Where free agency stands for the Indiana Pacers after five days and what the team could do next

Where free agency stands for the Indiana Pacers after five days and what the team could do next

five days in to Pacers free agency what is the state of the team and their process at this point of the off season in terms of basketball in terms of team building and in terms of where they go next we got to get into all of it from a rotation perspective to a money perspective all on today’s lockon Pacers podcast you are locked on Pacers your daily Indiana Pacers podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day hey everybody happy Friday and welcome into another edition of the lockon Pacers podcast where we of course talk about the Indiana Pacers as always my name is Tony East I cover the team for Forbes and Si and today uh if you’re watching or listening and it sounds different hello from Illinois I’m on the road for some Fourth of July fund but had to get something out free agencies rolling people have interests to get to the first stay here consecutive days I suppose with no Pacers news or signing some ex Pacers on the Move uh recently but no Jaylen Smith no James wisman no Obie no nothing as we hit day five so I’m gonna do a state of the situation for the Pacers both from a basketball perspective and a financial perspective to kind of show what if the next steps happen what they would look like and then I want to wrap up with other moves I like in X Pacer updates and then next week we can kind of transition from what they have done to what they could actually do whether that’s other finances and trade stuff I’ll do more trade stuff next week looking ahead at next year because that’s one of the big storylines to me of what’s happened this offseason and then of course summer league is coming right up the the day this comes out I believe is the first day of Pacers mini camp uh for summer league so you’ll get updates from Johnny Fury other draft picks you’ll hear from jarus so that’ll be a lot to talk about as well uh as the Pacers progress into offseason play but today speaking of the offseason we must talk more free agency topics and I want to start with the roster the team that the Pacers actually are it sounds so simple when you just look at the they haven’t done a ton of like big picture movement kind of stuff right a key thing about Pascal was their whole starting five is back right you could point to last year in the postseason even the regular season and say tyres halberton Andrew neard Aaron n Smith Pascal seak Miles Turner all back great they very rarely in the regular season had that group all together fully heie although they had all of it for most of the postseason what’s the natural next step for that group who knows they have it all back to figure it out for a while and the bench group with the resigning of Obby toppin is all back it will look different they had very little overlap of this specific five in terms of who the backup five was and when madin got HT and when trades happened with Buddy hee going out but McConnell ma Ben Shepard Obi toppin and Isaiah Jackson on under contract next year so rotationally free agency has it has actually changed a ton if anything no new Talent has come in and that speaks to kind of the limited resources they have it would have required a trade most likely and that still could happen it’s still who knows it’s July 5th for Pete’s sake but that reality makes sense to me what is different is everything behind that right last year for example you know as we sat here on July 5th the key guys who were like the the 11th men for lack of a better term the players who would play if if there was an injury were like Jordan War for example right and he actually played he was he was in that mix early in the season as somebody who would come in if there was an injury at like two three or four on the team buddy heeld was a reserve who would come in in those situations before he got traded right Daniel Ty was the reserve five and I only bring that up to say and then when they made trades it became mcdermit a key difference is people have talked about this a lot what the where jarus is gonna play could be he is now the guy if there’s an injury probably two through five he could be the first guy gets minutes to play but I that that natural uh transition to me is the three guys who are next up for minutes if you look at the Pacers and and their rotation would be James wisman uh probably as the the third Center Johnny Fury who who knows what his natural position is going to be right now it’s probably the three because he’s too small to guard force and jerus Walker whose natural position is the four that’s a lot of young inexperienced dudes and it’s fine that they should play and get experienced and get better but that is still some rickety grounds if you have an injury to one of your top 10 you you’re going to survive with nine if you’re the Pacers you found that out a lot of ways last year but I think that’s an important distinction in their rotation from last year to this year at this time and their 14th guy is Kendall Brown who at the three or the four to me would be behind Fury or jerus Walker so there’s not really a path to minutes for him in General on this team even though he is only 20 whatever one years old you know what’s the situation where he is the choice for them to play there really isn’t one so I kind of have him in a fourth unit off to the side by himself with with whoever the two ways end up being so that’s the roster reality and I only bring all that up to say if you’re gonna look at what the Pacers could do in free agency the first thing I would say is they don’t really have a for lack of a better term third unit ball handler right someone who could come in if there were too many injuries to guards or if they just in general weren’t getting enough ball handing from their groups now obviously with Tyrese halberton Andrew nard Pascal seaka Ben Ma McConnell that’s enough that’s clearly enough specifically I’m talking about guards someone who is small enough with the low center of gravity to defend other guards um and they they have enough guys who can handle that too but not enough who can both do that and handle the ball so in theory you could think about if you’re the Pacers another ball handler type like buddy