Friendship Test | Ryan Leonard and Ryan Chesley

Friendship Test | Ryan Leonard and Ryan Chesley

hey everybody welcome back to another edition of the Friendship test I’m Taran Bray today I am joined by capitals prospects and Team USA teammates Ryan Leonard and Ryan Chesley and we are going to put them to the Friendship test the goal is to get as many answers as the same as possible are you guys ready yeah y do we think we’re going to do well we give it all yeah all right first question who’s louder on the Team USA bench what does it say yeah all right one for one good start next question who is more likely to secretly watch highlights of [Music] themselves maybe something just like pops up and I give it a watch right y all right what player does chz model his game after most do we get like three or just the one just try to pick one player one yeah all right let’s see him you put I was thinking maoy too the next question is you’re both in college who got better grades last year two different schools doesn’t matter come on did you already write it or no I mean not a hard question right a lot over there we got a sense [Music] happening so you think that it would be you if you guys went to the same school wow mine is a 10 times better Academic School it’s debatable not even close who has a harder [Music] shot oh for oh oh I don’t know oh might have to test that out what is Lenny’s most used word or phrase during a game what you I put bang that’s what I said last year feel like you say let’s go well yeah yeah do you think it’s let’s go or is it bang I don’t even know it’s Bang’s a good one yeah Bang’s a good one especially after a goal who’s most likely to be late for a team meeting do you actually call me yeah why would I be late you guys started off strong and now we’re we’re we’re diverting from the premise of the game um who spends more time on Instagram me do you watch reals no yeah you put you yeah yeah okay that’s like go-to app I don’t really like to go on Tik Tok that much what is Lenny’s goto s fist pump like one knee maybe that’s what I was thinking yeah like down and yeah yeah all right all right that’s a half a point yeah that counts golfer golfer who’s the better golfer this is a Leno request I think this is agreement no okay let’s see do you guys have right now okay that’s true no we hav no what’s your handicap [Music] one there’s no is yeah there’s no way you have to play so much golf to be I do how often do you play golf I work out I skate and then I go right to the course it’s 2 minutes for my rank a one that’s really good what’s yours I’m a five okay that’s also really good though but you still have chance like yeah we’re getting you guys out on the golf course next year then Perfect all right thanks guys thank you

We put Capitals prospects and Team USA teammates Ryan Leonard and Ryan Chesley’s friendship to the test!

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