Could Two Top Prospects Put the New York Mets Over the Top?

Could Two Top Prospects Put the New York Mets Over the Top?

could we see both Louis and hunia and Brandon Sprout play a role for the 2024 Mets I’ll talk about it on today’s show you are locked on Mets your daily New York Mets podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day hello to all you amaz and Mets fans you’re watching locked on Mets part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day I’m her Ryan ficklestein if you want to find any of my work follow me on X at ficklin Ryan can also find Semi writing at just where I work as the managing editor this episode of lockon Mets is brought to you by booking yeah the red State can make you a fan of any City even your Rivals check out for your stay today we have a Friday Farm report in store for you and I’m going to spend a lot of time on two of the Met’s top prospects you can make an argument these are the two guys I don’t know if you say closest to the big leagues in the Met system but maybe the closest high impact players available in the Met system so we’re going to spend a lot of time on Brandon Sprout and Lis and hunia today but first there is a series split to discuss and it feels almost like a series loss because you had the first two games of this series one and really it felt like you had the third game of the series 1 when you were up 5 nothing against the Nationals in game three and even when you were up 5-1 even when you were up 5’4 but only had seven outs to get the Mets were in the dri’s seat and that’s the game the one on Wednesday night that I’ll look back on this series and say they should not have let that one go Thursday’s game was frustrating because the Mets bats didn’t hit but you have to acknowledge that Jake Irvin was dialed this entire game yeah there was some first pitch curve balls that he was getting in there sneaking by the Mets and you would have thought okay maybe they adjust to it that’s a hard pitch to hit I mean yeah if you are looking for it and you see it coming it obviously ends up right down the middle in the catcher’s glove but that’s a nasty curveball and this guy just looked lights out the entire start and you also have to acknowledge how difficult it is for a team to go from blowing a game the night before and you wake up the next day had to get to the ballpark ridiculously early to kick off a July Fourth slate because you’re playing in the nation’s capital and you’re playing a baseball game at a time where Ty Al you’re showing up to the ballpark but instead here you are 11 o’clock start you got to get the bats going and we saw it on both sides I mean Jose canana pitched a gem seven scoreless from canana he has been so much better ever since he got Francisco Alvarez behind the plate with him he has a 205 ra pitching to Alvarez 631 with everybody else this year and in this outing he did have traffic on the bases but if I’m not mistaken I don’t think anyone got even to Third Base there was a couple couple instances where guys’s got into scoring position Lane Thomas stole second twice but overall for canana he allows four hits walks three only had one strike G was just pitch into contact kept his pitch count low got deep into the game but the Mets couldn’t hit and that’s what it comes down to Jeff mcneel only got the only hit of the game for the Mets DJ Stewart drew a walk and that was it so they never even sniffed a run in this game yeah that’s frustrating and and of course it’s hard to watch it and not complain or gripe or say man I can’t believe you can’t score a run on Jake Irvin but you have to remember Jake Irving’s a really good young pitcher I honestly think with this performance there is a chance that Jake Irving just pitched himself into the All-Star game if it was up to me I had to pick the representative for the Washington Nationals I would take Jake Irving now granted I am a little bit motivated by or have an ulterior motive with that because I don’t want to see CJ Abrams in the game because I think Francisco Lindor has been very clearly better than CJ Abrams but the way these things happen they’re going to look at Abrams and say he is the best player on a Nationals team that has impressed this year and despite the fact that he plays terrible defense and he has nowhere near the war that Lindor has throughout the season warp being wents above replacement they’re gonna say Abram should represent Trey Turner already got voted in Willie adamus has a case to be made Ellie De La Cruz is going to be an All-Star so so when you start rattling off all those Short Stops I see the world where Lindor and his rough start is going to cost himself an All-Star appearance that he rightfully deserves because who is second best in the National League in extra base hits behind Shy Otani it’s Francisco Lindor so I hope they do the right thing Lindor makes it and part of the road map to him getting there is Jake Irvin being the lone representative for the Nationals uh instead of Abrams and that would free up another shortstop spot I believe that it should be Turner because he got voted in even though I think a guy that plays half the season starting the game is ridiculous the Phillies just their fans showed up their fans showed up so they have all their guys in there um you know bom’s gonna be in the infield Harper Turner uh it’s amazing Bryson stot didn’t find his way into the game but that’s how things shake out that’s the process so Turner’s going to be there that takes up one of the shortstop spots and then Ellie L Cruz has to be there I imagine or if it was up to me I would say Lindor and and Adamas as well would all make the game but that’s a topic for another day I guess those reserves get announced on Sunday I believe and then you never know guys can get scratched from the game they can pull themselves out there’s injuries maybe Lindor finds his way in although I think at this point if you had to guess Brandon Nemo will probably