heal his the emergency point guard last year they had Wong on a two-way so maybe they could just have it be a two-way player they didn’t lose any ball handlers from last year but if you kind of look at build out their rotations Quinton Jackson assumed kind of the spot last year Bruce Brown was in the mix at times maybe you could say if they wanted to add a 15th guy they could add a ball handler because they don’t have anyone naturally there but jarus Walker can handle it you know I don’t I wouldn’t say that’s a concern or something they need to address but it does kind of stand out if you sort Everybody positionally by units the other thing I would say looking at this team is they are hope look look I think they’re gonna be a good shooting team tyres halber himself is a good shooter when he’s on the floor his teammates are good shooters that in tandem leads to good shooting I don’t think they’re gonna be a poor shooting team but they’re relying on a lot of guys who have had good shooting Seasons but are not necessarily proven Shooters to be good three-point Shooters Aaron n Smith you know he had a great year last year shooting but that was his first one Andrew neard has had up and down shooting through his career seaka and Turner the same way McConnell is a low volume guy Maan has had one good shooting year Ben Shepard despite looking like a shooter doesn’t really have the percentages to go with it Obi toppin had one good shooting year I think they’ll be a good shooting team because they have halberton but I wonder if they could get a 15th player that can just shoot and it it’s rare to have something like that uh like B mcder is kind of this but you know it’s a little different because he would not play right next year uh if you look at you know the additions of Fury and and jarus Walker still existing it’s different what what big dermot’s role would actually look like but like a a shooter who just would not play unless they absolutely needed it I don’t even know if that such a player truly exists but like s kyuk maybe you know if he doesn’t reup with the with the Celtics but just something of that vein would make sense to me in case you are in need of an emergency shooter or like someone you’re confident is is fine to just let one fly if they come in for a bench group Gallinari maybe but he probably expects minut it something like that makes sense to me from a roster perspective so as you look at that part of it I think that’s a very uh uh important thing to me to look at is how do they balance this out because they’re two guys who I think would be first in line for minutes should there be an injury are two very recent draft picks who are unproven and that’s jarus Walker and Johnny Fury and I think that’s fine if you’re the Pacers as you’re trying to kind of make sure you take a step forward but also develop your guys but there’s GNA be injuries right there’s going to be that reality and so how they blend that together is kind of the next thing so as they look forward in free agency it would not surprise me if they found a way to get a veteran in the door still it’s going to be tricky and we’ll I’ll explain why in about two three minutes but I think look if you just sort everybody into buckets on the roster it does seem kind of like H there’s like small needs here and there and yet they can still be confident in this team given how the postseason went last postseason excuse me went last year the timing of Trades all sorts of stuff like that so I think that’s where I think they are from a roster perspective it’s fine it all makes sense their top 10 fits really well together they have young guys ready four minutes they have new Intrigue in Wiseman but there could be a little bit of steadiness I would say required from their third unit and there are other ways to get it other than just adding somebody straight up they might have to get a little creative though I’m gon to explain why in the second segment as we run through the financial status of the Pacers currently in free agency accounting time push your nerdy glasses up some of you hate this stuff so if you do skip to the third segment if not you’re gonna learn a lot and you’re GNA see why Kendall Brown might actually be the key to the next steps of the Pacers before we get to any of that though we’ve got to talk about eBay Motors passion drive and patience through formula for winning championships is also what keeps your ride or eye alive eBay Motors has everything you need to maintain your vehicle and leveled up to Peak Performance superchargers roof racks exhaust kits LED headlights and more whether you’re into speed power or style eBay Motors has you covered with over 122 million parts for your number one red eye You’ll Always Find exactly what you’re 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and you’ll learn more about it that is how I have been keeping up with a lot of these free agency moves that I don’t get actually is uh going to that specific team and figuring it out so back here in Pacer land Financial it’s tight right that’s a big bit of theme that I’ve talked about on the show in fact for those of you who have been longtime listeners I brought this up in February I wrote a story about it in Forbes and I talked about it after the seum trade seak is gonna demand more money tyres Halburn is getting a huge Rays AR Smith getting a small raise and all of a sudden that is going to dry up a lot of space and that’s what happened so the Pacers have this tax reality that you all know about you’ve either heard it or seen it tweeted or seen it written about there’s going to be some estimating going on so I apologize for those of you that don’t necessarily find the stuff the most interesting but I think it’s very revealing of what the rest of their fre agency is going to look like they currently have 14 players either on a contract or with an agreed to contract or Johnny Fury who it’s not an agreed to contract but it’s gonna happen whether it’s you know a whatever kind of standard deal it is players picked to the mid-30s get standard contracts so if you estimate Johnny Fury’s deal as I have starting at about 1.8 or 1.85 million and then you fill in Pascal siakam’s Max Obi toppin deal starting as low as it possibly can and still reaching $60 million in total and James wisman at the minimum which