Sean Behrens stands out at Day 2 of Colorado Avalanche development camp

Sean Behrens stands out at Day 2 of Colorado Avalanche development camp

[Music] welcome into the Toyota Lounge for the dmvr Avalanche podcast powered by your front range Toyota dealerships it is day two or rather it was day two of Colorado Avalanche Dev Camp it’s kind of over now yeah so still day same day I guess it’s still day two I learned from Susie Hunter on the rocky show last night that there’s a debate about whether you’re standing online or in a line in I have never heard anybody say on a line before and that’s so weird to me but it’s the same kind of question of is it still day two even though the activity the on Ice activi ended is it still technically day two I guess it’s not day three so if it’s not day two and if it’s not day three then what is it off time okay but there’s a void there in between them sure all right but like we’re off to a great St your work day is over at 5:00 p.m if you work a normal job like it was still a work day it was a work day but it’s over the work day is over now and there’s still the rest of the day H I have to I have to consider this more either way I’m definitely I’m unconvinced I’m definitely not on work day to yeah are you serious what are off days stand in a line not on a line This is my 18th straight day working you should take a day off Saturday brother I know Saturday uh no it was another Dev Camp day there were at least like some pseudo game situations to see today so that was interesting yeah way better than yesterday whole there were still a lot of drills especially in the early morning sessions today but you know some interesting stuff to get into at the very least I I want to start with these because I one personally don’t have very much to say at all and I imagine us as a group won’t have a ton of to say about it but anything to say about the goalies today yeah Eric’s guy cluch incredible day for him he was so I’m sorry I’m not going to do a bit I don’t want I don’t want his family to think I’m making fun no we were with the goalies like it’s so tough to tell yeah the only one that I have real confidence in is there are two guys they should not be giving contracts to yet sure they’re not ready uh I don’t want to I don’t want to Barry a guy but oh yeah I I don’t think they’re there to get contracts though they’re just there yeah yeah but I I feel can color me intrigued by clucher sure when we finally got into some like hockey is things I felt better about him than I did yesterday which I was like who cares he’s 17 years old that’s crazy I mean it’s 1 young kid going back to uh us a shelda in Chicago good spot for him then he’s going to Omaha Nebraska right so y great kid nice kid really sharp uh so it all in so get it all in you know he’s he really is nice like I said nice kid I mean there’s guys there like du is 25 he’s 7 he’s eight years older than cluch you that Davis is 23 yeah so he’s uh thank 20 um no exactly he’s a young kid you know so um they’ll be fine you know the other guys are there just to see what they you get your hands on them and just to see what you have as we all know I mean they drafted three and all well two are here uh one one is here cluch we’re just talking about two of them are not here um Europeans and one of those poor kids had to face Colby Ambrosio in the Breakaway drill they did at the end of the day so tough day for that [Laughter] kid yeah walstrom I don’t even want to like knock on the kid it’s just like hey our last drill today is breakaways and this guy is like his fifth Dev Camp so good luck yeah Ambrosio was really good at it he was he was really good at it and like by like the third or fourth goal you’re starting to feel bad for the guys in net where you’re like he’s embarrassing these guys yep cuz he was just it was a thing that he’s got kid had EMB bro’s got great hands yep no doubt about that like yeah he’s smaller his situation at BC changed so much yep his first couple of years the good ice as Eric would say they recruited about half of the first round picks over the last two years that good ice went away he got [ __ ] ice you ship Burger I it’s tough and he’s he’s a guy that he’s a skill guy he needs to play a little bit of a skill game and couldn’t do that at BC anymore so it’s it’ll be interesting to see what happens with him going to U University of Miami Ohio which he’s going with his whole coach though was that Tri Cities yeah it’ll be interesting to see but what that guy does well he’s got great hands he’s good offensively and this poor those poor goenda the hard way they that was it was a fun it was fun to watch it sucked that we were on like an extreme side so we couldn’t see the other end very well but the side we were on got lit up lit up yep it was a shooting gallery to say the least but that’s literally what it was designed to be so there is that on the the goalie side of things uh the other thing before we start getting into the guys we liked and and all that whatnot both Tory pittner and Jake fiser were at camp and and fully participated today so yep nice to see a couple more guys from this most recent draft class step onto the ice and do some things any thoughts on those two uh yes so pitner we watched a lot of your session you he’s smaller than I thought he would be just his listed height I don’t know a defenseman that’s listed at 61 I’m not I don’t know that I’ve ever looked at him and felt like God he looks kind of small did not look 61 for sure yeah well and and Boston BBG is listed at 5’11 and I’m like book bger looks like he would Maul that kid did they just swap their Heights on accident like it it it definitely felt like they were backwards just perception wise it might be because Buck burer wears a big old shoulder pads and it looks like he’s bulked up quite a bit more but um pitner I liked him a lot I he’s really raw yeah USHL you didn’t draft a guy in the sixth round thinking that you’re a year away from an NHL player it’s true you’re not but I think that there’s I think there’s there are things there that I like today and especially especially when they got into hockey situations brain turns on yeah he was really good with that stick uh defensively and breaking up a couple of the defensive drills that he got involved in yeah I I really liked him too I mean obviously the the in-game situations the smartness and intelligence is what he was build as uh but I really Eric I know you kind of disagree here but I thought his skating was fine you know it’s not going to send you to the moon it’s not amazing or anything but for a guy where you’re wondering about that skating ability on the back end it didn’t bother me I think it was good enough that it works no I wasn’t saying he was a bad skin I’m saying he’s a little wobbly he said there’s some clunkiness yeah he’s a little wobbly which is fine he’s going to grow into his body he’s a young kid I mean that’s well what no summer skating excuse for him it’s summer it is um you know I