Should Sidney Crosby consider leaving Pittsburgh? πŸ‘€ #CJShow #penguins #nhl #hockey

Should Sidney Crosby consider leaving Pittsburgh? πŸ‘€ #CJShow #penguins #nhl #hockey

if I had a crystal ball I would probably project that Sydney Crosby would be calling up Nathan McKinnon and being like hey you want to play at least a year or two together see he’s got to probably look himself in the mirror this summer obviously have chats with people close to him that matters but it’s like do you want to play these last couple years where you’re still at a high where like I mean I know a big carrot for Crosby is that he’s going to get to now play best on best again that’ll be cool for him whether it’s at the four nations or the 2026 Olympics like that’s all locked in but do you want to be kind of toiling in mediocre C do you want your season to end on April 10th you know the answer is no but like I just don’t see the path back to the playoffs quickly for the penguins like I don’t see the path back to really contending none of this is meant to suggest he’s gone or anything like that it’s just I’m looking at the landscape and I’m looking at the fact he hasn’t signed his new deal I’ll say this I’m willing to bet he’s not signing for 8.7 million to to write out the career

  1. Would love to see him get another charge in the playoffs with a great team and see him surrounded by excellent players. He’d be a great trade deadline asset!

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