The Memphis Grizzlies Are SCARY And Nobody Talks About Them

The Memphis Grizzlies Are SCARY And Nobody Talks About Them

YouTube the Western Conference in the NBA has been an absolute chaotic hurdle for every team that wants to make it to the finals in that conference last year being no exception we have the Oklahoma City Thunder the Minnesota Timberwolves the Dallas Mavericks who made the finals last year Los Angeles Lakers the Golden State Warriors tons of teams in the mix but there’s one team in particular that nobody’s talking about that I think is being quite literally slept on in the Western Conference that is absolutely terrifying and that is the Memphis Grizzlies the reason I think no one’s talking about Memphis is because last year they had a little bit of a transition season right you have JN marant with the suspension comes back for a few games gets injured Unfortunately they dealt with injuries I mean almost to every player on that team right but coming out of that season you actually find some really good talent through all the chaos and you know injury depth issues that I think you can carry over really well to next season right and some notable players being Santi Al dama GG Jackson and Vince Williams right these are guys that showed a ton of flashes even Scotti Pippen Jr showing a lot of credibility as a backup point guard I think the Memphis Grizzlies are terrifying in the Western Conference and if I’m a fan of a contender I need to start paying attention to Memphis right now in this video I’m going to talk about what they have going for them next season why I think they are clear and obvious contenders in the Western Conference next season no question about it Memphis is on the rise they’re back and they’re going to be hungrier than ever to prove everybody wrong and we’re going to talk about their chances as far as every Western Conference team next season let’s get right into it folks so obviously the first thing you have to mention when you’re talking about the Grizzlies in 2025 is johnar Right Assuming he’s healthy next season this is a guy that I would assume you know he’s had his struggles off the court we’re not going to get into that but this is a guy that again I would assume is hungrier than ever to prove everybody wrong about him right and I’m sure he’s been labbing up to the max to get his body right get his you know mental health right and have all the things going on with him come back next season and just shut everybody up man that’s what I want to see out of John Morant clearly being one of the most talented players in the league you can’t go 5 minutes without seeing an NBA top 10 top 20 list on on Twitter and he’s never even on there anymore right this is a guy that is absolutely a top 10 talent in the league and I think you know next season you will see that on the floor from night to night this team will only go as far as John Morant goes and that is clear and obvious but I think you know next season will be a make or break season for him but I have a ton of Hope in John marant’s uh future in the NBA I’d bet money that he’s coming back stronger than ever next season let’s talk about Desmond Bane in my opinion one of the more underrated players in the entire NBA you know when you talk about young guards that offensively are just Absolut nightmares to cover Desmond Bane has to be brought up and he’s usually not right Desmond Bane last season basically taking the Reigns from johnar as he was down a lot of times you know showing a lot of on ball creation uh leaps in his game right this is a guy that’s improved every year of his career last season no exception Desmond Bane was excellent last season and showed again a lot of strides in his on ball creation game we got to talk about Triple J right Triple J jiren Jackson Jr you know wins Defensive Player of the Year in 2023 comes back last year you know as the number two option on this team and really had a little bit of struggles right you know Triple J is a elite defensive talent and has a lot of offensive game to him as well you know he’s not the most efficient offensive player and I think his role is best suited as a three or a fourth option but this is a guy that’s you know one of the more talented power forwards in the league and he’s still a young player still developing right but he can shoot the ball from the outside Defensive Player of the Year candidate every season a lot of times you know the Grizzlies with their Center issues were forced to play Triple J at the five didn’t really work out so well last season I don’t think he’s the center right he’s just not so you know bringing in Zach Edy in the draft is going to be really big for him to be able to just basically you know maximize his ability and do what he does best right and I think uh Triple J has a big Time bounceback season next year with everybody back and healthy and ready to compete Marcus Smart was acquired in the trade you know that you sent tus Jones to the Wizards you know Kristof porzingis involved in that deal Marcus Smart struggled to stay healthy and on the floor last season only playing 20 games but this is again a guy that I think has been a little bit slept on people saying you know since the Celtic won the finals and KP had such a good year with them oh you know they scam the Grizzlies right and I don’t think that I really don’t you know it’s not looking great right now but Marcus smt is again another DPI player who is going to play as hard as anybody in the league right he has his limitations uh shooting wise and you know maybe sometimes has a tendency to make some bad decisions and be overly aggressive offensively but this is a great role player in this league still and if he could stay healthy next season you know that is the big thing for the Grizzlies is going to be their overall health but assuming everybody’s Healthy Man Marcus Smart is going to make a giant impact paired with johnar next season you know Brandon Clark is a player that I think has had kind of an interesting uh career with Memphis you know coming off of that ACL injury ended up playing six games last year but him coming back for the Grizzlies is as a high energy you know hardworking big man you know power forward Center whatever you want to put him as I think you know his impact again another guy that once he gets his