Los Angeles Angels SWEPT by A’s, Fanmail Friday: Will Halos Turn the Season Around? Trout’s Return

Los Angeles Angels SWEPT by A’s, Fanmail Friday: Will Halos Turn the Season Around? Trout’s Return

on this episode of lock on Angels the Halos get swept is am I reading that right against the A’s they sweep them last week and then they give all of those wins back they looked awful while it happened so what happened and what happens next we’re going to talk about that it’s time to get locked on with Mike and John and this is locked on [Music] Angels you are locked on Angels your daily Los Angeles Angels podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day yes it is and yes we are thanks making locked on Angels your first listen of the day you can find us anywhere you get your podcast including Apple podcast Spotify and SiriusXM by searching locked on angels and if you’d like to give back to the super Halo Bros for all this super Halo content here’s some things that you can do leave us a rate and a review on Apple podcast if you’re watching on YouTube hit that thumbs up button and if you’re not subscribed already please subscribe and become a locked on every day and whether you’re watching or listening come over to YouTube leave a comment it’s really one of the best ways to get in touch with John and I and be a part of the conversation and today’s episode of Locked on Angels is brought to you by booking.com booking do yeah the right stay can make you a fan in any City including your Rivals check out booking.com for your stay today happy Friday to you and thanks for being here for this episode of lockdown Angels where it’s your team every day you’ve got the FR Brothers here with you aka the super Halo BRS my name is John and that’s my brother Mike and my name is Mike and that’s my brother John it’s our third season here at lockdown Angels we’re talking Angels baseball Monday through Friday and we hope you had a great Fourth of July we got to hang out at our brother’s house and uh have ourselves a good time there’s there’s two other super Halo Bros by the way in case you didn’t know and uh we had ourselves a great time got in the pool Good Times everybody on today’s show we’re g to recap that game in Oakland the angels are swept and then we’re g to get to your questions for fan mail Friday there are two segments of questions that we’re excited to get to but Mike have we all come back down to earth now have we all I mean all of us I’m wearing my Rocket City trash pant you know that not ironically but let’s just I think we I think we deserved this after last week when we said we’re going to the World Series after beating the uh the A’s and the Tigers right I think I think it’s good that we have come back down to earth not fun but certainly necessary right yeah lot of thoughts on that let’s talk about the game for a moment five nothing they lost the angels have not scored in 18 consecutive Innings Johnny they managed only four hits they struck out 11 times they only got three runners in scoring position none of them came through obviously contas started two and two3 he walked three batters Bullpen wasn’t bad in this game so let’s give them their flowers but the defense was not great and there was an error but then there was a lot of just miscues now the only thing that was great was Kevin polar in center field yeah no K leap over the wall to make the catch to take a home run back which was I think better than Mike Trout’s leap in Baltimore I mean this one was turned all the way around glove over the wall came back down with all sorts of just coolness as he came back down and and made that catch and then uh later on in the game had a diving catch yeah in center field this game probably would have been nine nothing if Kevin polar wasn’t starting in center field because he saved a lot of runs just with those two plays didn’t he John yeah absolutely it was great to see him doing what he does out there at 35 years old same same age as me and I don’t think I could have done that at 25 so to you Kevin par Mike recently ohappy was on foul territory and he was asked about how he takes a loss like this or just losing in general he shared that he tries not to get as angry anymore but learn from those losses now what can they learn from this awful terrible series they had in Oakland where they haven’t scored in 18 Innings what do you say yeah they can learn that it’s okay to be angry it’s okay to be angry about this series because and I get what he’s trying to say because I know that he’s wearing every loss and that it’s frustrating I understand that completely but I think in this instance they need to get angry with themselves and you joked about it on Twitter a couple days ago but like a closed door meeting is coming again right and I know that they have those school meetings where they talk about certain things but there’s a lot that I think that needs to be addressed with this team and we’ll we’ll get into some of the details in the next two segments but quite honestly consistency is something that this team just just completely lack they just don’t have it John they don’t have that ability to show up and do the same things in the same way every single game and a perfect example of that is Joe Adell and his swing he had a great swing yeah for a stretch of of the Time of the Season yeah and then to start the season and now now he’s swinging long and he’s back to his dumb old long swing that doesn’t help him at all you can’t even foul off that strike three call on the corner because he’s swinging so long yeah and slow at it that he can’t catch up to I mean look you got to foul that off you’re goingon to you’re going to ground out if you hit that so I’m not saying he needs to hit it what I’m saying is you gotta be able to foul that off and he can’t even do that right now and so he’s swinging through that pitch low and away and he’s chasing and look the problem is is that that one was in the zone but if even if it wasn’t in the zone I think