddler Schultz back to the gold Center McKenna but again line change VOR local product Junior saber and UMass LEL second year coming up so good morning for him so far let all freshman in scoring at UMass this year as well put up 15 points said that uh he wants to be a pro hockey player but if he can’t get a career in that he would uh pursue sports medicine or Sports Therapy thought you were going to say broadcasting well I we could certainly ask him afterward I mean maybe he would pick up a third interest noev looking and then he’s taking we have a penalty which will be a penalty shot yes it will and Victor neev is a very very crafty Puck Handler so it’ll be fun to see it’s hard to tell how big his smile is because of the mouth guard but it looks like he’s enjoying this moment he’s he’s had a fun summer we talked to him earlier this week he had spent three weeks in Dubai you’ll see I I know we mentioned Vinnie prosel tan he’s got the lines as well oh the chase he didn’t know that he iron I do not think he was ready for that he didn’t read the r got to know the rules man yeah yeah come on I mean you know about these they’ve been rules since about 8:10 this morning I mean yeah it’s first time this is this is where veteran experience is supposed to pay off though in these tournaments good point and this is his third development Camp so shame on him yeah under two minutes to go and this is a 22 game now remember the first game of this morning required a shoot out team Martin was involved in it 2-2 game team roer the white team has it it’s mcmarro gets it out in front oh what a Nifty pass and then play from Cleber that one turned aside by ratoff another chance in front and ratoff gets his b on top of that one on the try from Von baraco you’ve been reluctant to praise the goal tending after L laning and gave one up seconds after you complimented him in game one they’ve all been great here’s the lane with a shot that one off the Stick of cleer out of play but we play on As cleever will race up to Center Ice almost feel a little bit of intensity increasing here these guys want to keep playing nobody wants to be done I feel like ratl has seen more work than any of the net minders here today though and it it that’s kind of why I brought up in joking manner about complimenting or not complimenting I really enjoyed that last little sequence in tight just the quick push from right to left there he really had a strong read on the play so here’s brune both teams looking for a hero if you will in this final minute of the semi-final game in our 3v3 tournament here at Buffalo Sabers Dev camp with it is cbone hands it off to gir it’ll be returned to cbone Fiddler Schultz is patrolling at the Blue Line and cbone I think this is where you got to be aggressive as a coach 22 must win pull the goal tender do it well if uh Vinnie prosel is one of the coaches it would seem that there will not be but pulling his goal tender last game Fiddler Schultz will go back this Puck emerges from the attacking zone for team he’s take down they calling it no is he calling both they can’t believe it Victor Nev’s about to break his stick he just cannot believe that penalty was called in a development Camp tournament well Fiddler Schultz better have the pace here if they’re going to give a penalty shot I think he’s calling both guys oh my so what are they going to do here you got 3 blow the whistle well so the clock has stopped for the first time now it’s going again now all right so it’s going to run out does that mean we’re sing yeah I would have enjoyed dueling penalty shots in a four on you know what I mean like offsetting penalties yeah die right there then if it’s still then you move on yeah anyway we find ourselves in sudden death shootout once again here with the the right to take on team perau in the final is there an advantage for team Martin that they’ve been through a shootout uh well probably not but uh I I mean it’s this is historically speaking if my memory is serving correct this is where a lot of the kind of wow moments uh you know the social media videos have been created in these these shootout situations well norev has no Defenders behind him this time he’s all alone break away backand and that one is turned away by McKenna really stayed with it there and threw up a little scorpion move at the end with that left leg Yeah he did he there was a lot of moves by new Cher coming in there and he just hung on to it hung on to it but he stayed well with him McKenna did a nice job staying with him covering the bottom of the net force him going the backand up top and all right so Matteo centini for team roer coming in through the slot forehand shot oh and that one somehow didn’t go through oh might have caught the back leg as uh ratl closed up the five hole at the last he still can’t believe it and now he’s picking up the stick and just living to see another shooter he did a backwards somersault into his net but the puck stayed out on the other end here it’s zelenov who skates in slowly looks forehand back hand forehand again and runs out of real estate McKenna stops him on the doorstep well McKenna’s doing a nice job not giving anything usually the forwards are coming in trying to make that move waiting for the go tender to P McKenna’s done a nice job staying with him and just forcing him to beat him see if MMA can make the difference here and he already has a goal in this tournament here’s Ethan mea second round four team row bear coming