What Is Miami Dolphins Plan B With Tua Tagovailoa’s Contract?!

What Is Miami Dolphins Plan B With Tua Tagovailoa’s Contract?!

I know some of you guys don’t want to talk about this and I’ll go into full detail so be sure to actually watch the [Music] video what is up Finn fans hope you guys had an absolute fantastic Fourth of July hope everyone was safe had a great barbecue all that good stuff um but we’re on two more things and we’re going to talk a little bit to a tongue of aloa you can tell by the title kind of a plan B which I don’t think it’ll come to a plan B so I’m going to preference that when I start but real quick I do have to shout out today sponsor that is clean the world Sean CER doeses fantastic things for real though go check their site out clean theworld.org and see how he started see what the idea of taking something that was just thrown away with soap and he repurposes it to give to people that need it third world countries people who are affected by natural disaster the homeless he is doing some really great things for people that need it he puts these fantastic kits together that I show you guys all the time he’s working on a way that you guys can even put kits together and give it to people of need go check it out clean theworld.org great sponsor and a great human being so let’s talk about the title of the video but also real quick disclaimer I’m going to put it over my face I think Tu Tung will sign a new contract before the season starts that being said what if he doesn’t and that’s something that we should talk about and that’s something that I’m going to talk about now this is going to ruffle some feathers of people who don’t want to hear this type of scenario but it’s just if you’ve been following me for however long six years I’ve been doing this holy guacamole if you’ve been following me for how 6 years now or even four years or even however long you’ve heard me say I’d rather be surprised and let down so I always mentally prepare myself for the worst I am a Dolphin fan so that it comes with the nature of being a dolphins fan is you prepare for the worst expect the best so with two of like I said I expect him to either be signed at the start of training camp or before the season starts when negot I’ve talked about this at nauseum but when negotiation processes started with Herbert and burrow it wasn’t an instant thing it wasn’t you know it took some time to get the right numbers and this this and that and you’ve heard the rumors that the Dolphins aren’t willing to pay him market value I’ve heard some other things that I’ve talked about on the patreon if you haven’t gone and check that video out go check that out if you are a patreon um but we’re going to talk about what happens if the Dolphins are like we can’t come to some type of agreement and we need to now focus on like Travon Holland or we need to now focus on the season we’ll continue to try but because that’s kind of what happened with Robert hunt last year they tried to give Robert hunt a new contract midseason that didn’t pan out with Christian Wilkins they for two years were trying to get a contract going that couldn’t happen so I’m going to tell you what I think again this isn’t what I know or heard or any of that stuff this is just me kind of taking an educated guess on what I think will happen if the Dolphins can’t come to some type of agreement with tuatonga aloa and Training Camp starts let’s start there training camp starts I think that Tua will show up I think he’ll be there day one of training camp I think he will take part in Camp I wouldn’t be surprised if he doesn’t do like 11 on 11s or I wouldn’t be surprised if he kind of doesn’t do preseason or he doesn’t do certain things because for one pay me and for two for two I don’t even think that’s English and the second point is he has to then take into consideration fluke accidents that could possibly and I’m going to knock on wood end his season we’ve seen it plenty of times where a quarterback is just planting his foot along way and boom he’s done for the year in training camp he has to take those things into consideration especially with him trying to get a new contract so there’s that right so if he doesn’t get a new contract come training camp uh that’s probably he’ll probably not be as hands on he’ll be there and he’ll do seven on seven one-on ones and stuff like that but I don’t think he’ll be as Hands-On and as mobile if that makes any sense like trying to evade pressures and you know do anything with 11 on 11s so I think there’s that then training uh pre season I doubt he plays preseason three games I doubt he plays them and if he is signed uh say the contract wasn’t a problem I probably think he plays a half if that maybe a quarter in one game and then half