he would have gone fishing for it anyway then you had Taylor Warden left field missq out there with the ball rolling under his glove just so many issues going around the the field and then Rony conteras two and two thirs with three walks Mike he was supposed to be able to go 85 pitches Y and that’s certainly not the case and he wasn’t able to get out of that third inning and it looked like things were off to a good start now like you said the bullpen wasn’t bad they right pretty much held things down but you know they got lucky with an overturn call at first bace when Drury snuck over there and got the runner out because it was a bunt attempt and Matt Moore and Nolan shanell both go for it when I don’t know it was clearly Matt Moore’s baseball to me yeah yeah Rell was just kind of standing there at the end of the play but um it just the the the fundamentals seem to have gone out the window during this this stretch and Ron Washington actually had something to say about the way the guys have been playing two days 18 Innings we don’t put a run on the board wash said I really didn’t think seers was all that he made pitches when he had to the Halos look tired it takes a lot out of you to win it really does and they haven’t understood that yet so interesting comment there it takes a lot out of you to win the way that they’ve been winning but then there’s something to be said about it remaining sustainable and not exhausting yourself over the six game win streak that they had but here we are a week later can’t even beat the same team that they swept last week remember how I said you know so many people will say well it’s the age you should beat them yeah well this yeah well people tell their team or their fans well it’s the Angels you should sweep them yeah is this is why and the fact that they weren’t able to even Mount one win after sweeping this very same team and a lot of the same pitchers that they face last week it just goes to show that doesn’t matter if it’s the A’s or not the angels are more than capable of having a series like this and so I’m interested to hear your thoughts on this idea that winning makes you tired what do you say well there’s a difference between exhaustion and burnout and and the difference is burnout is more emotion and you’re there’s really a symptom that’s deep within you and you’re you’re throwing all of that onto the job that you’re doing when you’re exhausted it means that you are doing a great job and you have really stepped up and made the decisions and in this case the plays the strategy you’ve done what you’ve needed to do so if you’re winning yes it is exhausting I think I think that these guys I think there’s a lot going on in their hearts and in their minds I think there’s a lot going I think it’s more burnout than it is exhaustion to be honest with you John and here’s why you just mentioned it and then you also mentioned it on yesterday’s show there was a popup Matt th watched Nolan shanell go and get and he just literally watched him and then and then that bunt attempts both him and and and Matt Moore go for the bunt and then sha just kind of observes the play yeah he gets down so that Matt Moore can make it but at that point it’s too late you’re you’re standing next to Matt Moore you’re stuck right and so nobody’s covering first like you’re in a bad position there it’s it’s those things where I think that their brain is moving faster than their body is and and I have this issue on the podcast my my uh words move faster than my brain is is is really you not you it happens all the time I talk way too fast right and so and I think for the Angels it’s it’s similar their their bodies are moving faster than their brain that’s what I meant to say they’re they’re wanting to do it but they’re not thinking through the fundamentals they’re not thinking through where this is going that baseball IQ is growing and you’ve seen what happens when their IQ is topnotch terrific when it’s working really well but what we saw in this series especially the last two games is that they just almost put their baseball IQ aside and went out there and they’re burned out I think the exhaustion is something that can be solved the burnout is something that just is going to continue to have to be pounded into them they need to have the fundamentals down they need to be aware at all moments and Ron if they’re tired then give them a day off and by the way three of the starters were out of the lineup two days ago so yeah quite honestly that feels kind of like a silly comment to me and they also had a day off before this series and so I get baseball is a grind I get that there’s a lot that goes into it totally understand that maybe I’m just asking for so much more from these guys but honestly it’s it’s little fundamental things consistent things baseball IQ things that there are streaks where they do really well and then there are streaks where it’s like come on yeah why why couldn’t you have done that right you look at something like last week when they played great baseball against the A’s and the Tigers and it’s more than just oh they beat bad team they beat bad teams right to because to me last week there were a lot of situations where they could have lost the game or they could have lost the lead or they could have given up that extra run but they were playing smart fundamental baseball they were making great baseball decisions you know decisions to throw home or just just great plays at shortstop for Zack Netto so when he says that they look tired I mean I don’t I don’t disagree like they look like they were all asleep at the wheel mik they couldn’t string hits together they couldn’t deliver with runners in scoring position they let JP Sears uh walk all over them when he’s not a great pitcher the angels have a great splits against lefties and JP seer’s just walked all over them so to me there there is some truth to that but I don’t think it’s a cop out for look what you just did a week ago yeah like where’ that go and