body right is going to make a splash you know big return Season next year and I think Brandon Clark is an underrated player as well they have a lot of underrated players on the Grizzlies again you know through all the uh inner turmoil and chaos injury-wise and just depthwise you end up finding a really good uh Trio of players and we’re going to start with GG Jackson who I think had one of the best rookie seasons of anybody last year and it really didn’t start until you know a decent way through the season right and GG Jackson in my opinion he’s a three or a four but has great great upside offensively I mean this is a guy that has a natural pure shooting ability to him right this guy is a shooter shooter and he’s got great size to be able to get those shots off against anybody his mechanics are Super Sound and fluid right and just offensively I think you got a potential you know 20 points a game scorer in the future we’ll have to see what his role is next season but he is that talented offensively in my opinion you know I’m a really excited to see him in a setting where you know the the Grizzlies are competitive and see what you know how great his role can be and how amazing he can be as that you know stretch forward type option for the Grizzlies Santi Al dama kind of a you know doit all uh offensive kind of forward he can play the four I think he’s best as a four you know he’ll probably be a backup four next season but has ability to step in at the five sometimes I don’t think he’s the best center but this is a guy that can rebound shoot and pass as a big man and that’s always you know a positive uh offensively for a big man so again it’s kind of hard to gauge a lot of these guys because you know they’re kind of last year there was a lot of just chaos going on with that lineup so you know to see them in their you know natural role as a competitive team I think it’s going to be really important to judge their ceiling and their play but you know Alama is definitely a offensive uh positive player for any lineup he’s going to be in so you know I like Santi Al dama right you’re probably going to lose Luke Canard in free agency I would imagine but that’s okay you know you you do have enough shooting at you know with Desmond Bane and GG Jackson and listen Vince Williams one of my favorite player on the Grizzlies played 52 games last season and you know getting a multi-year extension with the Grizzlies but you know this is a Do-it all type of guy he is a defensive nightmare to go against right he can guard multiple positions at that Wing position right really good athlete and just does a lot of things for you you know he can handle the ball he can playmake and he can get his own shots sometimes and score right so I think you know Vince Williams maybe one of the biggest discoveries for the Grizzlies right and definitely one of my favorite players as a role player in the league I think his ceiling is super high as a role player you could be looking at a do-it-all gadget type of guy for Memphis and Vince Williams Jr you know Scotty Pippen Jr played a lot of games for the Grizzlies you know ending the season uh ended up with uh 21 games like I said towards the end of the season most of them but this is a guy with a really good playmaking ability to him you know and a really efficient shooter I mean Scotti Pippen Jr ended up shooting the ball at all three levels pretty well you know especially from three I mean this was one of your best Shooters last season you know all things considered but 42% on threes on you know 3.4 attempts per game is really good in a limited role and be interesting to see his role moving forward with the team you know because you have maybe a log Jam at point guard with Marcus Smart and John Morant but if you want a little bit more controlled playmaking I think Scotty Pippen Jr is a good option he’s a little bit small but you know he will have to play point guard no question but you know Marcus Smart is able to play the two so I think that could be a situation you see there Desmond Bane at the three uh Triple J at the four or GG at the four you go out and you select uh Zack Edy ninth overall in the NBA draft I’ve had a little bit of criticism for this pick you I don’t think he might be the best fit defensively for the Grizzlies and I’m not sure he is a starting caliber Center just yet in his career and with his you know athletic limitations primarily the mobility defensively I think it’s could be issue at times but you do have jiren Jackson Jr to make up for a lot of those mistakes right and that is something that I think’s underrated in this situation with Zach Ed is that you know when you have a great League wide great player like Triple J defensively he can cover up for a lot of mistakes from other players and I think you’re going to see that a lot of times with Zack Edy in the lineup I think offensively though this is a great move for the Grizzlies selecting Zack Edy because he is a mismatch nightmare for opposing bigs and that gives Jaren Jackson Jr a lot of space to operate out outside of the paint right and and he’s had his best when he’s operating outside of the paint honestly on both ends of the floor right if you have Zach Edy you know basically clogging up the lane defensively right jiren Jackson can basically roam as a free safety and just SWAT any shot he wants on the weak side right so that is one thing that I think is really good his pairing Zack EDI with Triple J I like that for the Grizzlies just not sure he’s ever going to be a 30 minute perame guy with his size and uh defensive limitations but overall you do get better at the five position if you’re the Grizzlies I think you know there’s still room to grow and you know depth to be had at that five position I think Zack Ed is going to be a great rebounder I think J Jackson Jr needs to be a little bit better of a rebounder but you will have to help rebound from the guards right Marcus Smart Desmond Bane GG Jackson John Mor they’re all going to have to crash the boards right offensively I think your rebounding is good but you do lack a little bit of interior presence you know Zach Ed could be that guy but defensively I’m just not so sure about that I think the center could end up defining your season Once get into the postseason you have great centers in the Western Conference