here’s here’s what some differences could be perhaps Obi toen has some bonuses or incentives that make his value actually start lower and means 4 for 60 is reported a little bit inaccurately right that’s that’s one possibility that would make my numbers off of reality right James wisman could have some funky guarantees that we don’t know about right um his deal is almost certainly a minimum deal given the Pacer’s current tax reality but that is not officially known in any capacity and fury could start at a lower number than what I just said so they are they have some wiggle room of some kind below the tax but it’s not a lot right so how do they proceed from here when they only currently have 14 players from a rules perspective they could be fine they could just show check this is our team 14 is enough you’re allowed to carry 14 permanently um that’s fine you have 13 EV after two weeks of having 13 you have to uh sign someone new for for 10 to four I can’t remember if it’s 10 or 14 days you have to sign someone new for a while and then you can go back to 13 but at 14 you’re good and you can have 15 plus your tways so the reason it matters that the Pacers are potentially the tax pending all that stuff I just said about Obie and about Wiseman and fury you know is it’s hard to fill fit in that 15th guy even a minimum where they’re paying the the minimum cash to player in the league is reimbursing the rest gets them very close and close sounds fine you’re under great but it makes it hard to make a trade right if you’re making a trade you take back more salary all of a sudden you’re over uh oh you got to figure it out right you don’t want to have to deal with that you like the flexibility if you can get it of course still making the Right Moves the other thing this doesn’t account for is bonuses incentives I haven’t talked about this much but this matters a great deal to the Pacers one this is a reason they’re closer to the hard cap than people keep saying um the hard cap is about 178 million I think the Pacers are about seven and a half million away because incentives have to count you can’t exceed the hard cap for any reason so any unlikely bonuses a player has count towards that I’m getting to into the weeds T Miles Turner has1 and a half million dollars of total incentives in his contract now all those are unlikely bonuses he didn’t hit any of them last year but he has them T.J McConnell has $400,000 of bonuses he didn’t hit last year so let’s count one towards the hard cap Aon which doesn’t really matter for anything I’m about to say but two if you’re thinking about the tax you don’t if if your team’s actually trying to avoid it I’m not I don’t know what the Pacers are doing on one hand you could say uh well we got to give ourselves enough room that if they get these bonuses then great we’re we’re in the tax you don’t want that you want to duck under that reality right that was part of the reason if you if you guys remember in 2022 with the trade deadline I did a whole podcast on the day before the deadline they had already Acquired halber and they traded away car I said I still think they’re going to make one more trade because there’s a there’s a chance that a couple guys on their team hit bonuses that take them over the tax lo and behold they traded Tory Craig for Jaylen Smith in what I viewed as a money-saving move and then Jaylen Smith was great or at least for what the expectation was so you can you could look at bonuses now and say maybe they’re done right they have about 1.9 million in bonuses they’re a little over two million from the tax 14 players check they they could I don’t want to say what the bonuses are they’re not really publicly out there and what actually is publicly out there I believe it’s wrong um but I would C I would characterize them as this as something that if it happened the Pacers would be happy to pay it and potentially pay the tax like they’re very lofty uh incentives for both players so maybe they’re willing to get a little snug with the tax because the reality where these hit is not a big deal all of this matters though I bring up their current Financial reality to say if they want to add a 15th player they could they could do that and be under the tax but they’d have to think about incentives in a way that might scare them away from you know going all in on someone who’s going to have guaranteed money they’d probably want a non-guaranteed contract for their 15th spot if they’re going to add a 15th guy and they’ve had lots of guys on non-guaranteed contracts to start Seasons lots of guys year after year right James Johnson had non- guaranteed two years ago so did Langston Galloway but they cut him uh coming at a camp they had some guys last year before they were they bought out Daniel Ty they had the roster spon to get James Johnson on another non-guaranteed deal coming into the season O’Shea brette was on an on guaranteed deal keln Martin was on an on guaranteed deal uh I’ve got to be missing I mean they I could go back for years someone on their team has very typically had one and that opens up a lot of flexibility ahead of The League wide guaranteed contract date in January right so you can cut them then save your money you’re good and so that is what they can easily afford but the key to all this is Kendall Brown Kendall Brown is currently on an non-guaranteed contract but as I talked about earlier and why the basketball part matters so much does not project to have a role or even like handed young guy minutes right if there is an opening for minutes for some reason garbage time blowout game injury at the three or four even the two jarus Walker and Johnny Fury to me would be in line before him so what is the path for him to play minutes and what is the reality where he is a guy that they’re prioritizing maybe he could play in the G league and I like a lot of the the traits Kendall Brown has he’s so athletic he’s definitely the fastest guy on his team right he he’s definitely gotten a lot better since they got him $2.1 million cits really low it’s non guaranteed until opening night and the reason that that matters is they can keep him through summer league he’s on the summer league roster no surprise and in a training camp see if he looks amazing see if he’s worth sticking around and then decide then but he might want to try to