Steelers’ Omar Khan’s Overhaul Plan | Why Russell Wilson/Justin Fields Might Not Be the Future at QB

Steelers’ Omar Khan’s Overhaul Plan | Why Russell Wilson/Justin Fields Might Not Be the Future at QB

I’m Chris Carter this is the locked on Steelers podcast today we talk about Omar Khan strategies for both the present and the future and I think there’s some interesting points of view that give us glimpses into what could be the Steelers coming up it’s the locked on Steelers podcast let’s get into [Music] it you are locked on Steelers your daily Pittsburgh Steelers podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day hello and welcome to the lockon Steelers podcast I’m your host Chris Carter bringing you your daily dose of all things in the Pittsburgh Steelers as always you can find the show on your favorite podcasting apps and on YouTube like this video if you enjoy it subscribe to this YouTube channel to get all of your daily Monday through Friday episodes as well as our bonus content we thank you for making us your first listen every day because we’re your team every day all right everyone we hope you had a good Fourth of July you got to see some fireworks enjoy some good barbecue I went to a hip hop R&B R&B brunch over at City Winery shout out to them over there that was a good time but let us get into the topic that I to talk about and it’s the future with Omar Khan and what he’s working on and that’s really the overarching thing that we’re going to be talking a lot about right is the the roster construction the Investments made both in the draft free agency who’s getting you know favor what’s the future nucleus looking like and what is that future well I think there’s some good questions that you all submitted on this so we start with T Tim who has an interesting question that ties into the end of the Kevin Colbert era but Tim from Charlotte take it away hey Chris Tim in North Carolina Charlotte really enjoy the show man thanks for doing this every single day had a question just out of curiosity I want to know what your thoughts are about Omar Khan and his future a little bit the reason why I asked that is because I see a lot of reports and other things that talk about you know not signing other players letting good talent walk or whatever the case is and I know there’s a transition period here where he’s trying to B basically what feels like overhaul the team from Kevin kar’s era but do you think that he’s similar to coar just in a different way do you think it’s going to be something where we just sort of start siphoning good talent out just to keep you know a few dollars and some salary cap space here to see what your thoughts are and what you think the future of the team might look like thanks Chris you love the great work man love the show thank you Tim appreciate you calling into to the lock on Steelers Callin line which by the way you can call at any point in time to 412 223 6644 leave your name your question keep your question under a minute and keep let us know where you’re from we’ll try to get you on the show here uh but let’s let’s dive into this so first of all it is true that there’s been a lot of turnover in just basically a year and a half’s time or so uh or two years I guess with Omar two and a half years with with Omar Khan taking over for Kevin cber from the cobbert era you think about guys being gone like Deontay Johnson Kenny picket chuk aor for Terrell Edmond Chase Claypool you could go down the line uh plenty of those guys are gone now some of those guys had to go right like Chase Claypool you got a say you got the Joey Porter Jr pick for that duh that’s an that’s an obvious one you know Terrell Edmonds maybe he outlived what he was supposed to do though I thought that he could have been kept around for a cheaper cheaper deal chuk cor for definitely being overpaid last year the Kenny picket situation we’ve gone down that a million times and then Deontay Johnson of course the really big trade that happened over this offseason that was the one I was like I’m not sure they got the best return for that but here nor there Omar Khan does have a lot of turnover from the cartt area in very short order but I think that’s just more of just the acknowledgement that this team has to get better and the change is part of the process so here’s a few things to think about when it comes to Omar Khan and Kevin Colberg one to to get to the first to one of the parts of your question uh Tim when you asked about their closeness or or how close they are it helps to remember that Khan was one of the closest people in Colbert’s front office to work with him for the majority of his two decades being the Steelers general manager I don’t think that Khan sees himself as siphoning Talent from the cart’s era to get it out to get or to get it off the team because it’s just so bad and he just didn’t think that Kevin Colbert knew what he was doing because he was part of what Kevin cobbert was doing um but Khan does recognize that there where mistakes were made and that happens he wants to put his stamp on on things and that’s why