I yeah I didn’t I again I I’m really not familiar with his game you know what I mean but looking at there two parts to this right there’s a skill part so they do some skills and you know anybody can look good in in the skill drill right you know you’re you’re going against a tire no anyone can look good that doesn’t mean everybody looks good there are some guys who don’t no there’s some guys that they’ll chop up a puck and kill the cone and whatever apparatus is out there they’ll just ruin it you know mean there were a couple out there that did not seem to understand that the point was to go around the tire yeah so treated the tire like it was a brick wall go yeah no but I’m just saying like you’re just you know there’s some guys that can’t do that and then when the puug drops in a game they can’t play you know I mean or there’s guys that really can’t go well around a tire but when the puug drops and there’s real players out there and then actually can play you know what I mean so it’s like I take the the the skills part like as sure got nice kills or he doesn’t have you know that’s what I’m saying yeah yeah we’re all saying the same thing same caveat as the show yesterday gigantic that’s what I’m saying some guys will shine like I always say that like kids that get private lessons at 6: a.m. and they’re freaking unreal you know I mean like awesome but in a real game like the cone actually fights back you know what I mean with a th you know Dam the cone becomes someone with a heartbeat and that’s poetic Eric it’s crazy like it’s a cone fights back yeah it’s it’s a it’s a crazy concept and I know that’s why I’m intelligent damn no but it’s uh story of Jack Johnson yeah no there’s so you’re out there and then there’s two parts you know I mean the other part is okay collectively a little bit as it did which I liked and that’s why you guys like not the flow drills cuz actually those flow drills I thought they were going to bust that drill and I think PR was on the board for like 30 minutes but you know whatever was that Ray or it might have been Ray but uh I was like oh boy this is going to be a [ __ ] show you know I mean I got a picture of the board on check out our Twitter you can see uh it’s a little confusing so I’m like okay I don’t know if they’re going to get it it was actually a simple drill so I he might have just explained a few drills that’s why but anyway you know that those are flow drills then there’s small area games that we saw yeah that last part which makes it more fun makes it more like hockey you know what I mean like it’s you know you can see if someone has hockey sense or somebody can play collectively you know with other people and not just be the the mean guy in the sandbox with oh those are my toys you know what I mean like you’re you’re playing actually with teammates and so it’s kind of nice yeah here’s the board and then um and then there’s a scrimmage tomorrow right you know which it’s like okay it’s full ice it’s not small area games four on four whatever it is they I don’t even know what the format is but four on four four on four which is nice it used to be three on three and three on three was fun but you’re not taking a ton out of it I mean it’s just brickway after bre it was fun I liked it I don’t like it at all all right I mean whatever so fun when new hook destroyed it so you’re getting a little bit of everything and that’s why you’re right Bruto just said it you don’t you don’t go nuts and go get a jersey at the freaking Team Store of whatever you know Ambrosio or whatever mean it would be Mar’s Jersey that you’re buying based on if you’re looking at only drills yeah I love H you know that’s all I’m saying you’re it’s it’s it is development camp and you take it for again the ones that are getting the most out of this is not so much management it’s the kids the players themselves right because they’re if they’re sponges that they want to get better and I was talking to biller today and you know obviously goalies have their own practice and their own you know working on specific drills but they also have off ice every day this week with goalies and that’s where biller cuz he’s old like me he’s not going on the ice but he takes care of the classroom and Frankie takes care of the ice and you know with bker and those guys but you know so they they get a lot out of it away you know from the ice they get a lot out of you know how to conduct yourself when and if you’re going to go to a camp one day you know a real camp and to leave an impression and a real training camp and you know so it’s it’s a lot it’s good for the kids makes them feel better about themselves and wherever they go if you’re an invite for your first rounder you know they take this stuff that they’ve learned this week and they put it into in the you know their own summer stuff and then their own teams come September and very important and you’re polishing your you know your game your your career and and you want to make sure you know you hear that expression all the time act like a pro you know be a pro and and and it starts right here because it’s is a pro Camp you know what I mean so it’s run by you know and then you go back to your junior team or whatever and you’re like oh yeah shoot maybe we should change this so that’s why I say it’s good if you’re a leader you can make rules like we were just talking about Gabe and stuff like putting some rules in there for for as a captain as a you know you can do the same thing and in junior hockey right you go back and you make rules and hey I learned this at Dev Camp over there is we should do this you know what I mean and it’s important to act like a pro and you know Cal Richie probably you know again I’m again I’m not the guy that’s going to say he’s going back to Juniors I’m not going to be the guy that says he’s going to stay here I’ve told you my Ryan O’Reilly story so I’m not never going to go back and say you know well this guy’s going back to Juniors it’s going to dictate itself like in August M right you know his play is and then maybe they’ll be like oh crap maybe we had penciled them in to to be in juniors but actually we’re going to need him here I we don’t know that right I don’t know um so we’re not going to pencil guys in but it’s kind of nice that they’re here they’re learning and then they’re able to go back and yep take that come the guys that are coming back obviously that are not college or the guys that going to be here in September then then you really get a leg up on on what it’s supposed to be like and feel like you know yeah yep all right we’ll talk about Jake fiser the other new guy on the ice as well as some of the kids that stood out at day two of Dev camp in just a second here but before we do we are brought to you by indeed if you are hiring or looking to hire indeed is the place you got to get over to uh to get everything set up for honestly the entire system of of getting someone hired and indeed has over 350 million Global monthly visitors according