Which New Bolts Will Impact 2024 Most? | LA Chargers

Which New Bolts Will Impact 2024 Most? | LA Chargers

T aane 1510 touchdown [Music] Chargers what’s up guys welcome into a brand new episode of chargers weekly hopefully you’re watching or listening to this on vacation with family friends for the 4th of July um feels like we’re a long ways away from football but muddy as you alluded to last week I know we are but we’re not cuz you said it two two weeks ago two weeks from now rookies are going to be at the bolt getting ready for training camp but right now it does feel like we’re in no man’s land right yeah less than uh 16th it’s coming the the rookies officially report the 23rd so 20 days from when we’re recording this right now veterans report hopefully they’re enjoying the final stretch of their time off before they get rolling you know between now and all the way through what we hope is mid-February uh a big celebration that culminates in a Super Bowl championship there’s just not a lot out there because they’re not allowed to make contact so there’s very very little that’s going on the really the only I know you would you did a little bit of football work this week I’m just going through film and for the most part free agents so I want to get through all the the guys they’ve signed and this week was running backs and tight ends so I went through three will disley games uh Rams game what else I I can’t remember remember the three games Rams game Steelers game and something else that they played last year and then I went through Hayden Hurst from not last year I didn’t want to see him with Carolina just because that was such a hot mess I went back to his Cincinnati year in 22 and went through the Ravens and the Steelers games got to see some real physical uh contest then I watched JK from 22 as well and Edwards from last year so that’s kind of what I put in some work just trying to get an idea of of what looks you know how it looks what they do well and you know how excited we should be or or whether we should have some tempered enthusiasm about what they were doing out there on the football field mdy what you see from dley because we’ve talked about the the offseason that Hurst has had we’ve talked a little bit about the running backs I feel like dley has been maybe a little bit forgotten in in this grand scheme of things but but he had a productive year last year with the Seahawks that’s I’m glad you started with him because that’s of of all the guys I watched that was the one I was like man this and and I think the put it in context look not not every tight end is capable of doing what he can do and I think it’s unfair to try to say you know when when I I watched will first and then I watched Hayden second and it just it it’s the contrast is so great between the way they run block and it’s not that Hayden Hurst can’t run block he was capable but dley excels oh Detroit I watched the Detroit game and that’s where it really popped he’s out there on an island with Aiden Hutch son and he’s holding his own and he’s sealing and he’s opening things up for Walker to to to find lanes and so he’s it’s going to be different than anything we’ve seen in the last four years it just he is when coach bisha said it that there are maybe three guys that can block the sea and Will’s one of them he wasn’t lying he can really really block and they move him around a lot they had him lined up in the back field they have him in motion they have two tight end sets where he’s the inside tight or they have two tight ends stacked outside the strength of the line and he’s the inside guy taken on the defensive end while your your other tight end is taken on the linebacker or the safety that’s out there and he made a couple really nice catches I think he was underused in the passing game that that he was wide open in the seams and Gino just was not throwing him the ball whenever the ball came his way he caught it whatever was thrown his way he caught and and had some really good game so I’m excited about will dley I there’s there’s a lot to like there and something that we have not seen in quite a while and and I think there’s a reason why when he was brought up in the presser with with Justin Herbert he made a point to say and hey he’s not just a run blocker now he can catch because he was running some really nice routes had a real good Red Zone rep that culminated in a touchdown and and yeah he can catch the ball he can High Point he is comfortable with contact and secure on the ball he’s got good hands so that’s that’s what I’m real excited about that’s a heck of a signing and and I think that’s gonna like you said we have not talked about it a lot Chris but that’s one that that I think’s going to go a long way for this team well think of the two of the first three games you have Max Crosby and TJ Watt and we have seen Trey pipkins on an island with Max Crosby the last several years so to have a player like dley who has not been on the Chargers roster the last several years uh to help a Slater or to help an all with with some of these all pro rushers I mean Crosby and Watt you throw miles Garett in there they’re maybe the the three best in all the NFL you have two of them to start the year in September so just that added element and then also just the underrated part of his game we talked about the the offseason that Hayden Hurst has had catching the football but this is another guy with Justin Herbert throwing him the ball that can really man these are one of these these pieces these kind of X Factor