in shoots and scores and Ethan mea with a big goal some stick Taps from his teammates and I don’t know is that the conclusion of this that should be it looks like it is so that’s an upset right for team Roar they didn’t win the first two and they send a team with three points team Martin the second seed out of the tournament they’re going to move on to the finals here so to your point uh Team Martin did not take advantage of a second go round in the shootout and harbor Center proves to be a very tough place to play play yes thought Razer I play a lot of games here with our kids and some days it is very tough yes oh man now the crowd’s on zapia right yeah they had the fourth skater the whole time so just trying to add some storytelling elements either way see team roer is going to find their way into the final and out team perau coming back on the ice I want to mention Aiden McKenna because he made made two saves they were nice in the shootout this is a guy who we mentioned already he’s from Rochester he’s been everywhere in the state when it comes to playing for teams when he was 13 he was playing for the Rochester Collision he then went on to the bishop Carney selects then he was a junior saber for the last three years uh and he actually had a really nice stretch at the end of the season with Buffalo’s uh junior Sabers program that the ojhl team uh this past year so he’s done a lot now he gets to wear the uh the NHL Sabers Jersey here in this tournament it’s got to be fun for him so we get gold and white we get perau versus Rober and if you’re just joining us an opportunity to you know get into the names that you’re going to hear in this final game of the tournament olivado do Jake Rashard Ryan Smith Gustaf Carlson Steven sedarian and cona helenius who has had a major impact in the days preceding so far with a shootout deciding goal and a game-winning goal in his two games so far Gavin McCarthy Luke osbor on the blue line if you can call it that there really is no Blue Line in today’s format and topus lanin in in goal for the unbeaten team gold and from Team Rober standpoint you would expect I think a veteran guy in Fiddler Schultz to have a you know a noticeable impact on today’s proceedings he has you got cbone Von barnow constantini McMorrow and MMA as the forward group for team white which is team Rober along with Adam Cleber Patrick giri and the affro engine Aiden McKenna in this championship game I do want to mention I think the pressures on team perau because uh Tim ceny is The Keeper of the cup and the trophy’s already on their bench so it’s either foreshadowing or it’s bad luck wow we can see it from our catch by you have to keep the eyes on everything here yeah but I think this has been really fun so far and again this is the uh the finals of this tournament I I have to think just from a name standpoint constant helenius of course uh kind of front and center right now with everybody paying attention to the Sabers latest first round pick by the way I I love tape job it’s got that kind of Jamie Ben look where he’s only got like an inch of it covered how much tape did you use well I’m a big big advocate of kids taping their whole blade I see our kids come out sometimes 15 14 15 they got try doing the same thing they can’t control the puck as well I said until you make the NHL tape your whole blade oh inside of the post that one was not off the uh the left pipe this time as the right side gets some love Fiddler Schultz has it out in front and oh man and in between the leg shot from constantini sent it high and wide as we’re scoreless but could have been two nothing already just 30 seconds in team gold is undefeated so far McCarthy out in front for helenius and it was stopped I think fidler Schultz actually got a stick in there Puck squirtz free the other way but helenius is going to use his speed to get back in time again this is uh the gold team team perau the white team is team roer costantini forces turnover at Center goes back on the sticks of gold McCarthy swats it to helenius First buzzer sounds that’s a change again we continue the format as it’s been 12 minutes running time shoot out if needed but this team uh the winner of this game will win the grand prize and uh put a bow on what’s been another tremendous development camp for the Buffalo Sabres Luke Osburn has it in the zone off on the right side and now with some run zard Darion a shot and he scores blocker side on McKenna and Steven sardaran has his third goal of the tournament and perau is up one nothing here’s a chance another way on the opposite side and attempt from Von barnico goes wide you got to think guys that uh both teams actually I mean you you want to win here again it’s fun but there’s a little bit of competitiveness right highly competitive Rashard with it gets it back to osbor and he’ll look up doesn’t like what he sees so he skates out to Center buzzer sounds 2 minutes gone one- nothing lead for team gold and six new skaters on the ice Gustaf Carlson in tow drag shot canceled looks for it and had his pocket picked so out to Center for Gavin McCarthy another former Buffalo junr saber and we talked about the USA gel background he had two seasons in MOS as it’s turned over and andan cbone will skate in tries to get past Olivier noo who is back for it as gold regains possession noo stretched for a far pass and he gets it on the left side tow Dr through Defender looking out in front cross ice and cbone back to help out and