to indeed data and a 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podcast the other new guy Jake Fisher stepped onto the ice today uh that kid can shoot a puck there was one drill where they put him in Christian Humphrey together on a collec the puck along the wall and send it to the middle to the guy and the they both just took turns absolutely bombing pucks into the back of the net that was pretty fun for a drill those guys can shoot those two guys in particular can shoot shoot it was uh it was it was a fun drill there but what else did we see in in fiser today uh that I mean it wasn’t just that drill it was every single drill in which he had an opportunity to shoot a puck lasers it’s clearly his standout skill for sure for sure and you know he’s he’s a good smart defensive Center he had a couple of nice poke checks up high in those those battle drills for sure I want to see him in a game situation to see how it all translates the skating is a serious problem it’s not good those are bad boots where was he again for sure is that he’s going to De but where was he again somewhere in the USHL yeah I’m drawing a total blank a blank I know it was in the USHL but I will tell you Fargo 30 seconds he was in Fargo you’re right you’re right you’re right took me way too long to get there um good he was I mean he was really good for them like we We Just sh we we saw what he has to offer why he was of interest to the Avalanche good size smart player defensively responsible watching some of his USHL stuff he he’s got a physical element to his game but it’s about his shooting you get him anywhere near a shooting Lane he’s getting he can wire a puck and and especially that one timer so that’s his number one attribute right on the Scout absolutely and his worst attribute easily is es skating it’s a serious issue you work on that I mean how much are you going to correct it I don’t know you know but you certainly can get stronger bigger which can help your skating right um but when the mechanics are different you know I don’t know if it’s a strength thing or it’s a mechanic thing you know what I mean I’ll look more at him tomorrow like you know what I mean um it’s hard to tell when you just like you know right it a guy that has some clunky skating all of a sudden you put him in a game and it he makes it work sometimes yeah so Conor K’s one of the all time clunky skaters that you put them in a game and it really wasn’t that bad yeah I mean smart players right yep no know how to get where they need to be yep helps don’t have to be that fast if you’re already there yeah and with fiser like a lot of this is going to come in his defensive ability for sure but the shot is going to help him a lot because it’s going to give him something on offense that you can look at and say that’s an NHL skill does he have a spot at du or does he like I have no idea about their lineup construction yeah I’m not even going to pretend to know where all the invites and guys they give in lineup spots to that aren’t abstract but he going to do he’s not going back correct he and pitner are roommates yeah that’s right yeah oh yeah classes started adorable they had class yesterday can I just add something to uh somebody on Twitter G man9 6 asked me in instead of answering cuz you we all know how terrible I am at using Twitter but he said development Camp I assume these are open to Personnel of the team hosting them only no it’s not uh like if you were working for abs would you be able to go watch someone at sharks or Ducks development Camp if you had interest in them it’s a good question it’s a very very good question you know so gmen 96 I’m answering to you instead of writing it cuz we all know I can’t write um yes you can you know there’s people at Family Sports today there’s people at Family Sports yesterday there’s people are Family Sports tomorrow um yeah it does happen quite a bit sometimes you do get an invite to a guy like I want to invite rudo but the Sharks uh invited him to and the Ducks invited him and then rudo decides to go to the Ducks and doesn’t want to go to Colorado whatever it is for whatever reason you know so so you you have an interest in him but he didn’t come to your Camp you know and it’s like oh okay if he’s a junior guy maybe you need him for rookie can you know so you keep dibs and keep tabs on him whatever you call that and then I used to always tell kids that as development Camp too someone’s always watching that’s a reality of the National Hockey League like someone’s always watching when you’re at the restaurant and I’m not trying to be creepy I’m saying but you are you know what I mean like you got to represent yourself like with with the right Manner and somebody’s always watching you wouldn’t know they could be the hotel lobby person and you think you’re cool and it’s 2: in the morning and you’re in complete sausage to the person at the front and that is just not right you know what I mean and but you know what he’s actually knows somebody in the organization real well I mean just be nice to people and on the ice same thing the number one thing that when I was in the American League and when I was working with the as we always told the American League guys is if it doesn’t work here make it work somewhere else that’s okay that’s okay and that’s why we’re going to develop you because you know what if we feel you’re not good and you know for a good fit for our lineup you’re an asset for us we’re going to trade you somewhere to go get an asset so it’s important to develop and if it’s not good for your own team than it could be for somewhere else and yeah so you are allowed to go watch and I mean I there could have been a freaking Chicago blackox guy there today you wouldn’t know I mean he’s just there having a freaking Dipping Dots in the stands and you know like sitting there and you don’t know who he is yeah it was kotov a couple years ago went to ab’s Dev camp and then ended up going to San Jose that was the one I was trying to think of and he ended up getting signed it didn’t really work out but so yeah I mean you’re allowed yeah you’re allowed to go see I mean ABS practices usually are it’s rare that they’re shut down to the public I mean maybe in playoffs even I’ve never seen that yeah exactly now again easier to get into Family Sports than it is to go to practice at ball Arena you know what I mean like so if they’re practicing at ball Arena then it’s a little tougher but yeah I mean you can always look at why not when I was on the road like Scouting For A Team whatever it is like if I had a day off there I didn’t sit in my hotel room I’d go right to their practice room watch their practice why not yep you get to see how guys interact within each other at practice you get to see how he is dealing with you know what’s his Pace at in practice what’s his you know how’s the guy why not it’s free it’s free info why wouldn’t you take it you’re not doing anything illegal you’re not spying you’re not you’re watching a player why not