Bobby Brink has a new contract for the Philadelphia Flyers! Plus, depth signings & their To Do List

Bobby Brink has a new contract for the Philadelphia Flyers! Plus, depth signings & their To Do List

it’s the locked on Flyers podcast for Friday July 5th your daily dose of Flyers news analysis and high quality content that’s talking Bobby branks new contract [Music] yep you’re locked on Flyers your daily podcast on the Philadelphia Flyers part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day hey there and thanks for making lock on is your first listen every day I am Rachel Donner you can find me on Twitter at riam I’m here as always with bruss Cohen who’s on all your favorite social media apps at sportsology we are at locked onf flyers on Instagram threads blue sky and Twitter as well today’s episode is brought to you by Game Time download the game time app create an account and use the code locked on NHL for $20 off your first purchase terms apply you can find us over on YouTube on the serus XM app or anywhere you listen to podcast subscribe to get our latest episode as soon as it’s available here on the locked on podcast Network your team every day uh I hope y’all out there had a great holiday yesterday and enjoyed the day uh we have Bobby Brinks contract to talk about today two years 1.5 on the cap hit it is a one-way deal for the first time for him and you know I think this is a good bridge and slash proove it contract for him right it’s a bridge deal if he continues to grow and get better and it’s a also a provate contract because it’s not a lot of term not a lot of money and I think it’s the right deal for him yeah I mean I wouldn’t have given him two years because you still can decide that next year but that’s okay I I I don’t know if he’ll be here in two years like to me even though he scored 11 goals he he went down on a lot of categories that I look at uh his giveaway percentage was up compared to the takeaway uh his shots getting through went down it was 52 used to be like 56 he gets a lot of ice time 1348 so they you know he gets more than lixel or anybody else when they come up and and that’s because he has this ability but again he has to prove it he only had five Power Play points three Power Play Goals that’s not good enough and honestly we’re at the point now where this is a very tricky part because he’s going to be 23 and he’s not a top six guy that’s obvious so he’s a third liner or bust like that’s what he’s going to be and so now he’s got to prove it that he’s a third liner now to give you an example in the draft it’s not like everybody’s ripping it up after him but uh Neils hoglander has 90 points and couple defenseman are close to him in point points and Nick Robertson who’s been really hurt has 34 points it just shows you that even those guys were doing more so you know he’s got to do more that’s the bottom line yeah and that’s why I say it’s a it’s a good deal if you if you want to term it a bridge deal or you want to term it a provate deal and that’s where I I think both can apply to this contract um you know when he did go down to the Phantoms for that brief stint um he had 13 games there seven goals six assists so very clearly he was able to do what he needed to do at the AHL level we saw that this season and he comes back to the Flyers and he did well but didn’t overwhelmingly do well and I think that’s where the pro it part of it comes in and yeah I I just I really think this is the right deal for him he’s the right guy in this part of the rebuild to try and give him a shot to prove it I think in other teams other circumstances he might not have that opportunity but for the Flyers right now I think it’s a good thing for the team and I think it’s a good thing for him yeah no question you know as a as a 2019 pick like this is where you need to see the the progression and so we’ll see I mean again you know that’s he’s he’s carved out a very small Niche he’s got to make it bigger yep absolutely so I am looking forward to that and you know I I have these like little thoughts about with Massimo Rizzo joining the organization is that gonna give him like a mental boost as well hope hope yeah and that’s just a little nugget that I’m keeping in the back of my brain about but they may never you know the way it’s being coached they may never play together and that’s the S part I know that’s the interesting part too which is why I’m very much looking forward to training camp and seeing the two of them together I think right that’s kind of like going to be a key indicator for me just in a fun sort of way absolutely I’m looking for that too you’re not the only one yeah yeah if that does it but in the meantime the Flyers also signed Anthony Richard and uh I think that it it was a really interesting choice here because obviously they let Tanner linski go and so is this a depth Center replacement sluy that they need on the Phantoms yes um it’s a two-way deal so he can be called up but I don’t see it likely happening just given everybody else that they have in the system and with the Phantoms but you know I I think he’s a he’s a producer at the AHL level so having him on sys like I’m pretty pleased with that to be honest well I’m not going to hold it against him yes he’s a good AHL player do I think linski is going to produce more than him and possibly a little bit at the NHL level yeah I do and I think V Vegas has proven that they not only can develop but they give their kids a chance like that’s the one thing Vegas always has injuries it seems because of these older players and so he’s going to