🚨There is a trade rumor circulating on twitter from a few sources that the Anaheim Ducks and our Lightning are discussing a swap of Frank Vatrano for Nick Perbix and draft picks🚨

I’ve seen this from a few sources on twitter, nothing official of course. Article also mentions 25 percent salary retained on his contract which is already team friendly.

  1. Looking at some of the articles, this source seems questionable at best. This would be a fleecing so no complaints if it is legit

  2. I have an old friend I played with who knows Vatrano pretty well (I think he played against some members of his family in major junior who were older). He described him in glowing terms as a person..

  3. Would love this pickup. Vatrano, coupled with a Sheary bounce back would give us three solid offensive lines. I’d burn any picks but the 2026 1st tbh

  4. Maaan… I was hoping we’d fire Blashill and hire a proper coach that could in-ruin Perbix. First year Perbix was good, I’d like to see him back.

  5. I don’t understand this trade from Anaheim’s perspective, but they’re about as poorly ran as the other team in that city.

  6. Sorry to be the buzzkill, but this is just clickbait. Doesn’t cite any sources yet speaks about fan and insiders reactions. This is made up, look at the other tweets from the account. It’s fake news.

  7. This trade would make zero sense for the Ducks, I know they have defense issues but this won’t help.

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