Marty Byron says Canucks are the Best Canadian Team goin into next year

Marty Byron says Canucks are the Best Canadian Team goin into next year

  1. I don’t know how people say we are not a better team than last season. I think the forward group is extremely deep. There is also a lot of physicality on our roster that we haven’t had before. Looking forward to the season.

  2. I’m not going to sit here and act like Edmonton wasn’t already great and probably got better.

    But who am I to go against the word of a class act like Marty Biron?

  3. Best, maybe or maybe not…however, the Canucks are a force and will be a really fun team to watch. It’s been a long long time since we had size like we do on the D line now and I’m excited to see those trees around Captain Quinn. Also, the players they brought on seem humbled by how Vancouver is being managed/coached and want to blossom under that structure. It’s one thing having players come in to improve the team, but it’s another thing have players come in to get better because of the team.


  4. I think we had the best free agent signings of all the canadian teams. Oilers had pretty decent signings but skinner can’t defend for shit and arviddsson is injury prone

  5. I don’t know if we are better than the playoff team but going into the regular season this team is stronger than last year.

    Edmonton looking good as well

  6. Oilers forward group is incredibly deep and they pretty much have the exact same team back from last season. This run may have been what’s needed to transform Skinner into another level. And they know next season is likely their last shot in a while with Draisaitl extension coming up soon. He is gonna to make about 5 million more per season in his next contract. So they are the team to beat for me.

    As for us, we got better up front with the recent signings. But it still largely depend on the health of our top players, especially Demko. The health of Demko to me is the factor. With Demko, I think we are a lock for the playoffs but if Demko misses significant time, we maybe battling for a WC. If we had Demko for our playoff run, we could’ve made this run to the Finals ourselves this season. I have faith Pettersson will bounce back and score 100+ points again. Slight regression of Miller and Boeser but they should still be good for 30+ goals each with Miller putting up 85-95 points and Boeser putting up 70 points again. Our blueline still needs 1 more puck mover, and I believe we will acquire that player mid-season or at the TDL.

  7. I think the Canucks and oilers are pretty much even, with a slight edge to the oilers.

    To me it all depends on which team is the healthiest.

  8. I think TOR/EDM/VAN definitely got better. OTT probably got a bit better with better goalie and if Demidov can play right away than MTL too.

    CGY/WPGs are meh

  9. Canucks got players that can play a 200 ft game and are responsible defensively. They have more balance throughout their lineup. Oilers have Jeff Skinner, who can’t play defence, and Ardvisson who is injury prone and can’t play a full season. Stuart Skinner in net will always be their Achilles heel.

  10. Whether people agree or disagree with him I just find it refreshing when analysts actually put some elbow grease into their predictions. Most analysts are cowards who just look at what everyone else is saying and then regurgitate the same old thing. I don’t mean to sound harsh but it’s just true.

    And I agree with him on Nashville. Of course the cynic in me thinks two veteran star players choosing Nashville might suggest that they just want to retire in style and enjoy their millionaire lifestyles. But if they play to win they might really be a team. Both of them are hard-nosed Canadian players who hoist cups.

  11. Delusional the oilers signed arvidsson skinner and resigned Henrique. Barring another early season collapse they win the pacific easily and if mcdavid is healthy again hes gonna be even more motivated to get home advantage all through the playoffs.

  12. All depends on the neck power of the new giant defenceman. If they have weak short necks then the oilers forward group will run circles around them.

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