get a call up and he’s going to be hungry when he gets that call up and and this is where the Flyers made a choice so it’s okay you know we’ll see how it works out yeah yeah I mean if they just didn’t have room for him and just weren’t going to call him up I mean God bless him we’re going to talk more about you know Flyers going elsewhere in the next segment and and talk about that a little bit more but you know for a guy that I want you know as a a top center for the Phantoms this guy seems good he’s a bit of a a journeyman yeah which you know Nashville pick has played in the Habs organization was most recently with Boston and played for the Providence Bruins where he had 55 points in 59 games got uh nine games at the NHL level with a goal to assist during that time which is not nothing honestly for a callup borderline guy I think that’s pretty decent um for your call up time but for somebody that you want to spend the bulk of the season on the Phantoms we’ll see what the chemistry looks like with some of the guys down there and with the prospects and see what he can bring right so the other small signing was Sawyer Bolton which is a direct to the Phantom signing it’s not an NHL contract um it’s just an interesting signing because he played with the London Knights this past season and it seems to be the Flyers are going in on the London Knights uh a little heavily uh he is the kid of Eric Bolton who was also a tough guy in the NHL and this he’s just an energy pims guy I mean he’s not a scorer at all uh so expect to see him get limited amounts of time with the Phantoms I would hope yeah yeah I you know I’m not going to get excited about the signing we’ll see uh what he can do and is is this a favor because Danny and Eric played together probably maybe maybe so yeah we we’ll see where he fits in in the Phantoms going into next season and I think all all of this kind of brings us to the aor zamo Moa contract right because he’s the the one guy they have not announced a deal for and if you look at the cap assuming you know the Ryan Ellis LTI this is one of the last days we could look at the cap I need to point that out I know we’re running out of days here and I feel horri I’m cap friendly anyway I know I’m looking at my spreadsheet right now and just looking at it if you put Ryan Ellis on LT and Ryan Johansson not on ltir he’s an active member which is probably most likely right now most likely so we have his $4 million cap hit we have 1.7 million left including that ltir overage so that’s plenty of room for Zola in my opinion and that’s not really for what he did honestly well but in terms of what they’re gonna offer him I yeah defenseman get paid more that’s the thing yeah I just think he gets a bridge deal similar to to what they gave Bobby Brink and I you know and there could more deserving of like a four-year deal though he is he is he could get a four-year deal but still at like 1.7 I know I know I I think that’s about what they’re they’re trying to get here we’ll see if he takes it I guess he probably will but I think he’s worth a little more but that’s all right yeah and that’s where I think the balance of you know cap hit and term are going to be the sticking point because yeah theas people are going to want longer term and more money right right and so are the Flyers going to say well you know we’ll we’ll give him a pro it deal for a year or two at the low that’s a mistake he’s alreadying it yeah we need to give him some term here so you could hold on to him if you give him another Pro it deal he’s going to prove that you’re not paying him enough and you’re gonna have a problem right yeah so I yeah so this should be really interesting what this term is on the zamula deal that’s the thing I’m looking out for is what have they decide about him and his long-term future with the organization because the term will be the indicator right now they might be able to give him over two if they are able to deal somebody else because that’s probably what he’s worth a little over two right and it also will depend on you know what they think the Johansson situation is that maybe you know that there’s more that they know that they haven’t shared yet and that’s part of the discussion but I I think that that’s kind of where we’re at right now and and we’ll see remember out if Eric Johnson’s worth a million he he’s worth double that to me yeah I agree I absolutely agree and that’s what’s so fascinating about all of this yeah in the mean time we have some now ex Flyers that have gone elsewhere we have some remaining ufas for the Flyers and questions about that and some ex-f flyers of notes signing elsewhere we are going to get into all of that coming up next it’s summer which always make me think of baseball and especially with the Phillies being a ton of fun this season I want to be there in person as much as possible game time is an authorized ticket Marketplace of Major League Baseball which makes getting tickets faster and easier and prices on game time actually go down the closer it gets to first pitch with killer last minute deals views from your seat and their lowest price guarantee game time takes the guesswork out of buying those coveted MLB tickets in your town the summer concerts and more my favorite part of the game time map is that it’s great for getting notified about last minute Flash Deals and game time lets you save even more with Zone deals where you pick a section and let game time choose the SE for you best of all they have Allin pricing so there’s no 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letting