you’re sort of seeing uh I think a wholesale play on both defense and offense now from everyone oh what a shot onetime blistered off medima stick and uh looks like Topia sling and made the save he had sort of shake his lid a little bit there helus on the ice all eyes on 94 and gold but he hands it to Smith those two connected for a goal earlier Smith got the uh the goal the assist to helenius team white takes it over from there here’s cleer across the line gold want it offside they’re not get no mcaro did a great job slamming the brakes on and Nathan mcmarro at top of the Zone skating away here’s go Richard crashing the net gets it on his stick oh man that one is slammed in on Aiden McKenna who took a little shove at him afterward I don’t think he uh enjoyed that quite much no but Rashard with the uh just the ability to even attempt that move that close to the goal was pretty impressive by the way I said Ethan MC it’s Brendan mcmarro I beg your pardon a lot of new names this week but ones that we hope to be hearing and watching for years to come as garyi shuffles one on at the side of the net gold will skate out with it coming in is sardaran he has the goal in this one trying to make it to nothing on this shift with over four minutes gone 740 left stretch feed off escate picking it up is cbone and and right as he went to release the shot his stick was tied up that’s Luke osbor the defenseman out of Plymouth Michigan getting in the way yeah ice Osborne nice read there getting back just waiting showing patience that puck is in the air and he just waited till it hit the ice and then he attacked the stick Osburn taken just in this past draft 108th overall already committed to the University of Wisconsin where they expect him to be this coming season now we’ve mentioned players coaches you also have to mention uh the folks up top with general manager Kevin Adams looking on and a valuating Terry Pula sitting with him over there he’s been at the draft and at the this week’s that’s right prospects camp and we also just saw another sequence where when the puck goes up and the meshing play continues yeah everybody’s got to be ready there are no whistles again it’s running clock and clearly there’s nothing that’s going to stop play unless a puck goes over top that net we’ve seen it go into the crowd a couple of times so far today as team gold is dispossessed skating out the other way was Mida lost it and now McCarthy taking it for team gold transitioning through the neutral zone they get it in wedged off the Stick of Rashard and then he gets it back by batting it down is upended this is a penalty it’s the first one called in the finals of this game and with 68 to go we do get a stoppage this will be I believe a chasing yes watch for the Chasers and uh I’m sure Jake Rashard now has taken full notice of that and he’ll get a great opportunity here to double the lead all right so Rashard who’s uh whoever’s chasing is on the wrong side right now though and now Vinnie does want an explanation they want the cup this is amazing give him an un Sportsman like make it two penalty shots I don’t believe any of I can’t believe the referee even going over and listening to him oh they’ve negated it Vin he talked his way out of it okay unbelievable setting I so oh and Riley Fiddler Schultz uh with a hit and hopefully Gavin McCarthy is okay and the other end or they not calling it buzzer went well there’s no way prosel can get two uh two wins in one shift here so I uh I have seen there is a rule that’s been added uh per the notes app in my phone that you can challenge penalties now in this tournament oh my goodness and now we have controversy is it a one-1 game or is it still one nothing I don’t think it was a buzzer beater so I think it oh yes we have a goal well so and I do want to mention again running time has been paused right now so we have 532 left tentatively we’re talking about a one- nothing game is it still it is they also reset the clock to 6 minutes so all right gold looking to double its lead this one sent wide by Ryan Smith and then it trickled past the blue pan after ending off the uh the backboarding there and Ryan Smith’s look really good out here so many talented players very smart he’s been all over the ice offensively he’s done a nice job defensively here’s garyi handing it up all right so team white wants this one to count they send it toward the net front and it is uh just turned away easily by the paddle of lanan in I don’t even know what just happened in the last 90 seconds that was insane we’re accepting guesses things change here’s a shot from on the Fly constantini turned away by Lenin in and now sardarian the other way he has the only goal he has the only goals as he makes it two nothing and this has been a tournament to Showcase Steven sarder he’s put up the points and he’s put his team up to nothing with under five to play got to love the patience he showed in taking that one absolutely cber has it back all right so team white they’re The Underdogs by uh winning uh Against The Blue Team to get to this point now they’re underdogs down two nothing anden sbone looks to cut the deficit in half but laning and gets on top of it and gold will emerge from their own zone four and a half to play in the finals cup is in the building osbor with it on the right side he’s got his man that’s noo right up front for a shot and it’s denied by McKenna white looking to get it out it goes the other way beyond the reach of