pieces that maybe you’re not talking a ton about right now but throughout the course of the year like this is going to be an invaluable piece to this offense yeah and and again I wanted to to make sure I said it’s just the the order in which I watched which is why it was such a drastic difference but let me say this so I watched the two games I watched for Hayden Hurst while he was with Cincinnati were the two gnarliest games they play every year Baltimore and Pittsburgh and so you’re talking about the most physical fronts that that he’s trying to contend with but to see the difference when he had to put his hands on TJ Watt and when will disley put his hands on TJ watt was interesting in those games though in the Baltimore game you know far be it for me to criticize Joe burrow but man he really could have used Hayden Hurst more and when he used him he had one catch over the middle he was about to get lit up by a safety who was side in him up and he’s running uh down the seam and on a bit of a Crosser right in front of the end zone and burrow led him a little bit too far so he’s he’s he knows I’m open I I am I am open for a freaking hit of the century right now but extended his hands snatched that ball out of the air and I want to say scored a touchdown on it if I remember right but it was a beautiful play and he ended up picking up critical first downs he like it was a really good game for him against Baltimore and and one of the reasons why the the Bengals were in it till the the very end so that’s the thing to remember is not tight end you know this week with tight end University or last week whenever it was with Greg olon and and George KD and Travis Kelce those guys run it um it’s a reminder that there’s a lot of different ways to play the position and and I do think these two play it a little bit differently but it’s the it’s they’re going to complement each other very very well well and and those two games I’ll say I thought Hayden Hurst played really well for the he had another one I want know if it was the Steeler game or the Baltimore game where Just In The End Zone got a pi penalty and sold it I like he was able to Shield his Defender and force him to come over his back even though there was no chance for him to catch the ball ended up getting the flag and and the Bengals end up getting a first and goal from the one so very excited about what both of them are going to bring it’s going to be the best tight end room we’ve had since we had Hayden Hurst and I think it was or Hayden H since we had Hunter Henry and freaking HH Hunter Henry and I want to say Virgil Green was the blocking tight end that year when they really excelled and and had some good things happening the thing about Hayden Hurst we touched on this when he was signed the trajectory of his career so he was a first round pick uh Mark Andrews was was the guy he just became the guy so he wasn’t featured in Baltimore you know you bounce around you go to Atlanta Cincinnati think about Cincinnati all the wide receivers when you have when you have Higgins and Boyd and Jamar chase you can’t be featured there you know you go to Carolina it’s a disaster uh this is an opportunity for him to be featured uh with an elite quarterback I I think a little bit more too so a lot of times with with these guys it’s about fit it’s about the opportunities that you have uh in the offense and the fact that Keenan and Mike are gone and they are kind of finding their way in terms of wide receiver and to have this combination of kind of two different tight ends that Justin can utilize in different ways this could be a nice thing for for Hayden Hurst and and I when I talked to him when he shortly after he was signed he talked about the the fit and how perfect it is for him to be in a Baltimore Ravens type atmosphere with a hor ball Joe Ortiz who was there and was a big part of him being drafted to Baltimore and then having a quarterback like Justin Herbert who who I mean listen if you get open you know number 10’s going to find you so the tight end room is going to be fun this year money and you know I I just keep going back to the blocking aspect of this um it’s the offense is just going to look completely different this year having having the guys that can actually do that and like you said Hayden Hurst may not be will dley run blocking but he can still do it and I feel like that was really lacking in the tight end room for the last several years yeah and I I’ll tell you I didn’t go I should probably watch some of the Atlanta year because I wanted to pull up the stats just so I had him right because I remember digging in and I was like okay that’s Matt Ryan’s last year and you got Calvin Ridley who got 143 targets and had that monster year that year he had 90 catches for 1375 and nine touchdowns and then Russell Gage had that breakout year as well 72 for 786 and four but how about how about the the catch percentage from Hayden Hurst that year 88 targets 56 receptions on his 88 targets goes for 571 in a career-high six touchdowns and that’s with a veteran pinpoint passer yeah Matt Ryan you know and that’s a little bit more of you know of and again for for for burrow he’s just so good I mean it’s it was it was wild to watch him and we think about we’re going to see him this year just the things that he sees and how quickly he goes through his progressions and F he’s always looking for the kill shot he is not interested in checking down he got his absolute he got hit the crap kicked out of him the the offensive line was terrible and