you think about Minnesota with Rudy goar and Cat and Nas Reed you think about Denver with jic you think about OKC now bringing in Isaiah hartenstein and also having Chad holgren got the Lakers with ad even the Clippers with zubac right there’s plenty of great centers in the west and I think you know that could be an issue moving forward for Memphis there’s a lot more depth pieces for the Grizzlies I could talk about but those are the main ones I wanted to address in this video you know all in all I think Memphis has one of the brightest Futures still in the western confer confence and next season they’re going to be hungrier than ever I think they are up there with Minnesota OKC the Lakers the Clippers the Warriors the Nuggets right this is that great of a team I think you know we’re potentially looking at a top four seed in the west next season and you know again it goes as far as John Morant goes but I think John Morant I would bet money that he has a bounceback season next year everyone else can stay healthy and consistent I mean you’re looking at a potential Western Conference Finals or NBA Finals team they’re that good with the roster they have right now assuming Health isn’t an issue I think you are building a decent culture with Coach Taylor Jenkins I like Taylor Jenkins as the coach I like the front office’s you know commitment to winning this is a great organization in Memphis right this is a team that has a smaller Market but they’re again they’re very committed to winning a lot of times these smaller Market teams aren’t super you know willing to spend a ton of money that is not the Grizzlies they’re they’re going to make moves they’re going to be aggressive this is a city that loves basketball they have a great fan base so if you’re watching this video You’re a Memphis fan I I respect you man I love the Grizzlies I’m going to make a video on Zack Randolph in the future he is one of my favorite players of NBA history I love Zebo man I love I love that grit and grind eror that was one of my favorite teams of all time I’m a Sixers fan but I’ve just always liked the Grizzlies but again I think you know just to sum it up shortly I think they are of that caliber of team right you talk about Denver you talk you know Denver losing kcp and you know clearly having some depth issues right they are of that caliber you know tier of Team uh Memphis right so next season you know they could stay healthy they’re just as good as you know a Denver or a Minnesota or or an OKC I give them just as good of a chance I think nobody’s talking about this team right cuz they had a you know kind of a transition year with all those injuries and just the stuff going on in the organization lineups changing every day but in that grind I think you know Memphis knows something about grind maybe more than any team you find guys like GG Jackson and Vince Williams who can provide solid quality rotation minutes for you right and these are guys with high upside that are young so people forget man this is still a young team this is a very young team right but your whole core is like basically 25 under this is still a very young team with a lot of potential and they are ready to compete now and as I mentioned I give them as good of a shot as anybody in the west if everything goes well healthwise right everybody can stay healthy I might have them in the Western Conference Finals we’ll have to see how they come out at the start of the Season you know we’ll have to see what johar looks like but assuming he is johnar next season you know again they’re that great so you know this is a terrifying team that you know I think people got to start paying attention to again because you know the West is again very chaotic and there’s always going to be changes year to year it’s just so good there’s just so many great teams in the west and all of them most of them got better this season uh in the offseason free agency and stuff like that so expect the Grizzlies to be a playoff team no matter what I mean I I would put everything in my bank account on that they’re going to be a playoff or playin team next season and have a chance to compete again assuming Health isn’t an issue I’d have him as a you know top five seed in the west so you know hang in there Memphis you had a tough season you know you’re getting a little disrespected right now there’s a ton of you know bad stuff going on over the past few years with johnar and all that but at the end of the day you will be laughing at the end of the season I believe and that is why the Memphis Grizzlies are terrifying hopefully you guys enjoyed the video make sure you guys drop a like if you did subscribe to this channel if you guys want to see NBA content just like this every single day we upload all things NBA every day right we’re going to be covering free agency trades Summer Olympics I can promise you you know if you’re interested in NBA content subscribe to the channel you’re going to get NBA content every single day videos similar to this on the channel hopefully you guys enjoyed the video make sure you guys follow my socials again Memphis Grizzlies fans let me know down in the comments section what you think of this video do you think I’m kind of spot on or do you think I’m missing some pieces of it you know it’s always great to hear from the fan base of these teams because I know as well as anyone as a you know dedicated Sixers fan a lot of people uh mischaracterize my team just a little bit right even if you’re you know they have good intentions like I think I do with representing the team well there’s just certain things you miss if you’re not paying close attention to them every day like a you know Grizzlies fan would so let me know all that you know stuff that I’m missing down in the comments I love hearing from you guys you guys always educate me I’m willing to learn I’m willing to be wrong you know what I mean I’m wrong I’m wrong every day I’m wrong every day and I don’t pretend I’m not so if you guys have some criticism or you know stuff you want to share with me infowise I’m always receptive to it I try to be so that would be greatly appreciated feedback is always really important for the channel love you guys thank you guys for all the support as of late and I will catch you guys in the next one this your boy D Haven as always peace hey