how this is what I’m trying to get at how do you go from what you did last week against the same team now I know they’re visitors I know it’s a different situation I Know da d d d right but how do you go from doing what you did to the same team last week to doing what you did against them this week right that’s where you have to find the cohesion yeah and the connectedness there so when people pile on Ron Wasington he’s overrated he’s done this he’s done that don’t tell me that because I just got through watching those two Series against the A’s and the Tigers and not because they beat up on the Tigers and they poured the runs on and they outs slugged them no they played smart baseball last week they played fundamental baseball last week now a week later it all went out the window and so that’s the answer that they’re GNA have to find they’re gonna have to answer that question what changes between last week and this week I don’t know that it’s tiredness in Ron Washington’s opinion it just looked like everybody was asleep at the wheel in my opinion hey thanks for making locked on Angels your first listen of the day the angels are playing the Cubs 11:20 Pacific Time Griffin canning is starting they’re going to be at Wrigley Field man there was a big part of me that was like man I really like to go watch those games because it’ be a lot of fun to be in Chicago and check out those games against the Cubs you can catch every pitch of the Angels Hometown broadcast on SiriusXM with the sxm app all you got to do is search Angels coming up on locked on Angels what is causing the Halos to be so streaky and is there a solution and is his name Mike Trout we’re going to talk about all of that coming right up this episode of lockdown Angels is brought to you by our new every dayers booking.com when it’s time to travel and explore the United States there’s all sorts of cities that I know that you want to find and you want to look at and you want to go and discover I know that there’s some in my heart and some in John’s heart but you don’t want to do it on your own that’s why 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listening to guys on my mute to work in the morning um what do you question for you guys what do you think is leading to this Halo team streaking this they go on really hot streaks and then they turn up to be losing four or five games in a row um and what makes us not commit to the players that we’re rallying behind uh let me know what you guys think thanks bye Evan and rockchester New York thanks for listening to us every single day on your way to work Mike my friend Mike why are the Angels so streaky why do they win four five lose four or five in a row why can’t they just maintain some consistency here what do you think it’s immaturity it’s baseball IQ and its immaturity and it’s these guys recognizing what it takes to actually win now here’s where I want to give them some credit sha ell and Zack Netto are so fresh to Major League Baseball right and they have not played a full season like this ever in their lives yeah right same thing with Logan ohappy Logan oha’s been in the minor leagues for just a a couple of of of stints before he was traded over to the Halo so these guys are not just learning how to be major league baseball players at the major league level they’re also learning about the grind of 162 games and so a lot of that is playing into that that’s not an excuse for these guys that’s just the reality of what happens when you’re learning at the major league level and that’s why I think we’re seeing the streakiness because it’s going to pop for them and as they get more mature you’re going to see more of that pop you’re going to see more of those things click this is the season for them to try to figure out how to continue to lean into that and I think wash is the manager that can help them lean into that but this is why I think we’re seeing this six game winning streak and now a four game losing streak because this team is learning how to win learning how to be ball players learning how to be consistent over a long period of time and learning about their bodies and how they react to that stuff and so there’s a lot of factors into that but those are just some of my thoughts yeah there’s uh to kind of piggyback off what you’re saying you look at things like Zack Netto being told hey be selective with your leg kick at the beginning of the season in spring training he comes into the season he’s doing it more than he should he’s not being selective he recognizes that and suddenly hey he’s doing pretty good up at the plate right Joe Adell we talked about it ad nauseum here short compact swing looks like Mike Trout uh when he was up there back in April that’s why he had such a huge April that he did and he’s back to falling into the old habits that have been quite frankly drilled into him Mike I mean he look he what coaching other than you know scattered minor league coaching up and down the system has he had some consistency in because when you come up to the majors think about oh how many different batting coaches have been here in the times that he’s been up here and now he’s got his third batting coach in Johnny Washington trying to help him out I think the same thing with Mickey moniac he goes on these streaks where he he looks really good then suddenly he’s swinging at ball one at the top of the Zone again and swinging through it so it’s just a matter of these guys fall into these habits that I think like you said is a lack of maturity a lack of recognizing what works and what doesn’t and you just quite frankly physically you fall into Old Habits sometimes and and I don’t know what it takes to drill those out of you but whatever they need to do to get Joe Adell back to a compact swing to get Mickey moniac to not swing at ball one above the Zone maybe you just tell moniac hey you’re not swinging on Pitch number one I don’t care if it’s in the zone I you are not swinging right it’s stuff like that and and