stamp Coast walk oh I think they could have let the air out of the locker room they may find that out yeah I I think you know trying to piece together the rest of the lineup there I mean this is like Tampa is going to be a fun team in a train wreck Comm you know maybe this team will be ragtag and put it together but highly talented rag tag let’s be clear yeah no that’s fair that’s what they are but but a little bit of a disconnect right and maybe not have the same chemistry so that’s why I’m going to find it fascinating and we’ll see what cam ainson can do to help that locker room over the course of the year I think you know maybe he’ll help on the power play we’ll see but you’ll never see the power play on that team well you know what else could he be guys I mean there’s too many guys problem yeah I know maybe power too maybe maybe Felix sandstrom who we were wondering you know where he would end up because it was pretty clear that he was not going to end up back with the Flyers organization uh he signed a one-year two-way deal with Buffalo which I think that’s a good spot for him I think there’s going to be a little bit of opportunity um and he’ll be the number one call up for sure in that organization but um just glad to see him get a deal and a fresh start yeah they’ve got two set guys for the moment up top both young guys though and so he is GNA have a chance to play a lot at Rochester and this is a good signing for him and this just to show you that what we thought that he wasn’t being utilized and yeah not to beat a dead drum but between this and you know what’s happening with kosov you know these are things to watch out for in the future like hey um did this work out the way the Flyers wanted it to yeah I think and Rochester is interesting because they’ve historically been a very good team except for this past year they were not right and so but Buffalo has beefed up a lot um between the draft and they have prospects coming up so I expect Rochester to be a better team and I expect Felix anstrom to be a big part of that so me too um I’m I’m very happy for him that he is getting that fresh start now as of recording the remaining ufas that the Flyers have are all kind of phantoms guys uh Cooper moroi I think you have to bring him back like how could you not bring it how could he not come back seriously well what’s interesting is that he may be shopping around to see if he can get a two-way deal maybe somewhere because that’s what he had most recently right with the Flyers organization and so I’m sure the Phantoms have offered him an AHL deal right and the thing is he knows he’s not getting a call up because he had AAR last year and never got called up so that’s a factor yeah so given that fact that he had a tremendous year with the Phantoms didn’t get the call up I bet he’s searching for that twoe deal so we’ll see what happens there Adam Brooks a similar situation he didn’t have quite as good a season but had really good stretch especially late in the season and had a a really good run of of games and so I would expect he’s doing something similar right now he’s probably trying to get on to the wils bar area where maybe you know Kyle dubis eventually gives him another call up I mean that’s that’s one you know so I could see something like that happening yeah and then Victor M who honestly doesn’t matter in my opinion you know again he’s just right now he’s not on anybody’s radar unfortunately yeah but um a after that all of the other ufas or rfas that we weren’t sure if we’re going to get qualified all of those other decisions have been made so that other than the zamula contract and figuring out what’s going on with Johanson and these three remaining ufas that’s kind of the the remaining Tod do flash under consideration list for the Flyers so as far as uh exf Flyers of note signing elsewhere um you know we talk about J O’Brien just because we had the compensatory pick for him in this draft uh getting bergund who we talked about on yesterday’s show and uh he signed an AHL contract with Charlotte which is uh really interesting because he had been um with the pens organization because like hexall brought him in there but hex’s gone so there’s really no attachment there so he’s now with Charlotte um and and it is an AHL deal so yeah wish luck yeah absolutely but if Bergland ends up doing more I think that’ll that’ll be a win for the Flyers organization um and then our old pal Shane gosis bear I thought interestingly he had been uh doing real well with Detroit uh especially this past season is now in the uh Carolina organization uh with the the canes and so he’s he’s coming back in division for the Flyers and uh I think you know he he’s been with the canes before and so I I think this is a good spot for him yeah he’s he’s getting a decent wage I mean he’s he’s like the better version of Eric gusterson know he’s not going to play great defense they know what he can bring offensively he’s got his offense back and you know that’s good I mean but in today’s NHL there’s only so many of those guys in the league now because you know mostly you got to play good two-way hockey and so you know he because he could still tilt it offensively still gets paid so I’m happy for him I think for the for the canes it’s a good fit he helps anybody’s power play yeah I think so too and U just because I have a soft spot in my heart for this man Phil Meyers um I I wanted so much for him to pan out with the Flyers organization he is now with the Leafs organization signing a two-way deal so he’ll be with the Marley’s uh pretty much yeah