in another game like again there’s no point in your starters really playing anymore especially with the potential of the 18 Game season coming and knocking it down to two preseason games you don’t need your starters to play it’s more about getting figuring out who is going to make the roster so there’s that then say the season starts and Tu Tong of aloa still hasn’t signed a new contract which has happened Joe burrow again he was it was his fourth year not his fifth year but there was contract negotiations and I think he signed September 15th or September 8th or something like that then I I I think he plays I don’t think he sits out if Tua sits out this year because of contract negotiations I’ll be shocked and if that happens he has the power because I am for one who do who thinks that Mike White is not I I I’ve heard it in the comment section again I read your guys comments I think me personally that Mike White as our starter I think the difference between Mike White and Tua is like three games I think Tua as our starter we win three more games I think Mike White as our starter we lose those three games so you know if you have us winning 11 games and Mike White all of a sudden is the starter we winning eight games see what I’m saying um because there’s still a tremendous amount of talent around him but I’ve seen what I’ve seen and you know me and Alan pupart were talking about it on finai in the NFL he disagrees which I respect I respect disagreement I actually like it helps me learn I would prefer saquin saquin Skyler I don’t know why he said saquin Skyler Thompson come in also there’s a possibility if he’s like I’m gonna sit out that the Dolphins are like all right we’ll sign a vet we’ll go sign a vet we’ll get tanah Hill we’ll go get somebody else but again I I’ll be shocked absolutely shocked if that happens if it gets to that point I think he pulls a Christian Wilkins I think he does a sit in for a few weeks like Christian Wilkins does and then he’s training camp aoy I don’t think he plays preseason and then if they don’t get it done he’s okay I’ll play on the fifth year now that’s that’s my my educated guess on what could happen no contract beginning of training camp no contract beginning of the season now what happens I’m going to give you two scenarios what happens end of 2024 after the season’s over let give you two scenarios one we win a playoff game say we win two playoff games and in big part because of Tua say Tua takes that next step that we all want um and he wins some games late in the season and he shows I grown I have learned just like I have the past previous years even though some don’t think so uh I’ve gotten better like he has the past previous years even though some don’t think so and he takes that next step and even the haters that just want him gone regardless there are people and I’m not making this up there are people who would prefer the Dolphins to lose just so he’s gone than win with him now it’s a very small minority but there are people out there it he plays to the point where even those people are like I’m wrong I’m wrong good for him then the Miami Dolphins in a situation where you’re going to probably have to pay him 15 million a year more than you would have if you had to sign him now because you also have to take into consideration that his agents are looking at the cap space and they’re looking at how it went up 35 million last year and how it’s projected to go up 50 million this year especially with with what did didn’t Netflix get the Christmas games and St like it’s just more revenue on top of more revenue on top of more Revenue athletes vers is looking at that and they’re J that down and especially if he stays healthy and he gets over that hump that is my biggest critic of him is that hump then all a sudden they’re like you need to pay this man the highest like you need to set the market with tu aong of VOA then the Dolphins are in a in a sticky situation now if he does that and say we get to the a again this is like I’m giving you I’m going to give you two extremes we get to the AFC Championship game we get to the Super Bowl right win or loss right we get there they’re going to pay him and they’re going to pay him a lot of money and you know I’ve talked to some people some of my friends some other you know beat Riders and some and they’re like yeah you know he’ll deserve it even the ones that think are super critical of him they’re like yeah he he’ll he’ll get that money so there’s that or they they franchise tag him and he gets like 40 million and then they try to figure out but worst case because even Alan pupart said this he’ll get his money if he proves everyone wrong and if he comes out and he and he gets over that hurdle that he needs to like Steve Young gets that