just his willingness to stand in there and deliver these balls 15 20 yards down field to Boyd and Higgins and Chase man that is you want to have some fun go back and watch some Joe burrow highlights because that dude uh has got Stones I mean straight freaking stones for the the abuse he was T and look might be taking a toll on him right he talked about that this off season that when he had this last injury it kind of caused a little bit of pause and and he’s thinking about the the toll that his body’s taken so I’m interested to see if he adjusts a little bit because man he was getting absolutely lit up and you play in a division with the Browns that the Steelers and the Ravens he’s probably going to have to adjust uh a little bit yeah he he’s had a ton of injuries just really from the beginning his rookie year and you know Justin for the most part for the first few years of his career pretty clean and then the last couple of years just different issues throughout that I think may have uh hampered his ability and his performance um but I I tell you it’s it’s July 3 if you guys are in need of football all right I I turned on the Hard Knocks with the Giants off season yesterday and I found it pretty pretty fun and pretty interesting um is it Joe Shane the uh the GM of the Giants is really he’s the he’s the main character in all this and Brian D ball’s in it and they’re finding they’re trying to identify a new defensive coordinator they know Daniel Jones is coming off injury making $40 million a year and the first episode really kind of sets the the stage for free agency and what they’re going to do with saquin Barkley and how much they’re going to pay him and it’s just a a room of Scouts assistant GM um is it Brandon Brown the assistant GM of the Giants who was a finalist for the Chargers job finalist for the Chargers yeah yeah he he was in it and they’re you know they’re all talking about saquan and how much money they can they can allocate to saquan knowing that Daniel Jones is making 40 million and they’re going through all the undrafted free agents and how much they think that those guys are going to make and I just kind of put myself into the Chargers room and I and I I wish we had Joe Ortiz and Jim Harbaugh and Chad Alexander all in a room um talking about all the big crucial decisions that they had to make this off season with Mike Williams and Keenan Allen and Joey Bosa and Kil Mack and and where do you allocate your money and and where do you move move on from so if if you’re in need of football um it was really cool there was a conversation between Dan Morgan and Brandon bean and uh and Shane at the Senior Bowl and they’re all kind of joking around like hey you wanna you want to trade up to six to Dan Morgan he’s like no he go if anything I’m trading back and then Brandon beat’s like I don’t have the money to trade up I don’t have the money for the pick yeah and then Morgan kind of nonchalantly goes you want Burns for two first rounders and Shane goes oh he goes he goes I do but two first rounders he goes well first and maybe something you know and and that that’s kind of like the Cliffhanger to the next episode yeah so it was it was fun for me to to to see that and I have to check it out picture the Chargers in that scenario because the Chargers had even more crucial decisions to make with the new staff and uh you know parting ways with Keenan and Mike I think uh was difficult for some people but now you kind of see the the end result of what they want to do and who they want to be and here we are July 3 a couple of weeks from a a brand new er of Chargers football money yeah I’m looking at it and I think it’s I I think it’s similar to I think you can draw a parallel between the Mike Williams saquan Barkley situations where when they’re fully healthy and I think that’s something to remember it’s not it’s not just looking at the game totals like saquon’s last three years he’s played 13 16 14 games but it’s it’s how productive are they are they healthy you know are last year saquin didn’t have a great year even though he played 14 games it was a bit of a Down year for and I think you look at Mike and it’s very similar it’s like yeah you look at the last three years and obviously last year lost them for the entire year after week three but prior to that it’s 13 16 15 but those injuries pop up at the worst times and they’re not 100% and they can’t quite give you everything and it’s it’s it’s a tough puzzle you know that the idea that you got to sign saquin to this four-year which was really a three-year extension and he’s going to count 10 12 million bucks against your cap and just every year you feel like you’re going through this this this same you’re on the same cycle and and I do believe that the Chargers and Mike Williams that that was a very similar conversation hey man when he’s out there he and Herbert are an exceptional pair man like he is exactly what we need and he is the explosive receiver speed notwithstanding you don’t need it because of how well and how accurate Justin is with the football and how good Mike is at winning 50/50 in contested catches so I’m sure it wasn’t an easy decision but then when you bring in the money it is and that’s why I think when those opportunities weren’t necessarily out there for him you started to hear oh he he could come back that they are absolutely open to bringing them back they just couldn’t do it at 20 million and then you you know he ended up getting to the 13 or 14 million whatever that number was with the Giants and it’s like