The Memphis Grizzlies Are SCARY And Nobody Talks About Them (2024)

In this video I will be outlining why I think the Memphis Grizzlies led by Comeback Player of the Year Candidate in 2025 will be as good as any team in the NBA Western Conference in the 2025 NBA Season! This team will be a top 4 seed in the West if everyone Stays healthy. With Players like Ja Morant, Desmond Bane, Jaren Jackson Jr., Zach Edey, Marcus Smart, GG Jackson, Santi Aldama, Vince Williams Jr, Scottie Pippen Jr. and Brandon Clarke all coming back healthy, who’s gonna stop this team in the Western Conference? They are a legit contender and the Grizzlies seem to not be getting that respect! Hope You Enjoy!

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Tags: memphis grizzlies,memphis grizzlies news,memphis grizzlies draft,memphis grizzlies 2024,ja morant,the memphis grizzlies are scary,ja morant come back,nba,nba hot take,nba news,nba memphis grizzlies,zach edey,zach edey memphis grizzlies,grizzlies rumors,grizzlies news,nba community,ja morant comeback,desmond bane,jaren jackson jr,gg jackson,vince williams jr,marcus smart,nba grizzlies,grizzlies 2025,memphis grizzlies 2025,nba 2024,nba trades,ja

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  1. I just pray to God its not another injury riddled season for Memphis. Super talented team hopefully the injury bug doesn't hit them bc they definitely are not only an exciting team but they can literally contend especially if edey comes in and performs well. They dont even need edey to be special just do his job. If ja has learned his lesson for good and the injuries don't affect them their definitely dangerous

  2. Great video. I think everybody's criticisms of Eady are overblown… he performed better and faster than Clingan at nearly all exercises at the combine… That aside, he is a frighteningly fast learner and was simply playing the role his coach wanted him to at Purdue for their system. He has clearly shown an ability to adapt and improve frighteningly fast, which in my opinion means that come 1st game of the season wont be too long before Eady is fully in the grizz "system". Just food for thought.

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