be the men’s lone representative at the All-Star Game or maybe they get Luis saino getting back to the actual baseball game after I throw in a tangent on the All-Star game so you look at this game as a whole and it really came down to the bullpen at the end because the two starters pitched to a draw essentially although Irvin did get one Extra Inning and then Jesse Winker is the one that spoils the party for the Mets now I’ve seen a lot of people who have complained about the decision for Adrien Hower to pitch to Jesse Winker in that inning Jesse Winker was not in the game he was called as a pinch the Mets had seven strong from canana and let’s just say when Hower entered the game what was your thoughts as a fan because personally I thought it’s about as good as you could expect of an arm to grab right now if it wasn’t him yeah maybe read Garrett but you’re not going to grab Garrett for two innings in a z00 game where it doesn’t look like your team is GNA hit so with that in mind Hower was the best option to come into the game gets a strike out then Jesse comes on now Jesse Winker had insane numbers against Adrian Hower in’s career I believe it was 9 for 22 with five home runs prior to that at bat and he homered and that was the difference in the game now I’ve heard or I’ve seen uh on on Twitter a lot of people saying how could the Mets possibly pitch to Jesse Winker they should have intentionally walked him they should have put four fingers up as much as those are drastic splits or not splits Blitz drastic career numbers that will all you and Hower I’m sure knows them there’s just there’s some guys that just just own you when you’re a pitcher and clearly this is one of those occurrences with that said nine for 22 five home runs that means if you let’s pull out my calculator here and let’s let’s do the math all right so uh bear with me for one second we will say uh okay so 17 divided by 22 across his career despite how good he was there was 77% of the time that he did not home run now or not hit a home run now 23% still some odds that you don’t necessarily want to play into but to put Jesse Winker on first base to put the winning run on first in a tie ball game that’s just a baseball no no you don’t do that because all of a sudden pass ball base hit you lose if Jesse Winker hits one that hits off the top of the wall he gets a double fine the only thing that can’t happen is the Home Run and it happens and it burned you and you lose but do I think the Mets should have not put Hower in the game for fear of Jesse Wier coming off the bench no do I think they should have intentionally watch walked Jesse Winker no I know I think they should have pitched carefully to him and unfortunately it didn’t work out and it burns them and they lose the game but overall this this series as much as you can be mad about the Thursday game game to me that was such a random game played at 11:00 I don’t really fault anyone for that loss including Hower it’s the night before that’s more frustrating to me and if you want to hear all my complaints about it and why Jake deckman should be let go at some point this season go back to yesterday’s lockdown Mets you can check that out what I want to do now is really turn the page into the future quite literally not only what’s coming up here but could we see two of the Mets top prospects factor into the equation this season and play a big role for the Met down the stretch we’re going to talk aunia we’re going to talk Sprout it’s coming to you next first though a word from our sponsors this episode of Locked on mats is brought to you by booking doy with Summer travel heating up especially travel for baseball games it’s time to explore US cities you’ve always secretly wanted to learn about yes we’re talking about your arrival cities and this weekend if you can click fig out your schedule and get yourself to Pittsburgh I’m telling you you will not be disappointed that ballpark PNC is absolutely stunning it might be my favorite ballpark I’ve been to outside of City Field of of course I mean there’s the history of 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was played Joey lucazi went seven strong allowed four hits one run two walks five strikeouts could luk hay helped him at Bullpen this year I talked about that a bit on yesterday’s show I think he’s a better pitcher Than Jake deckman right now and I want to see the best possible arms up with a big league club Cole Soler Two Perfect Innings another interesting one because Soler is a guy we’ve seen plenty this year but has not been called back up despite all the arm cycling through is Cole Soler better than Tai Adcock I don’t know maybe but the fact that we threw two innings means we’re not going to see him anytime soon either Luke Ritter his 18th home run of the Season he’s been great in Syracuse power hitting righty who could crush left-handed pitching see an option at some point potentially but I want to spend time today about the guy who was not in the lineup and that’s why it’s interesting Louis and hunia got a rest day now he has been rested a few times this season I looked it up because I was curious if aunia had played every single game for Syracuse this season I would have jumped to the conclusion again that he’s coming to Pittsburgh and he’s goingon to meet the mess this weekend now I don’t know if that’s going to happen I don’t know when it’s going to come there has started to be a little bit of a kind of ground swell of interest on aunia coming up you saw Anthony doomo posted an article about it with quotes from Mets brass talking about how much they appreciate how he fought through struggles early this season and where he’s at right now in the Box how how good he looks that’s maybe a little bit of an inkling of how the Mets feel about him you have the fact that he got pulled from a game when Harrison Bader crashed into the wall I still believe that was a precautionary thing of let’s get Akuna out and if Bader