good question off topic but good question no no no I like the answer it was good so besides the new guys who’s your uh who’s your top pick from today’s Dev Camp day um yeah I mean Sean I thought sha baren I watched a lot of the defenseman really closely today and especially in some of the Dr Drills yep uh and then at the end in the five on five whatever that was yeah like eight on eight that they were doing I really small area game yeah it was wild as [ __ ] um I watched a lot of Shawn Barons and he’s the most polished player there for sure agre with that his skating everything about his skating is really good I don’t think it’s a lead or anything at the moment it’s probably not as good as it’s going to need to be for him to be a longtime NHL player at his size sure that’s one of my concerns with him I don’t know how much better it’s going to get but the edge work the balance his transition all of it is really smooth surefooted uh I like he plays with his head up you know he’s going through those drills y he’s not looking down to see where the tire is he’s not trying to figure it out there’s not it’s all confident like he’s done this a thousand times and he has that’s experience that’s age and to see his level I thought his level came up from yesterday where I liked him yesterday but I loved him today and so with Barons and and God the guy is is so good with the stick and anytime anytime somebody gets him in a in a small area yep very comfortable in that environment and it just I I’m really ready to see him in game situations cuz there’s there’s only so much that you can take from this again we’re talking about this on an extremely granular level yep but the little things about Barons today I really really liked I will say nice break out work too not that this is difficult breakout work he’s got all the time in the world when they’re running drills up and down the ice but there are guys here that can’t make that tape to tape 80 foot pass and Barons was fully capable of it one of my favorite examples of just seeing what it looks like yep was uh Kevin chatton Kirk’s first Camp mhm where they come rolling in and we’re watching all these like years of shitty defenseman that the Avalanche had drafted and had brought to camps and and and you’re like looking through like gray areas here where you’re like all right well there’s this the ABS were late to that transition of Puck moving defenseman they had drafted the bigger guys for a long time but it was like there there’s this guy and you know he can do this and this is fine then Kevin Kevin shener gets on the ice he just fires one Outlet Pass Perfect it’s a bullet tap the tape and you’re like okay that’s useful to know like that’s what that is supposed to look look like and with Shawn Baron there was a lot there was a lot of this is what it’s supposed to look like yep for sure yeah you watch a practice like that you got a mixed bag of stuff right so you got the Sha Barons that’s a little more polished yeah um that’s plain and you know National Champion du program which they do a good job there they do I mean I’ll give them Praises right the coaching staff is excellent so you can tell the practice of the the pace of practices are more up to Snuff more up to NHL level where you know you get a little Junior kid that you know it’s his first development camp and that’s the big difference you watch a practice like today and then you put like a a Monday practice noname day during the season of the avalan and you’re like oh whoa what what what a freaking difference right it’s the pace it’s your your passes are on the tape they’re hard their crisp there a big difference you know what I mean like because it’s like we always say being an sh players cuz your habits are good usually you know you you’ve you’ve mastered the stuff of skating and passing on pucks on the tape guys find sticks like they just you know at the NHL level and it’s fast and and you can see that’s a big adjustment for a junior kid that comes you know because it’s like oh crap like you missed your past and then you’re like oh man like oh whoa you know what I mean cuz the pace is so fast and and right now they’re passing to another development kid B big difference passing it to McKinnon when he’s flying a 100 miles an hour stick in the air you know what I mean like you’re like holy schn you’re panicking right you know so that’s what you got to get used to that’s what you got to get you know and it looks like Sean has done a good job with that at du and then uh you know he’s a little more mature with his game a little more polished and you know a kid that’s there for the first time and and that’s why they’re there you know to realize where they’re at you know what I mean where am I at as a player with my skills and my you know my practice habits and so sh it sounds like he’s on the right path he also had one um he took a pass from somebody it was a hard pass and it he mishandles it a little was able to recover yeah it tips off of his stick and he kicks it to his foot in one motion right back to his stick and he doesn’t break Pace at all doesn’t upset his momentum those are like little things where you’re like hey like you need to be able to have that in the bag and that was cool yep uh all right coming up we’ll hear from a couple of players at Avalanche Dev camp and there’s one specific conversation I want to have but before we get into that make sure you’re grabbing yourself a Kors light chillaxin on July 4th setting off some fireworks or just enjoying the show maybe you’re doing a drone show my mom went to a drone show the other day it’s pretty cool pretty cool some of the stuff they can do with that it would be cooler if you have a Coors Light in your hand maybe literally if the mountains are turned blue they’ll be nice and cold for you go get yourself a Coors Light it’s the beer I reach for when I want to chill uh make sure you’re getting in with them make the most at of the times you choose 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SmartMoney for more details membership eligibility required insured by ncua restrictions and conditions apply third period of the dmvr Avalanche podcast Eric I wanted to ask you about this because you’ve been in the game I’m sure you’ve had some conversations or you’ve seen guys have conversations like this in the full team practice Jared Bednar pulls Cal Richie to the side to the opposite bench and has a talk to him for about 10 minutes I don’t know what that conversation is about I’m sure you don’t know the exact details but what’s going on there is that a conversation between a hey you’re one of the top prospects in this organization and I might be your future head coach is that a hey these are the skills that we think you need to work on what is that conversation well very simple like that I’ll make fun of coaches here um not necessarily Jared but anybody you see them at the draft and it’s so funny because they’re so disinterested you know I mean they’re just sitting there