find a deal now or something like that um so how he plays in summer league is gonna really matter here but they a veteran minimum contract is cheaper from a cat pit perspective than Kendall Brown steal barely but still it is so that matters to me right if you’re the Pacers and you’re like man we could save a little bit here they might consider doing that and so if you want to see the Pacers either try to add a veteran like stabilizing something that’s like a two three and can handle the ball and a pinch I would keep an eye on Kendall Brown for that and if you want to see the Pacers keep James Johnson because he’s been this awesome betet I haven’t listened to this podcast yet I really need to uh Alex golden and FY had Erin n Smith on setting the pace and I saw comments about this before I left for this trip on mine right now under the Tweet about his an answer he had about James Johnson and how great he is as a teammate I wrote a whole story on this before like dudes love having him around um you know if they if you want the Pacers or think he has value on the team the best way for him to get a roster spot or the most easy and obvious way would be a waiver of Kendall Brown that doesn’t solve any of the basketball problems from the previous segment problems air quotes but it does give them something that’s clearly given them basketball value in season’s past in terms of having a vet who provides all sorts of intangible things so if it’s James Johnson that could want it something like that and then also if you save a couple hundred, bucks a little less than that or a little over that excuse me by by moving on from Kendall Brown and bringing in a veteran minimum guy in a non- guaranteed deal you still would have room to let’s say sign one of your draft picks to a rookie minimum deal uh zero years of experienced player so so non an undrafted free agent or second round pick uh their minimum salary in year one’s really low because they haven’t played right so Tristan Newton Enrique Freeman they would have really low cap hits they would fit with another vet or even with Kendall Brown and keep the Pacers under the tax and far enough away that the incentives probably wouldn’t burn them um unless Miles Turner had like an absurdly incredible season which is not out of the realm possibility so all of that to say if you think what I said in the first segment is accurate about the Pacers basketball situation they need to add maybe one of those skills I said or just look at look at the balance of it then they could do it with Tristan Newton but he’s a rookie is that actually something they want to rely on uh from a balling perspective they could get shooting in lots of ways they could get leadership from James Johnson they can do all that stuff but financially it’s tight and it gets less tight if Kendall Brown’s waved and another way to potentially do it is with an undrafted rookie but that is not helping you with proven skills that’s just helping you have a 15th player to have a 15th cheap player not sure that’s necessarily something they’re dying to do but it is a possibility as they kind of lunge forward um so that’s their financial reality that’s some ways they can SC around it and and think about their bonuses and that is until they sign something the last time you’ll have to hear me talk about cap stuff but uh it could change right I have tried but have not heard anything concrete about the structures for topin or Wiseman so I could be a little bit off which would matter potentially a great deal as you can tell with how thin these margins are to the Pacers ability to build their team uh I’ll try to get that out when I can but a lot of the stuff could become official as soon as uh tomorrow and that would be a day that you’d hear more about this stuff anyway so as it stands for the Pacers I would not expect anything Grand outside of you know if they made a trade in the next couple days and I’m looking forward to seeing how they build it out so it’ll be fascinating to watch that now we pivot to the other part of free agency stuff other teams have done that I like and would have at least thought about as the Indiana Pacers and moves involving ex Pacers players which is always fun to track for some and less fun to track for others to close out Today’s Show and we’re back here on lock down Pacers thanks for making us your first listen today and every single day for your second listen jump on over to let me let me think of some of the teams I consider winners of free agency the Warriors are actually doing a very good job we’ll talk about them in a second the Mavs I think have done a good job the Sixers I think have done a good job the Knicks have done a really good job they’ve been very clever um that’s I think my favorites so far I’ll do losers next time I tell you guys for a second listens but I like those teams go check out their shows to hear about the state of their reality you’ve heard the Pacers reality they’ve kept their own guys largely the only flip and flopping is James wisman in for Jaylen Smith we talked about that two podcasts ago and a little bit with derck Schultz yesterday if you want more on that I think it’s a fun bet Jame Jaylen Smith out you lose one 2020 draft pick that you made better now you try again with James wisman I love the chances of the Pacers trying to do that once again uh let’s look at free agency else where uh I have I just keep a list of stuff that I liked that happened fireworks going off outside excuse me for looking away uh and so I can relay them in a second we haven’t gotten any news or rumors or reports or whatever about the Pacers what they might be considering moves they could be making so let’s run through some moves involving ex Pacers some moves I liked elsewhere and then get you guys out of here enjoy your weekend uh one Isaiah Joe’s contract with the Thunder is awesome um and there’s no way he was ever Le I believe he was a restricted free agent with OKC I’m not 100% sure but they clearly declined his team option knowing they would have a chance to keep him I think he signed for four for 48 so 12 million a year that dude can really shoot underrated Defender sub mle deal most likely I suppose it could be structured differently given that they have c space but I think that contract is awesome there’s no chance he would have ever