The NBA IS IN TROUBLE! San Antonio Spurs News

The NBA IS IN TROUBLE! San Antonio Spurs News

once the San Antonio Spurs fig out this whole lob thing watch out NBA because W is going to be the irresistible force and the immovable [Music] object what is up San Antonio Spurs fans TGIF hope you’re having a great day found this article from a Alamo that has some highlights of w being and the Alle oops and the Olympics and I was like you know what we got to talk about this because man once the Spurs get this going it’s over it’s over anyway one of the Spur’s most significant flaws last year was the lack of lob thrown to Victor wanyama the kid is 7 fo4 and seeing how many missed opportunities occurred last season was shocking yes I can’t tell you how many times I was watching the game with you guys and like he’s open they missed him again the front office also realized that issue and addressed it by going out and signing Chris Paul one of the greatest floor generals of all time the former Warrior is known for his time with the Los Angeles Clippers from 2011 to 17 where he was the Lob City Captain that was with Blake Griffin and Deandre Jordan yeah there was there was some metal Loops here and there Victor Victor dominates an Olympic exhibition opening check this out Spurs fans he filled the stat sheet with 24 points six rebounds four assists and three blocks on an efficient 10 of 14 from the floor nailing two three-pointers and he did it all just in 20 minutes of play how many times last season did we see Wy put up an amazing statline and he played what 25 minutes sometimes 20 minutes incredible he’s just only going to get better so’s going to get better they connected for five eles with Wy in the last game for France and his teammates were basically just throwing up anything they thought he could go get and it worked and that’s what the Spurs are going to do I think a ton this season with CP3 to wemy so let’s take a look at a quick highlight right here bum throw it up butter easy easy easy peasy his performance was flat out dominant talking about women but this one live from newly acquired LA Clippers SW Nick B had the internet talking about the CP3 and Wy pairing and this is the play right here throw it up boom shakalaka too easy too easy and yes he’s gonna be able to do this in the NBA I know this is overseas yes he’s going to be able to do this in the NBA we’ve already saw him do it here’s one more play if that’s not enough about one more third time a charm hey you open with me not yet now I am and boom Thunder junk of Justice all too easy fans just watched in a Amanda chat about the fact that Victor now has a point guard who’s used to throwing lobs and holds the third most assist of all time gosh he does cb3 that is we’ve yet to see Wy and Chris Paul share the floor but this is a tiny Glimpse at what next season could look like for our San Antonio Spurs my goodness and it’s oh boy let’s talk about this real quick Spurs fans Chris Paul will be mentoring Stefon Castle who is no stranger to show to throwing lobs as he threw him to 7 foot seven plus foot over s foot tall Domin and Ling on a Ukon last season the castle to womy connection could absolutely be fire the Spurs with these two guys these two young players may have two leg two legit two-way threats on the court we don’t know when be special offensively and defensively we know based on scouting reports and our own eyeballs Castle is going to bring the defense he brings the offense to the NBA seriously in trouble let’s not stop there though Chris Paul’s just not me during stuff on Castle he’s going to me others when to L when not to read the D on is Vic open or is he about to be open read read him read the dean how’s it all working do I have a play here it really should just open everything up with with the the now huge threat of the lob in this team and the starting lineup’s going to benefit from well Devon’s going to learn how to L better jery is any everybody anybody and everybody on the bench Pop’s going to be better I got to tell you SPS fans I was kind of lukewarm on the CP3 signing I’m like all right it’s a vet and then when I heard it was going to start I like that dude’s pushing 40 is going to start I know there’s some folks that there’s some negative stuff with him so to speak but I’m just going to look at the positive and hope only positive things happen for our Spurs and this could end up being a brilliant move from Brian Wright who a lot of you call Brian wrong on the channel I’m sure not just here I’m sure on other channels and mut it or whatever but really un I know it’s not all just about dunking but it’s so easy for weny he’s 7 foot4 what’s his standing reach like 10 feet I don’t know he probably doesn’t have to jump much to dunk does he have to jump to dunk it’s a little baby jump but that’s just going to add such a huge