goes on the iil Akuna might enter the fold remember Bader has not played since he crashed into that wall and part of that might have been okay guy who might be dealing with some some back soreness you don’t want to have him rush for an 11 o’clock start the next day um or not the next day two days later and you know the reason why he missed Wednesday’s game might just have been well it happened the night before but there’s a world where they put Bader on the 10day I retroactive to a couple days ago bring up aunia for the time being start him in center field see what he has and then make a roster decision later that that is in the cards um so you look at a team right now that just ran out of starting lineup that had Ben gaml DJ Stewart and Jeff mcneel in it and also not to mention Tyrone Taylor has been swinging it better as of late but that’s the lineup they put up in this game and that lineup scored no runs and they got one hit and one walk funny enough those two base runners came from that group I just talked about with mcneel and Stewart but the point stands if luisel aunia was on the roster could he have manufactured a run in this game could auna have drawn a walk or gotten a base hit stole second stole third and came around to score on a sack fly that is the type of gamechanging speed that he has and when you are rolling out some of these guys that aren’t great big league bats right now anyway it does lead to that Wonder right is this the time to make a move over the last 15 days Jeff mcneel has 37 at bats DJ Stewart has 13 Ben gam has six combine that that’s 5 56 bats have gone to those three guys Francisco Lindor leads the team with 55 so my my point in counting those at bats up is if you take away theats that are going to Stewart to gaml and a lot of them that are going to Jeff mcneel if you put Jeff mcneel in the DJ Stewart role you banish gaml and you combine McNeil and gaml into aun that bats over a two we span well now he’s a semi-regular and it makes sense to have him on the big league roster because at least you’re not hurting his development by not playing him I have throughout the season pushed back on the notion that just because aunia got hot in June the Mets should call him up but that was a Mets team that had starl Marte healthy that had Bader healthy and thriving that was cruising and even though mcneel was a sore thumb in the lineup they still were putting up runs yes it’s one bad game I’m not overreacting just a Thursday but it’s more the state of this roster and maybe bringing some youth into the equation is a good thing that could help them and if it’s just a two- week stint until maybe it’s just until Bader comes back or maybe it’s until Marte comes back or maybe it’s just until the trade deadline and he struggles for a couple weeks you send him down and you make a move at the deadline to get somebody into the fold that can be a second basem left fielder that can actually hit or maybe Jeff mcneel starts to hit whatever it is I think it’s a card that the Mets had to at least be thinking about playing right now considering where they’re at especially when you think about the pitching that he would face during this stretch yeah this weekend G to be a little bit tough although I think that aunia has the ability to hold his own against a Paul SK better than someone like Jeff mcneel potentially where I don’t know if McNeil is gonna catch up to SK um but moreover when you get past this series against the Pirates and they have some good pitching it’s the again and then the Rockies I mean you’re going to have some light pitching that he might be able to take advantage of pitching that might not be that much better than what he’s seeing in Triple A especially that Rocky Series so if this is just until the break even I I kind of want to see it so we’ll see what the Mets do it could have just been a rest day on Thursday in Syracuse and he might just be right back out there on Friday night playing Triple A games but there’s a world where this happens on Friday and that’s why I wanted to talk about it and because it’s a Friday farm Report I also want to talk about the potential of Brandon spro making his way to the big league club this year I don’t think this one would happen until maybe after the deadline but there is a Brandon Sprout Corbin Burns parallel that I’d like to walk you through before we get to that parallel let’s also just acknowledge great start by Sprout on Thursday he went six and two thirs allowed three hits two solo home runs were the two runs that he allowed walk two struck got nine he has a 205 erra and eight starts in ablea he’s 4 and0 in high this year he had an RA below two put it all together he’s got like a 171 ER in the season now in high he had 16 walks and 25 and a third Innings pitched in double A he has 12 locks and 48 in a third Innings pitch he is you commanding the strike zone he’s pitching deep in the games he looks like a future stud a guy that could be the Ace of the Mets in a couple of years so why would you want to hurt his development potentially and move him into a bullpen roll which is what I’m about to talk about because Corbin Burns did it and David Sterns put him in that role and it was for a team that needed help in the bullpen so they went to a top prospect they converted him for a year and then eventually ended up in a rotation and became a sa young so Corbin Burns was a consensus top prospect in baseball top 100 Prospect going into the 2018 season now he made his debut in July that year 2017 the year prior to become that consensus Topo Hunter guy he had a season very similar to one that Brandon spro is in the middle of pitched to a 210 ER and 16 starts in double a uh 10 starts in high had a 105 ER now he started 2018 in tripa pitched to a 515 ER before he got promoted but obviously they saw what the numbers looked like and they decided that he was or not even the numbers what the stuff looked like and decided he would be big ready was