at the table and they have nothing to do with the draft and that’s not what they do right but they’re just there because it’s important for whoever they select to shake their hands and you know and hey this is the head coach and you know um you know that the kid all of a sudden leaves the draft and he’s like oh I shook the you know bednar’s hand and that’s my goal I want to be an avalanche and I think it’s important to set the things straight from the get-go but a coach that’s there usually is like besides like the celebrini or Bard last year and you know I mean like you know the gu’s coming to you know I’m gonna get my hands on this guy vard doesn’t really get hands on these guys till much later you know and then uh the shelf life of a coach in ation hockey league is what 3 years two years whatever it is benar is a little different he been here what eight now so it’s a little different which is awesome I like that I like continuity but so when when he sees guys at the draft like that he’s really you know he’s like this is years down the road like I’m I’m not going to you know see this guy um you know and then obviously we all know the story of Richie last year he’s unable to participate in Camp and you know I’m talking about regular camp and um so I I think this is a situ situation today where it’s kind of cool that the ABS coaches are on the ice for those development guys it’s awesome and uh it shows that they care and all that kind of stuff and so I think all that was today it’s more like all right I’m going to take five minutes here when the zambon is going on and lend the ice sit and check in with them in a different environment and coaches will always talk to players if you look throughout the season like they always skate around and then they’ll find a guy and then they talk to them skating around and some sometimes it’s to tell them they’re going to be a scratch or sometimes to tell them like hey you’re about to be a scratch or sometimes it’s about just checking in right it’s a great place when you’re just skating around to to talk to players and so I think this one it’s like Hey listen you pick Baron like I probably would pick Richie like he’s that far ahead of all the other guys that are here you know what I mean and it’s like he’s not much closer to being a full-time NHL player so when you have NHL coach and you’re there and with his situation Richie not being around really um then you take a few moments like that make him feel good about himself and give him the confidence I was just talking about that five minutes ago about this is what development Camp is you know grab a little some so maybe he you know he saw something earlier he’s just talking to him hey you know in that drill there maybe if you try to use your guy coming on the far side more whatever I’m saying some stupid right now but but it and it’s make the guy feel good how’s the injury feel do you feel you have any issues last year cuz it’s not like Jared Benard talks to prospects during the season he’s got plenty to deal with with the NHL Club you know what I mean so hey how was it did it hold up pretty good the injury it felt good is it behind you all right well you’re going to have a big camp this year and you know right now you know it’s the NHL things change on a day-to-day basis but hey you never know make us make decisions 100% that’s what you told make us make decisions you know I think you got to be focused on coming back here and getting stronger this summer cuz this is how you put on beef is in the summer right and then let’s see what happens in training camp Let’s uh you know yep make us make decisions and you know if we’re going to do what’s right for you whatever that is yeah you know we do what’s right for the Colorado Avalanche whatever that is and you know then it gives them a little bit of boost you know so no one like I don’t know it’s betting are around tomorrow no idea maybe not you know what I mean then it’s like oh okay the guy that’s closest to making my roster the Avalanche you know like I got to make sure I give him a few minutes and make him feel good you know and then and sometimes it’s actually cuz he’s not doing good and it’s like you need a little lesson from the head coach Bob was masterful at that Bob heartley and then and then uh you know just uh hey wake up you got the whole summer now and don’t be so stupid cuz you’re on the right path right now I don’t think that’s the case with Richie I think he’s on the right path know yep yeah I it’s almost not even worth getting into what Richie does on the ice cuz he’s again just the best guy here it’s it’s very obvious that he is the most talented player on the ice I didn’t watch him the rest of cuz he don’t need to really at all today we saw him yesterday and I was really trying to keep my eyes on some other guys so Mak sense I always say is like is there hockey in Zimbabwe or whatever no right I mean there’s probably is but where is there a place on Earth where there’s no hockey like I don’t know Antarctica yeah whatever perfect you put a guy from there and you put him in the ring today and you go Hey listen are you a smart guy the guy’s like yeah I’m pretty smart you know I’m not sure if he speaks English but um wouldn’t be hard to pick out Richie for sure can you pick the best player here he would pick it it’s that easy yep right it doesn’t take a skill to him and clucher my guy my boy Dev Camp day two is kind of a weird day because day one it’s like hey everybody’s here this is fun and then day three you get the actual like scrimmage or game or whatever you want to call it day two it’s just a lot of guys practicing for the most part obviously we’re doing a show talking about it right now but should we be is there really anything you can genuinely take away from a a death camp day like this I think it’s more these these death camps are not about Cal Richie and Shawn Barons for sure they’re more about Mar haukes yep guys that need looks in camps guys that need to try and get in front of somebody like these are these are opportunities for those guys Cal Richie was a first round pick as long as he’s healthy he’s going to play in Camp yeah you know he’s going to he’s going to play a preseason game or two here and there a lot of the guys at this thing don’t have contracts true they don’t have an Avenue to the NHL right now this is their first step a lot of them it’ll be the only step that’s true but yes I think the answer is yes you can take things from this we have seen Logan oconor is obviously the great success story yep but Sage Weinstein got an ELC last year he did came to one of these went to the rookie uh went to the rookie faceof in uh in Vegas and got a got an ELC spends the next two years of his career he just gets to play hockey freely doesn’t have to worry about any of that Y and then he turns Pro and we’ll see how it goes from there but that’s that all of that that decision-making process about trying to get that guy on an ELC doesn’t start at this Camp because