the Steelers have been aggressive in these years partially they could be aggressive whereas towards the end of the cobt area they could be they had to be less aggressive because they had a franchise quarterback contract now they don’t they’re able to do a few more things and make no mistake part of this is the freshness also of Khan being in the position go back and look at some of the moves the Steelers were making when Kevin Colbert first became GM and you’ll see that he was you know considered one of the more Innovative and aggressive time guys of his time early in his career signings like James F or trting up for Troy poalo getting Casey Hampton you know getting Ben rothberger he built a heck of a reputation that’s why he’s probably gonna be in the NFL Hall of Fame someday but certainly Ms compil later in his career excuse me there um mes did compile in the draft later in his career as it does for all GMS and people that get involved in in Talent evaluation nobody is perfect uh but Khan’s strengths are different than Kevin Colbert’s remember Khan Khan was known as being the cap Guru when he was working with Kevin Colbert he understood but it’s more than just the cap he understands the market for positions and players again it’s not just about Finance but about value and how other teams apply that value and use that value to either acquire players and keep players that whether that’s to the draft free agency or in trades and I think that’s really where I think that Omar Khan this is something I don’t think I even understood until we started to I started to study how Omar Khan’s made his his moves of late but you look at how calculated he’s been to get the picks that he’s gotten for the players that he that he that he’s traded away and not everything’s been a slam dunk but he properly waited to he knew he knew where to trade up to go get BR brck Jones He properly waited out uh to get Joey Porter Jr he properly uh got Darnell Washington while trading down to get back the pick that he traded away to get brck Jones and that got him Nick herig and then and then this year you know a lot of people were saying oh man there’s no way they can get one of these top tackles if they don’t trade up in the first round they stay put there’s no way they can trade they can get one of these top centers they don’t trade up in the second round they get Zack Frasier without trading up I think that’s part of Omar Khan’s strength is understanding the values of things and how how they are and some of it’s also betting some you know if he if someone had gotten picked you you know if Zack Fraser got picked before the Steelers took him yeah that would have been a problem and there would have been questions about that but I think if these are examples that that might be his strength now his where he his his right hand Omar Khan that being seems to be Andy widle and that’s where his strength is is The Scouting which was Kevin Colbert’s strength uh scouting Talent you know see seeing the guys you know find finding the players that it’s like okay this is who we value as far as the big board and how good they are and what they need to get better at and this is how we’ll build and then Omar Khan’s able to kind of put that together but think of it as more of like a a presidential position where you know the president of an organization might not be the guy that knows how to do all the things but he knows who to appoint to help him do the things that he’s not good at and I think that’s where Omar Khan at least early on has shown that he’s Adept at both doing the things that he is good at and then taking Andy widin and and letting him be a huge part of that process but just like Colbert did in the 2000s and null did in the 70s the Steelers rise for those erors required getting rid of players some even players that people liked and people that players that were talented and and good contributors like Deontay Johnson who was a really good player and is going I think would be missed this year because that’s why everyone says oh they need to trade for a wide receiver but it’s part of building for the future and I think KH right now is making moves regardless of what it means for having cobbert guy era guys on on the team and cobbert era picks I don’t think he’s you know overhauling just to overhaul I think that he’s looking at his vision of how he thinks this team should be put together to make it a Super Bowl Contender again someday very soon that Vision encompasses what he sees as the priority for the Steelers to get back to being in that upper tier and also how how that how his how the Steelers need to be in a position to combat the rest of the NFL in the way their rosters are constructed and I think part of that also involves the what’s the future plan for this team at the quarterback position and that’s what I’ll discuss next on the show because I do think Russell Wilson and Justin Fields play a role in this but maybe they won’t and I want to discuss how all that’s part of what I think Omar Omar Khan strategy is we do that next here on the lockon Steelers podcast but