Ep.158: Atlanta Falcons Q&A. Reggie Bush, college football most electrifying player ever?

Ep.158: Atlanta Falcons Q&A. Reggie Bush, college football most electrifying player ever?

hello hello everybody what it do what it do people it is the six-man convo happy forth to everybody that is watching this right now let’s go [Applause] [Music] yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo as y’all hear that in the background you already know [ __ ] already pop [ __ ] out here already exactly hey man what’s what’s going on people man it’s your boy six man ak ak Styles in the building to my stage right as you already know it is Senator Matt AKA bad M hey y’ need shut that [ __ ] down y’all okay bad might Sports and you tuning in to this episode this Fourth of July episode of the six-man combo [Applause] um they look they already started they already start bro it a it ain’t even it ain’t even dark yet you can but it’s popping off Dynamite Over Here Boy what what what are we doing hey but uh like you said we appreciate y’all tuning in man like you said man M um as we already know we might not have a lot of people in this live today but hey hey we got the real what Ro oh yeah baby the real roll call the real roll call man as you already know smooth c78 wavy 2 times and we got the therapist at definitely tuning in man like said we gonna wait for a few more people to get in here so like I said as y’all getting in here make sure you go ahead and share this make sure you go ahead and subscribe if you’re not subscribed We Are One away from, 1400 now oh yeah oh yeah one Away Away really yeah yes sir yes sir oh wow okay so let’s go ahead get right into it man I’m we not gonna hold up everybody’s time like that man because I know everybody want to eat everybody probably already got the I so probably them fell asleep so they probably sitting down eating why they got the I figure out what we say all right so we got two topics tonight as we are already comeing through with this I want to talk about Reggie Bush and was he the most electrifying football player in college football history based on the poll that I did on my channel and we also going to get some Atlanta Falcon Q&A from the people that in here so whatever Atlanta Falcon questions that you may have this is the perfect time for you to ask them it don’t matter what it is it could be whatever position it could be expectations however you want to do it so Mike how are we doing this afternoon man well this is the first time I can honestly say can I honestly say that that I’m I’m doing this show with a brucei in my hand so I kind of feel good kind of feel good so if y’all get something random out of me you’ll know Mike how you doing this afternoon man I’m I’m good man I’m great I’m great I can’t complain I can’t complain um I uh what can I I’m doing good I’m doing good I’m a little bit hungry but yeah I’m doing good nonetheless yeah yeah I don’t blame a little bit hungry but I’m mad as hell too because tomorrow is gonna be my last day of my vacation so yeah it’s all good J Ro here what’s going on man appreciate you coming in yes sir yes sir so so Mike I’mma give you the opportunity how how you want to kick this show off today man we do we want to get into some of this Falcon Q&A or do you think we need to go ahead kick this off with a little bit of this Reggie Bush talk that I saw uh we can get some Q&A I think we get some Q&A I know smooth SE as a lot of you guys probably got something uh uh to talk about he got something to talk about I I don’t know why that song just came up my head but yeah sweet dreams are made of oh my god really travel the worldbody is looking oh my God kale we really doing this yeah I you know I had to start off with that that song came on the radio earlier today I I had to say that I had to seen that but um s since we don’t really have any questions like that for right now I think we need to go ahead just get on this Reggie Bush topic right right here yeah okay that’s cool that’s cool um johnon say I wish I had a damn beer I’m working it’s all good though oh man at least you probably getting time in the half yeah yeah yeah yeah you get your beer afterwards missing Ain missing much we know what be taste we know what be a tast exactly so you ain’t missing [Applause] nothing yeah yeah yeah yeah but um the reason why we gonna go ahead and um hold on wavy two times came with a question already man said all honesty I understand it’s the first year of the new regime what are the minimum expectations how you want how you want to attack this mic I’m I’mma let you run point on that question that is interesting I understand it’s the first year of the new regime what are the minimum expectations um I if we want to start like that if we want to start with the minimum expectations well this I would s i I would always say that you should always think if you’re expecting the minimum um see this goes against all my morals it like I hate that I have to say this but damn Wy why you had to say that like Jesus Christ I don’t like thinking like this well you you you gotta think seven and 10 if you want to do that because I in my opinion I think this team is much better than what it once was um I think we look at the draft a quarterback um we have a better back backup quarterback I think we all can agree with that um we have Tyler here we have a uh a offensive coordinator that’s come from a system they’re and they used to success and um especially in the passing game so I would say the minimum for this team is seven and 10 uh I think that’s that’s the thing you should be that’s the