Cleber Rashard for uh Team perau the gold team is going to get their first four and change left and the finals of this Fourth of July development camp three on three tournament come on Razer four minutes left give us your best I in my mind I picked the gold team to win here at the beginning so I didn’t want to say it I just think white right now kind of hitting the wall a little bit well keep in mind they’ve got some good chances and he’s been shut down and now playing back-to-back games here like this that’s I think it’s catching up to him we talked I was just about to say we talked about how uh you to du’s point the shootout and having experience in the shootout didn’t uh Bode to benefit anything but I do think having the rest in a tournament like this is favorable White’s got to be gassed right now Duffer you are having a fun day here hockey cliches just keep them coming I’m I’m trying for the people as uh Riley fidler Schultz takes a shot that one snapped off the shoulder of lanan in and he’s able to and I told you lanan earlier in the that he was good and he’s carrying the load here right now so elenius with a shot that one is mistargeted three minutes to go another change coming on the bench oh an early pull yes with Vinnie’s all over this one this an aggressive pull I think somebody’s called down from up top to wake up Vinnie so it’s four on three Cleaver with a shot that one is fired off the padding of lanon and he makes another save again it’s a two- nothing game mcmarro fans on his pass that goes beneath the goal line and gold will turn up the other way empty chance to all but clinch it here they’re taking their time to get there Osburn will get it though and Luke Osburn scores that is a three nothing Advantage the gold team team perau up big with just 215 to go here’s costantini gets it in Gold will throw it again the net remains empty I think this one’s going to be in and it is 4 nothing and at that point McKenna will return to the ice guard is crease 4 nothing the score we’ll go back to three on three as we’ve got under two minutes left and Razer it would seem that your uh forecast of the winner of this tournament is looking likely well it comes down to go tending and rest here and probably out coached a little bit Timmy Kennedy over there doing a nice job well he did have the trophy on his side the whole time he’s confident you have to be confident yeah they took a photo with it in the locker room before they got out here those are Rumors by the way not confirmed uh meet him uh with it in the corner 90 seconds to play well team white would like to salvage something here perhaps a goal of they can get it constantini back to MMA I liked his game all morning M egg he a big body guy too talking to him yesterday from back near where I’m from and he wasn’t very happy with his last couple Seasons he said and kind of down on himself but he’s represented himself really well here this morning and he’s a guy I think you’ll look out for not only obviously playing his role uh as a forward but a power play specialist something that Kingston’s been exposing him to a little bit more you look at last year 41 points 13 of them came on the man Advantage so uh that’s something that they want to you know give him some opportunities to do and perhaps it’s something he can take big man he’s a big boy too so it takes a little longer for the you know the bigger guys sometimes but he’s his skating looks very good I I was about to say I mean uses his body well uses power you know taking it to the net I I feel like like it was an old thing to say that you know the the bigger guys the were the slower ones now you have every skater has so much Mobility it seems uh at this point everybody’s a great skater 20 seconds to go that puck goes in it’s 5 nothing for team gold Gustaf Carlson finds the back of the Target on that one and as we took down to the final 10 seconds gold is just trying to preserve the score on the other end and with 4 seconds left it looks like top lanin is going to get a statement win with his team gold will capture the trophy topus lanan in gets a shut out and with a five nothing final team perau cleans up in this tournament they go undefeated across the board and they are the winners of this three Onre development Camp tournament and this was a fun one dominant performance from start to finish for team gold AKA team perau and a 5 nothing whitewash here in the final game uh topus lanan and I think of all the prospects here probably had the most frustrating season last year and for him to be able to be healthy at this point in time and come in and and deliver something that he wasn’t able to do last year has got to be a really nice feeling for him in goal he looked really strong today yeah he did from start to finish we talked about him earlier keeping his body upright covering the B bottom of the that he’s a big kid so he’s got to use that to his ass at I think only one goal beat him on the glove side that came down you know in one of the earlier games but for the most part he managed the puck very well he was engaged in it moved the puck very well to his d as well so yeah he represented himself very well all right now we have sabes general manager Kevin Adams speaking at ice level all three teams back on the ice fans in attendance hanging out and hearing words from the general manager and you know means a lot to the players it’s got to mean a lot to the fans too because they are they are on this path