they got invited to the camp to begin with so they were already identified as somebody some sort of conversation there yeah but to continue to progress that it starts here and you have to do it every day yep you can’t oh well you know I was really good on day one great wonderful guys that are going to make an impression have to do it all three days true got to be consistent you got to make it all three days you got to make it in the in the locker room you got to make it at the stuff that they’re you know they get class on you know how to eat and nutrition and and media relations and you know um I’ll say something stupid here how easy are you to deal with about your plane ticket to get here and out like are you that guy that’s just a problem sure I I I I’m telling you it’s not just like again like you we we’re talking about Theon ice but it’s it’s the other stuff you know that’s then puts it all together and then you’re like okay we might have an asset here you know what I mean like we might have something um they’ll talk to the uh you know medical guys hey how were they when they were you know how first of all how’s their base testing you know they get base tested on you know where they’re at and they’re like oh wow this guy’s a well conditioned athlete oh wow that’s amazing he’s only 17 it’s rare you know usually it takes them a few years to figure it out um where’s he at on you know interacting with the doctors and all that stuff yeah he was a great kid or wow he looks a little strange he looks a little weird you know and it’s like eh you know not looks but you know interacts look strangely and you know so I think everything’s important everything you’re you’re you’re you have a set of eyeballs bunch of eyeballs on you you know what I mean like and and you can tell you know and and some guys they make friends in a couple days and some some guys can’t you know what I mean which which is okay you know what I mean but does help them if they’re coming back and you know in training camp now they know you know rudo they know AJ you know just a little easier they know Tiff you know so that’s kind of you know that’s what it’s for then you take all the information they cram into in a few days right about how to take care of your body how to how to deal with stuff and then you you have a successful development camp C you know whatever successful is you know is that mean it leads to an ELC does it mean that it leads to maybe a contract next year does it lead to an invite to the main Camp right you know what I mean so it’s kind of you put everything together and then you measure your success and everybody’s success is measured differently because they’re all at different stages of their careers right so yep it’s it’s particularly important for college guys yep because they’re not allowed to go to training camp unless they have a contract right if the ABS want to sign Matt Davis or Mar kuk they to do it before the cam yeah yeah they have to do it they have to do it after what they’ve seen this week or else they or they go back to school and they’re not allowed to go to training camp they’re not allowed to do any of that hopefully that changes in the coming years with the rules around the definitions of amateurism changing um hopefully it it becomes a bigger part of the conversation in the CBA yep the next time the CBA rolls around and they you know make it a little easier for college kids to participate in those but right now they’re not allowed unless they have that deal yep so Matt Davis has to get a contract now haduk got to get a contract now yep or go back to school and do it again next year exactly but that’s that’s it’s it’s an all or nothing proposition and this is a right now this is an organization that is extremely College heavy yep so the this invite list it’s full of colle college guys there’s not many CHL guys in comparison to how many college kids there are mhm so those guys they just can’t just can’t they just they can’t do it they can’t kick the can down the road it has to be now true decisions got to get made eventually all right um we’ve talked a little bit about haduk as being one of those guys as a camp invite we also did talked to him today the audio on this one should be a little bit better so hopefully you can actually hear Hey du but let’s hear what he had to say and if it’s terrible we’ll just turn it off all right I’m joined by Mar at ad development Camp okay I guess it’s not ready so hold please for That interview uh while we wait for it day two for heuk the drills were good again did I think disappear a little bit more in some of the game situation stuff for sure well this is this is the reality of haduk right like this is why he hasn’t been drafted it’s why he’s invited to this kind of Camp is that he hasn’t been an overly productive college player true at this point in his career it would be a real moonshot to give him a contract but this gives him an opportunity to get in front of him and say hey let’s see yep oh yeah I mean he’s at a good camp it’s been a good couple of days for him no I yeah you’re right the expectations are not to get a deal out of this camp for him I think it’s more you take um the week to put some more ammo you know I mean in Your Arsenal and your you know what I mean like your your repertoire and then you you’re more ready to go back for your junior year at Harvard right obviously he was an ntdp kid and um you know didn’t get the best ice there you know what I mean like he got the [ __ ] Burger ice and um then he went to college at Harvard early like when I say early it’s wasn’t the 20-y old freshman you know he went in there as a true 18yearold I believe and college hockey it’s men I mean they’re they’re men they’re not boys they’re not kids it’s it’s it’s good League it’s good hockey as we all saw with University of Denver um this past year with their Championship season so it’s a tough freaking league and you know he had you know so so a year the first couple years and maybe a thing like this you know um a development camp like this you know kind of helps booster your confidence a little bit and you know then you you’re able to put it all together and then maybe this is The Big Year you know I mean for him where he goes back he has a more successful uh when I say successful is production wise you know on at the NCAA level and Harvard kind of went through a transition last year where where they lost a lot of guys from the year before they you know his freshman year they had a really good team last year they weren’t very good you know so not too sure what to expect this year for Harvard but um you know it’s going to be his third year and like I said I think this is important for him to come here leave a make a good impression which he’s making one you know what I mean which is good and then uh we’ll see where it leads he’s not ready but we’ve talked a little bit about Davis everybody is obsessed with the guy obviously he was Unreal in the NCA tournament for the Pioneers yep but