or with the Jets and it’s like yeah that’s it’s not going to happen and those are the tough decisions people think it’s they they they insert an emotional component to it and in business you cannot be emotional that’s how you make bad decisions you must operate without emotion and it has got to be a straight and it’s it’s heartless and I get it these guys sacrifice their physical well-being for you so you want there to be some but when it comes to trying to put this financial puzzle together the pieces don’t always fit and I would assume that’s what both Joe Shane and and Joe Ortiz would tell you about those two players yeah that’s that’s perfect and it’s a segue to the the the money allocation right Joe Shane says I can’t have a $40 million quarterback handing off to a12 million running back I need to protect the $40 million quarterback so that was basically what everybody in the room came to it’s like we have to protect Daniel Jones to see if he even is the guy he’s making $40 million a year so you you like it to the Chargers I have a $50 million quarterback that I need I need the the receivers around him just I need the Herbert to elevate those guys I I can’t have two $25 million wide receivers it just the money doesn’t work as far as the back Field’s concerned you you mentioned it last week with Eckler I can’t have A8 to10 million running back right now knowing that we have a $50 million quarterback we need to protect the quarterback so that’s why you get you get these these bargain deals of Gus Edwards and JK Dobbins and they were going through the list of guys like Eckler and and um and single ter and Josh Jacobs and kind of going like okay how much is this guy gonna make in the open market and and are they a fit are they game changers and there wasn’t a ton of Game Changers out there but what Joe Ortiz was able to do is is get two guys he’s very familiar with one uh really with the chip on his shoulder looking to prove that he is is uh one of the elite backs coming off an injury in JK Dobbins and a guy who’s proven in Gus Edwards uh behind a pretty good offensive line so the the allocation of money it made a lot of sense to me uh with with Justin making $50 million a year this is why we have to do the things that we did offensively we keep Khalil and Joey we have four Edge rushers now and that was another thing last thing and I I’ll pass it back to you money was the the new defensive coordinator of the Giants goes in front of all the scouts tells them what he needs what makes his defense go he’s like I need to have my inside backers as the smartest guys on the team and I need to have like four Edge rushers we need to have like four Edge rushers to make this thing go and again I I think back to okay we got we got Joey and khil that’s why we brought those guys back we have Tuli we just got bud dupr we have Morgan Fox so you you look at what each uh you know like defensive coordinator needs for their scheme to make it make it hum and I thought that was a pretty cool ele El to it was seeing the defensive coordinator in front of all the scouts before the draft saying these are the guys I need to make the defense sucessful and then the Scouts can go and be like all right so these are the grades we have this is what the coach needs and then that’s kind of how they make their decisions in the drafts yeah it’s look it’s tough man there’s a reason why the NFL is the most popular sport Far and Away in America part of it is what you know we like the violence we love it it’s a compelling product but it’s also the parody they have managed to create a league that is unsurpassed in parity and that’s the difference that’s where they really separate from baseball and from basketball and from college football where you have no idea do you feel pretty good about the Chiefs yeah but at the same time look at their path the idea that the the Chiefs are going that that they’re running rough shot over the league they’re not man those two playoff games against Buffalo and Baltimore they were not blowouts Baltimore blew it they should have absolutely won that AFC Championship Game Z flowers with a complete brain cramp at the goal line and and Lamar Jackson with the most ill-advised pass into the end zone that he throws for a pick like it’s not like they blew him out by three touchdowns yes they’ve won three of the last four Super Bowls but man it has been by razor thin margins on their path there so that’s and the reason for it is what we’re talking about you can’t keep your guys you can’t sign everyone you’ve got to figure out how to make it work by making sacrifices it’s certain positions and certain position groups where you’ve got to ask rookies to play or you’ve got to find veteran minimum players off you know outside of of the the first and second round and big moneyfree agents you’ve got to figure out how to put that puzzle together and everybody does it differently and that’s what leads to Styles make the fight and how Tennessee does it is not how Kansas City does it and how the Chargers are going to do it this year it’s not how the Bengals are going to do it this year and you get to see him Clash on the field and which style of fight wins and that’s that’s I think the one thing and and Jim Harbaugh did a great job of of sharing it of the importance of it and you just you you just mentioned it Chris in the the protection up front the offensive line is no different than the defensive line when when you hear coaches talk about yeah if you have got a great pass rush I can get an average secondary