first want to remind you this show is brought to you by eBay Motors passion drive and patience that’s what brings home the winning trophy it’s also what keeps you r better die alive eBay Motors has everything you need to maintain your vehicle and level it up to Peak Performance from superchargers to roof racks exhaust kits LED headlights and more whether you’re in speed power or style eBay Motors has got you covered with over 122 million parts for your number one ride or die you’ll always find exactly what you’re looking for and with eBay’s guaranteed fit your part is guaranteed to fit your ride every time or your money back because with eBay Motors you’re burning rubber not cash with all the parts that you need at the prices that you want it’s easy to turn your car into the MVP and bring home that win keep your right rer die alive at eBay eligible items only exclusions apply eBay is guaranteed fit only available to us [Music] customers we’re back here on the locked on Steelers podcast I’m your host Chris Carter we continue with the show picking up where we are now again I talked about what Khan’s been doing as far as as far as the quarterback position and we of course there was the big huge dual move at quarterback they went and signed Russell Wilson for dirt cheap because of his situation with the Broncos then of course Kenny picket didn’t like that he’s gone now they go and when as soon as he was gone they traded for Justin Fields so I’ve gotten a lot of questions about Russell Wilson and Justin fields and we’ll address this more about their styles of play as as we get closer to training camp that’ll be a big watch in training camp to see how both are doing but let’s be sure let’s be clear about this because this is the question I still keep getting is who’s going to be the starter who’s going to be the starter it’s Wilson Wilson is is the starter for this team now if Wilson’s terrible in Camp and feels as great then we’ll see another thing but it’s a legitimate question about how long Wilson will be the starter uh with that with that guy with with his insanely team-friendly deal um that won’t last past this year um and it’s also a chance that maybe he doesn’t last the whole year as as the starter and and there’s questions there but the question is really which one of these guys is the franchise quarterback and that question was kind of tapped into Mar bar diesel out in Wilmington North Carolina Diesel take it away what’s going on Chris this is diesel all the way from Wilmington North Carolina and I just got a question about this quarterback thing going on man I’m not a hater of Russell Wilson at all I just I don’t love his personality and I didn’t think it would really mesh well with the Steelers um I know it looks pretty good now and he seems very supportive but I’m just kind of wondering if it’s going to start to waiver like he did everywhere else um also with Justin Fields you know I get that there’s issues with his um thr mechanics and he looks a little here and there with the throws you know some look amazing and some will go and have you scratch in your head but I truly was excited when we signed him and I I’m wondering if you really think that maybe in the future they’ll give him a shot and start um I know Wilson’s in the pole position right now but you know I’m kind of wondering if they really do see a future with Justin fields or how they even will you know because I know they don’t give too many starter reps out to those who are back back up quarterbacks I’m I’m trying of wondering when it’s going to happen when he’s going to be able to step in and do his thing um and I’m excited for that guy because I just I just think you got the immeasurables and um seemly a good dude all right I look forward to hearing from you and you the May byebye thank you diesel for your question again 41222 36644 to get your question on the show leave your name where you’re from and keep your question under a minute we’ll try to get your question on on the show uh diesel I I hear I hear you man and I think tapping into some of the things that a lot of people bring up with with Russell Wilson when it comes to you know his relationship with teams uh one of the biggest criticisms came really you know get starting with Russell Wilson before we get into Justin Fields one of the biggest criticisms of Russell Wilson came from you know stories that came from the legion of boom and Marshon Lynch about how they just didn’t like him and they didn’t Vibe with him and there were just things that were that were definitely there but they definitely respected his abilities and I do think there was a there was certainly a power struggle for leadership or who was the most important on the team that might have clouded the situation there in Seattle because remember you know he was the young hot shot quarterback that Pete Carrol did want to kind of be the guy while the team was winning because the defense was Elite and the running back was just monstrous and I think that Russell Wilson like so there was a little bit of you know maybe some culture clashing there and