he’s 23 already um the ABS are at 39 contracts right now got some room you’re allowed 50 probably going to add they will at 40 because Poland is an unsigned RFA so whenever he gets his contract finished they’ll be at 40 10 is still a ton of room I expect that a cow Richie contract is on its way at some point add two more NHL or tweener guys you get to 43 you need a third goenda and the bov conversation can they get him to rip up his KHL deal and come over right now and be theado eag for them yeah and if that if that’s the case like if that they’re able to get him to do that Matt Davis doesn’t really have a place yeah I it’s just hard to see how and and look the ABS have liked what Trent Miner has done over the last couple of years he’s made good steps feels like he’s earned one of those AHL jobs even if it ends up being the backup job or whatever yeah now you’re talking about signing Matt Davis to play him in the ECHL which goalies do sometimes but it it gets tight fast yeah I mean plus I mean again I’m not a friend of Matt Davis I don’t know you know um do I like him no I I didn’t like him cuz he beat bu and he was really good in that game so yeah I don’t like him that way but yeah he was he was fantastic he was fantastic for that run he went on he was unbelievable now I think he was sitting right here and would be like hey what are your your plans I think he would tell you like I’m going back for my senior year at du you you know what I mean like and that’s you know and a deal or not or NHL deal on the table or not I think I think he would tell you that he’s going back to to beu you know for to graduate and you know obviously April’s a different conversation you know he’s got his diploma and then he’s done he has no more years of Eligibility left and um then maybe he’s like okay ABS or not or whatever you know I mean if he has traction on on an NHL contract then you know that’s what he’ll do I and I think that’s where he’s going to go you know I I wouldn’t anticipate him signing an NHL deal now you know yep uh a question in the Toyota chat here from Delta V who says I did not know that namaka could even do that can you explain it more is that what the ABS are trying to do so yeah in theory any contract if the team and player agree can be terminated at any time you see it happen more often in the NHL really where a guy gets put on unconditional waivers to get bought out and then he usually ends up going to Russia this is the inverse of that where you’re trying to get a from Russia over to North America Russia historically has been pretty stingy about giving up on contracts and letting guys go but in the last couple of years and this off season even we’ve seen mitkov do it and now apparently there’s a bunch of smoke swirling about chernishov doing it too chov did it oh is it done okay so he was drafted uh I think first in the import draft I don’t know on theor side of it he like he’s G to go play in the CHL next year yep so yeah always an option at very least yeah and we saw it last year with kovalenko they ripped up his contract he signed his ELC with the AVS and then the ABS loaned him back to his KHL team little bit different it’s a financial incentive there uh and helps the ABS out well technicality where you know cuz he was already signed right oh I didn’t matter he’s a draft pick I was going to say he could play in the playoffs again he got injured it was more about I think his signing age because he would be a uh he got a 2-year ELC yeah and if they had waited until at the end of the year it would have been a one-year ELC and like I said the technicality played a part in it you know yep all right apparently the haduk might work now so let’s hear from meric haduk maybe all right I’m joined by Mar kuk at ad development Camp just tell me a little bit about how it’s going for you so far um it’s going great it’s been a lot ofun so far um yeah we had a couple skates today we had a practice with Coach benar so was fast lot lot of fun but uh other than that it’s been great I got meet a lot of new people here a lot of lot of good guys um yeah it’s been a bless did it raise your heartbeat a little bit to be playing B uh a little bit but um I thought I thought it was really cool um I know my dad knows it pretty well so um yeah it was cool raised my heartbe a little bit but not too much what was your reaction to getting oh I was thrilled I was so excited I remember Brian wiy gave me a call and uh yeah it was I was at Harvard at the time and I was thrilled super excited so um I couldn’t wait and it’s finally here and I’m having a great time so do you feel special came on the ab Jersey specifically everything you grew up around uh I felt really special I think uh you know growing up I went a lot of as games had my own ad doing that kind of thing but um for some reason this this felt different felt um felt felt cool felt felt good to have have that as emblem on you know while skating and stuff it’s great is there any adjustment altitude for you are you pretty used uh there no there’s no no adjustment i’ I’ve been training here for about five weeks now ever since I got back from school so um no there wasn’t any adjustment but definely little Advantage yeah it’s good was it like it to grow up and watch playe um it was awesome I know I know I went to a lot of games I wish I remember more I think I was young I think I was around nine when when he retired so I remember his last years but I mean I wish I remember more um but yeah it was always cool I was always excited to go center afterwards if they want get to go in the lock hang out with the guys so um yeah it was always fun and navigating your own hockey jersey Jersey journey and having a brother who also plays how did you find your own identity along the way um like as compared to like brother is that what you’re saying um yeah I think uh just with my twin brother when when we were younger we were we were a lot more similar um you know always doing the same things I know um always on the same team up until until Junior so um then was a little more tighter but now we’re older we we spend some time apart from each other so we had um know different interests you know different years at school so just need different people so I think uh it’s not necessarily that you know we we uh know we’re different but I think as We Grew Older just different things we look for different different people we meet so yeah we’re different but at the same time I love having around and did that come up at all having to stay yourself hockey um I think I think it’s always something i’ I’ve done so it’s not that I focused on that necessarily but um yeah I think I’ve always done that a little bit same true to myself you know to doing doing what I want to do in this case it’s it’s always been hockey so been pursuing that um but yeah and I never really had you know fight that just kind kind of had that always and how would you describe your idti as a my identity as a player I would say um yeah I’m a fast