minimum you should be focused on okay I say for I say to answer that question as well uh me personally H I think this was a bad idea but we gonna deal with it but my expectation my minimum expectation is win the division I mean like you said just simply just based on what the overall expectation from what the from what you have coming over from last year and if you’re feeling like the quarterback position is the position that’s of the most important focus it kind of tells you that when in the NFC South is is the minimum like you said yeah it don’t M it don’t matter it don’t matter what record that they have it don’t matter what record is all what it is you just have to win the NFC South hey boo how you doing now Maggie that’s my boo y’all yeah yeah I I just had to say that because I know you better say that before she call your phone and start talking hey don’t do that don’t do that don’t do that y’all don’t do that don’t do that k well yeah remember I know anime I know anime just as much as you do yeah Micha Walker what’s going on man but yeah like I said yeah the minimum expectations is winning the NFC South um I think anything I think anything below that would be kind of a disappointment uh like you say just based simply on the expectations and based on the types of move they’ve made in this past off season they’ve already told you rahem mois say one of his main quotes was we have to win the NFC South so that is the expectation yeah and like I said like we were right there even for the N uh NFC South titles like all we had to do is win the last couple of games but Arthur didn’t really know what he wanted to do in regards to the quarterback position so I think that kind of screwed up things he said he wasn’t going to play music chair with the quarterback but he ended up doing so and it just kind of threw everything off so um that’s why I say S10 even though the record seven and 10 may be something that uh we might frown upon but I think it’s pretty good like I I think seven and 10 especially with the the NFC South um the Saints I don’t think the Saints are very good to be honest I think they’re goingon to be absolute trash um they just my opinion they playing with a lot of old guys and guys that just aren’t really healthy Chase young they sign him for a deal but he he’s like let just keep it he’s he’s hurt like that dude got a neck injury and we don’t know if he’s going to be the same type of quarter the same type of player defensive end and then you got a old guy and and slant Thomas um and then you got a a running back that really doesn’t really want to be there so he’s trying to um kind of what’s the word for it like he trying to negotiate his way out of new uh out of New Orleans so he trying to get the [ __ ] out yeah cuz he know good d g will they not gonna be able to get him no uh uh a big contract you know especially with the cap Hill they in so New Orleans the Bucks we don’t know with uh K K Styles favorite quarterback and um backer May see now you trying to get me to throw my car at your ass don’t do that I’m just saying man like that’s your favorite guy so you got the books that team is you know they’re old they’re going to have to rebuild at some point but the only team in my opinion in this division you really have to focus on is really Carolina they have a young team they’re rebuilding they have been re building and then you know they they look anything can happen I think the defense is going to take a step back but for the most part I I just don’t see a threat in the division so even with the seven and 10 for me I think it’s going to be pretty uh good as far as the season is concerned and our ability to get to the playoffs so seven and 10 to the playoffs by Way by way of the NFC South winning the NFC South yeah okay yeah yeah yeah uh Michael Walker said I thought they cut Michael Thomas I think they did yeah I I maybe yeah yeah I may be wrong but like I said that they have what’s the guy name um the wide receiver Chris yeah Chris ol but like I don’t think he’s a number one like he doesn’t strike me as a guy that like he doesn’t strike me as a number one receiver so the end of the day man it’s like there’s not a lot of there’s no real threat in the NFC South so even if we go eight and nine seven and 10 I I just don’t see a a real con Contender as far as it’s going to they going to challenge the Falcons I just don’t see it I really don’t see it Kurt Cousins is the real deal we can say what we want to say about them but he’s a real deal when it come down to quarterback so I I don’t see a I really don’t see any team that’s going to be able to in the NFC South that gonna be able to challenge the fal yeah yeah so you got any more questions on the Atlanta Falcons and itself um but Mike I do have a question for you as far as the and itself and I know you put the live out a little bit earlier about um June and uh oh and how how you how title itself was talking about uh potential Hall of Famer uh for those that may not have seen that video or seen that live I want to explain to the people uh uh what do you think it would take for him to be to live up to the prophecy that they they’re thinking that he can become he just need to be a student student of the game he has everything in his um in his favor to be able to be a successful quarterback he doesn’t like anything he he he has a offensive line he has a running game he has two good running backs there’s not an NFL there’s not many teams in the NFL that has two good running backs uh and you have a very you have a uh a head coach that has been in every situation possible like