part to our offense just seeing what he’s doing in France when he replicates that in the NBA next season it’s going to be so hard to defend so when done right no defense um as far as our starting lineup Spurs fans I really feel like I think we’re one player away from being a contender I really do wemy Sohan and I know some of you are not stolen on soan yet but they’re he’s looking good so far in levix is he not if he gets that three-point shot to develop we’re good Castle also going need some shooting but and Vel Vel I know some fans are like is he the guy did we overpay for him I’m hoping he’s the guy he’s improved every year I’m hoping he’s a guy one more player in that starting lineup or first fans let me throw this at you drop a com down below is that player already in the roster that should be in the starting lineup one of the when Chris Paul eventually leaves the Spurs whether it’s trade before the All-Star break retires becomes a coach whatever it may be do we already have that guy in the roster somebody you said s m k Bell is a starter he worked great with wemy could he be the missing link that maybe we’re just overlooking because we we got him off waivers from Milwaukee didn’t we is he the missing piece is it somebody else could Kelvin miraculously find his way back into the starting lineup I’m a Kellin fan so I’m hoping so probably not but hey could he do we already have that guy or or where I think a lot of you are leaning is he in next year’s draft college players like well soon to be college players Cooper flag Ace bailing or do we draft a foreign Prospect next year like Nolan I’m sorry I’m saying this wrong noan trayor or hu Gonzalez there I looked I looked at the scouting port for next year’s draft look at some already two early mock drafts and yes this draft class is loaded a lot of the mock draft just for the record had us getting two lottery picks our own and Atlanta’s granted they were both later I think I saw some mocks have us drafting at nine and 10 so the odds of getting a top three pick probably nowhere near as good as they’ve been the last two years I I see us definitely winning at least 30 I think I see that I think our floor is 35 games I think we’re going to win at least 35 you guys pointed out there was a lot of games that we lost by a close margin last year and that’s true because we just couldn’t close out or the bench just gave up leads left and right I think the floor is 35 I I do think 35 to 40 being reasonable being optimistic but being realistic as a Spurs fan I think 35 to 40 wins but the ceiling could be as high as 45 I don’t see us winning that many especially in an absolutely stacked Western Conference but with Wy anything’s anything’s possible with Mr Unstoppable that name is not going to stick but I figured i’ throw it out there so Spurs fans let me know drop a comment down below do you think that’s a siren don’t know if you can hear it is Chris Paul going to add a whole new level to our offense are the young players like our Stefan castles Etc going to develop the lob to the point where this is a huge part of our offense gosh it’s really loud sorry it’s very distracting um so yeah drop a comment down below or do you think is this just wishful thinking and there’ll be some great lobs from CP3 to Wy but once he leaves then we’re right back where we started uh just not seeing Wy open for LS thank you all for tuning in hit this thumbs up you like support the channel subscribe for more SPS content become part of our awesome SPS community and hope you have a great weekend see you tomorrow night for Stefan Castle’s debut and that’s all I got as always ghost spurs [Music] Go [Music] game G to

Watch out NBA, lob city 2.0 incoming!!!

#spurs #sanantoniospurs #wemby

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  1. I did think it was ironic in the Poland game that Sochan was calling for lobs but was not getting a pass unless he was outside the arc.

  2. Blake Wesley learning to shoot and Malaki Branham learning to defend will be huge boosts for the Spurs. I don't think the Spurs will get much more from Keldon Johnson than they already have. I think he's already at or near his ceiling.

    I think Chris Paul may be a future Spurs coach.

  3. the thing i like the most about this cp3 trade is the fact cp3 could have tried to go to a contender and get a ring, yet he decided to come to spurs. for mentoring youngsters (like he did with sga)? for fun (passing to wemby)? for love of pop? regardless, i think it is great, from spurs FO and from CP3

  4. Cp3 39 but he’ll still outplay more than half the league. And the dude from Utah don’t sound good at all. Rather brook lopez

  5. Also I don’t think we just to effectively get Vic the bal in general I’m more concerned with that than specifically lobs

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