that’s the level of where this team is right now because look they’re for the most part they’re all under age 25 the guys that we’re looking forward to as the future of this team are just young guys who didn’t develop in the Angels minor league system the way that most minor league guys develop they were rushed to the majors Joe Adell was rushed in 2020 to the majors and yes he’s had stints up and down but the fact is all of these guys are really truly definitively dealing with their first real full season and so I think that consistency will come and you’re right it’s it’s the travel schedule it’s being a major leager it’s it’s you know the team success is your own success that’s a lot to wear on your shoulders and I think that has a lot to do with it Mike we got another voicemail here from Chris and he said he’s in big orange country there you go let’s go to that voicemail right now hey guys this is Chris from the Big Orange country Angels fan since birth um big fan of the podcast uh guys so my question is do you guys think that when mik Tron comes back are we going to have more winning streaks um please let me know guys thank you big fan Chris in Big Orange country thanks for your voicemail my friend Mike before I forget I want to kick it to you but I just have a thought about this and what I just got done saying about the young guys I think Mike Trout brings that consistency yeah to the team I think that he’s not just as a player on the field but as a player in the locker room and traveling with the team I think he can be the levelheaded one that helps keep these guys heads on their shoulders as they learn how to be big Leaguers this year who better to learn from than Mike CH this is this is the moment where you have a guy like Kevin po or Mike Trout or somebody guiding these guys along and saying hey don’t lose your head this this is a grind this is this is how it goes sometimes and so they’ve all been there with their experience and I think when trout gets back I don’t know about win streaks but I think that he will help bring some Co cesion to the locker room behind the scenes now on the field I have some thoughts about that but let me kick it to you what do you say there’s a phrase that we use in the organization that I work at working in it and working on it now Mike Trout is going to be somebody right now who’s working on it and he could help the other guys work on it but what he gains when he comes back is that he’s working in it he’s gonna be sweating with them losing with them and winning with them and so I do think that trout does bring a bit of energy a bit of focus a bit of consistency I mean wash had to tell him in spring training like I need you to like cool it just a bit because these guys are trying to keep up with you and they’re not ready to keep up with you yet right and so that’s the thing that I think trout brings do they lose three in a row four in a row like they did with trout on this team I mean they’ve done it in the past right but I think that with Mike Trout back in this lineup I think that what they gain is a longer lineup what they gain is somebody who is going to be a bit more consistent for them what they gain is somebody who is able to make adjustments in the field but also at the plate and he has proven that you’ve given some stats on this pod about that and I think that that impacts these players in a really significant way yeah he’s the he’s the king of adjustments and so if anybody’s going to be able to be around these guys like you said in it with them he’s somebody that can say Hey Joe remember what you were doing in April like let’s get back to that and yeah yeah that should be the coach coing the hitting coaches job that should be the coaching staff’s job and by all accounts they’re working with these guys they’re trying to get these guys back to it but sometimes maybe you just need somebody like Mike Trout to help you get there as far as more winning streaks I mean look they’ll probably string together one maybe two more wins than they might usually do if it’s you know four or five every now and then three or four every now and then but I also think they’re just as capable as losing two or three three or four like they like you said like they did with Mike Trout on this team so in terms of wins and losses and plays on the field it’s always going to be a good thing to have Mike Trout on the field right but I think the big benefit here is Mike Trout bringing some consistency to this team and helping these young guys through their first full Major League season one of the best news about uh us celebrating the Fourth of July is that tax season was two months prior to that like we were over we were done April 15th had passed but I also know that there are some every dayers that are still dealing with tax issues maybe you’re somebody who is working in a specific way and you have to file in a another specific way got to be very thoughtful and strategic about that and if you mess up you get in trouble if the government or IRS messes up it’s not a big deal right and 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guys every morning have a great day and go Angels Norm in Arizona thanks for watching us every morning my friend Mike I love what he had to say because he brought we did a segment on this before Joe Adell could be like ad dois Garcia and so I I got some numbers here that make some good comparisons do you want to start us out with those yeah uh I I love that first of all he said John I know you’re the numbers guy I love that so thank you for these numbers so here’s here’s a comparison between Adele and Garcia Garcia had his first full season in 2021 149 games he was 28 years old 243 average 31 home runs 5% home run percentage and a 31.2% k rate so far Joe Adell is in what we would call his first full real season right in real full season that’s actually gonna be a full MLB season right right 77 games 25 years old batting 189 13 home runs a 5.1 home run percentage and a 29.6 k rate