if you’ve got a great offensive line we can have average receivers you can’t cover them you can’t stick to guys for three4 seconds it’s just not possible they know where they’re going you don’t and everyone’s an exceptional athlete if you’ve got an offensive line that can run block and pass block well now play action’s going to work that much better and now you’re you’re you’re going forward when you should be going backwards and you get burned and so that’s that’s what we’re talk that’s what Coach Harbaugh was talking about and why they drafted Joe Walton why they signed you know why they signed free agents and why they invested in Zion Johnson and why they’re going to try to kick Trey pipkins inside and not cut him and try to save that N9 million bucks you know to go spend it elsewhere and that’s that’s what I’m excited about that that when you have a dominant offensive line you have a chance I don’t think there’s look what happened to Patrick Mahomes in the Super Bowl that Tampa just wrecked him what did they do the very next off season I mean they invested heavily in the offensive line because they know all right well we can’t win without it so that’s it’s what goes into it I’m looking at the the rushing stats from last year and it’s it’s wild to look at it right you you’ve got Raheem moer David Montgomery you know nii Harris on a rookie deal and DeAndre Swift and and all these you know who was signed to some it was traded for a a low round pick and and Kiren Williams a fifth round pick you know and they’re in there with Christian mcaffry and derck Henry you know big money back so you can get it you just you gota you got to get a little bit of luck and you got to do your evaluations right and you got to have a solid offensive line and you may not have to hand saquan Barkley 40 million bucks and calculated risks and that’s what Joe Ortiz did with JK Dobbins you said you watched some Dobbins and Gus Edwards money this week what did you see from Dobbin specifically when he was healthy because that’s the expectation hopefully at some point in September yeah three down back that’s what you see he’s he catches the ball really well and and as soon as that ball’s in his hands he’s gone and that’s what it’s all about it’s it’s about snatching the ball and and then getting positive yardage after it it’s not necessarily the hands when it comes to running backs but it’s the transition and how quickly can you transition to being a runner from a catcher and that’s essentially what makes Elite wide receivers Elite wide receivers especially tight ends at that position and one of the reasons why people are so excited about Brock Bowers because the second he catches the ball he’s like a wide receiver and he’s on the move and that’s one thing I noticed with Dobbins is as soon as that ball was in his hands he’s making the first guy Miss he is already he’s got that Vision to look downfield we already know how good he is as a runner does not go down on First Contact has patience waits for the hole to open um has burst is able has wiggled he’s the whole package man he is the entire pack good in pass protection so that’s and now look a lot of that was the mesh so many they they ran a ton of pistol and and there’s a lot of you know you’ve got the most explosive you know weapon at quarterback when it comes to running the ball so those defenses are all they’re on the pause for a second because they don’t know if it’s Lamar or if it’s the back so that certainly helps but that was that was what jumped out to me is that he is yeah he’s he’s man if he’s healthy and if he still has that sort of explosion you’re you’re talking about a saquin Barkley level Runner that’s he because he can catch and they’d line him out wide and he’d run routes and he’d catch the ball you know with a Defender and the sideline between you know with the sideline on one side the defender on the other and he’s tracking the ball and catching it and it’s just health and and Gus I think is a lot better than people give him credit for you know he is patient he is waiting for the right hole to ow you know score 13 touchdowns by accident yeah handful of them or second try goal line you know we think about those Austin eckar touchdowns when when they really started piling up and it’s like oh it’s on a second and you I didn’t get the first one to go in got the second one or the third one there’s some of those but he’s he’s a much better running back than I think people give him credit for where he does have good vision and he does make guys miss and he is a very patient Runner so I’m very excited about it it’s just can they stay healthy if they can it’s going to be a really especially if JK can stay healthy the whole year it’s going to be one of the best running back rooms in the league people may not see it that way right now because it’s hard to project a guy that’s coming off a knee and an Achilles and has barely played but if and it’s a huge if I know because of the injury history if for whatever reason it works out and he does stay healthy it’s going to be a hell of a room and the familiarity with Roman from Baltimore too and you you mentioned the the weapon that Lamar is and I don’t think there’s really a comp to Lamar in terms of what he can do with his legs but Justin has wheels and I think you asked him about I did hey he didn’t like it yeah he did he didn’t like it of course and he’s not gonna answer it he’s not gonna answer it truthfully uh or at all but can you see Justin being more of a a threat in the running game just