Pirates Drop Rubber Match to Cardinals 3-2 | NS9 Postgame Show

Pirates Drop Rubber Match to Cardinals 3-2 | NS9 Postgame Show

[Music] n [Music] [Applause] [Music] hello and welcome to another ns9 postgame show powered by Perman Brothers I’m Cody that’s Ryan and Ryan he came in here he’s just like do we have to do this and I’d love tell wait a minute Cody the Cardinals just challenged a play again uh this is their fourth I think their fourth challenge of the day you know apparently they just give challenges out like their candy on the fourth of July it was ridiculous completely ridiculous this whole game was ridiculous I had a problem with a lot of it but before we go any further bet online is your number one source for all your sports betting needs this season from baseball golf soccer right to all the top fights in UFC MMA and boxing every stat every matchup and even live odds and spreads while the games are being played when the game’s over head on over to our online casino and get in on a game of blackjack or poker or unwind with one of our over 150 slot games head to the website today to get in on the action use promo code believe ble a V for your 50% Free Bet credit on your first deposit up to $250 bet online the game starts here and Ryan it felt like the game didn’t really start until like later into this game because I mean you know they the Pirates gave up the run in the second but nothing really got exciting until the sixth or seventh inning of this one yeah and it was I don’t even know if you’d say exciting it I mean there was a lot going on like I don’t even know where to start with this um but I mean it just basically comes down to again like we’re going to critique a couple decisions that you know Bullpen management here late in the game um some of the decisions that were made but it all comes down to we’re going to overanalyze a bullpen management decision again when if your team Just Hits you know like a competent major league baseball team and scores two runs and nine innings we’re we don’t even have to talk about it um but once again the offense you know this that’s why I call I call them the dead ball era Pirates like if I just woke up and put baseball on this year and watched nothing but the Pirates I would think we’re in the dead ball era that’s that’s what it’s like watching this team I this game was 1-1 the whole way and then we got to overl you know talk about these decisions and the stupid Extra Inning rules with with the ghost Runner and just score some runs yeah and I mean especially against a guy I don’t even know the guy’s name he’s started 15 game or he’s been he’s played in 15 games this season he’s not very good he’s over a 4.5 ER yeah pal Palante Palante like I’ve never heard of this guy you know this is this is the Pirates M Mo this year is some guy you never heard of with a terrible ra is going to dominate you and just makes no sense just makes no sense it it would be one thing again because you know everyone people will say well there’s there’s pitchers on the other you know the other teams trying to get people out too but it would be one thing if this was some random guy that comes in and shuts the Pirates down and it only happens once you know every couple weeks this just is the same story with the Pirates you know day in and day out almost week definitely weekly and we’re still like again we’re sitting here in July July 4th happy Fourth of July by the way everyone and Cody um yeah you know you know why the Pirates lost this game Cody why the hats the Fourth of July hats they were wearing had the oh get over it can’t do it can’t do it get that red out of there um but yeah it’s just the same story man it’s like Andy Haynes is still here he’s still employed um you know swinsky three for three the other day apparently saves his job from going down he did he did have the ground rule double today um but I I don’t know do you want to start in the beginning I mean this is just we’re all over the place I mean we can get back to it if you want to just keep talking about the offense I feel like we’re already into it we’ll talk about the the pitching and everything at the end but yeah offensively this team just didn’t figure it out it’s so frustrating and then you know like I said the excitement came in the later Innings right where you’re in a position I forget what inning exactly it was yeah it’s like a blur at this point I’m I’m not going to be able to pull in out and tell you EXA we’re at here but you get guys on first and second two outs I believe one out one out it was one out yeah and then you have your two best hitters come up to the plate in Andrew McCutchen and Brian Reynolds yeah cut struck out but hey I’ll say this both put up a fight like Reynolds had an 11 pitch at bat he was locked in you know he just you know he got caught on one it sucks but I I applaud the bat it was a great at bat I think he just you know he got worn down I thought it was going the other way like that was B at bat would had me on the edge of my seat and then you have the McCutchen at bat which also another great at bat he brings to the 3-2 count but then he both guys they were or McCutchen was first I’m so sorry like like we said it’s a blur but McCutchen and Reynolds both seemed like they were waiting for that curve ball or the slider to dip back into the zone for