so just for comparison Garcia’s first season 5% home run percentage and a 31.2k rate right now Joe Adell 5.1 home run percentage and a 29.6 k rate now Joe Adell has the age advantage on adolis Garcia uh he started really playing full-time at age 28 Adele is 25 now Garcia does hit the ball a little bit harder than Adele might at the moment the average exit vo for both guys this year Garcia’s at 91.3 miles per hour Joe Adell is 89.6 miles per hour now they’re hard hit percentage so everything that’s hard hit and above for both of them in this season Garcia’s at 47 and a half perc Adele is at 44.3% so a couple takeaways here Garcia’s averaging 5% home run rate over his career in particular 2021 to 24 that’s when he really started hitting it big with the Rangers Joe Adell in 23 and 24 is also averaging a 5% home run rate now the difference here is Garcia has 341 plate appearances this year Adele has 257 so Garcia has almost a 100 more plate appearances that actually means that his home run percentage is higher than Joe adell’s when you consider how many more at bats he’s had versus Joe Adell so the five and the five can be a little deceiving but I think it makes sense in light of the fact that Garcia does hit a little bit harder than Joe Adell now if Joe Adell can be a 240 hitter with 30 home runs and maybe keep that K percentage under 30 like he’s doing this year I think he could end up being a similar guy to Garcia and Joe has the benefit of being under team control until age 28 which again is the age that Garcia really first started getting going so I think that that there’s something to be said about the fact that Joe Adell maybe his ceiling is that not a high average guy but he’s going to hit for power and it’s going to be a beautiful thing when he does and develops and I think he’s still got plenty of chances and plenty of room to grow because the Angels aren’t going anywhere this season Mike so let’s let him do his thing how about that yeah absolutely and I think that his short compact swing would actually help with some of those some of those numbers with his exit velocity and his hard hit percentage because you’re not wasting so much so much time to get to the ball you’re getting right to the ball George Brett where are you no needs you yeah exactly exactly hey let’s go to Thomas in barow hi super Halo Brothers my name is Thomas calling from Barstow California my question is do you think we can probably turn around this uh Angel’s uh just the run and uh feel like we can turn that run uh around after the allstar game thank you guys I listen to you guys every day thank you guys so much Thomas from Baro thanks for giving us a call my friend was he nervous to talk to the super Halo Bros Mike is that is that what happen here I think maybe he’s more frustrated that they haven’t done well the last couple of games he wants them to go on a run and so do I I think I think the run that they’re going to go on John needs to be a run of development and continue to grow in their baseball IQ that will translate to wins it will but that’s what I want to see from them I want to see the quick hands I want to to see the right person covering the bag I want to see that on a regular basis and not just in streaky moments so that’s the run that I would love to see them go on as they lead into the All-Star break and afterwards okay you took it to like a a philosophical level I’m Gonna Keep it straight at hey are they gonna rattle off like some good win streaks here well look I know that they have the easiest schedule from here on out but you know who was part of that easiest schedule was this Oakland A’s team right and they got swept so that’s what I’m saying is any team can beat any other team on any given day at any given time and so I know that they have an easy schedule I know that it looks salivating I think it looks tempting but at the end of the day these guys really have to step up and and beat those teams and they are just as capable of getting swept by those teams so I don’t imagine there’s going to be any kind of run that gets us anywhere near contend at all and that’s okay because we need this trade deadline to sell off the pieces that they need to sell off and rebuild and restock get some guys who are ready now get some guys that you can count on in a year or two or three but I think that would be the ultimate benefit to the angels if they do that as far as a run Goes Thomas it’s not going to happen this season and that’s okay I think that we can all be okay with that because it will set them up for more success down the the road with the guys that we’re ready to count on in 2025 26 all those guys Netto sha ell ohpp all those guys that we want to count on let’s bring in reinforcements and help make this team better from here on out hey thanks for making locked on Angels your first listen of the day the Angels play the Cubs at 11:20 Pacific time today and you can catch every pitch of the Angels Hometown broadcast with SiriusXM on the sxm app just search Angels hey give us a follow on Twitter lockdown angels and @ super Halo Bros on Twitter and Instagram whether you’re watching or listening to Today’s Show come on over to YouTube get in the comment section hit that like button on the way down there hit that subscribe button on the way down Mike what do we have on deck for Monday show we’re going to recap the Angels winning two out of three against the Cubs this weekend I’m I’m just speaking it into existence The Sweep of the Cubs this weekend was so great right I hope that it’s a great weekend we’re going to recap each of the game in detail on Monday on locked on angels all right looking forward to that we hope you’ll come back and join us until then my name is John and that’s my brother Mike and my name is Mike and that’s my brother John thanks for being here with us everybody have a great weekend and we’ll see you back here on Monday when Wayne Randazzo is not on the broadcast you notice because he’s so good that’s why we out swept