probably pitching in a band box of a league and they converted him to a reliever in the middle of June that year he made six appearances out of the bullpen in Triple A and then got the call so if Brandon spro starts making appearances in the bullpen we’ll have an idea that this might be happening so I’ll keep my eye out for that but here’s what burns did down the stretch for the 2018 Brewers they were a one win away from the World Series mind you so he comes up does not allow a run in his first six big league appearances in July promoted on the eighth pitches on the 10th now he had a more difficult August gave up some runs had a 47 ra that month but settled in and pit away 1 193 ER across 12 appearances in September and then in October for again a team that nearly made the World Series he made six appearances he had not allowed run in five of them there was one appearance where he gave up two runs but he pitched to a 2.0 erra out of the bullpen for the Brewers that year and then event eventually became a starter in a sa young and is now a pitcher that I’m sure David Stern would love to get back pay a bunch of money this off season to be the Ace of the Mets but the fact that he has done this in the past taken a top prospect and inserted him into a bullpen that desperately needed him or needed that arm it makes me think that there is a world where Brandon spro could find himself on the Mets this year because if you had to ask me right now who is the one arm in the entire farm system just playing for any Mets affiliate that could be the nastiest possible reliever to set up Edwin Diaz I think I might say Brandon spro this stuff would play up even more he might be throwing one1 with consistency out of the Mets Bullpen and the way that they did it with Burns is he would basically pitch like once every four days he’d pitch get three days off Pitch and so you always knew okay this is a pseudo Burns did right you knew you had your starting pitcher that probably had a guy that was five or five and dive whatever it is and then you had this guy that you could throw into a game to give you two great Innings who could close out a game for you today if Brandon Sprout was on the big league team he could have come out of the bullpen in a z00 game carved up the Nationals for two innings and an extras maybe the Mets win it you never know but I imagine a bullpen if the Mets don’t make any trades and obviously still want them to but if they decide you know what this is a team that’s in the middle we’re not going to really aggressively sell we’re not going to aggressively buy we’re just going to sit on our hands and Trust in the team that we’ve built and what we have in the organization if you had a bullpen that was Edwin Diaz Reed Garrett Danielle Nunes and Brandon Sprout along with Adrien Hower I’m gonna put David Peterson in there as well if that is your your Bullpen right that’s your what is that that six that’ be be six guys so then you add sha Reed fo Adam whoever the seventh is but but the reason why I pictured it this way it’s Diaz Garrett Nunes those are the guys that you trust right now spro would be another one that could potentially be a late inning reliever also a multi- ining reliever and if you were able to cycle these starting pitchers between spro Hower and Peterson where there’s always one of them available that’s a way that you can get around having an arm short in the bullpen because when kodai senga comes back it will be six-man rotation so the reason also why I say David Peterson in the bullpen is because you need a lefty and I like to see Jake deckman go and David Peterson could be the Lefty in the Mets Bullpen and we saw him thrive in that role a little bit in 2022 where he was somewhat of a Swingman right made some starts but also pitched a lot of the bullpen for a really good Mets team that would mean Jose budo would be in the rotation so just imagine that you have that Bullpen I talked about with s srino manah Christian Scott Jose canana Jose buo as your six-man rotation I think that’s enough pitching right there that you don’t even have to go outside of the organization and you can win this season without making a trade without costing yourself any prospects so as much as I’d be excited if Luis and hunia came up because it would be fun to see the guy that I believe would not just come up and potentially play a role a guy I think would come up and would immediately Thrive is Brandon spro I I honestly believe they in a bullpen role this year the guy could be dynamite and then next year he might just be your rotation with Christian Scott which if you’re talking about prospects that’ll help you in the second half Christian Scott is another one who I think is going to play a key role if the mats are gonna make around this year so it’s just a fun thing to think about I don’t imagine the Mets are going to be anxious to go to that card you you’d like to keep Sprout just pitching and developing as a starter so that next year he could be a guy but if you get to a point this year where you believe in this team that is something the Mets can go to that would take their Bullpen and potentially put it over the top we’ll see what happens though uh I also now to close the show of course want to give you a series preview so let’s get out of the hypothetical let’s talk about what’s about to happen Mets vers Pirates this week and we’ll get to that in just a minute first though a word from our sponsors today’s episode of lockon Mets is brought to you by tax Network USA here with lockon Mets we pride ourselves on getting you the latest news for your team whether it’s the offseason the draft spring training the playoffs it’s year round you know what else is year round collection season just because tax seasons over doesn’t mean the IRS will stop coming after you for unfiled taxes the IRS can garnish your wages Levy your bank accounts and can even seize your property don’t let the IRS Target you let the