being above it and that’s because that’s where Reynolds swung at the one I I think it was the ball that he struck out on he swung like he was going to come down and it just never came down I think the Cardinals just had him had him pegged they knew exactly what they were looking for and they weren’t going to give it to him and it was very frustrating when it didn’t come to fruition but great at bats but there’re at bats that need to ring some fruit you know you need to get runs out of those at bats and it just didn’t yeah it was a I mean re it was a great bat like you said it was a great battle 11 pitches it just didn’t work out um you know and Reynolds is really the only guy Reynolds and Cruz like they’re like the only two guys that are really like doing anything I mean Reynolds obviously we know the hitting streak he’s been not I wouldn’t say necessarily caring this offense but he’s been the most consistent best hitter we’ve seen um but didn’t come through in that cutch had a you know he had the strikeout he had a he had a bad day 0 for four two strikeouts he had he did he did have one walk um the fur the furries are in town Cody I I I thought cutch this is when he comes alive well that’s I I tweeted it out right I tweeted it out I was like you know it’s time I I had the you know the two faces and everything and I thought this was it I thought this was going to be the big big furry performance for him but it wasn’t um fur and I that that hold it back that was the only thing I could think of was we’re gonna win this game on the back of the furries and it just didn’t happen no no it didn’t but he didn’t like I said he didn’t have a great game and he he had opportunities I mean they had a ton of opportunities in this game um they had a couple balls hit right to the notch that would have been out you know anywhere else sinn’s ground roll double and then I think it was Gonzalez that Gonzalez with the sack fly from second base in Extra Innings which was unbelievable and that’s the thing like the Cardinals the Cardinals were making errors out there too mental errors like the left fielder just forgot that there was a guy on second he forgot about the stupid ghost Runner role and you know credit to Taylor who just made a terrible play in the inning before we’ll talk about um he ends up scoring from second tagged up and still scored so like that was crazy it didn’t end up mattering as the Pirates lost three to2 um but like the Cardinals gave you chances the Cardinals had a base running error earlier in the game when they they had first and third with with what with no outs I believe um Perez battled back and they got they got that double play and yeah I think it was wi that was on Third never broke for uh never broke for home so like the Cardinals gave you opportunities to win this game and the pirates still just gave him right back like we’re just not going to take advantage we can’t score more than one run in nine innings and we lose to the Cardinals again and now like not only lost another series but you lost two of these series now to the Cardinals where they were just back and forth not really back and forth but just games that you could have won um they were just they were winnable games and we’ve seen that all year from this team yeah it’s it sucks I don’t really know what else to say it does especially against the Cardinals any other team it’s like H but no the Cardinals look look the Pirates you took that serious on the Reds the Reds just went in and swept the Yankees in New York yeah like you know so like this that’s why this is so maddening because the team isn’t that far off like the pitching again we’ll talk about Martine Perez coming back today like he was great like he he rebounded and another starting pitcher gives the Pirates a chance to win and the offense just does their does their does nothing yeah so let’s let’s get into the pitching then uh like you mentioned Perez great performance i’ I’d say this is vintage Martine Perez seven and a third six hits allowed only gave up a run but it wasn’t earned and I want to get into that and he struck out two and walked one the run that was scored um the way it was set up sucks because you love to see the effort from Rowdy tles right he gets gets that effort he gets the ball but it’s a ball he shouldn’t have had to Fe field and he didn’t have to field it he he made the choice to leave the bag and field that ball meanwhile Gonzalez was right behind him could have easily been an easy what 43 put out yeah instead I don’t know if that caused the run to to be scored or if it was the next at bat I can’t remember again game was a blow it was a double I think yeah yeah the double yeah and it’s just like I saw sherod our friend of the show sherod p is not touching first base cost a run yeah it does but also tles doesn’t have to make that play could Gonzalez was there could have saved the run that way so I don’t put that on Perez I think Perez had a great performance today can’t take can’t say that he did anything wrong and he he did his best to get to the bag it was a play he didn’t have to make and he just came an inch away from making it so yeah I mean Perez like this was this looked like the Perez that we saw to start the year in April where he was just had guys off balanced what you know obvious he had two strikeout today like he’s