although it is very early on in the offseason there definitely are still moves this Rangers team will more than likely make whether it is on the forward side of things or definitely imagine on the defensive side of things we’re going to take a look at the possible lineup combinations that we could potentially see for this upcoming season as well as kind of go in depth at each specific position and kind of take a look at which players could play where alongside who and also which prospects could make a big impact on this team for this upcoming season not just for in the future but but also right now this upcoming season who can make an impact let’s get right into here starting off with the forward combination that I think we could possibly see and also pretty much the line combinations that I would like to see as well starting off here with line one of the forwards paner tro La a one of the best offensive lines in all hockey that’s staying together they’re set in stone then you have krider zaban Jad and Riley Smith one of the newest additions there he was traded for this off season 42nd and fifth round pick you know 40 50 60 point kind of guy possibly definitely a solid kind of second line or third line right winger a lot of good experience in the playoffs as well and for the third line there I would go with rookie Brenan hman Philip pedo and coo coo could be a very nice kind of third line with some scoring and some good two-way game as well with a bit of physicality also then for the fourth line there I would go with Will Coy Sam Carrick and Jimmy VC to have some good energy there good two-way line good defensively definitely brings some physicality as well especially with guys like will coy and Sam Carrick and then for the extras SL kind of other options we could possibly see we have guys like Matt rampe Adam manstrom Johnny binski and Brett barard as well who was yet to make his NHL debut but had a phenomenal season down there in the AHL with the heart for wol pack LED the entire team in goal scored he was phenomenal one of the top players alongside other rookie Brenan ofman so they could be two young guys there could make a pretty good impact on this team at some point throughout this season not quite sure how many rookies this team truly wants to have in that forward lineup at once so that kind of depends there as well do they want to have you Offman obviously will Coy is still very young a Matt rampe type not a manum type and a Brett Burley I don’t know if they’re going to have all four of those kind of guys there so we’ll to kind of wait and see what happens there but definitely a lot of good young options who are available to play right now who are going to be rookie SL young guys who can make an impact on this team right away this upcoming season for the defense I think it’s going to be somewhat similar to what we’ve seen in the past obviously that top pair being lingren and Foxy I think that’s probably going to stay the same there although I wouldn’t mind seeing a guy like kre Miller alongside fox or maybe another guy who potentially add in that wouldn’t be a bad idea at all but I I’d imagine for right now we’re probably going to see lingren and fox stay together then for the second de pair I want to see kandre Miller and Braden Schneider they’re two very good young defenseman who can play a decent two-way game you know Schneider maybe has a little more offense what we’ve seen so far at the NHL level I think in my opinion so I wouldn’t mind seeing nothing together although they very well might go back to that Miller trouba pairing which has not been great together but I really do think you know going with Miller and Schneider on that second D pair is what’s best for this team and also you know going forward long term as well it could be a great D pair to have for years and years to come if they play well together and then for the third D pair there as of right now I would probably go with Zach Jones and Jacob trouba we know Zach Jones is a guy who could possibly get traded away maybe he stays as kind of that six seven defenseman veg TR for draft pick so that’s a possibility but I wouldn’t mind having him on this team for this upcoming season but playoff time I don’t love having him on that third D pair there I’d rather a bigger tougher more physical better defensive kind of guy but definitely not the worst option in the world he’s still very young as well and on the right side there Jacob trouba who could also possibly get traded away we’ll have to wait and see what happens there maybe gets bought out maybe gets traded away we’ll have to wait and see but as of right now it’s going to be on this team but now for the kind of extras SL other options we could possibly see but I don’t necessarily think is the most likely scenario we have guys like Matthew Robertson who is still only 23 you know still in his early 20s for the most part there former second round pick back of the 2019 NHL draft has not yet made his NHL debut but it’s been a Sol kind of two-way defenseman more of a kind of a defensive guy you know big body there he’s like 6’4 good size there could be a decent guy to have on that third D paish Spot maybe finally gets his chance at the NHL level because like I said he has yet to make his NHL debut but still a pretty Sol Pros but had a good season down there in Hartford for the third consecutive year but now taking a look at another option there who was a guy who I really liked in the previous season back in 2022 2023 ended up making a good kind of impact there when we had a lot of injury and stuff like that that is Ben Harper although he’s coming off of a pretty bad injury had a pretty much season ending injury there played seven games last year for the heart for wol pack and then got hurt there never played with the Rangers last season got hurt and missed pretty much the entire season definitely coming off a pretty bad injury there so we’ll see kind of how he bounces back but a very big solid defensive kind of Puck moving defenseman good pass are there really big size though can play a physical tough game I would not mind seeing as that kind of six seventh defenseman but I would probably rather go for it with an upgrade there at least Zach Jones as that kind of guy on that left- hand deep pair spot which would not be a bad idea at all and now taking a look here at the other kind of combinations and possibilities that we could potentially see for these lines starting off with the forwards there line one it’s locked in place there it’s not going to change and that is Panera troch and lafer they were so good together there is no reason at all to switch that up and for line two there I would go with krider a banage J and then had the option of going with Riley Smith or Brandon Offman depending on kind of what happens there if Kaku gets traded away I would imagine we do have a guy like Riley Smith or Offman kind of has that second or third line right Wings Spot so maybe you want to kind of have the younger guy alongside the the other two guys there in cry benage possibly and have Riley Smith more of a depth scoring