licensed professionals and tax experts at tax Network USA go to bat for you over 14 years of experience in an A+ rating by the Better 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now the Mets have done great against some really good pitchers but they haven’t seen Paul SK Paul skin is unbelievable okay he’s gonna give you some ridiculous stuff oh you’re in the Batters box he’s got this spinker that is a Pitch Out of Hell if you’re a batter um which is basically a combination of a a sinker and a splitter and he just throws it ridiculously hard his fast ball is gonna top out over a hundred probably multiple times in this outing he is just insane got an RA in the low two so far um he’s on no hit watch every time he pitches so the Mets have their work cut out for them with Paul skes they gotta be geared up for the fast ball and that’s what get you hurt because all of a sudden he’ll throw that spinker on you and good luck so the Mets are going to be a really tough spot and Luis srino has to match the young flamethrower with a great start of his own sev’s got a chance to pitch himself into the All-Star game with another great start so not that that should be on his mind at all but you need srino to deliver and this is the last game of Edwin Diaz’s 10 game suspension so that’s the good news on Saturday Diaz will be back and your Bullpen can hopefully be solidified with that addition we’ll see what happens on Friday night but the good thing too is the bullpen pretty rested re Garrett when did he last pitch was it the second game of that series um against the Nationals so he’s got what two days off here um Nunes didn’t pitch although I don’t expect him to pitch on Friday night I think he wouldn’t go until Saturday but you have a pretty a pretty fresh Bullpen where you might even be able to get Jose budo into the mix who knows Adam aravina should be good to go Jake deckman should be good good to go hopefully seino shortens the game as much as possible or maybe you only have to watch srino and Garrett pitch that would be the dream scenario on Friday night Saturday is going to be a battle of a couple lefties David Peterson versus Bailey falter uh falter is having a really nice year in Pittsburgh we’ll see what the Mets do against him Peterson obviously coming off a great start in Washington hopefully he can follow that up with another good one and again you’ll have Diaz back to close out that game if you’re in a save situation then kind of interesting development we were going to see Jared Jones and skin pitching this series against the Mets now Jones just hit the iil you might remember Jared Jones he what he got through what was it five innings against the Mets on like 57 pitches without allowing a hit and that that’s off the top of my head I just remember it being absolutely dominant stuff completely shut out the Mets it was just no chance that they could get hit off of him so that is a break to the Mets caught I mean you don’t want to see a guy that talented hit the iil uh but for this particular series the Mets caught a break because I don’t know who’s going to be pitching that game but they’re not going to be as good as Jared Jones I I do think that Jones was going through a little bit of a rough stretch lately but his stuff is so good so we’ll see who pitches for the Pirates it might be a spot starter Bullpen game I do not know uh final game Christian Scott right now is listed as the probable pitcher we’ll see if that holds because that would be pitching on four days rest I’d love to see it um it’ be him versus Mitch Keller Mitch Keller has been the Ace of the Pirates I think skem has taken that spot in quick order and will probably be the ace for if they’re lucky the next 10 years uh but at least the next six Keller still a really good pitcher so Christian Scott has a tough match up on his hands if it is him otherwise I guess if they don’t have to use buo before you get to Sunday there could be a world where they decide to uh excuse me that’d be Monday there could be a world where they decide to bump Scott to Tuesday and pitch buo on in a spot start on uh Monday in dead so we’ll see what they decide to do there overall though this is a pirates team that has hung around in this playoff mix their lineup isn’t great but they have a couple good hitters Brian Reynolds Andrew McCutchen Conor Joe couple guys that are having decent Seasons their Bullpen has stabilized Colin Holderman has been great for them that trade look back pretty frustrating one giving up uh Holderman for Daniel vogle back because Holderman would be perfect in the Mets Bullpen right now and I believe Bednar um has stayed iiz after a rough start to his season in the closer role so we’ll see how this series goes the Pirates are four- six in the last 10 games uh but a dangerous team nonetheless and it should be a lot of fun I’ll be covering all of it throughout the weekend so make sure you tune in for our Saturday show where I’ll break down this pitching matchup whatever happens if there is a promotion of aunia we’ll definitely talk about that even if there’s not the return of evaz there’ll be a ton to discuss so make sure you check out that show uh follow rate and review wherever you get your podcast if you watching on YouTube hit that subscribe button the goal is to get to 9,000 Subs by the allstar break we got a little over a week left we’re within a 100 subscribers so I appreciate all of you who continue to subscribe if you want to be a lockdown Mets Insider find the link in the episode description or go to sub lockon Mets thank you for making lockon Mets your first listener your first watch every day now for your second watch head over to YouTube and check out the first of 247 streaming channel that covers everything in the world of sports talking about locked on sports today with our local experts from each team and our League wide experts from each league if I locked on Sports to streaming 247 on YouTube and on Amazon Fire TV