not striking people out but no one’s really getting hard contact off of him I mean he pitched into the eighth inning um you just you can’t my God what is happening over there Cody did the Cardinals just challenge another play I think so um but like we saw Perez struggle right before he went on the iel he came back he had a he had a terrible start um I think it was his first start back but this was a very encouraging rebound for him like this looked like the guy we saw in April um you know it say well the Pirates sorely needed I don’t even think they need like the pitching’s been so good um we have you know Lis Ortiz which they obviously moved back to the pen because he pitched out of the pen the other day but yeah Perez I mean just an encouraging good start from him and you mentioned the play you know that Rowdy and him made and or didn’t make and then you know we saw an extra innings Michael a Taylor Who’s the gold glove center fielder out there who you know is a good Fielder is a good center fielder just makes a a poor decision to die for the ball when you know it’s this these Extra Inning rules the second you just basically want to give up one run in Extra Innings if you give up zero that’s a huge like you you win the game basically if you don’t give up any runs and Extras yeah so just let the ball drop in don’t be diving for that and put let letting the guy get on second for scoring position and of course that cost the Pirates like of course that will never the Pirates could never get away with something like that um but just you know lack of fundamentals or lack of I don’t know you know mental mental awareness or whatever but it’s just it’s just something that hampers this team again yeah it it really just seemed like both teams especially both outfields just kind of forgot what what was going on in the game like it it was a blur to them as well you know like Taylor diving for that in that situation you’re a gold Glover you should know better than to dive for that you don’t have to dive for that you want to save a run and you do that and you obviously didn’t know the situation and that’s frustrating um I just I don’t get it I don’t get it you know you sign these guys they’re supposed to be here to help you know Michael a Taylor’s glove is supposed to be the reason why he’s not DFA yet and that’s that’s the reason why he’s in the game I mean because of his defense and he does that but they said like that’s the thing that’s that’s the thing like the Pirates make these mental mistakes they come back to bite them the Cardinals make these mistakes somehow turns out well for them um and that’s just the story of the Pirates and and Cardinals really in the last I don’t know 20 25 years it sucks this sucks so yeah not fun not fun no um what else do we want to talk about here well you talking about the bullpen I mean yeah I was I was about to bring it up yeah this is the problem I have I mean look the Pirates lost three to two it was a one-1 game going into Extra Innings like you got to score runs like we’re going to talk about this Bullpen management which to me is absurd but at the end of the day yes like if you if you score runs you’re going to win like this shouldn’t even have been an issue but here we are with the Pirates Martin Perez pitching great I mean basically on cruise control Shelton lifts him in the eighth after one out nobody was on base like he he could have could Perez had pitched through the eighth probably like he I think he was at what was it 92 pitches yeah 92 pitches yeah was cruising no issues they bring in C Nicholas Nicholas gets two-thirds of an inning uh then Holderman comes out for the ninth now you know the game’s tied Cody Shelton I think was aware that the game was tied um you might need some some pitchers in this game yeah so he lifts Nicholas we’ve seen Nicholas go multiple winings many a times he lifts him after two-thirds of an inning 15 pitches Holderman comes in what we saw from him you know his last outing um pitches the ninth get you know scoreless ninth we go into the 10th inning okay now Chapman pitched yesterday I don’t know if he’s available whatever well at least we got Maj jinsky wh no Shelton goes to with the game on the line Extra Innings series on the line against the division rival Dennis Santana comes in I got flashbacks flashbacks to the Minnesota series when Ben Herer came in it didn’t get that bad I was ready for it to be and I get it that you know do he he had a he had a real unlucky hit that dropped and then of course the Micha way Taylor you know diving to make that into a double um but I mean is is Dennis Santana the guy you went out there like where’s Majin ski and you know Noah house tweeted out and said Maj jinsky pitched uh what Saturday Sunday and then Wednesday so maybe he’s unavailable like what what what kind of schedule was that he had two days off pitched yesterday now he’s unavailable so like I don’t know if there’s something going on there that we don’t know about like an injury um it’s just I just don’t like why are we going to Santana there yeah I mean the biggest ISS is we’ve seen of late is the mismanagement of Bullpen arms because it it’s almost like and pardon me if this is they it’s like they like to blow their load in one game right they’ll bring in all their best Bullpen arms in one game to be like oh we’re