he’s a good guy uh he’s lucky he’s big that’s really what it is likes Big Y yep absolutely so good luck to him there but man I just really wanted him to to be an NHL player yeah there was a moment where it was getting close you know he was up there he looked pretty good and I forget who he was paired with and that worked out for a while um and then they kind of I think when they switched up his pairing it kind of threw him and he was never really the same you know when he with sanheim for a while yeah I think he was with sanheim and that’s when he was good and then I think when he switched out of it it just didn’t work for him so you know that’s not the Flyer’s fault that’s his fault nope he just you know he just never had like enough Talent he didn’t get better he was big he became physical but sometimes you have to do a little more than that yeah absolutely all right uh we have the weekly poll results to talk about uh next about how you think the Flyers did in the draft we’ll do that just a moment all right coming up on tomorrow’s show we will both be at development camp for the last couple of days and I say tomorrow show it could be Saturday or could be Sunday so stay tuned for that in your feeds uh based on when we can record but uh I I think it’s going to be really interesting we’re going to get to see like the big scrimmage at the end of it and and see who stands out so I’m excited to get down to warhe and check it out me too so the poll for this week was how you thought the Flyers did in the draft this year uh got a ton of votes for it so good to have that feedback and your options were nailed it pretty solid just okay and the worst fire everyone so of those options um it was pretty close between pretty solid at 39% % and just okay at 36% which is kind of the line where I expected it to be right yeah I’m in the middle of that like I’m still in the camp that hey uh had they gotten G boam it would have been higher they got luchenko which is still good but they’re their positioning to get players still in the first round is still not not great like it you know we proved the last one we don’t have to go over that one again but now here’s another one so we’ll see how this one maybe they’ll be on the right side of this one but this is where things Can Make It or Break It with certain picks and it’s not to say you’ve got a bad pick they out a great pick it’s kind of like they got a they they may have a great pick did you get a great pick like that’s really how how it gets viewed so we’ll see I mean that’ll be an interesting one that’s one that we’ll look at over time yeah I think you know as I said earlier in the week this is definitely a wait and see draft in terms of you know who hits and who doesn’t of this draft class uh they took you know some calculated risks here and we’ll see how it turns out um I I’m really excited but I think as far as what you can say about it now yeah I’m I’m in the pretty solid Camp I would say and I would say that mostly because of looking at what their apparent plan was and it seems very clear that they are all in on next year’s draft and that’s why they got all the assets they did and thinking that the timing to utilize those draft assets for a combination of picks and potential trades or or whatever that seems to be their strategy and I think that’s what I need to judge them on is if that strategy pans out right let’s all be honest about something if you’re not listening to the Flyers how do you know the 2025 draft is better I don’t and I have about you know and you’re an expert and I have about 20 25 guys listed for 2025 already maybe even more I haven’t looked at it lately but I want to see these guys play more when they play the year before a lot of it doesn’t matter as much look at kir aru where did he where did he end up going a couple years ago he was like fifth best so you just you have to slow it on that now it’s good that they have a lot of picks I think that’s good I think that’s good in any draft but to say you know I’m grading one draft over another right now I’m not prepared to do that right and I think that’s where the big risk is and that’s why you have to look at this strategy and see what they do with those draft assets and see what combination of picks and moves they make with it to see if if this is all going to work out right and you know I I think it’s a really interesting strategy I’m excited to see what they do with it uh but I think that’s where sort of the comments lie here right so people who rated this draft higher in the pretty solid or nailed it had category I think most likely we’re saying okay but we have all these assets for next year and we can try and execute that strategy and that’s the important thing to me and that’s why I rated it higher yeah and look I get comments all the time like the Flyers really value the u8s over a lot of stuff and they do it goes back to Scott lton for that and L chenle did very well there and do I think that’s an ideal thing to do no but they may not know they’re doing it but that’s they they’ve been doing that a little bit so there are certain things that you could look at with certain Scouting Report scouting departments and start like basically the way you have your spreadsheet that’s how you could start doing it and tracking yeah exactly and so you know our our generally positive comments said he’s positioning the flyers for next year’s draft I think that will be a grand slam I like the selections but the important part was getting 25 assets Danny is been targeting this draft class basically his entire tenure here and