Don’t do it.

Just don’t.

  1. Yeah, you know what… let’s not. Immaculate vibes on this team. Don’t need this noise. Let him be someone else’s problem. I’m no expert on his situation but from reading this it doesn’t even sound like this is behind him.

    tldr: I agree, go Cavs

  2. I can easily separate the person for the player. Unless it hinders his ability to be out on the court, idc. Bring him in, he’d be a good fit.

  3. It’s weird when fanbases try to prosecute athletes. You posted his Wikipedia page like it’s facts 😂. We’re sports fans, not a jury

  4. I want to win. We have limited assets. It’s worth the roll of the dice to bring him in to try to win.

  5. Virtue signaling everywhere, then they talk about giving people second chances and having “compassion”. Just plain sick and twisted behavior.

    Imagine thinking so high of yourself and feeling you have the power to decide who can work and move on with their lives or not.

  6. How does he have an outstanding warrant? Seems like a guy who’s fairly easy to know where he is at various times

  7. he is a scumbag and a horrible person but i truly don’t care as long as i get to see my team hold larry again

  8. Holy shit. After reading this then still see people say “we need him” is so messed up. I don’t give two damns if he’s some big talent— a “man” who abuses his own family will be just as toxic to random dudes he plays with on a team.

    You want someone who throws pool balls at a car his children are sitting in? Or how he strikes their mother right in front of them? No fucking thanks.

  9. I said this in a different post but I’ll say it again here:
    I’d rather have Kelly Olynic on this team than Miles Bridges. Also FUCK KELLY OLYNIC.

    Miles Bridges is a wife beating little bitch.

  10. I wouldn’t want him regardless. Below average defender and shooter. OK rebounder. Ok passer. Above average scorer.

    Add colossal cunt to that scouting report and I’m a unequivocal no.

  11. y’all are fucking disgusting and having to be grouped with you as a cavs fan hurts… this man beat tf out of his wife, he shouldn’t get a pass just cos he is good at a sport. I don’t want this man anywhere near my team. Idc if he helps us get past the 2nd round, at the end of the day we are human and how we treat each other is much more important than winning a basketball game. Id rather our team consistently miss the playoffs with a team of good guys rather than sign Bridges, Primo and KPJ if it guaranteed us a chip. Don’t sacrifice your humanity for a ring…

  12. Buncha scumbag Browns fans in this thread. Winning is not worth supporting an asshole. Please spare one team for this city

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