going to guarantee a win here 50% of the time they lose it anyway and then you know you got two more games in the series and it’s like well better hope the offense turn turn turns up and then they don’t and then you’re like well if you would have saved one of those good arms for one of these games we wouldn’t have this problem but it’s like every every time we have a chance to win they’re like we have to put our best arms in and it’s like you can stretch it out a little more you don’t have to go Holderman Chapman every time you don’t have to go you know you don’t have to use Majin ski like just save them save them like every setup situation shouldn’t have to be Holderman you can put Majin ski in that spot I feel like they’ve put Nicholas in that spot recently and they just they like to blow their load and I don’t understand why yeah and Jim makes the point here you know he’s not he he doesn’t have a problem with the usage and it’s more why is Santana on the team and yeah this that’s kind of my point is that like if you’re not going to roster if you’re not going to roster better arms manage your better arms better yeah you know use those guys like a Dennis Santana or a a Ben heler in a game that you’ve already lost and use the other guys in games that you think you can win but you know we’ve talked about this many of times and you Doug always says it they manag they manage for tomorrow Cody and next week and the week after and it’s never to it’s never for like the day of to try to win um and again if you score runs in nine innings it doesn’t matter we don’t we can go to Holderman and then Chapman or whoever but it doesn’t matter but again they can’t hit and and this is just it gets this is what kills me about this team like that they need to upgrade the offense to to compete to try to you know if they’re going to get a wild card spot playoff spot what have you they need to upgrade the offense in the meantime the offense right now is the reason why you’re not winning games you can’t win a series you’re not getting on a winning streak like I just I I don’t see this team ever getting we haven’t seen a sweep in months I think since the beginning of the year and like we’re not GNA get at some point you need to stack wins you need to go on some kind of winning streak at some point and I I just don’t see this team winning winning five six games in a row no so that’s that’s the only way you get back into this thing too and it’s just not Happ it’s it’s just a cycle that goes around and around we need offense but we’re we’re going to upgrade we can’t upgrade yet nobody makes trades yet so we’re just going to wait and just keep losing these these one- Run games to Cardinals and in division opponents so yeah and I mean Bob Bob BL kind of brought that up today didn’t he yeah Bob Bob was real frustrated about this game he was real frustrated today he was uh he wasn’t um he couldn’t really hide it too well yeah yeah he was I loved it I love a bob walk game yeah but yeah it’s just I just like I said someone said the bullpen wasn’t the issue today it wasn’t but I’m just the fact that you know you decided to go Santana uh over some of you know Majin sky or anybody else or just leave Perez in longer like you know did you really need to pull Perez early um not early but you know let him go eight he was cruising but at the end of the day that’s what I mean that’s what this team does they make us overanalyze uh a decision in the bullpen or keeping a pitcher in there because the offense puts you in that spot so yeah there you go I think it’s something like the 19th game we’ve lost with uh our pitchers going six Innings six or more Innings so yeah good good stuff good stuff Cody right it’s oh it’s just so frustrating so frustrating Ryan I don’t even know what else to say about this game but do you got anything else no I feel like we got to try and cover a few more minutes here Palos with his pinch Palos demon time baby this was the way yeah this was his 2024 debut for the Pirates um he comes up and I don’t know Bob walk is like adamant that that hit his shoelace that ball I didn’t see it I don’t know did you see a shoelace get hit I don’t I you know what I thought I was like you know what for pilosio to even react like he instantly reacted it must have like grazed his shoelace or something because like I don’t think he has the the ball awareness to just be like yep okay I’m going so it that quick yeah no no way like it had to have been like a you know you get like a phantom like little on your shoe it definitely didn’t hit him but right it didn’t it didn’t look like it so yeah so of course the you know the Cardinals who lost their challenge earlier in the game get another challenge or they excuse me they asked for they asked nicely for them to to look at it so they looked at it and took that back he ended up walking anyway and his only at bat um so it didn’t really it didn’t really matter but we were hoping for that uh some more of his Dramatics from last year but H didn’t didn’t just wasn’t wasn’t no and that that was another betat where I was like I’m on the edge of my seat like we’re about to get a lead here because as we know Josh Palos in late Innings is Babe Ruth right right but not today he he drew a walk though he was a great at bat I hope to see him get more opportunities now that he’s up here