if you just name the situation he’s been there he’s been the young upand cominging coach that everybody thinks who’s going to be a great guy he’s been that he’s been the the chosen one so to speak he’s been the guy that has gotten fired um he’s been the guy that getting fired go to another team and they went to the Super Bowl so he’s lost the Super Bowl he won the Super Bowl lost Super Bowl so he’s he has everything that is his supposed to be a great player has been every situation he has a a quarterback that has been you know um a guy that was drafted and the organization didn’t really want to uh it really didn’t want to invest in him so he had to keep a certain mindset to keep pushing themselves and Kurt Cousins because they didn’t really believe in Kurt Cousins but he kept pushing and kept pushing and kept pushing and end up getting ultimately becoming a good quarterback so he’s been through he has everything at disposal he got wide receiver he has tight he has running back offensive lineman so he has you know three four different quarterback coaches that has the ability you know to teach him what he needs to know so I I just don’t think at this point in time Michael penic has nothing to complain about so for me is either Hall of Fame status borderline Hall of Fame status or you’re you’re it’s it’s all your fault at this point you got nothing to complain about nothing Michael pennx has nothing to complain about this is the first time I’ve said this about Atlanta Falcons quarterback he has nothing to he has nothing to complain about this is something that Matt Ryan had and when he became a NFL quarterback for the Atlanta Falcons he had everything great coaches great offensive line a good running game and obviously we had Michael Turner good wide receivers like he had everything so he has nothing to complain about so for me it’s hall of fame or bust for me because I really believe in it I believe in his his skills Michael Penny can slain that thing he’s a a pretty good athlete um and he knows was What It Takes uh to kind of stay healthy I think that’s another thing too a lot of young quarterbacks when they hurt something or hurt themselves they don’t know how to kind of bounce back from that he does so there’s not a lot of things that when you look at Michael pen that is against him he has not a lot he doesn’t have a lot of things that’s against him got another question here uh jonan roier said will Kyle piss betray bit if he doesn’t perform this season I’ll let you have that one uh yeah I mean it just come down to uh now it I wouldn’t say I would say it’s kind of a make or break season for him but it’s more so of a okay it just goes back to what Mike said about Michael but where Michael penck or AKA June buug is you got [Applause] it okay you pretty much got everything in your dispos disposal as far as you have a veteran quarterback that utilizes tight ends you have like you said you have a play there’s a plethora of Playmakers around you to where you’re not going to be the you’re not gonna get the focal point of the coverages and stuff like that so they’re going to be looking at this as a make a break for him so what could he be trade bait if he doesn’t perform this season yes I wouldn’t be I wouldn’t be shocked says so the firecracker agree with me too um no I I definitely agree but then but then also it’s going to be dependent on what your expectation for him this season is going to be Bingo because you got like like and I say I said it last night on the heavy headers with you is you got too many Ferraris in the garage somebody is not gonna get the the number of yardage that every that you gonna expect from them like you said the thing about with Kyle Pitt is you’re not g to be expecting him to get no thousand yard season yeah you may be lucky if you get 550 out of but the main thing you want to see from him is can he be able to dominate in the red zone and that’s where his area expertise that that that’s going to be the difference between him being a falcon in the future or being traded absolutely I totally agree I think that’s the thing everybody has to be I think this is the the year where guys have to rely on that specialities their skills like you said with a guy like Tyler he’s a short yard guy he’s a punishing guy so if we need to if a team is for example they’re playing a lot of diamond nickel packages and they have more DBS than anything we’re going to need him to come in the game and punish those small DBS and we need tough yardage we need him to do that so he’s going to have to rely on his speciality in order to kind of remain a part of this team and uh um I just got a question I just got everybody what is the purpose of popping firecrackers when it’s daylight outside I I I guess they like the sound I I I have never understood that I I just don’t get it even as a kids I would like I like to see the fire I like to see fireworks I don’t understand the the need to hear it like okay I can I can turn on YouTube and I can hear firecrackers I I I’m I’m flabbergasted by that like but um go ahead Mike I just want to get I just look I look the last couple of days it’s 6 o’clock in the evening and we’ve been hearing fir crackers in daylight not s not at night okay y’all not at night six o’clock and it’s complete sunlight ain’t nothing but sunlight out and we here and they get 12 one two o’clock in the morning nobody’s up but yeah whatever but like I see it just come down to uh everybody has to work on their special guys because we have too many guys that has too many skills on it Ronda Mo’s skill is is a speed guy he’s a