monkey off his back finally wins a playoff game and continues on his projection he’s gonna get paid boom we’re going to go complete 180 we’ll do a 360 we’ll just let’s go right back to where we’re now we’re doing a complete 180 he can’t get over that hump he can’t get over that hurdle he gets nicked up I’m going to knock on some wood again he gets nicked up then the Dolphins are in a situation where they have a player now kind of Connor Williams we we have two examples that we can go off of right we got Christian Wilkins bet on himself one priced himself out of the Dolphins and I have some information about that that I might make a patreon video for Christian Wilkins info um or we’re on the the 180 side Connor Williams bet on himself severe injury lost if that happens with Tua then the Dolphins are in a situation where do they move on do they not franchise tag him not pay him pennies to the dollar cuz they could they could still be like look we think you you know you got a rough whatever this year you know they can come up with any type of reasoning and offer him like a a a cheapo contract like a 13 million a year you know 30 million a year type contract or they can move on from him now when it comes to who’s available in free agency it’s Dak Prescott uh but it’s like are you gon to pay for Dak Prescott are the Cowboys going to pay for Dak Prescott to keep him because they have to pay CD lamb and they have to pay um Parsons so Dak Prescott’s available there’s also trade options you know there’s there’s other things but the these are the the thought process because if you haven’t watched Hard Knox yet I think the Giants off season which is ridiculous to me that there’s an off season a training camp and in season now like Hard Knocks is just milking the crap out of it and again that’s Revenue to towards the NFL they were talking about saquon no one’s going to pay saquan that much and could we trade them no I don’t think we could trade them and they were like the dumbest things were said and they end up being wrong and it’s again that situation where you know what are they going to this is all the stuff that they’re saying all right we can pay him we can pay him now we can kind of concede a little bit to what his agent’s saying or we can wait and let him play the fifth year but then we have to pay him way more than we wanted now but then say everything falls apart who’s a replacement this is all stuff that they’re talking about and to me the only guy that makes sense to be a replacement for Tua if the wheels fall off again and he just doesn’t earn any type of money stack Prescott now Dak Prescott is again a type of quarterback who is good has that Mobility the arm strength all that stuff but when it comes to playoff time he kind of trips over his own feet that’s Plan B if this to a contract situation nose Dives and the Dolphins can’t get anything done or he bets on himself and loses your plan B is Dak Prescott you’re GNA have to ride it out either with Tua and again if the wheels fall off then Wheels falling off to me is not winning more than eight games I don’t care if we make the nine games I don’t care if we make the playoffs at nine games that’s a failure to me you need more uh than eight or nine games because you just had 11 and a regression is just unacceptable to me I said the same thing about Brian Flores when they won nine games and then he went one and seven I’m like what is what is going on right now so to me that’s Plan B it’s Dak Prescott and obviously you’re going to draft a quarterback if if the wheels fall off to the point where you move on from Tua that means your team’s pretty bad and you probably have a high draft pick you’re going to take a quarterback but you’re also probably going to take Dak that’s what I would do I know people like you’re not GNA pay Dak all that money and then draft a quarterback if it’s in like the 20s or the teens I you how do you not you know what I’m saying how do you not but comment below again this is a very to some people you’re probably like oh god really Doug we’re having conversations prepare yourself I don’t think it’ll happen I’ll say it for the 400th time I don’t think it’ll happen I think he signs his contract before the uh training cam starts worst case scenario before the season starts but comment below it realistically to you now if you’re a huge Tu of fan whatever take a step back realistically to you because I really want to hear your guys’ opinions on this what is your plan B as a Dolphin fan is it Dak Prescott is it let him play the fifth year and then give him a cheap contract if the wheels like what is your plan B with Tua comment below let me know I will see you guys tomorrow uh I got a special one for you tomorrow like usual Stay classy if it’s up