I think that there might have been some things there but in Denver there were several players who defended Russell Wilson even when he was gone from the team and hopefully expressed dismay about him leaving in fact we had Cody roor host of locked on Broncos come on this show and talk about you know hey Russell Wilson was not the problem in Denver and was not a problem in Denver and that the story that he that he was some problem child that no one got along with wasn’t true and yeah there were some guys that didn’t Vibe with him at times but no one Vibes with everybody all the time but he the way at least Cody saw it and the way other people that I’ve talked to who you know who have really good insights on what’s going on within the organ ation Russell Wilson wasn’t the problem there so I I think that there’s there’s that angle of things where you know you know and I feel you may not like him because you feel like he’s corny that’s one of the terms people a lot of people use and maybe that that’s a factor there but I think it’s important to to put things into perspective and remember hey Russell Wilson is the starter now and and I think the Steelers they want to Rally around that and and it’s also known that Justin Fields is behind him so it’s legit it’s legitimate to ask when or if Fields will replace him this year or next year but the truth is I don’t think the Steelers are really banking on either direction right now I think that they are laying out multiple paths for them to choose when they get to the to those points so that they are not overly committed one way or the or the other so there’s multiple ways that this could go for the next to find for the new Steelers to find their next quote unquote franchise QB because even right now if Russell Wilson plays one year even if he’s great and he leades he not a franchise quarterback he was a really good quarterback he had as a free agent for a year and then he left Justin Fields maybe he could become that but we’ll get to that so let’s go down the options for who could be the next Steelers franchise quarterback let’s say it’s Russell Wilson let’s say he lights it up this year I could see the Steelers sign him to a three to five year deal or as long as he wants to play he said he wants to win two more Super Bowls and I could see that being a thing and whereas he won’t be is nearly as long as Ben rothberger if you’re around for three to five years and you’re playing at a very high level and you’re a franch you’re a pro bowl level quarterback the way Russell Wilson’s been for several years nine years I think he’s been in the Pro Bowl that is a franchise quarterback so that’s one of the three ways that you could that that this could break but then let’s go to the other option let’s say Russell Wilson is uh is meh you know or just not or just not good and Justin field does pass him up and he earns the starting spot and he gets the chance to be the long-term guy Justin Fields is really young so like he’s still he’s he’s he’s just finishing up his rookie deal they didn’t give his your option so let’s say Justin Fields becomes the guy then great you know what you have a Young quarterback that’s now part of your team he’s revived his career and he could be that guy so there you already have two options right in front of you for hey if this guy works great he’s the older vet who’s done it before and he could be the the the guy for the next three to five years while we go search for search for the future uh down the line or maybe you’re saying hey Justin Fields is the guy he’s the franchise quarterback now you don’t got to search for it because you’ve got it for the next 10 to 15 years or however long Justin Fields play play in the NFL cool and I’m not saying that either either of those are even likely I’m saying that these are the potential path that the Steelers have laid out for them for themselves but the third option and the third option I think is actually a lot more interesting Than People realize right now because we’re all kind of focused in the present and what could happen this year and there’s a lot of uncertainty about what this offense will even look like but the third option is that it’s neither of them that are the next franchise quarterback and that both of them are just Bridges to the Future now again Omar Khan is smart he didn’t get to this to this place in his life by not being smart he got there because he knows how things work and he he understands how to hedge your bets and how to make smart smart plays and part of that involves not pinning the Steelers to One Direction before he absolutely has to because there’s certain things you pin in Direction like for example the Steelers are locked into TJ W because he’s the best defensive player in football that’s you know that’s over like that’s committing but that’s not Bend that’s not hurting yourself to commit to something because you’ve committed to an extremely Elite player same thing with M Fitzpatrick’s contract and things like that but there’s sometimes when you miss you know Jes a COR for’s contract that was overly committed