because of all right a more protection B he’s proven he could do it he did it in that Pittsburgh game on Sunday Night Football a few years ago that I think helped them win the game uh so the fact that Greg Roman is the OC you have JK you have Gus who know this thing and Justin does have that dual threat capability maybe we do see a more of a running Justin Herbert this year here’s what I would point to and we’ve talked about it before is why did JJ McCarthy get drafted number 11 overall when you look at his stats and it’s 29 91 passing yards on just 332 attempts in 15 games 22 touchdowns what is it that got him drafted and it is what Coach Harbaugh said about him we didn’t ask a lot of him but when we did he delivered and that’s when you go down to the rushing line and you see in 22 70 carries 306 yards five touchdowns last year 64 carries 202 yards three touchdowns when you have to hey we need it dial it up and let’s go and some of those were designed runs some of them were scrambles and stuff but that’s that’s what I think you’re going to see it’s not going to be the Lamar Jackson level hey we’re running you know option we’re running a mesh pistol repeatedly over and over no because Lamar can’t throw the ball like Justin can you to be a waste you’re better off having him under Center and run a play action that’s going to that’s going to provide you what the mesh does for Lamar the the the under Center and the play action is going to give you the the pause from the defense but that’s what I would point to is looking at yeah he he didn’t he didn’t throw the ball once in the second half against Penn State and they won because they didn’t need it but when they did against Alabama hey we’re down a score JJ go get it what did he do he went out and got it and he made the plays and that’s how I Envision Herbert using his legs a little bit more we we have no interest in putting You In Harm’s Way it’s not worth it the the risk is too high compared to the reward because you’re way too good of a thrower you’re better off just being back there but you know we got to get to 10 man we got to figure out how to get to 10 to punch our ticket into the tournament and we’re down four and there’s four minutes left or we’re at the end of the half and we got a chance to do something here and get in the field goal range for cam Dicker let’s dial it up man let’s let’s get after it and and catch them on their heels and you’re going to rip off one for 25 yards I think this is going to be an interesting question going into training k money is if you put the four running backs together and you kind of split them up in Duos JK and Gus videll and Spiller what is the talent Gap and what is the production Gap uh between those two pairs right like what is Spiller and videll gonna look like in a gy hard ball offense we really don’t know because we’ve never seen it we have a pretty good idea with Gus and JK because of Greg Roman and the fact that they’re vets and they were at Baltimore but the the running game you know for as important as it is to a Jim Hardball offense that will be a big question going into Camp is is what does Spiller look like Spiller is such a young player still vell’s a rookie like those guys I think have high upside in an offense like this but we haven’t seen it yet to me it’s it’s Advanced stats and I know some people like those and some people don’t but it’s rushing yards overexp expected that’s what we’re talking about if if you can block it if the if the line is as good as the investment in it you know suggests it should be that it is three first rounders one a top five pick one the second guard drafted in Zion and the other an all pro his his rookie season and if you can fill those other two spots with Boseman at Center and whomever it’s going to be looks like Trey pipkins at that guard and they’re they’re just League average then you should be you know that you should be guaranteed X number of yards anytime you hand the football off and then when you can get those expected rushing yards versus rushing yards overexp expected when you have you know a back that can give you that extra burst that’s what determines the success of a running game and that was one thing that Austin when he was at his Peak when Eckler was at his Peak was so good at is the line wasn’t blocking it right yet Austin Eckler routinely had one of the best rushing yards overe expect in the league because he would take what should have been a three- yard loss to a two- yard gain and instead of second and 13 you’ve got second and eight and that used to go so far and he never got enough credit for that of that guy just would not go down behind the line of scrimmage even though he should have repeatedly so that’s the stuff we’re talking about and and will go to determining which one of these guys is best at that you know if it’s if it’s blocked right you should probably we’re probably talking about happens cuz he’s the most explosive as long as he still got that explosiveness in him sure you know post Achilles so that’s you know it’s kind of getting into the the weeds the math weeds a little bit but that’s the sort of stuff that that you’re looking at and I would assume keil McDonald their new running backs coaches is the one that’s going to be you know helping determine okay this is this is how it was blocked this is what we got this is probably what we should have got and that’s how you’ll determine that depth chart what’s so confusing to me is Isaiah Spiller passed the eye test like just just oh yeah how he how he played