uh acquiring six picks in the first two rounds of next year’s draft which will be far deeper was brilliant plus there’s some trades that will deepen that pool yeah so and and also the center depth I think you cannot discount the center depth that they were going for in in this draft again we’ll see if they pan out but right that was an absolute need for this team and they did it so that that’s why I lean toward solid here no no and that’s fine I think I think that’s totally fine but you know I I can’t start calling next year deep I like their top 10 a lot but I can’t even tell you if in total in yeah in total if if their top 10’s going to be better than this year’s top 10 I don’t know that for sure yet yeah I think the interesting part of the assets they have for next year’s draft to me is the second rounders because we have the Flyers pick the Columbus pick and the Anaheim pick right those could pretty good picks in the second round and so I I think that that’s like going to be the more fascinating part of it for me going into prepping for next year’s draft is seeing who’s going to be borderline first round second round but here’s conundrum again here’s the conundrum let’s for argument sake if next year’s draft is so much deeper do you still want the Flyers to finish out of the top 10 have better I want the Flyers to finish where they’re gonna finish I want them to try and win you have to think about that if this is a super deep draft then do you really want the Flyers to finish out of the top 10 like you know that’s you have to you know wonder where they’re going to pick next year and how good they’re going to be and where that’s going to position themselves in this particular draft that there people I’m sure have that may be another poll because I’m sure people have an opinion on that yeah well that that what you’re saying is is the right way to play it but I don’t know if everybody’s going to play it that way yeah it’s a good question it is a good question question um you know the third rank Choice was the H selection which I get because there are some questions it’s fair to take a wait and see approach in a draft like it is yeah and so you look at the kind of negative side of this in terms of the comments that we got um you know there was one the front office is painting themselves into a corner that all the people they select have to pan out because everybody else in the Metro just made a big splash and you know that’s fair in a lot of ways um you know there’s another one I was so pissed they passed on Eiserman um you know which if you were GNA do a reach pick instead of lenko Eiserman would have been a good option as well no no question but I I do think they wanted a center so that’s fine that’s you know that’s what they went after I’m not going to kill him for that I I do think that’s that’s fine you know the other interesting thing about this is I think people didn’t all say nailed it because they watched the chess game being played and realized that Danny did not play the best chess game in the first round and and it was unfolding on TV like you don’t have to know a lot about the draft to realize some things didn’t play out the way he thought they might right because he didn’t get to move up the way he wanted and the price was just too high that Columbus and Montreal were just pricing people out of it and nobody was a nobody was able to make that deal let’s be clear you know it wasn’t just Danny nobody was able to move up to those spots right but even the moving down one you know that’s one that will be looked at for a while was it worth it for a third you know that’s that they then gave away the next day so I don’t know I mean if they got the guy they wanted in the end it’s a wash right but we’ll see but I think that’s why they didn’t get nailed it I think that’s the reason yeah I think so and I think that man this is a draft class that is going to be under the microscope for a long time and um I’m excited to see some of these kids in person at development camp like I said and seeing what they uh do in the next couple of years and and see how many of them end up making the flyers in the long run we will have a new uh poll question next week so on the Monday show uh which will be in two shows from now so state tuned uh for that as well we’re going to talk all things Dev camp on the weekend show so uh keep an eye out for that in your feeds as well as a reminder we always want to hear from you so if you’ve got mailbag questions let us know on Twitter at lockon Flyers you can email us at lockon Flyers at gmail or comment on our YouTube channel I’m Rachel I’m on Twitter at ariam that’s r m i r i a I’m Russ on Matt sportsology SP 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On today’s show, Russ & Rachel break down the new contract for Bobby Brink with the Philadelphia Flyers. Was that the right amount for the right term? We then look at the other depth signings in Anthony Richard and Sawyer Boulton. What do they bring to the Flyers organization? Where does the cap currently stand, what’s left for Egor Zamula, who is left to sign, and where did some of the recent Flyers end up who signed elsewhere? Plus your poll results on how the Flyers did in the draft.

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  1. Why does this guy do this show? Its just one negative comment after another. He makes an excuse for Robertson due to injuries but makes zero mention that Brink essentially lost an entire year of pro development already with the hip injury.

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