guy that can run after the kid he a guy that can take reverses to the house um we got quite a few guys that’s out here uh Ray Ray McLoud he’s a he’s a guy that came here for a multitude of things he’s another one of those Rond Moore guys that you can put him at punt return kick return and you can put him in the back field have him handle the ball he can take he can you know catch a screen and then take it to the house like he that those are his skill sets so those guys have to rely on their particular skill sets and order for them to to be on the team to be honest yeah johnon say it’s only 405 here in Nevada [ __ ] they’ve been popping firecrackers they’ve been popping firecrackers and fireworks for the since since about 11 this morning yes absolutely so yeah yeah yeah we been hearing it all day ER what’s going on trick 654 Georgia Texas boy what’s going on Cory appreciate y’all coming in man um give y’all a couple more minutes to come up with some Falcons questions and then we gonna go ahead and move on to the poll question of the week I think this will be a very good conversation to have and like I said definitely shout out to everybody that that that’s having a good time on this uh fourth whether you be with your family or some for some folks unfortunately you had to work but it’s all good though like I said man just hopefully everybody is having a good day um wa a couple more questions see oh boy Cory said the Mexicans out here been popping since last week not last week oh God Dam wow not last week and I believe that you get B system boy they don’t stop they don’t even go to sleep that 247 boy them mother is robots come robots all right so we ain’t got too many more questions here I think we need to go ahead and get to the next subject at hand oh boy this gonna be interesting um okay so for those that may not know I did a poll earlier this week um and I asked the question and from what I last saw it was about 300 votes I asked out of these three guys who was the quote unquote most electrifying college football player did you see and I should have known that it was going to be an obvious Landslide it was Reggie Bush with like 90% it was uh Percy Harvin with like 7% and Christian mcaffrey with 3% so I want to go ahead and just talk about and definitely shout out to Reggie Bush for uh finally getting his Heisman back I think it was earlier this year or was it late last year he finally got his hman back yeah I think it was was it earlier this year like I think it might have been late last year he finally got his hman back but definitely shout out um so the question I want to ask everybody that’s tuning in right now is do you agree that in the new generation of football players that Bush was the most electrifying player that you saw on that college football field well Mike what you thinking about that see I have different opinions of what electrifying mean so I’m I’m probably not the best person to to ask this question to because I’m a Georgia fan and I think electrifying really means uh big plays in general I don’t care if it’s 80 yard touchdowns or 10 yard touchdowns or they catching the SL and taking it into a house I I just think of big plays when I think about electrifying so for me personally and know I’m a Bulldogs fan and um a Teck fan and yes I am a tech fan y’all I do watch Teck I watch take every chance I get believe it or not okay um I was not a fan when they end up bringing in Paul Johnson because I thought that was absolute dumb crap but we not going to get in that case sty um please don’t do that it’s crazy as it sound is that was the most successful it really was y’all had a lot of big plays in that system that play that that that system actually breathes big plays so y’all had a lot of guys going back to uh um uh Thomas Thomas stepen he um what’s the running back at skip uh good God uh you talk about t choice choice yeah choice so like they’ve had pretty good players when it come down to big plays but like big plays for me is just like it come down to um when you need that uh when you when you need them to make a play they make a play whether it’s touchdowns um punt returns and other things and I always say going back to Georgia man like moo Harman for me was a like that dude was a big time player so uh like you you could put him on the field he would catch long passes he would take a slant to the house he would return kicks so I I I guess me saying that the Reggie Bush Percy Harbin that’s so that’s so hard oh man that’s so hard Percy Harin was a beast man at Florida but I I’m thank you so much for that okay I appreciate that I appreciate we really appreciate that but I I’m I’m I’mma go against the grain man like I hate this saying this because I’m a Georgia fan but I’mma I’mma just say Percy Harvin man like Percy Harvin did it in so many different ways uh not that Reggie Bush but I think everybody saw Reggie Bush but like I’m G say Percy Harvin because he did it as a returner kick punt returner receiver he would uh catch a lot of uh passes out of the back field he would take screens he would take handoffs end the round like Percy Harin would do all types of things I think the thing is with a lot of a lot of fans of football we so used to guys just being the center attention and the guys that gain a lot of the uh media attention as far as promotion is concern we only focus on those guys so Percy Harvin needs a lot of respect when it come down to being one of the most electrifying college players in in history I think he I enjoy him more than I enjoyed TBO like I would see a lot of times TBO would get they would get