um I don’t think he’s a fix whatsoever but if he’s a slight upgrade to sininsky I’ll take it yeah and you know just going through I mean let’s I said this game was entertaining and that there was a lot going on right like it’s hard to kind of piece all this back together because it felt it feels like Perez took the mountain like hour I me know forever ago yeah um but you know so grandall 0 for two pelio’s pinch it for him bartk came in he had a single in Extra Innings triolo had a pinch it single um swinsky had that the double we we talked about um you know Gonzalez hit that one the wall and got an RBI on but yeah there really wasn’t um there wasn’t much else going on Reynolds had the the solo home run early in the game but yeah it’s just overall man I just I don’t know how much much more we can watch this offense go by and just at some point you got to make a move and if you know it’s just just do something but again at this point you keep losing games like this it’s like I I can’t argue with somebody that says they want to sell with the deadline because hey you know you Jared Jones just went to the iil we don’t know you know hope doesn’t look serious hopefully won’t be serious but he he’s on the iio now you’re probably going to limit sk’s Innings the second half of the year so it’s like do you sell at the deadline Cody I don’t see this team going on any winning streak just how I I don’t like the idea of selling because to me selling means you gave up you know that means it’s over the the rebuilds over and it didn’t work so now we got to start from I think they gave up when they signed grandall I Taylor you know I hear you I mean I give them benefit of the doubt with a lot of these pickups but that benefit of the doubt is just that you know bench Harrington’s just not very smart and like just hoping and praying it works but at the same time it’s like if you sell what are you gonna sell what do you have to sell I mean Chapman yeah Chapman who’s not been great uh maybe you could maybe you could sell red hot Rowdy to Les hey if it if it gets you something it gets you something but it’s not going to get you anything that gets you closer to a World Series or the playoffs even next year you know that’s why I’m I’m still in the camp of go get um Luis Robert I mean he’s a guy you’ll have control of for a couple years well after the trade and that sets you up for the future but you know this front office isn’t that smart so that’s that’s the problem I’ve said this for for months now I I just don’t trust them to make the trade but like you said if they’re going to buy at the deadline or whatever it has to be with with control in mind it has to be for next year and Beyond um but they need to start this offseason because we’ve seen the free agent hires when you know they’re going to go in the cheap route and apparently shington the one he picks up aren’t very good so you got to do something uh at some point to change it Cody they’re saying in the chat you’re supposed to sing some song I’m not doing this I’m not doing this I’m not g to be a slave to AI okay AI oh my God just because Jim can’t have an original creative thought he has to ask chat GPT to write a song for him he posted that he posted those lyrics I thought it was just like the first verse in the chorus thing show more and it’s like the whole song like Jim what what are we doing here I saw that I stopped reading after the first verse I know we’re watching a an awful offense but come on yeah that was let let’s get out of here I guess we should wrap it up sorry we couldn’t give any sandwiches out today guys uh yeah no sandwiches we kind of just babbled along here nothing Cent maybe this weekend when uh Co Cody’s Hometown team over there the Mets come to town yeah the Mets coming to town I I should have wore my Mets hat for this show don’t don’t do that I I think I think I will be going to the game on Monday so it’s it’s the afternoon game so you might have to co Ryan and afternoons with Ryan and Cody may have to be uh not next week but yeah well anyway thank you folks for joining us uh another stinker from the Pirates but we’re back again tomorrow we’ll see you then not us but somebody will’ll see you that have a good one peace hey you all thank you for watching I know we try to provide the most entertaining content that we can uh and we’d love to spread it to as many people as possible so I know it doesn’t seem like a lot but if you could take the 5 Seconds to like this video And subscribe to the page it helps out so much more than you know thank you and let’s go Bucks [Music] oh

The NS9 Postgame Show Powered By Primanti Bros.

Happy 4th of July! Cody and Ryan are on the postgame to break down the rubber match between the Pirates and Cardinals!

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  1. Kyle Gibson is a straight ground ball pitcher and what’s he do? Strikes out 8!!! Freaking 8!!! My god they suck and Shelton is the worst damn manager in the damn league

  2. Some people fail to understand that STL has great pitching and everyone thinks we have the Orioles lineup when we clearly don’t. We need a move in the outfield for Jazz. And get rid of “platoon” batters playing in everyday positions as players. We literally have how many platoon batters in this offense?

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