with these guys and they are hoping the Sabers you know so many big announcements we obviously see Seth AER getting promoted from Rochester Lindy Ruff back in Buffalo I think there’s a lot of excitement around this city right now about what’s to come in October I would agree and I don’t know why I’m uh I feel surprised sometimes at the size of the crowd here in July or late June sometimes as development Camp has been but especially today being on a holiday wasn’t quite sure what the turnout would be and it was just like every other year it was a really really strong showing from the fans here this morning the the people here are passionate they they’re educated fans they want to see what’s happening and I give the fans that are here credit to coming out and seeing you know what is coming up through the system what we have everything like that trying to get themselves uh acquainted with the players when they they’re going to see them in Roch or here I think it’s a great idea it’s a good example to get the kids out to see with these guys some of these guys are are young kids and there’s kids in this building not too far off it that they can see hey everything and watch all the local kids as well you know undrafted and that getting a chance to come out here and participate in camps there’s there’s opportunities there if you want them and you work hard enough and I think it’s a good example here for the kids in the building to watch and see cona helenius gets the handoff of the trophy from Kevin Adams did not hand it off to any of the more veteran campers Andrew so a little surprised at that but uh definitely a group effort here as they pose with the cup well and everybody will shortly after that get involved in a a team wide photo a roster wide photo if you will with uh uh all teams team Martin team perau and team roer involved in there but to your point Duffer uh nine names uh being able to hoist that cup uh helenius at the uh the front of it but there’s so many different walks of life when it comes to development when it comes to background on that team I think that’s another exciting part at are all kids most of them teenagers that are just hanging out for a few days playing hockey in July I don’t think you can ask for much more than that well the consistent theme with helenus since he was drafted last week in Vegas I mean he just seems to be enjoying this so much and obviously this is a tournament Razer that doesn’t feature as many of the first round picks as in years past so he really was kind of the Marquee attraction here this week and it ends up being the perfect culmination to what has been a wild week for him and his family the fact that they were all there in Vegas and then they traveled back with the team and have been able to just witness what his first taste of the NHL is like it’s been it’s been quite a quite an impressive run for this been quite a whirlwind for him as well but you know he comes out he does his thing he does what it was expected of him you know probably 90% of the people in this building they’re here to see him to see what they picked and uh you know he didn’t let him down he did what he was expected he played his game and he ultimately end up winning and helping his team to to Victory here so I I think everything positive coming out of that young man getting a chance to talk to him a little bit he gets it you know very mature kid he gets it and uh the part I like just how excited they are how excited he is to uh hopefully some down the road be a part of this organization yeah I think a couple of other names just to mention on team perau the winning team Olivia do a third in his third development Camp coming off that strong season in the ECHL but you know he wants to find more minutes at the American Hockey League level Luke osbor 7 years old he’s the youngest player in this development camp and he’s on that winning team so you have to think and hope this is an eye opening experience for him we talked about how good Jake Rashard was and uh again just up and down so many talented players guys I’ll put you on the spot here looking at Team Martin and team Rober because it wasn’t just the winning team that stood out there were players of Plenty across all three squads any other names I know Ethan MMA was coming up quite I love Ethan M the way he played here this afternoon in Washington last couple years here uh the way the big man is developed he’s skating much better using his body using his assets I thought he showed himself off very well here today neut uh with the Martin team I thought he was very good used to speed both ends of the ice doing what he could do uh I think they both stood out for their groups yeah I think for uh Team Martin it was probably Norwin pinoa and Scott ratl that for me you know were were good throughout the day uh again it’s it’s less of an valuation and more just kind of um you know looking at some individual skill sets and determination that uh that guys show in certain situations I thought from Team Rober standpoint Matteo costantini had uh a lot of good looks out there today McMorrow impressed with his speed uh we gave a tip of the cap to Aiden McKenna earlier just for the the journey to get here to this camp and uh obviously Patrick GE and his first opportunity as a Hamburg native and being able to score was pretty cool as well and Ryan Smith yeah my go te stick handling that he displayed today was so impressive a lot he he he did lot look how to