Comparing Pete Alonso’s stats this year to other prominent “bat-first” power hitters

Comparing Pete Alonso’s stats this year to other prominent “bat-first” power hitters

  1. aside from the hometown thing if we ever pay over 200 million+ for a player it should be for someone like Alvarez

  2. Basically the TLDR gist of it is this appears to be a case of regression and not him underperforming his metrics like say Nimmo was doing earlier this year. What I find most concerning about his stats is this is happening in a year where he has actual lineup protection with J.D. Martinez batting in front of him and Vientos and Alvarez behind him. We’ve seen a lot of players fall off a cliff once they hit their 30’s over the past few years and I think that’s what we’re starting to see here. At the rate he’s going he won’t even be the best first baseman entering free agency this Fall.

  3. Pete is my favorite current Met but he has just regressed a little each year it seems. I hope we resign him,but the production isn’t there for a bazillion dollar deal. As the previous post said most concerning is that he’s in a legit lineup right now and still isn’t getting the numbers we expect.

  4. This is why I laugh when people say that Alonso’s production isn’t easily replicated.

    The argument to keep him at all costs is purely emotional and not rooted in logic or long term thinking.

    I love the guy and I would like to keep him – if the price was right. Overpaying for our own version of Ryan Howard isn’t smart baseball. On a 5/125 deal? Sure. 6/150? Sure. 8/200? Hell no.

    He hits a lot of home runs but realistically, he’s a 120-130 wRC+ hitter with poor defense and base running – which is good but isn’t something you overpay for as a first baseman. Especially when you have guys like Vientos/Clifford ready to take over or somebody like Christian Walker as a FA who would cost significantly less.

    The only thing really is that if you let Alonso walk, you have to find a way to replace his production in the lineup…aka somebody like Soto.

  5. My only concern is his high leverage numbers

    However, he has a nearly a 400 OBP over the past month. 

    The weather has been warmer. 

    Stop looking after Cohens wallet.

    CBT is for more $.

    Signing guys who are offered a QO, is a different penalty.

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