that was that was that was a miss and that was you know the the previous front office with with Kevin cber things things like that happen um but I actually think what Omar Khan is primarily doing here is that he’s building the roster so that with the real the real answer might end up being option number three which is that the Steelers next franchise quarterback is either in the draft or somewhere else and I want to get into that because I think that might be the ultimate plan here for the Steelers to do that because it might put them in a position that opens up the best window that we have seen for quite some time for them to be real Super Bowl contenders we’ll get into that next here on the lock on Steelers podcast Chris Carter stick with us we’ll be right back but first want to remind you this episode is sponsored by better Help Therapy online do you ever get caught up comparing yourself to other people in their lives that you see on the internet or on social media you ever feel caught up looking at social media and think someone else’s life looks so perfect compared to yours chances are their lives probably aren’t that perfect and the best way to live your life is to focus on things that you want and that you can control but how do you block out all that outside noise and just focus on yourself well that’s where therapy can be a great tool to help you get there and sometimes it just takes a professional to help you refocus on what matters most that’s where if you’re thinking of therapy you need to give better help a try better help knows that life can be busy and stressful so it’s designed to be suitable 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you know the next Terry Bradshaw the next Ben rothberger because let’s face it Terry Bradshaw Ben rothberger there is Super Bowls you got your two franchise quarterbacks and sure it’d be great if it worked out that that way for each either of them to be the guy and I think both possess potentials and skills to be very productive in Arthur Smith’s offense that could even set them up to be the the closest thing the Steelers have had to either rothberger or Brad Shaw at that time um but look at the way the Steelers are building their roster they want a strong offensive line they want they want a loaded defense a dominant Run game does all that sound familiar and I’m not talking about just the old school Steelers of the Steelers of the 70s and the 90s and things like that or even the 49ers right now because I often make that comparison because you know that’s it but I’m talking about the Steelers is they were constructed when they drafted Ben rothberger this might be the real plan that that that ultimately is in place if neither of these quarterbacks are out there are are are all that if Russell Wilson and Justin fields are either bad meh or just not playing like the future franchise quarterback that KH Andy WID and Mike toin might might actually want they the Steelers weren’t getting a quarterback in this year’s draft they had too many other priorities this wasn’t the year to to to be aggressive there they had a lot of other stuff that they needed to fix and next year’s quarterback class doesn’t look too great at least from now they all kind of have guys everyone’s like kind of uh kind of like how people felt about Kenny pickets quarterback draft class year if you go back far enough uh there was an episode actually I did where I was like maybe they should wait on that class because the CJ stra class looks pretty good and did it uh but water under the bridge that’s that’s way far in the past um again they weren’t getting a draft class draft in this past quarterback in 2024 a Class A quarterback from that class and 2025 don’t look like a great class two draft F and maybe we’ll be proven wrong this is a lot of speculation moving forward but what about 2026 NFL draft that is the year we might see the next really strong quarterback draft class and it includes one Arch Manning and yes that Arch Manning so if the Steelers just ride it out with Justin uh Justin Fields Andor Russell Wilson for the next two seasons they can be in a position where they’ve had these two guys come in be solid bets and then draft their next best shot at a franchise quarterback in the first round and have the team loaded for that quarterback’s arrival because they’ve been building it the way they wanted to build it and the old quarterback Who whoever stuck around whether it was Fields or Wilson can help the new quarterback adjust to the team then if the pick is a hit you have your top quarterback like on a on a rookie deal with five years with a loaded roster and that’s why I’m saying the the real plan might be the third option that I’ve laid out here not necessarily Russ Wilson not necessarily Justin Fields but creating the path for one to do it and again it’s not dismissing the the idea or the POS possibility that fields or Wilson could be the guy but I think that Omar Khan again he’s a smart man he’s not pinning himself in One Direction or the other he’s giving himself several different outs so that when