forward competitive um shooter good shot um and I think do anything for team to win what kind of influence did your dad have uh he had a massive influence ever since I mean when I was younger he would always go on the ice with me and know coach us then um as I got older he got more involved in coaching and then you 13 year you 14 year and 15 at the universe he was the head coach so um he’s always been always been heavily involved even now when you know I’ve kind of moved on he always sent me clips and stuff watch his practices G stuff to work on and stuff so um he’s always been heavily involved and I I think it’s been awesome he tough dis yeah at times at times there there’s um there’s there’s a lot of feedback at times so I always always urge them to to leave with something positive first but um no it’s good I think I think he’s always got something he’s got so much hockey knowledge so he just know consume as much as possible but yeah he’s tough but the tough I some benefits to having brother playing right alongside you um I think one big benefit was just I was I was always comfortable going like everywhere different teams you know different lockers always have you know your best bud with you so um it was always next to you but um I think just in general it’s just been a lot of fun you know I think like I said I played every single year on team except for three when we were in juniors so um yeah it’s always been fun to have him around on the team and I was super excited toon what were some challenges um some challenges I think big challenges we lost we lost a lot of guys fresh year some Top Dog so we we we were young team I think that was the big challenge young you know with the EC big big league strong league is old so um I think me and especially the team we’re struggling to start just just physically um competing in that League losing those guys but I think think first we had a lot of guys f a different roles really caught so really excited for next season you haven’t lost many guys really excited here um I think main I think my my score shot establish that shoot p as much as can you guys a sh tank no no we didn’t do that we did some some team building with uh with Adam the psy psychologist so um T there but other than that we didn’t we didn’t do the sh but it’s been a lot of learning a lot of stuff I’ve been keeping the back of my heads I I think it’s definitely involved especially with with the mental aspect I know um they brought in I said Adam and you know he talks with on the mental mental aspect which is just huge now especially today we did a little session on meditation so that was fun um eyes closed try not to sleep but um I think yeah definitely the mental aspect of the game is is massive now and you see all these teams implementing you know their their own guys and different different strategies that’s all thank you so much go to the so there you go a little bit of the baby haduk talking at you one of one of the two yeah is he the younger or older twin I don’t actually know uh David I don’t know ah well we’ll never know maybe amck was I think he was the first yeah anyway maybe I’m wrong hey 50/50 shot true flip a coin he’s the big baby uh we do have a bunch of super chats from y’all today uh $10 from D who says thank you so much for all you’ve done AJ you’re one of the main reasons I want to become a scout Eric should be that he’s actually done that job $500 from Daniel or SW checkbooks I I have no idea what the conversion is uh that could be $2 or it could be $500 I have no idea uh since 2020 there have always been only two moments when I felt like the ABS are going to eat the whole NHL alive let’s go number one 29 flying through the neutral zone with Fury in every slide number two AJ ranting I will miss you on the Pod man smiley face thank you I appreciate that he then has a a chain of them here another 500 check bucks it’s going to be different now without AJ so I just wanted to thank you for the last four years every ABS Joy was multiplied to you and every ab’s frustration went away faster thanks to you we are a really spoiled fam watching number 29896 covered he continues on by you yeah covered by you uh I still can’t grasp it having such an amazing team with such amazing coverage at the same time SL era you have equaled the Stars you cover in your efforts and it’s been magical all the best to the new coverage beginning or the new beginning I guess to all of you go Avs go uh at least can tell the kids one day it was there I was there in September 2023 when AJ hyley discovered his mem Shakespeare rant a prophecy that came true uh you have been the Fantastic Four of NHL coverage to me the dnvr crew and then he says I almost forgot about Tiff Fantastic 5 of course I love the saxophone Groove you accidentally drop on live every now and then it’s great hope you guys at least acquire someone similarly on fire when AJ signed quote quote elsewhere uh that’s was was that like 2500 check bucks that’s a the biggest number we’ve had on the show ever probably even if I don’t know what the actual value is but and then $50 from Delta V who says have some Fourth of July drinks on me your entire team is outstanding go Avs go thank you um for all of the kind words it’s uh you know flattering and um it’s been a lot of a lot of love over the last couple of days um you know I’m OB I’m obviously excited um but I’m I’m sad knowing that tomorrow’s kind of that last show for a bit and uh you know a lot of memories sitting in this chair The Godfather chair as Eric has called it in the past yep um you know it’s time for somebody else to sit in it so I’m I’m excited for what’s next and um will always be appreciative of uh what has been yep good place to leave it uh we are going to be back tomorrow tomorrow’s show will be in the late evening because the ABS Dev Camp is doing a scrimmage at 400 p.m. at Mountain so we’ll probably be live on the show 6:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m. somewhere in that range depending on how long the scrimmage goes but we’ll still have coverage of it for you so be sure to tune in tomorrow also go check out all of our other content whether it be on YouTube you can like And subscribe here that helps us out a ton or head over to the to read all of the stuff that AJ has written uh you can go check that stuff out too and consider supporting us by becoming a Die Hard uh that’s it we appreciate y’all we’ll talk to you [Music] tomorrow all like the mayor

Sean Behrens and Calum Ritchie were the brightest stars of the second day of development camp for the Colorado Avalanche. The play picked up quite a bit and the top two prospects of the Avs system excelled throughout the morning

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  1. Sorry about the audio issues with the interviews guys! Lot's of travel going on at the company and some of our gear just wasn't an option. Appreciate your understanding as always and sticking with us

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