come to the Pacers given the Thunder situation but man that’s a great contract and one that if the Pacers could have given their financial realities in future Seasons would be an incredible get for them in trades and that will be something we talk about on a show next week because you guys will see why I think that matters uh Kelly U I’m lower on him than the consensus of just like everyone in terms of players and their talent level but at at two years 16 million so eight million a year that’s a really good deal that’s the room exception in theory that would have fit into the non- tax M level that would not have fit for the Pacers currently under my projections of their salaries under the hard cap but that’s a good contract at his ability level Sixers have had an unbelievably strong uh offseason and I think that that that is one of the deals that I think is very good even Beyond Paul George they’ve done a really good job Kyle Anderson at three for 27 I really liked we talked about him a lot on the forward pre preview episodes of free agency uh and he he made some sense for the Pacers as like a defensive Wing but I don’t think his speed would have really kept up with this team and you know nine million a year I think he’s made between eight and a half and N9 million a year for like eight straight Seasons or something crazy that’s I liked since the last time we talked about contracts Gary Harris at two for5 I think that’s a good deal for the magic surprised that the Nuggets didn’t push for that in some sort of sign and trade with kcp I just don’t get anything the nuggets have done this offseason I get why they’re gonna say they didn’t do the stuff they did it’s just very very weird to me uh dalon Wright to the bucks on a minimum that’s not necessarily a deal I think the Pacers should have been all over because they don’t have room to play guards he’s a great defender though and the Bucks really needed someone exactly like that at least without would be my uh diagnosis of their struggles as the Pacers tore up their guards in the postseason and throughout the regular season often I think he’s going to be really good for them I think that’s a a signing that the Pacers should keep an eye on uh as the season progresses because the Bucs needed a player exactly like that and they got one uh in dayon right I think that’s going to be a really really really good fit for them um some ex Pacers that have done some stuff Bruce Brown his team option got picked up good for him uh he agreed to that deal with the Pacers last year and there was some value to to an obvious trade uh early on in that process right I mean we talked about Jimmy Cook and I did our when he did our word of the odds show last year we did an odds one of Miles Turner Bruce Brown and Buddy heer traded last season we both said over 50% two of them were and Bruce’s tradable contract was a key part of him being a part of the biggest trade that the Pacers made uh but I did not know what his option would look like but every his option got picked up and immediately the news Breakers who broke it were like yeah this could be dealt this season I think Bruce Brown pretty certainly a lock to get traded or not finish this season with the Raptors a very clear buyout candidate uh if he doesn’t get traded and then you might see some apron rules come into play if he does get bought out um Kyle Mangus very very few of you might remember him he played he signed exhibit 10 and had one practice day with the Pacers last year in training camp and he spent the season with the Indiana Mad Ants he made the g- league allstar game he’s from Warsaw really could shoot it uh he is playing with the Lakers for summer league uh Xavier Johnson from IU he’s playing with the Mavs for summer league Lance Jones from Purdue with the Pacers Zack obviously with the grizle I think that’s all the local guys that I can remember off the top of my head Dakota Maas with the Pacers too that’ll be fun we’ll talk more about summer league next week uh buddy heeld his new home after Philly uh is he has headed to the Golden State Warriors a lot of very interesting dead days leading up to reporting on that uh it sounds like he’ll get a four-year deal with some funky guarantees in the last two seasons a player option at the end it’s a good way for him to get guaranteed good money if it doesn’t go well but still have chance to for agency again um remember the Pacers wanted to extend his deal right that was a huge subplot less than 12 months ago he was making almost 20 million at the time very rarely do guys extend for Less um so interesting that that is how this all shook out for Buddy heel it got tough for him given the way it ended in Philly and the golden states a good FV and the wor done a good job pivoting off of Klay th the Buddy healed Splash Buddies instead of the splash Bros now in Golden State looking forward to seeing how he fits there I will I wonder how that back court will shake out I love the DeAnthony melon pickup for the Warriors too that’s all for the news elsewhere that I liked that I didn’t cover the first time I did this and X Pacer news for free agency if I ever do another free agency show you will get more of these just off the cuff random Tony thoughts plus former Pacers uh on the move so guys who either their last team was the Pacers they were on the Pacers last year uh we’re getting close to extension time so we’ll talk about some of that stuff next week we are getting close to Summer League time we’ll talk about summer league next week I want to do an entire show looking ahead at 202’s offseason and that might sound stupid but when I do it you’ll go oh wow I’m glad I thought it I’m glad I learned that information because trust me you’ll see uh so lots of fun stuff coming here on lockd on Pacers hope you all had a great fourth and if you’re off for the fifth because a lot of people are doing that for their holiday weekend structure enjoy your long weekend have some fun with family be safe it’s a very fun time of the year we’ll be back Monday and less news breaks over the weekend and of course we’ll be all over that but we’ll be back Monday talking something either free agency summer league stuff uh Team update stuff offseason trades extensions whatever as it comes thank you all for listening today have a wonderful day see you very soon