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#NFL #MiamiDolphins

  1. It all comes down to who else wants him? I'm not saying nobody wants him but is he talking to anyone? really he needs to sign and worry about all this next contract.

  2. It makes sense to surround the team with amazing talent you have to take a smaller salary. So let him know you have 1 more yr left.

  3. He’s under contract this year. If he sits out his career is near over because no other team is gonna pay him nor give him a system like we have, which is the only reason he has inflated stats.

    Tannehill right now is a better player.

  4. Plan B would be blow it up. Top to bottom. Front office to back of house. Fire sales, mega trades, everybody will go. That’s plan B. Beyond that, nothing. If the front office like their jobs, they better hope it shows in their work this year.

  5. The plan: Dont budge from their offer because Tua has no leverage in this situation. If he steps on the field without a deal and takes a concussion in week 3, NO ONE will give him 100+ million dollars guaranteed in 2025.

    Tua will take their best offer before the season starts. It will be lower than Tlaw and Goff's deal. I hate Grier but for once he is doing the smart thing.

  6. Great question a realistic plan B would be Dak….. however idk how that would affect the offense in an entire whole. For me I don’t want Tua to get injured because I already know how many ppl will come out speaking on it….. and if worst comes to worst draft his replacement in next years draft class which doesn’t look so promising. But great video boss

  7. Tag him, hasn't done a damn thing. Don't care if he's upset. Use it as fuel and win the franchise a playoff game. Sorry. these are grown men. Tua basically said, everyone else is getting paid, it's my turn.

  8. i don't see how we have any other option than a total reset. there's no other qb that would be an upgrade that won't cost as much if not more. i mean people are talking about 60k for dak, i'd prefer tua over dak any day of the week. if we don't pay tua, trade everyone and rebuild. and if they're gonna, do it now. it's only gonna continue to cost more every day that goes by.

  9. Doug that small group of people that you were talking about in this video, i hope i was in your top 5 on the list 🥋🧔🏾🗑🚮💯💯😁🐬🆙️

  10. Great video as always. I think the X factor here is that Tua has already been disrespected by this franchise with the previous regime, so I think is tolerance to this situation will be less than what it normally would be. I think if he doesn't get the deal by the start of Training Camp, we are in big trouble AGAIN with the QB position.

  11. If the Dolphins don't pay Tua this year he is gone next year just like Wilkins as it means they don't believe he has enough talent. The Dolphins do pay players they believe in.

    I don't understand your plan B with Prescott??? Tua is under contract and has no other option but to play this year as he will lose substantial value because of inactivity. When athletes do not play they lose their timing. As for Prescott, if they won't pay Tua why would they pay Prescott??? He is going to be 31 this month and probably wants at least a three year deal. I also think the offense would have to change for his playing style.

    The Dolphins have their franchise QB and should pay him. If not it's the 2025 draft for a new QB.

  12. He's not worth 50 Million if he can't Win The Big Games!! Tell him Last and Final Offer 52 Million with Incentives for winning The Division, Winning The AFC , Leading in TD's , Getting to Superbowl and Wining The Superbowl Prove he deserves it!!! Mahomes makes forty five million, and he's won Super bowls Tua is not on that level If he believes he deserves it and has confidence in himself He should be excited for that

  13. I'm 61 a life long dolphins fan usa veteran sick and tired of these athletes not upholding thier contracts.Tua is under contract and it's his agents who are brainwashing him. Honor your contract .

  14. Everyone will get mad at me for even saying this, but I dont think tua gets signed unless he takes a cheaper deal.. by that, i mean cheaper than lawrence/ goff.. grier and ross don't want to pay a market deal, and i don't blame them honestly.. you got many others on your team that need to get paid as well and the the organization is clearly not 100% sold on tua yet to pay him a market deal so Tua needs to go help this team win a division this year and some and who knows maybe they get something done. Who knows, but that's what i have been thinking just from the team being firm on not paying a market deal.

  15. Tua will eventually will get sick of all of this BS and Fins will eventually will move on from him by getting another QB. All this never ending drama with this young man. smh

  16. !@#… Doug beside the money Tua seen what happened to Wilkins that after busting his A@@ he still didn't get paid. The money is for family security and Tua is Super big on family……. I BELIEVE he won't play until the bag is correct. It hasn't been a good marriage between TUA AND MANAGEMENT. ALSO…. MANAGEMENT CHOOSE WADDLE OVER TUA, THAT WHY WADDLE GOT PAID. MY THINKING THEY WERE AFRAID WADDLE WOULD FOLLOW TUA TO NEW TEAM. MAKE SENSE!

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