The New York Mets could use some reinforcements right now, both in their lineup and in their bullpen. Could a pair of top prospects put the Mets over the top?

Host Ryan Finkelstein talks about the potential of adding Luisangel Acuña and Brandon Sproat to the roster for the stretch run this season.

Could Acuña give the Mets lineup a lift right now with Starling Marte on the IL and Jeff McNeil’s continued struggles?

Might David Stearns consider having Sproat pitch out of the bullpen down the stretch, similar to how Corbin Burnes did for the Brewers back in 2018?


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  1. Can Mets have a tremendous winning streak because there going to play some really really bad 😭😔😐 yikes 😬😳 teams besides the twins and cardniels redssox have been red hot a nother red hot team rays oriels mariners

  2. Maybe maybe 😏🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔 the Mets could find away to split the series against the pirate's i will be one happy person 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗

  3. With the Met's offense they should be a .600 team. With the Met's pitching, they should be a .400 team. That's why they average out to a .500 team. FIX THE BULLPEN!!!!!!

  4. These past two games eill come back to haunt us. Should have won all four. This does show that we are still just a 500 team. Trade Alinso Quintana and Severino don’t think we are going to be anything other than a 79 win team

  5. It sure looks like the Mets are coming back to the mean. Last 7 games hitting is poor, the 'pen is still shaky, starting pitching is better, Diaz return will help.

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