Steelers WR Search Gets Update

Steelers WR Search Gets Update

let’s start with the wide receivers obviously the biggest news in Pittsburgh Steelers land Remains the biggest news in Pittsburgh Steelers land they got two updates here the first one’s from Adam schfer on Brandon auk auk I said that correctly right somebody called me out the other and I was determined to start right yeah say correctly yes even though we all know I’m poor when it comes to name this is from Adam schfer who is speaking on the Rothman and Ice Radio Show quote I would expect that a nine in a ners uniform this season the question is is it going to be Beyond this year he’s under contract to them and why would a Super Bowl contending team trade a starting wide receiver for a future draft pick not going to do that that doesn’t do anything to help you win a Super Bowl this year I don’t expect them trading him that’s not what I’m expecting right now whether they can get a contract work out worked out or not that’s a different issue they’ve been talking doesn’t seem like they’re very close right now those things could heat up pretty quickly we’ll start with that one before we go into another name and some updates there my only issue with that is that we have been involved in this roller coaster long enough we have carried on this ride long enough to know that yes shefer has a point that the 49ers are a Super Bowl winning team and we make the argument for the Pittsburgh Steelers plenty about how they don’t get rid of puzzle pieces when they’re trying to form a championship team but at the same time there have already been reports that the Pittsburgh Steelers and the 49ers almost had a deal locked into place during the NFL draft that there are legs that Brandon auk called out the team on social media for Oh I thought that they didn’t want to trade me I don’t know if I follow along with the same they’re not going to trade him because they’re a Super Bowl team I think right now they look at it and say maybe we don’t want to trade him because we’re a Super Bowl team but if their options are Brandon auk is going to sit on the sideline in 2024 where you trade him you trade him and I don’t think that there’s any question there from any team in the NFL especially one that has the amount of receiving options that the 49ers do and have who have gone through all of these issues as long as the 49ers have it could change course and could say hey well if we have to make a decision Debo Samuel is on his way out instead of Brandon auk but I don’t see this being a we’re not going to trade anybody because we’re a Super Bowl winning team and we’ll take the Y before we actually make a move that one doesn’t make sense I just feel sher’s a guy that at times has been called out for kind of only getting reports from the teams and not necessarily the agents as much as you would like and I feel as if that’s something that is happening here where the San Francisco 49ers are trying desperately to push a narrative and they are tossing it out there and that’s the reports that we’re getting when clearly there have been reports from the other side that say differently I don’t think that the 49ers are ruling out a trade I think that they’re trying to make this work but day by day they’re realizing it’s not going to do you think that you follow do you agree with Adam schfer do you agree with my argument do you have a different argument what’s your thoughts I think there’s one big factor here that shefer is kind of missing is that sitting out factor for Brandon auk right because yes if you’re a Super Bowl Contender and Brandon auk is 100% going to play regardless of a contract extension then yeah you probably keep him and try to see what you can do at the end of the season but at the same time if he does play it’s an asset management thing do you really want to W risk losing potentially a top wide receiver for absolutely nothing at the end of the season if you win a Super Bowl yeah sure who cares but again that is a big if and we’ve seen with the 49ers they struggle to finish the job once they get there so it again yeah it’s a bad asset management but then the only other thing I’ll say is when of the 49ers ever been good at Asset Management this is still the team that traded the farm for Trey Lance and then traded him away for peanuts that’s true that is very true they have never been good at ASM and which could work against the Steelers or any team trying to make a trade I guess it’s be the Steelers and the Washington commanders at this point but it could work against them in that favor because or in that way because they might just stick to their guns and be stubborn enough to say say we are going to hold on to auk and we are not going to get rid of anybody because this is a Super Bowl team and then they’ll sit on him all season long and he’ll walk next year and sign wherever he wants to walk that’s wild if you are an NFL GM to sit around or an ownership group to allow that to happen and sit there and say we’ll get rid of a star guy or we’ll let a star guy walk when we had offers probably good ones there’s no way that the Pittsburgh Steelers or the Washington commanders or anybody else who’s made a trade attempt is sitting there tossing fourth round picks at the San Francisco 49ers if they nearly had a trade in place I’m guessing it’s at minimum a second round pick that’s where they were going and I would imagine that it’s more likely a first than a second but maybe you’re right maybe the 49ers are just run in in that poor of a way that there are some issues and and there’s some concerns there and maybe it won’t happen I don’t know I don’t agree when it comes to sher’s view on these things and what he’s reporting I’ve been told that the Pittsburgh Steelers very recently still believe that there’s a shot because Omar Khan’s in house and Anything could happen when Omar Khan’s in house and to be honest I was reading Mar Cabo’s piece on the AFC North whip around yesterday and he said the same thing that if Omar Khan’s here Anything could happen and my thought was yeah everybody else seems to believe that too so I wouldn’t rule anything off the table here’s the other one there’s a lot of rumbles a lot of specul a lot of names being tossed out all the time of who the Pittsburgh Steelers could trade for when it comes to a wide receiver the newest the newest one the latest one is CD lamb of the Dallas Cowboys Clarence Hill a Dallas Cowboys Insider says that the number it’s going to take to sign CD lamb to a contract extension is at least $32 million per year the Pittsburgh Steelers are probably looking at the same number when it comes to Brandon auk if you’re going to make a trade especially for CD lamb when he’s not really forcing a hold out and he doesn’t have the same off- the- field drama that auk or auk has brought to the 49ers chances are you’re giving up more to get CD lamb I would say if you’re a Pittsburgh Steelers fan sitting around thinking CD Lamb’s an option we could rule that one out as we sit here today I’ve never asked about CD lamb I could if you guys want me to I don’t know if I feel I wouldn’t I wouldn’t sit around and say is CD lamb an option to somebody that I’m looking for insight to because truthfully I don’t believe that his name has even been mentioned in the Pittsburgh Steelers facility but at $32 million there’s zero chance that CD lamb becomes a Pittsburgh Steeler ever yeah the it’s the same issues we had early on when we were talking about Brandon auk right it’s it’s too much money especially for where the Steelers currently sit where as of right now they have quarterbacks on one-year deals they’re going to have to pay somebody and it they might be able to get somebody on a cheaper deal next year but there’s also going to be other players that are coming up it feels like it’s way too expensive not to mention the fact that you just said it’s going to be very high as far as an acquisition cost for CD lamb that I don’t think that Omar Khan’s gonna be willing to to trade for no I I think he’s off the table I I think all of these guys over $30 million outside IU are off the table I don’t know why auk’s still on the table but the Steelers have a fascination with this guy and they think that they could do a lot of things with him so he’s still on the table the rest of them I just don’t see it happening I don’t see it happening unless something crazy happened and things have changed and the Steelers are just saying whatever who cares but where we stand I’m going to say no

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  1. Ok draft is done meaning they can’t get anyone to help them now. So THEY ARE NOT TRADING HIM!!!! Can we please 🙏 get off this

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