place he distributed the puck very well and once again did a nice job at both ends of the ice but if you’re and again to the point of uh it’s not always this uh linear path right um Steven sardarian is still a very interesting name um and you know when you consider that he’s going to change schools and the journey that he’s been on so far he showed really well especially in the final game today which ended up being a blowout with a couple of empty Nets but uh you know good for him because I I just can’t imagine you know what that journey is like and when it doesn’t map out exactly as you anticipated you know committing to a college and then changing you know halfway through your collegiate career um it it it takes a lot of courage to kind of have to make those tough decisions and I’m I’m hopeful for him that this ends up being a little bit of a springboard to a bigger season at the NCAA level yeah and the big thing with these kids too is you know going through it now my son is 15 they have to make decisions starting here at age 15 because you got uh USHL draft you got OHL draft all these kind of things are they going to hold back go to college so these guys have made so many decisions before they even get to this point at the age they’re at by the time they’re 18 19 years old they’ve made some major decisions in their life and it it’s a lot of pressure on these guys so once that path gets kind of set for them it’s almost like you could take a deep breath and just kind of do what you got to do and I think it’s goes back to some of the things we’ve talked about is how you know everybody has a unique path and you mentioned sardaran and you hope he finds the same success that uh uh Matteo constantini has because he took off with the Bronco Broncos after leaving the University of North Dakota so you know you have this path and especially at the Collegiate level you think all right this is my four-year commitment this is where I’m going to be things change anymore not anymore these kids can transfer and go to these places and you know they’re they’re playing at multiple School sometimes it’s it’s crazy and you never thought it happened but you know that day now that you’re not making that commitment to anything it’s year to year and and proud of you for your 2hour commitment this morning Razer thank you well it’s either come and sit with you guys or work for my wife at home so that you’re letting us know you made this choice I made the right choice fireworks later fireworks later baby stay off my street well I uh in addition to staying off new version of get off my lawn stay off my street because we take no prisoners want to drive through you’re going to suffer the consequences oh my goodness I guess at that point it does make sense to kind of have it closing time it’s going to be cookouts for some uh departing town and even the country for others when it comes to the players uh just a quick uh sentiment of gratitude real quick first obviously to you guys Brian Duff Rob Ray appreciate both of you being here this morning and joining us for a a little summer hockey that’s never a Bad Thing uh and then also have to give credit to uh both the the Sabres and the Amber for coming together on this chrisan Bellis uh for giving us the approval to go ahead and spearhead it and then on the ammer end of things a big shout out to uh Jackie Peterson Evan Michael Ryan Harr who were instrumental in getting the broadcast up operating and working throughout this morning as we’re getting into the late morning and soon early afternoon and uh of course the players and the fans thank you so much for tuning in on the amri’s YouTube channel we’ll have the full replay of this available shortly uh and if not shortly at least before the end of this week so I’m going to save your butt and say Warren cell Ryan har as well if you didn’t thank them already I got Ryan I didn’t give Warren thank you though yes it’s uh that’s probably a good point of you so Warren I said it first uh Duffer just echoed it there but uh yes thank you to everybody that was involved uh we’ll give a shout out uh to to everybody again both ammer and Sabres alike along with the fans that were a part of this experience so that is going to do it though for our development Camp broadcast here at the annual Buffalo Sabers three Onre tournament the gold team team perau cona helenius the first round pick and Company taking home the hardware for Brian Duff Rob Ray and all of our crew I’m Andrew mosb thanks so much for tuning in everybody enjoy your fourth of July and hopefully an extended weekend and we will be back to talk hockey in September when preseason and Prospects challenge gets underway good night everyone e e e e e e e then it would be our social media team with the camera in the middle I assume I put the gear on and skated with the pros and the college kids it’s unbelievable my shoulder pad felt like I couldn’t stick handle I felt like I I felt like it was embarrassing for me I did not I don’t know how Vinnie does it you’re now you’re get what do you mean five they’re a little close you want me to bring out this get so good you don’t ever to put your head down the best def in the world almost never put their head down guys keep my stick oh you went the wrong way y off the wall attack downhill yes right little bit of workout we do like always would be without you here getting I SC on you is that you no you I was

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