role or have the young guy there stay on that kind of young line alongside maybe it’s you know and heel possibly so there are definitely some good kind of combinations we could possibly see but obviously going off right now I would imagine for line into that right wi spot the two options are possibly going to be Riley Smith or Brandon Offman I don’t see being cocko I think he’s going to be a third or fourth liner on this team or possibly trade it away then for line three there we have the possibility for the Wingers of being will Jimmy VC brenon oin Copo cako Riley Smith or Brett BR in my opinion for other guys like maybe an Adam edrom there could possibly fit but I think it’s going to be more of a fourth ler if he does make this team and for the center you have Philip pedel that’s pretty much locked in place there the three centers are going to be you know line one I would say troch line two saan Jet and line three he I don’t think those are going to change at all with the fourth line Center being Carrick as well I the centers are pretty much locked in place there for the most part but the Wingers like I said could be coie thec Offman kcko Smith or barard as well those kind of the options there in my opinion for that third line and for the fourth line Wingers that we could possibly see we have guys like will Coley Jimmy VC Matt rampe Adam edstrom Johnny binski and coo coo now I don’t really see a guy like Brett barard or Brandon offin kind of being a fourth liner if they make the team I think they’re going to be in a third or second line role more than likely just a third line role for a guy like Brar he doesn’t really play much on the right side whereas a guy like gothman because he can’t play on the right or left he could obviously be that kind of second liner alongside guys like krider and zanette who definitely could have a pretty good kind of fit there possibly but I don’t see either those guys being fourth lers think their development is too important right now to put them on that fourth line they better be you know either second or third liners on this Rangers team in NHL or possibly just go down to the AHL and continue to be great toall s/ Top Line caliber forwards down there to continue to develop their game because they definitely have a fairly high ceiling and definitely you wouldn’t be able to develop at the fullest kind of potential if they were stuck on that fourth line and now for the defensive side of things there the D pairs I think it’s pretty much locked in place for the top one it’s going to be linkr and fox unless we see a big trade kind of happen there we’re acquiring a really kind of good top pairing kind of left D caliber guy I don’t think we’re going to see anything switched up there but then for the second de pair spot I would like to see like I said Keandre Miller or Bren Schneider but the possibility is Miller alongside Schneider or trouba I think Miller’s kind of locked himself in place there for that kind of second pair spot on the left side but the right side there could possibly be Schneider or trouba like I said I want to see Schneider I think that could be a great kind of young two-way defense pair there with both guys being pretty good defensively and offensively but a guy like kandre May being a little better offensively than defensively and a guy like Schneider being a little better defensively than offensively both guys have great size as well I think that could be a great D pair going forward two young guys could be a deep pair together for you know the foreseeable future as well not just for this upcoming season if they develop great chemistry they could be a deep pair together for the next you know three four five six seven eight years possibly as long as they stay on this team they could be a great deep pair to have together two young guys very talented good offensively and good defensively I think there is more to schneer game offensively than what we have seen as well and for the third de Perry spot as of right now it is more than likely going to be Zach Jones playing alongside either Jacob trouba or Bren Schneider I would like to see him play alongside Jacob trouba there for that third D pair spot to be Jones and trouba if it stays same the roster right now but like I said we could possibly see a trade away for guy like Zack Jones or possibly Jacob trouba as well open a bit more c space there be able to go out there and either trade or sign a better defenseman possibly so we’ll have to wait and see kind of what happens but as of right now these are kind of the lines I would like to slash think we’re probably going to see a lot of you see the lot of different combinations we could potentially see depending on what happens with some young guys you know like Adam edstrom BR barar Brandon Offman Matt rampe is he on that fourth line consistently to start the year possibly so a lot of different combinations we could see K could also get traded there there’s a lot of different kind of moves we could possibly see we are still very early in the offseason I guarantee we’re going to see at least one or two more kind of nhlers added but how good are they and how big of an impact can they have the NHL level that’s kind of the question and the goal tending situation is locked in place there with Jonathan Quick being the backup to G sherkin who is a top tier one of the best goalies in the entire NHL definitely the best come playoff time but anyways let me know in the comment section down below your thoughts on these kind of line combinations here do you like them do you hate them what would you want to see and also the third Stringer is more than likely going to be Dylan Gand thanks for watching to comment down below your thoughts also don’t for to hit that like button and subscribe for daily new gers content thanks for watching I’ll catch you next one see you

New York Rangers will hopefully have some more moves to make this offseason but as of right now what lines could we possibly see to being the 2024-25 season? Rangers have a lot of different line combinations we could possibly see for this upcoming season but is it good enough to win a Stanley Cup that’s the real question.

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  1. Berard is more NHL ready than Othmann. I'd let Otter marinate in Hartford for one more season. I also really liked Edstrom's game when he got a look this past season. On defense, they have to play Jones. He looked great while Trouba was out late in the season, should've gotten a chance in the playoffs. I feel his skating and puck moving ability would've outweighed his size disadvantage.


    Jones-Trouba/some free agent if Trouba gets traded

  2. I dont know why ppl are knocking on Reilly Smith. Guy puts up 20 goals and 50 points a season. Plus hes been a middle 6 player his whole career. Have you seen his playoff numbers?

  3. Id like to see if Drury goes for Dominik Kubalik. He could play 3LW.

    Panarin Trochek Laffy
    Kreider Mika Smith
    Kubalik Filda Kakko
    Cuylle Edstrom Rempe
    Vesey extra guy

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