at A&M even during the preseason he had that touchdown that I think was called back to holding he had a couple of huge runs in preseason and you’re you’re thinking man this guy this will translate this will translate to the regular season never got a shot like never got a shot so that’s the most confusing part of all this is he he’s young we just have not seen get his true shot during the regular season we will finally get it I believe this year and you know we don’t know what the preseason is going to look like with starters and everything but you better believe that Isaiah spell is gonna play a lot in the preseason and we should get a better idea of how he may fit in this offense I guess yeah and again it goes back to how many they want to carry and and that’s you would assume kamani VI you know videll is is going to be a big part of it because they drafted him and it’s very productive Troy and and was the Sun Belt I think that’s what he was in right Sun Bel Troy Sun Bel yeah I think so uh offensive player of the week of the year so so yeah you feel like those three are there right JK Gus and and kamani it’s just a question of is it Spiller is it doson is it somebody else we’re not talking about you know you know how Wild it is where you can find running backs you never know Austin Eckler last guy to make the the active roster the year he made it and he turns into one of the best running backs in the league so doson I mean you talked about doson last Elijah doson he’s SWAT TR man he’s a big back he’s got explosiveness and and it’s just so hard to judge what he did last year because nobody did anything last year on the Run game yeah so next week I we we could talk a little bit more about this brand new facility the the bolt in Elsa gundo it’s it’s gorgeous uh I got a chance to look at it uh couple months ago when when Joe Al was given his tour at the end of April so much has happened since then I know the players went there it’s it’s ready to go uh the media is going to get a shot to to look at it next week and I think fans the following weekend are going to get a shot to check it out during an open house so we can dig in a little bit more into this brand new facility that’s I mean it’s it’s perfect it’s perfect for an NFL team man it it’s just everything coming together with Harbaugh here in his first year um it’s going to be a lot of fun at training camp it won’t be as big as Jack Hammond in terms of the crowds because the the capacity will I think they’re capping it, 1500 uh but if you get a chance you got to get out there check that out and then you know we say we’re kind of in the weeds with football but in two weeks the rookies are going to be in the building as money said so we we’ll have that to look forward to as well um anything else before uh we let the let the folks enjoy their fourth of July I don’t think so don’t blow your fingers off people you know yeah PSA sit back and enjoy sit back and enjoy there’s nothing wrong with a sparkle well there is something wrong with the sparkler those things tend to give you gnarly scars because you don’t see it you drop it on the ground now you’ve stepped on it you’ve got this giant freaking piping hot rod that’s stuck to your foot and you’re trying to peel it off and you rip your skin off and you got to find a bucket of cold water maybe a little too detail what are you doing for the what are you doing for the fourth you hicking around my uh well my family’s out of town they’re they’re out um watching my uh my they’re out in Cape Cod watching the Cape Cod league so um yeah so they’re out there tip of the cap to Mikey Ebner from from SC he’s uh was the pitcher of the week I think last week so they’re out visiting with his family and and watching him and and having a great time so I am flying solo which is probably dangerous wow yeah I know so between tonight and throughout the week although it’s probably not because this the the waves are supposed to be really good there’s a swell coming in so I would imagine I’m going to be in bed early and and out there at 4:35 in the morning tomorrow or or the Fourth of July and the 5th of July so that probably will keep me in check and I’ll be uh behaving a little bit yeah we’ll see we’ll see we see you’re right 35 minutes of foot 35 minutes of football a PSA and then I think everybody should just keep eyes on money if you’re if you’re around be careful he buys on money he’s so’s not here to keep me in check so I could uh I get a little sideways you want to do another podcast on the fourth yeah right if you see me just do me a favor like find some cardboard or something and put it over me so I stay warm if I’m passed out on a sidewalk somewhere that’d be great oh let’s end it there uh for money I’m Chris happy 4th of July Chargers fans we’ll see you next week [Music]

On this episode of Chargers Weekly, Chris Hayre and Matt “Money” Smith recap the latest news involving LA and the entire NFL. The hosts break down which new free agent additions will impact the 2024 Bolts the most, from running backs J.K. Dobbins & Gus Edwards to tight ends Hayden Hurst & Will Dissly. They also discuss the premiere of “Hard Knocks: Offseason with the New York Giants” and what revelations in the first episode could be of interest to Chargers fans.

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  1. In 2015, 2016, Keenan Allen played a total of nine games. Over the next five years he missed a total of two games. Players can come back strong after injury.

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