it’s time to make the make the call he’s making as informed a decision as possible instead of committing way long before he needs to and then putting his putting his team and his organization in a tougher spot because of it so let’s let’s go into let’s say let’s go into these this long hypothetical here where we’re saying two years have passed Russell Wilson Andro Justin Fields was really good or or just decent or whatever and the Steelers have been you know competitive but now it’s 2026 and this this quarterback class is just so amazing but the Steelers have the Steelers offensive line Zack Fraser brck Jones um uh Troy fanu they kicking butt Mason McCormack’s developed let’s let let’s say like you know the passing game they’ve gotten another wide with George pickings the defense is still you know kicking butt and all that stuff and now you have a chance to add a Young quarterback who plays really well who has a high pedigree and they come right in and they light it up but they’re not just lighting it up with just any old team they’re lighting it up with a team that was designed to be good even without them and that might be the best option for a window for the Steelers in the long in this long-term plan playing having a long-term plan playing chess not Checkers I think that’s what Omar Khan’s really trying to do here and again that’s without ha you’re they’re doing this without having to tank to get that quarterback and without having to fall off and have really terrible years that kind of dism fans and fall things off that’s the other thing Steelers fans you know a lot of people get upset when they missed the playoffs or or don’t want a playoff game and all that steelos fans have not experienced true misery in the NFL at least in my lifetime I mean they had Steelers fans old school Steelers fans definitely have there’s been some rough year the 80s we’re not happy but as far as in my lifetime I was born in ‘ 89 that was the and by the way 1989 that’s the last time this team finished last in any division it’s never finished last in the AFC North and it’s been since I was born that it finished last in the AFC Central and again not just and last even itself isn’t always just like oh Doom and Gloom it’s a bad year but I’m talking about like two and 14 types of years three win years four win years five win years I think the worst season I’ve physically watched from start to finish was 2003 and 1999 when they went six and 10 those were the two worst seasons that I’ve seen and I think what Omar Khan what the Steelers have what Mike Tomas was very good at what Omar Khan is trying to do is to get them to this point where maybe they can go get that franchise quarterback without having to experience one of those types of years or multiple of those types of years and I think that if they are able to do that that could be ideal now you’re probably sitting there saying well Chris wait a second wait a second you’re talking about drafting Arch Manning and and quarterbacks and stuff like that doesn’t that require them to tank to get that high pick well think about this if Omar KH and Company in their front office continue to hit in the draft the way they looked like they have hit in the draft let’s say in this next draft class uh they get another corner to pair with joy Porter Jr they get a young defensive lineman to work with beton and Lea for the long term let’s let’s say in 2026 your offensive line studs you got weapons on on the offense you got a system that works you got a defense that’s still kicking but at that point you might s Omar Khan could sit around and say hey this might be the most comfortable roster wise the Steelers have been to not absolutely have to need to draft one of these position players to actually maybe trade or or slew of position players that’s a thing like this year they needed a tackle in in the first or second round they needed a center in this in the second round they needed to go get to to get help there um they needed to you know probably get a younger player on defense like they did with pton Wilson they needed to address wide receiver they got Ro Roman Wilson uh the year you know the year before that they needed all the needs tackle Corner they needed so many different things but they’re piling those up now imagine in 20126 they get there and they’ll have another draft their last three drafts imagine if if a lot of those have been hits and they still got the core vets that they have on the team right now um and now they’re bolstered by this this younger crew they might be in position when they like you know what this can be the year where the Steelers trade multiple picks first second thirds and you know some extra picks to say let’s go get that future franchise quarterback that’s at the top that we’ve scouted at a high level and we think that he is the next franchise guy I think that could end up being the move is to put the team in such a good position that they can be aggressive in 2026 or or the or the future near future after that and again that’s if Russell Wilson doesn’t work out if Justin Fields doesn’t work