The Indiana Pacers have made a few moves with five days having passed in free agency. What do they still need to do? And what does their finances suggest comes next? Host Tony East breaks it all down before looking around the league at other important transactions.

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  1. Need to force Rick’s hand to play Jarace Walker more. Coaches tend to get comfortable with vets. He had no option but to do that with Mathurin, Nembhard and Neismith since the team was losing and there will literally no other good players on the roster.

  2. Wiseman bs was crazy too.. I mean, he could be a solid rebounder and could contribute.. But why take the chance.. Why not have offered Mo Bamba a 3 year on a min.

  3. You make a point to almost always tell the amount the player signed for but conveniently didnt mention Buddy's 4 years for 20 milllon and how He was traded for a 2nd round pick 7 years from now.

    AND that Warriors were literally the only team that showed ANY interest in signing Him.

    And according to the interview Buddy Hield had after being traded which you advised the listeners to read but didnt discuss, Buddy stated that Pacers brass basically cut off all extension talks WITH HIM. They are the ones that went silent.

    They did him right by stating that they couldnt up with an amount for an extension to retain some value when in reality they had zero interest in resigning Him evidenced by what Buddy said in the aforementioned interview post trade.

    Dinosaurs have a greater chance of roaming the Earth then Buddy Hield has of being with the Warriors for 3 seasons

  4. Literally nothing would annoy me more then when id hear Pacer fans or Pacers podcasts state that they wouldnt be able to afford Buddy because Hed command the 'bag' and have all these suitors.

    Im literally convinced most fans dont actually watch the game but look at Buddys stat line.

    He will miss everything for 3 to 4 straight games and dribble the ball of his feet and get scorched earth by literally every player He defends then have A game where He makes every 3 He shoots so his percentage will be around 40 percent from 3 so that makes Him good.

    I dont know why i continue to take the bait and even after being traded to Philly and being A starter to 25 games later receiving DNP'S in 3 playoff Games and traded for A 2nd round pick 7 years from now i still see comments from casual/clueless fans that think Golden State got a great deal and wish their team would have traded for Him.

    Literally mind boggling

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