The Los Angeles Angels were swept by the Oakland A’s after falling 5-0 once again. Manager Ron Washington chalked it up to the guys being tired from the earlier win streak they went on, but do we buy that? What causes the team to do so well against the A’s and then lose all three? Mike and Jon break down the game for you and discuss it all in segment 1!

Then, it’s Fanmail Friday, and we’re getting to your questions regarding the Halos! What causes this team to be so inconsistent? Will Mike Trout’s return bring some winning streaks to this team? Is Jo Adell turning into the Angels’ Adolis Garcia? And, will the Halos turn the season around? All this and more on Locked On Angels!

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  1. Wow the plunge to mediocrity continues for the Halos😢 four terrible games all losses😮 last week they were flying high 😅this week crash and burn😢

  2. Come on guys, nothing new compared to past years and with Ohtani gone this year what did we expect? Things are not going to improve until they do a rebuild AFTER getting rid of all the "injury prone" players in their 30s

  3. Absolutely pitiful performance by the team from top to bottom this series against the A’s. Bad pitching, awful defense worthy of Benny Hill music, non competitive at bats that made Estes and Sears look like prime Maddux and Glavine, more poor base running. Really frustrating series to watch. Hope they’re able to flush this series away and get back to playing the baseball they were playing for the better part of June. Go Halos!

  4. I always found it hilarious at the thought that we have the easiest schedule remaining… And the other teams remaining to play, think… "Oh, We're only playing the Angels, that's easy!!"😂

  5. Come down back to earth?? After being swept by the A's, I'm in my underground bunker! 🙂 The Halos don't have enough talent within their organization to turn it around this year. But 2024 can still be a very good year if the Amateur Draft goes well this month and if Tyler Anderson holds it together and has real deep value at the trade deadline.

  6. Adell is easily one of the dumbest baseball players ever. This year's Angels team as a whole has an extremely low baseball IQ and it starts with Minasian and Washington. 2 of the worse at their positions.

  7. Love Ron Washington and his staff but when we hired these guys we were sold on fundamentals and effort and honestly we’re not getting that. I don’t want a change because consistency needs to start at our manager I just think this rebuild would be further along if we hired Ron right after Madden and skipped the Phil years. No blame on Phil he’ll kick my butt, just think Ron’s way was needed sooner. What do you think?? Love you guys

  8. I think you guys are absolutely spot on about Trout. Given how the younger guys have even said how much they look up to and admire Trout, grew up watching him for a time, they might even be more likely to listen to him over the coaching staff. He's not only done it, but like you said, he's in it with them.

    Hurry back, Mike! (But not so much a hurry that you screw up your rehab).

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