Are the Los Angeles Lakers the Best Fit for DeMar DeRozan?

Are the Los Angeles Lakers the Best Fit for DeMar DeRozan?

um what what is your honest the honest takeaway situation is DeMar d rozan a guy obviously as we all know if you’ve been following Klay Thompson was on their board um didn’t get him what’s that Valen chunis Valen chunis was thought to be out there obviously went to the Wizards uh three years 30 million um Demar D Ro Wizards he chose the Wizards ew we have a Washington Wizards fan on here not right now oh they chose the wizard bro over the Lakers ouch that that that one would hurt that would feel personal it is the Lakers are like a rich dude when his car declines like a keny like he got all the money in the world can’t get no food man you’re like damn I got it though I came up in the lambo they’re like no look there’s money in my account look I don’t know there’s money in my account wild thank you perk for giving me some sort of majority here yeah um what is your thoughts on the Lakers and and what’s obviously not happened just yet for them here in free agency outside of them being able to retain the players that they have in their current roster situation well I think the Lakers got to be careful right obviously their first their first player probably was Klay Thompson they couldn’t get that done because you got to get shooting when you’re talking about LeBron James and Anthony Davis here’s what I say here’s what I say when it comes down to Lamar de Roan they have to be careful for the simple fact that we saw how the Russell Westbrook thing turned out I’m not saying Demar de Roan is Russell Westbrook all I’m saying is we don’t know like I want to know what’s what’s going to be their style of play like Joe Missoula had his style of play obviously he got in into the room with Brad Stevens and they figured it out right like give me Chris Al Pingas we’re going to shoot up a whole lot of Threes we’re going to space the floor and this how we’re going to play and it work right so Jason Tatum and I mean uh JJ reick and Rob pinka they got to be tied together on this on how JJ what’s his what’s his goals on how what’s type of style they’re gonna play I love dear de Roa I mean he’s he’s a bucket he’s a bucket handles the ball handles the ball yeah all that but there’s a huge butt with he’s not shooting but he’s a scorer but he’s a score bucket get he isn’t he absorbs your offense where almost at at times no one else can eat to me you need to have a true point guard play with Demar de rozan for him to look his best Allah that’s why Lono ball meant so much that’s why Kyle Lowry meant so much that’s why he gets buckets but the off see this but Bron’s a point guard Bron’s a point guard Bron’s a point guard he led the league in assist he’s top five all time I’m not saying that that’s but if you told Bron he’s just got to be the point guard and distribute to ad to bucket Getters like like that’s why clay was so enticing because clay wouldn’t have to work as hard that [ __ ] could stand right there there’d be this huge gap on the court there’d be this huge gap on the court and that [ __ ] like you can’t leave him that that dude could be out there in a in a in a wheelchair with crutches and you not leaving him so that’s why he was so important you and it’s the same thing with Luca Luca will spoon feed clay open jumpers and Luca will have a huge gap Kyrie will have a huge gap that gap for step has closed that gap for step without him around he gonna get double teamed all game 82 games a season double team oh they were like we got they got what they get DeAnthony melt here’s a question here’s a here are two places disrespect random places would demard de rozan go back to San Antonio now that Chris Paul is there right there with wemy I mean where where is where else is he gonna go where he can really be appreciated for who he is and develop and be he’s already scored a shitload points in San Antonio they’re going to give him the rot within the system he’s playing with the the most talented biggest Vision person in the league no one has a farther view than W you know who need Demar de rozan seriously the Kings no the Milwaukee Bucks like they need some type of they need some type of spark because the other top three teams in the Eastern Conference their competitors they’ve been moving and grooving they haven’t done a damn thing in Milwaukee like they need some more ammunition over there like I wonder if they could land Demar D rozan on the Fair Deal and figure some things out

In this clip from this week’s live podcast, the Road Trippin’ crew (Richard Jefferson, Channing Frye, Allie Clifton) discuss with ESPN’s Kendrick Perkins what that best team for DeMar DeRozan is, and if he’d be a good fit for LeBron James and new head coach JJ Redick on the Los Angeles Lakers.

  1. Wherever DD goes, that team's guaranteed to lose for sure, since he's not interested in "winning", when he gets there = if he goes to LAL, you can BET, he's not interested in winning a Championship, at all, which means DD pretty much useless, throughout the regular-season/playoffs

  2. Demar is a TERRIBLE fit… mayyyyybe as a 6th man, but hes a mid range jump shooter (JJ wont like that), and hes ball dominant (LBJ wont like that) 🙀🙀🙀

  3. Can't wait till the trade deadline when a team offers LA a legit star who would be a perfect fit, but LeBron turns them down because they request that Bronny be included

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