him down the field making a lot of big plays and then he would come in it’s a five they on the five yard line and they’ll call a quarterback sneak or a quarterback option like you had 20 touchdown because Percy Harin them got you down there so yeah I’m not a big Tim too fan at all that overrated jackass yeah him I I I hated him I hated him since day one cuz really hated the fact that they would do all the work even the um the running back offensive line they had they had some of the greatest talent in college football history and they again they would get them down there but he would they would call these plays and he would score like four or five yard touchdowns and I’m I’m just not with it bu no don’t pay y about B ass over here look like the dog even know I’m [ __ ] damn yeah I like Percy Harvin but like you said um the fact that he did it with having the migraines the migraine issues that he had was another another Wrinkle in it that makes you think about healthy could he been something even more dangerous because that dude yeah he he had to smoke pot before every goddamn game the the the stop the damn migraine [ __ ] he had no choice but um much as I love Parts Percy Harvin like you say raie Bush was another level it it was it was another level with him where like even with ra regie Bush wasn’t even the best running back in the back field as far as numbers wise because a lot of people kind of forget that Lind Del white actually holds the Russian record at us C and not Reggie Bush but like it’s kind of the same thing that a lot of people talk about with Mike Vic here in Atlanta Reggie Bush was kind of like that for college football especially for the new generation because it was almost like if he touched the football and Percy Harvin was like that too but you just saw more of it with Reggie Bush than anything and I could be honest with you say like even even even with that if Reggie Bush didn’t have a lot of those electric plays that he had I don’t know if USC even win any national championships with that even with the team they had because it was such a it was a dynamic within itself where you couldn’t game plan for it it was damn near impossible to be honest the game plan from him and like I said I was a huge Reggie Bush fan like everyone else but come down to us like that dude was just incredibly marketable and I think the worst thing for him that is that he went to New Orleans New Orleans New Orleans had no business even touching him no no that’s the worst thing it wasn’t even New Orleans that did him wrong well he started dating Kim Kardashian that’s what did him that see oh my God I knew you I should have knew you g say that when he started rap for him yeah he start thinking he was a celebrity that that year I don’t know why he did that exactly Southside here say y’all remember show good Trent Richardson was in college man did that age Port yeah damn sure did that [ __ ] Trent Richardson ate himself out the league in three years boy boy yourself out of the league like hey Eddie Lacy did the same thing remember before damn Derek Henry boy a lot of damn Alabama running backs was eating themselves out the Le I mean shoot when you down there with them red Nicks damn I ain mean to say that y’all see this why I they call themel redneck so I I mean [ __ ] uh well you down there with them with them Callas goddamn rooll ties how about that rooll ties when you down there with the road ties it’s only so much you can do down there and trust me my mom is born in Alabama Montgomery okay she was born in Montgomery uh so I understand that that that culture it’s nothing really to do but to eat it’s run and eat play and eat work and eat all right so you gonna get real fat you g get real lazy in Alabama so I understand how Trent and those guys did because look that’s that’s what we did when I went to Alabama and the summer you know from a city guy go from Alabama go from Atlanta to Alabama yeah so it’s nothing really there to to eat barbecue to eat food to go to a restaurant and y’all just just have fun eating that’s so I understand how I I I seriously understand how you can get that big right so but um like I said we Wen gonna make this too much longer um like you said man a couple more questions if y’all want and we GNA pretty much uh get here we I’m I’m hungry y’all about hry about to get something to eat like I said man we got uh I got the S I got another video of The 6mk Chronicles coming on at 10:00 tonight um y definitely make sure y’all go ahead stay tuned for that um that’s going to be kind of a summary of last week’s discussion uh like I said man this wasn’t going to be too long I know everybody is eating I know majority of y’all asses got the itis and I haven’t got family and your wife and your husband they probably ain’t sitting up here trying to get house with the kids and help with the with the family that’s in the house so we not trying to we’re not trying to uh take y’all away from the family exactly so we gonna go ahead and give y’all y’ forth back uh definitely appreciate the few of y’all that came in here um like I said I know folks may not have watched this but definitely go ahead and recap it so until next time people we ain’t here play oh no we stay oh yeah [ __ ] you gota go home but you got to get the hell out of here and go eat yeah baby get me another Sweet Water all right y’all

Today’s episode we answer questions involving the Atlanta Falcons. Is Reggie Bush the most electrifying player in college football history?
#6thmankonvo #atlantafalcons #reggiebush

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