out and and and they have that potential there but again these are the multiple roads that I think Omar Khan is putting together sure and sure that’s a long hypothetical there’s a lot of things that have to to happen to get to eat either one of those uh for for the for for that to happen for the Steelers to even get there but going back to both Tim and Diesel’s questions about Omar Khan Kevin Colbert Justin Fields Russell Wilson I think all this ties back to Omar Khan isn’t doing something for ego or for getting rid of guys he’s not doing something because he’s like oh this is the quarterback that I signed I want this quarterback to be absolutely be the guy I think he’s just not overc committing to something until he knows what he has and what the Steelers have and again he’s seen firsthand when you overcommit to something that’s wrong it sets you back it puts you in a bad spot I mean let’s let’s let’s let’s be real we we’ve seen that with you know some of the Contra contracts that they’ve offered and let’s do look at the Broncos the Broncos are a prime example of that right now Allan sers was was on us with us this week and he talked about the Broncos being you know maybe one of the easiest teams to beat in this year’s NFL um and part of it’s because they signed Russell Wilson in free agency this huge deal to now to the point where he’s playing for the Steelers and basically being paid by them to do it so I think that’s where Omar Khan’s just trying to avoid that from happening but while he’s avoiding that from happening he’s building a strong roster that allows for these contingencies to even exist and the Steelers stay competitive in those times and if he puts puts them in the in the best position to rise back to the top I think it’ll be because he gave himself contingencies while making smart picks in the draft building naturally through the organization the old school way not just signing a whole bunch of guys randomly in free agency and hoping that they all mesh but building the culture under Mike Tomlin and see and and getting them to a point where either a one of these two quarterbacks they’ve signed in free agency work out for them or signed and traded for because Justin Fields was traded for but one of these two veteran quarterbacks they acquired this offseason workout or they put themselves in the position to have a roster that a rookie quarterback or a Young quarterback can get hot on play very well in and then they’ll get to experience what the Chiefs experienced with Patrick Mahomes what the Bengals did with Joe burrow what the bills did with Josh Allen the Ravens with Lamar Jackson and all the young quarterbacks that have risen over the past five six years they’ll get that window I think that is where Omar Khan is putting himself in in the position potentially get to if again all these quar the two quarterbacks on their roster work don’t work out right now and uh and again it’s Al it’s contingent on a lot of different things but I think that’s where he’s at is he’s not pigeon H holding the Steelers into one thing he’s given them multiple roads and he’s saying hey let’s cross that road when we get there than again for tuning in to the lock on Steelers podcast thanks again uh to both our calls in today Tim and diesel for your questions um as always it’s 41222 36644 uh to get uh your question in on the show thanks again for tuning in to the locked on Steelers podcast I’m your host Chris Carter have a great weekend y’all we’re back Monday with more and your Pittsburgh Steelers right here on the lock on Steelers podcast [Music] oh [Music]

The Pittsburgh Steelers need to play the long game to rebuild the roster, all while staying competitive. But Chris Carter thinks Omar Khan has a chess game up his sleeve to do just that. Khan is overhauling the roster, and that does involve a lot of turnover from Kevin Colbert’s later draft picks. But there’s a specific reason Chris sees as to why it’s part of a long term plan.

That long term plan also includes the quarterback position, and somewhat Russell Wilson and/or Justin Fields. But Chris see’s Khan’s biggest plan as an ultimate contingency for what could develop for the Steelers in future NFL Drafts where they can find their next franchise quarterback if neither Wilson nor Fields work out.

Steelers’ Omar Khan’s Overhaul Plan | Why Russell Wilson/Justin Fields Might Not Be the Future at QB


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  1. Well this next draft is their best shot to get a QB early….because we are going to draft top 10-15 position after this coming season.

  2. The steelers have the hardest time matching o to d. Meaning I hear the "3rd option" but the defense will be different due to retirement or players falling off. 🎉 way above my grad. I just love the STEELERS regardless of any thing. Black and Gold Till I'm Dead And Cold, and Ratbirds SUCK!! 🎉😂

  3. We're not asking our QB's to do anything outrageous, just control the flow of the game. I don't see why fields can't be that guy for the next decade.

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